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ContentsChapter 1 Constitution and Organisation <strong>of</strong> CBI 4 - 11Chapter 2 Appointments 12 - 23Chapter 3 Identity Cards 24 - 27Chapter 4 Training 28 - 34Chapter 5 Service Records 35 - 40Chapter 6 Confirmation 41 - 42Chapter 7 Seniority 43 - 48Chapter 8 Annual Confidential Reports 49 - 56Chapter 9 Promotion 57 - 62Chapter 10 Fixation <strong>of</strong> Pay 63 - 71Chapter 11 Termination & Resignation 72 - 73Chapter 12 Dress Regulations 74 - 74Chapter 13 Leave 75 - 91Chapter 14 No Objection Certificate for Higher Studies & Change 92 - 95<strong>of</strong> JobChapter 15 Pension 96 - 110Chapter 16 Decentralization <strong>of</strong> Accounts 111 - 113Chapter 17 Delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial Powers 114 - 117Chapter 18 Budget and Appropriation 118 - 120Chapter 19 Allowances and Rewards/Honoraria 121 - 142Chapter 20 Advances 143 - 161Chapter 21 Drawal <strong>of</strong> Pay, Allowances and Honoraria 162 - 166Chapter 22 Contingencies 167 - 167Chapter 23 General Provident Fund 168 - 173Chapter 24 Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme 174 - 175Chapter 25 Welfare Measures 176 - 182Chapter 26 Departmental Canteen 183 - 186Chapter 27 Medical Facilities to the <strong>Central</strong> Government 187 - 195Employees (including CGHS)Chapter 28 <strong>Central</strong> Government Employees Group Insurance 196 - 199SchemeChapter 29 Accommodation 200 - 205Chapter 30 Stores & Supplies 206 - 212Chapter 31 Furniture 213 - 217Chapter 32 Telephones 218 - 219Chapter 33 Motor Vehicles 220 - 225Chapter 34 Library 226 - 228Chapter 35 Security Plan 229 - 241Chapter 36 Office Procedure – Meanings <strong>of</strong> various terms 242 - 246Chapter 37 Machinery <strong>of</strong> Government 247 - 249Chapter 38 Dak-receipt, Registration and Distribution 250 - 252Chapter 39 Receipt-submission and Diarisation 253 - 255Chapter 40 Action on Receipts 256 - 266Chapter 41 Forms and Procedure <strong>of</strong> Communication 267 - 275<strong>Page</strong> 2 <strong>of</strong> 2

Chapter 42 Drafting <strong>of</strong> Communication 276 - 278Chapter 43 Issue <strong>of</strong> Drafts 279 - 288Chapter 44 Filing System 289 - 293Chapter 45 Indexing and Recording 294 - 302Chapter 46 Security <strong>of</strong> Official Information and Documents 303 - 304Chapter 47 Checks on delays 305 - 311Chapter 48 Reports & Returns 312 - 316Chapter 49 Inspections 317 - 325Chapter 50 Audit 326 - 327Chapter 51 Implementation <strong>of</strong> Instructions on Official Language 328 - 330[Appendix I] 331 - 333Posts sanctioned in CBI and their pay scale[Appendix II] 334 - 338Work allocation in Administration Division[Appendix III] 339 - 344Recruitment Rules[Appendix IV] 345 - 346Appointment through Staff Selection Commission[Appendix V] 347 - 369The DSPE (Subordinate Ranks) (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1961[Appendix VI] 370 - 372ADMINS ModuleAnnexures 373 - 498<strong>Page</strong> 3 <strong>of</strong> 3

1. CONSTITUTION AND ORGANISATION OF CBI1.1 Growth and Evolution <strong>of</strong> the OrganisationAt an early stage <strong>of</strong> the World War-II, the Government <strong>of</strong> Indiarealised that the vast increase in expenditure for war efforts hadprovided opportunities to unscrupulous public servants and antisocialelements for indulging in bribery and corruption. It felt thatthe Police and other Law Enforcement Agencies under the StateGovernments were not in a position to cope with the situation.Therefore, to investigate <strong>of</strong>fences connected with transactionsrelating to war efforts, an organization known as the Special PoliceEstablishment was set up in 1941 under an executive order <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Central</strong> Government. The Headquarters <strong>of</strong> Special PoliceEstablishment was established at Lahore. Its branches werecreated in due course at Jabalpur, Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi,Madras, Ranchi, Peshawer, Quetta and Rawalpindi. The activities <strong>of</strong>the S.P.E. were subsequently extended to include cases <strong>of</strong>corruption in Railways also.1.2 In 1943, some doubt was felt about the legal powers <strong>of</strong> Police<strong>of</strong>ficers working with the S.P.E. and therefore an Ordinance wasissued by the Government <strong>of</strong> India, by which a Special Police Forcewith powers to investigate certain <strong>of</strong>fences anywhere in BritishIndia, was constituted. Even after the end <strong>of</strong> the war, the need for a<strong>Central</strong> Government Agency to investigate cases <strong>of</strong> bribery andcorruption by <strong>Central</strong> Government servants was felt and therefore,the Ordinance issued in 1943, which had lapsed on 30thSeptember, 1946 was further extended and finally ‘Delhi SpecialPolice Establishment Act’ was enacted. After the promulgation <strong>of</strong>the Act, the superintendence <strong>of</strong> the SPE was transferred to theHome Department and its functions were enlarged to cover alldepartments <strong>of</strong> the Government <strong>of</strong> India. Since then the SPEfunctions under this Act. Its jurisdiction extends to all UnionTerritories and it can also be extended to the States with theconsent <strong>of</strong> the State Governments concerned.1.3 In 1953, an enforcement wing was added to the SPE to dealwith the <strong>of</strong>fences relating to breach <strong>of</strong> import and exportregulations. With the passage <strong>of</strong> time, more and more cases underlaws other than Prevention <strong>of</strong> Corruption Act also came to beentrusted to the SPE. By 1963, the SPE was authorised toinvestigate <strong>of</strong>fences under 91 different sections <strong>of</strong> the Indian PenalCode, <strong>of</strong>fences under the Prevention <strong>of</strong> Corruption Act, 1947 and 16<strong>Page</strong> 4 <strong>of</strong> 4

other <strong>Central</strong> Acts. A growing need was, therefore, felt for a <strong>Central</strong>Police Agency at the disposal <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government, whichwould investigate not only cases <strong>of</strong> bribery and corruption, but alsocases <strong>of</strong> breaches <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> fiscal laws, major frauds relating toGovernment <strong>of</strong> India departments, public joint stock companies,passport frauds, crimes on the high seas, crimes on the Airlines andserious crimes committed by organized gangs or pr<strong>of</strong>essionalcriminals. Therefore, the Government <strong>of</strong> India set up the <strong>Central</strong><strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> on Ist April, 1963. The Organization andfunctions <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> are given in theGovernment Resolution dated Ist April, 1963, a copy <strong>of</strong> which isplaced at Annexure- I. The Delhi Special Police Establishmentbecame one <strong>of</strong> the divisions <strong>of</strong> the CBI. The tasks to be performedby the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> as per the Resolution werethe following :-i) <strong>Investigation</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fences specified by the <strong>Central</strong>Government under Section 3 <strong>of</strong> the Delhi Special PoliceEstablishment Act (Act XXV <strong>of</strong> 1946)ii) Collection <strong>of</strong> intelligence relating to certain types <strong>of</strong> crimeiii) Participation in the work <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong>connected with the International Criminal Police Organisationiv) Maintenance <strong>of</strong> crime statistics and dissemination <strong>of</strong>information relating to crime and criminalsv) Study <strong>of</strong> specialised crime <strong>of</strong> particular interest to theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India or crimes having All India or Inter-Stateramifications or <strong>of</strong> particular importance from the social point<strong>of</strong> viewvi) The conduct <strong>of</strong> Police researchvii) Coordination <strong>of</strong> laws relating to crime1.4 The organisation was strengthened in 1964 by the addition <strong>of</strong>the Economic Offences Wing vide Government <strong>of</strong> India ResolutionNo. 24/66/64-AVD.II dated 29.2.64. In due course <strong>of</strong> time, a SpecialCrime Division was also created in the organization.1.5 In the year 1985, based on the views <strong>of</strong> the EstimatesCommittee <strong>of</strong> VII Lok Sabha, a committee under the chairmanship<strong>of</strong> the then Cabinet Secretary Shri P.K. Kaul was formed to reviewthe role, functions & working <strong>of</strong> CBI, to suggest measures to tone upits working and to examine feasibility <strong>of</strong> bringing it under a singleadministrative hierarchy. The Committee, in its report hadsuggested that CBI should have three major divisions namely Anti-Corruption, Special Crimes and Economic <strong>of</strong>fences and othersupport divisions which should be placed under three AdditionalDirectors. It also suggested strengthening <strong>of</strong> various CBI branches<strong>Page</strong> 5 <strong>of</strong> 5

and giving CBI a firm statutory basis to enable it to discharge itsfunctions effectively by way <strong>of</strong> amendment in the Constitution.Accordingly an order was issued in the year 1994 setting anddefining the jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> branches under Anti Corruption, SpecialCrimes and Economic Offences Divisions 1 .1.6 In the year 1997, government among its various measures tocontain corruption, established a committee under thechairmanship <strong>of</strong> Shri B.G. Deshmukh, former Cabinet Secretary toexamine the structure and functioning <strong>of</strong> CBI. The Committee in itsreport recommended that CVC be conferred statutory status and tooverview CBI's functioning. It also suggested streamlining <strong>of</strong> CBI'sreporting to the government without diluting its functionalautonomy besides constitution <strong>of</strong> a selection committee headed byCVC with Home Secretary and Secretary (Personnel) as members foridentifying a panel <strong>of</strong> names for selection <strong>of</strong> Director, CBI who wasalso to have a minimum tenure <strong>of</strong> two years and full freedom forallocation <strong>of</strong> work within the agency.1.7 Pursuant to the direction <strong>of</strong> the Hon’ble Supreme Court in 340-343/1993 (Vineet Narain & Others V/s Union <strong>of</strong> India), changeshave been effected in the legal framework for prosecution <strong>of</strong> CBICases. Vide OM No. 201/5/2000-AVD.II dated 9th July, 2001, aDirectorate <strong>of</strong> Prosecution has been constituted to supervise thework <strong>of</strong> prosecution by reconstituting the existing Legal Division.1.8 On 12.09.2003, CVC Act has been notified giving CVC astatutory basis. The act, inter-alia, amended the DSPE Act, 1946and brought the superintendence <strong>of</strong> DSPE, so far as it relates toinvestigation <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fences alleged to have been committed under thePrevention <strong>of</strong> Corruption Act 1988, under the Commission. The Actalso provides for establishment <strong>of</strong> a committee to recommend panel<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers for being considered for appointment as Director. Itstatutorily ensures the tenure <strong>of</strong> Director to a minimum <strong>of</strong> twoyears.1.9 Over a period <strong>of</strong> time, some <strong>of</strong> the work originally allocated tothe CBI was transferred to other central police organizations. Part<strong>of</strong> the work relating to Crime Records & Statistics Division wastransferred to NCRB and that relating to Research Division wastransferred to BPR&D.1.10 Under the Government <strong>of</strong> India (Allocation <strong>of</strong> Business) Rules,1961, the executive functions in respect <strong>of</strong> CBI were originally dealt1Policy Division Order No. 21/50/94-PD dated 26.11.1994.<strong>Page</strong> 6 <strong>of</strong> 6

y the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs. Subsequently, the functions weretransferred to the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensionsand Training and with effect from 30th January, 2003, CBI hasbeen brought under the charge <strong>of</strong> the Cabinet Secretariat.1.11 Over the years, the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> (CBI) hasemerged as the premier investigation agency <strong>of</strong> the Government <strong>of</strong>India. It enjoys the trust and credibility <strong>of</strong> the Parliament,Judiciary and the common man. In the last forty years, theorganisation has evolved from an Anti-Corruption Agency to amulti-faceted, multi-disciplinary pr<strong>of</strong>essional body. At present notonly corruption cases, but a variety <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fences involving threat tonational security, national economy, violation <strong>of</strong> human rights andconventional crime having national and international ramificationsare being entrusted to the CBI by the States, <strong>Central</strong> Governmentand Constitutional Courts.1.12 Organizational Structure <strong>of</strong> CBIThe organisational setup has thus under gone several changessince its inception and its present set up is described in the followingparagraphs. The organisational chart is placed at Annexure II.1.13 Delhi Special Police Establishment Division1.13.1 Anti-Corruption Division : The Anti-Corruption Division isresponsible for collection <strong>of</strong> intelligence with regard to corruption,maintaining liaison with various departments through theirvigilance <strong>of</strong>ficers, enquiries into complaints about bribery andcorruption, investigation and prosecution <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fences pertaining tobribery and corruption and tasks relating to preventive aspects <strong>of</strong>corruption. It takes up cases against public servants under thecontrol <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government, public servants in Public SectorUndertakings under the control <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Government and casesagainst the public servants working under State Governmententrusted to the CBI by the State Governments. The Anti-CorruptionDivision is headed by an <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the rank <strong>of</strong> SpecialDirector/Addl. Director. It is divided into seven Anti-CorruptionZones, namely, Delhi Zone, North Zone, West Zone, <strong>Central</strong> Zone,South Zone, East Zone and Anti-Corruption (HQ) Zone. Each zonefunctions under the control <strong>of</strong> a Joint Director. Zones are furtherdivided into 17 Regions each headed by a DIG. Every Regionconsists <strong>of</strong> 2-3 Branches, each under the charge <strong>of</strong> an SSP/SP. TheBranches under the AC(HQ) Zone are designated as <strong>Central</strong> Unitsand have all India jurisdiction. Branches under other zones haveterritorial jurisdiction over one or more states / parts <strong>of</strong> the states.<strong>Page</strong> 7 <strong>of</strong> 7

1.13.2 Economic Offences Wing : The Economic Offence Wing <strong>of</strong> CBIis headed by a Special Director/Addl. Director. It takes up cases <strong>of</strong>cheating, forgery, criminal breach <strong>of</strong> trust and large-scale fraudsaffecting the property or revenue <strong>of</strong> the Government, cases <strong>of</strong>smuggling in narcotics and psychotropic substances, antiquitiesand other economic crimes <strong>of</strong> national importance. CBI is thepioneer in the field <strong>of</strong> cyber crime. The MHA vide U.O.No.22011/1/2001 PMA dt. 9.2.2001 has nominated Cyber Crime<strong>Investigation</strong> Cell <strong>of</strong> the CBI as the nodal agency for developingnational capabilities for fighting cyber crime and to develop trainingcourses for cyber crime investigation for State Police <strong>of</strong>ficers. It isrecognised by Interpol as the international contact point in India forreporting cyber crime.1.13.3 The Economic Offences Wing is divided into four Zones namelyEOW-I, EOW-II, EOW-III and EOW-IV Zones, each headed by a JointDirector. The Zones are divided into seven Regions each under thecharge <strong>of</strong> a DIG. The Regions are further divided into 22 Branches,each headed by a SSP/SP. The Branches located at Delhi, Kolkata,Chennai and Mumbai as well as the Branches <strong>of</strong> Bank Security andFraud Cell under (EOW-IV) Zone located at Delhi, Kolkata,Bangalore and Mumbai have territorial jurisdiction. Rest <strong>of</strong> theBranches are <strong>Central</strong> Units having all India jurisdiction. Special Crimes Division : The Special Crimes Division handlesall cases <strong>of</strong> conventional crimes such as <strong>of</strong>fences relating tointernal security, espionage, hijacking, murders,dacoities/robberies, dowry deaths and other IPC <strong>of</strong>fences as wellas <strong>of</strong>fences under other laws notified under the DSPE Act. It isalso responsible for investigation <strong>of</strong> crimes with interstate andinternational ramifications. Special Crimes Division <strong>of</strong> CBI isheaded by a Special Director/Additional Director. This Divisionhas SC I Zone, SC II Zone, Multi Disciplinary Monitoring Agencyand Special Task Force under it, each headed by a Joint Director.These Zones are divided into 8 Regions, each headed by a DIG.The regions are further divided into Branches, headed by an<strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the rank <strong>of</strong> SSP/SP. Six <strong>of</strong> the Branches have territorialjurisdiction. They are located at Delhi, Chandigarh, Lucknow,Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai. The rest are <strong>Central</strong> Units havingall India jurisdiction.<strong>Page</strong> 8 <strong>of</strong> 8

1.14 Directorate <strong>of</strong> ProsecutionThe Directorate was created pursuant to orders <strong>of</strong> Hon'bleSupreme Court by reconstituting the existing Legal Division <strong>of</strong> theCBI. The Directorate <strong>of</strong> Prosecution is headed by a Director <strong>of</strong>Prosecution who is an Officer appointed by the Government. Theduties <strong>of</strong> the Director <strong>of</strong> Prosecution include (a) supervision andmonitoring <strong>of</strong> the prosecution in courts (b) preferring in appeals,revisions etc. (c) giving advice to investigating <strong>of</strong>ficers on all mattersrelating to criminal <strong>of</strong>fences during investigation and trial (d)advising on the feasibilities on filing appeals, revisions etc. (e)Preparing a panel <strong>of</strong> Special Counsels with the approval <strong>of</strong> theGovernment (f) Selecting retainer counsels for High Courts. Underthe administrative control <strong>of</strong> the Director <strong>of</strong> Prosecution, law <strong>of</strong>ficers<strong>of</strong> the ranks <strong>of</strong> Additional Legal Advisors, Dy. Legal Advisors, Sr.Public Prosecutors, Public Prosecutors and Assistant PublicProsecutors function, in the CBI Branches spread all over thecountry.1.15 Administration Division1.15.1 1.15.1 The Administration Division is responsible for managinghuman and material resources <strong>of</strong> the organization. The mainactivities include recruitment, training, transfer, confirmation,promotion, deputation, absorption, disciplinary action, budget &appropriation, grant <strong>of</strong> advances, welfare, accommodation,provisioning besides work study, custody & maintenance <strong>of</strong> AnnualConfidential Reports <strong>of</strong> non-gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficers and promotion <strong>of</strong> theuse <strong>of</strong> Hindi.1.15.2 The Division is headed by a Joint Director who reports to theDirector/CBI through the Additional Director (E). There are threeDIsG namely DIG (Administration), DIG (Personnel) and the DIG(Training) who in turn are assisted by SP (Headquarters) &Administrative Officer (A), SP (Personnel) & Administrative Officer(P) and SsP (Trg) (2) & SP (R&D) respectively who are responsible forthe supervision <strong>of</strong> discharge <strong>of</strong> various duties <strong>of</strong> the AdministrationDivision.1.16 Policy Division1.16.1 The Policy Division deals with formulation <strong>of</strong> policy regardinginvestigation <strong>of</strong> cases in CBI, scrutiny <strong>of</strong> returns and statementsunder the Conduct Rules <strong>of</strong> Gazetted Officers, handling <strong>of</strong>Confidential Reports <strong>of</strong> Gazetted Officers upto the rank <strong>of</strong>Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police, compilation <strong>of</strong> periodical statistics for use<strong>Page</strong> 9 <strong>of</strong> 9

<strong>of</strong> Cabinet Secretariat and preparation <strong>of</strong> the Annual AdministrationReport <strong>of</strong> the Department, formulation and review <strong>of</strong> implementation<strong>of</strong> the programme <strong>of</strong> work <strong>of</strong> the organisation, liaison with Heads <strong>of</strong>Ministries/Departments and Government Undertakings on Policymatters. There are also Special Units which are part <strong>of</strong> this Division.The function <strong>of</strong> the Special Units is collection <strong>of</strong> intelligence inrespect <strong>of</strong> corruption at high places.1.16.2 The Policy Division is headed by a Joint Director who worksdirectly under the Director/CBI. There are two DIsG looking afterthe work <strong>of</strong> three Special Units located at Delhi and one each atMumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. Each Unit is headed by a SSP/SP.Two AIsG(P) and one Dy. Principal Information Officer also functionunder the direct control <strong>of</strong> the Joint Director (Policy).1.17 Coordination Division1.17.1 This division is headed by Dy. Director (Coordination), whichfunctions under a Joint Director nominated by the Director/CBI.DD (Coordination) is assisted by two ADs (Interpol) and oneAD(Coordination). The Coordination Division comprises <strong>of</strong> two Unitsnamely, (1) Coordination and (2) Interpol.1.17.2 Coordination Unit organises All India Crime PreventionWeeks, takes part in the organisation <strong>of</strong> DGPs/Inspector Generals <strong>of</strong>the Police, CID Conference and is also incharge <strong>of</strong> publication <strong>of</strong> CBIBulletin.1.17.3 Interpol - The CBI is designated as National <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> -India, Interpol New Delhi by the Government <strong>of</strong> India since 1966. Itis the only agency recognized by Interpol Secretariat General forbilateral as well as multilateral police cooperation among themember states. Interpol, New Delhi is the interface between Indianand foreign law enforcement agencies and is responsible formultifarious activities like - extradition matters, investigationabroad and execution <strong>of</strong> foreign Letters Rogatory in India, issuance<strong>of</strong> various Interpol notices, negotiation <strong>of</strong> bilateral as well asmultilateral treaties on extradition/mutual legal assistance treatiesin criminal matters, coordination with the Indian States and Interpolmember countries on policing related matters. Interpol New Delhi isconnected globally with all member countries <strong>of</strong> Interpol, throughthe Interpol Global Communications System (IGCS) I-24/7, which isan Internet based communication system being installed worldwideby member nations. Interpol, New Delhi also remains in constanttouch with various agencies like FRRO, Immigration check postsand state police law enforcement agencies to help track their<strong>Page</strong> 10 <strong>of</strong> 10

absconders and fugitives as well as with various Embassies andMissions located in New Delhi and Indian Missions abroad.1.18 Systems Division1.18.1 The Systems Division looks after the information technologyneeds <strong>of</strong> the CBI. The main function <strong>of</strong> the Division is creation andoperation <strong>of</strong> the ‘decision support systems’ in respect <strong>of</strong>administration and crime supervision functions <strong>of</strong> the organization.These objectives have been mainly achieved through thecomputerization project <strong>of</strong> 1997. By means <strong>of</strong> this Project, twocomprehensive data bases viz. (i) CRIMES and (ii) ADMINS havebeen created. The CRIMES MODULE assists in monitoring andsupervision <strong>of</strong> investigation, prosecution and RDA matters, besidessupporting the computerization <strong>of</strong> Malkhanas. The ADMINSMODULE assists in decision making on administration matters. Itcomprises <strong>of</strong> sub-modules namely PIS (Personnel InformationSystem), Accommodation, Budget, Pay Roll, <strong>Central</strong> BenevolentFund, Vehicles, equipments, dead stock etc.1.18.2 The Systems Division functions under a JD/DIG well versedwith computers. Under his guidance, an <strong>of</strong>ficer on Special Duty(OSD), Computers looks after the work <strong>of</strong> computerization at themain Computer Centre <strong>of</strong> CBI at New Delhi. Besides <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> theranks <strong>of</strong> Principal Systems Analyst/Sr.System Analysts,Programmers and Asstt. Programmers are posted in variousBranches for performing the computerization related aspects.1.19 <strong>Central</strong> Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL)It is the principal forensic science institution in the countryhaving 9 divisions under one ro<strong>of</strong> at Delhi, viz. Chemistry Division,Physics Division, Biology Division, Serology Division, DocumentsDivision, Ballistics Division, Lie Detection Division, Finger PrintDivision and Photo & Scientific Aid Section. This is a scientificlaboratory <strong>of</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs rendering scientific servicein crime exhibit analysis in actual cases referred to it by CBI,Vigilance, State & <strong>Central</strong> Government Departments, Judiciary andState Forensic Science Laboratories.1.20 The latest instructions on determining the jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> each<strong>Investigation</strong> Unit, Region and Zone has been given in the CircularNo. 21/43/2002-PD-01307 dated May 30, 2003 <strong>of</strong> the Policy &Coordination Division, a copy <strong>of</strong> which is enclosed as Annexure -III.<strong>Page</strong> 11 <strong>of</strong> 11

2. APPOINTMENTS2.1 All appointments except casual appointments in the <strong>Central</strong>Government Departments/Offices, are made on the basis <strong>of</strong> theRecruitment Rules framed under Article 309 <strong>of</strong> the Constitution <strong>of</strong>India.2.1.1 Separate Recruitment Rules 1[1] are framed for each post. Theserules contain the classification <strong>of</strong> the post, conditions <strong>of</strong> service,method <strong>of</strong> appointment and pay scales attached to the posts.2.1.2 Appointments to all Group - ‘A’ posts are made by the President<strong>of</strong> India in consultation with the U.P.S.C. Appointments to allGroup - ‘B’ posts in the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>, are madeby the Director, CBI in consultation with the U.P.S.C., wherevernecessary. Appointments to all Group - ‘C’ posts, except the posts<strong>of</strong> Senior Clerk Stenos, L.D.Cs, Head Constables and Constables inC.B.I., are made by the Dy. Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police.Appointments in the posts <strong>of</strong> Senior Clerk Stenos, Lower DivisionClerks, Head Constables and constables in Group - ‘C’ and all postsin Group - ‘D’ in the CBI, are made by the Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police.2.2 Regular appointment2.2.1 All direct recruitment for filling up the regular vacancies inGroup ‘C’ posts (Sub Inspector, Lower Division Clerk andStenographer Grade ‘D’) are made through Staff SelectionCommission.2.2.2 A requisition in the prescribed form (Revised form circulated inDepartment <strong>of</strong> Personnel & Training letter No. F.2-46/86-P&P,dated 04.09.1991 Annexure-IV is to be placed on the Commission bythe authorized <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the government department. Before placingrequisition, the required formalities like obtaining No ObjectionCertificate from the <strong>Central</strong> (Surplus Staff) Cell should becompleted.2.2.3 All vacancies in the central government establishment otherthan those filled through the U.P.S.C. or the Staff SelectionCommission should be notified to the nearest EmploymentExchange. No department or <strong>of</strong>fice should fill up any vacancy by1[1] See Appendix-III for Recruitment Rules.<strong>Page</strong> 12 <strong>of</strong> 12

direct recruitment unless the Employment Exchange issues a nonavailability certificate.2.2.4 The direct recruitment <strong>of</strong> Constables in CBI, is made oncentralized basis by CBI Head Office. Their selection is made by theCommittee constituted by the Director, CBI.2.2.5 Oath <strong>of</strong> Allegiance : Every person entering government serviceshall take an oath <strong>of</strong> allegiance to the Constitution <strong>of</strong> India either inEnglish or Hindi, before Head <strong>of</strong> Department/Office or a gazetted<strong>of</strong>ficer nominated by him.2.2.6 Medical Examination : Every candidate for appointment to apost (including appointment on part-time basis) under governmentis required to produce a medical certificate <strong>of</strong> fitness from theappropriate medical authority.2.2.7 Verification <strong>of</strong> Character and Antecedents :(a) The appointing authority should satisfy itself that the characterand antecedents <strong>of</strong> the person proposed to be appointed are suchthat they do not render him/her unsuitable for appointment togovernment service.(b) Persons dismissed from service <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> or a Stategovernment including the administration <strong>of</strong> Union Territories,should be deemed ineligible for appointment.(c) While normally a person convicted for an <strong>of</strong>fence involvingmoral turpitude should be regarded as ineligible for governmentservice, in cases where the appointing authority feels that there areredeeming features and reasons to believe that such a person hascured himself <strong>of</strong> the weakness, he can be considered forappointment after obtaining specific approval <strong>of</strong> the government.2.3 Appointment on deputation basis 2[2]2.3.1 One <strong>of</strong> the modes <strong>of</strong> appointments in the CBI is by inducting<strong>of</strong>ficers/personnel on deputation from various State/<strong>Central</strong>Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies. Suchappointments are governed by the provisions contained in therelevant Recruitment Rules <strong>of</strong> the concerned posts/ranks.2.3.2 Appointment on deputation is for a limited period and the<strong>of</strong>ficer concerned is to be reverted to his/her parent cadre after expiry<strong>of</strong> the same.2[2]Also see D.P.&T. OM No. 2/29/91-Estt (Pay II) dated 5.1.1994 & D.P.&T. OM No. 2/8/97-Estt (Pay II) dated 11.3.1998.<strong>Page</strong> 13 <strong>of</strong> 13

2.3.3 When the field <strong>of</strong> consideration for Group ‘A’ posts consists <strong>of</strong><strong>Central</strong> Government Group ‘A’ <strong>of</strong>ficers only, prior consultation withU.P.S.C. is not necessary for selection. When the field <strong>of</strong>consideration includes State Government <strong>of</strong>ficers also, priorconsultation with the Commission is necessary before appointing aState Government <strong>of</strong>ficer. When the field <strong>of</strong> consideration is mademore broad-based and consists <strong>of</strong> not only <strong>Central</strong>/State Government<strong>of</strong>ficers but also <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> non-governmental institutions, suchselection shall also be made in consultation with U.P.S.C.Consultation with U.P.S.C. is also necessary for appointment <strong>of</strong> a<strong>Central</strong> Government <strong>of</strong>ficer who is not group ‘A’ on deputation toGroup ‘A’ post.2.3.4 According to the provisions <strong>of</strong> Recruitment Rules, 20% posts <strong>of</strong>Addl. SP, 50% <strong>of</strong> Dy.SP and 50% <strong>of</strong> Inspector are to be filled throughdeputation/transfer. In prosecution ranks, 25% posts <strong>of</strong> Sr. PublicProsecutor and Public Prosecutor are required to be filled ondeputation/transfer basis.2.3.5 The Officers holding analogous posts on regular basis or withsix years regular service in the posts having Pay Scale <strong>of</strong> Rs. 8000-13500 or equivalent and possessing degree <strong>of</strong> recognized University orequivalent with 5 years experience in investigation <strong>of</strong> criminal cases,are considered for deputation to CBI as Addl. SP.2.3.6 Similarly, the Officers holding analogous posts on regular basisor with 5 years regular service in the posts having Pay Scale <strong>of</strong>Rs.6500-10500 or equivalent and possessing degree <strong>of</strong> recognizedUniversity or equivalent with 3 years experience in investigation <strong>of</strong>criminal cases, are considered for deputation to CBI as Dy. SP.2.3.7 The Officers holding analogous post on regular basis or <strong>of</strong>ficerswith 5 years regular service in the pay scale <strong>of</strong> Rs. 8000-13500 withDegree in Law from a recognized University or equivalent and 8 yearsbar experience in conducting criminal cases are considered forinduction as Sr. PP in CBI.2.3.8 The Officers holding analogous post on regular basis or <strong>of</strong>ficerswith 5 years regular service in the pay scale <strong>of</strong> Rs. 6500-10500 withDegree in Law from a recognized University or equivalent and 7 yearsbar experience in conducting criminal cases are considered forinduction as Public Prosecutor in CBI.2.3.9 The CBI branches may also identify suitable and willing <strong>of</strong>ficersfrom State Police Forces/CPMFs and send their nominations alongwith their service particulars to CBI, Head Office to consider theirsuitability for induction in CBI.<strong>Page</strong> 14 <strong>of</strong> 14

2.3.10 An employee appointed on deputation may elect to draw either thescale <strong>of</strong> pay <strong>of</strong> the post to which he has been appointed on deputationor the basic pay in the parent cadre plus deputation allowance.2.3.11 Tenure <strong>of</strong> Deputation(a)(b)(c)The period <strong>of</strong> deputation shall be subject to a maximum <strong>of</strong>three years in all cases except for those posts where a longerperiod <strong>of</strong> tenure is prescribed in the Recruitment Rules.The Administrative Ministry/borrowing organization may grantextension beyond this limit up to one year, after obtainingorders <strong>of</strong> their Secretary (in the <strong>Central</strong> Government and ChiefSecretary in the State Government), equivalent level <strong>of</strong>ficer inother cases where such extension is considered necessary inpublic interest.The borrowing Ministries/Departments/Organizations mayextend the period <strong>of</strong> deputation for the fifth year or for thesecond year in excess <strong>of</strong> the period prescribed in theRecruitment Rules where absolutely necessary, subject to thefollowing conditions:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)While according extension for the fifth year, or thesecond year in excess <strong>of</strong> the period prescribed in theRecruitment Rules the directive issued for rigidapplication <strong>of</strong> the tenure rules should be taken intoconsideration and only in rare and exceptionalcircumstances such extension should be granted.The extension should be strictly in public interest andwith the specified prior approval <strong>of</strong> the concernedMinister <strong>of</strong> the borrowing Ministry/Department and inrespect <strong>of</strong> other organization, with the approval <strong>of</strong> theMinister <strong>of</strong> Ministry/Department with which they areadministratively attached.Where such extension is granted it would be on thespecific understanding that the <strong>of</strong>ficer would not beentitled to draw deputation (duty) allowance.The extension would be subject to the prior approval <strong>of</strong>the lending organization, the <strong>of</strong>ficer on deputation, andwherever necessary, the U.P.S.C/State Public ServiceCommission and Appointments Committee <strong>of</strong> theCabinet (ACC).<strong>Page</strong> 15 <strong>of</strong> 15

(d)In cases where extension is beyond the fifth year or secondyear in excess <strong>of</strong> the period prescribed in the RecruitmentRules, the same would be allowed only after obtaining theapproval <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Personnel and Training whether<strong>Central</strong> Government is the lending organization or theborrowing organization.(e)For computing the total period <strong>of</strong> deputation the period <strong>of</strong>deputation in another ex-cadre post(s) held preceding thecurrent appointment without break in the same or some otherorganization should also be taken into account.(f)If during the period <strong>of</strong> deputation the basic pay <strong>of</strong> an employeeexceeds the maximum <strong>of</strong> the scale <strong>of</strong> pay <strong>of</strong> the post or thefixed pay <strong>of</strong> the post, on account <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>orma promotion in hiscadre under the Next Below Rule or otherwise, the deputation<strong>of</strong> the employee should be restricted to a maximum period <strong>of</strong>six months from the date on which his pay exceeds suchmaximum and he should be reverted to his parent departmentwithin the said period.(g)If during the period <strong>of</strong> deputation, on account <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ormapromotion in the parent cadre under the Next Below Rule, theemployee becomes entitled to a scale <strong>of</strong> pay higher than thescale <strong>of</strong> pay attached to the ex-cadre post, he may be allowed tocomplete the normal tenure <strong>of</strong> deputation subject to (f) abovebut no further extension <strong>of</strong> the period <strong>of</strong> deputation should beallowed in such cases.2.3.12 Deputation (Duty) AllowanceThe Deputation (Duty) Allowance shall be admissible at the followingrates :(i) 5% <strong>of</strong> the employee’s basic pay subject to a maximum <strong>of</strong>Rs.500/- per month when the deputation is within the samestation.(ii) 10% <strong>of</strong> the employee’s basic pay subject to a maximum <strong>of</strong>Rs.1000/- per month in all other cases.(i)(ii)The Deputation (Duty) Allowance as above shall befurther restricted as under:Pay + Deputation (Duty) Allowance does not exceed themaximum <strong>of</strong> the scale <strong>of</strong> ex-cadre post.Pay + Deputation (Duty) Allowance as above shall at no timeexceed Rs.22,400/- per month.<strong>Page</strong> 16 <strong>of</strong> 16

2.3.13 Premature Reversion <strong>of</strong> Deputationist to Parent CadreNormally when an employee is appointed on deputation,his/her services are placed at the disposal <strong>of</strong> the parent departmentat the end <strong>of</strong> the tenure. However, as and when a situation arises forpremature reversion to the parent cadre <strong>of</strong> the deputationist,his/her services could be so returned after giving advanceintimation <strong>of</strong> reasonable period to the lending department and theemployee concerned.2.4 Appointment by absorptionRecruitment Rules for some posts prescribe, inter alia,‘Absorption’ (also ‘transfer’) as a mode <strong>of</strong> recruitment. ‘Absorption’means permanent absorption in the post.The service rendered on deputation basis cannot be taken intoaccount for the purpose <strong>of</strong> deciding eligibility for appointment toanother post in the higher pay scale on deputation basis. Theeligibility for appointment on deputation basis would continue to bedetermined with reference to the regular service in the parentcadre/department.2.5 Ad hoc Appointment 3[3]2.5.1 The Government has issued instructions to theMinistries/Departments not to make any appointments on ad-hocbasis including transfer on deputation etc. The ad hoc appointmentscould, however, be made in the following circumstances:(a)(b)(c)Where there is an injunction by the Court/Tribunal directingthat the post may not be filled on regular basis and if the finaljudgement <strong>of</strong> the Court/Tribunal is not expected early and thepost also cannot be kept vacant.Where the Direct Recruitment Quota has not been filled andthe Recruitment Rules also do not provide for filling it up ontransfer or deputation temporarily and the post cannot also bekept vacant.In short term vacancies due to regular incumbents being onleave/deputation etc. and the <strong>of</strong>ficer is not available on theapproved panel and the post cannot also be kept vacant.3[3]Also see D.P.&T. O.M. No. 28036/8/87-Estt.(D) dated 30-3-1988<strong>Page</strong> 17 <strong>of</strong> 17

2.5.2 The ad hoc appointments in the <strong>Central</strong> GovernmentDepartments are, therefore, generally made on the following grounds:-(a)(b)(c)(d)The Recruitments Rules for the posts, are in the process <strong>of</strong>being framed,The proposals are under consideration to amend the existingRecruitment Rules,The Seniority position <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers holding the post in thefeeder grade, is disputed,Adequate number <strong>of</strong> qualified candidates are not available forfilling the vacancies through Direct Recruitment Quotaprescribed in the Recruitment Rules.2.5.3 Conditions for making ad hoc appointments/promotions:(a)(b)(c)The total period for which the appointment/promotion may bemade on ad hoc basis is limited to one year only. The practice<strong>of</strong> giving a break periodically and appointing the same personon ad-hoc basis, may not be permitted. In case <strong>of</strong> compulsionsfor extending any ad hoc appointment/promotion beyond oneyear, the approval <strong>of</strong> the Department <strong>of</strong> Personnel andTraining is to be sought in at least two months in advance,before the expiry <strong>of</strong> one year period. If the approval forcontinuance <strong>of</strong> the ad hoc arrangements beyond one year isnot received before the expiry <strong>of</strong> one year period, the ad hocappointment/ promotion shall automatically cease on theexpiry <strong>of</strong> one year term.It should be ensured that the persons appointed are thosenominated by the Employment Exchange concerned and theyalso fulfill the stipulation <strong>of</strong> the educationalqualification/experience and the upper age limit prescribed inthe Recruitment Rules.Where the ad hoc appointment is by promotion <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer infeeder grade, it may be done on Seniority-cum-Fitness basis.(d) (d) The authority competent to approve ad hocappointments should be one level higher than the appointingauthority prescribed for the post.<strong>Page</strong> 18 <strong>of</strong> 18

2.6 Casual Appointments 4[4]2.6.1 Casual appointments are generally made in the <strong>Central</strong>Government departments for meeting the seasonal/intermittentincrease in the workload. The policy regarding engagement <strong>of</strong> casualworkers in the <strong>Central</strong> Government Offices has been reviewed byGovernment keeping in view the judgement <strong>of</strong> Hon’ble SupremeCourt delivered on 17th January, 1986, in the Writ Petition filed byShri Surinder Singh and others vs. Union <strong>of</strong> India. It has beendecided to lay down the following guidelines in the matter <strong>of</strong>recruitment <strong>of</strong> casual workers on daily wage basis:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)Persons on daily wages should not be recruited for work <strong>of</strong>regular nature. It should be for work which is <strong>of</strong> casual orseasonal or intermittent nature or for the work which is not <strong>of</strong>full time nature or for which regular post cannot be created.The Casual Workers may be paid only the minimum wagesnotified by the State Government/Union Territoriesadministration as per Minimum Wages Act 1948.The Casual Worker may be given one paid weekly <strong>of</strong>f after sixdays continuous work.The payment to the Casual Workers may be restricted only tothe days on which they actually performed duties under thegovernment with a paid weekly <strong>of</strong>f. In addition, wages may alsobe paid for a national holiday if it falls on the working day.While considering regularization <strong>of</strong> the services <strong>of</strong> casualworkers, they may be given relaxation in the upper age limitonly if, at the time <strong>of</strong> initial recruitment as a casual workerthey had not crossed the upper age limit for the relevant post.For any further relaxation, prior concurrence <strong>of</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong>Finance and the Department <strong>of</strong> Personnel and Training, shouldbe obtained.Employment <strong>of</strong> the same casual labourer beyond 200 days in ayear, is not permitted. Ban on engagement <strong>of</strong> Casual Worker forduties <strong>of</strong> Group ‘C’ postThere is complete ban on engagement <strong>of</strong> Casual workers forperforming the duties <strong>of</strong> Group ‘C’ posts and hence no appointment<strong>of</strong> Casual Worker, should be made for performing the duties <strong>of</strong>4[4] Also see D.P.&T. O.M. No. 49014/2/86-Estt.(C) dated 7-6-1988 and Ministry <strong>of</strong> LabourO.M. No. 53202/16/86-WC(MW) dated 23-8-1988<strong>Page</strong> 19 <strong>of</strong> 19

Group ‘C’ posts 5[5] . If any deviation in this regard is committed, theAdministrative <strong>of</strong>ficer, in charge in the rank <strong>of</strong> Joint Secretary orequivalent will be held responsible for the same.2.6.3 Scheme for grant <strong>of</strong> Temporary Status and regularization <strong>of</strong>Casual Workers in Group ‘D’ posts 6[6]Temporary status would be conferred on all Casual Labourerswho are in employment on 01.09.1993 and who have rendered acontinuous service <strong>of</strong> one year which means they must have beenengaged for a period <strong>of</strong> at least 206 days in case <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fices observing5 days week. Such confirmation <strong>of</strong> temporary status would bewithout reference to the creation/availability <strong>of</strong> regular Group ‘D’post. Such Casual Labourers who acquired temporary status willnot, however, be brought on to the permanent establishment unlessthey are selected through regular selection process for Group ‘D’post.2.6.4 Procedure for filling up <strong>of</strong> Group ‘D’ posts:(i)Two out <strong>of</strong> every three vacancies in the Group ‘D’ posts inrespective <strong>of</strong>fices where the casual labourers have beenworking, would be filled up as per existing Recruitment Rulesand in accordance with the instructions issued by theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Personnel and Training from amongst the casuallabourers with the temporary status and the third post will befilled from amongst other than casual labourers.(ii)In case <strong>of</strong> illiterate casual labourer or those who fail to fulfillthe minimum qualification prescribed for the post,regularization will be considered only against those posts inrespect <strong>of</strong> which literacy or lack <strong>of</strong> minimum qualification, isnot a requisite qualification.(iii) They would be allowed age relaxation equivalent to the periodfor which they have worked continuously as Casual Labourers.(iv) No age has been prescribed for grant <strong>of</strong> temporary status to theCasual Labourers. However, for the purpose <strong>of</strong> subsequentregularization, the conditions regarding age and educationalqualifications prescribed in the relevant Recruitment Rules, willapply.(v)The Casual Labourer being considered for regularisation inGroup ‘D’ post, should have been engaged through5[5] Also see Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance O.M. No. 49014/16/89-Estt.(C) dated 26-2-19906[6]Also see D.P.&T. O.M. No. 51016/2/90-Estt. (C) dated 10-9-1993<strong>Page</strong> 20 <strong>of</strong> 20

Employment Exchange. They should not be considered forappointment to regular establishment unless they getthemselves registered with the Employment Exchange andrender from the date <strong>of</strong> such registration, a minimum <strong>of</strong> 2years continuous service as Casual Labourer.(vi) On regularization in Group ‘D’ post, their pay will be fixed atthe minimum <strong>of</strong> the time scale attached to the post.2.6.5 Hon’ble Supreme Court <strong>of</strong> India in its judgement dated29.04.2002 in SLP (Civil) No. 2224/2000 in the case <strong>of</strong> Union <strong>of</strong>India & another vs. Mohan Pal etc. decided that the scheme <strong>of</strong>01.09.93 is not an ongoing scheme and the temporary status can beconferred on the casual labourers under that scheme only onfulfilling the conditions incorporated in Clause 4 <strong>of</strong> the scheme,namely they should have been casual labourers in employment onthe date <strong>of</strong> commencement <strong>of</strong> the scheme i.e. 01.09.1993 and theyshould have rendered continuous service <strong>of</strong> at least one year i.e. atleast 240 days in a year or 206 days (in case <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fices having 5 daysa week) on 01.09.1993. Those who have already been given‘temporary’ status on the assumption that it is an ongoing schemeshall not be stripped <strong>of</strong> the ‘temporary’ status pursuant to thisdecision. The Supreme Court in the above case had also consideredthe question as to whether the services <strong>of</strong> casual labourers who hadbeen given ‘temporary’ status could be dispensed with as per clause7 as if they were regular casual labourers and observed that - “Thecasual labourers who acquire ‘temporary’ status cannot be removedmerely on the whims and fancies <strong>of</strong> the employer. If there issufficient work and other casual labourers are still to be employedby the employer for carrying out the work, the casual labourers whohave acquired ‘temporary’ status shall not be removed from serviceas per clause 7 <strong>of</strong> the scheme. If there is serious misconduct orviolation <strong>of</strong> service rules, it would be open to the employer todispense with the services <strong>of</strong> a casual labourer who had acquiredthe temporary status”. 7[7]2.7 Compassionate Appointments 8[8]2.7.1 Object : The object <strong>of</strong> the Scheme is to grant appointment oncompassionate grounds to a dependent family member <strong>of</strong> agovernment servant dying in harness or who is retired on medicalgrounds, thereby leaving his family in penury and without any7[7] On the basis <strong>of</strong> the above decision <strong>of</strong> the Hon’ble Supreme Court, Department <strong>of</strong> Personnel& Training vide O.M. No. 40011/6/2002 (Estt) (C) dated 06.06.2002 issued clarification to allMinistries/Departments <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Government.8[8] (Notified by DP&T OM No. 14014/6/94-Estt(D) dated 9.10.1998)<strong>Page</strong> 21 <strong>of</strong> 21

means <strong>of</strong> livelihood, to relieve the family <strong>of</strong> the government servantconcerned from financial destitution and to help it to get over theemergency.2.7.2 To Whom ApplicableA. To a dependent family member <strong>of</strong> a government servant who:(i)Dies while in service (including death by suicide); or(ii)Is retired on medical grounds under Rule 38 <strong>of</strong> the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 or the corresponding provision inthe <strong>Central</strong> Civil Services Regulations before attainingthe age <strong>of</strong> 55 years (57 years for Group ‘D’ Governmentservants).B. Missing Government Servants: Cases <strong>of</strong> missing governmentservants are also covered under the scheme for compassionateappointment subject to the following conditions:(a)A request to grant the benefit <strong>of</strong> compassionateappointment can be considered only after a lapse <strong>of</strong> atleast 2 years from the date from which the governmentservant has been missing, provided that:(i)(ii)(iii)An FIR to this effect has been lodged with thePolice,The missing person is not traceable, andThe competent authority feels that the case isgenuine;(b) This benefit will not be applicable to the case <strong>of</strong> agovernment servant:(i) Who had less than two years to retire on the datefrom which he has been missing; or(ii) Who is suspected to have committed fraud, orsuspected to have joined any terroristorganization or suspected to have gone abroad.Note I : Dependent family member means:(a)(b)orSpouse; orSon/daughter (including adopted son/daughter);(c)Brother/sister in case <strong>of</strong> unmarried governmentservant who are wholly dependent on him/her.<strong>Page</strong> 22 <strong>of</strong> 22

2.7.3 Authority Competent to make CompassionateAppointments:The Director, CBI being Head <strong>of</strong> the Department is competentto make such appointment.2.7.4 Posts to which such appointment can be made :Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts against the direct recruitment quota.2.7.5 Determination/Availability <strong>of</strong> Vacancies(a)Appointment on compassionate grounds should be madeonly on regular basis and that too only if regularvacancies meant for that purpose are available.(b) Compassionate appointments can be made uptomaximum <strong>of</strong> 5% <strong>of</strong> vacancies falling under directrecruitment quota in any Group ‘C’ or Group ‘D’ posts.<strong>Page</strong> 23 <strong>of</strong> 23

3. IDENTITY CARDS3.1 Every Government servant shall be issued an Identity Cardwith his personal details to establish his identity whenever required.It is a very important document and should be in the personalcustody <strong>of</strong> the government servant concerned.The Identity Cards issued by CBI are <strong>of</strong> the following kind:(i)(ii)CBI Identity CardCBI Photo pass3.2 Persons to whom CBI Identity Cards are issuedCBI Identity Cards are issued to all executive and prosecutionstaff and RSO’s working in CBI. Ministerial staff <strong>of</strong> CBI are notissued CBI Identity Card. CBI Identity Cards are issued under thesignature <strong>of</strong> Administrative Officer (Accounts), CBI and countersigned by Under Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat. CBI Photo passesare issued by CBI, Head Office to all ranks in CBI 9[1] .3.3 Use <strong>of</strong> CBI Identity Cards3.3.1 CBI Identity Cards are issued in order to establish the identity<strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers holding the cards and to authorize them to seekaccess to all <strong>of</strong>fices <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government and it’s Departments,all Projects and Undertakings sponsored by the <strong>Central</strong>Government, all Defence Services Commands, Departments,Factories, all State Railway Offices, Workshops, all Ports andAerodromes etc. for the purpose <strong>of</strong> conducting enquiries. Theidentity cards are issued to the RSOs to establish their identity asRailway Officer who are on duty with the CBI for detecting cases <strong>of</strong>corruption in the Railways.3.3.2 Every identity card holder shall carry on his person hisidentity card while moving out on duty and shall produce itwhenever required to do so by any competent authority.9[1] Detailed guidelines for issue <strong>of</strong> above Identity Cards and their safe custody have beenissued by CBI, Head Office from time to time ( O.M. No.5/18/61-Est dated 30.1.1962) whichmay be followed by all the branches.<strong>Page</strong> 24 <strong>of</strong> 24

3.4 Supply <strong>of</strong> Blank Identity CardsBlank Identity Cards for all ranks will be supplied from theCBI Head Office to Branch <strong>of</strong>fices on their demand. The Branch<strong>of</strong>fices shall keep proper account <strong>of</strong> blank Identity Cards in theforms/registers prescribed for the purpose.3.5 Issue <strong>of</strong> Identity CardIdentity cards will be prepared by the branch in which theperson concerned works and sent to Head Office duly completed andverified for being signed by the competent authority. No CBI IdentityCard should be issued by CBI Branches. No CBI Identity Card willbe issued to a person not working in CBl.3.6 Safe custody <strong>of</strong> Identity Cardsafe custody.The holder <strong>of</strong> the identity card is personally responsible for its3.7 Misuse <strong>of</strong> Identity CardIdentity Cards should be made use <strong>of</strong> strictly for the purposefor which they are meant and only in the discharge <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial duties.Any misuse will be viewed seriously. Identity Cards are nottransferable. An <strong>of</strong>ficial using another person’s card will render himselfliable to disciplinary action. Depositing <strong>of</strong> Identity Card as security orotherwise and thereby allowing the card to fall in to unauthorisedhands renders an <strong>of</strong>ficial liable to disciplinary action.3.8 Loss <strong>of</strong> Identity CardIn case <strong>of</strong> loss <strong>of</strong> an Identity card, it is incumbent on the holderto report the loss immediately to the nearest Police station and at thesame time to his <strong>of</strong>fice also. On receipt <strong>of</strong> information <strong>of</strong> loss <strong>of</strong> anIdentity Card the branch <strong>of</strong>fice has to send a report to the Head Officegiving full details regarding the loss <strong>of</strong> Identity Card and further actiontaken in the matter. Branch Office should take action for issue <strong>of</strong> aduplicate Identity card after collecting the penalty and initiatedisciplinary action, if necessary against the loser. The Policeauthorities and the <strong>of</strong>fice should be informed immediately if theIdentity Card reported to have been lost is subsequently found and incase a duplicate card has in the meantime been issued, it should besent to the Head Office for cancellation.<strong>Page</strong> 25 <strong>of</strong> 25

3.9 Penalty for the loss <strong>of</strong> Identity CardPenalty charges for loss/mutilation <strong>of</strong> Identity Cards are to beimposed as per rates prescribed from time to time. The amount <strong>of</strong>penalty once recovered is not refundable. The amount <strong>of</strong> the penaltyis to be deposited in the Government Account under the head <strong>of</strong>account “XXIII-Police Misc. receipt”. In addition to the penalty fee,suitable punishment must be awarded in each case where the IdentityCards are lost on account <strong>of</strong> negligence or carelessness or due to anyavoidable fault <strong>of</strong> the owner or if the owner fails to give a satisfactoryexplanation for the loss. An entry should be made in the register asindicated above regarding the loss <strong>of</strong> the Identity Card.3.10 Withdrawal <strong>of</strong> Identity CardsOn the occurrence <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the events specified hereunder theIdentity Card issued to a member <strong>of</strong> the SPE would stand cancelledand is to be withdrawn immediately by the Branch <strong>of</strong>fice/Head Officeand sent to Head Office for cancellation. The date <strong>of</strong>reversion/retirement/ discharge/suspension/death/transfer <strong>of</strong>person concerned should be indicated in the forwarding letter(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)RetirementDischarge from ServiceSuspensionRepatriation to the parent departmentTransfer outside the BranchDeathChange <strong>of</strong> designationIn case any <strong>of</strong>ficial fails to return his Identity Card, penaltycharges may be recovered besides taking any other action asdeemed necessary.3.11 Annual Physical Verification <strong>of</strong> Identity CardsThe Identity Cards issued to the <strong>of</strong>ficers and staff should bephysically checked by a responsible <strong>of</strong>ficer not below the rank <strong>of</strong> Dy.S.P. in respect <strong>of</strong> branches and Office Superintendent in respect <strong>of</strong>Head Office. A certificate to this effect should be sent to Head Officeby the 2nd week <strong>of</strong> January every year.<strong>Page</strong> 26 <strong>of</strong> 26

