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Page 1 of 1 - Central Bureau of Investigation

Page 1 of 1 - Central Bureau of Investigation

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shall be deemed to have been suspended with effect from the date <strong>of</strong>detention by an order <strong>of</strong> the Appointing Authority and shall remainunder suspension until further orders.(3) Where a penalty <strong>of</strong> dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement fromservice imposed upon a Subordinate Police Officer under suspensionis set aside in appeal or on review under these rules and the case isremitted for further enquiry or action or with any other directions, theorder <strong>of</strong> his suspension shall be deemed to have continued in force onand from the date <strong>of</strong> the original order <strong>of</strong> dismissal, removal orcompulsory retirement and shall remain in force until further orders.(4) Where a penalty <strong>of</strong> dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement fromservice imposed upon a Subordinate Police Officer is set aside ordeclared or rendered void in consequence <strong>of</strong> or by a decision <strong>of</strong> aCourt <strong>of</strong> Law and the Disciplinary Authority, on a consideration <strong>of</strong> thecircumstances <strong>of</strong> the case, decides to hold a further inquiry againsthim on the allegations on which the penalty <strong>of</strong> dismissal, removal orcompulsory retirement was originally imposed the Subordinate PoliceOfficer shall deemed to have been placed under suspension by theAppointing Authority from the date <strong>of</strong> the original order <strong>of</strong> dismissal,removal or compulsory retirement and shall continue to remain undersuspension until further orders.(5) An order <strong>of</strong> suspension made or deemed to have been made underthis rule may at any time be revoked by the authority which made oris deemed to have made the order or by any authority to which thatauthority is subordinate.PART-III (DISCIPLINE)6. NATURE OF PENALTIES:The following penalties may, for good and sufficient reasons and ashereinafter provided, be imposed on any subordinate Police Officer namely:-(i) fatigue duty (in the case <strong>of</strong> Constables only);(ii) extra guard duty (in the case <strong>of</strong> Head Constables andConstables only);(iii) black-mark;(iv) censure;(v) withholding <strong>of</strong> increments or promotion;(vi) recovery from pay <strong>of</strong> the whole, part <strong>of</strong> any pecuniaryloss caused to the Government by negligence or breach <strong>of</strong>orders;<strong>Page</strong> 349 <strong>of</strong> 349

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