3.12 Destruction <strong>of</strong> Identity CardsAll cancelled Identity Cards are to be returned to Head Officefor updating the records and destruction.3.13 Confiscation <strong>of</strong> Identity CardsThe Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police, SPE has the right to confiscatethe Identity Card <strong>of</strong> any member <strong>of</strong> the SPE <strong>of</strong>fice without any noticeor assigning any reason there<strong>of</strong>.3.14 Identity Cards to <strong>Central</strong> Government PensionersThe Government <strong>of</strong> India, Ministry <strong>of</strong> Personnel, PublicGrievances & Pensions (Department <strong>of</strong> Pension & PensionersWelfare) vide their OM No.41/21/2000-P&PW(D) dated 16.11.2000have introduced Identity Cards to the <strong>Central</strong> Governmentpensioners. Accordingly, instructions/guidelines for issue <strong>of</strong>Pensioners Identity Card to a retired/retiring employee <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong><strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> have been issued vide CBI, Head OfficeCircular No. DPAD2/2002/00158/26/3/2001 dated 06.02.2002.<strong>Page</strong> 27 <strong>of</strong> 27

4. TRAINING4.1 Training is a systematic process <strong>of</strong> developing pr<strong>of</strong>essionalknowledge, skills and inculcating right attitudes in the individualsand groups that serve the organization. It is an important segment <strong>of</strong>personnel management and if properly planned and executed,training can play a highly significant role in the optimization <strong>of</strong> theperformance <strong>of</strong> all constituents <strong>of</strong> the organization.4.2 The institutional training to the CBI Officers is mostly impartedat the CBI Academy, Ghaziabad. It is supplemented by conductingsome specialised courses at regional level and also by in-situ trainingprogrammes at the branch level and need based training to individual<strong>of</strong>ficers at reputed institutions <strong>of</strong> India and abroad 10[1] .4.3 Basic Training Course for Dy.SsP (Probationers)/SI(cadets)4.3.1 CBI academy conducts Basic Training Programme for Dy. SsP(Prob)/SI (Cadets). Training syllabus for these courses is revised asper the recommendations <strong>of</strong> the Training Review Committeeconstituted from time to time. Main thrust <strong>of</strong> the training is on thefollowing areas:(i) Basic Law and Procedure(ii) Crime investigation/supervision including application <strong>of</strong>science and technology in investigation(iii) Forensic Science and Forensic Medicine(iv) Police ethics(v) Behavioural Sciences and communication skills(vi) Knowledge <strong>of</strong> computers(vii) Drill, Physical Training, Unarmed Combat, Yoga etc.4.3.2 The Course schedule <strong>of</strong> the Basic Training is as below:Dy. SsPSIs1 Institutional Training with 7 Months 7 MonthsCBI Academy(Phase-I)2 Attachment with Local Police 9 weeks 9 weeks3 Attachment with CBI Branch 9 weeks 9 weeks4 Institutional Training at CBI 15 weeks 10 weeksAcademy (Phase-II)5 Bharat Darshan (Educational 2 weeks --10[1] See Annexure -V for different courses conducted by the Academy, target <strong>of</strong>ficers &duration.<strong>Page</strong> 28 <strong>of</strong> 28

Tour)TOTAL 1 year &14weeks1 year & 7weeks4.3.3 The objectives <strong>of</strong> the Basic Training Programme are:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)To generate pr<strong>of</strong>essional knowledge and skills in thenewly inducted <strong>of</strong>ficers to enable them to conduct indepthinvestigation <strong>of</strong> the cases.To orient the <strong>of</strong>ficers to the core values and work culture<strong>of</strong> CBI.To sensitize them to the needs and expectations <strong>of</strong> thesociety and to cultivate right attitude among them.To ensure high level <strong>of</strong> physical fitness to withstand therigour and strain <strong>of</strong> duties within the CBI.4.4 Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Performance <strong>of</strong> Course TraineesPerformance <strong>of</strong> the Basic Course Trainee is evaluated throughexamination, project works and field training. Besides, periodicalknowledge checks are conducted through quizzes, presentations,group and individual tasks etc. These are used for mid-term trainingreviews, identification <strong>of</strong> trainees requiring special attention and fortaking correctional steps there<strong>of</strong>. The distribution <strong>of</strong> marks toevaluate the overall performance <strong>of</strong> the Dy.SsP(Prob.) and SI (Cadets)is as under:Dy.SP(Prob)SI(Cadets)Sl.No.Exams TotalMarksSl.No.Exams TotalMarks1 Marks <strong>of</strong> Phase-I 850 1 Marks <strong>of</strong> Phase-I 7502 Marks <strong>of</strong> Phase- 250 2 Marks <strong>of</strong> Phase- 250IIII3 Assessment <strong>of</strong> 80 3 Assessment <strong>of</strong> 80PracticalTrainingPracticalTraining4 Academy Head’s 20 4 Academy Head’s 20AssessmentAssessmentTotal 1200 Total 1100<strong>Page</strong> 29 <strong>of</strong> 29

4.5 Assessment4.5.1 The basis for assessment <strong>of</strong> practical training is the performance <strong>of</strong>the trainees during the attachment with the State Police and CBIBranches, which is based on the following parameters :(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)PunctualityDiscipline/ConductAptitude/PotentialPerformance in Malkhana and D.O.Performance in Crime SectionPerformance during attachment with I.O.Performance during attachment with Public ProsecutorPerformance during attachment with the PresentingOfficerComments <strong>of</strong> Branch SP about overall performanceduring branch training4.5.2 The Academy Head’s Assessment is done at the end <strong>of</strong> the BasicTraining. The following factors shall be taken into consideration forassessment:(a)(b)(c)Attendance.Discipline, conduct and turnout during (i) Parade (ii) Indoorwork (iii) Mess Manners (iv) Social etiquette and manners and(v) team work.Participation in training viz. (i) discussions in the class, (ii)assignments during case studies, individual presentation and(iii) participation in games and extra curricular activities(hobbies, cultural activities etc.).4.5.3 The inter-se seniority <strong>of</strong> the trainees is decided by the order <strong>of</strong> meritin the selection list at the time <strong>of</strong> recruitment and the same is not effected byhis/her training performance.4.5.4 Besides the above, the awards for best all round performance, bestindoor trainee and best outdoor trainee are given at the time <strong>of</strong> passing outparade.4.6 Basic Training Course for Constables4.6.1 The newly recruited Constables are imparted basic training for 6months. The objectives <strong>of</strong> the basic training are :<strong>Page</strong> 30 <strong>of</strong> 30

(i)To acquaint the recruits with the basic features <strong>of</strong> laws andprocedures relating to CBI working, organization andadministration, police behaviour, police science etc.(ii)To impart knowledge in the areas related to jobs performed bythe Constables <strong>of</strong> CBI like assistance in search, seizure, arrest,custody, trap, interrogation, handling, packing and forwarding<strong>of</strong> packages etc.(iii)To impart basic skills in first aid, driving, handling <strong>of</strong>equipment and other related areas <strong>of</strong> branch functioning.(iv)To make the recruits achieve high level <strong>of</strong> fitness, mentalalertness and ability to withstand stress and strain.(v)To inculcate the spirit <strong>of</strong> team work, discipline and obedience.4.6.2 In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives, the trainingis conducted in both indoor and outdoor subjects. At the end <strong>of</strong> thecourse, a final examination is conducted for which the minimumprescribed pass marks in each subject is 40%.4.7 Induction and Orientation Courses4.7.1 Apart from the long-term basic courses described above in theprevious paragraphs, mid-term and short-term entry level courses areconducted soon after the appointment <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> various ranks(direct recruitment or through deputation). The objectives <strong>of</strong> thesecourses are :-(i)To enhance the pr<strong>of</strong>essional knowledge and skills <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficersto enable them to contribute to the organizational objectives.(ii)To orient the <strong>of</strong>ficers to the core values and work culture <strong>of</strong> theorganization.(iii)To sensitize the <strong>of</strong>ficers to the needs and expectations <strong>of</strong> thesociety from the organization and to cultivate the right attitude.4.7.2 The performance <strong>of</strong> the trainees in these courses is constantlyevaluated through group and individual tasks, periodical knowledgechecks, syndicate studies and presentations and finally through end <strong>of</strong>the course written examinations.4.8 Short-term In-Service Courses<strong>Page</strong> 31 <strong>of</strong> 31

In-service and short term courses <strong>of</strong> one or two weeks duration areconducted by the Academy for the benefit <strong>of</strong> In-service <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> CBI,State Police, Anti-Corruption <strong>Bureau</strong>, Vigilance Departments <strong>of</strong> PublicSector Enterprises and Nationalised Banks. Courses are organized inall the areas concerning the functions <strong>of</strong> CBI, namely, Anti-Corruption,Economic Offences, Conventional and Terrorist Crimes, Scientific<strong>Investigation</strong>, Conducting <strong>of</strong> Departmental Enquiries, Vigilance, CyberCrime, Computer Courses and <strong>of</strong>fice management. In addition,Refresher Courses are organized at periodical intervals for Executiveranks, Law Officers and Ministerial cadre for the purpose <strong>of</strong> updatingtheir knowledge and skills, to equip them with the recent developmentsin the area <strong>of</strong> functioning, to re-orient them with the organizationalgoals and objectives and to tune them to the expectations <strong>of</strong> thegovernment, judiciary and the society. Besides, Seminars/Workshopsand Vertical Interaction Courses are organised for the senior <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong>the rank <strong>of</strong> SsP and above.4.9 Nomination to the training courses conducted by the CBIAcademyThe Branch SsP are required to ensure that the training needs <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>ficers and men working under them are totally fulfilled. The AnnualTraining Calendar is prepared and circulated by the CBI Academylisting the various training programmes proposed to be conducted in acalendar year. The Branch SsP are expected to nominate their <strong>of</strong>ficerswell in advance so that their requests can be processed timely andconfirmation can be made. At the time <strong>of</strong> nomination, it should beensured that the proposed training is directly relevant to the jobperformed and helpful in pr<strong>of</strong>essional development <strong>of</strong> the trainee.4.10 Sponsored CoursesIn order to ensure inter-institutional and international trainingcooperation, CBI Academy hosts training courses for the police <strong>of</strong>ficers<strong>of</strong> India and other countries in various areas concerning crimeinvestigation. These courses are sponsored by the Government, theBPR&D or the foreign police organizations.4.11 Training Outside CBI Academy4.11.1 Need-based and cost effective training is provided to CBIOfficers from time to time at reputed institutions in India and abroad.Nominations received for the other institutions <strong>of</strong> the country areprocessed by the CBI Academy. Nominations <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> therank <strong>of</strong> SP and above are approved by the DCBI & the other Gazetted<strong>Page</strong> 32 <strong>of</strong> 32

Officers by the JD(Admn.) and <strong>of</strong> the Non-Gazetted Officers by theDIG(Trg.).4.11.2 Deputation <strong>of</strong> Police <strong>of</strong>ficers on training courses in foreigncountries is mostly co-ordinated by the <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> Police Research andDevelopment which circulates a list <strong>of</strong> such courses. The Academyfurther circulates the courses and seeks nominations from the eligible<strong>of</strong>ficers. These are then scrutinised by a Committee at the CBI HeadOffice and submitted for approval <strong>of</strong> the DCBI. The names <strong>of</strong> theapproved <strong>of</strong>ficers are forwarded to the <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> Police Research andDevelopment (BPR&D). Sometimes nominations are sought directly bythe Ministry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs (MHA) or DoPT.4.12 Training Methodology4.12.1 A periodic training needs analysis is conducted by the Academyfor determining the training methodology and design <strong>of</strong> the coursecurriculum. In the initial phases <strong>of</strong> basic courses, the method <strong>of</strong>teaching is pedagogical, keeping in view the low level <strong>of</strong> freshentrants. Thereafter, the lectures are supplemented bydemonstrations, role plays, simulations, case studies, practicalexercises and field visits. After the trainees acquire the basicknowledge in the area <strong>of</strong> functioning <strong>of</strong> CBI, they are sent forpractical training in the field. After their return from the field forsecond phase <strong>of</strong> training, emphasis is laid on individual and groupexercises, projects, group discussions, syndicate studies andpresentations, analysis <strong>of</strong> case studies, etc. Class room lectures arelimited to the minimum extent possible at this stage.4.12.1 The Outdoor training is an essential course input. The level <strong>of</strong>intensity and complexity <strong>of</strong> outdoor inputs is constantly increased asthe training progresses.4.12.2 The methodology for the training <strong>of</strong> supervisory level <strong>of</strong>ficers ismostly through workshops, seminars, syndicate studies, analysis <strong>of</strong>case studies, presentations and experience sharing.4.12.3 For the investigating <strong>of</strong>ficers and the law <strong>of</strong>ficers, the trainingmethodologies adopted are lectures, demonstrations, field visits,Group and Individual exercises, group discussions, analysis <strong>of</strong> casestudies, syndicate studies and presentations.4.12.4 For the ministerial and lower subordinate staff the trainingmethodology is mostly through lecture, demonstrations, field visits,practical exercises, simulations and role play.<strong>Page</strong> 33 <strong>of</strong> 33

4.13 Training Research and Development CellTraining research is one <strong>of</strong> the core training activities. Assessing thetraining needs <strong>of</strong> all ranks in CBI with the active association <strong>of</strong> field <strong>of</strong>ficers,preparation and revision <strong>of</strong> course designs, preparation and distribution <strong>of</strong>reading material, analysis <strong>of</strong> feed back and post training impact evaluationetc. are some <strong>of</strong> the activities performed by this Cell. Branch SsP areexpected to provide active support for performing the tasks by the TrainingResearch and Development Cell by providing it with the required data. Theinputs from the Training Research & Development Cell forms the main basisfor determining the training methodology.<strong>Page</strong> 34 <strong>of</strong> 34

5. SERVICE RECORDS5.1 Service book is a record <strong>of</strong> every event occurring in the <strong>of</strong>ficiallife <strong>of</strong> a government servant. It has to be maintained for everygovernment servant holding a permanent or a temporary postexcept for those who are not likely to be in service for more thanone year or those holding non pensionable service (SRs 196 and197).5.2 Service book in form MSO(T)-27 (Revised) must be opened forall government servants from the date <strong>of</strong> entry into service and isto be maintained till he ceases to be in service. Service book alsocontains certain entries about events prior to entry into theservice. Entries at this stage are to be recorded very carefully afterconsulting the original certificates. Once the service book isopened and the entries at the initial stage recorded, other entriesalso have to be recorded as and when the events take place.Entries regarding confirmation, suspension, reduction in rank,withholding <strong>of</strong> increments, recovery <strong>of</strong> loss, leave without pay,service break, award <strong>of</strong> President Police Medal/Indian Police Medaletc., should be made in red ink. Service book must be kept in safecustody.5.3 All the entries made in the service book should be dulyattested. There should not be erasing or overwriting in the servicebook. Corrections, if any, should be neatly done and properlyattested. The Head <strong>of</strong> Offices are permitted to delegate powers tosubordinate Gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficers under them, to attest entries in theservice books except their own service book for which the Head <strong>of</strong>Offices are responsible (SR-199).5.4 In CBI, different posts are filled by deputation as well as directrecruitment/promotion etc. In so far as the deputationists areconcerned, service books in prescribed format <strong>of</strong> the parentdepartment are transferred to CBI and entries with regard to theevents during the tenure <strong>of</strong> their deputation are to be recorded bythe concerned <strong>of</strong>fice at the appropriate place/part/column.5.5 To eliminate delay in payment <strong>of</strong> pension, it shall be theresponsibility <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer maintaining the service book to makeannual verification and also complete and certify the service bookin respect <strong>of</strong> previous service in the twenty fifth year <strong>of</strong> service or 5years before retirement, whichever is less. The orders <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Page</strong> 35 <strong>of</strong> 35

competent authority, where required on the nature <strong>of</strong> service (e.g.period <strong>of</strong> leave, break in service etc.) should be obtained andrecorded in the service book. Unless otherwise shown in theservice book, it will be presumed that orders <strong>of</strong> the competentauthority have been obtained and period <strong>of</strong> extraordinary leave,period <strong>of</strong> preceding breaks in service will be counted for pension.If any lapse or omission in observing this procedure results inoverpayment, suitable disciplinary action will be taken against theauthorities concerned. (Rule 32 <strong>of</strong> CCS (Pension) Rules).5.6 Maintenance <strong>of</strong> Service Book5.6.1 5.6.1 Service Book contains two volumes:-Vol.I has four parts and Appendix containing leave account.Part-I: Contains bio data and photograph.Part-II: Deals with certificates and attestation.Part-III: Records previous qualifying service and foreign service.Part-IV: Deals with the history and verification <strong>of</strong> service.Vol.II contains all the service documents which are to be certified andattested in Part-II <strong>of</strong> Vol.I.5.6.2 Following entries / certificates are to be recorded in the servicebook at the time <strong>of</strong> first appointment and attested by the Head <strong>of</strong> Officeor any other <strong>of</strong>ficer duly authorised.(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)Employee has been medically examined and found fit.His/her character and antecedents have been verified.He/she has furnished declaration <strong>of</strong> his/her not havingcontracted bigamous marriage.He/she has taken the oath <strong>of</strong> allegiance/affirmation to theConstitution.He/she has furnished the declaration <strong>of</strong> home town which hasbeen accepted.The correctness <strong>of</strong> the entries against the following items <strong>of</strong>Part-I. Bio-data has been verified from original certificatesfurnished as valid documentary evidence for the respectivepurpose.- Whether a member <strong>of</strong> SC/ST.- Date <strong>of</strong> birth by Christian era and wherever possible alsoin Saka era (both in words and figures).- Educational qualifications.<strong>Page</strong> 36 <strong>of</strong> 36

(vii)Pr<strong>of</strong>essional and technical qualification not covered byabove 11[1] .- He/she has filed nominations for GPF and relatedentries have been furnished to the Account Office onvarious dates.- He/she has furnished details <strong>of</strong> the familymembers.- He/she has filed nominations for Death/RetirementGratuity.5.6.3 Events requiring entries in the Service Book 12[2] :(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)(x)(xi)Entries at the time <strong>of</strong> initial appointment.Occurrence <strong>of</strong> events involving a change in the post, station,<strong>of</strong>fice, scale <strong>of</strong> pay, nature <strong>of</strong> appointment, promotion,reversion, deputation, transfer on foreign service, increment,leave suspension and other forms <strong>of</strong> interruption in service.Events like stoppage <strong>of</strong> increment.Grant <strong>of</strong> personal pay for adopting family planning norms.Grant <strong>of</strong> special leave/Paternity leave.Membership <strong>of</strong> CBI Benevolent Fund.Facts <strong>of</strong> availing LTC either by Government servant or member<strong>of</strong> his family.Grant <strong>of</strong> encashment <strong>of</strong> leave during service.Allotment <strong>of</strong> GPF account number.Deputation/repatriation/absorption.Confirmation at the initial grade.5.6.4 Documents to be placed in Volume - II <strong>of</strong> the Service Book 13[3] :(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)(x)Relaxation <strong>of</strong> age, educational qualification (authenticated/attested copy).Report regarding verification <strong>of</strong> character and antecedents(original).Medical certificate <strong>of</strong> fitness (original).Declaration <strong>of</strong> marital status (original).Acceptance <strong>of</strong> Home Town declaration (signed/attested copy).Oath/affirmation <strong>of</strong> allegiance.Nomination for PF, DCRG, CGEGIS, Benevolent Fund.Details <strong>of</strong> Family (Signed/attested copy).Order regarding change <strong>of</strong> date <strong>of</strong> birth (authenticated/attested).Change <strong>of</strong> name (original).11[1]Also see G.I., MF, O.M. No. 3(2).E IV(A), dtd. 14.03.7612[2]Also see G.O.I., MF, O.M. No. 3(v)-E IV(A), dtd. 11.03.7613[3]Also see G.I., DP&AR, O.M. No. 28034/35/76-Estt.(A) dtd. 19.01.1977<strong>Page</strong> 37 <strong>of</strong> 37

(xi) Change in home town / permanent home address (once inservice life).(xii) Attested copies <strong>of</strong> certificates <strong>of</strong> age and educationqualification.(xiii) Condonation <strong>of</strong> break in service.(xiv) Collateral evidence in respect <strong>of</strong> first service.5.6.5 Leave AccountA leave account shall be maintained in the prescribed form foreach government servant and must be kept with the service book withup to date account (Rule 15 <strong>of</strong> CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972).5.6.6 Annual Verification <strong>of</strong> ServiceAt a fixed time, immediately after financial year is over, theservice book shall be taken up for verification by the Head <strong>of</strong> Office,Annual Verification entry has to be recorded very carefully afterconsulting the Pay Bill Register. When the government servant istransferred from one <strong>of</strong>fice to another, the Head <strong>of</strong> the Office underwhom he was originally posted/worked should record the verification<strong>of</strong> service in respect <strong>of</strong> the whole period or a month/date upto whichpay and allowance <strong>of</strong> a government servant were drawn inter alia uptothe period for which the government servant was paid in his <strong>of</strong>fice(GFR-81).5.7 CGEGI Scheme - Form No. 13 to be pasted in the Service Book5.7.1 Every year in the month <strong>of</strong> January the Head <strong>of</strong> Office willrecord a certificate in column 7 in the following form:“Subscription @ Rs. _______ appropriate to group _____ <strong>of</strong> thescheme recovered from Pay & Allowances for the period from January____ to Dec. _____.”5.7.2 All other events in the nature <strong>of</strong> promotion, transfers ondeputation / foreign service, absorption in PSU/Autonomous bodies,retirement etc. occurring during the service career <strong>of</strong> the member <strong>of</strong>the scheme shall also be recorded in the appropriate column No. 6 <strong>of</strong>the form duly attested [GI (8) - SR 199].5.8 Inspection <strong>of</strong> Service BookEvery Head <strong>of</strong> Office has to initiate action to show the servicebook to the government servant concerned every year and to obtain<strong>Page</strong> 38 <strong>of</strong> 38

his signature there in token <strong>of</strong> their having inspected / seen theService Book (SR 202).5.9 Supply <strong>of</strong> copies <strong>of</strong> Service BookGovernment servant who asks for a certified copy <strong>of</strong> the servicebook on quitting service on retirement, discharge or resignation maybe supplied with the same on payment <strong>of</strong> Rs. 5/- as copying fee.5.10 Alteration in Date <strong>of</strong> Birth 14[4]An alteration <strong>of</strong> date <strong>of</strong> birth <strong>of</strong> a government servant can bemade, with the sanction <strong>of</strong> the Ministry or Department concerned <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Central</strong> Government under which the government servant isserving, if :(i)The request for alteration <strong>of</strong> the date <strong>of</strong> birth is madewithin a period <strong>of</strong> 5 years <strong>of</strong> his entry into governmentservice.(ii)It is clearly established that a bonafide clerical mistakehas occurred and should be rectified.(iii)The date <strong>of</strong> birth so altered would not make himineligible to appear in any School or University or UPSCexamination in which he had appeared at suchexamination or on the date on which he entered thegovernment service.5.10.1 Belated Claims for Alteration in date <strong>of</strong> birth to berejected:The Government policy regarding rejection <strong>of</strong> belated claim foralteration in date <strong>of</strong> birth has been reinforced by the observationsmade by the Supreme Court in the judgement in Civil Appeal No. 502<strong>of</strong> 1993 (Union <strong>of</strong> India vs. Harnam Singh). This position has to bekept in view while considering any request from a government servantfor alteration in his date <strong>of</strong> birth. In other words, it will not beappropriate to consider any request for alteration in date <strong>of</strong> birth ifthe conditions stipulated in Note below FR 56 are not strictly fulfilled.14[4]Also see FR 56 - Note 6<strong>Page</strong> 39 <strong>of</strong> 39

5.11 NominationsNominations under different rules are required to be obtainedon prescribed forms. It has to be ensured that the nominations arenot only filled in properly and signed by government servant concernedbut are authenticated / accepted by the <strong>of</strong>ficer so authorised for thepurpose. In order to ensure that nominations <strong>of</strong> the concernedemployee have been obtained, a list may be maintained in the followingformat and can be kept in the Service Book for periodical checking.Sr.No.Name&Design.Date <strong>of</strong>postingin the<strong>of</strong>ficeValid nomination / declarationGPF DCRG CGEGIS BenevolentFundHomeTownDetails<strong>of</strong>Family<strong>Page</strong> 40 <strong>of</strong> 40

6. CONFIRMATION6.1 As per the present instructions <strong>of</strong> the government, confirmationwill be made only once in the service <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficial which will be inthe entry grade. However, if a government servant is appointed toanother post by direct recruitment either in the same departmentor a different department, it will be necessary to consider him forconfirmation in the new post in which he has been appointed bydirect recruitment irrespective <strong>of</strong> the fact that the <strong>of</strong>ficer washolding the earlier post on a substantive basis.6.2 A person appointed against a permanent post as a directrecruit with definite conditions <strong>of</strong> probation is to be confirmed inthe grade with effect from the date on which he successfullycompletes the period <strong>of</strong> probation. The decision whether heshould be confirmed or his probation extended should be takensoon after the expiry <strong>of</strong> the initial probationary period, i.e.ordinarily within 6 to 8 weeks and communicated to the employeetogether with the reasons in the case <strong>of</strong> extension.6.3 Both confirmation and denial <strong>of</strong> confirmation involveassessment <strong>of</strong> the work done by the <strong>of</strong>ficer concerned and suchassessment can best be done by the DPC. Before confirming aperson, integrity clearance should always be obtained from thevigilance unit <strong>of</strong> the Ministry/Department concerned. In the case<strong>of</strong> confirmation, the DPC should not determine the relative merit<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers but it should assess the <strong>of</strong>ficers as ‘Fit’ or ‘Not yet fit’ forconfirmation in their turn on the basis <strong>of</strong> their performance in thepost as assessed with reference to their service record.6.4 The Union Public Service Commission need not be associatedwith a Departmental Promotion Committee constituted forconsidering the cases <strong>of</strong> confirmation <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers. The proceedings<strong>of</strong> the DPC which considered the confirmation <strong>of</strong> Group ‘A’ <strong>of</strong>ficers,should, however, be sent to the Commission for their approval.While doing so, the cases <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers not considered fit forconfirmation along with their records should be specificallyreferred to the Commission for their approval.6.5 As regards consideration <strong>of</strong> cases for confirmation <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficersunder suspension or in respect <strong>of</strong> whom disciplinary/criminalcases are pending the same procedure, which is followed by the<strong>Page</strong> 41 <strong>of</strong> 41

DPC in respect <strong>of</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong> government servants under cloud,should be followed.6.6 If the Recruitment Rules do not prescribe any probation onpromotion post, an <strong>of</strong>ficer promoted on regular basis will have allthe benefits that a person confirmed in that grade would have.Where probation is prescribed, the appointing authority will oncompletion <strong>of</strong> the prescribed period <strong>of</strong> probation assess the workand conduct <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer himself and in case the conclusion isthat the <strong>of</strong>ficer is fit to hold the higher grade, he will pass an orderdeclaring that the person concerned has successfully completedthe probation. If the appointing authority considers that the work<strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer has not been satisfactory or needs to be watched forsome more time, he may revert him to the post or grade fromwhich he was promoted, or extend the period <strong>of</strong> probation, as thecase may be.6.7 Passing <strong>of</strong> typewriting test for persons appointed as LDC bypromotion from Group ‘D’ or by direct recruitment through SSC orotherwise or by other methods including appointment oncompassionate grounds etc. is compulsory for confirmation unlessthey are exempted from passing the typewriting test. They wouldbe eligible for regularisation/confirmation in LDC grade from adate not earlier than the date <strong>of</strong> exemption or the date <strong>of</strong> the testat which they passed the typing test, as the case may be.<strong>Page</strong> 42 <strong>of</strong> 42

7. SENIORITY7.1 Fixation <strong>of</strong> Seniority on Appointment and Promotion is a veryimportant function <strong>of</strong> the Establishment Section. Correct seniorityfixation facilitates smooth functioning <strong>of</strong> the organization and avoidsunnecessary litigation.7.2 Seniority to be determined by the order <strong>of</strong> merit indicatedat the time <strong>of</strong> initial appointment7.2.1 The seniority <strong>of</strong> government servants is determined inaccordance with the general principles <strong>of</strong> seniority contained inM.H.A. O.M. No.9/11/55-RPS, dated the 22nd December, 1959 asamended from time to time. One <strong>of</strong> the basic principles enunciated inthe said OM is that, seniority follows confirmation and consequentlypermanent <strong>of</strong>ficers in each grade shall rank senior to those who are<strong>of</strong>ficiating in that grade.7.2.2 This principle came under judicial scrutiny in a number <strong>of</strong>cases in the past. In one <strong>of</strong> the important judgments delivered by theApex Court on 2.5.1990, in the case <strong>of</strong> Class II Direct RecruitsEngineering Officers' Association Vs. State <strong>of</strong> Maharashtra, the Courtheld that once an incumbent is appointed to a post according to arule, seniority has to be counted from the date <strong>of</strong> his appointment andnot according to the date <strong>of</strong> confirmation.7.2.3 Accordingly, in modification <strong>of</strong> the 1959 OM the seniority <strong>of</strong> aperson regularly appointed to a post is now determined by the order <strong>of</strong>merit indicated at the time <strong>of</strong> initial appointment and is not based onthe date <strong>of</strong> confirmation.7.3 Seniority <strong>of</strong> Direct Recruits and Promotees7.3.1 The relative seniority <strong>of</strong> all direct recruits is determined by theorder <strong>of</strong> merit in which they are selected for such appointment on therecommendations <strong>of</strong> the UPSC or other selecting authority. Personsappointed as a result <strong>of</strong> an earlier selection will be senior to thoseappointed as a result <strong>of</strong> a subsequent selection.7.3.2 Where promotions are made on the basis <strong>of</strong> selection by a DPC,the seniority <strong>of</strong> such promotees shall be in the order in which they arerecommended for such promotion by the Committee. Wherepromotions are made on the basis <strong>of</strong> seniority, subject to the rejection<strong>of</strong> the unfit, the seniority <strong>of</strong> persons considered fit for promotion at thesame time shall be the same as the relative seniority in the lower grade<strong>Page</strong> 43 <strong>of</strong> 43

from which they are promoted. Where, however, a person isconsidered unfit for promotion and is superseded by a junior, suchpersons shall not, if he is subsequently found suitable and promoted,take seniority in the higher grade over the junior persons who hadsuperseded him.7.3.3 Where persons recruited or promoted initially on a temporarybasis are confirmed subsequently in an order different from the order<strong>of</strong> merit indicated at the time <strong>of</strong> their appointment, seniority would bedetermined by the order <strong>of</strong> merit indicated at the time <strong>of</strong> initialappointment and not according to the date <strong>of</strong> confirmation.7.3.4 The relative seniority <strong>of</strong> direct recruits and <strong>of</strong> promotees shallbe determined according to the rotation <strong>of</strong> vacancies between directrecruits and promotees which shall be based on the quota <strong>of</strong> vacanciesreserved for direct recruitment and promotion respectively in theRecruitment Rules.7.3.5 If adequate number <strong>of</strong> direct recruits do not become availablein any particular year, rotation <strong>of</strong> quotas for the purpose <strong>of</strong>determining seniority would take place only to the extent <strong>of</strong> theavailable direct recruits and the promotees.7.4 Seniority <strong>of</strong> Absorbees7.4.1 The relative seniority <strong>of</strong> persons appointed by absorption to a<strong>Central</strong> service from the subordinate <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Governmentor other departments <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> or a State Government willnormally be counted from the date <strong>of</strong> absorption. If he has, however,been holding already (on the date <strong>of</strong> absorption) the same orequivalent grade on regular basis in his parent department, suchregular service in the grade shall also be taken into account in fixinghis seniority, subject to the condition that he will be given seniorityfrom the date he has been holding the post on deputation or the datefrom which he has been appointed on a regular basis to the same orequivalent grade in his parent department whichever is earlier.7.4.2 Where such absorption is effected against specific quotasprescribed in the Recruitment Rules, the relative seniority <strong>of</strong> suchabsorbees vis-a-vis direct recruits or promotees shall be determinedaccording to the rotation <strong>of</strong> vacancies which shall be based on thequotas reserved for absorption, direct recruitment and promotionrespectively in the Recruitment Rules.7.4.3 Where a person is appointed by absorption in accordance withthe provisions in the Recruitment Rules providing for such absorptionin the event <strong>of</strong> non-availability <strong>of</strong> suitable candidate by directrecruitment or promotion, such absorbee shall be grouped with direct<strong>Page</strong> 44 <strong>of</strong> 44

ecruits or promotees, as the case may be. He shall be ranked belowall direct recruits or promotees, as the case may be, selected on thesame occasion.7.4.4 In case the dates <strong>of</strong> absorption <strong>of</strong> two or more persons, selectedfrom different sources on the same occasion are the same and theseniority is given from the date <strong>of</strong> absorption, then their inter-seseniority will be determined in accordance with their inter-se order <strong>of</strong>merit 15[1] .7.5 Seniority in Special Types <strong>of</strong> Cases7.5.1 Fixation <strong>of</strong> seniority <strong>of</strong> a government servant reverted to alower post/grade/service as a measure <strong>of</strong> penalty andsubsequently promoted to a higher postIn cases where a government servant is reduced to a lowerservice, grade or post, or to a lower time-scale, the order imposing thepenalty <strong>of</strong> reduction to a lower service, grade or post or to a lowertime-scale may or may not specify the period <strong>of</strong> reduction. Where theorder does not specify the period <strong>of</strong> reduction and there is coupledwith it an order declaring the government servant permanently unfitfor promotion, the question <strong>of</strong> re-promotion will, obviously, not arise.In other cases where the period <strong>of</strong> reduction is not specified, thegovernment servant should be deemed to be reduced for an indefiniteperiod, i.e., such date as, on the basis <strong>of</strong> his performance subsequentto the order <strong>of</strong> reduction, he may be considered fit for promotion. Onre-promotion the seniority <strong>of</strong> such a government servant should bedetermined by the date <strong>of</strong> promotion. In all such cases, the personloses his original seniority in the higher service, grade or post inentirety. On re-promotion, the seniority <strong>of</strong> such a government servantshould be determined by the date <strong>of</strong> re-promotion irrespective <strong>of</strong> theservice rendered by him in such service, grade or post prior to hisreduction.7.5.2 The more common course is to specify the period <strong>of</strong> reductionand except when it is intended to debar a government servant frompromotion permanently, it is the preferable course. An order imposingthe penalty or reduction to a lower service, grade or post or to a lowertime scale should invariably specify:(i) the period <strong>of</strong> reduction, unless the clear intention is that thereduction should be permanent or for an indefinite period.15[1] See judgment dated 14.12.1999 <strong>of</strong> Apex court in case <strong>of</strong> Sh.Rooplal & others vs.Lt.Governor <strong>of</strong> Delhi and also DP&T OM No.20011/1/2000-Estt.(D) dated 27.03.2001<strong>Page</strong> 45 <strong>of</strong> 45

(ii) whether on such re-promotion, the government servant willregain his original seniority in the higher service, grade or post orhigher time-scale which had been assigned to him prior to theimposition <strong>of</strong> the penalty.7.5.3 In cases where the reduction is for a specified period and is notto operate to postpone future increments, the seniority <strong>of</strong> thegovernment servant may, unless the terms <strong>of</strong> the order <strong>of</strong>punishment, provide otherwise, be fixed in the higher service, gradeor post or the higher time-scale at what it would have been but for hisreduction.7.5.4 Where the reduction is for a specified period and is to operateto postpone future increments, the seniority <strong>of</strong> the governmentservant on re-promotion may, unless the terms <strong>of</strong> the order <strong>of</strong>punishment provide otherwise, be fixed by giving credit for the period<strong>of</strong> service rendered by him in the higher service, grade or post orhigher time-scale.7.6 Fixation <strong>of</strong> inter-se seniority <strong>of</strong> the staff rendered surplusand re-deployed on different occasions but in the same<strong>of</strong>fice7.6.1 When an employee is declared surplus in a particular grade inan <strong>of</strong>fice and is re-deployed in a grade in another <strong>of</strong>fice, he is notallowed to count his service in his previous <strong>of</strong>fice towards seniority inthe <strong>of</strong>fice where he is re-deployed 16[2] . Such employees are to betreated as fresh entrants in the matter <strong>of</strong> their seniority, promotionetc.7.6.2 When two or more surplus employees <strong>of</strong> a particular grade inan <strong>of</strong>fice are selected on different dates for absorption in a grade inanother <strong>of</strong>fice, their inter se seniority in the latter <strong>of</strong>fice will be sameas in their previous <strong>of</strong>fice provided that-(i) (i) No direct recruit has been selected forappointment to that grade in between these dates; and(ii) (ii) If there are no fixed quotas for direct recruitmentand promotion to the grade in question in the new <strong>of</strong>ficeand no promotee has been approved for appointment tothat grade in between these dates.7.6.3 When two or more surplus employees <strong>of</strong> a particular grade inan <strong>of</strong>fice are simultaneously selected for re-deployment in another<strong>of</strong>fice in a grade, their inter-se seniority in the particular grade, on16[2]MHA OM No. 9/11/55-RPS, dated the 22nd December, 1959.<strong>Page</strong> 46 <strong>of</strong> 46

deployment in the latter <strong>of</strong>fice, would be the same as it was in theirprevious <strong>of</strong>fice.7.6.4 The above orders would not be applicable in respect <strong>of</strong>personnel who are appointed on the recommendations <strong>of</strong> the UPSC toposts/services, to which recruitment is made through theCommission. Seniority <strong>of</strong> surplus <strong>of</strong>ficers appointed on therecommendations <strong>of</strong> the Commission will be decided on merits inconsultation with the Commission 17[3] .7.7 No loss <strong>of</strong> seniority <strong>of</strong> promoted SC/ST employees byvirtue <strong>of</strong> rule <strong>of</strong> reservation/roster7.7.1 The seniority <strong>of</strong> a person appointed to a post is determinedaccording to the general Principle 5 (i) contained in MHA O.M.No.9/11/55-RPS dated 22.12.1959 and Para 2.2 in DoP&T O.M.No.22011/7/86-Estt. (D) dated 3.7.1986 read with DP&T, O.M.No.20011/5/90-Estt. (D) dated 4.11.1992. Seniority <strong>of</strong> such personsis determined by the order <strong>of</strong> merit indicated at the time <strong>of</strong> initialappointment and seniority <strong>of</strong> persons promoted to various grades isdetermined in the order <strong>of</strong> selection for such promotion. Thus, as perthe aforementioned instructions, persons appointed through anearlier selection would en bloc be senior to those promoted throughsubsequent selection.7.7.2. This position was reviewed subsequent to the judgment <strong>of</strong> theSupreme Court, dated 10.10.1995 in the case <strong>of</strong> Union <strong>of</strong> India v.Virpal Singh Chauhan, etc. [JT 1995 (7) SC 231] and it was decidedvide DP&T, O.M. No.20011/1/96-Estt.(D), dated 30.1.1997, to modifythe then existing policy by addition <strong>of</strong> the proviso to general Principle5 (i) contained in MHA (now DP&T), O.M. No.9/11/55-RPS, dated22.12.1959 and Para 2.2 in DP&T, O.M. No.22011/7/86-Estt.(D),dated 3.7.1986, which stipulated that if a candidate belonging to theScheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribe is promoted to an immediatehigher post/grade against a reserved vacancy earlier than his seniorgeneral/OBC candidate who is promoted later to the said immediatehigher post/grade, the general/OBC candidate will regain hisseniority over such earlier promoted candidate <strong>of</strong> the Scheduled Casteand the Scheduled Tribe in the immediate higher post/grade.7.7.3. The Government have now decided to negate the effects <strong>of</strong> theDoP&T, O.M., dated the 30th January, 1997 by amending Article16(4-A) <strong>of</strong> the Constitution right from the date <strong>of</strong> its inclusion in theConstitution, i.e., 17th June, 1995, with a view to allow thegovernment servants belonging to SCs/STs to retain the seniority inthe case <strong>of</strong> promotion by virtue <strong>of</strong> rule <strong>of</strong> reservation. In other words,17[3]Also see G.O.I., M.H.A. O.M. Nos. 10/1/63-Estt(D), dated the 30 November, 1963 and9/22/68-Estt.(D), dated the 6th February, 1969.<strong>Page</strong> 47 <strong>of</strong> 47

the candidates belonging to general/OBC category promoted later willbe placed junior to the SC/ST government servants promoted earliereven though by virtue <strong>of</strong> the rule <strong>of</strong> reservation.7.7.4. Therefore, in pursuance <strong>of</strong> the aforementioned Constitution(Eighty-Fifth) Amendment Act, 2001, it has been decided as follows:i. (a) SC/ST government servants shall, on their promotion byvirtue <strong>of</strong> rule <strong>of</strong> reservation/roster, be entitled to consequentialseniority also; and(b) the above decision shall be effective from 17th June, 1995.ii. The instructions contained in DoP&T, O.M. No.20011/1/96-Estt.(D), dated 30.1.1997 as well as the clarifications contained inDoP&T, O.M. No.20011/2/97-Estt.(D), dated 21.3.1997 shall standwithdrawn with effect from 30.1.1997 itself.iii. Seniority <strong>of</strong> government servants determined in the light <strong>of</strong>O.M., dated 30.1.1997 shall be revised as if that OM was neverissued.iv. (a) On the basis <strong>of</strong> the revised seniority, consequential benefitslike promotion, pay, pension, etc., should be allowed to the concernedSC/ST Government servants (but without arrears by applyingprinciple <strong>of</strong> ‘no work no pay’)(b) For this purpose, senior SC/ST government servant may begranted promotion with effect from the date <strong>of</strong> promotion <strong>of</strong>their immediate junior General/OBC government servant.(c) Such promotion <strong>of</strong> SC/ST government servant may beordered with the approval <strong>of</strong> Appointing Authority <strong>of</strong> the post towhich the government servant is to be promoted at each levelafter following normal procedure <strong>of</strong> DPC (including consultationwith UPSC).v. Except seniority, other consequential benefits like promotion,pay, etc., (including retiral benefits in respect <strong>of</strong> those who havealready retired) allowed to general/OBC government servant by virtue<strong>of</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong> O.M. dated 30.1.1997 and/or in pursuance <strong>of</strong>the directions <strong>of</strong> CAT/Court should be protected as personal tothem 18[4] .18[4]G.I., Dept. <strong>of</strong> Per. & Trg., O.M. No.20011/1/2001-Estt.(D), dated the 21st January, 2002.<strong>Page</strong> 48 <strong>of</strong> 48

8. ANNUAL CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS8.1 The Annual Confidential Reports <strong>of</strong> the government servantsare written with a view to adjudge their performance every year inthe areas <strong>of</strong> their work, conduct, character and capabilities.8.2 The system <strong>of</strong> writing confidential reports has two mainobjectives. First and foremost is to improve performance <strong>of</strong> thesubordinates in their present job. The second is to assess theirpotentialities and to prepare them for the jobs suitable to theirpersonality. The columns <strong>of</strong> ACRs are, therefore, to be filled up bythe Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting authorities in an objectiveand impartial manner.8.3 Timely Completion <strong>of</strong> Confidential Reports.8.3.1 The delay in writing <strong>of</strong> the confidential reports delays holding<strong>of</strong> DPCs for promotion & confirmation, awards <strong>of</strong> PPM/PM,forwarding <strong>of</strong> applications for higher posts etc. which cause unduehardship to the employees whose cases are due for consideration.The confidential reports should, therefore, be written strictly inaccordance with the following prescribed time schedule.Initiation <strong>of</strong> ACRsNature <strong>of</strong> ActionDate by which action is to be completed inrespect <strong>of</strong> CRs to be written on the basis <strong>of</strong>Calendar yearFinancial YearDistribution <strong>of</strong> Blank ACR 31st Dec.31st Marchforms to all concernedSubmission <strong>of</strong> self-appraisal to 15th Jan.15th AprilReporting OfficerSubmission <strong>of</strong> report by Reporting Officer to Reviewing OfficerWhere self-appraisal by 6th Feb.7th Mayreported <strong>of</strong>ficer is prescribedWhere self -appraisal by 21st Jan.21st Aprilreported <strong>of</strong>ficer is notprescribed.Where <strong>of</strong>ficer reported upon is 21st Feb.22nd Mayhimself a reporting <strong>of</strong>ficer forsubordinates under himReport to be completed by the Reviewing Officer and send to the CR<strong>Page</strong> 49 <strong>of</strong> 49

Sec./Cell Accepting Authority.Where due date for Reporting 22nd Feb.Officer is 6th Feb. (Calendaryear CRs) and 7th May(Financial year CRs)Where due date for Reporting 6th Feb.Officer is 21 st Jan (Calendaryear CRs) and 21st April(Financial year CRs)Where due date for Reporting 8th MarchOfficer is 21st Feb. (Calendaryear CRs) and 22nd May(Financial year CRs)23rd May7th May5th June8.3.2 Reporting <strong>of</strong>ficer should not wait till the expiry <strong>of</strong> the time-limitas per the time schedule for submission <strong>of</strong> self-appraisal <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>ficer to be reported upon and should remind the <strong>of</strong>ficer to bereported upon in writing, asking him to submit the self-appraisal bythe stipulated date. If the <strong>of</strong>ficer to be reported upon fails to submitthe self-appraisal by the stipulated date, the reporting <strong>of</strong>ficer shouldobtain another blank CR form and proceed to write the report onthe basis <strong>of</strong> his experience <strong>of</strong> the work and conduct <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficerreported upon. While doing so, he should also point out the failure<strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer reported upon to submit his self-appraisal within thestipulated time which should be viewed adversely.8.4 Eligibility to write a Confidential Report(i) The reporting/reviewing authority can write/review theconfidential report <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficer if it has at least an experience <strong>of</strong>three months <strong>of</strong> work and conduct <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer reported upon. The<strong>of</strong>ficer reported upon need not submit his self-appraisal if the period<strong>of</strong> observation <strong>of</strong> his work and conduct by the reporting<strong>of</strong>ficer/reviewing authority is less than three months.(ii) The period during which the <strong>of</strong>ficer reported uponremains on Earned Leave/Commuted Leave, should be deducted forcalculating the required period <strong>of</strong> 3 months for writing <strong>of</strong> CR,because the work and conduct <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer is actually notsupervised during the leave period. 19[1](iii)If the period <strong>of</strong> observation happens to be less thanthree months, this fact only need to be indicated in the report or a19[1]DOPT ID No. 245/58/2001-AVD.II dated 21.8.2001<strong>Page</strong> 50 <strong>of</strong> 50

non-initiation certificate in this regard may be prepared and placedin the CR dossier.8.5 Mention <strong>of</strong> warning/reprimandsThere may be an occasion when a superior <strong>of</strong>ficer may find itnecessary to criticize adversely the work <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficer working underhim or he may call for an explanation for some act <strong>of</strong> omission orcommission and taking all the circumstances into consideration, itmay be felt that while the matter is not serious enough to justify theimposition <strong>of</strong> the formal punishment <strong>of</strong> censure, it calls for someformal action such as communication <strong>of</strong> a writtenwarning/displeasure/reprimand. Where such awarning/displeasure/reprimand is issued, it should be placed in thepersonal file <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer concerned. At the end <strong>of</strong> the period <strong>of</strong>report, the reporting <strong>of</strong>ficer, while writing the confidential report <strong>of</strong>the <strong>of</strong>ficer, may decide not to make a reference in the confidentialreport to the warning/ displeasure/reprimand, if, in the opinion <strong>of</strong>that authority, the performance <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer reported on after theissue <strong>of</strong> the warning/displeasure/reprimand has improved and hasbeen found satisfactory. If, however, the reporting authority comesto the conclusion that despite suchwarning/displeasure/reprimand, the performance <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficerreported upon has not improved, in that case, copy/copies <strong>of</strong> thewarning/displeasure/reprimand should be placed in the CR dossieras an annexure to the confidential report for the relevant period. Theadverse remark should also be conveyed to the <strong>of</strong>ficer and hisrepresentation, if any against the same, be disposed <strong>of</strong>, inaccordance with the instructions issued by the government fromtime to time.8.6 Filling up column relating to integritySupervisory <strong>of</strong>ficers should maintain a confidential diary inwhich instances which create suspicion about the integrity <strong>of</strong> asubordinate should be noted from time to time and action to verifythe truth <strong>of</strong> such suspicions should be taken expeditiously bymaking confidential enquiries departmentally. At the time <strong>of</strong>recording the annual confidential report, action should be taken inaccordance with the following:(i) The column pertaining to integrity in the ACR should beleft blank and a separate secret note about the doubts andsuspicions regarding the <strong>of</strong>ficer’s integrity should be recordedsimultaneously and followed up.<strong>Page</strong> 51 <strong>of</strong> 51

(ii) A copy <strong>of</strong> the secret note should be sent together withthe ACR to the next superior <strong>of</strong>ficer who would ensure that thefollow-up action is expedited.(iii) If, as a result <strong>of</strong> the follow-up action, an <strong>of</strong>ficer isexonerated, his integrity should be certified and an entry made inthe ACR. If suspicions regarding his integrity are confirmed, this factcan also be recorded and duly communicated to the <strong>of</strong>ficerconcerned.(iv) There are occasions when a reporting <strong>of</strong>ficer cannot infairness to himself and to the <strong>of</strong>ficer reported upon, either certifyintegrity or make an adverse entry, or even be in possession <strong>of</strong> anyinformation which would enable him to make a secret report to thehead <strong>of</strong> the department. Such instances can occur when an <strong>of</strong>ficer isserving in a remote station and the reporting <strong>of</strong>ficer has not hadoccasion to watch his work closely or when an <strong>of</strong>ficer has workedunder the reporting <strong>of</strong>ficer only for a brief period or has been on longleave, etc. In all such cases, the reporting <strong>of</strong>ficer should make anentry in the integrity column to the effect that he has not watchedthe <strong>of</strong>ficer's work for sufficient time to be able to make any definiteremark or that he has heard nothing against the <strong>of</strong>ficer's integrity,as the case may be. But, it is necessary that a superior <strong>of</strong>ficershould make every effort to form a definite judgement about theintegrity <strong>of</strong> those working under him, as early as possible, so thathe may be able to make a positive statement.(v) There may be cases in which after a secret report / notehas been recorded expressing suspicion about an <strong>of</strong>ficer's integrity,the enquiries that follow do not disclose sufficient material toremove the suspicion or to confirm it. In such a case, the <strong>of</strong>ficer'sconduct should be watched for a further period, and in themeantime, he should, as far as practicable, be kept away frompositions in which there are opportunities for indulging in corruptpractices.8.6.1 Specific mention should be made in the confidential reports <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ficers working in or holding charge <strong>of</strong> Top Secret / Secret Sectionsabout their trustworthiness especially in matters affectingdepartmental security.8.7 Recording <strong>of</strong> Adverse Remarks in the Confidential ReportNo employee should be adversely affected by prejudicial reportsrecorded without fullest consideration. At the same time, none<strong>Page</strong> 52 <strong>of</strong> 52

should be rewarded by excessively flattering reports which are notbased on facts. With a view to enabling the Reporting Officers tomake correct overall assessment <strong>of</strong> the work and conduct <strong>of</strong> theirsubordinates, the reporting <strong>of</strong>ficers are required to maintainmemorandum <strong>of</strong> services in respect <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong>ficer employed underthem. All instances <strong>of</strong> good and bad work coming to the notice <strong>of</strong>the reporting <strong>of</strong>ficers should be promptly noted in the memo <strong>of</strong>services. The entries in the memo <strong>of</strong> services should be based onfacts and documentary evidence. With a view to checking uppossibilities <strong>of</strong> prejudicial reports or excessively flattering reports,the following procedure is prescribed:a) The memo <strong>of</strong> services should invariably be consulted at thetime <strong>of</strong> writing the annual report though the report itselfshould necessarily be based on the employee's performanceduring the year as a whole.b) Where an adverse remark is recorded in respect <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficialhaving consistently good record, some details regarding thesame should invariably be given.c) The report should give a clear opinion on the main points likecharacter, integrity, industry etc.d) There should be no hesitation on the part <strong>of</strong> the reporting<strong>of</strong>ficers to record adverse remarks in justified cases.e) Reporting Officers should not be in a hurry to write all thereports on one day.8.8 Communication <strong>of</strong> Adverse Remarks in the Confidential Report(i) All adverse entries in the confidential report, both onperformance as well as on basic qualities and potential should becommunicated along with a mention <strong>of</strong> good points within a month<strong>of</strong> their being recorded. This communication should be in writingand a record to that effect should be kept in the CR Dossier <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>ficer reported upon. Only such <strong>of</strong> the adverse entries as areaccepted by the countersigning authority, if any, need becommunicated.(ii) “Average” may not be taken as adverse remark in respect<strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficer, at the same time, it cannot be regarded ascomplimentary to the <strong>of</strong>ficer, as “Average” performance should beregarded as routine and undistinguished.<strong>Page</strong> 53 <strong>of</strong> 53

(iii) Adverse remarks should be communicated by thereviewing <strong>of</strong>ficer or by the reporting <strong>of</strong>ficer in case there is noreviewing <strong>of</strong>ficer.(iv)not be communicated.Remarks about physical defects noted in the CR need(v) The grading <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers on the basis <strong>of</strong> the generalremarks in the report should not be communicated, even if it isadverse.(vi) Care should be taken to ensure that the remarks arecommunicated in such a form that the identity <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer makingparticular remarks is not disclosed.8.9 Representation against adverse remarks(i) Only one representation against adverse remarks(including reference to ‘warning’ or communication <strong>of</strong> displeasure <strong>of</strong>the government or ‘reprimand’ which are recorded in theconfidential report <strong>of</strong> the government servant) should be allowedwithin one month <strong>of</strong> their communication. While communicatingthe adverse remarks, the time limit should be brought to the notice<strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer reported upon. However, the competent authoritymay, in its discretion, entertain a representation made beyond thistime if there is satisfactory explanation for the delay.(ii) Authority deciding the representation against theadverse remarks should be the authority superior to Accepting /Countersigning authority.(iii) All representations against adverse remarks should bedecided expeditiously by the competent authority and in any casewithin three months from the date <strong>of</strong> submission <strong>of</strong> therepresentation. But this does not mean that if it is not done withinthis period, the adverse remarks get expunged automatically. Theonly provision is that when a representation has been submittedwithin the prescribed time-limit, no note will be taken on theadverse remarks during the period <strong>of</strong> pendency <strong>of</strong> therepresentation. The aggrieved employee may, however, approachthe higher authorities for redressal <strong>of</strong> his grievance in this regard, ifany.8.10 Expunging <strong>of</strong> adverse remarks<strong>Page</strong> 54 <strong>of</strong> 54

In the circumstances, where on consideration <strong>of</strong> arepresentation against adverse remarks, the competent authoritycomes to the conclusion that the remarks deserve to be expunged, itshould see whether totally expunging <strong>of</strong> the remarks will leave therelevant column(s) blank, and if it finds the position to be so, itshould order modification <strong>of</strong> the relevant remarks in a suitablemanner so that column(s) in question does/do not remain blank.8.11 Reporting / Reviewing <strong>of</strong> ACRs after retirementDOP & T OM No.21011/1/77-Estt dated 30.1.78 provides thatwhere a reporting <strong>of</strong>ficer retires or otherwise demits <strong>of</strong>fice, he maybe allowed to give the report on his subordinates within one month<strong>of</strong> his retirement or demission <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice. This provision has beenfurther extended vide DOP&T OM No. 21011/1/93-Estt.(A) dated14.1.1993 to the reviewing <strong>of</strong>ficer also to enable him to review ACRs<strong>of</strong> his subordinates within one month after his retirement ordemission <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice.8.12 Writing <strong>of</strong> reports by <strong>of</strong>ficers under suspensionNo <strong>of</strong>ficer under suspension should be allowed to write / reviewthe ACRs <strong>of</strong> his subordinates if during the major part <strong>of</strong> writing /reviewing he is under suspension as he might not have fullopportunity to supervise the work <strong>of</strong> his subordinates.8.13 Writing <strong>of</strong> ACRs <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers on deputation<strong>Central</strong> Government <strong>of</strong>ficers who are deputed to otherDepartment / State Government or are on foreign service, theconfidential rolls should be maintained by their parent departmentand periodicity <strong>of</strong> such confidential reports should be the same asin the parent department. It will be the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the parentdepartment to obtain the reports <strong>of</strong> their <strong>of</strong>ficers on deputation andmaintain them.8.14 Writing <strong>of</strong> ACRs <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers on deputation in CBI8.14.1 Confidential Report in respect <strong>of</strong> deputationist <strong>of</strong>ficers in CBIshould invariably be prepared in duplicate so that one copy <strong>of</strong> theACR may be sent to the parent department <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer reportedupon. In such ACR, complete address <strong>of</strong> State/Department fromwhich the <strong>of</strong>ficer has come on deputation should also be giveninvariably in the relevant column <strong>of</strong> the confidential report so thatone copy <strong>of</strong> the report could be sent to his parent department.<strong>Page</strong> 55 <strong>of</strong> 55

8.14.2 DOP&T vide UO NO. 245/24/96-AVD.II dated 4.4.96 hasclarified that Confidential Reports <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers on deputation to CBIfrom State Police Forces/CPOs/Other departments other than AIS<strong>of</strong>ficers, should be recorded in the ACR format prescribed for postsin CBI. Confidential Reports <strong>of</strong> AIS <strong>of</strong>ficers will continue to berecorded in the ACR pr<strong>of</strong>orma prescribed in their service.8.15 Retention/Custody <strong>of</strong> CR Dossiers <strong>of</strong> retired governmentservant whose cases are pending in Courts and UPSCThe ACRs <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers who have retired will be preserved /kept in safe custody till the time for filing <strong>of</strong> an appeal, has lapsed ortill a final decision in the appeal, filed by an <strong>of</strong>ficer in the Court, hasbeen taken or the promotion case <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer is pending withUPSC 20[2] .8.16 Initiation <strong>of</strong> Confidential Reports by D.Is.G (Incharge ) inCBI8.16.1 Policy Division in its circular No. 2/CRs/JD(P)/CBI/94/2135dated 14.11.1994 has pointed out that in some <strong>of</strong> the regions, wherethe charge <strong>of</strong> DIG has been entrusted to the senior most SsP, theConfidential Reports <strong>of</strong> Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police <strong>of</strong> that Region arebeing initiated by the DIsG incharge and as per Rules for initiation<strong>of</strong> Confidential Rules, it is improper. In such cases where CR is tobe initiated by the DIG and where there is no regular DIG, the CRsshould be initiated by the next superior authority i.e. ReviewingAuthority.8.16.2 Similar analogy may also be applied in respect <strong>of</strong> initiation <strong>of</strong>Confidential Reports by Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police (Incharge).8.16.3 For detailed instructions on the subject, the reporting/reviewing/accepting authorities may refer to instructions issued bythe Government and CBI from time to time.20[2]OM No.21011/6/2001-Estt(A) dated 14.5.2001<strong>Page</strong> 56 <strong>of</strong> 56

9. PROMOTION9.1 The regular promotions <strong>of</strong> the government employees aregenerally decided on the basis <strong>of</strong> recommendations made by theDepartmental Promotion Committees. The Departmental PromotionCommittees are constituted to judge the suitability <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers for -(a)(b)promotions to “Selection” as well as "Non-selection" postsassessment <strong>of</strong> the work and conduct <strong>of</strong> probationers for thepurpose <strong>of</strong> determining their suitability for retention in serviceor their discharge from it or extending their probation andsubsequent confirmation if found suitable for retention inservice.9.2 The UPSC should be associated with DPCs in respect <strong>of</strong> all<strong>Central</strong> Civil Services/posts belonging to Group 'A' where promotion isbased on the principles <strong>of</strong> “Selection cum Seniority” unless it hasbeen decided by the Government not to associate the UPSC with aGroup 'A' DPC. The UPSC need not be associated in respect <strong>of</strong> theposts belonging to Group 'A', if the promotion is based not on theprinciples <strong>of</strong> "Selection" but on “seniority-cum-fitness” only. Wheneverthe UPSC is associated with a DPC, the Chairman or a Member <strong>of</strong> theCommission will preside over the meeting <strong>of</strong> the DPC.9.2.1 Where the Recruitment/Service Rules lay down promotion asone <strong>of</strong> the methods <strong>of</strong> recruitment, some period <strong>of</strong> service in the feedergrade is generally prescribed as one <strong>of</strong> the conditions <strong>of</strong> eligibility forthe purpose <strong>of</strong> promotion.9.2.2 The eligibility dates for determining the eligibility <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers forpromotion would be the first day <strong>of</strong> the crucial year, i.e. January, 1irrespective <strong>of</strong> whether ACRs are written financial year-wise orcalendar year-wise.9.3 Zone <strong>of</strong> ConsiderationIn the normal zone <strong>of</strong> consideration, field <strong>of</strong> choice from theeligible <strong>of</strong>ficers is to be kept as twice the number <strong>of</strong> vacancies + 4.However, in case the vacancies are reserved for SC/ST also, then thefield <strong>of</strong> choice is to be extended upto 5 times <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong>vacancies. This zone is called as an extended zone for considerationfor SC/ST. The normal zone and the extended zone for vacancies willaccordingly be as follows:-<strong>Page</strong> 57 <strong>of</strong> 57

No. <strong>of</strong>vacanciesNormal ZoneZone forconsiderationfor SC/ST1 5 52 8 103 10 154 12 205 and above Twice thenumber<strong>of</strong> vacancies+ 45 times thenumber <strong>of</strong> vacancies9.4 Guidelines for DPCsThe following guidelines are laid down to regulate theassessment <strong>of</strong> suitability <strong>of</strong> candidates by DPCs:9.4.1 While merit has to be recognised and rewarded, advancementin an <strong>of</strong>ficer's career should not be regarded as a matter <strong>of</strong> course, butshould be earned by dint <strong>of</strong> hard work, good conduct and resultorientedperformance as reflected in the annual confidential reports andbased on strict and rigorous selection process.9.4.2 Confidential Reports are the basic inputs on the basis <strong>of</strong> whichassessment is to be made by each DPC. The evaluation <strong>of</strong> CRs shouldbe fair, just and non-discriminatory. Hence, the DPC should assessthe suitability <strong>of</strong> the employees for promotion on the basis <strong>of</strong> theirService Records and with particular reference to the CRs for fivepreceding years irrespective <strong>of</strong> the qualifying service prescribed in theService/Recruitment Rules. (If more than one CR has been written fora particular year, all the CRs for the relevant years shall be consideredtogether as the CR for one year).9.4.3 Where one or more CRs have not been written for any reasonduring the relevant period, the DPC should consider the CRs <strong>of</strong> theyears preceding the period in question and if in any case even these arenot available, the DPC should take the CRs <strong>of</strong> the lower grade intoaccount to complete the number <strong>of</strong> CRs required to be considered asper above para. If this is also not possible, all the available CRs shouldbe taken into account.9.5 Principles to be observed for preparation <strong>of</strong> panel9.5.1 In case <strong>of</strong> ‘selection’ (merit) promotion, the hitherto existingdistinction in the nomenclature (‘selected by merit’ and ‘selection-cum-<strong>Page</strong> 58 <strong>of</strong> 58

seniority) is dispensed with and the mode <strong>of</strong> promotion in all suchcases is rechristened as ‘selection’ only. The element <strong>of</strong> selectivity(higher or lower) shall be determined with reference to the relevantbenchmark (“Very Good” or “Good”) prescribed for promotion.9.5.2. The DPC shall determine the merit <strong>of</strong> those being assessed forpromotion with reference to the prescribed benchmark and accordinglygrade the <strong>of</strong>ficers as ‘fit’ or ‘unfit’ only. Only those who are graded ‘fit’(i.e. who meet the prescribed benchmark) by the DPC shall be includedand arranged in the select panel in order <strong>of</strong> their inter-se seniority inthe feeder grade. Those <strong>of</strong>ficers who are graded ‘unfit’ (in terms <strong>of</strong> theprescribed benchmark) by the DPC shall not be included in the selectpanel. Thus, there shall be no supersession in promotion among thosewho are graded ‘fit’ (in terms <strong>of</strong> the prescribed benchmark) by theDPC 21[1] .9.6 Procedure to be followed by DPC in respect <strong>of</strong> governmentservants under cloud9.6.1 At the time <strong>of</strong> consideration <strong>of</strong> the cases <strong>of</strong> governmentservants for promotion, details <strong>of</strong> government servants in theconsideration zone for promotion falling under the following categoriesshould be specifically brought to the notice <strong>of</strong> the DepartmentalPromotion Committee:i. Government servants under suspension;ii. Government servants in respect <strong>of</strong> whom a charge-sheet hasbeen issued and the disciplinary proceedings are pending; andiii. Government servants in respect <strong>of</strong> whom prosecution for acriminal charge is pending.9.6.2 The DPC shall assess the suitability <strong>of</strong> the government servantscoming within the purview <strong>of</strong> the circumstances mentioned abovealong with other eligible candidates without taking into considerationthe disciplinary case/criminal prosecution pending. The assessment<strong>of</strong> the DPC, including “Unfit for Promotion”, will be kept in a sealedcover.9.6.3 The same procedure outlined in the above para will be followedby the subsequent Departmental Promotion Committees convened tillthe disciplinary case/criminal prosecution against the governmentservant concerned is concluded.21[1]Govt. <strong>of</strong> India OM No. 35034/7/97-Estt.(D) dated 08.02.2002.<strong>Page</strong> 59 <strong>of</strong> 59

9.7 It has been decided that the “Sealed Cover Procedure”prescribed in the Department <strong>of</strong> Personnel and Training, OM No.22011/4/91-Estt.(A) dated 14.9.1992 22[2] referred to above may befollowed at the time <strong>of</strong> consideration for ad hoc promotion also in thecase <strong>of</strong> government servants -(i) who are under suspension;(ii) in respect <strong>of</strong> whom a charge-sheet has been issued and thedisciplinary proceedings are pending; and(iii) in respect <strong>of</strong> whom prosecution for a criminal charge ispending 23[3] .9.8 Processing <strong>of</strong> recommendations <strong>of</strong> DPCThe recommendations <strong>of</strong> the DPC are advisory in nature andshould be duly approved by the appointing authority. A clearancefrom the Vigilance Section <strong>of</strong> the Office/Department should also beobtained before making actual promotion or confirmation <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficerapproved by DPC to ensure that no disciplinary proceedings arepending against the <strong>of</strong>ficer concerned. Promotion should be madestrictly in the order in which the names <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers appear in thepanel.9.9 Refusal <strong>of</strong> promotion9.9.1 When a government employee does not want to accept an <strong>of</strong>fer<strong>of</strong> promotion, he may make a written request to that effect and thesame will be considered by the appointing authority. If the reasonsadduced for refusal <strong>of</strong> promotion are acceptable to the appointingauthority, the next person in the select list may be promoted.However, since it may not be administratively possible or desirable to<strong>of</strong>fer appointment to the persons who initially refused promotion, onevery occasion on which a vacancy arises, during the period <strong>of</strong> validity<strong>of</strong> the panel, no fresh <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> appointment on promotion shall bemade in such cases for a period <strong>of</strong> one year from the date <strong>of</strong> refusal <strong>of</strong>first promotion or till a next vacancy arises, whichever is later. On theeventual promotion to the higher grade, such government servant willlose seniority vis-a-vis his juniors promoted to the higher grade earlierirrespective <strong>of</strong> the fact whether the posts in question are filled byselection or otherwise. The above mentioned policy will not applywhere ad hoc promotions against short-term vacancies are refused.22[2]DP&T OM No. 22011/4/91-Estt.(A) dated[3]Govt <strong>of</strong> India Pers. & Trg. OM No. 28036/2/98-Estt.(D) dated 23.2.99.<strong>Page</strong> 60 <strong>of</strong> 60

9.9.2 In cases where the reasons adduced by the <strong>of</strong>ficer for hisrefusal for promotion are not acceptable, the appointing authorityshould enforce the promotion <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer and in case the <strong>of</strong>ficer stillrefuses to be promoted, then even disciplinary action can be takenagainst him for refusing to obey the orders <strong>of</strong> the appointingauthority.9.10 Validity <strong>of</strong> a panel9.10.1 The panel for promotion drawn up by DPC for 'selection' postswould normally be valid for one year. It should cease to be in force onthe expiry <strong>of</strong> a period <strong>of</strong> one year or when a fresh panel is prepared,whichever is earlier.9.10.2. The date <strong>of</strong> commencement <strong>of</strong> the validity <strong>of</strong> panel will be thedate on which the DPC meets. In case the DPC meets on more thanone day, the last date <strong>of</strong> the meeting would be the date <strong>of</strong>commencement <strong>of</strong> the validity <strong>of</strong> the panel. In case the panel requires,partially or wholly, the approval <strong>of</strong> the Commission, the date <strong>of</strong>validity <strong>of</strong> panel would be the date (<strong>of</strong> Commission's letter)communicating their approval to the panel. It is important to ensurethat the Commission's approval to the panel is obtained, wherenecessary, with the least possible delay.9.11 Assured Career Progression SchemeThe Assured Career Progression Scheme for <strong>Central</strong>Government employees was introduced by the Government <strong>of</strong> India onthe recommendations <strong>of</strong> the Fifth <strong>Central</strong> Pay Commission to dealwith the problem <strong>of</strong> genuine stagnation and hardship faced by theemployees owing to lack <strong>of</strong> adequate promotional avenues. Thisscheme is operational since 9th August, 1999, for group 'B', 'C' and'D' employees only. Casual employees (including those holdingtemporary status), ad-hoc & contract employees are not covered inthis scheme. The salient features <strong>of</strong> the scheme are:(i) The ACP Scheme provides merely placement <strong>of</strong>government servants in the higher pay scale upto Rs.14300-18300without regular promotion. It would neither require creation <strong>of</strong> newposts nor will it have relevancy to the seniority <strong>of</strong> the governmentservants.(ii) The first financial upgradation under the ACP Scheme isallowed after 12 years <strong>of</strong> regular service followed by secondupgradation after 12 years <strong>of</strong> regular service from the date <strong>of</strong> the firstfinancial upgradation subject to fulfillment <strong>of</strong> prescribed conditions.<strong>Page</strong> 61 <strong>of</strong> 61

Regular service will be counted from the grade in which an employeewas approved as direct recruit. If the first upgradation getspostponed on account <strong>of</strong> the employee not found fit or due todepartmental proceedings, the second upgradtion would also getdeferred accordingly. In case two prior promotions on regular basishave already been received by an employee, no benefit under the ACPScheme shall accrue to him. In case <strong>of</strong> an employee declared surplusin his/her organisation and in case <strong>of</strong> transfer including unilateraltransfer on request, the regular service rendered by him/her in theprevious organisation shall be counted along with his/her regularservice in his/her new organisation for the purpose <strong>of</strong> giving financialupgradation under the Scheme.(iii) On upgradation under the ACP Scheme pay <strong>of</strong> anemployee is fixed under the provisions <strong>of</strong> FR 22 (I) a (1) subject to aminimum financial benefit <strong>of</strong> Rs.100/- as per the Department <strong>of</strong>Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No.1/6/97-Pay.I datedJuly 5, 1999. The Financial benefit allowed under the ACP Scheme isfinal and no pay fixation benefit shall accrue at the time <strong>of</strong> regularpromotion i.e. posting against a functional post in the higher grade.(iv) In the matter <strong>of</strong> disciplinary/penalty proceedings, grant<strong>of</strong> benefit under the ACP Scheme shall be subject to rules governingnormal promotion. Such cases shall, therefore, be regulated underthe provisions <strong>of</strong> relevant CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 and instructionsthereunder.(v) The ACP Scheme contemplates merely placement onpersonal basis in the higher pay-scale/grant <strong>of</strong> financial benefits onlyand shall not amount to actual/functional promotion <strong>of</strong> theemployees concerned. Since reservations in promotion are applicableonly in the cases <strong>of</strong> regular promotions, the reservation roster shallnot apply to the ACP Scheme. However, at the time <strong>of</strong>regular/functional (actual) promotion, the Cadre ControllingAuthorities are to ensure that all reservation orders are appliedstrictly. After the introduction <strong>of</strong> this scheme, the government hasissued various clarifications regarding the same 24[4] .24[4]For details see GOI OM No.35034/1/97-Estt (D) dated: 9.8.99<strong>Page</strong> 62 <strong>of</strong> 62

10. FIXATION OF PAY10.1 Various provisions on pay fixation have undergonerationalisation and simplification during the 80’s. The fundamentalrules on these issues have been rewritten accordingly in 1989, so asto consolidate the provisions at one place. The new version <strong>of</strong> FR 22has substituted old FRs 22, 22-C, 30 and 31.10.2 Fixation on First AppointmentThe pay <strong>of</strong> the government servant on his first appointment toa post will be fixed at the minimum <strong>of</strong> the pay scale <strong>of</strong> that post.10.3 Fixation <strong>of</strong> Pay on Promotion/Appointment to a higherpost(i) Clause (a) (1) <strong>of</strong> FR 22 (I) deals with fixation <strong>of</strong> pay <strong>of</strong> agovernment servant holding a non-tenure post on his appointmentto another post involving assumption <strong>of</strong> higher duties andresponsibilities. Such appointment may be in the normal channel<strong>of</strong> promotion or otherwise, provided the appointment or promotion ismade on fulfillment <strong>of</strong> the eligibility conditions, as prescribed in therelevant Recruitment Rules.(ii) Initial pay in the time-scale <strong>of</strong> the higher post is fixed atthe stage next above the notional pay arrived at by increasing hispay in respect <strong>of</strong> the lower post held by him regularly by anincrement at the stage at which such pay has accrued, or Rs.100/-only whichever is more.Illustrations(a) A government servant drawing pay <strong>of</strong> Rs. 7075/- w.e.f.01.04.1996 in the pay scale <strong>of</strong> Rs. 5500-175-9000 is promoted on01.09.1996 to a post in the pay scale <strong>of</strong> Rs. 6500-200-10500. Hispay shall be fixed as given below:Notional Pay = Rs. 7075Add one notional increment = Rs. 175Notional Pay = Rs. 7250The stage above this pay in the higher pay-scale is Rs. 7300/-.Thus the pay is fixed at Rs. 7300/-<strong>Page</strong> 63 <strong>of</strong> 63

Date <strong>of</strong> next increment (D.N.I.) = 01.09.1997.(b) A government servant drawing pay <strong>of</strong> Rs. 2660/- in thepay scale <strong>of</strong> Rs. 2550-55-2660-60-3200 w.e.f. 01.02.1996 ispromoted to a post in the pay scale <strong>of</strong> Rs. 2610-60-3150-65-3540w.e.f. 16.03.1996.Pay = Rs.2660/-Add one notional increment (Minimum Rs. 100/-) = Rs.2760/-Pay fixed at Next higher stagein the new pay-scale = Rs.2790/-Date <strong>of</strong> Next Increment =01.03.199710.4 Option for fixation <strong>of</strong> pay under above rule from the date <strong>of</strong>next increment in the lower grade10.4.1 A government servant is required to exercise option within onemonth from the date <strong>of</strong> promotion/appointment, to have the pay fixedunder the above rule from the date <strong>of</strong> promotion itself or from the date<strong>of</strong> accrual <strong>of</strong> next increment in the lower grade/post. In case he optsfor the above rule from the date <strong>of</strong> next increment, his pay onpromotion is fixed at a stage next above the pay in the lowergrade/post. It is then refixed under the above formula from the date<strong>of</strong> accrual <strong>of</strong> next increment in the lower grade/post. Thus in theillustration (a) above, in case the government servant opts for payfixation as per this rule from the date <strong>of</strong> next increment, his pay shallbe fixed as follows:(a) On 01.09.1996 the pay <strong>of</strong> the government servant will befixed in the higher scale at a stage next above Rs.7075/- i.e.Rs.7100/-(b)On 01.04.1997 the pay will be refixed as follows:Pay in the lower grade on 01.04.1997 =Rs.7250/-Notional pay on adding one increment <strong>of</strong> Rs.175/- =Rs.7425/-Pay to be fixed at next higher stage i.e. Rs.7500/-Date <strong>of</strong> next increment (DNI) =01.04.1998<strong>Page</strong> 64 <strong>of</strong> 64

10.4.2 Thus on comparing the position, it is seen that the governmentservant starts drawing pay <strong>of</strong> Rs.7500/- from an earlier date i.e. w.e.f.01.04.1997, if he opts for pay fixation under the rule from date <strong>of</strong> nextincrement (01.04.1997), as against from 01.09.1997 under theprevious option.10.4.3 Option once exercised by the government servant will be final &cannot be changed. In case the government servant does not exercisethe option within one month <strong>of</strong> his promotion his pay has to be fixedin the scale <strong>of</strong> the promoted post at the stage above the notional payarrived at by increasing the pay in the lower post by one increment.10.4.4 This option is not admissible to the government servant who isappointed:a) to an ex-cadre post on deputation basis.b) to a post on ad-hoc basis.c) to a post on direct recruitment basis.10.4.5 However, if the ad-hoc promotion is followed by a regularappointment without break, the government servant can exerciseoption within one month from the date <strong>of</strong> such regular appointmentand the option shall be admissible from the date <strong>of</strong> initialappointment/promotion. Thus, if he opts for fixation <strong>of</strong> his pay underthis rule from the date <strong>of</strong> his next increment, his pay shall be re-fixedfrom initial date <strong>of</strong> appointment at a stage next above his pay in thelower-grade and under this rule from the date <strong>of</strong> next increment.10.4.6 For the purposes <strong>of</strong> pay-fixation, FR 22 III clarifies that anappointment to another post on the same scale <strong>of</strong> pay or on identicalscale <strong>of</strong> pay does not involve the assumption <strong>of</strong> higher duties andresponsibilities. In other cases, decision <strong>of</strong> the administrative headhas to be obtained. In case the posts belong to different departments,the decision <strong>of</strong> the Government <strong>of</strong> India is to be obtained.10.4.7 As already mentioned, the provisions contained in the previous parasare applicable in case <strong>of</strong> appointment made to a higher post subject t<strong>of</strong>ulfillment <strong>of</strong> eligibility conditions in the Recruitment Rules. In thecase <strong>of</strong> appointment made without fulfilling the eligibility criteria, thepay is to be fixed under the above provisions and restricted under FR35. Such appointment may be on promotion or otherwise.<strong>Page</strong> 65 <strong>of</strong> 65

10.5 Treatment <strong>of</strong> Special Pay for purpose <strong>of</strong> fixation <strong>of</strong> payon promotionWhen the special pay is granted for specific addition to dutiesor for arduous nature <strong>of</strong> work, the pay in the higher post is fixed withreference to pay drawn in the lower post and special pay does notcount towards such pay. However, if the pay so fixed in the higherpost happens to be less than the pay plus special pay being drawn inthe lower post at the time <strong>of</strong> promotion, the difference is protected aspersonal pay subject to the following conditions:i) It must be certified that but for his appointment to the otherpost, the government servant would have continued to drawspecial pay.ii) The protection will only be for so long as the governmentservant could have continued to draw the special pay.iii) The personal pay will be absorbed in subsequent increases <strong>of</strong>pay.10.6 Fixation <strong>of</strong> Pay on appointment to another post notinvolvinghigher duties & responsibilitiesSub-clause (2) <strong>of</strong> FR 22 I deals with fixation <strong>of</strong> pay onappointment, from one post to another, when such an appointmentdoes not involve assumption <strong>of</strong> higher duties and responsibilities. Payis fixed at the same stage in the new-scale, as is being drawn in theearlier post on the date <strong>of</strong> such appointment. However, if there is nosuch stage in the new-scale, his pay will be fixed at the next higherstage. While in the earlier case his date <strong>of</strong> increment remains thesame, in the latter case his date <strong>of</strong> next increment will be on the Ist <strong>of</strong>the month in which he completes 12 months <strong>of</strong> appointment to a newpost.Illustrations(a) A government servant drawing pay <strong>of</strong> Rs.15000/- w.e.f.01.07.1996 in the pay scale <strong>of</strong> Rs.12000-375-16500 is appointed toanother post in the pay scale <strong>of</strong> Rs.14300-400-18300 from01.02.1997. As there is no stage as Rs.15000/- in the new scale,his pay will be fixed at Rs.15100/- with the date <strong>of</strong> next incrementas 01.02.1998.On such appointment, the government servant has the optionto come over to the new-scale from the date <strong>of</strong> his appointment tosuch post or from the date <strong>of</strong> his next increment in the earlier post.<strong>Page</strong> 66 <strong>of</strong> 66

(b) In the above case, if he opts to come over to the newpay-scale from the date <strong>of</strong> his next increment, his pay will be fixedas follows:From 1.2.97 to 30.6.97 he will draw =Rs.15000/-in earlier pay-scalePay on the date <strong>of</strong> next increment in thelower pay-scale (01.07.1997) =Rs.15375/-Pay to be fixed in the new scale =Rs.15500/-(At the next higher stage there is nostage as Rs. 15375/-)Date <strong>of</strong> next increment =01.07.1998(c) A government servant drawing pay <strong>of</strong> Rs.5750/- w.e.f.01.05.1996 in the scale <strong>of</strong> Rs.5000-150-8000 is appointed on hisown request on 01.01.1997 to the post carrying the scale <strong>of</strong>Rs.4500-125-7000. His pay will be fixed at Rs.5750/- (same stage)in the lower pay scale, with D.N.I as 01.05.1997. In case he opts forthe new pay-scale from date <strong>of</strong> next increment i.e. 01.05.1997 (inthe old pay-scale), he will continue to draw Rs.5750/- in the oldpay-scale till 30.04.1997. From 01.05.1997 his pay will beincreased to Rs.5900/- in the pay-scale <strong>of</strong> Rs. 5000-150-8000. Asthere is no stage as Rs. 5900/- in the pay scale <strong>of</strong> Rs.4500-125-7000, his pay will be fixed at the next higher stage, i.e. Rs.6000/-and date <strong>of</strong> next increment shall be 01.05.1998.In the above case if the pay <strong>of</strong> government servant is Rs.7400/- instead <strong>of</strong> Rs.5750/- in the earlier post, his pay will be fixedat Rs. 7000/- only, i.e. the maximum <strong>of</strong> the pay-scale <strong>of</strong> the lowerpost [FR 22 I(a) 3].10.7 Fixation <strong>of</strong> pay on appointment on deputation10.7.1 An employee appointed on deputation/foreign service may electto draw either the pay in the scale <strong>of</strong> pay <strong>of</strong> deputation/foreignservice post or his basic pay in the parent cadre plus deputation(duty) allowance thereon plus personal pay, if any. The borrowingauthority should obtain the option <strong>of</strong> the employee within onemonth from the date <strong>of</strong> joining the ex-cadre post unless theemployee has himself furnished the option.<strong>Page</strong> 67 <strong>of</strong> 67

10.7.2 The option once exercised shall be final. However, theemployees may revise the option under the following circumstanceswhich will be effective from the date <strong>of</strong> occurrence <strong>of</strong> the same:(a)when he receives pr<strong>of</strong>orma promotion or is appointed to nonfunctionalselection grade in his parent cadre;(b)when he is reverted to a lower grade in his parent cadre;(c)when the scale <strong>of</strong> pay <strong>of</strong> the parent post on the basis <strong>of</strong> whichhis emoluments are regulated during deputation/foreignservice or <strong>of</strong> the ex-cadre post held by the employee ondeputation/foreign service is revised either prospectively orfrom a retrospective date.10.7.3 Based on the revised/same option <strong>of</strong> the employees, in theevent <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>orma promotion/appointment to non-functionalselection grade, revision <strong>of</strong> scales <strong>of</strong> pay in the parent cadre, the pay<strong>of</strong> deputationists will be refixed with reference to the revisedentitlement <strong>of</strong> pay in the parent cadre. However, if the initial optionwas for the pay scale <strong>of</strong> the deputation post and no change in optionalready exercised is envisaged, the pay already drawn in deputationpost will be protected if the pay refixed is less. If the pay <strong>of</strong> anemployee in his cadre post undergoes downward revision, the pay inthe ex-cadre post is also liable to be refixed on the basis <strong>of</strong> revisedpay and in accordance with the revised option or existing option, ifthe employee does not revise his option.10.8 Deputation (Duty) Allowance10.8.1 The deputation (duty) allowance shall be admissible at thefollowing rates:(a)5% <strong>of</strong> the employee's basic pay, subject to a maximum <strong>of</strong>Rs.500/- p.m. when the deputation is within the same station.(b)10% <strong>of</strong> the employee's basic pay, subject to a maximum <strong>of</strong>Rs.1000/- p.m. in all other cases.10.8.2 The deputation (duty) allowance as above shall be furtherrestricted as under:(i)Pay plus Deputation (Duty) Allowance does not exceed themaximum <strong>of</strong> scale <strong>of</strong> pay <strong>of</strong> ex-cadre post;<strong>Page</strong> 68 <strong>of</strong> 68

(ii)In the case where pay scales are dissimilar, then pay plusdeputation (duty) allowance plus DA/ADA/IR etc. does notexceed the pay at the maximum <strong>of</strong> ex-cadre post plus DA & IRetc. thereon.(iii)Pay plus deputation (duty) allowance as above shall at notime exceed Rs.22400/- p.m.Note: The term "same station" for this purpose will bedetermined with reference to the station where the personwas on duty before proceeding on deputation.Note: When there is no change in the headquarters withreference to the last post held, the deputation should betreated as within the same station and when there is changein headquarters it would be treated as not in the samestation. So far as places falling within the same urbanagglomeration <strong>of</strong> the old headquarters are concerned, theywould be treated as transfer within the same station.10.8.3 Special rates <strong>of</strong> deputation (duty) allowance may be admissibleunder separate orders in any particular area on account <strong>of</strong> thecondition <strong>of</strong> living there being particularly arduous or unattractive.Where special rate is more favourable than that under what ismentioned above, employees deputed to the area will be given thebenefit <strong>of</strong> the special rate.10.8.4 Whenever extension <strong>of</strong> the period <strong>of</strong> deputation for the fifthyear or the second year in excess <strong>of</strong> the period prescribed in theRecruitment Rules is granted, it would be on the specificunderstanding that the <strong>of</strong>ficer would not be entitled to drawdeputation (duty) allowance. The <strong>of</strong>ficers who opted to draw pay inthe scale <strong>of</strong> the ex-cadre post shall, however, continue to draw payin that scale during the extended tenure also.10.8.5 If any employee with the permission <strong>of</strong> the competent authorityproceeds on deputation/foreign service from one ex-cadre post toanother ex-cadre post in the same or another organization withoutreverting to his parent cadre, and if the second ex-cadre post is atthe same station as the first ex-cadre post, then the rate <strong>of</strong>deputation (duty) allowance would remain unchanged.10.8.6 In case where a person on deputation/foreign service istransferred by the borrowing authority from one station to anotherwithout any change in the post held by him, the rate <strong>of</strong> deputation<strong>Page</strong> 69 <strong>of</strong> 69

(duty) allowance will remain the same as was decided at the time <strong>of</strong>initial posting and will not undergo any change.10.9 Admissibility <strong>of</strong> other allowances and benefits while ondeputation/foreign service10.9.1 Any project allowance admissible in a project area in theborrowing organization may be drawn in addition to deputation(duty) allowance.10.9.2 Any special pay (now Special Allowance) granted to anemployee in the parent department under FR 9 (25) or acorresponding rule <strong>of</strong> parent organization should not be allowed inaddition to deputation (duty) allowance. However, the borrowingdepartment may allow in addition to deputation (duty) allowanceunder special circumstances any special pay attached to the postheld by the employee in his/her parent department, by suitablyrestricting the deputation (duty) allowance. This will require thespecific and prior approval <strong>of</strong> Department <strong>of</strong> Personnel & Training.10.9.3 In case special pay is attached to the scale <strong>of</strong> pay <strong>of</strong> the excadrepost and the employee has opted to draw pay also in thatscale, in addition to his pay in that scale, he will also be entitled todraw such special pay. However, such special pay will not beadmissible if he has opted to draw grade pay plus deputationallowance.10.9.4 Personal pay, if any, drawn by an employee in his parentdepartment will continue to be admissible on deputation/foreignservice, if he opts to draw grade pay plus deputation allowance. Nodeputation allowance on this personal pay will, however, beadmissible.10.9.5 Increments: The employee will draw increment in the parentgrade or in the grade attached to the deputation post, as the case maybe, depending on whether he has opted for his own grade pay plusdeputation (duty) allowance or the time-scale <strong>of</strong> the deputation post. Ifhe has opted for time scale <strong>of</strong> the deputation post, notional incrementshall also continue to accrue to him in the post held on regular basisin parent cadre/organization for the purpose <strong>of</strong> regulation <strong>of</strong> pay onreversion back to parent post at the end <strong>of</strong> tenure.10.9.6 (a) Such allowance as are not admissible to regularemployees <strong>of</strong> corresponding status in the borrowingorganization, shall not be admissible to the <strong>of</strong>ficer on<strong>Page</strong> 70 <strong>of</strong> 70

deputation/foreign service, even if they were admissible in theparent organization.(b)Following allowances will be regulated withmutual consent <strong>of</strong> the lending and borrowing organizations:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)HRA/CCA.Joining Time and Joining Time pay.Travelling Allowances and Transfer T.A.Children Education Allowance.LTC.(c)Following allowance/facilities will be regulated inaccordance with the rules as explained against each:(i)Dearness Allowance : The employee shall be entitled to dearnessallowance at the rates prevailing in the borrowing organization or inthe lending organization depending on whether he has opted to drawpay in the time-scale <strong>of</strong> the ex-cadre post or his own grade plusdeputation (duty) allowance.(ii) Medical Facilities : This will be regulated in accordance with therules <strong>of</strong> the borrowing organization.(iii) Leave : An <strong>of</strong>ficer on deputation/foreign service shall be regulated bythe Leave Rules <strong>of</strong> the parent organization. If, however, an employeeproceeds from vacation department to non-vacation department, orvice versa, he shall be governed by Leave Rules <strong>of</strong> the borrowingorganization. At the time <strong>of</strong> reversion from the deputation post to theparent cadre, the borrowing organization may allow him/her leave notexceeding two months. The employee should apply for further leave tohis cadre controlling authority.<strong>Page</strong> 71 <strong>of</strong> 71

11. TERMINATION & RESIGNATION11.1 Termination <strong>of</strong> service <strong>of</strong> Temporary Government Servants11.1.1 The conditions <strong>of</strong> service <strong>of</strong> temporary government servants aregoverned by the provisions in the <strong>Central</strong> Civil Services (TemporaryService) Rules, 1965. The services <strong>of</strong> a temporary government servantcan be terminated under Rule 5(1)(a) <strong>of</strong> these rules which reads asunder:11.1.2 “Rule 5(1)(a) - The services <strong>of</strong> a temporary government servantshall be liable to termination at any time by a notice in writing giveneither by the government servant to the appointing authority or by theappointing authority to the government servant; and ( b) the period <strong>of</strong>such notice shall be one month.”(i)The notice shall be delivered or tendered to the governmentservant in person.(ii) Where personal service is not practicable, the notice shall beserved on such government servant by registered postacknowledgment due at the address <strong>of</strong> the government servantavailable with the appointing authority.(iii) If the notice sent by registered post is returned unserved, itshall be published in the <strong>of</strong>ficial gazette and upon such publication, itshall be deemed to have been personally served on such governmentservant on the date it was published.11.2 Resignation from service11.2.1 Resignation must be tendered to the appointing authority inrespect <strong>of</strong> the service or post in question, who is competent to acceptit. It should be clear and unconditional. Resignation from service willgenerally be accepted straightaway. However, before acceptance <strong>of</strong>resignation, prior vigilance clearance from the competent authority ismandatory.11.2.2 Resignation from service or a post, unless it is allowed to bewithdrawn in public interest by the appointing authority, entailsforfeiture <strong>of</strong> past service except in the cases for taking up anotherappointment whether temporary or permanent with proper permissionunder the government. If a government servant applied for the post inthe same or another department through proper channel and on<strong>Page</strong> 72 <strong>of</strong> 72

selection, he/she is required to resign from the previous post foradministrative reasons, it is to be treated as technical resignation andthe past service is to be taken as qualifying service for the purposes <strong>of</strong>pension etc. The past service <strong>of</strong> such government servant also entitleshim the benefits <strong>of</strong> fixation <strong>of</strong> pay and the leave due to his/her crediton the day <strong>of</strong> resignation. In all cases <strong>of</strong> acceptance <strong>of</strong> resignation, thecompetent authority shall insist, as a mandatory measure, priorvigilance clearance, before taking decision on the request forresignation. When an authority refers a case for vigilance clearance,the authority competent to accord vigilance clearance should ensureexpeditious consideration <strong>of</strong> the request. For the purpose <strong>of</strong>expeditious disposal <strong>of</strong> cases <strong>of</strong> resignation/termination, the checklist (placed at Annexure-VI) prescribed by G.I. MHA, DP&AR OM No.24011/1/76-Estt(B) dated 17.05.76 may be adopted.<strong>Page</strong> 73 <strong>of</strong> 73

12. DRESS REGULATIONS12.1 No uniform is specially prescribed for CBI <strong>of</strong>ficers andpersonnel. They can wear plain clothes while on CBI duty. Theclothes, however, should be neat and tidy. For ceremonial occasions,CBI <strong>of</strong>ficers should be in national dress. IPS Officers on deputation toCBI and other <strong>of</strong>ficers on deputation from State Police Forces etc. andin receipt <strong>of</strong> uniform allowance should maintain the uniform <strong>of</strong> IPS orthe parent force. When they are deputed for law and order duty inany organization outside CBI, they should put on such uniform. Ifthey are, however, deputed for plain clothes duty outside the CBI,they should work in plain clothes.<strong>Page</strong> 74 <strong>of</strong> 74

13. LEAVE13.1 Provisions relating to leave in respect <strong>of</strong> central civilgovernment servants are available in <strong>Central</strong> Civil Services(Leave) Rules, 1972 which have come into effect from01.06.1972. The general conditions regarding grant <strong>of</strong> leave aregiven below:-(i) Leave can not be claimed as <strong>of</strong> right [Rule 7(1)].(ii)Leave <strong>of</strong> any kind taken earlier can be converted intoleave <strong>of</strong> any other kind at a later date on an applicationmade within 30 days <strong>of</strong> joining duty after leave, by theemployee and at the discretion <strong>of</strong> the leave sanctioningauthority subject to adjustment <strong>of</strong> leave salary (Rule 10as amended vide DoPT Notification No. 14015/2/97-Estt(L) dated 31.12.1997). This facility can be availedonly if the employee is in service and not afterretirement 25[1] .(iii)If leave is applied on medical grounds, the employeeshould produce -(a) In case <strong>of</strong> CGHS beneficiary and living in an areacovered by the CGHS at the time <strong>of</strong> illness - amedical/fitness certificate in the prescribed pr<strong>of</strong>ormafrom a CGHS Doctor/Government Hospital.(b) In case a government servant who is not a CGHSbeneficiary/who has opted out <strong>of</strong> the CGHS/who thougha CGHS card holder is not residing in an area covered byCGHS - a medical/fitness certificate from his AuthorisedMedical Attendant.(c) In case <strong>of</strong> hospitalisation/indoor treatment for aparticular disease (e.g. heart, cancer etc.) permitted in arecognised private hospital - a medical/fitness certificatefrom the authorised doctor <strong>of</strong> such hospital.(d)In case <strong>of</strong> emergency where a non-gazettedgovernment servant finds it difficult to obtain a medical25[1]MHA DP&AR O.M. No. P/12025/2/81-Estt(L) dtd. 02.12.1981<strong>Page</strong> 75 <strong>of</strong> 75

certificate from CGHS/AMA, he may obtain a certificatefrom an RMP 26[2] .(iv) Leave sanctioning authority may -(a) Refuse or revoke any kind <strong>of</strong> leave [Rule 7(2)].(b) Commute retrospectively periods <strong>of</strong> absencewithout leave into extra ordinary leave [Rule 32(6)] and(c) Secure second medical opinion, if needed, whenleave is applied on medical grounds [Rule 19(3)].(v)Leave sanctioning authority cannot alter the kind <strong>of</strong>leave due and applied for [Rule 7(2)].(vi)Earned leave should not ordinarily be denied to anyemployee especially in the last 10 years <strong>of</strong> his career 27[3] .(vii)No leave <strong>of</strong> any kind can be granted for a continuousperiod exceeding 5 years except with the sanction <strong>of</strong> thePresident [Rule 12].(viii)Any kind <strong>of</strong> leave may be granted in combination with orin continuation <strong>of</strong> any other kind <strong>of</strong> leave except CasualLeave [Rule No. 11].(ix)When the period <strong>of</strong> leave is preceded or followed byholiday(s) /Sunday/ Saturday/Restricted Holiday thensuch holidays shall not be counted as leave. In otherwords, the employee shall be deemed to have beenpermitted on such holiday(s) without taking leave 28[4] .(x)An employee on leave (including leave preparatory toretirement) shall not return to duty during the period <strong>of</strong>leave except with the permission <strong>of</strong> the competentauthority [Rule 24 (1) & (2)].(xi)An employee on leave should not take up any service oremployment elsewhere without prior sanction from thecompetent authority [Rule 13].(xii)An employee on leave on medical ground will be allowedto return to duty only on production <strong>of</strong> medical26[2] Effective from 01.09.2000 vide DoP&T O.M. No. 13015/3/2000-Estt(L) dtd. 24.08.200027[3]DoPT O.M. No. 14028/19/86-Estt.(Leave) dated 29.09.8628[4]MHA O.M. No. 20/37/60-PUB(i) dtd. 07.10.1960 and Rule 22<strong>Page</strong> 76 <strong>of</strong> 76

certificate <strong>of</strong> fitness in accordance with (iii) above [Rule24(3)].(xiii)If an employee overstays after leave without priorsanction-(a) The period <strong>of</strong> overstay will be debited to half-payleave account to the extent HPL is available and thebalance period <strong>of</strong> overstay, if any, left out will be treatedas EOL [Rule 25(1)].(b) the entire period <strong>of</strong> overstay will not be countedfor increment unless such period is commuted as ExtraOrdinary Leave and the EOL is specially allowed tocount for increment.(c)The employee will not be entitled for leave salaryfor the whole period <strong>of</strong> overstay.(xiv) Wilful absence from duty after the expiry <strong>of</strong> the leave mayentail disciplinary action against the employee [Rule25(2)].(xv)For the purpose <strong>of</strong> leave, persons re-employed afterretirement shall be treated as if employed for the firsttime [Rule 34].(xvi)If the employee intends to go abroad during leave, theleave sanctioning authority shall take prior approval forpermitting the <strong>of</strong>ficer to go abroad 29[5] .13.2 Earned Leave(i)under:Credit to the EL account <strong>of</strong> the employee will be made as(a) On entering the service 2.5 days per month foreach completed calendar month from the date <strong>of</strong> joiningto the immediately following 1st January /1st Julyrounding up to the nearest full day [Rule No. 27(1)].(b) Thereafter, 15 days E.L. is credited on 1st Julyand 1st January every year i.e. 30 days E.L. for eachcompleted year <strong>of</strong> service [Rule 26(1)(a)].29[5]CBI HO Circular No. DPWSU2003/00907/14/6/2003 dated 18.9.2003<strong>Page</strong> 77 <strong>of</strong> 77

(c) On the date <strong>of</strong> retirement/removal fromservice/dismissal/death while in service @ 2.5 days permonth for each completed calendar month in therelevant half year, rounding up to the nearest full dayshall be credited [Rule 27(2)] and(d) Whenever joining time is not fully utilised for thereasons that the employee is ordered to join the newpost at a new place <strong>of</strong> posting without availing <strong>of</strong> fulljoining time to which he is entitled or the employeeproceeds alone to the new station without availing fulljoining time and later takes his family within permissibletime for claiming TA for the family, the joining timeadmissible subject to a maximum <strong>of</strong> 15 days, as reducedby the number <strong>of</strong> days actually availed shall be creditedto E.L. account. However, the total credit <strong>of</strong> E.L. andunutilised joining time shall not exceed 300 days[26(1)(a)].The one day joining time for transfer in the same stationif not utilised cannot be credited to E.L. Account.(ii)The E.L. to the credit <strong>of</strong> an employee at the end <strong>of</strong>previous half year shall be carried forward to the nexthalf year and accumulated upto a maximum <strong>of</strong> 300 days[Rule 26(1)(b)].(iii)When the credit <strong>of</strong> E.L. at the start <strong>of</strong> any half yearresults in the total accumulation <strong>of</strong> E.L. being more than300 days, the 15 days E.L. for that half year shall bekept separately and set <strong>of</strong>f against the leave availedduring that half year [Rule 26(1)(b) proviso].(iv)E.L. Account <strong>of</strong> the employee will be debited:(a)To the extent E.L. is availed <strong>of</strong>.(b) If a government servant has availed <strong>of</strong>extraordinary leave and/or some period <strong>of</strong> absence hasbeen treated as dies non in a half-year, the credit to beafforded to his leave account at the commencement <strong>of</strong>the next half-year shall be reduced by one tenth <strong>of</strong> theperiod <strong>of</strong> such leave and/or dies non subject tomaximum <strong>of</strong> 15 days. (Rule 27(3) r/w DP&AR UO No.397-LO/80 dated 22.5.80).<strong>Page</strong> 78 <strong>of</strong> 78

(v)E.L. can be availed upto:(a) 180 days at any one time [Rule 26(2)].(b)300 days in case <strong>of</strong> leave preparatory toretirement [Rule 38(1)].(c) 300 days in case <strong>of</strong> Group ‘A’ Officers if the entireleave or a portion <strong>of</strong> it is spent outside India,Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Nepal andPakistan provided out <strong>of</strong> the leave so granted, the leavespent in India does not exceed 180 days [Rule 26(3)].(vi)Earned Leave (and half pay leave) to the credit <strong>of</strong> anemployee who is dismissed or removed or who resignsfrom the service ceases from the date <strong>of</strong> suchdismissal/removal or who resigns except in followingcircumstances:(a)When an employee resigns from his post beforetaking up a new post under the Government <strong>of</strong> India.(b)When an employee dismissed/removed fromservice is reinstated on appeal or revision.(c) When an employee having retired oncompensation or invalid pension or gratuity is reemployed[Rule 9].(vii)Leave salary for earned leave will be equal to pay for theperiod <strong>of</strong> leave based on pay drawn immediately beforeproceeding on leave [Rule 40(1)].13.3 Half Pay Leave (HPL)(i)Credit to the HPL Account is made in advance as under:(a) On entering the service 5/3 days per month foreach completed calendar month from the date <strong>of</strong> joiningto the immediately following 1st January/1st Julyrounding up to the nearest full day [Rule 29(2)(a)].<strong>Page</strong> 79 <strong>of</strong> 79

(b) Thereafter, 10 days on each 1st July and 1stJanuary every year i.e. 20 days HPL for each completedyear <strong>of</strong> service [Rule 29(1)] and(c) On the date <strong>of</strong> retirement/ resignation/removalfrom service / dismissal/ death while in service @ 5/3per month for each completed calendar month in therelevant half year rounding up to the nearest full day[Rule 29(2)(b)(c)].(ii)Debit to HPL Account is made:(a) To the extent it is availed.(b) When the commuted leave is availed - double thenumber <strong>of</strong> days so availed [Rule 30(1)(d)].(c) When the employee avails leave not due [Rule31(1)(c)].(d) 1/18th <strong>of</strong> the period <strong>of</strong> dies non in a half yearsubject to a maximum <strong>of</strong> 10 days shall be reduced fromthe half pay leave to be credited for the next half <strong>of</strong> year(Rule 29(2)(d)].(e) When the employee overstays after leave withoutprior sanction, number <strong>of</strong> days he so overstays [Rule25].(iii) HPL can be -(a)29(4)].Availed with or without medical certificate {Rule(b)Converted into full pay leave as commuted leave ifleave applied for is on medical ground [Rule 30(1)] or(c) Converted into full pay leave as commuted leaveupto a maximum <strong>of</strong> 180 days during the entire service tobe utilised for approved study course [Rule 31(1)(a)].(iv)HPL to temporary employee can be granted onsatisfaction <strong>of</strong> the sanctioning authority that theemployee will return to duty on expiry <strong>of</strong> the leave. Butthis benefit is not available in case <strong>of</strong> an employeedeclared completely and permanently incapacitated forfurther service [Rule 29(5) proviso].(v)Leave salary will be half <strong>of</strong> the amount <strong>of</strong> leave salary onEL [Rule 40(3)].<strong>Page</strong> 80 <strong>of</strong> 80

13.4 Commuted Leave(i) Commuted leave can be taken -(a) with medical certificate upto a maximum <strong>of</strong> onehalf <strong>of</strong> the amount <strong>of</strong> HPL due to an employee [Rule30(1),(b)without medical certificate:- upto a maximum <strong>of</strong> 180 days during theentire service for an approved course <strong>of</strong>study certified to be in public interest [Rule31(1)(a)];- upto a maximum <strong>of</strong> 60 days by a femaleemployee in continuation <strong>of</strong> maternity leave[Rule 43(4)(b)];- upto a maximum <strong>of</strong> 60 days by a femaleemployee having less than 2 livingchildren, on adoption <strong>of</strong> a child less thanone year [Rule 43(A)].(ii)Commuted leave can be granted only when leavesanctioning authority is satisfied that the employee willreturn to duty after expiry <strong>of</strong> the leave [Rule 30(1)(a)].(iii)Commuted leave can be granted at the request <strong>of</strong> theemployee even when EL is at the credit <strong>of</strong> the employee[Note to Rule 30].(iv)Commuted leave cannot be granted as leave preparatoryto retirement.(v)When commuted leave is taken twice the number <strong>of</strong> daysso taken is debited to HPL account [Rule 30(1(d)].(vi)When an employee on commuted leave, resigns or retiresvoluntarily without returning to duty, commuted leavewill be treated as HPL and the excess <strong>of</strong> leave salary, ifany, will be recovered except when the employee retiresdue to ill-health incapacitating him for further service ordies [Rule 30(2)].<strong>Page</strong> 81 <strong>of</strong> 81

(vii)Leave salary for the period <strong>of</strong> commuted leave will beequal to the pay drawn immediately before proceedingon leave [Rule 40(4)].13.5 Leave Not Due (LND)13.5.1 This is granted in the following situations:(a)employees.Leave not due is normally granted to permanent(b)LND may be granted to temporary employees incertain special cases.(c)It is granted when the employee has no HPL to hiscredit and requests for LND.(d) It is granted only if leave sanctioning authority issatisfied that there is reasonable prospect <strong>of</strong> theemployee returning to duty after the leave [Rule 31(1)(a)].13.5.2 Conditions applicable for granting Leave not due(LND)The following conditions will be applicable:(i)Leave not due is granted only on production <strong>of</strong> medicalcertificate except in following cases [Rule 31(1)]:(a) female employees applying for LND incontinuation <strong>of</strong> maternity leave [Rule 43(4)];(b) female employees with less than two livingchildren applying for LND on adoption <strong>of</strong> a child lessthan one year [Rule 43(A)].(ii) The amount <strong>of</strong> LND shall be limited to -(a) the HPL, the employee is likely to earnsubsequently Rule [31(1) (b)]; and(b)[(31) (1)].a maximum <strong>of</strong> 360 days in the entire service Rule(iii)LND shall be debited to the HPL account <strong>of</strong> the employee[Rule 31(1)(c)].<strong>Page</strong> 82 <strong>of</strong> 82

(iv)LND should not be granted as leave preparatory toretirement [Rule 31(1)].(v)LND can be granted to temporary employees with aminimum <strong>of</strong> one year service and suffering from TB,Leprosy, Cancer or Mental illness, if the post from whichthe employee proceeds on leave is likely to last till hisreturn from leave and on fulfillment <strong>of</strong> other conditionsfor grant <strong>of</strong> leave not due [Rule 31(1A)].(vi)Leave salary for leave not due will be half <strong>of</strong> the amount<strong>of</strong> leave salary on EL [Rule 40(3)].(vii)If an employee, on LND resigns/retires voluntarilywithout returning to duty -(a)the LND will be cancelled,(b)the retirement or resignation shall take effect fromthe date <strong>of</strong> commencement <strong>of</strong> leave(c)31(2)(a)].leave salary paid, if any, will be recovered [Rule(viii)If an employee having availed LND, returns to duty butresigns or retires before earning such leave, the leavesalary paid for the days <strong>of</strong> leave not earned will berecovered [Rule 31(2)(b)].(ix)However, leave salary shall not be recovered if theemployee retires due to ill health incapacitating him forfurther service or is compulsorily retired prematurely ordies [Proviso to Rule 31(2)].13.6 Extra Ordinary Leave (EOL)This can be granted under the following conditions:(a)EOL is granted when (i) no other leave is admissible; or(ii) other leave is admissible, but the employee requestsfor EOL in writing [Rule 32(1)].(b)EOL cannot be granted concurrently to run with thenotice period in case <strong>of</strong> voluntary retirement.<strong>Page</strong> 83 <strong>of</strong> 83

(c)EOL can be granted to apprentices as well [Rule33(3)(b)].(d)The EOL granted in one occasion shall not exceed:(i)For permanent employees : Maximum 5 years forall kinds <strong>of</strong> leave. No separate limit for EOL [Rule 12].(ii)For temporary employees:3 months - general limit for allemployees, whether with or without medicalcertificate [Rule 32(2)(a)].6 months - for employees with minimumone year continuous service, against medicalcertificate for common ailments [Rule 32(2)(b)].18 months - for employees with minimumone year continuous service undergoing treatmentfor pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) or pleurisy, TB <strong>of</strong>any other part <strong>of</strong> the body, leprosy, cancer ormental illness[Rule 32(2)(d)].24 months - for an employee withminimum three years continuous service, for thepurpose <strong>of</strong> prosecuting studies, certified to be inthe public interest [Rule 32(2)(e)]. This period canbe further extended. If the employee undertakesto return to duty after leave and work for at leastanother 3 years [Rule 32(3)].(iii) For SC/ST employees : leave required forattending the Pre-Examination Training Course at thenotified centres, without any limit [Rule 32(4)].(e)Two spells <strong>of</strong> EOL intervened by any other leave will beconsidered as one spell for applying limit as above [Rule32(5)].(f)EOL can be granted to regularise periods <strong>of</strong> absenceretrospectively [Rule 32(6)].(g)EOL without medical certificate will be counted for thepurposes <strong>of</strong> promotion under Time Bound OnePromotion (TBOP) Scheme.<strong>Page</strong> 84 <strong>of</strong> 84

(h)No Leave salary is admissible for extraordinary leave[Rule 40(5)].13.7 Maternity Leave13.7.1 Maternity leave is admissible to married / unmarriedfemale employees during:(i)(ii)pregnancy - maximum upto 135 days only to employeeswith less than two surviving children,admissible maximum <strong>of</strong> 45 days in the entire service inconnection with miscarriage/abortion. The applicationfor this purpose should be accompanied by a certificatefrom a Registered Medical Practitioner for NGOs andfrom AMA for GOs (Rule 43).13.7.2 The maternity leave is not debited to the leave account.It is granted on full pay. It may be combined with any otherkind <strong>of</strong> leave. Maternity leave is not admissible for threatenedabortion (Rule 43 (2)(4)(5).13.7.3 Any leave (including commuted leave upto 60 days andleave not due) may be taken without medical certificate uptoone year in continuation <strong>of</strong> maternity leave (Rule 43(4).13.7.4 Maternity leave counts as service for increment andpension [(FR 26 (b) & Rule 26 <strong>of</strong> CCS (Pension) Rules].13.8 Paternity LeavePaternity leave is admissible to male government servantwith less than two surviving children for a maximum <strong>of</strong> 15 daysduring wife’s confinement. This leave is not to be debited to theleave account. It may be combined with any kind <strong>of</strong> leaveexcept casual leave. It should be applied upto 15 days before orupto 6 months from date <strong>of</strong> delivery 30[6] .13.9 Special Disability Leave13.9.1 It is admissible to all employees when (a) disability iscaused by injury intentionally or accidentally inflicted orcaused in, or in consequence <strong>of</strong>, the due performance <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficialduties or in consequence <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficial position, (b) when30[6]Rule 43 GOI decision (b) & DP&T OM No. 13018/1/97-Estt. (Leave) dated 7.10.97<strong>Page</strong> 85 <strong>of</strong> 85

disabled by illness incurred in the performance <strong>of</strong> anyparticular duty which has the effect <strong>of</strong> increasing liability toillness or injury beyond the ordinary risks attaching to the civilpost held, under the same condition (Rule 45).13.9.2 The disability as above should have manifested withinthree months <strong>of</strong> the occurrence to which it is attributed andthe person disabled acted with due promptitude in bringing itto notice. The leave sanctioning authority, if satisfied as to thecause <strong>of</strong> disability, may relax the condition and grant leave incase where disability has manifested more than three monthsafter the occurrence <strong>of</strong> its cause. The disability under theabove should be certified by an Authorised Medical Attendantto be directly due to the performance <strong>of</strong> the particular duty.13.9.3 The period <strong>of</strong> leave will be certified by an AuthorisedMedical Attendant subject to a maximum <strong>of</strong> 24 months. It maybe combined with any other kind <strong>of</strong> leave. It will count asservice for pension. It will not be debited to the leave account(Rule 44(3).13.9.4 The leave salary for the first 120 days will be the pay lastdrawn and for the remaining period it will be equal to leavesalary during half pay leave. The appointing authorities arecompetent to sanction special disability leave (Rule 44(7).13.10 Hospital Leave13.10.1 Hospital leave is admissible to such Group - Cemployees whose duty involves handling <strong>of</strong> dangerousmachinery, explosive material, poisonous drugs and the like, orthe performance <strong>of</strong> hazardous task and also to Group - Demployees while under medical treatment in a hospital orotherwise for illness or injury directly due to risks incurred inthe course <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial duty (Rule 46(1).13.10.2 Medical certificate from an Authorised Medical Attendantis necessary for the grant <strong>of</strong> this leave. It may be granted forsuch period as the authority granting the leave may consider itnecessary [Rule 46 (2)(3)].13.10.3 Hospital leave may be combined with any other kind <strong>of</strong>leave due and admissible provided the total period <strong>of</strong> leave doesnot exceed 28 months. The leave salary for the 120 days willbe the pay last drawn and for remaining period it will be equal<strong>Page</strong> 86 <strong>of</strong> 86

to leave salary during half pay leave. The Hospital Leave is notto be debited to the leave account (Rule 46(4).13.11 Study Leave13.11.1 It is granted to a government servant who hassatisfactorily completed period <strong>of</strong> probation and rendered notless than five years <strong>of</strong> regular continuous service including theperiod <strong>of</strong> probation for undergoing a special course consisting<strong>of</strong> higher studies or specialized training in a pr<strong>of</strong>essional ortechnical subject having a direct and close connection with thesphere <strong>of</strong> his duties or being capable <strong>of</strong> widening his mind in amanner likely to improve his ability as a civil servant ( Rule50(1), (2) & (5).13.11.2 Ministry/Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Government is thecompetent authority for sanctioning the study leave. Thecourse for which the study leave is granted should be certifiedto be <strong>of</strong> definite advantage to government from the point <strong>of</strong> view<strong>of</strong> public interest. The <strong>of</strong>ficial on his return should submit afull report on the work done during the study leave.13.11.3 The study leave is not granted (i) for studies out <strong>of</strong> Indiaif facilities for such studies exist in India, & (ii) to an <strong>of</strong>ficialdue to retire within three years <strong>of</strong> the return from the studyleave. It may also not be granted to some <strong>of</strong>ficials with suchfrequency as to remove him from the contact with his regularwork or causes cadre difficulty owing to his absence on leave(Rule 50(4)(5) & (6)).13.11.4 The maximum period <strong>of</strong> study leave is 24 months in theentire service and may be granted at a stretch or in differentspells. The study leave can be combined with any other leavedue, but maximum period <strong>of</strong> continuous absence includingvacation if any, but excluding extraordinary leave should notexceed 28 months generally, and 36 months for the coursesleading to Ph.D. degree (Rule 51 & 54).13.11.5 The leave salary in case <strong>of</strong> Study leave outside India isadmissible as pay last drawn plus D.A., HRA, CCA and in additionstudy allowance admissible. In case <strong>of</strong> study leave in India, Studyallowance is not admissible. HRA and CCA are payable for the first180 days and beyond 180 days will be subject to the production <strong>of</strong>prescribed certificate for drawal.<strong>Page</strong> 87 <strong>of</strong> 87

13.12 Casual Leave13.12.1 It is not a recognized form <strong>of</strong> leave and is not subject toany rule made by Government <strong>of</strong> India. An <strong>of</strong>ficial on casualleave is not treated as absent from the duty and pay is notintermitted.13.12.2 Casual Leave can be combined with Special CasualLeave but not with any other kind <strong>of</strong> leave. It cannot becombined with joining time. Sundays and holidays fallingduring a period <strong>of</strong> casual leave are not counted as part <strong>of</strong>casual leave. These holidays can be prefixed or suffixed withthe casual leave. Casual leave can be taken while on tour, butno DA will be admissible for the period <strong>of</strong> casual leave availedon tour. LTC can also be availed during casual leave. Half aday’s casual leave can also be availed <strong>of</strong>.13.12.3 to a government servant is entitled Eight days casualleave during a calendar year. An individual appointed andjoining duty during the middle <strong>of</strong> year may avail <strong>of</strong> casual leaveproportionately or to the full extent at the discretion <strong>of</strong> thecompetent authority. Casual leave normally is not granted formore than 5 days at any one time except under specialcircumstances.13.12.4 Half a day’s casual leave availed <strong>of</strong> in the second half isalso permitted to be combined with regular leave on certaincompelling grounds [Rule 11 (GOD) (2)].13.13 Special Casual Leave13.13.1 In sports events admissible upto a maximum <strong>of</strong> 30 daysin a calendar year for attending (a) coaching <strong>of</strong> training campsunder Rajkumari Amrit Kaur Coaching Scheme or similar AllIndia Coaching or training schemes; (b) coaching or trainingcamps at the National Institute <strong>of</strong> Sports, Patiala; (c) coachingcamps in sports organized by National Sports Federation/Sports Boards recognized by government.13.13.2 Admissible upto a maximum <strong>of</strong> 10 days in any one yearfor participating in Inter-Ministerial and Inter-Departmentaltournaments and sporting events held in and outside Delhi.Special casual leave may also be granted to a sportsmangetting seriously injured or being hospitalized during the<strong>Page</strong> 88 <strong>of</strong> 88

sporting events subject to the overall ceiling <strong>of</strong> 30 days in acalendar year.13.13.3 Special casual leave <strong>of</strong> 15 days in a calendar year is alsoadmissible for taking part in cultural activities like dance,drama, music and also for taking part in dancing and singingcompetition at religious, national and international levelorganized by Government <strong>of</strong> India / Government sponsoredbodies.13.13.4 Special Casual Leave for family planning:(a) Male Employees - admissible maximum <strong>of</strong> 6 workingdays for vasectomy operation. If he undergoes the saidoperation for a second time due to failure <strong>of</strong> the first,another 6 days will be admissible on the production <strong>of</strong>medical certificate. Maximum 21 days are admissible forundergoing recanalization operation. Maximum <strong>of</strong> 7days if his wife under-goes tubectomy, laproscopy orsalpingectomy operation. The leave should follow thedate <strong>of</strong> operation.(b) Female employees - admissible maximum <strong>of</strong> 14 daysfor tubectomy/laproscopy operation. If she undergoesthe operation for a second time due to failure <strong>of</strong> the first,maximum <strong>of</strong> 14 days will be admissible for the secondtime. Maximum <strong>of</strong> 14 days admissible for salpingectomyoperation after Medical Termination <strong>of</strong> Pregnancy (MTP).Maximum <strong>of</strong> 21 days admissible for undergoingrecanalization operation. Admissible for one day on theday <strong>of</strong> operation when her husband undergoesvasectomy operation, and also for IUCD/IUDinsertion/re-insertion.13.13.5 Extension/Additional Special Casual Leave (i)admissible for the period <strong>of</strong> hospitalization if the concernedemployee is hospitalized on account <strong>of</strong> post-operationalcomplications, (ii) Admissible for 7 days in case <strong>of</strong> vasectomyoperation and 14 days in case <strong>of</strong> tubectomy operation if theemployee does not remain hospitalized after sterilizationoperation but is not fit to resume duty.13.13.6 Special Casual Leave for sterilization operation is notadmissible to casual labourers with temporary status since thebenefit is admissible to regular employees only.<strong>Page</strong> 89 <strong>of</strong> 89

13.14 Powers for sanctioning <strong>of</strong> Leave in respect <strong>of</strong> CBIpersonnel:Leave except special casual leave to NGOs <strong>of</strong> all rankposted in a branch is sanctioned by the Supdt. <strong>of</strong> Police asHead <strong>of</strong> Office <strong>of</strong> the branch. Leave to Gazetted Officers(Group-B) is sanctioned by DIG and to (Group-A) <strong>of</strong> and abovethe rank <strong>of</strong> SP by Director, CBI.13.15 Encashment <strong>of</strong> Leave:The authority competent to sanction leave shouldautomatically grant lump sum cash equivalent <strong>of</strong> leave salaryadmissible for the number <strong>of</strong> days <strong>of</strong> earned leave at the credit<strong>of</strong> the employee on the last day <strong>of</strong> his service, subject to amaximum <strong>of</strong> 300 days including the number <strong>of</strong> days, for whichencashment was availed along with LTC [Rule 39(2)(b)] &[39(D), GID 17) :(i) Admissible on retirement attaining the age <strong>of</strong>superannuation;(ii)When the service is extended in public interest beyondsuperannuation, after extension;(iii)When an employee is invalid from service on medicalgrounds;(iv)When an employee resigns or quits service on his ownaccord, the lumpsum cash payment will be only to theextent <strong>of</strong> half <strong>of</strong> the earned leave at his credit subject toa maximum <strong>of</strong> 150 days including the number <strong>of</strong> daysfor which encashment was availed along with LTC, onthe date <strong>of</strong> cessation from service;(v) On premature retirement under FR56(j) or (l) or Rule 48<strong>of</strong> CCS (Pension) Rules;(vi)On voluntary retirement under FR 56(k) or (m) or Rule48 or 48-A <strong>of</strong> CCS(Pension) Rules;(vii)On compulsory retirement as a measure <strong>of</strong> penalty whenno reduction in pension is ordered.<strong>Page</strong> 90 <strong>of</strong> 90

13.16 Encashment <strong>of</strong> Half Pay Leave:Officials covered by (i), (v) and (vi) above and thosepermanent/ quasi-permanent employees retired on invalidationwill also be entitled to cash equivalent to half pay leave at theircredit. Encashment <strong>of</strong> earned leave up to 300 days (includingthe number <strong>of</strong> days for which encashment was availed alongwith LTC) should, as usual, be allowed in their cases, even ifthe period goes beyond their normal date <strong>of</strong> superannuation. If, however, the benefit <strong>of</strong> encashment <strong>of</strong> half pay leave is alsoavailed <strong>of</strong>, the period <strong>of</strong> HPL plus EL should not extend beyondtheir normal date <strong>of</strong> superannuation. This restriction is notapplicable to those retiring on superannuation. The cashequivalent for half pay leave is subject to reduction on account<strong>of</strong> pension, relief on pension and pension equivalent toRetirement Gratuity. If the cash equivalent to half pay leavefalls short <strong>of</strong> the total <strong>of</strong> pension, pension equivalent toRetirement Gratuity and relief on pension, cash equivalent forthe half pay leave is not payable [Rule 39(5)].13.17 Encashment <strong>of</strong> EL during LTCEncashment <strong>of</strong> EL while availing LTC will be admissiblesubject to the following conditions:(i)Limited to 10 days <strong>of</strong> EL on one occasion and 60 daysin the entire service.(ii)Will be taken into account while computing themaximum admissibility for encashment at the time <strong>of</strong>quitting service.(iii)At least equal number <strong>of</strong> days <strong>of</strong> EL should be availedalong with encashment.(iv)The balance at credit should be not less than 30 daysafter deducting the total <strong>of</strong> leave availed plus leave forwhich encashment was availed [Rule (39-D, GOD(17)].13.18 Amount payable for Encashment <strong>of</strong> Earned Leave:The lump sum will consist <strong>of</strong> (i) leave salary and (ii) DA(for the first 300 days only). It will not includeHRA/CCA/Special Increment granted for promoting smallfamily norm.<strong>Page</strong> 91 <strong>of</strong> 91

14. NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE FOR HIGHERSTUDIES & CHANGE OF JOBS14.1 Permission for joining educational institutions bygovernment servants outside normal working hours14.1.1 Ordinarily there can be no objection to the pursuit <strong>of</strong>knowledge by government servants in their leisure hours. But thismust be subject to the condition that such pursuit does in no waydetract them from efficient discharge <strong>of</strong> their duty. Wherever foundnecessary, the administrative authorities may require thatgovernment servants under their control should take priorpermission before joining educational institutions or courses <strong>of</strong>studies for University degrees, as the joining <strong>of</strong> educationalinstitutions involves commitment about attendance at specific hoursand absence from duty during period <strong>of</strong> examinations. Ordinarily,permission is to be granted but with a view to dealing with caseswhere it is noticed that the government servant has been neglectinghis duties for the sake <strong>of</strong> his studies, a condition may be attachedsaying that the permission may be withdrawn at any momentwithout assigning any reasons. This will, <strong>of</strong> course, be withoutprejudice to any other departmental action being taken where merewithdrawal <strong>of</strong> the permission is not considered adequate 31[1] .14.1.2 As per H.O. letter No. DPAD4/2000/87/8/1/2000 dated4.2.2000 (Annexure-VII) permission for higher studies/vocationalcourses in respect <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers upto the rank <strong>of</strong> DIG andAdministrative Officers can be granted by Special Director.14.1.3 Permission for higher studies will be allowed subject to thefollowing conditions:a) The permission can be withdrawn at any time.b) He will have to proceed on tour wheneverasked/required.c) Official duties will not be affected at any time in anyway.d) Permission will not confer any right for granting anyleave for preparation/appearing in examination.31[1] Also see G.I. MHA OM No. 25/27/52-Estts. dated 3.5.52 and G.I. MHA O.M. No. 130/54-Estt.(A) dated 26.2.1955<strong>Page</strong> 92 <strong>of</strong> 92

Request for leave will be considered according to <strong>of</strong>ficialneeds/exigencies <strong>of</strong> service at the appropriate time.e) The permission will not be a ground for continued stayat the same station and he could be transferred to someother station as and when the <strong>of</strong>ficial exigencies sorequire.f) Permission will not be a ground for extension <strong>of</strong>deputation period in case <strong>of</strong> a deputationist.14.2 Forwarding <strong>of</strong> applications for other employment14.2.1 General PrinciplesGovernment <strong>of</strong> India issues guidelines from time to time inrespect <strong>of</strong> sending <strong>of</strong> the applications for other employment.According to these guidelines, a final decision whether a particularapplication should be forwarded or not rests with the authoritythrough whom the application has to be forwarded. While taking adecision in the matter, the authority concerned has to balance theinterest <strong>of</strong> the State against the necessity <strong>of</strong> avoiding hardship to theindividual.14.2.2 When the conduct <strong>of</strong> a government servant is underinvestigation and the same has not reached the stage <strong>of</strong> issue <strong>of</strong>prosecution sanction or issue <strong>of</strong> chargesheet or filing <strong>of</strong> chargesheetfor criminal prosecution in a court <strong>of</strong> law, his application will beforwarded with brief comments on the nature <strong>of</strong> allegation.Applications for appointments, by direct recruitment, deputation orabsorption will not be considered or forwarded if :(i)the employee is under suspension; or(ii)disciplinary proceedings are pending against him and achargesheet has been issued; or(iii)sanction for prosecution, where necessary, has beenaccorded by the Competent Authority; or(iv) where a prosecution is not necessary, a chargesheet hasbeen filed in a court <strong>of</strong> law against him for criminalprosecution.14.2.3 Applications for appointment in the same or other <strong>Central</strong>Government Departments can be forwarded. In the event <strong>of</strong>appointment <strong>of</strong> permanent government servant in another<strong>Page</strong> 93 <strong>of</strong> 93

department, a lien will be retained for a period <strong>of</strong> two years in parentdepartment which may be extended by one more year if there is delayin confirmation in the borrowing department. Thereafter, they shouldeither revert to parent department or resign. An undertaking to thiseffect will be taken from the applicant while forwarding theapplications. In the case <strong>of</strong> temporary government servants, anundertaking will be obtained while forwarding applications to theeffect that they would resign in the event <strong>of</strong> their selections in otherdepartments.14.2.4 Applications <strong>of</strong> permanent government servants forappointment in Public Sector Undertakings, incorporated or not,wholly or substantially by the <strong>Central</strong>/State Government and inautonomous, semi-Government organisations may be forwarded andtheir lien retained for two years or till their permanent absorption.An undertaking will be obtained for acceptance <strong>of</strong> the followingconditions:(a) Leave salary/pension contribution will be paid togovernment by the organisation or the government servanthimself.(b) Pay allowed to him in the organisation should neither beless than the minimum <strong>of</strong> the scale <strong>of</strong> post in the PSU norshall it exceed the maximum <strong>of</strong> that scale and will beregulated as per the provisions in G.I., Department <strong>of</strong>Personnel & Training, OM. No.2/29/91-Estt.(Pay-II), dated5.1.1994.(c) Before permanent absorption, the organisation concernedshould be given prior intimation to the parent <strong>of</strong>fice sothat resignation <strong>of</strong> the employee could be accepted beforeabsorption.14.2.5 In the case <strong>of</strong> temporary government employee, an undertakingto the effect that they will resign in the event <strong>of</strong> their selection by theundertakings, will be obtained before forwarding <strong>of</strong> the application.14.2.6 Based on the government instructions as mentioned above, theCBI, Head Office has issued instructions on the subject from time totime. A gist <strong>of</strong> the same is given below for guidance and strictcompliance by all the CBI Branches:(i) All applications submitted in response to acircular/advertisement (for the posts carrying higher payscales) shall be forwarded to the Head Office for furtheraction. Applications not submitted in response to anyadvertisement or circular shall not be forwarded.<strong>Page</strong> 94 <strong>of</strong> 94

(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)The applications <strong>of</strong> eligible CBI employees completed inall respects should be sent to the CBI Head Officethrough their controlling <strong>of</strong>ficers at least 15 days beforethe last date, after following all the codal formalitiespublished in the concerned advertisement.Every employee may be permitted to apply for outsidepost not more than four times in a year. However, wheregovernment servants apply for the post in response toadvertisements made by UPSC/SSC, it shall not becounted against the number <strong>of</strong> times specified here.The government servants who wish to appear at acompetitive examination conducted by UPSC/SSC, maysubmit their applications directly to the Commissionunder intimation to their Controlling Officers. If theHead <strong>of</strong> Office/Department considers it necessary towithhold permission, UPSC will be intimated accordinglywithin 45 days <strong>of</strong> the closing date for receipt <strong>of</strong> theapplication by it. If no intimation is received by UPSCwithin the stipulated time, permission will be deemed tohave been given. The same principles would apply to theapplications meant for Staff Selection Commission.An undertaking should be obtained from the governmentservants to the effect that in case <strong>of</strong> his selection, he willtender his resignation as required under the Rules.The applications <strong>of</strong> only such employees should beforwarded who could be relieved <strong>of</strong> duties in the CBI incase <strong>of</strong> their selection to the new post.It will be open to the Controlling Officer concerned aswell as the Director, CBI to withhold an applicationkeeping the public interest in view and after recordingthe reasons there<strong>of</strong>.It will not be a matter <strong>of</strong> right for any employee to havehis application forwarded. Forwarding <strong>of</strong> application willbe considered on merit.(ix) (ix) The above guidelines are only illustrative and notexhaustive.<strong>Page</strong> 95 <strong>of</strong> 95

15. PENSION15.1 An employee governed by the Pension Scheme gets a recurringmonthly payment termed as pension for life on reaching the age <strong>of</strong>superannuation or if he is retired earlier in accordance with therules/regulations/orders on the subject. Gratuity is lump sumpayment granted to the employee at the time <strong>of</strong> death/retirement forthe service rendered by him. Both Pension and Gratuity aredetermined with reference to the length <strong>of</strong> his service and the paydrawn by him.15.2 The provisions relating to Pension and Gratuity includingfamily pension which were spread over the Civil Service Regulationsand various executive instructions, were codified in 1972, in theform <strong>of</strong> Statutory Rules entitled -The <strong>Central</strong> Civil Services(Pension) Rules, 1972 which came into force with effect from IstJune, 1972.15.3 The normal age <strong>of</strong> superannuation <strong>of</strong> a permanent governmentservant in Group-A to Group-D services is 60 years.15.4 Types <strong>of</strong> pensionPensions are <strong>of</strong> two kinds, viz Ordinary and Extraordinary.While the Ordinary pension is regulated by the CCS(Pension) Rules,1972, the Extraordinary pension is regulated by the CCS(Extraordinary Pension) Rules {Appendix 3 <strong>of</strong> CCS (Pension) Rules}.Ordinary pension is further divided into various classes. Thefollowing are the different classes <strong>of</strong> pension which may be granted,as per admissibility, to a government servant on his retirement fromservice:(i)Superannuation pension (Rule 35 A): Superannuationpension shall be granted to a government servant who isretired on attaining the age <strong>of</strong> superannuation (i.e. 60years).(ii)Retiring pension (Rule 36): A retiring pension shall begranted:a) to a government servant who retires, or is retiredin advance <strong>of</strong> the age <strong>of</strong> superannuation retirement in<strong>Page</strong> 96 <strong>of</strong> 96

accordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong> Rule 48 or 48-A <strong>of</strong>the pension rules or Rule 56 <strong>of</strong> the Fundamental Rules.(b) to a government servant who on being declaredsurplus, opts for voluntary retirement in accordancewith the provision <strong>of</strong> Rule 29 <strong>of</strong> these rules.(iii)Pension on absorption in or under a Corporation,Company or Body (Rule 37): Retirement benefits shallbe granted to a government servant who is permanentlyabsorbed in a service or post in or under a corporation,company or body owned or controlled or financed by thegovernment, provided the permanent absorption ispermitted by the government 32[1] .(iv)Invalid pension ( Rule 38): Invalid Pension shall begranted to a government servant after being declared bythe competent medical authority to be permanentlyincapacitated for further service. A government servantwho desires to retire on invalid pension should apply tohis Head <strong>of</strong> Office who will direct the applicant to theappropriate Medical Authority for examination. Acertificate <strong>of</strong> incapacity for service obtained by thegovernment servant without the prior knowledge <strong>of</strong> theHead <strong>of</strong> Office is invalid (Note below Rule 38).(v) Compensation pension (Rule 39) : CompensationPension shall be granted to a government servant who isdischarged from public service on account <strong>of</strong> abolition <strong>of</strong>his permanent post and when suitable appointment <strong>of</strong>equal rank cannot be found or <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> a lower post isnot accepted by him.(vi) Compulsory retirement pension (Rule 40):Compulsory retirement pension is granted to agovernment servant who is compulsorily retired from thegovernment service as a measure <strong>of</strong> penalty by thecompetent authority. Such pension or gratuity or bothwill not be less than two third nor more than fullcompensation pension or gratuity or both admissible onthe date <strong>of</strong> compulsory retirement.32[1]For detailed orders on permanent transfer <strong>of</strong> government servants to PSUs andAutonomous Bodies etc. © see Appendix 12 <strong>of</strong> CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.<strong>Page</strong> 97 <strong>of</strong> 97

(vii)Compassionate allowance (Rule 41) : A governmentservant who is dismissed or removed from service shallforfeit his pension and gratuity. The authoritycompetent to dismiss or remove him from service may, ifthe case is deserving <strong>of</strong> special consideration sanction aCompassionate allowance not exceeding, two-thirds <strong>of</strong>pension or gratuity or both which would have beenadmissible to him if he had retired on compensationpension.15.5 The quantum <strong>of</strong> pension/gratuity depends upon length <strong>of</strong>Qualifying Service, Average Emoluments and Emoluments.15.6 Qualifying Service (QS) and its calculation:15.6.1 The service reckoned for pensionary purposes is known asQualifying Service. Qualifying service <strong>of</strong> a government servant shallcommence from the date he takes charge <strong>of</strong> the post to which he isfirst appointed either substantively or in an <strong>of</strong>ficiating or temporarycapacity provided that it is followed without interruption bysubstantive appointment in the same or another service or post andends on the date <strong>of</strong> retirement or date <strong>of</strong> death. The service <strong>of</strong> agovernment servant shall not qualify unless his duties and pay areregulated by the government or under conditions determined andpaid by that government from the Consolidated Fund <strong>of</strong> India or aLocal Fund administered by that government. It does not includeservice in a non-pensionable establishment unless such service istreated as qualifying service by that government.15.6.2 All kinds <strong>of</strong> service do not earn pension. The conditions laiddown for various services likeprobation/training/EOL/suspension/ deputation/State Govt.service/ autonomous body/Military /contingent service overstayal <strong>of</strong>leave or joining time etc. as in Chapter -III <strong>of</strong> CCS (Pension) Rules,1972 as to whether it qualifies for pension/gratuity or otherwisemay be examined carefully while the service is reckoned forpensionary purposes. Also resignation, removal or dismissal entailsforfeiture <strong>of</strong> past service (Rule 24 & 26).15.7 Additions to Qualifying Service (QS) on voluntaryretirement (Rules 48-B):15.7.1 A government servant who elects to retire under Rules 48(1) (a)or Rule 48-A or clause (k) <strong>of</strong> Rule 56 <strong>of</strong> the FR gets the benefit <strong>of</strong>additions to the Qualifying Service upto maximum <strong>of</strong> 5 years subjectto the condition that the total qualifying service rendered by thegovernment servant does not in any case exceed 33 years and itdoes not take him beyond the date <strong>of</strong> superannuation.<strong>Page</strong> 98 <strong>of</strong> 98

Government servant who opts to retire under Rule 29 or Rule30 is also eligible for addition to QS subject to certain conditions.The weightage <strong>of</strong> five years shall not be admissible in cases <strong>of</strong> thosegovernment servants who are pre-maturely retired under Rule48(1) (b) or FR 56 (j).15.7.2 The Net Qualifying service for the purpose <strong>of</strong> Pension andGratuity is calculated as under:Years Months DaysGross Service ----- ----- ----Less periods <strong>of</strong> Non-Qualifying Service ----- ----- ----Balance Qualifying Service ----- ----- ----Add weightage & past service ----- ----- ----Net Qualifying Service ----- ----- ----Note: “Month” means “Calendar month”.15.7.3 Rounding <strong>of</strong> Qualifying Service (QS) [Rule 49 (3)]:(applies to both Pension and Death/Retirement Gratuity)Qualifying service should be in completed six-monthly(completed half year) period (SMPs). It is subject to a maximum <strong>of</strong>66 Six Monthly Periods. The fraction <strong>of</strong> a year in the QualifyingServices should be reckoned in the following manner:Less than 3 monthsNil3 months and above One SMP (Six Monthly Period)but less than 9 months9 months and above Two SMPs (Six MonthlyPeriod)15.8 Verification <strong>of</strong> service for the purpose <strong>of</strong> pension after 25yrs. <strong>of</strong> service, or 5 yrs. before retirement (Rule 32):On a government servant completing 25 years <strong>of</strong> service or onhis being left with 5 years <strong>of</strong> service before the date <strong>of</strong> retirement,whichever is earlier, the head <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice in consultation with theaccounts <strong>of</strong>ficer shall, in accordance with the rules for the timebeing in force, verify the service rendered by such a governmentservant, determine the qualifying service and communicate to him,in Form 24 (Annexure-VIII), the period <strong>of</strong> qualifying service sodetermined. In order that the settlement <strong>of</strong> pension cases <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>ficers/<strong>of</strong>ficials working in CBI are not delayed the Head <strong>of</strong> Office<strong>Page</strong> 99 <strong>of</strong> 99

i.e. the SP in charge <strong>of</strong> the branch should ensure that the servicesrendered by each <strong>of</strong>ficer/<strong>of</strong>ficial are duly verified at the end <strong>of</strong> theyear i.e. in April each year and a verification certificate notedaccordingly in the Service Book/Service Sheet. In case it is foundthat there are break or breaks in the services <strong>of</strong> a governmentservant, action should be taken sufficiently in advance to have thebreak condoned, if permissible.15.9 Emoluments (Rule 33):Emoluments means basic pay as defined in FR 9(21)(a) (i) +Non-practicing Allowance + Stagnation Increment. Gratuityadmissible will be on the basis <strong>of</strong> emoluments drawn immediatelybefore his retirement/death while in service where as pension will beon the basis <strong>of</strong> average <strong>of</strong> the emoluments drawn during the last tenmonths <strong>of</strong> service. With effect from 1.1.1996 Dearness Allowancedrawn on the date <strong>of</strong> retirement/death in service is reckoned as‘emoluments’ for the purpose <strong>of</strong> retirement/death gratuity only andfor no other purpose. {(FR 9(21)(a)(i)} 33[2] .15.10 Average Emoluments(AE) (Rule -34 ):As explained already, it is one <strong>of</strong> the factors determining thequantum <strong>of</strong> pension. Average emoluments shall be determined withreference to the emoluments drawn by a government servant duringthe last ten months <strong>of</strong> his service.AE = Total emoluments <strong>of</strong> last ten months10Note: Average emoluments should not be rounded <strong>of</strong>f.Certain events occurring during the last 10 months asdescribed under rule 34 should be taken into consideration whiledetermining the average emoluments. The calculation <strong>of</strong> averageemoluments is to be based on the actual number <strong>of</strong> days containedin each month. A month for this purpose may be reckoned asconsisting <strong>of</strong> thirty days.15.11 Calculation <strong>of</strong> Terminal Benefits:15.11.1 Service Gratuity/Rule 49 (1) :It is lump-sum payment payable in lieu <strong>of</strong> pension to agovernment servant retiring before completing qualifying service <strong>of</strong>33[2]Also see Rule 33 & GIDs (4) thereunder<strong>Page</strong> 100 <strong>of</strong> 100

ten years. It is calculated at the rate <strong>of</strong> one half months emolumentfor every completed six monthly period (SMP).15.11.2 Retirement Gratuity (Rule 50 (1)(a):A government servant who has completed 5 years <strong>of</strong> qualifyingservice and has become eligible for service gratuity or pensionunder rule 49 shall on his retirement be granted retirement gratuityequal to 1/4 th <strong>of</strong> his emoluments for each completed six monthlyperiod <strong>of</strong> qualifying service subject to maximum 16-1/2 times <strong>of</strong>emoluments, provided it does not exceed Rupees Three Lakh andfifty thousand in the case <strong>of</strong> retirements on or after 1.1.1996.15.12 Death Gratuity:If a government servant dies while in service, the DeathGratuity shall be paid to the person(s) on whom the right to receivethe gratuity is conferred by means <strong>of</strong> a nomination under Rule 53.Death Gratuity shall be paid at the rates given below:Length <strong>of</strong> serviceRate <strong>of</strong> death gratuityLess than one year2 times <strong>of</strong> emolumentsOne year or more but lessthan 5 years5 years or more but lessthan 20 years6 times <strong>of</strong> emoluments12 times <strong>of</strong> emoluments20 years or more Half <strong>of</strong> emoluments for everycompleted SMP <strong>of</strong> QS subject toa maximum <strong>of</strong> 33 times <strong>of</strong>emoluments and maximumRs.3,50,000/- only in the case <strong>of</strong>death on or after 1.1.199615.13 Amount <strong>of</strong> Pension (Rule 49 (2)(a))(a) A government servantretiring after completingQualifying Service <strong>of</strong> not lessthan 33 yrs(b) A government servantretiring before completing QS<strong>of</strong> 33 yrs but aftercompleting 10 yrs <strong>of</strong>50% <strong>of</strong> Average emoluments(subject to a minimum <strong>of</strong>Rs.1275/- and maximum <strong>of</strong>Rs.15,000/-)Proportionate to the amount <strong>of</strong>pension admissible for 33 yrs <strong>of</strong>QS and in no case the amount<strong>of</strong> Pension shall be less than<strong>Page</strong> 101 <strong>of</strong> 101

qualifying serviceRs.1275/-Calculation <strong>of</strong> Pension = 50 x AE x SMPs AE- Averageemoluments100 x 66 SMPs-Six monthlyPeriod/QS- QualifyingServiceNote: Amount <strong>of</strong> pension finally determined shall beexpressed in whole rupee. Fraction <strong>of</strong> a rupee should berounded <strong>of</strong>f to the next higher rupee.Two model calculations (one on superannuation case andanother on family pension) may be seen at Annexure IX.15.14 Provisional Pension when processing <strong>of</strong> pension papers ispending (Rule 64):The head <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice may determine, sanction and disburse theprovisional pension and retirement gratuity to a governmentservant if he has not been able to forward the pension papers tothe Accounts Officer before six months <strong>of</strong> the retirement or accounts<strong>of</strong>ficer has returned the pension papers for eliciting furtherinformation before issue <strong>of</strong> Pension Payment Order and order <strong>of</strong>payment <strong>of</strong> gratuity and he is <strong>of</strong> the opinion that the governmentservant may retire before his pension and gratuity or both can befinally assessed and settled. Provisional pension and gratuity arecalculated and sanctioned in the manner prescribed in Rule 64 <strong>of</strong>the CCS (Pension) rules which will be further subject to adjustmentsmade after issue <strong>of</strong> final payment authority by the Accounts Officer.15.15 Provisional pension where departmental or judicialproceedings may be pending (Rule 69) :15.15.1 When departmental or judicial proceedings are pending againstthe government servant, Accounts Officer shall authorise 100%provisional pension on the basis <strong>of</strong> qualifying service upto the date<strong>of</strong> retirement or upto the date preceding the date <strong>of</strong> suspension ifthe government servant was placed under suspension beforeretirement. This provisional pension will be paid from the date <strong>of</strong>retirement upto and including the date on which final orders arepassed by competent authority after the conclusion <strong>of</strong> departmentalor judicial proceedings.<strong>Page</strong> 102 <strong>of</strong> 102

15.15.2 No gratuity shall be paid until the conclusion <strong>of</strong> departmentalor judicial proceedings and issue <strong>of</strong> final orders thereon. However,where departmental proceedings have been instituted under Rule 16<strong>of</strong> CCS (CCA) Rule 1965 for imposing any <strong>of</strong> penalties specified inclauses (i) (ii) and (iv) <strong>of</strong> Rule 11 <strong>of</strong> the said Rules, payment <strong>of</strong>gratuity shall be authorised 34[3] .15.16 Family Pension Scheme 1964 ( Rule 54)15.16.1 In the event <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> a government servant while in serviceor after retirement his/her family is eligible for the grant <strong>of</strong> familypension. If the government servant dies :a) after completion <strong>of</strong> one year <strong>of</strong> continuous service; orb) before completion <strong>of</strong> one year <strong>of</strong> continuous serviceprovided the deceased government servant concernedimmediately prior to his appointment to the service orpost was examined by the appropriate medical authorityand declared fit by that authority for government service,c) after retirement from service and was on the date <strong>of</strong>death in receipt <strong>of</strong> a pension or CompassionateAllowance, referred to in Chapter V <strong>of</strong> CCS (PensionRules) 1972, other than the pension referred to in Rule37 <strong>of</strong> these rules,Family for the purpose <strong>of</strong> Family Pension means as defined inRule 54(14)(b) <strong>of</strong> CCS (Pension Rules), 1972.15.16.2 Family pension is ordinarily payable to only one person at atime in the following order-(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)Widow/widower upto the date <strong>of</strong> death or remarriage,whichever is earlier.Sons -upto the age <strong>of</strong> 25 years.Unmarried daughters-upto the age <strong>of</strong> 25 years ormarriage whichever is earlier.Mentally or physically disabled children for life.Family pension to children shall be payable in the order <strong>of</strong> theirbirth and the younger <strong>of</strong> them will not be eligible unless the elder34[3]For detailed information please refer to Rule 69 <strong>of</strong> CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.<strong>Page</strong> 103 <strong>of</strong> 103

next above him/her has become ineligible for grant <strong>of</strong> familypension. Normal rate <strong>of</strong> family pension is 30% <strong>of</strong> emolumentssubject to a minimum <strong>of</strong> Rs.1275/- p.m.15.17 Enhanced rate <strong>of</strong> family pensionEnhanced family pension is payable from the date following thedate <strong>of</strong> death for a period upto(i) seven years from the date following the date <strong>of</strong> death(ii) date on which the deceased government servant would haveattained the age <strong>of</strong> 67 years, had he survived; whichever islessAfter the expiry <strong>of</strong> the period given above, the family pensionwill be payable at normal rate.15.18 Calculation <strong>of</strong> family pension when government servantdies in service :50% <strong>of</strong> the last pay drawn by the government servant or twicethe family pension admissible at normal rate whichever is less.15.19 Calculation <strong>of</strong> family pension in the event <strong>of</strong> death afterretirement.In such cases the pension is calculated at 50% <strong>of</strong> the pay lastdrawn by the government servant or twice the family pensionadmissible at normal rate or the pension authorised to governmentservant on retirement - whichever is less. If the pension onretirement is less than normal family pension, the enhanced familypension will be equal to the normal family pension.15.20 Miscellaneous provisions relating to Pension :15.20.1 Nomination - Every employee should make a nominationin a prescribed form conferring on one or more persons, the right toreceive the death/retirement gratuity amount in the event <strong>of</strong> hisdeath in service/after retirement before receiving retirementgratuity. Nomination has to be made in two manners (a) if the<strong>of</strong>ficial has a family and (b) if the <strong>of</strong>ficial has no family (Rule 53).15.20.2 Sudden death <strong>of</strong> a government servant - In case <strong>of</strong> suddendeath <strong>of</strong> a government servant, the head <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice may sanction animmediate relief to the family <strong>of</strong> government servant not exceeding<strong>Page</strong> 104 <strong>of</strong> 104

three months pay or Rs.8000/- whichever is less, subject to thecondition that the total amount thus paid in advance, will beadjusted against the death-cum-retirement gratuity, arrears <strong>of</strong>salary or General Provident Fund or any other payment due to thedeceased 35[4] .15.20.3 Application for pension - Every government servant shallsubmit in writing an application for pension in the prescribed form (Form-5).15.20.4 Intimation to the Directorate <strong>of</strong> Estates regarding issue <strong>of</strong>“No Demand Certificate” The Head <strong>of</strong> the Office shall write to Directorate<strong>of</strong> Estates at least two years before the anticipated date <strong>of</strong> retirement <strong>of</strong> agovernment servant, in case he is in occupation <strong>of</strong> government quarters, sothat the “No demand certificate” may be issued in time and the pension caseis not delayed on that account.15.20.5 Recovery and adjustment <strong>of</strong> government dues - It is theduty <strong>of</strong> every government servant to clear government dues beforethe date <strong>of</strong> his retirement. In case he does not do so, the governmentwill be within its right to deduct the amount from the death-cumretirementgratuity payable to him.15.20.6 Preparation <strong>of</strong> a list <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials due to retire - Every Head <strong>of</strong>Department shall have a list prepared every 6 months i.e. on the 1st<strong>of</strong> January and the 1st <strong>of</strong> July each year, <strong>of</strong> all government servantswho are due to retire within the next 24-30 months <strong>of</strong> that date. Acopy <strong>of</strong> such lists shall be supplied to the Pay & Accounts Officerconcerned, not later than the 31st <strong>of</strong> January or 31st <strong>of</strong> July. Incase <strong>of</strong> a government servant retiring for reasons other than by way<strong>of</strong> superannuation, the Accounts Officer concerned will be informedimmediately by the Head <strong>of</strong> Office.15.20.7 Preparation <strong>of</strong> pension papers - Every Head <strong>of</strong> Office shallundertake the work <strong>of</strong> preparation <strong>of</strong> pension papers, two yearsbefore the date on which a government servant is due to retire onsuperannuation or on the date on which he proceeds on leavepreparatory to retirement, whichever is earlier. The stepsenumerated in Rule 56 to 61 <strong>of</strong> CCS (Pension) Rules are to bestrictly followed.15.20.8 Debarring a person from receiving Gratuity (Rule 51 -A) - Ifa person who in the event <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> a government servant iseligible to receive gratuity, is charged with <strong>of</strong>fence <strong>of</strong> murdering thegovernment servant or for abetting in the commission <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>fence,35[4]Appendix 6 <strong>of</strong> Pension Compilation & GFR 262-264<strong>Page</strong> 105 <strong>of</strong> 105

his claim shall remain suspended till the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the criminalproceedings and will be paid his share on his acquittal.15.21 Commutation <strong>of</strong> Pension:Commutation <strong>of</strong> Pension is covered under the provisions <strong>of</strong><strong>Central</strong> Civil Service (Commutation <strong>of</strong> Pension) Rules 1981. Theserules came into effect from 1.7.1981. These Rules are applicable togovernment servants who may be permitted or have been authorisedany class <strong>of</strong> pension.15.21.1 Eligibility:i) All pensioners except those facing disciplinaryproceedings are eligible to get their pension commuted for alumpsum payment.ii) Those facing disciplinary proceedings (before or afterretirement) can get their pension commuted when disciplinaryproceedings are over.15.21.2 Amount <strong>of</strong> commutation :A government servant is entitled to commute for a lump sumpayment a fraction not exceeding 40% <strong>of</strong> the pension authorised. Agovernment servant who is due to retire on superannuation anddesires payment <strong>of</strong> commuted value <strong>of</strong> pension being authorised atthe time <strong>of</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> pension payment order, shall be eligible to applyfor commutation <strong>of</strong> a fraction <strong>of</strong> pension alongwith the pensionpapers prior to the date <strong>of</strong> retirement provided that:i) The government servant retires on superannuationpension only.ii)The application is submitted to Head <strong>of</strong> Office not laterthan 3 months before the date <strong>of</strong> retirement. Ifapplication is submitted late but before the date <strong>of</strong>retirement, it can be accepted and authority as far aspossible will be issued by Pay & Accounts Officealongwith the Pension Payment Order.iii)The government shall have no liability for the payment <strong>of</strong>commuted value <strong>of</strong> pension if the government servant<strong>Page</strong> 106 <strong>of</strong> 106

dies before the date <strong>of</strong> retirement or forfeits claim topension before such retirement. If anyone desires tocommute a fraction <strong>of</strong> that pension any time after thedate following the date <strong>of</strong> his retirement from service butbefore the expiry <strong>of</strong> one year, he shall apply to Head <strong>of</strong>Office in Form-I after his date <strong>of</strong> retirement. He mustensure that application duly completed is delivered toHead <strong>of</strong> Office early but not later that one year <strong>of</strong> thedate <strong>of</strong> his retirement.15.21.3 Action by Head <strong>of</strong> Office - He will initial the form indicatingthe date <strong>of</strong> its receipt, acknowledge in Part II and despatch the sameto the applicant. He will complete Part III <strong>of</strong> form and forward it toPay & Accounts Office for issuing the authority.15.21.4 Commutation without medical examination is allowed inthe case <strong>of</strong>:- Superannuation pension- Retiring pension- Compensation pension- Pension on absorption in a Corporation or Company ora body controlled/financed by government- Pension granted on conclusion <strong>of</strong> disciplinaryproceedings.The application for commutation should be made within oneyear from the date <strong>of</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> the retirement orders.15.21.5 Commutation <strong>of</strong> Pension after medical examination isallowed in the cases <strong>of</strong> :(a) Retirement on invalid pension(b) Compulsory retirement as penalty and is grantedcompulsory retirement pension(c) Those in receipt <strong>of</strong> compassionate allowance(d) Those who apply for commutation after one year fromthe date <strong>of</strong> retirement.15.21.6 An applicant should make an application in the prescribedform to Head <strong>of</strong> Office. Head <strong>of</strong> Office will have the applicantmedically examined from the medical board in the prescribedmanner.15.21.7 An application for commutation on medical certificate can bewithdrawn in the following situations :<strong>Page</strong> 107 <strong>of</strong> 107

(a) Before medical examination by not appearing before themedical authority, or(b) After medical examination, if pensioner declines toaccept addition in age as directed in medical report, within 14days <strong>of</strong> its receipt.15.22 Effect <strong>of</strong> Commutation <strong>of</strong> Pension :(i)The pension gets reduced by the amount <strong>of</strong>fered forcommutation from the date <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> commuted value<strong>of</strong> pension (or credit in the bank account <strong>of</strong> pensioner) orat the end <strong>of</strong> three months after issue <strong>of</strong> authority <strong>of</strong>payment, whichever is earlier.(ii) When pension is commuted at the time <strong>of</strong>superannuation, the reduction in pension is effectivefrom the date <strong>of</strong> its inception. However, if commutedvalue is not paid within the first month <strong>of</strong> retirement,the difference <strong>of</strong> pension for the period between the datefollowing the day <strong>of</strong> retirement and the date precedingthe day commuted value is deemed to have been paid,shall be authorised by the Accounts Officer.15.23 Commutation <strong>of</strong> Provisional Pension and Effect <strong>of</strong>Revision:(i)An employee who received provisional pension, pendingassessment <strong>of</strong> final pension, shall be eligible tocommute a part <strong>of</strong> such provisional pension.(ii)If provisional pension is finally revised upwards,commutation <strong>of</strong> increased pension may be authorisedwithout any application from the pensioner.15.24 Payment <strong>of</strong> Commuted Pension:The commutation <strong>of</strong> Pension becomes absolute and thecommuted value becomes payable on :(a) The date following the date <strong>of</strong> retirement in cases <strong>of</strong>superannuation, if application is made before the date <strong>of</strong>retirement (normally the application should reach Head <strong>of</strong>Office not later than 3 months before the date <strong>of</strong>superannuation but in any case must reach on or before the<strong>Page</strong> 108 <strong>of</strong> 108

date <strong>of</strong> retirement in which case authority for payment <strong>of</strong>commuted value will be issued as soon as possible).(b) On the date <strong>of</strong> receipt <strong>of</strong> application by the Head <strong>of</strong>Office for commutation, if applied after the date <strong>of</strong>superannuation but within one year.(c)On the date <strong>of</strong> signing the medical report in the case <strong>of</strong>commutation after medical examination.15.25 Calculation <strong>of</strong> Commuted Value <strong>of</strong> PensionThe commuted value <strong>of</strong> pension is calculated as per thefollowing formula:Commuted Value = Pension <strong>of</strong>fered for commutation x 12 xCommutation FactorCommuted value <strong>of</strong> pension is to be calculated taking intoaccount the date <strong>of</strong> Medical Examination, the age, next birthday &factor applicable. Amount <strong>of</strong>fered for commutation is expressed inpercentage or fraction <strong>of</strong> the pension per month. The commutedvalue will be rounded <strong>of</strong>f to the next higher rupee. Commutationfactor is the commutation value for a pension <strong>of</strong> Re.1 per annum.The Table <strong>of</strong> the value prescribed from time to time 36[5] gives thecommutation factor in respect <strong>of</strong> age <strong>of</strong> the pensioner on his nextbirthday.15.26 Restoration <strong>of</strong> portion <strong>of</strong> Pension15.26.1 Commuted portion <strong>of</strong> pension will be restored after 15 yearsfrom the date <strong>of</strong> retirement. Prior to 01.4.1985, pensioners wereallowed an optional facility <strong>of</strong> converting a portion <strong>of</strong> their pensioninto a lump-sum amount and pensioners were getting only thebalance amount (Full pension minus the commuted portion) for therest <strong>of</strong> their life.15.26.2 Supreme Court <strong>of</strong> India in its judgement dated 09.12.1986 inwrit petition <strong>of</strong> 1983 ruled that pensioners who have commuted theadmissible portion <strong>of</strong> pension are entitled to have the commutedportion restored on the expiry <strong>of</strong> 15 years from the date <strong>of</strong>retirement. Accordingly, in view <strong>of</strong> Supreme Court’s judgement,Government decided that only such pensioners who have commuteda portion <strong>of</strong> their pension and on 01.04.1985 or thereafter have36[5]Table in Appendix-1 <strong>of</strong> CCS (Commutations <strong>of</strong> Pension) Rules 1981.<strong>Page</strong> 109 <strong>of</strong> 109

completed or will complete 15 years from the respective dates <strong>of</strong>retirement will have their commuted portion <strong>of</strong> pension restored.15.26.3 Each pensioner who is eligible is required to apply in theprescribed form duly completed to the Pension DisbursingAuthority/Bank/Post Office who will restore the commuted portion <strong>of</strong>Pension, if the commuted amount has been mentioned in PensionPayment Order and will also pay arrear, if any. If commuted portionis not mentioned in PPO, necessary details will be obtained by thePension Disbursing Offices from concerned P&AO which issued thePension Payment Order. In case the pensioner had completed 15years from the date <strong>of</strong> retirement and died, subsequently, his/herlegal heir(s) are also entitled to receive arrear from the date <strong>of</strong>completion <strong>of</strong> 15 years to the date <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> pensioner. Thecommuted pension will be restored after 15 years from:i) The date <strong>of</strong> retirement if the commuted value is receivedin the first month.ii)The date on which reduction in pension on account <strong>of</strong>commutation becomes effective, when value receivedafter 1 month from the date <strong>of</strong> retirement.<strong>Page</strong> 110 <strong>of</strong> 110

16. DECENTRALIZATION OF ACCOUNTS16.1 With effect from 01.10.1976 Government has issuedorder decentralising accounts from the Audit. The workrelating to the maintenance/checking <strong>of</strong> accounts, passing <strong>of</strong>bills, allocation <strong>of</strong> LOC (Letter <strong>of</strong> Credit) to the branch locatedoutside Delhi who draw money from accredited bank areattended to by Pay & Accounts Officer, CBI. In respect <strong>of</strong> CFSLthere is separate Pay & Accounts Officer under MHA.16.2 Under the revised arrangement effective from01.10.1976 pay bills etc., in respect <strong>of</strong> CBI <strong>of</strong>fices (includingCBI Head Office) located in Delhi are sent to the Pay &Accounts Officer, CBI who is responsible for issuing thecheques after exercising necessary scrutiny <strong>of</strong> the bills.Branches located outside Delhi are provided with the letters <strong>of</strong>credit from time to time and on the basis <strong>of</strong> these letters <strong>of</strong>credit these branches draw money from accredited banks.These branches are required to send the Bills/Vouchers to thePay & Accounts Officer, CBI for post audit. For the purpose <strong>of</strong>reconciliation, representatives <strong>of</strong> the CBI Head Office/branchesare deputed to the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the Pay & Accounts Officer, CBI,New Delhi from time to time.16.3 Categories <strong>of</strong> cheques and their useThere are three types <strong>of</strong> cheques, viz. (i) Negotiable, (ii)Non-Transferable & (iii) Not negotiable and not payable in cash.(i)Negotiable cheques are issued for personal payments togazetted government servants, suppliers, public sectorcompanies, etc. They are ‘negotiable’ and are drawn aspayable to or order <strong>of</strong> the ‘payee’. As a safeguard againstfraudulent claim all non salary cheques exceeding Rs.500/- and salary cheques exceeding Rs. 1000/- shall becrossed and marked ‘account payee’. In exceptionalcircumstances open cheques in favour <strong>of</strong> a privateperson or a government servant, on request may beissued but payment will be made only to the payee onidentification, or to a person holding letter <strong>of</strong> authorityfrom the payee whose signature must be verified andafter identifying the messenger or as the payees bankeron certifying that the amount has been placed to his<strong>Page</strong> 111 <strong>of</strong> 111

credit. Officers and staff drawing salary and otherpayments by cheque shall have an option to get theirsalary/leave salary in cash. The option in this regardshall be exercised in March every year. Payment otherthan salary will also be made by the same mode <strong>of</strong>payment. If agreed in writing, the salary & allowances toa non-gazetted government servant by cheque ispermissible.(ii)‘Non-transferable’ cheques are meant for payment to thepayee who is a government <strong>of</strong>ficer for disbursement <strong>of</strong>salaries, etc., <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice staff and for <strong>of</strong>fice contingencies.These cheques will be drawn in favour <strong>of</strong> payee by his<strong>of</strong>ficial designation. These cheques are ‘not negotiable’and payments will be made by the bank only to thepayee or to authorised messenger.(iii)‘Not negotiable and not payable in cash’ - creditable togovernment account only - These are meant for payment<strong>of</strong> inter - departmental or inter government claims.16.4 Bank DraftsPayment by bank draft is permissible (a) wherepayments have to be made by bank drafts either under theprovision <strong>of</strong> any law or other legal or contractual obligations,(b) Payments towards pay and allowances and other personalentitlements, <strong>of</strong> outstation establishments and contingencies <strong>of</strong>outstation <strong>of</strong>fices, and (c) for payments to Public SectorUndertakings and Corporations etc. (other than local bodies) (d)Payment to semi-government/Private institutions/companiesetc. not covered under (a) to (c), under certain circumstances.16.5 Post - CheckDDOs empowered to draw cheques for payment <strong>of</strong>salary, contingent bills, etc., are to send the vouchers alongwith weekly accounts to the PAO/CBI who will conduct postcheckkeeping in view the same principles as for pre-check.Any discrepancy noticed will be pointed out by the PAO/CBIthrough Objection Memo for compliance to concerned DDO.16.6 Cancellation <strong>of</strong> sub-vouchersSub-vouchers required to be sent to the PAO/CBI arenot to be cancelled by the DDOs. These will be cancelled by<strong>Page</strong> 112 <strong>of</strong> 112

PAO/CBI after checking <strong>of</strong> bills, in accordance with Rule 109 <strong>of</strong>Receipt & Payment Rules, 1983.16.7 Letters <strong>of</strong> Credit against assignment accounts16.7.1 The Letter <strong>of</strong> Credit (LOC) is issued by the Pay &Accounts Officer, CBI to the CBI branches located outside Delhi. The Payand Accounts Officer, CBI communicates the relevant branch <strong>of</strong> theaccredited bank, the amount <strong>of</strong> quarterly assignment authorized in favour <strong>of</strong>cheque - drawing DDOs, rendering accounts to him. A fresh letter <strong>of</strong> credit,issued after expiry <strong>of</strong> the period prescribed in the earlier letter <strong>of</strong> credit is tobe treated as an addition to the unspent balance <strong>of</strong> the earlier letter <strong>of</strong>credit. The Pay and Accounts Officer, CBI while communicating theassignment for the second and subsequent quarters indicates not only theamount assigned for that quarter, but also the progressive total <strong>of</strong>assignment up to the end <strong>of</strong> the quarter so that the bank is able to ensurethat the total cumulative drawals from the beginning <strong>of</strong> the year do notexceed the total progressive assignments. However, the assignmentremaining unspent at the end <strong>of</strong> a financial year is not to be carried forwardto the first quarter <strong>of</strong> the next financial year. The paying branch isresponsible to ensure that the amount assigned in the letter <strong>of</strong> credit is notexceeded by the payment <strong>of</strong> any cheques. The cheques actually issuedduring the last quarter but presented for payment during the next quarter(within the period <strong>of</strong> validity) will be taken by the bank against theassignment <strong>of</strong> the year in which they were drawn and not against theassignment <strong>of</strong> the year in which they are paid.16.7.2 A Drawing Officer in whose favour an assignmentaccount has been opened in the accredited bank, is notpermitted to draw the whole amount and place it in a separateaccount in the bank or in a private account.Note :It is also not permissible to draw cheques and deposit theamount in the department’s cash chest at the end <strong>of</strong> the yearfor the purpose <strong>of</strong> showing the full amount <strong>of</strong> the grant asutilized.<strong>Page</strong> 113 <strong>of</strong> 113

17. DELEGATION OF FINANCIAL POWERS17.1 Delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial Powers Rules, 1978 are applicable inthe <strong>Central</strong> Government. These rules are statutory in nature andthey came into force with effect from 01.08.1978. Under these rulespowers have been delegated to the following subordinate authorities :(i) Departments <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government(ii) Administrators <strong>of</strong> Union Territories(iii) Heads <strong>of</strong> Departments(iv) Heads <strong>of</strong> Offices17.2 Residuary Financial Powers : All financial powers, notspecifically delegated to any authority, vest in the Finance Ministry.17.3 Heads <strong>of</strong> Departments17.3.1 Schedule I to these rules indicates a list <strong>of</strong> Heads <strong>of</strong>Departments under various Ministries/ Departments. Director, CBIhas been specified as Head <strong>of</strong> Department in this Schedule.17.3.2 According to the provisions <strong>of</strong> Rule 13, reproduced hereunder,the powers are delegated to subordinate authorities :(1) Subject to the provisions <strong>of</strong> these rules, the Departments<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government, Administrators and Heads <strong>of</strong>Departments shall, in relation to creation <strong>of</strong> permanentposts, creation <strong>of</strong> temporary posts, Appropriation and Reappropriation,incurring <strong>of</strong> contingent expenditure,incurring <strong>of</strong> miscellaneous expenditure, and write-<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong>losses, have the powers respectively specified inSchedules II, III, IV, V, VI and VII.(2) A Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Government may, by general orspecial order, confer powers, not exceeding those vestedin that Department, upon an Administrator or Head <strong>of</strong>Department or any other subordinate authority in respect<strong>of</strong> any matter covered by these rules :Provided that no power under this sub-rule shall be redelegatedin respect <strong>of</strong> :(a)(b)creation <strong>of</strong> postswrite-<strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> losses and<strong>Page</strong> 114 <strong>of</strong> 114

(c) re-appropriation <strong>of</strong> funds exceeding 10 per cent <strong>of</strong>the original budget provision for either <strong>of</strong> the primaryunits <strong>of</strong> appropriation or sub-head i.e. the primary unitor sub-head from which the funds are being reappropriatedor the primary unit or sub-head to whichthe funds are to be re-appropriated, whichever is less.(3) The Administrator or Head <strong>of</strong> a Department referred toin sub-rule (2) may, by an order in writing, authorize agazetted <strong>of</strong>ficer serving under him to exercise to suchextent, as may be specified in that order, all or any <strong>of</strong>the powers conferred on such Administrator or Head <strong>of</strong>Department under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2). TheAdministrator or Head <strong>of</strong> a Department shall, however,continue to be responsible for the correctness, regularityand propriety <strong>of</strong> the decisions taken by the gazetted<strong>of</strong>ficer so authorized.(4) An authority empowered by or under these rules to incurcontingent expenditure or miscellaneous expenditureshall exercise such powers subject to the followingconditions :(a)In regard to the supply <strong>of</strong> articles required for thepublic service and for regulating the purchase <strong>of</strong>stationery stores for the public service, theprovisions contained in Appendix-8 andAppendix-9 respectively to the General FinancialRules, 1963, and subsidiary instructions andorders on the subject shall be followed;(b)In regard to contingent expenditure on each itemspecified in Column 2 <strong>of</strong> the Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong> the rules, orders, restrictions orscales specified in Column 4 <strong>of</strong> that Annexureagainst that item shall be observed;(c)In regard to miscellaneous expenditure any rules,orders, restrictions or scales as may be made,imposed or prescribed by the President shall beobserved.(5) Unless otherwise provided by any general or special ruleor order, it shall be within the competence <strong>of</strong> anauthority to exercise the financial powers delegated to anauthority subordinate to it.<strong>Page</strong> 115 <strong>of</strong> 115

(6) The power delegated under these rules can also beexercised for a validation <strong>of</strong> an action already taken orexpenditure or liability already incurred even when theauthority validating the action or expenditure or liability,as the case may be, had no competence to do so at thetime the action was taken or expenditure or liability wasincurred.17.3.3 Director CBI as Head <strong>of</strong> Department has been authorised toexercise financial as well as administrative powers as laid down inthese rules. The Director, CBI, under Rule 13(3) by orders inwriting, has authorised different <strong>of</strong>ficers serving under him andhaving gazetted status to exercise to such an extent, as specified inthese orders, certain powers.17.3.4 Similarly, Rule 14 provides for declaration <strong>of</strong> any GazettedOfficer as Head <strong>of</strong> Office by the Head <strong>of</strong> the Department. By virtue <strong>of</strong>this rule, Director, CBI has declared branch SsP as the Head <strong>of</strong> theOffice. Further, by virtue <strong>of</strong> Rule 16 (Subject to the provisions <strong>of</strong>Rule 142 <strong>of</strong> Treasury Rules), Head <strong>of</strong> Office has the power toauthorize a gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficer serving under him to incur contingent &miscellaneous expenditure on his behalf subject to such restrictions& limitations as may be laid down by him. The Head <strong>of</strong> Office shall,however, continue to be responsible for the correctness, regularityand propriety <strong>of</strong> the expenditure incurred by the gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficer soauthorized. Under these Rules, powers cannot be delegated to anon-gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficer. The provisions <strong>of</strong> delegation <strong>of</strong> powers arecontained in Annexure X(A) to X(C).17.3.5 Officer performing current duties <strong>of</strong> a post in addition to hisown can exercise administrative or financial powers vested in thefull fledged incumbent <strong>of</strong> the post but he cannot exercise statutorypowers, whether these powers are derived directly from an Act <strong>of</strong>Parliament or Rules, Regulations and Bye-laws made under variousarticles <strong>of</strong> the Constitution (e.g. Fundamental Rules, CCS(CCA)Rules, Civil Service Regulations, Delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial PowersRules etc).17.4 Insurance <strong>of</strong> Government Property17.4.1 Under these rules, Government property, both movable orimmovable shall not be insured and no subordinate authorityshall undertake any liability or incur any expenditure inconnection with the insurance <strong>of</strong> such property withoutprevious consent <strong>of</strong> the Finance Ministry.<strong>Page</strong> 116 <strong>of</strong> 116

17.4.2 Motor vehicles owned by the <strong>Central</strong> Government which areused for the purposes not connected with any commercialenterprise are exempt from compulsory insurance against thirdparty risk. Such vehicles should not, therefore, be insured.<strong>Page</strong> 117 <strong>of</strong> 117

18. BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION18.1 The Finance Ministry places before both the Houses <strong>of</strong>Parliament an Annual Financial Statement also known as “Budget”showing the estimated receipts and expenditure <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong>Government in respect <strong>of</strong> a financial year, before the commencement<strong>of</strong> that year. The statement also contains revised provisions for thecurrent year.18.2 The budget is based on the Revised Estimates/BudgetEstimates prepared by various individual <strong>of</strong>fices duly vetted andconsolidated by the Heads <strong>of</strong> Department/Ministries.18.3 Accordingly, the budget proposals for the next year and revisedproposals for the current year are to be prepared every year andsent to the government. The branches prepare their budgetproposals and submit the same to Head Office. These arescrutinized and reconstructed on the prescribed forms andsubmitted to the Government towards the last week <strong>of</strong> September. Itis, therefore, very important that the branches send their proposalsto the Head Office in the first week <strong>of</strong> September to enable the HeadOffice to examine the same and send to the Government in time.18.4 Every branch is required to submit its final statements <strong>of</strong>savings and excesses in the month <strong>of</strong> February. These arescrutinized in the Head Office and a consolidated statement <strong>of</strong>savings and excess for the whole <strong>of</strong> CBI is sent to the Government.On receipt <strong>of</strong> re-appropriation, the branches are intimated regardingtheir final allotment <strong>of</strong> funds under different heads.18.4.1 Appropriation Accounts: The appropriation account in respect<strong>of</strong> the Head Office is prepared and sent to the Pay & Accounts Office,CBI alongwith the explanation for variations between the budgetallotment and expenditure. Every branch furnishes the same to thePay & Accounts Office CBI under intimation to the Head Office.18.4.2 Reconciliation <strong>of</strong> Accounts: The accounts are reconciledby the Head Office and the branches with the expenditure booked inPay & Accounts Office, CBI. Every quarter, an <strong>of</strong>ficial should bedeputed to the Pay & Accounts Office, CBI, New Delhi from eachbranch to reconcile the figures and to get the adjustments donewherever necessary. Accounts figures finally published will be thosemaintained by PAO.<strong>Page</strong> 118 <strong>of</strong> 118

18.4.3 A monthly expenditure statement for each branch is to befurnished to the Head Office by 5th <strong>of</strong> every month so that theconsolidated figures can be sent to Government.18.4.4 The detailed estimates <strong>of</strong> expenditure is to be prepared by theestimating authorities i.e. by each DDO under the prescribed Majorand Minor Heads <strong>of</strong> Accounts for the Non-Plan expenditures.18.4.5 The detailed heads allotted to CBI are as under:-Major Head -2055, Police, 00.101-Criminal <strong>Investigation</strong> andVigilance, 01-<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>.i) 01.00.01- Salariesii) 01.00.02- Wagesiii) 01.00.03- Overtime Allowanceiv) 01.00.11- Domestic Travel Expensesv) 01.00.12- Foreign Travel Expensesvi) 01.00.13- Office Expensesvii) 01.00.28- Payment <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional & Special Service.viii) 01.00.14- Rent Rate & Taxes.ix) 01.00.16- Publicationx) 01.00.31 -Grant-in-Aidxi) 01.00.41 -Secret Service Fundxii) 01.00.50- Other Charges (Charged)xiii) 01.00.51 - Motor Vehiclexiv) 04.00.20- Other Administrative Expenditure(Departmental Canteen)18.4.6 The framing <strong>of</strong> Revised Estimates for the current year shouldalways precede estimation for the ensuing year. The RevisedEstimates should be framed with great care to include only thoseitems <strong>of</strong> expenditure which are likely to materialise for paymentduring the current year, in the light <strong>of</strong> (i) actuals so far recordedduring the current year, compared with the actuals forcorresponding period <strong>of</strong> the last and previous years (ii) seasonalcharacter or otherwise <strong>of</strong> the nature <strong>of</strong> expenditure (iii) sanctions forexpenditure and orders <strong>of</strong> appropriation or re-appropriation alreadyissued or contemplated and (iv) any other relevant factor, decision ordevelopment.18.4.7 The budget estimate for the ensuing year should likewise beprepared on the basis <strong>of</strong> what is expected to be paid during theensuing year, including arrears <strong>of</strong> previous years, if any. While allinescapable and foreseeable expenditures should be provided for,care should be taken that the estimate is not influenced by undueoptimism. Due attention to considerations <strong>of</strong> economy should bepaid.<strong>Page</strong> 119 <strong>of</strong> 119

18.4.8 No lump sum provision is to be made in the budget exceptwhere urgent measures are to be provided for meeting emergentsituations or for meeting preliminary expenses on a project/schemewhich has been accepted in principle for being taken up in thefinancial year. In such cases, the budget provisions are to be limitedto the requirements <strong>of</strong> preliminary expenses only.18.4.9 No expenditure is to be incurred in excess <strong>of</strong> sanctioned grantin individual budget heads. Anticipated savings are required to besurrendered immediately without waiting till the close <strong>of</strong> the year.Savings should not be seen as an opportunity for incurringexpenditure on items which could wait till next year.18.5 List <strong>of</strong> Payment : The CBI branches located outside Delhidealing with the budget are required to send their Weekly List <strong>of</strong>Payment (LOP) with original vouchers to the PAO/CBI, New Delhion the due date. Some Branches do not send these LOPs by duedates. As a result, the expenditure incurred by the branches doesnot get compiled and accordingly, their accounts are excluded fromthe statement <strong>of</strong> monthly accounts being submitted by PAO/CBI tothe Principal Accounts Office as well as to Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance,Department <strong>of</strong> Expenditure. Therefore, it is the personalresponsibility <strong>of</strong> Cheque Drawing DDOs to ensure that LOPs withthe concerned vouchers are sent to the PAO/CBI on due dates i.e.on 9th, 16th and 23rd <strong>of</strong> each month and on 3rd <strong>of</strong> the followingmonth.18.6 Plan Budget: The Plan Budget is to be prepared underMajor Head 2055-Police, Sub-head 00.101-Criminal <strong>Investigation</strong>and Vigilance, 01-<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> and Unit <strong>of</strong>Appropriation is 02.02-Modernisation <strong>of</strong> Training Centre, 02.02.50-Other Charges (Plan).18.7 Control over expenditure: The Government <strong>of</strong> India, Ministry<strong>of</strong> Finance, Department <strong>of</strong> Expenditure has repeatedly advised toobserve fiscal prudence and austerity. The branches should,therefore, observe austerity. There should not be avoidableexpenditure on travel, <strong>of</strong>fice expenditure, motor vehicles, purchasesetc. The articles which could be repaired need not be replaced. Rush<strong>of</strong> expenditure particularly in closing month <strong>of</strong> the financial year isregarded as a financial irregularity. Senior <strong>of</strong>ficers must closelymonitor the expenditure <strong>of</strong> their own <strong>of</strong>fice and branches undertheir control. Necessary guidelines are contained in the DCBI’sletter dated 05.12.2002, addressed to all J.D’s/DIsG and SsP. Theinstructions contained therein must be followed strictly.<strong>Page</strong> 120 <strong>of</strong> 120

19. ALLOWANCES AND REWARDS/HONORARIA19.1 Dearness Allowance19.1.1 On the recommendations <strong>of</strong> Fifth <strong>Central</strong> Pay Commission,Dearness Allowance to all categories <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Governmentemployees is being sanctioned by the Government twice in a year, on1st January and 1st July based on the increase in the averagemonthly consumer price index for 12 months, taking into account theaverage on 1st January, 1996 as 306.33 points (Base Year: 1982 =100). The average increase is calculated up to December for grant <strong>of</strong>DA from 1st January and up to June for grant <strong>of</strong> DA from 1st July.Full (100%) inflation neutralization is provided uniformly at all levels.19.1.2 Admissibility <strong>of</strong> DA -i. Pay - DA is calculated on the basic pay (plus NPA andstagnation increment). Special Pay, Personal Pay etc. arenot taken into account for this purpose.ii.Admissibility during Leave - As in the case <strong>of</strong> Pay, DA isadmissible with reference to the rate <strong>of</strong> leave salarydrawn (element <strong>of</strong> special pay, personal pay, if anyexcluded) during leave <strong>of</strong> any kind including StudyLeave. DA is not admissible during EOL since no leavesalary is drawn. In the case <strong>of</strong> Leave Preparatory toRetirement (LPR), DA is allowed only for the first 300days spent in India. DA is not allowed for any period <strong>of</strong>LPR spent outside India.iii. Encashment <strong>of</strong> Leave Salary- In all cases whereencashment <strong>of</strong> leave salary is allowed in the case <strong>of</strong>retirement etc. DA is admissible, for the entire period <strong>of</strong>EL. Where encashment <strong>of</strong> HPL is admissible, DA will beallowed for the first 300 days <strong>of</strong> EL and HPL combined.iv.Admissibility during Suspension- DA will be drawn withreference to the subsistence allowance.v. Re-employed pensioner- DA is admissible based on payfixed on re-employment plus the non-ignorable part <strong>of</strong>the pension.<strong>Page</strong> 121 <strong>of</strong> 121

vi.Fraction <strong>of</strong> D.A. - 50 paise and above should be rounded<strong>of</strong>f to the next higher rupee, and fraction below 50 paiseignored.19.2 House Rent Allowance & Compensatory (City) Allowance:19.2.1 Classification <strong>of</strong> cities -Cities have been classified as 'A-1', 'A','B-1', 'B-2' and 'C' for the purpose <strong>of</strong> Compensatory (City) Allowanceand House Rent Allowance. CCA is admissible for 'A-1', 'A', 'B-1' and'B-2' only , while HRA is admissible for all the classified and also forunclassified cities.19.2.2 House Rent Allowance/Compensatory (City) Allowance to<strong>Central</strong> Government employees shall be admissible at the followingrates with effect from 01.08.1997:Compensatory (City) Allowance:Pay Range (Basic Pay) Amount <strong>of</strong> CCA in class <strong>of</strong>Cities.(Rs. per month)' A-1' 'A' 'B-1' 'B-2'Below Rs. 3,000 p.m. 90 65 45 25Rs.3,000 p.m. to Rs. 4,499 p.m. 125 95 65 35Rs. 4,500 p.m. to Rs. 5.999 p.m. 200 150 100 65Rs. 6,000 p.m. and above 300 240 180 120House Rent Allowance:Classification <strong>of</strong> cities/towns Rates <strong>of</strong> House RentAllowance'A-1' 30% <strong>of</strong> actual basic paydrawn'A' 'B-1' 'B-2' 15% <strong>of</strong> actual basic paydrawn'C'7.5% <strong>of</strong> actual basic paydrawnUnclassified5% <strong>of</strong> actual basic pay drawn(i)HRA and CCA are payable with reference to basic pay.Pay plus NPA and Stagnation Increment, but not specialpay, personal pay etc.(ii)Both the allowances (CCA/HRA) are admissible if theplace <strong>of</strong> duty <strong>of</strong> the government servant falls within the<strong>Page</strong> 122 <strong>of</strong> 122

qualifying limits <strong>of</strong> the city/urban agglomeration,irrespective <strong>of</strong> the place <strong>of</strong> residence.(iii)CCA/HRA are admissible during leave <strong>of</strong> all kinds otherthan terminal leave, but including study leave, and alsoduring vacation, subject to a limit <strong>of</strong> 180 days <strong>of</strong>combined period <strong>of</strong> leave, vacation and holidays. Beyondthis period, the allowances can be claimed only byfurnishing certificate in the prescribed form forcontinuously residing in the place <strong>of</strong> duty/retention <strong>of</strong>the house paying full rent etc. If the leave is on medicalcertificate in the prescribed form, the allowances areadmissible without the certificates up to 8 months.(iv)If a government servant does not join after leave due toinvalidation/death, CCA/HRA paid for the leave periodneed not be recovered. In case <strong>of</strong> resignation, recoveryshould be effected before the resignation is accepted.(v)During the period <strong>of</strong> joining time on transfer, theallowances are admissible at the same rates at whichthey were drawn before transfer.(vi) During temporary transfer, the allowances areadmissible upto 90 days at the rates applicable at theold station. Beyond this period the rates for the newstation will be applicable. If a temporary transfer initiallymade for 90 days is later extended, CCA/HRA at the oldrates are allowed up to the date <strong>of</strong> transfer order or 90days, whichever is earlier. For the period beyond 90days/after issue <strong>of</strong> extension order, the HRA isadmissible as in the case <strong>of</strong> regular transfer.(vii)CCA/HRA are admissible for the period <strong>of</strong> suspensionbased on the pay drawn before suspension for a period<strong>of</strong> 180 days. Beyond this period, payment <strong>of</strong> theallowances will be, subject to the <strong>of</strong>ficial's furnishing theprescribed certificates.(viii)In the case <strong>of</strong> training in India, if daily allowance is notdrawn, CCA/HRA are admissible at the rates applicableto the headquarters station or training station,whichever is more favourable. If daily allowance isdrawn, the CCA & HRA are admissible at the ratesapplicable at his headquarters. Even beyond 180 dayswhen daily allowance is not drawn the CCA/HRA will<strong>Page</strong> 123 <strong>of</strong> 123

continue to be drawn only at the rates admissible at hisheadquarters.19.3 Transport Allowance19.3.1 The rates <strong>of</strong> transport allowance effective from 01.08.1997 areas under:Pay Scale A-1/'A' class Cities Otherplaces(as classified for CCA)Rs. 8000-13500 & above Rs.800 Rs.400Rs.6500-6900 & above but Rs.400 Rs.200below Rs. 8000-13500Below Rs.6500-6900 Rs. 100 Rs.75(i)Transport Allowance is not admissible to a <strong>Central</strong>Government employee who is provided with governmentaccommodation within a distance <strong>of</strong> one kilometre orwithin a campus housing the places <strong>of</strong> work andresidence. Transport allowance is admissible subject t<strong>of</strong>urnishing a certificate that he has not been providedwith government accommodation within one kilometrefrom the place <strong>of</strong> work or within a campus housing theplaces <strong>of</strong> work and residence.(ii)The allowance is not admissible to those employees whohave been provided with the facility <strong>of</strong> governmenttransport.(iii)Transport allowance will not be admissible if anemployee is absent from duty for a full calender monthdue to leave/training/tour. If absence covers part <strong>of</strong> themonth, it will be admissible for the full month.19.4 Children's Educational Assistance (CEA)19.4.1 Children's Educational Assistance is in the form <strong>of</strong> (i)Children's Educational Allowances, (ii) Reimbursement <strong>of</strong> TuitionFees and (iii) Hostel Subsidy.19.4.2 The Scheme for Children's Educational Assistance (CEA) isapplicable, without any pay limits, to all <strong>Central</strong> Government servants<strong>Page</strong> 124 <strong>of</strong> 124

including civilian employees paid out <strong>of</strong> Defence Estimates, StateGovernment servants on deputation with Centre, and Industrialemployees <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government and admissible to <strong>Central</strong>Government servants on deputation to State Governments and<strong>Central</strong> Government staff on foreign service, if the terms includeprovision for CEA. The Scheme is not applicable for contract staff,casual and part time staff and staff paid from contingencies.19.4.3 General Conditions :I. If both husband and wife are <strong>Central</strong> GovernmentServants, the allowance will be admissible to only one <strong>of</strong>them. If either <strong>of</strong> them is employed in otherorganizations outside the <strong>Central</strong> Government, CEA willbe allowed to the government servant only, if similarallowance is not granted to the spouse and a declarationto that effect is furnished.II.The allowance will be admissible in respect <strong>of</strong> theemployee's child, including stepchild/adopted childstudying in a recognized school, and is between the age<strong>of</strong> 5 years and 20 years. However, if the child completesthe age <strong>of</strong> 20 years in the middle <strong>of</strong> an academic year,the allowance will be allowed till the end <strong>of</strong> thatacademic year. CEA will not be admissible for a child formore than two academic years in the same class.Regular attendance is an essential condition. If theperiod <strong>of</strong> absence exceeds one month without properleave, the allowance is not payable even if the childcontinues to be on the roll <strong>of</strong> the school.III.The allowance will be admissible to the governmentservant while on duty, on leave (including ExtraOrdinary Leave) or under suspension, but notadmissible for the period treated as 'dies non'.IV. In the case <strong>of</strong> quitting service on resignation/retirement/ discharge/ dismissal/ removal, during thecourse <strong>of</strong> an academic year, the allowance will beadmissible up to the end <strong>of</strong> that academic year.In the case <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> the government servant while in service,the CEA/RTF/Hostel Subsidy will be admissible even after academicyear subject to observance <strong>of</strong> other conditions <strong>of</strong> its grant if thespouse <strong>of</strong> the deceased is not employed in service <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong>Government, State Government, Autonomous Body, PSU, Semi-Government Organization, such as Municipality, Port Trust Authority<strong>Page</strong> 125 <strong>of</strong> 125

or any other organization partly or fully funded by the <strong>Central</strong>Government/State Government.CEA/RTF/Hostel subsidy will be admissible up to a maximum<strong>of</strong> three children at a time, born up to 31.12.1987 and restricted totwo children at a time, born thereafter. This limit is inclusive <strong>of</strong> thechildren for whom hostel subsidy is availed.CEA is also admissible for children who are in receipt <strong>of</strong>scholarship. If freeship is awarded, reimbursement <strong>of</strong> TuitionFee/Hostel Subsidy will be limited to the extent <strong>of</strong> fees actually paid.19.5 Overtime Allowance19.5.1 The Fifth <strong>Central</strong> Pay Commission recommendeddiscontinuance <strong>of</strong> overtime allowance except for staff car drivers,operational staff and industrial employees. The Government has,however, decided to continue status quo in regard to payment <strong>of</strong>overtime allowance subject to a review <strong>of</strong> the matter to make theeligibility for overtime allowance more restrictive and commensuratewith the interest <strong>of</strong> government work. The payment <strong>of</strong> OTA maycontinue to be made as per the existing orders on the basis <strong>of</strong>notional pay admissible to the concerned government servant in thepre-revised scales <strong>of</strong> pay/pay slab as laid down in the existing orders.These instructions are applicable until further orders.19.5.2 Eligibility -Non-gazetted employees drawing pay upto Rs. 2200/- p.m. inpre-revised scales <strong>of</strong> pay (including special pay, personal pay etc.) areeligible.19.5.3 EmolumentsPay as defined under FR 9(21)(a) plus Dearness Allowance,CCA and Hill Compensatory Allowance.19.5.4 Competent Authority to sanction OTA:Head <strong>of</strong> Office or any other <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> a rank not lower thanthat to Head <strong>of</strong> Office in respect <strong>of</strong> staff working under his control.19.5.5 Condition for grant <strong>of</strong> overtime allowanceovertime allowance:The following deductions should be made in calculating the<strong>Page</strong> 126 <strong>of</strong> 126

(i)(ii)(iii)the normal one hour <strong>of</strong> free work;the time by which the concerned employee attends <strong>of</strong>ficelate; andactual time taken for lunch break.19.5.6 Maximum limit- The OTA in a month should not exceed onethird<strong>of</strong> monthly working hours..19.5.7 Overtime Register - Overtime Register in the prescribed formshould be maintained in each <strong>of</strong>fice. Entries are to be made as andwhen overtime work is authorized and performed by the <strong>of</strong>ficial.For detailed information, reference may be made to theinstructions/orders on overtime allowance to <strong>Central</strong> Governmentemployees.19.6 Reimbursement <strong>of</strong> Conveyance chargesRe-imbursement <strong>of</strong> conveyance charges is allowed for localjourneys within municipal limits <strong>of</strong> the city in which headquarters <strong>of</strong>government servant is situated. The re-imbursement is governed bythe provisions contained in the Delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial Power Rules,1978.19.6.1 Conditions for re-imbursement <strong>of</strong> conveyance charges :a) The conveyance hire actually paid may be re-imbursed to agazetted government servant who performs a journey, in publicinterest, within the municipal limits <strong>of</strong> the city in which hisheadquarters is situated, in a conveyance when a staff car isnot available.b) For non-gazetted staff, reimbursement will be allowed, if noother form <strong>of</strong> compensation e.g. compensatory leave, overtimeallowance etc. is availed by them.c) If more than one <strong>of</strong>ficer are required to proceed to a particularplace on <strong>of</strong>ficial duties, they shall share one conveyance.d) Reimbursement will be at the scheduled rate <strong>of</strong> charges for theconveyance used.e) Expenditure will be met from contingent charges.<strong>Page</strong> 127 <strong>of</strong> 127

f) The total amount <strong>of</strong> conveyance hire re-imbursement to agovernment servant whether gazetted or non-gazetted in anyone month shall not exceed Rs. 150/-. To keep a watch onmaximum limit <strong>of</strong> reimbursement <strong>of</strong> conveyance hire, asuitable register may be maintained by the DDOs.19.7 Grant <strong>of</strong> Cycle (Maintenance) Allowance(i) Heads <strong>of</strong> Departments may sanction Cycle allowance at therate <strong>of</strong> Rs.30 p.m. if the duties assigned to a post require extensivetouring at or near the headquarters and maintenance <strong>of</strong> cycle isessential. No travelling allowance will be allowed within a radius <strong>of</strong> 8kms. For journeys beyond 8 kms. and below 16 km, T.A. will beadmissible if the journey is performed by other modes and if the placevisited is outside local jurisdiction. For journeys beyond a radius <strong>of</strong>16 kms. T.A. will be admissible under normal rules.(ii) For any period <strong>of</strong> more than one month at any time, if the cycleis not maintained or used, the allowance is not admissible for thatperiod. The Cycle Allowance may be sanctioned initially for a periodnot exceeding two years at a time. The allowance is sanctioned withreference to posts and not the individual incumbents.19.8 Travelling Allowance (T.A.)19.8.1 T.A. Rules.a) a) Travelling Allowance Rules are provided in SupplementaryRules made by the President under FR 44.b) b) Classification <strong>of</strong> employees in Pay ranges:With effect from 01.10.1997, government servants are classifiedinto five groupings based on their pay as under. 'Pay' includes Basicpay plus NPA and Stagnation Increment only (Special Pay, PersonalPay etc. not included).Rs.16,400 and above.Rs.8,000 and above, but less than Rs.16,400.Rs.6,500 and above, but less than Rs.8,000.Rs.4,100 and above, but less than Rs.6,500.Less than Rs.4, Regulation <strong>of</strong> Supplementary claims whenpromoted/reverted/pay revised retrospectively.a) Except when there has been actual changes <strong>of</strong> duties, T.A.claim already settled should not be revised consequent on<strong>Page</strong> 128 <strong>of</strong> 128

promotion/reversion or revision <strong>of</strong> pay retrospectively in respect <strong>of</strong> theperiod intervening between promotion/reversion and date <strong>of</strong> issue <strong>of</strong>orders. If the claim is preferred after the issue <strong>of</strong> orders <strong>of</strong>promotion/reversion/pay revision retrospectively, the same may beallowed with reference to the revised pay.b) Where the pay is yet to be fixed, the claim may be preferredafter the pay fixation. The Head <strong>of</strong> Department may relax theprovisions <strong>of</strong> SR 194-A, if due to this reason the claim becomes oneyear old. If the claim is preferred before fixation <strong>of</strong> pay, the same willbe allowed on the basis <strong>of</strong> pre-revised pay.c) In the case <strong>of</strong> late authorisation/drawal <strong>of</strong> increments withretrospective effect other than those where increment withheld,revision <strong>of</strong> T.A. claim is permissible. Supplementary T.A. claim maybe admitted on the basis <strong>of</strong> enhanced pay including the incrementand amount already drawn will be adjusted.19.8.3 Different kinds <strong>of</strong> Travelling AllowancesThe following are the different kinds <strong>of</strong> Travelling Allowancesadmissible under different circumstances:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Permanent Travelling Allowance.Conveyance Allowance.The actual cost <strong>of</strong> travelling.Mileage Allowance.Daily Allowance.Among the above, Mileage Allowance and Daily Allowance areapplicable for T.A. on tour and transfer.(a)Permanent Travelling AllowanceA permanent monthly travelling allowance is granted to agovernment servant whose duties require him to travel extensively.This allowance is granted in lieu <strong>of</strong> other forms <strong>of</strong> T.A. for journeyswithin his sphere <strong>of</strong> duty and will be drawn all the year round,whether he is absent from his headquarter or not. However,permanent travelling allowance is not admissible for periods <strong>of</strong> leave,temporary transfer or joining time. It is also not admissible, if in anyparticular case, T.A. <strong>of</strong> any other kind is drawn.(b)Conveyance Allowance<strong>Page</strong> 129 <strong>of</strong> 129

A monthly conveyance allowance is admissible to a <strong>Central</strong>Government servant who is required to travel extensively at or withina short distance from hqrs. but not eligible for daily allowance. Therates and conditions governing the grant <strong>of</strong> allowances are containedin Government <strong>of</strong> India order No. (1) below SR 25.Terms and Conditions for grant & drawal <strong>of</strong> conveyanceallowancei) For initial fixation <strong>of</strong> Conveyance Allowance, the <strong>of</strong>ficer isrequired to maintain, for at least three months, a log-book <strong>of</strong> journeysqualifying for the allowance. A longer period may be prescribed by thesanctioning authority. The log book should contain the detailsregarding places visited, distance covered, purpose <strong>of</strong> visit and mode<strong>of</strong> conveyance used. Journeys within 16 kilometers <strong>of</strong> the place <strong>of</strong>work should be recorded.ii)No allowance shall be admissible unless the average monthlytravelling on duty is more than 200 Kms.iii)Journeys between the residence and normal place <strong>of</strong> duty shallnot be included.iv)allowance.Journeys on foot or by bicycle will not qualify for grant <strong>of</strong>v) The <strong>of</strong>ficers who are granted conveyance allowance under theserules will not be entitled to any other travelling allowance for journeysupto 16 kms.vi) The allowance at the rate prescribed under these rules forjourneys performed by own motor car will be admissible in the case <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ficers with pay <strong>of</strong> Rs. 2800/- (pre-revised) or more and who own,maintain and use motor car for <strong>of</strong>ficial journeys within a distance <strong>of</strong>16 kms.vii) If the motor car is not maintained or remains out <strong>of</strong> order forany period exceeding 15 days at a time, the conveyance allowance isnot admissible for that period.viii) The allowance is not admissible during joining time, leave(including holidays prefixed/suffixed), temporary transfer and whenaway from headquarters on tour for a period <strong>of</strong> 15 days or more.(c)Actual Cost <strong>of</strong> Travelling<strong>Page</strong> 130 <strong>of</strong> 130

The Toll tax charged at any station by the Municipality,Corporation etc. limited to the amount actually paid may be allowedto a government servant proceeding on tour to that station in additionto the Travelling Allowance admissible, if toll tax for that station isreimbursed by the State Government concerned to their employeesunder their own TA Rules (SR-53-A).(d)Mileage Allowance.(i) A mileage allowance is an allowance calculated on thedistance travelled which is given to meet the cost <strong>of</strong> a particularjourney which includes fare paid for the rail/steamer/road/airjourney and Daily Allowance at the rates prescribed for the period <strong>of</strong>journey to meet on the way expenses (SR-29).(ii) Principles <strong>of</strong> calculation: Mileage allowance is calculated for thejourney by the shortest <strong>of</strong> two or more practicable routes betweenplaces. However, if the route is not shortest but is cheaper, mileageallowance is calculated on the route actually used. When there aretwo or more routes and the difference in terms <strong>of</strong> time and cost isnot great, mileage allowance should be calculated for the routeactually used (SR-30).(e)Daily Allowance.Daily allowance is a uniform allowance for each day <strong>of</strong> absencefrom headquarters, which is intended to cover the ordinary dailycharges incurred by a government servant in consequence <strong>of</strong> suchabsence (SR-49).Daily allowance is admissible at the rates which are revisedfrom time to time. The rates are different for different slabs and theyalso vary depending on whether the government servant stayed in ahotel or Government/Public Sector Guest House or made his ownarrangement. (GOI (I) below SR-51).19.9 Travelling Allowance on Transfer. (SR 2(18) & SR 114)19.9.1 Transfer' means the movement <strong>of</strong> a government servant fromone headquarters station in which he is employed to another suchstation either to take up the duties <strong>of</strong> a new post or due to change <strong>of</strong>headquarters. T.A. is drawn by a government servant only, if thetransfer is in public interest. A transfer at his own request is nottreated as a transfer for the public convenience unless the authority<strong>Page</strong> 131 <strong>of</strong> 131

sanctioning the transfer, for special reasons to be recorded, otherwisedirects.19.9.2 A government servant in transit from one post to another ranksin the grade to which the lower <strong>of</strong> the two posts would entitle him (SR-19).19.9.3 Transfer T.A. is allowed to family members existing on the date<strong>of</strong> transfer and not for any member added to the family thereafter.The number <strong>of</strong> fares admissible will be as on the date <strong>of</strong> the journey.19.10 Entitlement on TransferThe entitlements from 1.10.1997 in case <strong>of</strong> transfers involvinga change <strong>of</strong> station located at a distance <strong>of</strong> more than 20 kms. fromeach other:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Composite Transfer Grant equal to one month's basicpay;Actual fare for journey by rail/steamer/air/road for selfand family;Cost <strong>of</strong> transport <strong>of</strong> personal effects;Cost <strong>of</strong> transport <strong>of</strong> conveyance; andOne additional to and fro fare by entitled class to thegovernment servant, on transfer, if he has to leave thefamily behind, due to non-availability <strong>of</strong> governmentaccommodation at the new station.19.11 Temporary Transfer(a) Every transfer which is for a period not exceeding 180days is considered as 'Temporary Transfer'. Thetransfer order should specify whether it is a regulartransfer or temporary transfer not exceeding 180 days.Journeys from headquarters to the station <strong>of</strong> deputationwill be treated as on tour for regulating TA and full DAfor a maximum <strong>of</strong> 180 days will be allowed.(b)If a regular transfer initially made is revised astemporary transfer, the transfer T.A. already drawnshould not be changed to the disadvantage <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficial.(c)If a temporary transfer initially made for a period notexceeding 180 days is revised as regular transfer, fulltransfer T.A. will be admissible adjusting the TA drawn<strong>Page</strong> 132 <strong>of</strong> 132

ut the daily allowance drawn for the days <strong>of</strong> halt tillthe date <strong>of</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> order will not be so adjusted.19.12 T.A. for journeys on transfer within the same station or toa station at a distance <strong>of</strong> not more than 20 kms.In case <strong>of</strong> transfer within the same station or within a shortdistance from the old headquarters, the entitlement will be as under :Transfer within same station(a) No T.A. will be admissible, if no change <strong>of</strong> residence isinvolved.(b) If there is a change <strong>of</strong> residence as a result <strong>of</strong> transfer,only the following reimbursements may be allowed:(i)basic pay;Composite Transfer Grant equal to one-third <strong>of</strong>(ii) Actual cost <strong>of</strong> conveyance for self and family butnot exceeding the road mileage allowance admissible forregular transfer;(iii) Actual cost <strong>of</strong> transportation <strong>of</strong> personal effectsnot exceeding the amount admissible for regulartransfer.19.13 TA entitlement to government servants deputed toundergo training courses.19.13.1 (i) Government servants deputed for training will beentitled to T.A. as on tour. However, the DailyAllowance will be admissible as under :(a) When boarding and lodging are not provided -First 180 days ... Full D.A.Beyond 180 days ... Nil.(b) Training Institutes where boarding and lodgingfacilities exist (including cases where a mess run on cooperativebasis is available at the centre) -First 30 days ... Full D.A.Next 150 days ... HalfD.A.<strong>Page</strong> 133 <strong>of</strong> 133

Beyond 180 days ... Nil.(c) (c) when boarding and lodging are compulsoryand provided at fixed rates, special allowance iscalculated as under:OutstationparticipantsLocalparticipantsActualexpenditure onboarding andlodging plusone fourth <strong>of</strong>full D.AActualexpenditure onboarding andlodging only.Irrespective <strong>of</strong>the period <strong>of</strong>Training course(ii)(iii)Halt at training station will be treated as continuousdespite a trainee is required to proceed on tour toanother station during training.No TA is admissible to government servant for trainingat the Centre/Institution located at their Hqrs.19.14 Journey to give evidence during suspension or to attendcourts or departmental enquiries.Travelling Allowance for journey on tour (without D.A. for haltexcept where specifically mentioned) is admissible in the followingcases:19.14.1 Government servant himself an accused or facing anenquiry(a) Where a government servant under suspension or not forperforming journey to attend Police/CBI enquiry under the direction<strong>of</strong> or with the approval <strong>of</strong> the Head <strong>of</strong> Office.(b)A government servant appearing before the Enquiry Officer in acase against him.(c) Where a government servant under suspension for appearing ina Court <strong>of</strong> Law as an accused, if later on he is acquitted and reinstatedin service and if the legal expenses incurred are reimbursedto him; TA for journey on tour may also be reimbursed by theadministrative Ministry concerned.(d) A government servant on duty/leave/suspension for journeyundertaken to stations where <strong>of</strong>ficial records are made available forinspection: D.A. up to 3 days allowed: period <strong>of</strong> journey treated as<strong>Page</strong> 134 <strong>of</strong> 134

duty/leave/suspension depending on whether as the <strong>of</strong>ficial was onduty/leave/suspension.(d)Advance <strong>of</strong> travelling allowance is admissible for<strong>of</strong>ficials under suspension to attend enquiry at anoutstation including D.A. for the number <strong>of</strong> daysspecified by the Enquiry Officer.19.14.2 To give evidence on facts coming to his knowledge in thedischarge <strong>of</strong> public duties(a) A government servant to give evidence on facts coming to hisknowledge in <strong>of</strong>ficial capacity in a criminal case, a case before aCourt-martial, or a civil case to which government is a party or adepartmental enquiry any fees received from Court (exceptconveyance expenses for journeys up to 8 kms) should be credited togovernment persons on leave also entitled to travelling allowance fromand to the place from which he is summoned as if he was on duty.(b) A government servant to produce <strong>of</strong>ficial documents or to giveevidence in <strong>of</strong>ficial capacity in civil cases T.A. should not be acceptedfrom Courts; controlling <strong>of</strong>ficer concerned will make payment <strong>of</strong> T.A.to the government servant and recover from the Court thereimbursement in full for credit to government account.(c) When summoned by Criminal Courts to give evidence in <strong>of</strong>ficialcapacity, T.A. will be paid by the department, if the State is a party tothe case. In other cases, payment will be made by the Courts.19.14.3 Travelling allowance to witnesses, Presenting Officers andDefence Assistants.(a)T.A. is admissible as on tour to persons called to appear before adepartmental enquiry as a prosecution witness, defence witness,presenting <strong>of</strong>ficer or defence assistant and will be paid by thedepartment where the <strong>of</strong>ficial is working(b)A government servant called to give evidence on facts coming tohis knowledge when he was not in service is also entitled to T.A.(c)Defence Assistant is entitled to T.A. for inspection <strong>of</strong> documentsalso.<strong>Page</strong> 135 <strong>of</strong> 135

19.14.4 Travelling allowance to retired government servants.(a)Retired government servant required to attend a departmentalenquiry against him. No advance <strong>of</strong> tranvelling allowance is tobe paid.(b)For perusal <strong>of</strong> documents in such cases, TA including D.A. upto 3 days is also allowed.(c)For attending Courts in judicial proceedings against the retired<strong>of</strong>ficial, T.A. will be allowed, if he is honourably acquitted bythe Court.(d)For attending Courts to give evidence in departmental case onfacts which have come to his knowledge, in discharge <strong>of</strong> hisduties while in service, or to present the case or to act ascomplainant, T.A. as on tour including D.A. for halts is allowed.The entitlements will be with reference to the post held by himbefore retirement. The grant <strong>of</strong> travelling allowance will besubject to production <strong>of</strong> a certificate from the Court that he hasnot been paid travelling allowance by the Court.(e)For appearing as Defence Assistant, T.A. is allowed as per subpara19.14.2 above.19.15 Issue <strong>of</strong> Air VouchersAir Vouchers are issued to the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> CBI who are eitherentitled or allowed to travel by air. The <strong>of</strong>ficers obtain their ticketsfrom the Indian Airlines Corporation or Air India International, on theauthority <strong>of</strong> the air vouchers. The Corporation sends its invoices tothe Head Office for payment. The invoices are scrutinized and gotverified from the <strong>of</strong>ficers who have travelled. It has also to be checkedwith reference to the particular TA Bills, that the amount has notbeen claimed in TA Bill, though the journey has been performed byAir Vouchers.Payment orders are recorded on the invoices and signed byAO(A) in respect <strong>of</strong> Head Office staff. A bill is prepared and submittedto the Pay and Accounts Office requesting them to issue a cheque forthe amount claimed in the bill in favour <strong>of</strong> the Accounts Officers,Indian Airlines Ltd. or Air India Ltd. as the case may be.Air Vouchers.Similar procedure also should be followed by Branches using<strong>Page</strong> 136 <strong>of</strong> 136

19.16 Railway WarrantsRailway Warrant facility is presently available to theGazetted/Non-Gazetted Police Officers. This facility has now beenextended to CBI personnel working in different ranks inLegal/Ministerial/Technical cadres to perform their journey by rail on<strong>of</strong>ficial duties. The branches are authorised to issue Railway Warrantsto the eligible staff for performing the <strong>of</strong>ficial duty. The bills/claims<strong>of</strong> railway warrants are raised by the chief Accounts Officers <strong>of</strong> therespective Railways and are paid from the Budget Grants <strong>of</strong> CBI. Aregister has to be maintained in the form SPE G.26 for issue <strong>of</strong>Railway Warrants and the same has to be got verified from theControlling Officer <strong>of</strong> D.D.O. Safe custody <strong>of</strong> Railway Warrants formsshould be ensured by the Head <strong>of</strong> Office. The Officer issuing theRailway Warrants should satisfy himself that the journeys have beenperformed by the Officer in whose favour the Railway Warrant wasissued.19.17 Leave Travel Concession (LTC)Provisions for leave travel concession are outlined in the<strong>Central</strong> Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988.19.17.1 Extent <strong>of</strong> applicationLTC Rules are applicable to all <strong>Central</strong> Government servantsincluding Civilians in Defence Services, Members <strong>of</strong> All India Services,State Government servants on deputation with Centre, Contract staff,re-employed Government servant, SAS, Apprentices and Officers <strong>of</strong>Autonomous Bodies on deputation with Centre. These rules are notapplicable to casual, part-time, Staff paid from contingencies,Railway/Armed Forces Services, National Airways and those eligiblefor any other form <strong>of</strong> Leave Travel Concession.19.17.2 Scopeand his family.The concession is admissible to a government servant himself19.17.3 Admissibility(a)LTC is admissible only on completion <strong>of</strong> one year continuousservice on the date <strong>of</strong> commencement <strong>of</strong> journey. Personsappointed on ad hoc basis are also covered by this provision.<strong>Page</strong> 137 <strong>of</strong> 137

(b)State government servants on deputation with <strong>Central</strong>Government are eligible for the concession on completion <strong>of</strong>one year's service under the <strong>Central</strong> Government. However, thisis, subject to the certificate by the appropriate AdministrativeAuthority that the employee concerned is likely to continue toserve under the <strong>Central</strong> Government for a period <strong>of</strong> at least twoyears in the case <strong>of</strong> LTC to Home town and at least four yearsin the case <strong>of</strong> LTC to visit any place in India to be reckonedfrom the date <strong>of</strong> joining the post under the <strong>Central</strong>Government.(c)In the case <strong>of</strong> contract <strong>of</strong>ficers where the initial contract is forone year and later extended, the total duration <strong>of</strong> the contractwill be taken into account for the purpose <strong>of</strong> LTC.(d)In the case <strong>of</strong> persons re-employed immediately, afterretirement without any break, the period <strong>of</strong> re-employed servicewill be treated as continuous with the previous service,provided LTC would have been admissible to the re-employed<strong>of</strong>ficer had he not retired but continued in service.19.17.4 Types <strong>of</strong> Leave Travel Concessions(a)LTC to visit Home town is allowed once in a block <strong>of</strong> two-years.(b)LTC to visit any place in India once in four years is in lieu <strong>of</strong>one <strong>of</strong> the two Home town LTCs available in that block.(c)Both the LTCs can be availed <strong>of</strong> irrespective <strong>of</strong> the distances <strong>of</strong>places from the headquarters. Against the particular fouryearsblock, one can avail the concession to visit (i) Home townduring each <strong>of</strong> the two-year block or (ii) Home town during oneblock and All India LTC during the other block.19.17.5 Carry over <strong>of</strong> leave travel concessionLTC <strong>of</strong> either type not availed till the end <strong>of</strong> the particular block<strong>of</strong> two-year can be availed during the succeeding year. The date <strong>of</strong>commencement <strong>of</strong> outward journey only is taken into account for thispurpose.19.17.6 Declaration <strong>of</strong> Home town.(a)The government servant should declare his home town to theControlling Officer in the prescribed form as soon as he joinsservice. Such declaration duly accepted by the Controlling<strong>Page</strong> 138 <strong>of</strong> 138

Officer should be kept in the service book and the receipt <strong>of</strong> thedeclaration entered. No detailed verification is necessary beforeaccepting declaration initially.(b)Change <strong>of</strong> Home town. - The "Home town" once declared can bechanged once during the service and accepted by the Head <strong>of</strong>Department.The following criteria, one after the other, may be appliedbefore the change is accepted:(i)whether the place declared is the one which requires hisphysical presence at intervals for discharging domestic/socialobligations and whether he had been visiting the placefrequently;(ii)whether the government servant owns residential property inthat place or whether he is a member <strong>of</strong> a joint family havingsuch property there;(iii)whether his near relations are permanently residing in thatplace;(iv)whether prior to his service he was residing there.19.17.7 Declaration <strong>of</strong> place <strong>of</strong> visit under leave travel concessionto any place in IndiaBefore availing LTC, prior intimation to the Controlling Officeris necessary. The declared place <strong>of</strong> visit may be changed beforecommencement <strong>of</strong> journey with the approval <strong>of</strong> controlling <strong>of</strong>ficer.19.18 Cash CompensationThe Executive Personnel <strong>of</strong> CBI are required to work onSaturdays, Sundays and Holidays. They are granted CashCompensation in lieu <strong>of</strong> the aforementioned extra work @ 2 ½ daysfor every completed month <strong>of</strong> service subject to a maximum <strong>of</strong> 30 daysonce in a calendar year. The method <strong>of</strong> getting information withregard to number <strong>of</strong> days/dates on which an employee has attended<strong>of</strong>fice work on holidays during a particular month may be evolved bythe Branch SsP <strong>of</strong> CBI themselves. EL/Commuted leave etc. have noeffect on the grant <strong>of</strong> cash compensation. However, if a person is onany kind <strong>of</strong> leave for more than 30 days, the question <strong>of</strong> calculation <strong>of</strong>cash compensation for that particular month does not arise.<strong>Page</strong> 139 <strong>of</strong> 139

19.19 Rewards and honoraria19.19.1 Rewards :Cash rewards are given to the executive and prosecution stafffor special achievements. These should not be sanctioned for routinework. The sanctioning authority should sanction rewards only inrespect <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers/staff working under their administrative control.If any <strong>of</strong>ficer intends to sanction reward to any <strong>of</strong>ficer not workingunder his administrative control, he may send his recommendationwith full justification to the concerned competent authority forconsideration and orders with regard to sanction <strong>of</strong> rewards to such<strong>of</strong>ficer. The order sanctioning rewards would be issued by the unitwhere the <strong>of</strong>ficer is working at the time <strong>of</strong> disbursal. In terms <strong>of</strong> HOCircular instructions dated 26.12.97 and 20.05.98 (enclosed asAnnexure-XI(A) & (B) ), powers for grant <strong>of</strong> rewards to an <strong>of</strong>ficer on asingle occasion subject to the overall annual ceiling has beenspecified for compliance by all the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> CBI as specified below:-Rank SP/AD/AIG DIG/DD JD AD/SD Max AnnualceilingConstable 500 750 1250 1500 5000 7000*Hd.Constable600 1000 1500 1750 7500 8000*ASI 750 1250 1750 2000 8500 9000*SI 1000 1500 2000 2250 10000 -Inspector 1500 1750 2250 2500 12250 -APP - - 2000 2500 12000 -* Additional Maximum ceiling in respect <strong>of</strong> Constable/Hd.Constable/ASI performing driver duty.19.19.2 Reward to RSO, Junior Engineer, CPWD, Telephone OperatorAssistant(MTNL) can also be sanctioned by SP/Asstt.Director/AIG/DIG/Dy.Director, Joint Director, Addl.Director, Special Directorsubject to the limits prescribed in terms <strong>of</strong> HO Circular dated23.11.98 (See Annexure-XII(A)).19.19.3 Rewards to the Group 'A' Gazetted Officers <strong>of</strong> CBI i.e. DSP andPP can be sanctioned by Director on the recommendation <strong>of</strong> theReward Committee constituted for the purpose which is headed bythe SDCBI or ADCBI as its Chairman, JD(A) and Director <strong>of</strong>Prosecution, CBI as members, subject to the limits <strong>of</strong> Rs. 5,000/- ina particular case with overall ceiling <strong>of</strong> Rs. 15,000/- per annumprescribed by the government in terms <strong>of</strong> Head Office Circularinstructions dated 28.09.2000 (See Annexure-XII(B)). Reward to the<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> Government Departments other than CBI(Non Gazetted)<strong>Page</strong> 140 <strong>of</strong> 140

can be sanctioned by Addl.Director, Special Director and Director,CBI only.19.19.4 Accident free reward for driving the vehicles - Reward <strong>of</strong>Rs.750/- can be granted to an individual in a financial year foraccident free driving on completion <strong>of</strong> every 5000 kms run <strong>of</strong> agovernment vehicle for its good maintenance and economy <strong>of</strong> fuelconsumption etc.19.20 Honorarium :Remuneration to an employee from the consolidated fund <strong>of</strong>India for special work <strong>of</strong> an occasional or intermittent character istermed as "Honorarium".Honorarium should be granted to an individual for exceptionalwork and not for work <strong>of</strong> routine nature. Powers have been delegatedto CBI Officers for grant <strong>of</strong> honorarium to an individual on a singleoccasion subject to the prescribed ceiling limit <strong>of</strong> Rs.2500/- in afinancial year. Powers for grant <strong>of</strong> maximum honorarium to anindividual in a financial year has been delegated to Director, CBI toRs.2500/- . No honorarium to any Casual Worker is admissible.19.20.1 Payment <strong>of</strong> honorarium is subject to the following conditions:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)The work must be undertaken with the prior consent <strong>of</strong> thecompetent authority.Amount <strong>of</strong> honorarium to be paid should be settled inadvance.The work is either so laborious or <strong>of</strong> such special merit as tojustify grant <strong>of</strong> a special reward.The competent authority may pay due regard to the generalprinciples enunciated in FR.II.The sanctioning authority shall record the fact mentioned at(iv) above in writing. The reasons justifying the grant <strong>of</strong> extraremuneration shall also be recorded.19.20.2 No honorarium is admissible for the reasons mentionedbelow:(i)(ii)(iii)Compilation <strong>of</strong> demand for grants and preparation <strong>of</strong> budgetestimate (Except Budget work <strong>of</strong> the Budget division <strong>of</strong>Department <strong>of</strong> Economic Affairs).Dealing with parliament questions.Convening <strong>of</strong> DPCs for confirmation, promotion etc.<strong>Page</strong> 141 <strong>of</strong> 141

(iv) Incentives to personal staff <strong>of</strong> Ministers or to other <strong>of</strong>ficersand staff for meritorious work such as working for longhours.(v) Condemnation and disposal <strong>of</strong> unserviceable <strong>of</strong>fice stores.(vi) Work relating to the issue <strong>of</strong> award <strong>of</strong> printing contract.(vii) Closing <strong>of</strong> annual GPF accounts/Preparation <strong>of</strong> GPFstatements (Except in the Indian Audit and AccountsDepartment where these items <strong>of</strong> work have not been takeninto account while fixing staff norms).(viii) Calculation <strong>of</strong> Income Tax.(ix) Work relating to the reviewing, weeding and transfer <strong>of</strong> oldrecords.(x) Preparation <strong>of</strong> bills for payment <strong>of</strong> bonus.(xi) Preparation <strong>of</strong> annual reports.(xii) Preparation <strong>of</strong> bills for D.A. arrears.(xiii) Preparation/Typing <strong>of</strong> lists <strong>of</strong> files to be sent to departmentalrecord room/National Archives and similar other typing work.(xiv) Stock verification <strong>of</strong> stationery stores.(xv) Supervising the job <strong>of</strong> vacating the stores and arrangingsegregation.(xvi) Opening new pay bill ledgers.(xvii) Taking out photocopies <strong>of</strong> various documents.(xviii) Special work in arbitration case.(xix) Work relating to confidential reports.(xx) Work relating to allotment <strong>of</strong> residential accommodation.(xxi) Work relating to preparation <strong>of</strong> CGHS Cards.(xxii) (xxii) Normal work relating to the Hindi translation.(xxiii) (xxiii) Performing work relating to clearance drives.(xxiv) (xxiv) Exemplary work <strong>of</strong> commendable nature and devotionto duty.(xxv) Work connected with celebration e.g. anniversaries <strong>of</strong> settingup <strong>of</strong> Autonomous Bodies/Organisations etc. underMinistries/ Departments.<strong>Page</strong> 142 <strong>of</strong> 142

20. ADVANCES20.1 Advances are provided to the government servant for cateringto his personal needs and/or to finance the acquisition <strong>of</strong> assets. It isan important welfare measure and contributes towards keeping upthe morale. Under the provisions <strong>of</strong> General Financial Rules, 1963,two types <strong>of</strong> advances, namely, interest free advances and interestbearing advances can be sanctioned to a government servant, who isotherwise eligible under the relevant rules.20.2 Interest Free Advances20.2.1 Festival AdvanceSanctioning Authority : Head <strong>of</strong> Office- Rule236(GFR)Festivals : To be selected by Head<strong>of</strong> Department {SeeGID(l) below Rule 236(GFR)}Amount <strong>of</strong> Advance : Maximum Rs 1500/-( Rule 241 (GFR)Eligibility:a) Non Gazetted staff whose basic pay does not exceed Rs8300 p.m (Rule 236 GFR).b) Employees on EL/Maternity leave are also eligible(Rule237-GFR).c) Employees who have taken advance to visit hill stationin summer as a member <strong>of</strong> government sponsored party are noteligible for festival advance, in that financial year.d) Contingent staff are not eligible (Explanation below Rule236-GFR).e) Temporary staff not likely to continue for at least 6months after drawing advance are not eligible (Rule 240-GFR).f) Employees under suspension are not eligible (Rule 237-GFR).g) Employees on half pay leave or extraordinary leave orLPR at the time <strong>of</strong> disbursement are not eligible (Rule-237-GFR).<strong>Page</strong> 143 <strong>of</strong> 143

Employee transferred during the year should certify nondrawal<strong>of</strong> advance in the previous <strong>of</strong>fice in that year - GID (1)below Rule 238-GFR.Conditions :a) The advance is admissible only once in a financial yeareven if the festival falls twice in a year ( Rule 238 GFR).b) Second/subsequent festival advance will be granted onlyif previous festival advance or advance for visit to hill stationhas been recovered in full.c) Should be drawn before the festival. The time-lagbetween dates <strong>of</strong> drawal and disbursement to be reduced to theminimum (Rule 242 and GID below Rule 244-GFR).d) In case <strong>of</strong> temporary employees a surety bond from apermanent employee having equal or higher status is needed.The surety bond is cancelled on the employee attainingpermanent status. The requirement <strong>of</strong> surety bond can bewaived, if recovery <strong>of</strong> advance can be done during temporaryservice <strong>of</strong> employee.Recovery:a) Should commence with the issue <strong>of</strong> pay for the monthfollowing that in which the advance is drawn (Rule 244-GFR).b) Not more than 10 monthly instalments (Rule 243-GFR).20.2.2 Natural calamities ( Flood/Drought/Cyclone advance)Sanctioning Authority: Head <strong>of</strong> Office (Rule 247-GFR)Amount <strong>of</strong> advance : Maximum <strong>of</strong> Rs 2500/-Eligibility :Non gazetted employees whose movable/immovable propertyhas been substantially affected/damaged in an area affected bynatural calamity.Conditions :a) Concerned State Government should have declared thearea having been affected by natural calamity<strong>Page</strong> 144 <strong>of</strong> 144

(flood/drought/cyclone) and granted financial assistance totheir employees in such area.b) Application must be given in Form - GFR-37 withinthree months from the date <strong>of</strong> orders declaring naturalcalamity.c) An employee applying for the advance has to give adeclaration <strong>of</strong> the damage caused to his movable/immovableproperty due to natural calamity. If the employee’s declarationis later found untrue, he shall be liable for disciplinary action.Recovery :a) In maximum 25 equal monthly instalments with effectfrom the second issue <strong>of</strong> pay after advance is drawn.20.2.3 Advances for training in Hindi through correspondencecoursesSanctioning Authority : Head <strong>of</strong> OfficeAmount <strong>of</strong> advance : Rs 150/-Eligibility :a) Employees whose training in Prabodh/Praveen/Pragyais obligatory and who undergo the training throughcorrespondence course conducted by the <strong>Central</strong> HindiDirectorate.Conditions :a) Advance is granted three months after start <strong>of</strong> thecourse.b) Employee should make satisfactory progress (Head <strong>of</strong>Office may seek a certificate from the Directorate).Recovery :a) a) Advance will be adjusted in cash award received by thetrainee, if he passes and by recovery in four instalments frompay, if he fails.20.2.4 Advance for Training in Hindi Typewriting and StenographySanctioning Authority : Head <strong>of</strong> Office<strong>Page</strong> 145 <strong>of</strong> 145

Amount <strong>of</strong> advance For :Hindi TypewritingRs 100 or 6 months feewhichever is lessFor Hindi Stenography : Rs 200 or 12 months feeEligibility :whichever is lessEmployees for whom training in Hindi Typewriting or HindiStenography is obligatory and who are eligible for grant <strong>of</strong> lumpsumaward on passing the examination after training.Conditions :a) The advance is granted for payment <strong>of</strong> fees to a privateinstitution.b) The advance is granted three months after admission.c) The employee should make satisfactory progress.Recovery :a) The advance will be adjusted against the lumpsumaward admissible on passing the examination.b) If the employee does not pass the examination, theadvance shall be recovered from his pay in 4 equal instalments.20.3 Other Interest Free Advances20.3.1 Advances on transfer:Advance <strong>of</strong> pay and travelling allowance is sanctioned underGFR 222 in the case <strong>of</strong> transfers in public interest. For mutualtransfers specifically ordered at the request <strong>of</strong> the governmentservant, these advances are not admissible.20.3.2 Advance <strong>of</strong> Pay:One month’s pay in the old post or in the new post, whicheveris lower, may be sanctioned as advance <strong>of</strong> pay on transfer. In casewhere headquarters <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>fice are shifted as a result <strong>of</strong> governmentpolicy, two months’ pay may be sanctioned as advance. The advance<strong>of</strong> pay, if not drawn at the old station, may be drawn at the newstation. Advance <strong>of</strong> pay is not admissible for temporary transfers (Rule223, GFR and GIDs 2 and 4).20.3.3 Advance <strong>of</strong> T.A. on transfer:<strong>Page</strong> 146 <strong>of</strong> 146

An advance not exceeding the travelling allowance admissibleto the government servant may be sanctioned, including the T.A. forfamily members whether they accompany the government servant orfollow him within the permissible time. However, if the governmentservant avails TA advance for self, only drawal <strong>of</strong> a second advance forthe family is permissible separately for the travel <strong>of</strong> the familymembers within 6 months in normal transfer cases and within 12months in the case <strong>of</strong> change <strong>of</strong> headquarters (Rule 223, GFR, GID 3).20.3.4 T.A. advance on retirement:A retiring government servant is entitled to T.A. Advance as ontransfer, to proceed to the place <strong>of</strong> permanent settlement, only if thejourneys are performed during leave preparatory to retirement (LPR).No advance can be sanctioned for the journeys to be performed afterretirement (Rule 224, GFR).20.3.5 T.A. advance on Tour:The amount <strong>of</strong> advance to be sanctioned is ‘to cover thetravelling expenses’ including fares, incidental charges, road mileageand D.A. generally for one spell <strong>of</strong> tour. In the case <strong>of</strong> prolonged toursin the interior places which are difficult <strong>of</strong> access, advance may besanctioned to cover T.A. for thirty days, or six weeks in special cases.GFR 231 provides for grant <strong>of</strong> advance to meet expenses on thecontingent charges also. But in practice, the amount required to meetcontingent expenses arising on tour, e.g., if heavy equipment is to becarried involving transport/mazdoor charges etc. is separately givenfrom out <strong>of</strong> the permanent advance as these charges are to beaccounted for as contingent expenditure and not included in the tourT.A. claim.20.3.6 LTC advance:The amount <strong>of</strong> LTC advance to be sanctioned is limited to 90%<strong>of</strong> the estimated amount <strong>of</strong> reimbursement for journeys both ways. Incases where the period <strong>of</strong> leave exceeds 90 days or the return journeyis not proposed to be performed within 90 days, advance will besanctioned for one way only. If the advance has been drawn for bothways and the return journey is not likely to be performed within 90days, one-half <strong>of</strong> the advance is to be refunded. Where the initialjourney is proposed to be performed by rail, the advance may be paid60 days in advance to facilitate booking <strong>of</strong> rail tickets. Thegovernment servant is required to submit pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> booking the tickets<strong>Page</strong> 147 <strong>of</strong> 147

within 10 days <strong>of</strong> payment <strong>of</strong> advance. If the outward journey isproposed to be performed otherwise than by rail, the advance may begranted thirty days in advance <strong>of</strong> the proposed date <strong>of</strong> journey. If thejourney is not commenced within 30 days, the advance is to berefunded.20.3.7 Leave Salary advance:Advance <strong>of</strong> leave salary may be sanctioned to a Governmentservant proceeding on leave for a period not less than one month or30 days. Thus, one can avail leave for the full month <strong>of</strong> Februarythough it is less than 30 days and avail the advance. Similarly, if theleave is from 15th February to 14th March it is taken as one monththough it is less than 30 days. The amount <strong>of</strong> advance will be limitedto the leave salary clearly admissible, including allowances, afterdeducting GPF, IT, HRA, Advances, etc. In other words, if the netamount <strong>of</strong> salary payable after all the usual deductions includingfresh recoveries, if any, is not less than the actual amount <strong>of</strong> leavesalary due for the month the amount <strong>of</strong> leave salary may be paid asadvance. Payment <strong>of</strong> leave salary advance is to be noted in the PayBills Register for watching adjustment (Rules 259 and 260 GFR).20.4 Interest Bearing AdvancesGeneral ProvisionsInstalments for Recovery: The advances shall be recovered inspecified equal monthly instalments. The maximum number <strong>of</strong>instalments in which an advance can be recovered is given below :SlNo.Type <strong>of</strong> advanceMaximum no <strong>of</strong>instalments1 Warm Clothing advance 102 Table Fan advance 103 Typewriter advance 304 Motor Car advance 2005 Motor Cycle/Scooter advance 706 Cycle advance 307 Personal Computer advance 1508 House Building Advance 180 for Principal60 for Interest<strong>Page</strong> 148 <strong>of</strong> 148

When an advance is granted to an employee who is about toretire shortly the number <strong>of</strong> instalments shall be so adjusted as toensure full repayment <strong>of</strong> advance and interest before retirement ortermination <strong>of</strong> service.Amount <strong>of</strong> instalments: Each instalment shall be in wholerupees. However, the last instalment may be raised or reduced asmay be necessary for recovery <strong>of</strong> the balance including any fraction <strong>of</strong>a rupee.Mode <strong>of</strong> recovery: The repayment instalments shall berecovered from the pay, leave salary or subsistence allowance,commencing with first such issue after the advance is drawn.Interest: Interest on advances will be charged at prescribedrates. Sanction for an advance shall indicate the interest rate 2.5%more than the prescribed rate with the stipulation that 2.5% rebatewill be allowed, on compliance with the terms relating to recovery <strong>of</strong>amount.Calculation <strong>of</strong> interest: Interest may be calculated as perfollowing formulae :i) When the principal amount <strong>of</strong> advance is repaid in equalinstalmentsTotal interest= n(n+1)/2 * A * 1/12 * r/100ii)When a part <strong>of</strong> the advance is repaid in equal monthlyinstalments and the balance in lumpsumTotal interest= n/2 ( P +L) * 1/12 * r/100iii) When repayment is irregular, interest will be calculatedfor every month on diminishing balance. Alternatively, thebalance outstanding at the end <strong>of</strong> every month should beaggregated and then interest calculated as follows:Total interest = Aggregate <strong>of</strong> balancesoutstanding every months*1/12 * r/100Wheren= number <strong>of</strong> instalments including last instalment <strong>of</strong>lumpusum payment, if anyA= Amount <strong>of</strong> each instalmentr= Rate <strong>of</strong> interest<strong>Page</strong> 149 <strong>of</strong> 149

P= Principal amount <strong>of</strong> advanceL= Lumpsum paymentRecovery <strong>of</strong> interest:Interest computed as above shall be recovered in the minimumnumber <strong>of</strong> monthly instalments. The amount <strong>of</strong> each instalment shallnot be more than the amount <strong>of</strong> instalment for recovery <strong>of</strong> advance.The recovery <strong>of</strong> interest shall commence from the month immediatelyfollowing that in which the repayment <strong>of</strong> the advance principal iscompleted.Illustration:Amount <strong>of</strong> Scooter advance Rs 30000/-Date <strong>of</strong> advance 5.3.98Amount <strong>of</strong> each instalment(A) Rs 500No. <strong>of</strong> instalments(n) 60Rate <strong>of</strong> interest(r) 11.5%Interest n(n+1)/2 * A/12 * r/10060(60+1)/2 * 500/12 * 115/100= Rs 8769/-The interest will be recovered in 18 instalments, the first 17being Rs.500 each and the last <strong>of</strong> Rs 269.Rate <strong>of</strong> interest for various types <strong>of</strong> advancesYear in whichRate <strong>of</strong> interestadvance drawn Motor Car/PC Motor Cycle/Scooter/ MopedCycle, Warmclothing, Table Fan1982-93 9 8.5 8.51983-84 9.5 9.5 9.51984-85 10 10 101985-86 11 11 111986-87 to8.5 7.5 7.51989-901990-91 10.5 8.5 7.51991-92 12 9.5 81992-93 14 10.5 8.51993-94 to15 11.5 9.01999-20002000-01 14 10.5 8.0<strong>Page</strong> 150 <strong>of</strong> 150

2001-02 13 9.5 7.02002-03 12.5 9.0 6.52003-04 11.5 8.0 5.520.4.1 Types <strong>of</strong> Advances :Warm Clothing advanceSanctioning Authority : Head Of OfficeAmount <strong>of</strong> advance : Maximum Rs 1500/-Eligibility :All Group C and D employees, posted in hill stations fora period <strong>of</strong> one year, or more are eligible. Hill station means aplace situated at a height <strong>of</strong> 1000 metres or more above sealevel.Conditions :a) Head <strong>of</strong> Office should certify that employee is likely tostay (including period already spent) for not less than 12months in the hill station.b) Second and subsequent advance may be granted onlyafter three years from grant <strong>of</strong> earlier advance.c) In case <strong>of</strong> temporary employees a surety bond from apermanent employee having equal or higher status, is needed.The surety bond is cancelled on the employee attainingpermanent status. The requirement <strong>of</strong> surety bond can bewaived, if recovery <strong>of</strong> advance can be made during temporaryservice <strong>of</strong> employee.20.4.2 Table Fan AdvanceAmount <strong>of</strong> advance: Anticipated price subject to amaximum <strong>of</strong> Rs 1000/-.Second Advance: A second advance should not ordinarily begranted within 10 years <strong>of</strong> the grant <strong>of</strong> previous advance.Eligibility :<strong>Page</strong> 151 <strong>of</strong> 151

Group D employees living in a house providedwith electricity and plug point but not having a fan are eligible.Conditions :a) The advance should not be granted to an employeeunder suspension.b) In case <strong>of</strong> temporary employees a surety bond from apermanent employee having equal or higher status is needed.The surety bond is cancelled on the employee attainingpermanent status. The requirement <strong>of</strong> surety bond can bewaived if recovery <strong>of</strong> advance can be made during temporaryservice <strong>of</strong> the employee.c) The employee is to submit cash receipt <strong>of</strong> table fanpurchased for verification.d) The fan shall be considered government property till theadvance and interest thereon is repaid.20.4.3 Conveyance (Motor Car, Motor Cycle/Scooter & Bicycle)advanceConditions common to all types <strong>of</strong> Conveyance Advances:a) The advance is granted for purchase <strong>of</strong> motor car,motorcycle/scooter, moped and bicycle.b) Advance shall not be granted for furnishing security atthe time <strong>of</strong> registration.c) In case <strong>of</strong> temporary employees, a surety bond from apermanent employee <strong>of</strong> equal or higher status isnecessary.d) Prior permission should be obtained or intimation <strong>of</strong>purchase be given, as may be necessary.e) The sanctioning authority should be satisfied aboutrepaying capacity <strong>of</strong> the employee.f) The advance cannot be granted if the vehicle has alreadybeen purchased and paid for unless it has beenpurchased within a period <strong>of</strong> three months from the date<strong>of</strong> application and paid for by raising a temporary loan.g) Advance should not be sanctioned and disbursed when<strong>of</strong>ficial is under suspension.<strong>Page</strong> 152 <strong>of</strong> 152

h) Advance can be granted only if the outstanding <strong>of</strong>previous advance, if any, with interest has been fullyrepaid.i) Purchase <strong>of</strong> vehicle should be made within one monthfrom the drawal <strong>of</strong> advance. The cash receipt (in allcases) and registration book (in cases other than bicycle)should be produced for verification. The registrationbook must be shown within one month <strong>of</strong> purchase ortwo months <strong>of</strong> drawal <strong>of</strong> advance. If the employee failsto do so the advance shall be refunded with the penalinterest.j) The vehicle after purchase should be hypothecated tothe government.k) Prior sanction <strong>of</strong> the loan sanctioning authority isnecessary for sale <strong>of</strong> the vehicle so long as the advanceand interest thereon is outstanding. The sale proceedsmust be used to payback advance and interest or forpurchase <strong>of</strong> a new car within a month. In the lattercase, the advance outstanding will be restricted to thecost <strong>of</strong> new car. Re-payment <strong>of</strong> the outstanding amountwould continue at the rate fixed.l) Recovery <strong>of</strong> advance will start from first pay/leavesalary/subsistence allowance after drawl <strong>of</strong> advance.m) Simple interest at prescribed rates, calculated onmonthly reducing balance basis will be recovered in oneor more instalments after the principal is recovered. Therate <strong>of</strong> interest charged for advances drawn in differentyears is given in para 20.4 <strong>of</strong> this chapter.n) Sanction order should indicate the rate <strong>of</strong> interest 2.5%higher than the prescribed rate with stipulation that2.5% rebate will be allowed for prompt payment.o) Even if repayment is made more than once in a month itwill be taken as a simple payment in a month forarriving balance for interest calculations.p) Sanctioning authority is department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Govt/Administrator or Head <strong>of</strong> Deptt for cases otherthan bicycle and Head <strong>of</strong> Office in case <strong>of</strong> Bicycle. AnUnder Secretary who is Head <strong>of</strong> Office may authorise aSection Officer under him to sign, on his behalf,sanction <strong>of</strong> cycle advance.20.4.4 Motor Car advanceEligibility :<strong>Page</strong> 153 <strong>of</strong> 153

Employees drawing pay including non-practicingallowance(NPA) and stagnation increment(SI) <strong>of</strong> Rs. 10500/-p.m. or more are eligible. This condition may be relaxed by theSecretary to Ministry/Department in deserving cases {Rule 193(ii)}.Amount <strong>of</strong> advance :a) On first occasion Rs 1,80,000 or eleven months’ basicpay +SI +NPA or price <strong>of</strong> car, whichever is the least.b) On second and subsequent occasions Rs 1,60,000 oreleven months basic pay +SI or price <strong>of</strong> car whichever is theleast.c) In case <strong>of</strong> employees holding regular posts abroad theadvance shall be further restricted to the amount admissiblefrom foreign exchange angle.Other conditions :a) A second advance can be taken for purchase <strong>of</strong> adifferent make <strong>of</strong> car without selling previous one purchasedwith advance, but outstanding advance and interest must berepaid before grant <strong>of</strong> second/subsequent advance.b) Second and subsequent advances will be given only after4 years from the date <strong>of</strong> drawal <strong>of</strong> previous advance.c) However, second/subsequent advance may be giveneven before 4 years in following cases:i) When an employee disposes <strong>of</strong> his car in Indiaand proceeds on deputation/training abroad for morethan a year and returns without a car orii) when an employee is appointed to a regular postabroad and does not take his car with him oriii) when one had earlier taken advance for motorcycle and now desires for car, if outstanding amount <strong>of</strong>previous advance, if any, with interest is fully cleared.d) An advance can be granted in two instalments in case <strong>of</strong>employees holding regular post abroad, first for purchasing thecar and second while coming to India for payment <strong>of</strong> customsduty the total being restricted to the overall limit prescribed.<strong>Page</strong> 154 <strong>of</strong> 154

e) The advance can also be given only for payment <strong>of</strong>customs duty, to an employee on regular post abroad whobrings a car subject to the overall limit.f) Employee can pay more than one instalment in a month.20.4.5 Motor Cycle /Scooter advanceEligibility :a) Employees drawing pay (basic pay + NPA+SI) <strong>of</strong>Rs.4600/- p.m or more are eligible. This condition canbe relaxed by sanctioning authority in deserving cases.Amount <strong>of</strong> advance :a) On first occasion Rs. 30,000 or 6 months’ pay oranticipated price <strong>of</strong> motor cycle/scooter/moped whichever isthe least.b) On second and subsequent occasion Rs 24000/- or 5months’ pay or anticipated price <strong>of</strong> motor cycle/scooter/moped,whichever is the least.Other conditions :Other conditions are same as in case <strong>of</strong> motor car except thatthere shall be no need for hypothecation <strong>of</strong> the vehicle.20.4.6 Cycle advanceEligibility :Non-gazetted employees whose basic pay + SI does not exceedRs.5000/- p.m.Amount <strong>of</strong> Advance :Rs 1500/- or anticipated price <strong>of</strong> cycle including ST whicheveris less {Rule 212 (i)}Other conditions :a) Subsequent advance will not be available within 3 years<strong>of</strong> the earlier advance.<strong>Page</strong> 155 <strong>of</strong> 155

) Priority will be given to those who have not availed theadvance in the last 5 years.c) In case <strong>of</strong> temporary employees, a surety bond from apermanent employee having equal or higher status, is needed.The surety bond is cancelled on the employee attainingpermanent status. The requirement <strong>of</strong> surety bond can bewaived, if recovery <strong>of</strong> advance can be done during temporaryservice <strong>of</strong> the employee.20.4.7 Personal Computer advanceEligibility :Employees drawing pay including SI and NPA <strong>of</strong> Rs 10,500/-.Amount <strong>of</strong> advance :i) On first occasion: Rs 80,000/- or anticipated price <strong>of</strong>computer excluding customs duty) whichever is less.ii) On second/subsequent Occasion : Rs 75,000/- oranticipated price <strong>of</strong> computer(excluding duty) whichever is less.Other conditions :a) Application should be made on the prescribed form(GFR-27).b) In case <strong>of</strong> temporary employees, a surety bond from apermanent employee having equal or higher status, is needed.c) A second/subsequent advance can be granted only after3 years from the drawal <strong>of</strong> earlier one.d) d) The advance can not be used for payment <strong>of</strong>customs duty.e) e) Computer purchased should be mortgaged to thegovernment.f) Interest is charged at the rates prescribed as in case <strong>of</strong>advance for motor car.20.4.8 House Building AdvancePurposes <strong>of</strong> advance :a) Acquiring a plot and constructing a house thereon.<strong>Page</strong> 156 <strong>of</strong> 156

) Constructing a new house on a plot already owned singly orjointly with spouse.c) Getting a plot under cooperative schemes and building a housewhere title will vest in the <strong>of</strong>ficial after the house is built.d) Enlarging living accommodation in a house owned by self orjointly with spouse.e) Constructing the residential portion alone in a shop cumresidential plot in a residential colony.f) Purchase <strong>of</strong> a ready built house/flat fromi) Government, Semi Government, local bodies, housing boards,development authorities.ii) Self financing Housing schemesiii) Cooperative Housing schemes.iv) Private parties such as registered builders, architects, housebuilding societies etc. , but not from private individuals.g) Conversion <strong>of</strong> hire purchase <strong>of</strong> house/flat into outrightpurchase, from State Housing Board or similar governmentcontrolled bodies.h) Repayment <strong>of</strong> a loan taken for purchase/construction <strong>of</strong> ahouse/flat if employee had applied for HBA before taking theloan (even if construction has been started already). Loan mayhave been taken from government source, or a non-governmentsource including private institutions, friends and near relatives,PSUs, autonomous bodies and other registered societies fundedby the government. Before obtaining loan from a nongovernmentsource, the employee must apply for HBA and g<strong>of</strong>or the private loan only when HBA is denied due to paucity <strong>of</strong>funds.Eligibility :a) All permanent employees.b) Other employees having rendered at least 10 years continuousservice( including military service in case <strong>of</strong> re-employed exservicemen).c) Members <strong>of</strong> All India Services( IAS,IPS & IFS) deputed to<strong>Central</strong> Government, Public Sector Undertakings under thecontrol <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government, international organizations,autonomous bodies or a private body (These cases should beprocessed by the Head <strong>of</strong> the parent Department).d) <strong>Central</strong> government employees on deputation to anotherdepartment or on foreign service (These cases should beprocessed by the Head <strong>of</strong> the parent department).e) Staff covered under Payment <strong>of</strong> Wages Act.<strong>Page</strong> 157 <strong>of</strong> 157

Note :i) Employees <strong>of</strong> Union Territories and North East FrontierAgency(NEFA) are also eligible as per the above criterion.ii) If both husband and wife are <strong>Central</strong> Government employeesand are eligible for HBA, the advance shall be admissible to only one<strong>of</strong> them.iii) <strong>Central</strong> Government servants under suspension are alsoeligible for advance subject to the condition that collateral security inthe shape <strong>of</strong> mortgage bond from two permanent <strong>Central</strong> Governmentservants is obtained.Cost ceiling <strong>of</strong> the House:Cost <strong>of</strong> the house (excluding cost <strong>of</strong> land) should not exceed200 times <strong>of</strong> pay (basic pay + stagnation increment + non-practicingallowance) subject to a maximum <strong>of</strong> Rs 18 lakhs and a minimum <strong>of</strong>Rs 7.5 lakhs. Thus, where the cost ceiling according to basic pay isless than 7.5 lakh an employee can avail HBA forbuilding/purchasing a house as if costing Rs.7.5 lakhs. In case <strong>of</strong> selffinancing scheme, cost ceiling will be inclusive <strong>of</strong> land anddevelopment charges. Ceiling maybe relaxed upto 25% by theAdministrative Ministry/Department in appropriate cases.Amount <strong>of</strong> advance:Sl Purposeno.1 For construction <strong>of</strong> ahouse in an existingplot in urban areas2 For purchasing a plotand constructing ahouse thereon3 For purchasing a readybuilt house4 For enlargingaccommodation in anexisting house in urbanareaAmount <strong>of</strong> advance50 times pay( i.e. basic pay + SI +NPA ) <strong>of</strong> the employee or Rs 7.5 lakhsor the estimated cost, or repayingcapacity, whichever is least.- As above -- As above -50 times <strong>of</strong> pay + SI + NPA or Rs 1.8lakhs or the estimated cost or therepaying capacity whichever is theleast.<strong>Page</strong> 158 <strong>of</strong> 158

5 For constructionThe advance should not exceed/enlargement <strong>of</strong>accommodation in ruralareas ( not falling on theperiphery <strong>of</strong> a town orRs.1.8 Lakhs or 80% <strong>of</strong> true cost <strong>of</strong>land and construction or cost <strong>of</strong>enlargement and further restricted tohis repayment capacitycity)6 Where the employee The amount <strong>of</strong> HBA shall beowns a house jointlywith other relations, orrestricted to 60% <strong>of</strong> the amountnormally admissible to himhas coparcenary sharein a house belonging toHUF <strong>of</strong> which he is amember and theemployee desires tohave a separate housefor himselfNote: Amount <strong>of</strong> advance can be reduced at the request <strong>of</strong> theemployee (to avail reduced rate <strong>of</strong> interest) if the entire advanceis not drawn.Repaying capacityLength <strong>of</strong> remainingserviceOfficials retiring after 20yearsOfficials retiring after 10years but before 20yearsOfficials retiring within10 yearsRepaying capacity40% <strong>of</strong> Pay( Basic Pay +SI + NPA)40% <strong>of</strong> pay (Basic Pay +SI + NPA); 65% <strong>of</strong>gratuity may also be adjusted.50% <strong>of</strong> pay (Basic Pay +SI + NPA); 75% <strong>of</strong>gratuity may also be adjusted.Conditions for admissibility <strong>of</strong> HBAa) The house to be purchased/constructed should be either at theplace <strong>of</strong> duty or at the place where the employee proposes tosettle after retirement.b) Employee /spouse/minor child should not own a house in thetown/urban agglomeration where house/flat is proposed to beconstructed/acquired.c) The title <strong>of</strong> the land should be clear in the name <strong>of</strong>employee/spouse/jointly.d) In case <strong>of</strong> purchase <strong>of</strong> ready built house/flat from privateparties the house/flat should be new and unlived in.e) The house/flat should be used for residential purposesonly.<strong>Page</strong> 159 <strong>of</strong> 159

f) Advance shall be granted in respect <strong>of</strong> only one house/flat inthe entire service.g) Employee should not have taken any loan from any othergovernment source/semi government bodies /Housingbodies/local bodies/development authorities etc. However,where the employee has taken any such loan he shouldundertake to repay such loans with interest in one lump.h) Advance for ready built house will be only for outrightpurchase.i) In case <strong>of</strong> construction <strong>of</strong> residence on a shop cum residentialplot in a residential colonyi) Cost <strong>of</strong> land + cost <strong>of</strong> superstructure for both residenceand shop(s) should not exceed the prescribed cost ceiling.ii) Entire property including shop(s) should be mortgaged.iii) Entire building including shop(s) should be insuredagainst fire, lightening, floods etc.j) In case <strong>of</strong> HBA for enlargement <strong>of</strong> the housei) Funds will be arranged from the <strong>of</strong>ficer’s own resourcesand this does not in any way affect his repaying capacity( adeclaration <strong>of</strong> the employee to that effect is needed).ii) Two years should have elapsed after completion <strong>of</strong> thehouse( as per completion certificate).iii) Certified copy <strong>of</strong> approved plan is to be furnished.iv) The foundation is capable <strong>of</strong> taking additional load.v) HBA + loan raised from other institutions shall berestricted to the prescribed cost ceiling.k) In case <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Government employees on deputation, thecase is to be processed by the parent department.l) Sanctioning authority should be satisfied that employee islikely to be in service till the house is built and mortgaged.m) The advance should be utilised only for the purpose it issanctioned. Misutilisation <strong>of</strong> advance shall entail disciplinaryaction. Any unutilised amount should be refundedimmediately.Creation <strong>of</strong> second chargeGovernment servants may create a second charge on theproperty subject to the following conditions:i) Prior permission <strong>of</strong> the Head <strong>of</strong> the Department should beobtained.<strong>Page</strong> 160 <strong>of</strong> 160

ii)iii)iv)The second charge can be created only in r/o loans for meetingthe balance cost <strong>of</strong> the house/flat.The total HBA plus the loan raised should not exceed theprescribed cost ceiling.Loan to be obtained should be from recognized financialinstitutions, such as, banks, government financialcorporations, co-operative housing finance institutions, publiccompanies formed and registered in India with the specificpurpose <strong>of</strong> financing housing like, Housing DevelopmentFinance Corporation Ltd.v) Second charge can also be created for enlarging livingaccommodation in the house constructed/acquired with HBA,if two years have elapsed after completion <strong>of</strong> the construction <strong>of</strong>the house.Rs 1500/- or anticipated price <strong>of</strong> cycle including STwhichever is less {Rule 212 (i)}Other conditions :a) Subsequent advance will not be available within 3 years <strong>of</strong> theearlier advance. Rs 1500/- or anticipated price <strong>of</strong> cycle includingST whichever is less {Rule 212 (i)}<strong>Page</strong> 161 <strong>of</strong> 161

21. DRAWAL OF PAY, ALLOWANCES ANDHONORARIA21.1 Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police incharge <strong>of</strong> a branch andAdministrative Officer(Accounts) in CBI, Head Office have beendeclared by the Director, CBI as ‘Head <strong>of</strong> Office’ for that branch andCBI, Head Office respectively, under Rule 13(3) and 14 <strong>of</strong> Delegation<strong>of</strong> Financial Powers, 1978 and Controlling Officer under SR-191 forthe purpose <strong>of</strong> TA Bills and Drawing & Disbursing Officer in respect <strong>of</strong>Gazetted and Non-Gazetted Officers working under him. The OfficeSuperintendent or some other gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the branch, such asa Deputy Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police can be authorised by the Head <strong>of</strong>Office within the terms <strong>of</strong> the existing orders or Rules to perform theduties <strong>of</strong> drawing and disbursing <strong>of</strong>ficer under Rule 13(2) <strong>of</strong>Delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial Powers and Rule 35(2) <strong>of</strong> Receipt andPayment Rules, 1983.21.2 Pay Bill Register is required to be maintained by the CBI HeadOffice as well as by each <strong>of</strong> CBI Branches. Separate registers aremaintained for Gazetted Staff, Non-gazetted Executive Staff,Ministerial Staff, Constables and other Class IV Govt. servants.Under the existing arrangement, it is necessary to prepare only onecopy <strong>of</strong> the Pay Bill to be sent to the Pay and Accounts Officer orCheque Drawing DDO, CBI, as all information relating to drawal <strong>of</strong>pay and allowances by the Officers/Staff, is available in the Pay BillRegister.21.3 In the case <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials placed under suspension, separate paybill is to be prepared for drawing the subsistence allowance and otherallowances admissible thereon.21.4 The following allowances are generally drawn alongwith the pay(i)Dearness Allowance (including Addl. DA)(ii)House Rent Allowance<strong>Page</strong> 162 <strong>of</strong> 162

(iii)City Compensatory Allowance(iv)Transport Allowance(v)Children Education Allowance(vi)Hill Allowance(vii)Conveyance Allowance(viii)Interim Relief(ix)Deputation (Duty) Allowance(x)Remote locality Allowance(xi)Bad climate Allowance(xii)Tribal Area Allowance(xiii)Kit Maintenance Allowance(xiv)Court Allowance @ Rs. 1000/- p.m. for ALA/DLA, Rs.750/- p.m. for Sr.PP/PP and Rs. 500/- p.m. for APP.(xv)Gallantry Allowance at the following rates:a) President Police Medal for Gallantry :Rs.750/- p.m.b) Each <strong>of</strong> Bar to President’s PoliceMedal for Gallantry: Rs. 750/- p.m.c) Police Medal for Gallantry : Rs. 450/- p.m.d) Each <strong>of</strong> Bar to Police Medal450/- p.m.for Gallantry 37[1] : Rs.21.5 Allowance and Honoraria37[1]MHA letter No. 11026/10/98-PMA dt. 6.12.1999<strong>Page</strong> 163 <strong>of</strong> 163

The bills relating to the following allowances/claims areprepared separately :(i)Overtime Allowance(ii)Reimbursement <strong>of</strong> Tuition Fees(iii)Reimbursement <strong>of</strong> Medical charges(iv)Travelling Allowance(v)Leave Travel Concession(vi)Any other allowance i.e. Reward etc.(vii)Robe Allowance @ Rs. 2500/- in 5 years for Law Officers(viii)Robe Maintenance Allowance @ Rs. 600/- P.A.(ix)Refreshment Allowance(x)One month’s extra pay i.e. Basic Pay + D.A. fromConstable to Inspector in a Calender year(xi)Mufti Dress Allowance @ Rs. 500/- P.A. for Constable &Head Constable(xii)Grant <strong>of</strong> 75% discount by Indian Airlines to recipients <strong>of</strong>President’s Police Medal for Gallantry and Police Medalfor Gallantry on the air journeys performed by them oneconomy class w.e.f. 1.2.2001 38[2]Similarly, separate bills are prepared in regard to grant <strong>of</strong>honorarium.21.6 Advances :The bills for the following advances are prepared separately:(i)Advance from the GP Fund(ii)Festival Advance38[2]MHA letter No. 11026/17/99-PMA dt. 5..2.2001<strong>Page</strong> 164 <strong>of</strong> 164

(iii)Cycle Advance(iv)Motor Cycle Advance(v)Leave Salary Advance(vi)Motor Car Advance(vii)TA Advance(viii)Advance <strong>of</strong> Pay(ix)Other Miscellaneous Advance21.6.1 The advance bills may be prepared in the prescribed formatcited in Rule No. 165 <strong>of</strong> Receipt and Payment Rules, 1983.21.7 Recovery Registers :The following Registers are to be maintained to keep a watch onthe recoveries <strong>of</strong> advances sanctioned to the staff :(i)Cycle Advance Recovery Register(ii)GPF Advance Recovery Register(iii)Festival Advance Recovery Register(iv)Motor Cycle Advance Recovery Register(v)TA AdvanceAdjustment Register for TA/LTC Advance and Transfer(vi)Register for recovery <strong>of</strong> other advances21.7.1 Whenever advances are granted, it is necessary to make theentry in the appropriate registers to ensure recoveries as per thenorms.<strong>Page</strong> 165 <strong>of</strong> 165

21.7.2 At the beginning <strong>of</strong> each financial year, the balance <strong>of</strong> variousoutstanding advance except GPF is to be intimated to Pay andAccounts Officer concerned.21.8 Reward to subordinate Police OfficersFor granting rewards to the subordinate Police Officers, aReward Roll Statement is to be used in Form G-12.<strong>Page</strong> 166 <strong>of</strong> 166

22. CONTINGENCIES22.1 Contingencies or ‘contingent expenditure’ means all incidentaland other expenditure, including expenditure on stores, which is incurredfor the management <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>fice or for the working <strong>of</strong> technicalestablishment, such as a laboratory, workshop, industrial installation, storedepot and the like, but does not include any expenditure which has beenspecifically classified as falling under some other head <strong>of</strong> expenditure suchas ‘works, tools and plants’.22.2 The powers <strong>of</strong> Director as Head <strong>of</strong> the Department to incurexpenditure on contingencies are specified in Schedule V to the Delegation <strong>of</strong>Financial Powers Rules, 1978. The Director, CBI has further re-delegatedthese powers to various <strong>of</strong>ficers in CBI. Detailed chart showing internaldelegations is placed at Annexure-XIII.22.3 Under Rule 90 <strong>of</strong> the General Financial Rules, the Head Officehas been granted a permanent advance (Imprest) <strong>of</strong> Rs.2000/- to provide foremergent petty advances <strong>of</strong> all kinds or for such payments as have to bemade in advance for drawing bills. Permanent advances have also beengranted to branches, according to their requirements 39[1] .22.4 A contingent register showing different heads <strong>of</strong> contingent ormiscellaneous expenditure is maintained. The annual budget allotment isalso noted in that register. Expenditure under each minor head is watchedthrough that register. The bills are prepared and the amounts are drawn onfully vouched contingent bill forms. Sometimes for meeting urgentcontingent expenditure, advances are also drawn on abstract bill formsunder the provisions <strong>of</strong> Receipt and Payment Rules.22.5 Vouchers: Vouchers/receipts for payments <strong>of</strong> Rs. 500/- orabove are to be sent to the Pay and Accounts Officer, CBI. Others are kept inthe <strong>of</strong>fice alongwith the bills, after they are cancelled with a rubber stamp.The provisions <strong>of</strong> Rule 109 <strong>of</strong> Receipt & Payments Rule have specially to beobserved for defacement or cancellation and preservation <strong>of</strong> the vouchers.39[1] For detailed guidelines, GFR 90 may be referred to.<strong>Page</strong> 167 <strong>of</strong> 167

23. GENERAL PROVIDENT FUND23.1 EligibilityTemporary government servants with one year's service, reemployedpensioners not covered by Contributory Provident FundRules, and all permanent government servants have to subscribecompulsorily at a minimum <strong>of</strong> 6% pay (maximum 100% pay) everymonth to General Provident Fund. Persons completing one year'sservice during a month are to subscribe from the following month,i.e., recovery commencing from the pay for the month following theone in which they complete one year's service. Temporarygovernment servants (including Probationers and Apprentices) likelyto continue for more than a year in service may subscribe any timebefore one year. No recovery should be made during the last threemonths service before superannuation (e.g. For employees retiring on30th June, subscriptions are not to be recovered from the pay forApril, May and June).23.2 Procedure to be followed by Head <strong>of</strong> OfficeThe Head <strong>of</strong> Office is required to send to PAO statement induplicate by 15th <strong>of</strong> every month with particulars <strong>of</strong> employeeseligible to subscribe to GPF three months hence, for allotment <strong>of</strong>account numbers, in the prescribed form. No application from the<strong>of</strong>ficial is necessary. The duplicate copy <strong>of</strong> the statement will bereturned by the PAO duly completed with account numbers allotted tothe <strong>of</strong>ficials. However, in the case <strong>of</strong> temporary employees choosing tosubscribe before one year, applications are to be forwarded as per theold procedure for allotment <strong>of</strong> account numbers. In any case,subscriptions should be recovered only after the account numbers areallotted.23.3 Nomination23.3.1 Submission <strong>of</strong> nominations - Every government servantshould submit nomination in the prescribed form immediately onjoining the Fund. While an employee not having family may nominateany other person, the nomination should be in favour <strong>of</strong> familymember(s) only in the case <strong>of</strong> one having family. The subscriber mayprovide in the nomination that the nomination shall become invalid inthe event <strong>of</strong> the happening <strong>of</strong> a contingency specified therein e.g. abachelor may nominate his father or mother. He can specify in the<strong>Page</strong> 168 <strong>of</strong> 168

nomination that the nomination will become invalid in the event <strong>of</strong> hissubsequently getting married. If the nomination is made in favour <strong>of</strong>more than one person, the proportionate share in which the amountwill be payable should be specified clearly in the relevant column. Atany time, the nomination may be cancelled by the governmentservant. Revised nomination may be sent to the PAO through theHead <strong>of</strong> Office. Change <strong>of</strong> nomination is permitted even afterretirement but before the final payment is made. Every nominationtakes effect from the date it is received by the PAO.23.3.2 Action by the Head <strong>of</strong> Office : Nominations submitted by the<strong>of</strong>ficials should be carefully scrutinized by the Head <strong>of</strong> Office beforeforwarding the same to PAO and it should be ensured that theinstructions contained in the nomination form as also the provisionsin GPF Rules are complied with to avoid complications at a laterstage. A copy <strong>of</strong> the nomination may be kept in Part II <strong>of</strong> the servicebook <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficial. Receipt <strong>of</strong> acknowledgement from PAO should bewatched and kept in record.23.3.3 Definition <strong>of</strong> Family : 'Family' includes, spouse, parents,children (including adopted child/ward), minor brothers, unmarriedsisters, deceased son's widow and children and where no parents <strong>of</strong>the subscriber is alive, a paternal grandparent. For a male subscriber,more than one wife is included, but a judiciously separated wife isexcluded, unless the subscriber expresses in writing otherwise. Afemale subscriber may exclude her husband from her family for thispurpose.23.4 Noting GPF Account Number in Service BookAs soon as the account number is allotted by the PAO, this should beentered in the service book <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficial.23.5 Subscription23.5.1 Rates : The amount <strong>of</strong> subscription should be fixed by thegovernment servant in whole rupees, subject to a minimum <strong>of</strong> 6% <strong>of</strong>emoluments and not more than the total emoluments. Thesubscription will be rounded <strong>of</strong>f to the nearest rupee, even if ithappens to be less than 6%. For this purpose, pay drawn on 31stMarch will be taken into account for subscription during the ensuingfinancial year. For subscribers joining service during the year andstart subscribing to the GPF, emoluments drawn on the date <strong>of</strong>joining the Fund is taken into account. The rate <strong>of</strong> subscription neednot be varied consequent on revision <strong>of</strong> pay during the year, except<strong>Page</strong> 169 <strong>of</strong> 169

when required under specific orders e.g. on revision <strong>of</strong> pay scales onthe recommendations <strong>of</strong> Pay Commission.23.5.2 Change <strong>of</strong> amount <strong>of</strong> subscription : Subscription may beincreased twice and/or reduced once at any time during a year.23.5.3 Recovery <strong>of</strong> subscription - Recovery should commence fromthe pay for the month following the one in which a temporaryemployee completes one year service. During periods <strong>of</strong> suspension,recovery is not to be made. On reinstatement, he may opt for recovery<strong>of</strong> arrear subscriptions due for the period <strong>of</strong> suspension. During theperiod <strong>of</strong> EOL/HPL, the <strong>of</strong>ficial can opt not to subscribe to the Fund.In such cases, subscription recovered shall be proportionate to thenumber <strong>of</strong> days spent on duty including leave, if any, other thanEOL/HPL.23.6 Interest:The rate <strong>of</strong> interest to be allowed on GPF deposits isdetermined by the government each year.23.7 Advances:An advance up to three months' pay or half the amount atcredit, whichever is less, may be sanctioned by the Head <strong>of</strong> Office to asubscriber for one or more <strong>of</strong> the reasons mentioned in GPF Rules -Rule 12(1) : GID's 2,3,4,6 & 11. Advance in the case <strong>of</strong> Head <strong>of</strong> Officewill be sanctioned by the next higher authority.23.8 Special Advance23.8.1 An advance in excess <strong>of</strong> 50% <strong>of</strong> the amount at credit, or threemonths pay, or involving recovery in more than 24 installments, orwhen the earlier advance is not fully recovered or where the advanceis required for reasons other than those mentioned under Para 23.7,is treated as Special Advance. This can be sanctioned by Heads <strong>of</strong>Departments and various other authorities specified in V Schedule toGPF Rules. Heads <strong>of</strong> Offices authorized to exercise the powers <strong>of</strong>Heads <strong>of</strong> Departments under DFPRs can also sanction the SpecialAdvance. Special reasons are to be recorded for sanction <strong>of</strong> suchadvances.23.8.2 If the Special Advance is sanctioned before the completion <strong>of</strong>the earlier advance, the balance <strong>of</strong> the previous advance remainingoutstanding will be added to the amount sanctioned as special<strong>Page</strong> 170 <strong>of</strong> 170

advance and the total consolidated amount recovered in suitablenumber <strong>of</strong> installments not exceeding 36.Note : Advance is not to be sanctioned during the last three months <strong>of</strong>service before superannuation.23.9 RecoveryRecovery <strong>of</strong> the advance under Rule 12(1) in not more than 24installments should commence from the pay for the month followingthe one in which the advance is drawn. Recovery <strong>of</strong> the SpecialAdvance under rule 12(2) in not more than 36 installments will alsobe made in the same way, but it should be ensured that there is nobreak in the recovery <strong>of</strong> the earlier advance and the Special Advance.In other words, the Special Advance will be sanctioned and theinstallments fixed after taking into account the installments to berecovered in the next month against the earlier advance (Rule 13).23.10 WithdrawalsAuthorities competent to sanction Special Advances cansanction withdrawals from GPF for one or more <strong>of</strong> the purposesmentioned in Rule 15, after completing stipulated service.23.11 Final Payment <strong>of</strong> GPF Accumulationsevents :Final payment <strong>of</strong> GPF accumulations arises in the following(a)Resignation, termination <strong>of</strong> service, discharge forwant <strong>of</strong> vacancy, dismissal and removal from service; or(b)Retirement; or(c)Death.In all the above cases, the amount standing to the credit <strong>of</strong> thesubscriber with accrued interest becomes payable.23.12 GPF Accounts <strong>of</strong> Group ‘D’ EmployeesThe GPF account <strong>of</strong> Group `D' employees is maintained by theHead <strong>of</strong> Office/Head <strong>of</strong> Department.<strong>Page</strong> 171 <strong>of</strong> 171

23.12.1 Duties <strong>of</strong> Head <strong>of</strong> Office:(i)The detailed PF Ledger Account in Form (Civil AccountsManual) 47 should be maintained by the Head <strong>of</strong> Office inbound ledgers which will be machine numbered.(ii)The Head <strong>of</strong> Office or a gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficer nominated by himshould initial the PF accounts monthly to ensure that theamount <strong>of</strong> subscription deducted, refund <strong>of</strong> advance andtemporary and final withdrawals are posted correctly. Heshould also initial the entries in the ledger when signing forwithdrawal from PF.(iii)He should ensure that the subscription recovered is subject tothe minimum as per the GPF Rules. Regardingreducing/enhancing the quantum, he should ensure thatreduction is not made more than once in a year andenhancement not more than twice in a year. When thesubscription is reduced, it should not go below the minimum <strong>of</strong>6% <strong>of</strong> pay prescribed in the rules.(iv)He should maintain a broad sheet in Form CAM 48 and alldeposits and withdrawals should be posted direct from theledgers and not from the schedules. He shall verify that theamount as booked in the broad sheet agrees with that <strong>of</strong> thetotal in the certificate <strong>of</strong> deductions attached to the paybills/payments made during the month.(v)In all cases <strong>of</strong> new admission, he should verify the eligibility <strong>of</strong>the new subscriber and assign the Account No. with a prefixindicating the <strong>of</strong>fice to which the subscriber belongs. Allpermanent employees and temporary employees with acontinuous service <strong>of</strong> more than one year are eligible.(vi)On receipt <strong>of</strong> a nomination, he should satisfy himself that ithas been made as per the provisions <strong>of</strong> GPF Rules.Appropriate arrangements should be made for the safe custody<strong>of</strong> the nomination under lock and key in his personal custodyor under the custody <strong>of</strong> a gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficer nominated by him inthis behalf. Necessary entries should be made in the ledger/and General Index Register and an acknowledgment should beissued to the <strong>of</strong>ficial concerned.(vii) He should maintain a General Index Register in Form CAM 44.<strong>Page</strong> 172 <strong>of</strong> 172

(viii)Pass Books are to be issued to all the subscribers. At the end <strong>of</strong>each year, the Head <strong>of</strong> Office should obtain the Passbook,complete the entries in the Passbook and after makingnecessary endorsement to the effect that “the account has beentransferred to PAO, CBI, New Delhi”, return the Pass book tothe employee.(ix) When an <strong>of</strong>ficial is transferred to anotherMinistry/Department, the Head <strong>of</strong> Office should complete theentries in the Pass book and after making necessaryendorsement to the effect that “the account has beentransferred to DDO concerned”, return the concerned Passbookto the employee.23.12.2 On promotion to Group ‘C’:If the Head <strong>of</strong> Office is able to certify that there are reasonableprospects <strong>of</strong> the promoted employee continuing in Group `C' for atleast one year, the GPF account should be transferred to the A.O.concerned immediately. In case he is not able to certify as above, itshould continue to be maintained by the Head <strong>of</strong> Office andtransferred to the Accounts Officer after the concerned employeerenders one year's continuous service in Group `C' post.<strong>Page</strong> 173 <strong>of</strong> 173

24. DEPOSIT LINKED INSURANCE SCHEME24.1 The scheme is meant for the welfare <strong>of</strong> family members <strong>of</strong> thedeceased government servant. According to this scheme, when aGeneral Provident Fund/Contributory Provident Fund subscriber diesafter having put in 5 years’ <strong>of</strong> service, the nominee <strong>of</strong> the subscriber ispaid an additional amount (in addition to the actual GeneralProvident Fund balance in the General Provident Fund (GPF) <strong>of</strong>deceased subscriber) if the balance in the General Provident Fundaccount <strong>of</strong> the deceased subscriber does not fall below the undermentioned limits at any time during the last 36 months preceding themonth <strong>of</strong> death:GPF (Vth Pay CommissionCPF (Pre-revised scale)Scale)Ifthesubscriberheld a post inthe scale <strong>of</strong>pay, themaximum <strong>of</strong>which isRs. 12000 ormoreRs. 9000 to Rs.11999Rs. 3500 to Rs.8999Minimummonthlybalanceduring theperiodIf the subscriber hasheld for the greaterpart <strong>of</strong> the aforesaid 3Minimummonthly balanceduring the periodyears a post themaximum <strong>of</strong> the payscale <strong>of</strong> which isRs. 25000/- Rs. 4000 or more Rs. 12000/-Rs. 15000/- Rs. 2900 to Rs. 3999 Rs. 7500/-Rs. 10000/- Rs. 1151 to Rs. 2899 Rs. 4500/-Below Rs. 3500 Rs. 6000/- Below Rs. 1151 Rs. 3000/-Note: Applicable in case <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong>subscriber on or after 31.5.2000. Incase <strong>of</strong> death on or before 30.5.2000 oldprovision as per IVth Pay Commissionpay scales only will apply.Note: The revised rates based on 5thpay commission pay scales has notbeen received in respect <strong>of</strong> CPF.24.2 The additional amount will be equal to the average balance inthe account during the period <strong>of</strong> 36 months preceding the month <strong>of</strong>death, subject to a maximum <strong>of</strong> Rs. 60000/- in the case <strong>of</strong> GPFsubscribers and Rs. 30000/- for CPF subscriptions. The maximumlimit is to be applied after arriving at the average <strong>of</strong> 36 months andnot at every stage.<strong>Page</strong> 174 <strong>of</strong> 174

24.3 The balance for March every year will be inclusive <strong>of</strong> interest forthe year. The balance <strong>of</strong> the last month <strong>of</strong> the three year period willinclude the interest upto that month. In the case <strong>of</strong> CPF, ‘balance’ and‘average balance’ would mean only employee’s subscription andinterest thereon.24.4 This Scheme does not apply to persons appointed on contractbasis (Rule 33-A/35-A and Notes thereunder). However, it isadmissible in cases <strong>of</strong> death during the last 3 months <strong>of</strong> service duringwhich no subscription is recovered.24.5 In the case <strong>of</strong> missing employees, payment can be made to thenominee/legal heirs after expiry <strong>of</strong> a period <strong>of</strong> 7 years following themonth <strong>of</strong> disappearance <strong>of</strong> the subscriber after completion <strong>of</strong> requiredformalities.<strong>Page</strong> 175 <strong>of</strong> 175

25. WELFARE MEASURES25.1 For the welfare <strong>of</strong> the CBI employees, a Fund called <strong>Central</strong><strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> Benevolent Fund was created in 1973. It isgoverned by CBI Benevolent Fund Rules dated 11.10.1990. Itsaffairs are managed by <strong>Central</strong> Managing Committee.25.2 According to the present CBI Benevolent Fund Rules, theobjective for which the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> BenevolentFund was created is to provide financial relief to the following :(i) To any member <strong>of</strong> the fund who suffers from permanentdisability, such as loss <strong>of</strong> eye-sight or a limb etc.,incapacitating him for further service.(ii) To the family <strong>of</strong> a member <strong>of</strong> the fund in case <strong>of</strong> hisdeath (upto and including the rank <strong>of</strong> SO/OS/Dy.SP andequivalent).(iii) To all members <strong>of</strong> the fund (upto and including the rank<strong>of</strong> SO/OS/Dy.SP and equivalent) who suffer partial disabilityor prolonged illness forcing them to remain on leave withoutpay for a period exceeding one month.(iv) To meet the funeral expenses <strong>of</strong> a member <strong>of</strong> the fundand to meet with the funeral expenses <strong>of</strong> the dependent <strong>of</strong> amember <strong>of</strong> the fund (i.e. mother, father, son, daughter & wifeand in some cases grandfather or grandmother or minorbrother or minor sister in case parents are not alive). Therelief can be given upto the rank <strong>of</strong> OS/DSP or equivalent.(v) To a member <strong>of</strong> the fund or a dependent member <strong>of</strong> hisfamily, if any <strong>of</strong> them is suffering from diseases like T.B. orCancer etc. which require nourishing diet and no such reliefis available to him under the Medical Relief Rules.(vi) For acquiring artificial limbs, hearing aids or any suchdevice for either a member <strong>of</strong> the fund or any <strong>of</strong> hisdependents.(vii) To any member whose property has suffered a severedamage owing to some natural calamity like flood, fire,<strong>Page</strong> 176 <strong>of</strong> 176

drought etc. and his financial position is very weak. Thisfinancial relief may be given in addition to a relief, if any, thatgovernment may sanction on such occasions, if that isconsidered insufficient.(viii) To a member <strong>of</strong> the fund, upto the rank <strong>of</strong> Dy.SP/OS orequivalent to enable him to purchase sports kit or for specialdiet if he or a dependent member <strong>of</strong> his family is rated as anoutstanding sportsman/athlete, such as holding the colour <strong>of</strong>the University and above or for his daughter/son who hassecured more than 60% marks in Class-X/HigherSecondary/or higher studies and is prosecuting furtherstudies.25.3 The Director, CBI has the discretion, on the recommendation <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Central</strong> Managing Committee, to sanction expenditure or to grantmonetary relief/aid in deserving cases <strong>of</strong> individual or general welfare<strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> the fund which are not covered by the rules.25.4 According to the Benevolent Fund Rules, all personnel <strong>of</strong> theCBI should subscribe towards CBI Benevolent Fund during theperiod <strong>of</strong> their stay in the CBI. A declaration, in duplicate, in theprescribed form shall be obtained from all members <strong>of</strong> the staff <strong>of</strong> theCBI. This declaration shall be retained in the <strong>of</strong>fice in which theperson concerned happens to be working at the time <strong>of</strong> hisapplication. On transfer <strong>of</strong> a member to any other unit <strong>of</strong> the CBI,this declaration shall be sent to the new place <strong>of</strong> posting. A note shallbe kept in the service book <strong>of</strong> the persons concerned duly signed bythe Head <strong>of</strong> Office regarding the date from which the personcommenced his membership <strong>of</strong> the fund/withdrew from hismembership and subscription from members shall be collected at therates fixed by the Managing Committee.25.5 The <strong>Central</strong> Managing Committee <strong>of</strong> the Benevolent Fund atthe Head Quarters <strong>of</strong> the CBI is presided over by Joint Director(Admn.), CBI. The other members <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> ManagingCommittee are as follows :(i) D.I.G.(Admn.), CBI - Vice-President(ii) SP(HQ), CBI - Hony. Secy.-cum-Member(iii) Admn.Officer(A), CBI - Hony. Treasurer-cum-Member<strong>Page</strong> 177 <strong>of</strong> 177

(iv) SP-I/ACB-I/CBI/Delhi - Member(v) A Dy. Supdt. <strong>of</strong> Police/CBI- Member(vi) An Inspector/ - MemberSub-Inspector/CBI(vii) A Head Const./ - MemberConstable <strong>of</strong> CBI(viii) A representative from - Memberthe Ministerial staff25.6 An account <strong>of</strong> subscriptions collected in the CBI Branches ismaintained in the concerned Office in the register in prescribedpr<strong>of</strong>orma. This register will be a permanent record and theresponsibility for its proper maintenance will primarily rest with thecashier <strong>of</strong> the branch, under supervision <strong>of</strong> the Superintendent <strong>of</strong>Police <strong>of</strong> the Branch. The accounts <strong>of</strong> the fund will be put up to theSuperintendent <strong>of</strong> Police/Administrative Officer/Head <strong>of</strong> Office asthe case may be by the cashier concerned, every month, forattestation. The Dy. Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police, while inspectingthe branches/units, will also check these accounts and see thatthese are being maintained properly.25.7 Special benefits in cases <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Governmentemployees while on duty 40[1]The families <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Government Employees who die inharness in the performances <strong>of</strong> their bonafide <strong>of</strong>ficial duties undervarious circumstances are eligible for the following compensation:-25.7.1 Air-lifting <strong>of</strong> body if death occurs while on tour : In case <strong>of</strong>death <strong>of</strong> a public servant, while on tour in India or abroad, the bodymay be brought by air on a commercial flight to the headquarters orto home town, according to the wishes <strong>of</strong> the family. In such cases,the expenditure will be met by government 41[2] .Sanctioning Authority - Head <strong>of</strong> Office under whom thedeceased <strong>of</strong>ficial was last working.25.7.2 Immediate Relief - If an employee dies while in service, hisfamily will be eligible for immediate monetary relief <strong>of</strong> three months’pay or Rs.8000/-, whichever is less in the form <strong>of</strong> an advance. The40[1] No. DPAD.3/03/2872/37/1/2003-AD.III dated :- 3/7/2003.41[2] G.I., M.H.A.,OM NO17/18/73-PUB I. dated 14.06.1973, circulated under D.G. P.&T.Letter No.B-26013/2/73-WL, dated 27.12.1973.<strong>Page</strong> 178 <strong>of</strong> 178

advance should be adjusted within six months against the arrears <strong>of</strong>pay and allowances, leave salary, death gratuity, balance inContributory/General Provident Fund or any other payment due inrespect <strong>of</strong> the deceased <strong>of</strong>ficial - Appendix-7, Pension Compilation &GFRs 262-264.Sanctioning Authority - Head <strong>of</strong> Office or the gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficer atthe lowest level under whom the deceased <strong>of</strong>ficial was last working.25.7.3 Relief from CBI Benevolent FundImmediate relief amounting to Rs.15000/- to meet immediateexpenses to the family/legal hairs <strong>of</strong> the deceased governmentservant upto and including the rank <strong>of</strong> Office Superintendent,Deputy Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police and equivalent 42[3] .Sanctioning Authority - DD(Admn.)/CBI. The concerned CBIbranch will send a proposal to SP(HQ) CBI for sanction <strong>of</strong> theamount.25.7.4 T.A. to the family <strong>of</strong> a deceased employeeThe family <strong>of</strong> an employee who dies in service may travel fromthe last headquarters <strong>of</strong> the employee to the home town, or to anyother selected place <strong>of</strong> residence where the family wishes to settledown. If at the time <strong>of</strong> the death <strong>of</strong> employee any member <strong>of</strong> hisfamily happens to be at a station other than his headquarters, suchmember may travel from the station to the home town or selectedplace <strong>of</strong> residence. But the claim will be restricted to what isadmissible from the last headquarters to the home town or selectedplace <strong>of</strong> residence, as the case may be. If any member <strong>of</strong> theemployee’s family proceeds from the last headquarters to a placeother than the selected place <strong>of</strong> residence, the claim will berestricted to what is admissible from the last headquarters to theselected place <strong>of</strong> residence.Sanctioning Authority - Head <strong>of</strong> Office under whom thedeceased <strong>of</strong>ficial was last working.25.7.5 Ex-gratia lumpsum compensation to families <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Government Employees who die in harness.The families <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Government Civilian employees who diein harness in the performance <strong>of</strong> their bonafide <strong>of</strong>ficial duties under42[3] Head Office circular No.B-11015/1/87-89/CBI/BF dated 17.10.1990.<strong>Page</strong> 179 <strong>of</strong> 179

various circumstances, shall be paid the following ex gratialumpsum compensation.(a) Death occurring due to accidents in the -Rs.5Lakhscourse <strong>of</strong> performance <strong>of</strong> duties .(b) Death occurring in the course <strong>of</strong> performance -Rs.5Lakhs<strong>of</strong> duties attributable to acts <strong>of</strong> violenceby terrorists, anti-social elements etc.(c) Death occurring during (a) enemy -Rs.7.5Lakhsaction in internationl war or borderskirmishes and (b) action against militants,terrorists, extremists etc.The ex-gratia lumpsum compensation is not admissible if thedeath <strong>of</strong> the employee is due to accidents while traveling on duty bycommercial aircraft, national or private. In the case <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> anemployee while traveling on duty by railways due to train accidents,the amount <strong>of</strong> ex-gratia lumpsum compensation admissible will bereduced by the compensation, if any, received by the next <strong>of</strong> kin <strong>of</strong>the employee from the railways. Ex-gratia lumpsum compensation isin addition to other benefits - Admissible in addition to such otherbenefits as may be admissible under CCS(Extraordinary Pension)Rules or the Liberalized Pensionary Awards Scheme, CCS(Pension)Rules, 1972, General/Contributory P.F. Rules, <strong>Central</strong> GovernmentEmployees's Group Insurance Scheme.Sanctioning Authority - Concerned Administrative Ministries inconsultation with their Financial Advisers. Proposal from branchshould be sent to Head Office for sending the same to the Ministry.25.7.6 Government accommodation : Adhoc allotment in thename <strong>of</strong> the ward/spouse <strong>of</strong> the government servant who dieswhile in serviceAs per existing instructions, request for adhoc allotment to aneligible dependent is considered in case he/she gets an employmentin an eligible <strong>of</strong>fice even after the death <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer, provided suchappointment is secured within a period <strong>of</strong> twelve months <strong>of</strong> thedeath <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer and the other prescribed conditions are fulfilled.In the event <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> the allottee, in terms <strong>of</strong> the Directorate<strong>of</strong> Estates OM No.12035/4/98-Pol.II dated 9.6.1998, the family is<strong>Page</strong> 180 <strong>of</strong> 180

now eligible to retain the government accommodation for a period <strong>of</strong>two years, on payment <strong>of</strong> normal rate <strong>of</strong> licence fee, subject to thecondition that extended period <strong>of</strong> one year is not admissible in caseswhere the deceased <strong>of</strong>ficer, or his/her dependent owns a house atthe place <strong>of</strong> posting. It has been decided that the ward/spouse maybe allotted government accommodation on adhoc basis in caseswhere the eligible dependent secured employment within a period <strong>of</strong>two years from the date <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> the allottee, subject to fulfillment<strong>of</strong> other prescribed conditions including that <strong>of</strong> not being a houseowner. No relaxation beyond a period <strong>of</strong> two years shall bepermissible in any case 43[4] .Sanctioning Authority :- SP(HQ)/CBI is the Estate Officer foraccommodation available in Delhi while SsP <strong>of</strong> CBI ACB Branchesare Estate Officers for the accommodation in the station out <strong>of</strong>Delhi.25.7.7 Appointment : Compassionate Appointments <strong>of</strong> DependentsThe detailed instructions on the subject have been mentionedat para 2.7 in Chapter Family Pension (Rule 54 <strong>of</strong> CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972)In the event <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> a government servant, his/her familyare eligible for the grant <strong>of</strong> Family Pension. In case <strong>of</strong> a bachelorgovernment servant, his/her dependent parents is eligible for thegrant <strong>of</strong> family pension @ 30% <strong>of</strong> the last pay drawn plus D.A. as inforce. Minimum family pension is Rs.1275/- p.m. Family pension isadmissible on the following conditions:a) After completion <strong>of</strong> one year <strong>of</strong> continuous service; orb) Before completion <strong>of</strong> one year <strong>of</strong> continuous serviceprovided the deceased government servant concernedimmediately prior to his appointment to the service or post wasexamined by the appropriate medical authorities and declaredfit by that authority for government service.Enhanced rate Family Pension: Enhanced family pension ispayable from the date following the date <strong>of</strong> death for a period upto:(i)Seven years from the date following the date <strong>of</strong> death43[4] Ministry <strong>of</strong> Urban Affairs & Employment, Directorate <strong>of</strong> Estates, New Delhi OMNo.12035/4/98-Pol..II dated 19.11.1998.<strong>Page</strong> 181 <strong>of</strong> 181

(ii) Date on which the deceased government servant wouldhave attained the age <strong>of</strong> 67 years, had he survived, whicheveris less.After the expiry <strong>of</strong> the period given above, the family pensionwill be payable at normal rate.Normal rate <strong>of</strong> family pension. Normal rate <strong>of</strong> family pensionis @ 30% <strong>of</strong> last pay drawn by the deceased government servant. If thedeceased government servant after putting more than one year andless than 7 years dies, the family is entitled to get family pension @30% <strong>of</strong> the last pay drawn.25.7.9 Death Gratuity (Rule 50 <strong>of</strong> CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972In the event <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> government servant, his/her family iseligible for the grant <strong>of</strong> Death Gratuity on the basis <strong>of</strong> servicerendered by the deceased government servant.Sanctioning Authority – For Family Pension & Death gratuity isAccounts Officer, P&AO, CBI, New Delhi. Concerned Head <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice isrequired to send the complete pension papers <strong>of</strong> deceased governmentservant to PAO, CBI, New Delhi for the purpose.<strong>Page</strong> 182 <strong>of</strong> 182

26. DEPARTMENTAL CANTEEN26.1 Meeting the refreshment needs <strong>of</strong> employees in <strong>of</strong>fices andworkers serving in industrial establishments during their workinghours is an obligation undertaken by every welfare orientedorganisation. This responsibility can be fulfilled by running a wellorganised departmental canteen which will meet the welfare needs <strong>of</strong>employees and also make them more efficient at their work. Adepartmental canteen is therefore set up at government cost, inside agovernment department/<strong>of</strong>fice/establishment at ‘No Pr<strong>of</strong>it No loss”basis by employing the authorised number <strong>of</strong> canteen workers, whoseaffairs are controlled by a Managing Committee constituted by theDepartment/Office concerned.26.2 The functioning <strong>of</strong> the departmental canteens is on the basis <strong>of</strong>instructions contained in the “Administrative Instructions onDepartmental Canteen in Offices and Industrial Establishments”(Green Book) issued by Department <strong>of</strong> Personnel and Training. Insmaller establishments employing less than 100 persons, tiffin roomsare set up instead <strong>of</strong> a full-fledged canteen. A Canteen/Tiffin Room iscentrally registered with the Office <strong>of</strong> the Director <strong>of</strong> Canteens, DP &T, New Delhi. The Canteens/Tiffin Rooms, depending upon thestrength <strong>of</strong> the establishment <strong>of</strong>fice staff have been categorised intothe following types :Total strength <strong>of</strong> theDepartment/Office/EstablishmentTypes <strong>of</strong> Canteen/Tiffin Roomentitled25 to 49 Tiffin Room Type ‘B’50 to 99 Tiffin Room Type ‘A’100 to 249 Canteen Type ‘D’250 to 499 Canteen Type ‘C’500 to 699 Canteen Type ‘B’700 to 1200 Canteen Type ‘A’If the strength <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice/establishment is more than 1200,the Canteens may be grouped and categorised as Type 2A, 3A and soon, with the approval <strong>of</strong> the Director <strong>of</strong> Canteens, Department <strong>of</strong>Personnel & Training.The entitlement <strong>of</strong> various employees in various types <strong>of</strong>Canteens/Tiffin rooms is also provided in Green Book.<strong>Page</strong> 183 <strong>of</strong> 183

26.3 AccommodationAccommodation for the canteen is to be provided by thedepartment/<strong>of</strong>fice concerned. All initial provision <strong>of</strong> fixtures, fittings,lighting arrangement, water storage tanks, white washing etc. andtheir maintenance thereafter will be the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the civilworks agency <strong>of</strong> that department/<strong>of</strong>fice. The floor area for a canteenshould be sufficient to provide a dining hall <strong>of</strong> a size where 1/3rd <strong>of</strong>the <strong>of</strong>fice strength could be entertained at a time and preferablyshould have separate rooms for kitchen, pantry, store, gas/fuel room,dry ration, fresh vegetable room etc. The nominal rent payable by thedepartmental canteens and tiffin rooms for the <strong>of</strong>fice accommodationoccupied by them is Re 1 per annum. Subletting <strong>of</strong> the canteenpremises to any private person is not permissible.26.4 ManagementA Managing Committee is constituted for each departmentalcanteen out <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers and staff <strong>of</strong> the department/<strong>of</strong>ficeoccupying the building in which the canteen is located. A modelManaging Committee consisting <strong>of</strong> seven members including theChairman, Honorary Secretary, Official Member and Staff SideMembers to represent Group ‘C’ and “D’ should be constituted. Onelady may be nominated as a co-opted Member. The tenure <strong>of</strong> thecommittee shall be three years normally. The rules <strong>of</strong> business forrunning <strong>of</strong> a canteen will be framed by the Managing Committee.Head <strong>of</strong> the Department/Office may depute a government servant <strong>of</strong>the rank <strong>of</strong> Section Officer or below if he can be spared out <strong>of</strong> theexisting strength <strong>of</strong> the department/<strong>of</strong>fice for part time or whole timeassistance to the Managing Committee <strong>of</strong> the canteen.26.5 PersonnelThe canteen staff is treated as holders <strong>of</strong> civil posts inconnection with the affairs <strong>of</strong> the Union <strong>of</strong> India w.e.f. 01.10.1991vide DP & Trg. O.M. No.12/5/91-Dir(C) dated 29.01.1992.26.6 Hygiene and SanitationInspection <strong>of</strong> the canteens should be carried out at regularintervals and through surprise checks by the Head <strong>of</strong> the Office,members <strong>of</strong> the management committee and the medical <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> thelocal medical establishment. The managing committee should arrangeto maintain a record <strong>of</strong> these inspections in the Inspection<strong>Page</strong> 184 <strong>of</strong> 184

Register/Sanitary Diary. A suggestion-cum-complaint book shouldalso be maintained in the canteen. Model sanitary rules as issued vide5/11/72-Dir(C) dated 28.08.92 must be made clear to every canteenworker. All the measures to procure standard provisions should beundertaken to avoid adulteration. Stern disciplinary action should betaken against any employee <strong>of</strong> the canteen found indulging in ordoing any act which may lead to the adulteration.26.7 Accounts & AuditAnnual accounts comprising <strong>of</strong> income and expenditure,trading account, pr<strong>of</strong>it and loss account, balance sheet etc. must beprepared immediately on the close <strong>of</strong> the financial year. The accountafter having been internally audited, should be submitted to theintegrated financial advisors <strong>of</strong> the department/<strong>of</strong>fice with copies tothe director <strong>of</strong> canteen within one month <strong>of</strong> the close <strong>of</strong> every financialyear.26.7.1 It will be the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the canteen manager to completeand submit all accounts progressively prepared as on the last day <strong>of</strong>every month, within seven working days <strong>of</strong> the following month, afterinternal audit, to the honorary secretary for putting up to themanaging committee.26.7.2 The following account books and records are required to bemaintained by the departmental/cooperative canteens :(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)(x)(xi)(xii)(xiii)Cash BookLedgerStock Register (for expendable items, coupon books,crockery, empty containers etc.)Dead Stock RegisterPreparation Register (to show eatables produced)Sales Register (Work Sheet)Coupon Sales RegisterSalary RegisterAttendance RegisterBill Register (for sales on credit)Kitchen Register (if a number <strong>of</strong> canteens are groupedtogether for kitchen functions)Journal (if number <strong>of</strong> daily transactions <strong>of</strong> credit salesand credit purchases exceeds five)Annual Accounts26.7.3 The internal audit <strong>of</strong> the accounts <strong>of</strong> canteen/tiffin rooms should becarried out by the departmentalized accounts organizations.<strong>Page</strong> 185 <strong>of</strong> 185

26.8 Entitlement <strong>of</strong> employees in various types <strong>of</strong>Canteens/Tiffin roomsSl.No. DesignationCanteens TypeTiffin RoomsA B C D A B1 Manager 1 1 1 - - -2 Asstt. Managercum-Store1 1 - - - -Keeper3 Manager-cum-- - - 1 - -Salesman4 Counter2 1 1 1 1 -Clerk/Salesman/Kitchen Clerk5 Coupon/Reserve 1 1 1 1 - -Clerk6 Halwai 1 1 1 1 - -7 Asstt. Halwai 1 - - - - -8 Cook 1 1 - - - -9 Tea/C<strong>of</strong>fee Maker 1 1 1 1 1 110 Bearer 7 5 3 2 - -11 Washboy/Dish 2 2 1 1 1 1Cleaner12 Sweeper 1 1 1 - - -19 15 10 8 3 226.8.1 26.8.1 In addition to above, the following staff isauthorised in group <strong>of</strong> more than ‘A’ type Canteen under onemanagement in lieu <strong>of</strong> staff at Serial Nos. 1 & 2 above.A Group <strong>of</strong> 2 ‘A’ TypeCanteensA Group <strong>of</strong> more than2 ‘A’ type Canteens1 General Manager 1 12 Deputy General- 1Manager3 Accountant 1 14 Cashier 1 15 Store-Keeper 1 16 Internal Auditor 1 (Part-time) 1(Part-time)<strong>Page</strong> 186 <strong>of</strong> 186

27. MEDICAL FACILITES TO THE CENTRALGOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES (INCLUDINGCGHS)27.1 The <strong>Central</strong> Government servants are entitled to medicalfacilities under the <strong>Central</strong> Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944,the salient features <strong>of</strong> which are given hereunder:27.2 These Rules are applicable to all government servants otherthan (i) those in Railway Service, and (ii) those <strong>of</strong> non-gazetted rankstationed in or passing through Kolkata, whose conditions <strong>of</strong> serviceare prescribed by rules made or deemed to have been made by the<strong>Central</strong> Government, when they are on duty, leave or foreign servicein India or when under suspension. Following medical facilities areavailable under these rules:In India only -1. Avitaminosis and Hypovitaminosis.2. Correction <strong>of</strong> squint (eye). Testing <strong>of</strong> eye sight forglasses <strong>of</strong> the employees once in three years.3. Disease(s) causing general debility and secondaryanaemia.4. Treatment for immunizing and prophylactic purposes inthe case <strong>of</strong> communicable diseases only.5. Venereal diseases and Delirium Tremens.6. Treatment <strong>of</strong> sterility and operation for sterilization.7. Medical termination <strong>of</strong> pregnancy performed atgovernment hospital/recognised institutions etc.8. Confinement including at residence if attended by ChildWelfare and Maternity Centres staff ; prenatal and post -natal treatment.9. Blood and blood transfusion charges.10. Dental treatment (only in government hospitals, privaterecognised hospitals) - Surgical operations needed forremoval <strong>of</strong> Odontomes and impacted wisdom - tooth,Treatment <strong>of</strong> gum boils, Extraction, Scaling and gumtreatment including pyorrhoea and Gingivitis, Filling <strong>of</strong>teeth , Root canal treatment etc.11. Anti-rabic treatment.12. Cost <strong>of</strong> Hepatitis Vaccine B & C.<strong>Page</strong> 187 <strong>of</strong> 187

Following treatment can be availed outside India also -a) Cardio vascular Surgery.b) Kidney and other organ Transplant.c) Joint replacement and surgery.d) Bone-marrow transplant.e) Certain types <strong>of</strong> medical and oncological disorder, suchas Leukaemia and neoplastic conditions.f) Micro vascular and neuro surgery.g) Treatment with laser which obviates the need <strong>of</strong> opensurgery.h) Treatment with Argon, Krypton and Yag Laser inOphthalmic cases.i) Extra corporeal stone disintegration by ultrasonic shockwaves.27.3 A government servant desirous <strong>of</strong> availing medical treatmentoutside India may make an application in the prescribed form throughhis Department/Ministry to the Standing Committee establishedunder this rule. On receipt <strong>of</strong> such application, the StandingCommittee, if after due consideration it is satisfied that the patientcan be treated only outside India, may issue a certificate to theconcerned Department/Ministry conveying its approval <strong>of</strong> theapplication and the concerned Department/Ministry shall, on thestrength <strong>of</strong> that certificate incur necessary expenditure in getting thegovernment servant concerned or the member <strong>of</strong> his family treated inaccordance with the procedure laid down by the Committee (Rules 8& 11).27.4 For getting medical treatment by the <strong>Central</strong> Governmentservant and his family members in India, the followingHospitals/Institutions are recognised:1. All State Government hospitals including thosemaintained by Local Bodies.2. All hospitals, primary health centres, maternity andchild welfare centres and dispensaries recognised by StateGovernments for treatment <strong>of</strong> their employees and/ormembers <strong>of</strong> their families.3. All hospitals/dispensaries attached to Public SectorUndertakings/Projects/Port Trusts.<strong>Page</strong> 188 <strong>of</strong> 188

4. Cantonment hospitals in cantonment areas where thereare no government hospitals, for treatment <strong>of</strong> governmentservants and their family members residing in those areas andalso in the adjoining areas outside cantonment limits.5. All railway hospitals.6. Pay Clinics in Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chandigarh.7. Private hospitals in particular stations notified by theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India from time to time (Rule 2).27.5 In addition to the above, Head <strong>of</strong> Department as specified inSR 2(10) is empowered to appoint Medical Officers under theemployment <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong>/State Governments and Union Territories,as also Medical Officers not in government employment i.e. PrivateRegistered Medical Practitioners as Authorised Medical Attendants.27.6 Private Medical Practitioners are appointed as AMAs whereadequate number <strong>of</strong> government doctors in various systems <strong>of</strong>medicines are not available or when their services are not availablewithin a radius <strong>of</strong> five kilometres or because <strong>of</strong> the remoteness <strong>of</strong> thearea (Rule 2). The AMA so appointed, will be bound by the terms andconditions prescribed by the government from time to time underthese rules. If the condition <strong>of</strong> the patient so requires, the AMA cansend the patient to the nearest specialist or other medical <strong>of</strong>ficer orsummon them to attend the patient (Rule 5).27.7 The treatment at the consulting room <strong>of</strong> the AMA is limited toten days with a maximum <strong>of</strong> four consultations and normally teninjections. The limit <strong>of</strong> four consultations within 10 days isapplicable for attendance with a Specialist/other Medical Officer andwill count from the date from which the Specialist/other MedicalOfficer is consulted. Consultation on the 10th day <strong>of</strong> treatment ispermissible, if no medicine is prescribed on that consultation.27.8 Cases <strong>of</strong> medical treatment requiring hospitalization arereferred to government/ recognised hospital. If hospitalization is notconsidered necessary but treatment is expected to be prolonged, thepatient should be referred to OPD <strong>of</strong> government / recognisedhospital.27.9 When a patient consults the same AMA in regard to the superimposition <strong>of</strong> another disease during the course <strong>of</strong> treatment <strong>of</strong> onedisease, it is regarded as a fresh consultation and will be charged at<strong>Page</strong> 189 <strong>of</strong> 189

full rates as prescribed by the government from time to time. Tojustify a fresh claim for the recurrence <strong>of</strong> the same disease for asecond time, there should be a reasonable gap between the closing <strong>of</strong>the first spell and the recurrence <strong>of</strong> the second spell. A separateclaim is to be preferred in respect <strong>of</strong> each spell <strong>of</strong> illness and or anentirely new disease (GID (21) in Rule 2).27.10 The claim for reimbursement should be received within 3months from the date <strong>of</strong> last treatment. However, subject to certainconditions, the Department may condone the delay. (GIDs (9) and (10)Section-1).27.11 The government servant and their family members may receivetreatment for all diseases for which treatment is provided under therules in a government/recognised hospital outside the district/statebut within India, provided :(i)Necessary and suitable facilities for treatment are not available in agovernment or recognised hospital at the district or stateheadquarters or within the district or state where one falls ill and(ii)The treatment outside the district/state is recommended by theAuthorised Medical Attendant and countersigned by the Chief MedicalOfficer <strong>of</strong> the district if the treatment is undertaken outside thedistrict or by the Chief Administrative Medical Officer <strong>of</strong> the state if itis to be undertaken outside the state. (G.I.D.(4) under Rule 6).27.12 Travelling Allowance for medical treatment and attendanceThe government employees and their family members areentitled to undertake journeys to take appropriate medical attendanceand treatment, if it is certified by the AMA/Specialist/Medical Officerattached to the hospital to whom the patient was referred, that thejourney was unavoidably necessary to obtain the treatment. Thepatient ( government servant or his family member ) and attendantalso ( wherever recommended) will be entitled to TA plus DA for theperiod <strong>of</strong> journey undertaken by rail, road, sea and air. No DA willbe admissible for halt. The government servant is eligible forreimbursement <strong>of</strong> the travelling expenses <strong>of</strong> the donor <strong>of</strong> a kidney tohim or to a member <strong>of</strong> his family for the journeys made inconnection with the transplantation.27.13 <strong>Central</strong> Government Health Scheme(CGHS)The medical facilities under the <strong>Central</strong> Government HealthScheme are available to all the employees paid from the civil estimates<strong>Page</strong> 190 <strong>of</strong> 190

and their family members residing in the area covered by the scheme.An employee can opt out <strong>of</strong> the scheme and avail <strong>of</strong> the medicalfacilities provided by the employer <strong>of</strong> his spouse. If an employee or amember <strong>of</strong> his family covered under the Scheme falls ill at a place notcovered under CGHS, the treatment shall be admissible under CS(MA)Rules 44[1] .27.14 The medical facilities to the <strong>Central</strong> Government employees andtheir dependent family members are provided under the <strong>Central</strong>Government Health Scheme in the following cities:Ahmedabad Ghaziabad Meerut AllahabadGurgaon Mumbai Bangalore GuwahatiNagpur Bhubaneshwar Hyderabad NoidaKolkata Jaipur Patna ChennaiJabalpur Pune Kanpur RanchiDelhi/New Delhi Faridabad LucknowThiruvananthapuram27.15 Definition <strong>of</strong> Family: ‘ Family’ means employee’s(i)Husband/Wife including more than one wife and alsojudicially separated wife.(ii)Parents and Stepmother. In the case <strong>of</strong> adoption, onlythe adoptive and not the real parents. If the adoptivefather has more than one wife, the first wife only.A female employee has a choice to include either her parents orher parents-in-law; option exercised can be changed only once duringservice.(iii)Children including legally adopted children, stepchildrenand children taken as wards subject to the followingconditions :SonDaughteris-Till he starts earning, irrespective <strong>of</strong> age limit.-Till she starts earning or gets married, whicheverearlier, irrespective <strong>of</strong> age-limit.Son suffering fromPermanent disability <strong>of</strong> anykind (physical or mental)-No age -limit.44[1]OM No.S.1101/6/92-CGHS Desk-CGHS(P) dated 4.8.94.<strong>Page</strong> 191 <strong>of</strong> 191

(iv)Widowed daughters and dependent divorced/separateddaughters.(v)Sisters including widowed sisters.(vi)Minor borthers and dependent brothers.27.15.1 But the above persons should reside with the governmentservants and their income from all sources should not be more thanRs.1500/- per month 45[2] .27.16 ContributionA compulsory monthly contribution is charged from all theentitled classes <strong>of</strong> government servants on the basis <strong>of</strong> rates fixed bythe government from time to time. The present rates <strong>of</strong> contributionare as under:PayRate <strong>of</strong> monthly contribution (Rs.)Up to Rs.3000/- 15/-Rs.3001 to 6000/- 40/-Rs.6001 to 10000/- 70/-Rs.10001 to 15000/- 100/-Rs.15001/- and above 150/-27.16.1 When both husband and wife are <strong>Central</strong> Government servantscovered by the scheme, the contribution will be recovered from onlyone <strong>of</strong> them whose pay is higher 46[3] .27.16.2 An employee transferred to another CGHS station or one whogoes to serve abroad leaving his family at the old station may continueto pay the contribution and his family can avail the facilities at theold station for that duration 47[4] .27.17 Facilities available under the Scheme 48[5]i) Medical attendance including consultation with theAMA at a CGHS Dispensary.45[2]OM No.NB 12014(7)/92-CGHS(D) dated 31.12.1993.46[3]OM No.S-11011/6/98-CHS(P)dated 27.5.1998.47[4]OM No.S-12015/1/85-CGHS(P) dated 8.7.85 and amended from time to time.48[5]OM NO.S-11022/1/98-CGHS (P) dated 4.9.1998.<strong>Page</strong> 192 <strong>of</strong> 192

ii) X-Ray, Laboratory and other diagnostic facilities atCGHS Laboratories or other laboratories <strong>of</strong> CGHS wing <strong>of</strong>Hospitals/Private Hospitals recognised by CGHS.iii) Hospital services in the CGHS wing <strong>of</strong>Hospitals/Referral/Private Hospitals recognised by the CGHS.iv) Nursing Home facilities for those having a basic payabove Rs. 12000/-.v) Special treatment for diseases like TB, Cancer, KidneyTransplant and By-pass Surgery and facilities for Dentaltreatment (for few diseases).vi) Ante natal/confinement/post natal care facilities.vii) Specialist consultation in selected centres/polyclinics/hospitals etc.viii) Intra - ocular lens implantation/treatment and cost <strong>of</strong>spectacles after cataract operation.ix) Post-operative treatment relating to Neurosurgery,Cardiac Diseases, Cancer, Kidney transplantation andhip/knee replacement surgery in the sameinstitutions/hospitals where the surgery was earlier carried outwith prior permission <strong>of</strong> CGHS.x) Medicines prescribed during OPD treatment areprovided by the CGHS dispensary concerned. Noreimbursement is allowed for such medicines purchased fromoutside.xi) The scale <strong>of</strong> hospital accommodation is prescribed asunder:Basic Pay Private Hospitals AIIMSGovernment/Municipalrecognised by N.Delhi hospitalsCGHSUpto Rs.7500 General Ward General Ward …7500 and above … … Nursing Home facilities7501 to 10500 Semi-private Ward General Ward -do-10501 to 13499 Private Ward Private Ward -do-13500 and -do Deluxe Ward -doabove27.18 Procedure for reference to Referral/Recognised Hospitalsunder CGHS -The beneficiaries will have the option to avail specialisedtreatment at CGHS recognised hospitals <strong>of</strong> his/her choice if thespecialist <strong>of</strong> the CGHS dispensary or government hospitalrecommends the patient for such specialised treatment.<strong>Page</strong> 193 <strong>of</strong> 193

27.18.1 After the specialist advises a procedure in writing, thepermission letter for taking such treatment in a CGHS recognisedprivate/referral hospital <strong>of</strong> the choice <strong>of</strong> the employee in the samecity, would be given by the parent department/<strong>of</strong>fice 49[6] .27.18.2 In case the beneficiary, inspite <strong>of</strong> the facility being available inthe city still chooses to get treatment in another city, permission <strong>of</strong>the CGHS authorities <strong>of</strong> the city would have to be obtained. In suchcases, no TA/DA will be paid by the government 50[7] .27.18.3 The government servant is allowed to take treatment fromreferral/recognised hospitals under CGHS in emergency. However, theterm 'emergency' will be decided by the Additional Director, CGHSconcerned whether the case is/was <strong>of</strong> real 'Emergency' beforereimbursement is made by the parent department on the basis <strong>of</strong>rates fixed by the CGHS from time to time.27.18.4 Ex post facto permission for treatment in government referralhospitals like PGI Chandigarh etc. can be given by the parentdepartment 51[8] .27.19 Medical Advance -The medical advance to the serving government servant for selftreatment or treatment <strong>of</strong> the dependents on receipt <strong>of</strong> estimate fromthe treating doctor <strong>of</strong> a government/recognised hospital is availablesubject to the following conditions:i) Rs.10,000/- or the amount recommended by the doctor,whichever is less for indoor treatment in hospital and forOPD treatment in case <strong>of</strong> TB/Cancer.ii) In case <strong>of</strong> major illness like by-pass urgery, kidneytransplant etc., the advance may be limited to 90% <strong>of</strong>the package deal wherever it exists or the amountdemanded by the hospital concerned 52[9] .iii) The advance is paid directly to the hospital concernedon receipt <strong>of</strong> an estimate.iv) For settlement <strong>of</strong> advance, the employee concerned maybe required to submit the adjustment bills within aperiod <strong>of</strong> one month from the date <strong>of</strong> his discharge fromthe hospital. In case the entire advance has not beenutilised for the treatment <strong>of</strong> the patient, the head <strong>of</strong>49[6]OM No.S-11011/6/96-CGHS(P) dated 11.6.199750[7]OM No.S-11011/6/96-CGHS(P) dated 11.7.9751[8]OM No.S-12020/4/97-CGHS(P) dated 4.7.199952[9] OM No.S.12025/1/96-CGS(P) dated.13.5.1997<strong>Page</strong> 194 <strong>of</strong> 194

<strong>of</strong>fice concerned will correspond with the hospital forrefund <strong>of</strong> the unutilised balance <strong>of</strong> medical advance 53[10] .27.20 Settlement <strong>of</strong> Claim -The government servant is required to prefer claim/bill within 3months, from the date <strong>of</strong> discharge from the hospital. If the claim getstime barred, relaxation <strong>of</strong> delay is allowed by the departmentdepending on the circumstances <strong>of</strong> delay.27.20.1 The claim should have the following documents completed:a) Claim Form Med. '97' and Essentiality Certificate ‘A’ forOutdoor treatment and 'B' for Indoor treatment.b) All original bills verified by the treating doctor with hisstamp.c) Photocopy <strong>of</strong> CGHS Token Card.d) Discharge Slip <strong>of</strong> the Hospital in case <strong>of</strong> IndoorTreatment.e) A detailed list <strong>of</strong> all medicines, laboratory tests,investigations, number <strong>of</strong> doctors visits etc.f) Self explanatory letter from the beneficiary explainingthe emergency circumstances in case <strong>of</strong> emergency.g) Legal heir certificate in case <strong>of</strong> death <strong>of</strong> the card holder.27.20.2 Based on the rates fixed by the CGHS, the admissible amountis worked out by the department. If the rates claimed by theconcerned are less than the rates fixed by the government, the actualamount is reimbursed. In case CGHS rates are not available for aparticular item, the reimbursement is allowed on the basis <strong>of</strong> rate list<strong>of</strong> AIIMS. Incidentally, where AIIMS rates are also not available, theactual amount paid by the patient is reimbursed. Items mentionedin the list <strong>of</strong> inadmissible items under CS(MA) Rules are notreimbursable. Special Nursing Charges are to be reimbursed as fixedby the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Health from time to time 54[11] .27.20.3 In normal cases, AO(A)/AO(E)/SsP upto the amount <strong>of</strong> Rs.1000/-, DIsG upto the amount <strong>of</strong> Rs. 5000/- and JDs upto theamount <strong>of</strong> Rs. 10000/- are empowered to accord sanction forreimbursement. In other cases claims are submitted to DCBI throughJDs concerned for consideration.53[10]OM No.S.12015/3/93-CGHS(P) dated 30.12.199354[11]OM NO. S-11012/1/91-CGHS(P) (Vol.I) dated 18.3.1992<strong>Page</strong> 195 <strong>of</strong> 195

28. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEESGROUP INSURANCE SCHEME28.1 Eligibility(i)The scheme is compulsory for all regular employeesincluding canteen employees.(ii)Employee joining service from Ist January <strong>of</strong> a year willbe a member <strong>of</strong> the Scheme from the date <strong>of</strong> joining.(iii)Employee joining service on any other date will beentitled for insurance cover alone from the actual date <strong>of</strong>joining till the end <strong>of</strong> that year and will become fullfledged member from the 1st January <strong>of</strong> the next year.(iv)Re-employed defence personnel shall not be admitted tothis scheme until the expiry <strong>of</strong> extended insurance coverunder the Group Insurance Scheme for Armed Forces.28.2 Subscription and Insurance Cover(i)Under the scheme monthly subscriptions are to be madeby each group <strong>of</strong> employees to get the appropriateinsurance cover as follows :(a)old scheme :For members as on 31.1.1989, who opted for theGroup <strong>of</strong>EmployeesSubscription permonth (Rs.)Amount <strong>of</strong>Insurance cover(Rs.)A 80 80,000B 40 40,000C 20 20,000D 10 10,000(b)For members as on 31.1.1989 who opted for thenew scheme and those joining on or after1.2.1989 :<strong>Page</strong> 196 <strong>of</strong> 196

Group <strong>of</strong>EmployeesSubscription per month(Rs.)From date<strong>of</strong> joiningtosucceedingIst JanuaryFromsucceedingIstJanuaryAmount <strong>of</strong>Insurancecover (Rs.)A 40 120 1,20,000B 20 60 60,000C 10 30 30,000D 5 15 15,000(ii)If an employee is promoted to a higher grade in betweena calendar year, his subscription will be raised w.e.f. thefollowing 1st January.(iii)If an employee is reverted to a lower grade, hissubscription and insurance will not be changed. It willremain as applicable to the higher grade to which hebelonged before reversion.(iv)Subscription for a month shall be recovered from theemployee’s salary for that month.(v)Subscription shall be recovered even for the month inwhich the employee ceases to be in service on account <strong>of</strong>retirement, death, resignation, removal etc. from service,or is on leave or suspension.(vi)If subscription is not paid during any period <strong>of</strong>extraordinary leave, the arrears will be recovered withinterest due under the Scheme, in maximum 3instalments, from the month following the month inwhich employee returns for duty. If an employee dieswhile on extraordinary leave , the arrears will berecovered with compound interest @ 12% p.a. from theamount payable to the family under the scheme.(vii)If subscription is delayed due to delayed payment <strong>of</strong>salary, no interest will be charged.(viii)In exceptional circumstances, when employee cannotsubscribe to CGEGIS, he can make non-refundablewithdrawal from his PF account and pay thesubscription.<strong>Page</strong> 197 <strong>of</strong> 197

(ix)30% <strong>of</strong> the subscription will go to Insurance Fund andthe balance 70% will go to Savings Funds.Fifth Pay Commission has recommended to revise theproportion to 25% and 75% provisionally and review the samebased on mortality rates.28.3 Interest on Savings FundInterest will be paid on the balance in the Savings Fund atprescribed rates, compounded quarterly.28.4 Benefits under the Scheme(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)On Resignation/Retirement :- Amount <strong>of</strong> subscriptioncredited to the Savings Fund alongwith interest thereon will bepaid to the employee.On Death : Amount <strong>of</strong> insurance cover <strong>of</strong> the group to whichhe belongs on the date <strong>of</strong> death and the accumulation inSavings Fund will be paid to his nominee/heirs.If an employee dies before he was enrolled as a member (i.e.between the date <strong>of</strong> his joining service and the following IstJanuary), only the insurance amount will be paid to thenominee/heirs.Assignment <strong>of</strong> Insurance Cover and Savings Fund forobtaining loans : An employee can assign the insurance coverand accumulation in the savings fund to a recognised financialinstitution, for obtaining housing loans. However, noloans/advance or withdrawals are permitted from InsuranceFund/Savings Fund.The amount <strong>of</strong> subscription is eligible for Income Tax Rebateu/s 88 <strong>of</strong> IT Act.28.5 Mode <strong>of</strong> Payment(i)The payment under the scheme shall be made to the employeein case <strong>of</strong> retirement, or quitting service otherwise.(ii) In case <strong>of</strong> employee's death, the amount shall be paid to :(a)if there is a valid nomination, to the nominee(s) in themanner prescribed.<strong>Page</strong> 198 <strong>of</strong> 198

(b)(c)(d)if there is no valid nomination, as per valid nominationfor GPF.if there is no valid nomination for PF also, then in equalshares to widow(s)/minor sons and unmarrieddaughters. When none <strong>of</strong> these are alive, then to othermembers <strong>of</strong> the family in equal shares.if neither any valid nomination is there, nor any member<strong>of</strong> the family is alive then to legal heirs on furnishing thesuccession certificate.(iii) When the whereabouts <strong>of</strong> an employee are not known :(a)(b)(c)Savings Fund accumulation will be paid to thenominees/members <strong>of</strong> the family/legal heirs after oneyear following the month <strong>of</strong> disappearance on furnishinga police report that employee is not traceable in spite <strong>of</strong>all efforts and an Indemnity Bond.The insurance amount will be paid after 7 years <strong>of</strong> thedisappearance on production <strong>of</strong> decree <strong>of</strong> presumeddeath <strong>of</strong> the employee.Full subscription for the first year and reducedsubscription for the insurance premium alone for thenext 6 years will be recovered from the amount payable.28.6 Other Conditions :(a)(b)(c)The amount due to the minor can be paid to mother asnatural guardian without any certificate in the case <strong>of</strong>non-Muslims and with guardianship certificate in thecase <strong>of</strong> Muslims.If any person eligible for share <strong>of</strong> benefits is charged withmurder or abetting murder <strong>of</strong> the employee, his claimwill be suspended. If he is convicted he will be debarredfrom receiving any share, if he is acquitted his share willbe paid without any interest.Any dues to the government cannot be recovered fromamount payable under the scheme.<strong>Page</strong> 199 <strong>of</strong> 199

29. ACCOMMODATION29.1 The requirement <strong>of</strong> space for establishing CBI branch at aparticular station is to be met from any <strong>of</strong> the following sources:i) Allotment <strong>of</strong> government accommodation through StateGovernment or Directorate <strong>of</strong> Estates (CPWD).ii)Accommodation owned by CBI.iii) Hiring <strong>of</strong> accommodation from Public SectorUndertaking/Any other government agency/private.29.2 The requirement <strong>of</strong> space for accommodating a CBI branch isto be assessed keeping in view the guidelines <strong>of</strong> Directorate <strong>of</strong> Estates,operational requirements <strong>of</strong> CBI and special requirements <strong>of</strong> thebranch. Directorate <strong>of</strong> Estates has formulated guidelines forcalculating the requirement <strong>of</strong> conventional and non-conventionalspace in the <strong>of</strong>fice building vide its OM No.11015/15/98-Pol.I dated7.8.1998, annexed as Annexure-XIV. The strength <strong>of</strong> the branch istaken into consideration for assessing the conventional spacerequirement. Further, guidelines regarding future requirement andausterity cuts are also to be taken into consideration.29.3 Specific approval <strong>of</strong> Cabinet Secretariat is not required forgetting <strong>of</strong>fice accommodation from Directorate <strong>of</strong> Estates. However,before sending any requisition to such authority, a detailed proposalwith justification <strong>of</strong> requirement <strong>of</strong> the building/space should be sentto the Head Office for obtaining the approval <strong>of</strong> the Director/CBI. Nospace is to be taken from any other agency except with the priorapproval <strong>of</strong> Director/CBI.29.4 For CBI branch to have its own <strong>of</strong>fice building, purchase <strong>of</strong>land/ready-built building from state government/private agency/PSUis required. Any purchase <strong>of</strong> land or a building requires the specificapproval and sanction <strong>of</strong> the Government. For getting the approvalfrom the Government, a detailed proposal with full justification is tobe prepared as per the following guidelines:a) Requirement <strong>of</strong> land is to be assessed based on the <strong>of</strong>ficespace requirements (both conventional and nonconventionalas per norms fixed by the Directorate <strong>of</strong>Estates) and in consultation with CPWD.<strong>Page</strong> 200 <strong>of</strong> 200

) While selecting the site, it should be ensured that land isnot waterlogged and is suitable for construction <strong>of</strong>building. Efforts should be made to select the sitewhich is centrally located and is convenient for CBIpersonnel.c) Offer <strong>of</strong> the landlord/Government with cost <strong>of</strong> land is tobe collected.d) It is to be ensured that identified land is free from anydispute.e) Preference is to be given for purchase <strong>of</strong> land from thegovernment agencies like CPWD/StateGovernment/PSU, etc.f) The price <strong>of</strong> land is to be got assessed/verified by theCPWD inter alia reasonableness <strong>of</strong> cost <strong>of</strong> land -certificate is to be obtained from CPWD.g) Draft Committee on Non-plan Expenditure Note (CNE) isto be sent alongwith the proposal if the total cost <strong>of</strong> landand building is Rs.5 crores and above.h) The proposal is required to be routed through RegionalOffice and Zonal Joint Director.29.5 Once site for construction <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice is purchased, further actionfor construction <strong>of</strong> building is to be taken by the branch withoutdelay. CPWD is to be requested for preparation <strong>of</strong> architecturaldesign, drawings and preliminary estimate for the <strong>of</strong>fice/quartersproposed for construction. While request is being made to CPWD, therequirement calculated as per the guidelines given above should beinformed to the CPWD so that the requirement and the plan are inorder. The proposal duly approved by the DIG and JD concernedmust be sent to the Head Office. After the approval <strong>of</strong> Director, CBI,the proposal is sent to the government for sanction.29.6 For hiring the building on rent for <strong>of</strong>fice purposes, effortsshould be made to locate government owned/PSU/semi-governmentbuilding. Where it is not available, private accommodation is to behired. For this purpose, as per CVC guidelines 55[1] , it is mandatory togive wide publicity through local newspapers wherever the monthlyrent <strong>of</strong> building is likely to be above Rs.60,000. On receipt <strong>of</strong> tenders55[1] OM No.5DD-6-CTE-5 dated 8.9.1999<strong>Page</strong> 201 <strong>of</strong> 201

from the landlords, the suitability <strong>of</strong> the building with regard to thespace entitlement <strong>of</strong> the branch, distance from bus terminus, railwaystation, work place, etc. is to be taken into consideration. If thebuilding is found suitable, the CPWD authorities should beapproached for making assessment <strong>of</strong> the rent and issue <strong>of</strong> rentassessment certificate. The requisite certificate <strong>of</strong> non-availability <strong>of</strong>government accommodation is also to be obtained from the CPWD.After completing all these formalities, a detailed proposal for hiringthe accommodation should be sent to the Head <strong>of</strong>fice through theRegional DIG and Zonal JD.29.7 As per the financial powers delegated to CBI vide Government<strong>of</strong> India MHA No.11011/18/86-Fin.II dated 26.12.1986 Director/CBIis authorised to hire a building on rent not exceeding Rs.5,000/- permonth at a place other than Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai.Director/CBI has full powers for continued hiring <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice rentedbuilding wherever there is no change <strong>of</strong> rent as sanctioned by theGovernment (letter No.3/20/69-Finance(iii) dated 14th July,1969(Annexure-XV).29.8 Residential AccommodationEfforts should be made by Head Office and all the branches toprovide residential quarters to all CBI personnel by purchasing readybuiltquarters from state government /PSU/private agencies or byacquiring land and constructing the quarters.29.8.1 Effort should be made to acquire houses <strong>of</strong> all categories fromType-I onwards, depending on the strength <strong>of</strong> staff and theirentitlement. The BPR&D have fixed satisfaction level norm <strong>of</strong> 60%upto Type-IV quarters and 80% for Type-V and above. The quartersare to be acquired only on requirement basis. Directorate <strong>of</strong>Estates/CPWD has fixed the plinth area for various types <strong>of</strong> quarterswhich has to be adhered to while proposing purchase/construction <strong>of</strong>quarters in any category. Government approval and sanction isrequired for purchase <strong>of</strong> ready-built houses or purchase <strong>of</strong> land andconstruction thereafter through CPWD. Wherever it is proposed tobuy/construct any quarters, a detailed proposal giving justificationfor the need and requirement should be sent to Head Office forobtaining the approval <strong>of</strong> the Director/CBI and Government.29.9 Cleanliness in government buildingsIn order to keep the <strong>of</strong>fice building neat & clean, appropriatenumber <strong>of</strong> posts <strong>of</strong> safaiwala have been sanctioned by theGovernment in the CBI branches. Where there is no regular post <strong>of</strong><strong>Page</strong> 202 <strong>of</strong> 202

safaiwala, cleaning work can be got done on contract basis by invitingtenders. The sweeping/cleaning work <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice buildings comesunder the head “ Civil Works”. The expenditure upto Rs. 30,000/- onthese works is within the delegated financial powers <strong>of</strong> the Zonal JDand the expenditure exceeding Rs. 30,000/- as enhanced from time totime is within the delegated powers <strong>of</strong> the Director, CBI. Afterobtaining sanction <strong>of</strong> the competent authority, the cleaning work <strong>of</strong>the branch/<strong>of</strong>fice is to be awarded to the concernedcontractor/firm/agent against contract agreement duly executedbetween the contractor and the branch concerned.29.10 Guidelines to be followed for awarding sweeping contractby CBI branchesa) The area <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice space to be swept daily should be11,000 sq.ft. (1025 sq.mtrs.) for engaging one safaiwala.In case the area is too small, contract is to be given toengage part time safaiwala.(b)In order to get competitive rates and enforce competitionamongst the contractors, maximum sealed quotations,as far as possible, are to be called (minimum <strong>of</strong> 3 sealedquotations) from government registered/approved/reputed contractors with rates separately quoted forwork with cleaning material and without cleaningmaterial.(c)The sealed quotations shall be opened by the head <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>fice, in the presence <strong>of</strong> a committee consisting <strong>of</strong> 3members constituted for the purpose. Negotiations canbe made with the lowest bidder.(d)The award <strong>of</strong> sweeping contract should be as far aspossible with cleaning material.(e)The contract shall be with an approved/registeredgovernment firm and shall not be with an individual. Ifno government approved or registered contractor isavailable in the area where the CBI <strong>of</strong>fice is located, thecontract can be awarded to a standard/reputed firmafter thorough enquiry.(f)The contract may be given only to such a firm which hassufficient men on its rolls and which can provide asubstitute in case the safaiwala already deputedproceeds on leave or is absent from duty.<strong>Page</strong> 203 <strong>of</strong> 203

(g)The authority competent to award the contract shallaward the sweeping contract to the lowest tenderer for aperiod not exceeding one year with an option to renewthe contract subject to satisfactory service, for anotherperiod or period <strong>of</strong> one year only on the same terms andconditions. In no case, the contract shall not be awardedto the same contractor for a period exceeding 2 years.(h)In order to maintain security <strong>of</strong> the premises, verification<strong>of</strong> the identity <strong>of</strong> the persons deployed shall be made bythe contractor. The safaiwalas deployed shall not befrequently changed by the contractor.(i)An agreement <strong>of</strong> contract shall be executed beforeawarding the contract on a stamp paper <strong>of</strong> Rs. 10/-value by the contractor firm and signed both by thecontractor on behalf <strong>of</strong> the firm and the authoritycompetent to award the contract on behalf <strong>of</strong> the CBI.(j)Every renewal <strong>of</strong> the contract shall be on a separatestamp paper <strong>of</strong> the above value and signed by both theparties.(k)The payment shall be made to the firm from the Subhead‘Office Expenses’ by Cheque/Demand Draft onlyand not in cash.(l)The Duty Officer/Care Taker <strong>of</strong> the branch shall beresponsible for ensuring proper cleanliness <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficepremises. Payment <strong>of</strong> the bill to the contractor firm shallbe made after the Duty <strong>of</strong>ficer/care taker certifies thatthe work is satisfactory.(m)Daily attendance register shall be maintained in respect<strong>of</strong> the safaiwala without mentioning the name <strong>of</strong> theindividual deployed by the contractor.(n)It shall be the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the contractor to depute asubstitute, if for any reason, the existing safaiwalaproceeds on leave or absents from duty, about which the<strong>of</strong>fice should have prior intimation.(o)If the service rendered is not satisfactory, the contract <strong>of</strong>the existing firm may be terminated immediately and the<strong>Page</strong> 204 <strong>of</strong> 204

contract awarded to another firm <strong>of</strong> lowest rate afterfollowing the prescribed procedure.(p)A register <strong>of</strong> supervision regarding satisfactory serviceshall be maintained by the Duty Officer/Care Taker andput up to the Head <strong>of</strong> Office on every first working day <strong>of</strong>the week. If a substitute safaiwala happens to work, arecord to that effect shall be made in this register.(q)Proportionate deductions shall be made from theamount payable to the contractor for day <strong>of</strong> absencefrom duty <strong>of</strong> the safaiwala, in case no substitute isprovided by the contractor.(r)Penal provisions can also be incorporated in the contractto ensure performance.(s)A register <strong>of</strong> the expenditure incurred towards sweepingcontract shall be maintained showing the details <strong>of</strong> thename <strong>of</strong> the contractor, number <strong>of</strong> sweepers deployed,period <strong>of</strong> contract, rate <strong>of</strong> contract, amount paid,Cheque/DD No. & date, signature <strong>of</strong> the DDO/branchIncharge etc.29.11 CBI HostelsIn Delhi and in different branches <strong>of</strong> CBI at Mumbai, Jaipur,Bhubaneshwar, Lucknow, Visakhapatnam and Silchar, CBI GuestHouses are maintained, which are utilized by the visiting CBI Officerson payment.29.11.1 At New Delhi, there are two CBI Hostels, one at Pragati Viharand the other at Vasant Vihar. At Pragati Vihar, there are 5 suitesand 7 rooms and at Vasant Vihar, the CBI has 2 rest houses.<strong>Page</strong> 205 <strong>of</strong> 205

30. STORES & SUPPLIES30.1 Detailed procedure regarding purchase <strong>of</strong> various storesrequired for use in the public service is laid down in Chapter 8(Stores) <strong>of</strong> General Financial Rules 1963 (Rules 99 to 128). Allpurchase <strong>of</strong> stores should be regulated in strict conformity with theserules and the subsidiary instructions contained in the GeneralFinancial Rules and issued by the Government <strong>of</strong> India as well CBI,Head Office from time to time.30.2 Standards <strong>of</strong> financial proprietyEvery <strong>of</strong>ficer incurring or authorising expenditure from publicmoney should be guided by high standards <strong>of</strong> propriety. Every <strong>of</strong>ficershould also enforce financial order and strict economy at every stepand should see that relevant financial rules and regulations areobserved by his own <strong>of</strong>fice and by subordinate disbursing <strong>of</strong>ficers.Generally, following principles are emphasized:i) Every <strong>of</strong>ficer is expected to exercise same vigilance in respect <strong>of</strong>expenditure incurred from public money as a person <strong>of</strong>ordinary prudence would exercise in respect <strong>of</strong> expenditure <strong>of</strong>his own money.ii)iii)iv)Expenditure should not be prima facie more than the occasiondemands.No authority to exercise power <strong>of</strong> sanctioning expenditure topass an order which will be directly or indirectly to its ownadvantage.Expenditure should not be incurred for benefit <strong>of</strong> particularperson or a section <strong>of</strong> people unless :a) a claim for the amount could be enforced in a court <strong>of</strong>law .b) the expenditure is in pursuance <strong>of</strong> a recognised policyor custom.v) The amount <strong>of</strong> allowances granted to meet expenditure <strong>of</strong> aparticular type should be so regulated that the allowances arenot on the whole a source <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>it to the recipients.<strong>Page</strong> 206 <strong>of</strong> 206

vi)Responsibility and accountability <strong>of</strong> every authority delegatedwith financial powers to procure any item or service ongovernment account is total and indivisible. He will have publicinterest uppermost in his mind while making a procurementdecision. This responsibility is not discharged merely by theselection <strong>of</strong> the cheapest <strong>of</strong>fer but must conform to thefollowing yard sticks <strong>of</strong> financial propriety:a) Whether the <strong>of</strong>fers have been invited in accordance withgoverning rules and after following a fair and reasonableprocedure in the prevailing circumstances.b) Whether the authority is satisfied that the selected <strong>of</strong>ferwill adequately meet the requirement for which it is beingprocured.c) Whether the price on <strong>of</strong>fer is reasonable and consistentwith the quality required.d) Above all, whether the <strong>of</strong>fer being accepted is the mostappropriate one taking all relevant factors into account and inkeeping with the standards <strong>of</strong> financial propriety.vii)Wherever called for, the concerned authority must place onrecord in precise terms, the considerations which weighed withit while taking the procurement decision.30.3 A controlling <strong>of</strong>ficer shall see that not only the totalexpenditure is kept within the limits <strong>of</strong> the authorised grants orappropriation but also that the funds allotted to spending units areexpended in the public interest and upon objects for which the moneywas provided.30.4 With a view to have greater devolution <strong>of</strong> financialresponsibility and expeditious disposal <strong>of</strong> work certain administrativeand financial powers have been delegated to all Branch Ss.P workingas Head <strong>of</strong> Office, Dy. Inspectors General <strong>of</strong> Police and all JointDirectors in CBI(including Zonal JDs). The exercise <strong>of</strong> these powers issubject to restrictions, stipulations or instructions that may be issuedby the Government as well CBI Head Office from time to time and therelevant terms and conditions laid down in the various Rules i.e.DFPRs, GFRs, FRs & SRs etc. and specially contained in Column 4 <strong>of</strong>the Annexure to Schedule V to the Delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial PowersRules, 1978. This is further subject to availability <strong>of</strong> funds in theappropriate Head <strong>of</strong> Accounts in the respective budget allocation <strong>of</strong> thebranches.30.5 Every <strong>of</strong>ficer who has been delegated powers should see that allrelated provisions <strong>of</strong> the General Financial Rules, Delegation <strong>of</strong>Financial Powers Rules, Orders <strong>of</strong> Departmental delegations <strong>of</strong>financial powers and general instructions issued from time to time<strong>Page</strong> 207 <strong>of</strong> 207

are complied with before ordering the purchases. The financialproposal beyond the powers <strong>of</strong> Joint Director <strong>of</strong> concerned Zone maybe sent to Head Office with his recommendations.30.6 Rules 102 to 107 General Financial Rules, 1963, are relevantfor purchase and acquisition <strong>of</strong> stores for day-to-day use in the publicservice and other stores for running <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fices.30.7 30.7 In the light <strong>of</strong> instructions contained in Rule 103 <strong>of</strong> theGeneral Financial Rules, consumable stores for day-to-day use <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>fice will be purchased on the basis <strong>of</strong> periodical requirements asnoted in the rule.30.8 Before making purchases, the following points may be kept inview :(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)Economy instructions issued by the government and Head <strong>of</strong>Department from time to time.CVC guidelines on the subject issued from time to time.Purchase should be made in the most economical manner inaccordance with the definite requirements <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice.Purchases should be resorted to only after getting approval <strong>of</strong>competent authority. Officer ordering for any purchasewithout obtaining the approval <strong>of</strong> the competent authorityshall be responsible and accountable for the same.Purchases should not be split up to avoid the necessity forobtaining the sanction <strong>of</strong> higher authority required withreference to the total amount <strong>of</strong> the orders.Whether the <strong>of</strong>fers have been invited in accordance withgoverning rules and after following a fair and reasonableprocedure.Whether the authority is satisfied that the selected <strong>of</strong>fer willadequately meet the requirement for which it is being procured.Whether the price on <strong>of</strong>fer is reasonable and consistent withthe quality required.Whether the <strong>of</strong>fer being accepted is the most appropriate onetaking all relevant factors into account and in keeping with thestandards <strong>of</strong> financial propriety.<strong>Page</strong> 208 <strong>of</strong> 208

(x)(xi)(xii)(xiii)(xiv)(xv)(xvi)Whether sufficient funds are available in the particular head <strong>of</strong>account.Where scales <strong>of</strong> stores have been laid down by virtue <strong>of</strong>rule/instructions, it may be followed strictly and limits shouldnot exceed in any case. It should be certified in the proposalitself that the prescribed scales or limits have not beenexceeded.Purchases <strong>of</strong> articles or group <strong>of</strong> articles upto Rs.1,000/- oneach occasion can be made without inviting tenders/quotations.Purchase <strong>of</strong> stores costing between Rs. 1,000 - 10,000 can bemade by the Heads <strong>of</strong> Department without calling tenders orpre-select DGS&D Rate Contract items. However, in suchcases, quotations must be invited.The open tender system that is invitation to tender by publicadvertisement should be used in all cases in which theestimated value <strong>of</strong> demand is Rs.2 lakh and above.In terms <strong>of</strong> directives issued by the Government <strong>of</strong> India,Department <strong>of</strong> Personnel & Training from time to time allgovernment departments and their attached and subordinate<strong>of</strong>fices are required to purchase stationery, furniture and other<strong>of</strong>fice requirements from M/s Kendriya Bhandar, M/s NCCFand Super Bazar (where available). In the case <strong>of</strong> purchasesfrom these agencies, the procedure <strong>of</strong> calling <strong>of</strong>tenders/quotations as laid down in General Financial Ruleshave been waived by the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance. Purchases fromthe open market is resorted to only after obtaining ‘NoObjection Certificate’ from these agencies and after observingcodal formalities as laid down in the Chapater-8 <strong>of</strong> the GeneralFinancial Rules, 1963. Minimum three quotations arenecessary if the purchases are to be made from the openmarket. Single quotation can be considered if the article is <strong>of</strong>a proprietary nature i.e. when it is to the knowledge <strong>of</strong> theprocuring agency that only a particular firm is themanufacturer <strong>of</strong> the stores demanded.In case <strong>of</strong> purchases through DGS&D rate contract, supplyorder should be placed in the prescribed form (DGS&D-131).No direct payment should be made to the firm by theconsignee.30.9 Receipt <strong>of</strong> Stores<strong>Page</strong> 209 <strong>of</strong> 209

All stores received shall be examined, counted, measured orweighed, as the case may be, when delivery is taken and the personreceiving the store shall be required to give a certificate that he hasactually received the material and recorded them in the appropriatestock register. Before making any payment <strong>of</strong> bill, a certificate to thateffect recorded on the bill. After the close <strong>of</strong> each month, the balanceshould be physically checked by a Gazetted Officer to be nominatedby the Head <strong>of</strong> Office and a certificate to this effect recorded thereon.30.10 Stationery stores and formsIn the beginning <strong>of</strong> each financial year, the branches arerequired to send the indents to the respective Regional StationeryDepots <strong>of</strong> the Stationery and Printing Department <strong>of</strong> the Government<strong>of</strong> India and the Manager Forms Store, Calcutta. If the stationeryarticles indented are not supplied in time or in full, local purchasemay become necessary. However, before resorting to local purchase,the Government <strong>of</strong> India Stationery Office should be approached forsupplies. If they are unable to supply the necessary stationery, a ‘Noobjection certificate’ should be obtained from them before resorting tolocal purchase.30.11 Consumable storesThe consumable stores will be issued to the staff on receipt <strong>of</strong>requisitions signed by a Gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficer, or the Head Clerk in the case<strong>of</strong> branches. These requisitions will first be scrutinized by the dealingassistant in regard to admissibility and availability <strong>of</strong> stores andsubmitted to SP (or an <strong>of</strong>ficer nominated by him in this behalf) fororders. After getting SP’s orders, the items will be issued to theperson concerned against his signatures.30.12 Maintenance <strong>of</strong> Inventory <strong>of</strong> Deadstock: (GFR 112)An inventory <strong>of</strong> the deadstock showing the number received,the number disposed <strong>of</strong>f (by transfer, loss, sale etc.) and the balancein hand for each kind <strong>of</strong> article shall be maintained in all <strong>of</strong>fices.30.13 Physical verification <strong>of</strong> stores:(GFR 116(1) /118)A physical verification <strong>of</strong> all stores should be made in themonth <strong>of</strong> April every year. It shall not be entrusted to a person who isthe custodian, storekeeper and a person who is not conversant withthe classification, nomenclature and technique <strong>of</strong> the stores to beverified. The following instructions shall invariably be observed:<strong>Page</strong> 210 <strong>of</strong> 210

i) Verification shall always be made in the presence <strong>of</strong> personresponsible for the custody <strong>of</strong> the stores or <strong>of</strong> a responsibleperson deputed by him.ii)iii)All discrepancies noticed shall be brought to accountimmediately so that the stores account may represent the truestate <strong>of</strong> the stores ; andShortage and damages, as well as unserviceable stores shall bereported immediately to the authority competent to write <strong>of</strong>f theloss.30.13.1 Physical verification <strong>of</strong> Library books may be carried out inaccordance with the Government <strong>of</strong> India’s decision below Rule 116(2)<strong>of</strong> General Financial Rules, 1963.30.14 Surplus/obsolete and unserviceable store:(GFR 124(1))30.14.1 While declaring an item surplus/obsolete or unserviceable thefollowing important points may be kept in view:i) Authority competent to purchase stores shall be competent todeclare the store as obsolete/surplus/unserviceable.ii)iii)iv)An item may be declared obsolete/surplus/unserviceable if it isno longer required by the <strong>of</strong>fice. Reasons for the same shouldbe recorded in the board proceedings.An item remaining in stock for over a year shall be consideredsurplus unless there is any good reason to treat that otherwise.Prescribed or stipulated life period <strong>of</strong> the stores should betaken into account.v) In case such period is not prescribed/stipulated or it is notover, the committee should examine the condition <strong>of</strong> stores andrecord suitable reasons.vi) Where the life period has been prescribed or stipulated and isalready over, it should normally be taken as enough ground fordeclaring the item obsolete and unserviceable. However, thecondition <strong>of</strong> the item should still be thoroughly examined bythe committee to see whether the item could be put to furtheruse.<strong>Page</strong> 211 <strong>of</strong> 211

vii)viii)In other cases, where the ‘life period’ is not over or no lifeperiod 56[1] has been prescribed or stipulated the reasons fordeclaring the item absolete/surplus or unserviceable shouldbe clearly brought out in the board proceedings.In case <strong>of</strong> loss due to negligence, fraud or mischief on the part<strong>of</strong> any government servant, responsibility should be fixed andlosses made good. In order to identify the surplus/obsoleteand unserviceable store items lying in <strong>of</strong>fice premises <strong>of</strong> a CBIbranch/Unit/Zone/Section a periodical inspection <strong>of</strong> storesshould be made six monthly by every <strong>of</strong>fice and a report <strong>of</strong>such store items should be prepared and submitted to thecompetent authority.30.14.2 The items so identified should be examined by a committee atappropriate level to be appointed by the competent authority.Branches should constitute their own condemnation committee asper provision <strong>of</strong> Rule 124 <strong>of</strong> GFRs. The committee shall consist <strong>of</strong>not less than three members <strong>of</strong> the department, locally availableas far as possible <strong>of</strong> whom one will be from administration and onewill be technical member having knowledge <strong>of</strong> the store. Thirdmember may be from finance if locally available, otherwise thecompetent authority may nominate any suitable and experienced<strong>of</strong>ficer. The committee will submit its report in Form GFR-17 fornecessary action by the competent authority.30.14.3 The stores which are reported to be surplus/ obsolete orunserviceable by the committee may be declared as such inaccordance with the procedure laid down in Rule 124(1) andordered to be disposed <strong>of</strong>f by the authority. The committee in itsreport should also specify the manner in which the stores are to bedisposed <strong>of</strong>f.30.14.4 It may be ensured that the time-lag between the declarationand actual disposal <strong>of</strong> stores is minimized and proper protectionis given to all such store items till their removal by the purchaser.30.14.5 The general instructions relating to disposal <strong>of</strong> obsolete,surplus or unserviceable stores contained in GFRs shouldinvariably be followed by all <strong>of</strong>ficers entrusted with the work.56[1] Concerned <strong>of</strong>fice may prescribe the life period <strong>of</strong> stores in consultation with themanufacturers and CBI, HO.<strong>Page</strong> 212 <strong>of</strong> 212

31. FURNITURE31.1 The furniture will be purchased and accounted for in the DeadStock Register as provided in Rule 112 <strong>of</strong> the General Financial Rules,1963. For purchase/condemnation <strong>of</strong> furniture, the principles laiddown in Chapter 8 (Store) and Appendix <strong>of</strong> General Financial Rules,1963 are to be observed.31.2 Scale <strong>of</strong> Furniture prescribed for various <strong>of</strong>ficesThe following scales <strong>of</strong> furniture may be laid down for various <strong>of</strong>ficers<strong>of</strong> Head Office and branches, subject to availability <strong>of</strong> funds and anyother orders/instructions issued by the CBI, Head Office/Governmentfrom time to time:I. Director, Special. Director, Additional Director and JointDirectorsSl.No. Nomenclature Scale1 Secretariat table 6’ X 4’ One2 Side Racks Three3 Chairs/Armed deluxe Eight4 S<strong>of</strong>a Set One5 Centre Table One6 Tiffin Table/Corner Table One7 Steel Almirah Need based8 File Cabinets Need based9 Woollen/Acrylic/Synthetic Carpet from wall to wall One10 Wall Clock One11 Pillow One12 Hat Stand One13 Wash basin with stand One14 Foot Rest Board One15 Screen One16 Confidential Boxes Need based17 Book shelf with glass doors One18 Wooden/Plastic Tray Need based<strong>Page</strong> 213 <strong>of</strong> 213

II.Deputy Director, DIsG and ALAs.SlNomenclatureScaleNo.1 Secretariat tables 6’ X 4’ One2 Side Racks Need based3 Armed Chairs Six4 S<strong>of</strong>a Set One5 Centre Table One6 Tiffin Table/Corner Table One7 Steel Almirah One8 File Cabinet One9 Woollen Carpet from wall to wall One10 Wall Clock One11 Pillow One12 Wash basin with stand One13 Foot Rest Board One14 Screen One15 Confidential Boxes Two16 Book shelf with glass doors One17 Wooden/Plastic Tray Need basedIII.The following furniture will be supplied to Sr.SsP, AIGs, ADs,SsP, Ex. Eng., C.T.O., DLAs and AOs :Sl.No. Nomenclature Scale1 Secretariat tables One2 Side Racks Need based3 Armed Chairs Five4 S<strong>of</strong>a Set One5 Centre Table One6 Tiffin Table/Corner Table One7 Steel Almirah <strong>of</strong> File cabinet One8 Woollen Carpet from wall to wall One9 Wall Clock One10 Pillow One11 Wash basin with stand One12 Foot Rest Board One13 Screen One14 Confidential Boxes Two15 Wooden/plastic trays Need basedIV.ProgrammerASsP, STO, JTO, DSsP, Sr.PP, OS, Hindi Officer/PPS/PS/<strong>Page</strong> 214 <strong>of</strong> 214

Sl.NomenclatureScaleNo.1 Officer’s table 5’ X 3” One2 Side Rack One or two3 Armed Chairs Three4 Easy Chair One5 Foot Rest Board One6 Steel Cabinet / Almirah One7 Confidential Box One8 Wooden trays/Plastic trays OneV. Inspectors, PPs, APPs, SIs, Assistants, Head Clerks, PA,Stenographers, UDCs.Sl.NomenclatureScaleNo1 Clerical table 4’ X 2 1/2’ with wooden top or Onerexine/Sun-mica2 Side Rack One3 Armed Chair One4 Steel Almirah One5 Inspectors, SIs in the branches will be given one extrachair for the suspects and one confidential box for keepingtheir records.VI.Clerks, Typists, ASIs, HCs and Daftries.Sl.No. Nomenclature Scale1 Clerical table 4’ x 2/12’ with wooden top or Onerexine top/sun-mica2 Armed Chair One31.3 The furniture will be purchased through DGS&D on ratecontract where such contract exists in respect <strong>of</strong> the items sought tobe purchased. If an item is not available on DGS&D rate contractthen purchases can be made from M/s Super Bazar, M/s KendriyaBhandar and M/s NCCF. In case these societies are also unable tosupply furniture items, the purchases can be resorted to from theopen market by observing the codal formalities after obtaining a “NoObjection Certificate” from them. For purchase <strong>of</strong> furniture,quotations from a number <strong>of</strong> firms may be invited after givingnecessary specifications to them as provided in Annexure to Chapter8 <strong>of</strong> the GFR, 1963. Open tender system that is, invitation to tender<strong>Page</strong> 215 <strong>of</strong> 215

y public advertisement should be used as a general rule in cases inwhich estimated value <strong>of</strong> the demand is Rs. 2 lakh and above.31.4 The lowest quotation as a rule will be accepted. No negotiationis permissible except with L-1 i.e. lowest tender.31.5 On receipt <strong>of</strong> the furniture, it should be inspected by thecommittee and certified to have been correctly received as perspecifications/quantity/quality. A certificate to that effect should berecorded on the bill before making payment. The furniture sopurchased be got numbered with white paint to facilitate its physicalverification and checking <strong>of</strong> pilferage.31.6 Director, CBI as Head <strong>of</strong> Department, has full powers to incurexpenditure on fixtures and furniture, purchase and repairs subjectto conditions and scales fixed by Ministry <strong>of</strong> Urban Affairs. Thesepowers have further been re-delegated to the various <strong>of</strong>ficers.31.7 Condemnation <strong>of</strong> Furniture:31.7.1 Items <strong>of</strong> unserviceable furniture which cannot be economicallygot repaired will be condemned with the approval <strong>of</strong> the competentauthority after obtaining recommendations <strong>of</strong> a committee and soldby public auction. A list <strong>of</strong> all such furniture showing the originalprice <strong>of</strong> the items <strong>of</strong> furniture, date <strong>of</strong> purchase <strong>of</strong> the items etc. willbe shown. Sufficient publicity will be given to such auctions, whichwill be conducted by the <strong>of</strong>fice. The sale proceeds <strong>of</strong> such auctionswill be deposited in the government Account under sub-head“Miscellaneous Receipts”. These items will then be written <strong>of</strong>f in thestock register indicating therein the file number in which thecondemnation sanction had been obtained. For condemnation,procedure laid down in Rule 124 <strong>of</strong> General Financial Rules, 1963 willbe followed scrupulously.31.7.2 Losses <strong>of</strong> furniture and stores will be dealt with according tothe provisions <strong>of</strong> Rules 122 & 123 <strong>of</strong> GFR.31.8 Entitlement <strong>of</strong> Air Conditioner31.8.1 As per circular No. 15014 (1)/85-Pol.III dated 21.3.2000issued by the Directorate <strong>of</strong> Estates, the <strong>of</strong>ficers drawing the basicpay <strong>of</strong> Rs. 18,400/- and above would be eligible for provision <strong>of</strong> airconditioners in their <strong>of</strong>fice chambers according to the followingprescribed norms:<strong>Page</strong> 216 <strong>of</strong> 216

i) For rooms having area upto 30 sq. mts., one number 1.5 toncapacity window type air conditioner.ii)For rooms with area above 30 sq. mts. and upto 40 sq. mts.,one number 2 ton capacity window type air-conditioner.iii)The capacity and number <strong>of</strong> air conditioners for rooms havingarea in excess <strong>of</strong> 40 sq. metres may be worked out accordingly.If necessary, advice may be sought from the Chief Engineer(Electrical), CPWD.31.8.2 The provision for air conditioners as stated above is alsosubject to the conditions that the existing air conditioner should notbe replaced and these guidelines shall be applicable for new <strong>of</strong>ficerooms and for replacement <strong>of</strong> old air conditioners which are beyondeconomic repairs. Life <strong>of</strong> window type air-conditioner prescribed byCPWD is 5 years. Purchase <strong>of</strong> an air-conditioner is to be done onlythrough DGS&D and with the approval <strong>of</strong> DCBI.31.8.3 All other <strong>of</strong>ficers may be provided with desert coolers/roomcoolers as per the scales indicated below, if the existing coolingsystem is considered inadequate:i) For rooms with area upto 25 sq. mts. one cooler with 300 mmdiameter exhaust fan may be provided.ii)iii)For rooms with area above 25 sq. mts. one cooler with 375 mmdiameter exhaust fan may be provided.For rooms with area above 32 sq. mts. but upto 55 sq. mts. onecooler with 450 mm diameter exhaust fan may be provided.The capacity and number <strong>of</strong> desert coolers for rooms havingarea in excess <strong>of</strong> 55 sq. mts. may be worked out accordingly.Life <strong>of</strong> Desert cooler (1500-2000 cfm (evaporative type) is 7 yearand that <strong>of</strong> room cooler cheap type (100 cfm) is 5 years.<strong>Page</strong> 217 <strong>of</strong> 217

32. TELEPHONES32.1 Entitlement <strong>of</strong> telephonesIn CBI, <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the level <strong>of</strong> Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police and above areentitled for a direct telephone connection in their <strong>of</strong>fice as well as theirresidence. Other <strong>of</strong>ficers are sanctioned a telephone with a specific orderfrom the Government.32.2 InstallationThe power to sanction a new telephone connection vests with theGovernment. However, the power for shifting <strong>of</strong> telephones to the entitled<strong>of</strong>ficers has been delegated to the Head <strong>of</strong> the Department which has furtherbeen delegated by the Director, CBI to the Joint Directors <strong>of</strong> CBI.32.3 Limitation <strong>of</strong> callsThere is no limit fixed by the Government for number <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficialcalls in respect <strong>of</strong> telephones installed in the <strong>of</strong>fices. However, theDCBI, in exercise <strong>of</strong> his powers as Head <strong>of</strong> the Department, has fixeda ceiling on the bi-monthly bills in respect <strong>of</strong> telephones installed atthe <strong>of</strong>fice and residence <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the rank <strong>of</strong> Joint Directorand below (See Annexure-XVI). All the STD calls are required to becertified by the <strong>of</strong>ficer indicating the calls as <strong>of</strong>ficial/privaterespectively. The charges on the private calls are to be deposited bythe <strong>of</strong>ficer concerned with the cashier <strong>of</strong> the concerned branch andReceipt No., date and amount is to be intimated to the DDO. In caseexcess calls are made from residential phones for <strong>of</strong>ficial purposes,specific approval has to be obtained from Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance forregularization <strong>of</strong> calls.32.4 Residential telephoneIn case <strong>of</strong> the telephones installed at the residence, bimonthlylocal calls numbering 650+free calls are allowed. However, in case,STD connection is available and allowed by the government, thenevery STD call, whether it is <strong>of</strong>ficial or private is to be certified by the<strong>of</strong>ficer himself and also required to be countersigned by the nexthigher authority. Therefore, payment is to be made by the <strong>of</strong>fice onlyin respect <strong>of</strong> 650 local calls + <strong>of</strong>ficial STD calls. Local calls in excess<strong>of</strong> 650 + free calls will be treated as private calls and accordingly<strong>Page</strong> 218 <strong>of</strong> 218

charges are to be deposited by the <strong>of</strong>ficer concerned with thegovernment through cashier <strong>of</strong> the concerned branch.32.5 STD facilityAs per existing instructions <strong>of</strong> the government, the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong>the level <strong>of</strong> Joint Secretary to the Government <strong>of</strong> India and above areentitled for STD facility in their <strong>of</strong>fice and residential telephones. STDconnection to the non entitled <strong>of</strong>ficers are provided on obtaining thespecific approval from Government on the grounds <strong>of</strong> operationalrequirement/ need basis.32.6 ISD facilityISD calls are not allowed except in individual cases, if any,wherein the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance has agreed to the same.32.7 Mobile PhonesThe facility <strong>of</strong> Mobile Phones has been allowed to theSecretaries and Secretary level <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the Government <strong>of</strong> Indiawith certain conditions vide Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance & Company AffairsOM No.5(3)/E.Coord/2002 dated 01.01.2003. Government on aspecific proposal from CBI has sanctioned some mobile phones to beutilized only during actual raids/operations. These have beendistributed by DCBI to JDs/DIsG <strong>of</strong> various Zones/Regional Officesfor operational use.32.8 Residential telephones for Dy.SsP in CBI:As per CBI HO Circular No.2/31/97/IWSU dated 21.10.98 andDP&T(AVD.II) No.205/29/97-AVD.II dated 16.10.98, Dy.SsP <strong>of</strong> CBIare entitled for reimbursement <strong>of</strong> local <strong>of</strong>ficial calls limited to anumber <strong>of</strong> 650 calls bimonthly + rent + surcharge from the noncellular phones installed at their residence in their own names.<strong>Page</strong> 219 <strong>of</strong> 219

33. MOTOR VEHICLES33.1 <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> is in possession <strong>of</strong> its ownmotor vehicles including cars, scooters, motor cycles etc. in the HeadOffice at New Delhi as well as in its various branches at other places.33.2 All purchases <strong>of</strong> vehicles in CBI are centralized in Head Officeat New Delhi and purchases are made on DGS&D rate contract. Aftersanction <strong>of</strong> the competent authority for purchase <strong>of</strong> new vehicle(s) inlieu <strong>of</strong> prematurely/maturely condemned vehicle or otherwise withthe sanction <strong>of</strong> the government, approval <strong>of</strong> the competent authorityis taken for allotment <strong>of</strong> new vehicle. Generally, the new vehicle isallotted to the branch/unit whose vehicle has been condemned. Onlyin exceptional case(s) with the approval <strong>of</strong> Joint Director (Admn.), thenew vehicle is diverted to another branch.33.3 The Superintendents <strong>of</strong> Police, CBI are the controlling <strong>of</strong>ficersfor all the vehicles in Branch Offices. In Head Office, the SP(HQ) isthe controlling <strong>of</strong>ficer. The controlling <strong>of</strong>ficer is responsible for theproper use, care and upkeep <strong>of</strong> the vehicles and regulating theirjourneys in accordance with the “Instructions for the use andmaintenance <strong>of</strong> motor vehicles framed by the CBI and theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India Staff Car Rules”. The motor vehicles <strong>of</strong> CBI areknown as service vehicles or operational vehicles and their use isnormally made for operational purposes. The use and maintenance <strong>of</strong>these vehicles is governed by the instructions issued by theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India as well as the departmental instructions issuedin this regard from time to time.33.4 CBI vehicles are not to carry any plates, red or amber lights,sign boards in front or at the rear indicative <strong>of</strong> the fact that theybelong to the CBI or government. The Staff car should not ordinarilybe taken outside the city limits except with the permission <strong>of</strong> thebranch SP. When the journey is to be performed by the Head <strong>of</strong> theOffice himself, he has to take permission from the DIG. Staff carsshould not be allowed to be used by <strong>of</strong>ficers while on leave. The use<strong>of</strong> staff car for non-duty journey is completely banned. For use <strong>of</strong>staff car for private purpose the guidelines contained in Staff Carrules are to be followed. Duty journeys shall have preference overnon-duty journeys.33.5 Staff cars being used by the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the level <strong>of</strong> Secretary toGovernment <strong>of</strong> India and above are to be provided with airconditioners.<strong>Page</strong> 220 <strong>of</strong> 220

33.6 Officers <strong>of</strong> the rank <strong>of</strong> Joint Secretary and above and the Heads<strong>of</strong> Departments <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government in the SeniorAdministrative Grade may at their option avail the facility <strong>of</strong> using thestaff cars for journeys from residence to <strong>of</strong>fice and back or opt fordrawing transport allowance. If they opt for using the staff car, theyneed not make any payment but they will not be entitled to transportallowance.33.7 Exemption from compulsory insuranceMotor vehicles owned by the <strong>Central</strong> Government, which areused for purposes not connected with any commercial enterprises, areexempted from compulsory insurance against third party risk byvirtue <strong>of</strong> sub-section (2) <strong>of</strong> Section 94 <strong>of</strong> the Motor Vehicle Act 1933.Such vehicles shall not, therefore, be insured.33.8 Control over expenditure on POL & repairsDirector, CBI vide CBI H.O. Circular No. DPMTO1999/001/14/21/99-MT dated 24.5.1999 has fixed ceiling <strong>of</strong> 150litres <strong>of</strong> POL per month for four-wheeler vehicles belonging to theRegional Offices/Branches and 200 litres for vehicles belonging to the<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> and above the rank <strong>of</strong> JD. The <strong>of</strong>ficer should adhere to thelimit in the normal course. If, due to exigencies <strong>of</strong> investigation orcourt work, it is felt that more POL is required for a particular vehiclein a month, the same should be got sanctioned from the nextsupervisory <strong>of</strong>ficer giving justification for sanction <strong>of</strong> excess POL.Supervisory <strong>of</strong>ficers should sanction the extra POL for the vehicleafter proper application <strong>of</strong> mind and not in a routine manner. All<strong>of</strong>ficers should exercise strict control over the use <strong>of</strong> vehicles in view<strong>of</strong> the instruction <strong>of</strong> Government <strong>of</strong> India issued from time to time tocontrol the expenditure 57[1] .33.9 Service and repairsAs per Staff Car Rules, the staff cars may be got repaired at theElectrical and Mechanical Workshop, National Airport Authority andthe respective <strong>of</strong>fice should pay the bills for the same to the workshopdirectly from its own funds. Repair and maintenance work <strong>of</strong> Delhibased branches in CBI is undertaken at the Head Office workshop.Incharge, MT workship has to prepare an inspection report. In casethere is heavy workload in the workshop and there are no facilitieswith the workshop for conducting repairs, the work should beentrusted to an authorised dealer or a private firm, keeping in viewthe general principles contained in the General Financial Rules, 196357[1]GIMF Order File No.7(4)/E-Coord/2000 dt.24.9.2000<strong>Page</strong> 221 <strong>of</strong> 221

and instructions contained in CBI HO Circular Nos. (i) DPMTO1999/001/14/21/99-MT dated 24.5.99 and (ii) DPMT1999/Circular/14/21/99-MT Dated 8.9.1999 and instructions issuedfrom time to time.33.10 According to Schedule -VII <strong>of</strong> DFPR-1978, the life <strong>of</strong> varioustypes <strong>of</strong> vehicles, in terms <strong>of</strong> distance run (in km) and length <strong>of</strong> use(in years) whichever is reached later, have been fixed as under:S. No. Type <strong>of</strong> vehicle Kms. Years1 Motor vehicles fitted with enginesupto 20 hp (RAC)2 Motor Cycles fitted with engines <strong>of</strong>3.5 hp (RAC) or above3 Motor Cycles fitted with engines <strong>of</strong>less than 3.5 hp (RAC)150,000 6-1/2 years120,000 7 years120,000 6 years33.11 A vehicle is condemned only after a certificate has beenobtained from any <strong>of</strong> the following authorities to the effect that thevehicle is not fit for any further economical use:(i)Electrical & Mechanical Workshop <strong>of</strong> the NationalAirport Authority.(ii)Workshop <strong>of</strong> a State Road Transport Corporation.(iii)At locations where workshops mentioned at (i) and (ii)are not available, Transport Workshops under the<strong>Central</strong> or State Government Departments are alsoauthorised to issue such certificates.33.12 A Committee may be constituted to consider and recommendcondemnation <strong>of</strong> vehicles. If the above conditions are satisfied,Director/CBI has been delegated powers to condemn vehicles uptomonetary ceiling <strong>of</strong> Rs.200000/- in each case for a period upto31.12.2006. Replacement <strong>of</strong> vehicle is sanctioned by the government.Premature condemnation <strong>of</strong> vehicle and its replacement is sanctionedonly by the government.33.13 It has to be ensured that condemned vehicles are disposed <strong>of</strong>fas per the procedure within a period <strong>of</strong> three months from the date <strong>of</strong>placing <strong>of</strong> an order with the manufacturer for replacement <strong>of</strong> vehicles.33.14 Service<strong>Page</strong> 222 <strong>of</strong> 222

All 4-wheelers should be got serviced after covering 5000 kms.and all 2-wheelers should be got serviced after covering 2500 kms.The servicing would include washing <strong>of</strong> the vehicle, change <strong>of</strong> engineoil, gear oil, differential oil, coolant, tuning <strong>of</strong> the engine, change <strong>of</strong> oilfilter etc.33.15 Life <strong>of</strong> tyre/battery33.15.1 The life <strong>of</strong> a tyre is taken as 40000 Kms. run. In case, it isunserviceable, it should then be got retreaded with cold rubber after24000 Kms. and it should run another 16000 Kms. If a tyre hasrun 40000 Kms., it can be condemned and replaced. Tyres should,therefore, be purchased judiciously and on need basis only. Tooptimise the life <strong>of</strong> tyres, these would be rotated in the 4-wheelerafter every 5000 kms. Rotation <strong>of</strong> tyre means bringing the front tyreto the rear side and rear tyres to front side and also to change theface <strong>of</strong> the tyres.33.15.2 If the battery is maintained properly, it will have a satisfactoryrunning life <strong>of</strong> 2 years. A battery should normally not be condemnedbefore 2 years.33.16 Vehicle inspectionAll vehicles should be inspected faithfully by the In-charge, MTand by the branch SP at least once in a month. All the observations<strong>of</strong> SP during the inspection should be rectified promptly by the Incharge,MT. The In-charge(MT) in the branches should be <strong>of</strong> the rank<strong>of</strong> ASI & above and in the Head Office <strong>of</strong> the rank <strong>of</strong> Inspector andshould be well conversant with the maintenance <strong>of</strong> vehicles.33.17 Disposal <strong>of</strong> condemned vehiclesThe condemned vehicle(s) are to be disposed <strong>of</strong>f immediately tothe best advantage <strong>of</strong> government exchequer and intimation sent toHead Office. The sale proceeds <strong>of</strong> condemned vehicle/scooters will bedeposited in the Government Account under Head “MiscellaneousReceipts”.33.18 Records MaintenanceThe following records are to be maintained in the MT Section <strong>of</strong>branches in respect <strong>of</strong> a vehicle:1. 1. Log Book: The journeys are to be properly entered inthe log book-Rule 15 <strong>of</strong> Staff Car Rules.Signature <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Page</strong> 223 <strong>of</strong> 223

<strong>of</strong>ficers below the rank <strong>of</strong> Joint Secretary availing the staff carshould be obtained in the log book (Rule 33 <strong>of</strong> Staff Car Rules).All the columns should be filled and the <strong>of</strong>ficer using the staffcar should sign the Log Book. At the end <strong>of</strong> the month a summaryshould be prepared in the following format:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)Kilometres reading as on first day <strong>of</strong> monthKilometres reading as on last day <strong>of</strong> monthTotal distance covered during the monthPetrol balance at the end <strong>of</strong> previous monthPetrol drawn during the monthPetrol consumed during the monthPetrol balance at the end <strong>of</strong> the monthKms/per litre (average) during the monthThis summary should be signed first by the driver and then bythe In-charge(MT) Section who should thereafter put it up to the SP <strong>of</strong>the branch. In the case <strong>of</strong> Head Office, this summary should besigned by the DSP(HQ).2. A record <strong>of</strong> repairs and replacements, cost <strong>of</strong> petrolconsumption, cost <strong>of</strong> spare parts etc., with the dates inprescribed form SPE G-35/ MTR.3. In case <strong>of</strong> branch vehicles, a statement showing theconsumption <strong>of</strong> petrol and lubricants and the repairs etc. is tobe sent to Head Office as per the instructions issued from timeto time. A similar statement is to be prepared in respect <strong>of</strong>Head Office vehicles.4. All entries about repair/maintenance, POL and condemnedspare parts etc. should be entered in the Admins Module onregular basis.5. The spare parts which have become unserviceable and replacedparts should be deposited in the MT Store and an entry bemade in the Condemned Spare Parts Register. These partsshould be disposed <strong>of</strong>f by auction after completing all codalformalities under the supervision <strong>of</strong> a gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficer.6. Details <strong>of</strong> expenditure on all the vehicles including the same onrepairs, upholstery, POL, servicing, purchase <strong>of</strong> oil etc. shouldbe properly entered in the history sheet.<strong>Page</strong> 224 <strong>of</strong> 224

33.19 All requisitions for the vehicles are ordinarily required to bemade in writing to the controlling <strong>of</strong>ficer in the prescribed form.33.20 A register in Forms SPEG-35/MTR is to be maintained inrespect <strong>of</strong> each motor vehicle, jeep, pick up van etc. in each BranchOffice or in the Head Office for Head Office vehicles.33.21 Director, CBI as Head <strong>of</strong> Department, has full powers forincurring expenditure on maintenance, upkeep and repair <strong>of</strong> vehiclesincluding two wheelers. Director, CBI has delegated his powersregarding expenditure on POL, maintenance, upkeep and repairs <strong>of</strong>vehicles, as follows :Sl.NoNature <strong>of</strong>powers1 MotorVehicles-Purchase<strong>of</strong> POL.SP working as Head <strong>of</strong>Office(i) Car : upto Rs.6000/-p.m.If the branch has onecar and uptoRs.4000/- p.m. pervehicle If the branchhas two or morevehicles.(ii) M/Cycle/ Scooter:upto Rs.1000/- p.mper scooter / motorcycle.SP(HQ) DD(A)/DIG JD(i) UptoRs.6000/- oneachoccasion.(ii) UptoRs.1000/- oneachoccasion.(i) BeyondRs.6000/-on eachoccasion.(ii) BeyondRs.1000/-on eachoccasion.Fulllpowers2 Maintenance,Upkeepandrepairs.(i) Car : upto Rs.6000/-on each occasionsubject to maximum <strong>of</strong>Rs.15,000/- p.a.(i) UptoRs.6000/- oneachoccasion.(i) BeyondRs.6000/-and belowRs.15000/-on eachoccasion.Car :uptoRs.40000/-on eachoccasion.(ii) M/Cycle/ ScooterRs.1000/- in each casesubject to Rs.3000/-p.a.(ii) UptoRs.1000/- oneachoccasion.(ii) BeyondRs.1000/-on eachoccasion.(ii) JD(A)has fullpowers inthis regard.<strong>Page</strong> 225 <strong>of</strong> 225

34. LIBRARY34.1 The CBI library which is situated in the Head Office at NewDelhi has a good collection <strong>of</strong> books in the field <strong>of</strong> Crime Detection,Economic Offences, Organized Crimes, Bank Frauds, Terrorism,Human Rights, Environmental Law, Forensic Science and Law etc. Italso subscribes to the periodicals, journals and national level newspapers regularly. It functions under the administrative control <strong>of</strong> theJoint Director (Admn.) CBI and caters to the needs <strong>of</strong> CBI HeadQuarters and its Branches all over India. It remains open dailyduring the <strong>of</strong>fice hours including the lunch break.34.2 The library is fully computerised. All the books have beenentered in the computer duly arranged Author-wise, Subject-wise andTitle-wise. The information regarding availability <strong>of</strong> any book can beretrieved by the users under the heads mentioned above. The Libraryhas a photo copier also for preparing copies <strong>of</strong> any extract or chapterfrom any book or journal etc. by the interested users.34.3 Membership <strong>of</strong> LibraryAny <strong>of</strong>ficer/employee <strong>of</strong> CBI can become member <strong>of</strong> the CBILibrary by filling up the prescribed membership form kept in thelibrary which has to be forwarded to the librarian <strong>of</strong> the CBI/HeadOffice by the controlling <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the employee seeking membership<strong>of</strong> the library for further necessary action by him.34.4 Borrowing <strong>of</strong> Books34.4.1 A member <strong>of</strong> CBI Library can borrow any two books at a timefor a period <strong>of</strong> 30 days except the reference books which are to beused in the library only. In case any particular book is furtherrequired by the member, the period <strong>of</strong> loan could be got furtherextended by 15 days if the book has not already been reserved by anyother member for borrowing purposes. Any book under issue can berecalled if the same is urgently required for <strong>of</strong>ficial use by thedepartment.34.4.2 The books required for daily use are also issued to the heads <strong>of</strong>the sections/divisions and senior <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> CBI on permanent basis.The availability <strong>of</strong> the said books with them has, however, to beconfirmed in the month <strong>of</strong> December each year. In the event <strong>of</strong>transfer/retirement <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer concerned, the books so issued tohim could either be returned to the library or could be handed over tohis successor under intimation to the librarian.<strong>Page</strong> 226 <strong>of</strong> 226

34.5 No dues certificate from Library:In the event <strong>of</strong> repatriation <strong>of</strong> any member to his parentState/Cadre or his retirement from service, the Last Pay Certificate(LPC) is issued to the concerned <strong>of</strong>ficer or his retirement dues aresettled only after obtaining a "No Dues Certificate" from the CBILibrary.34.6 Preservation <strong>of</strong> Library Records:The period <strong>of</strong> preservation <strong>of</strong> Library records is given as under:(a) Library Accession RegistersPermanent.(b) Periodical Registers permanent.(c) Library member-ship registerPermanent.(d) Permanent lending <strong>of</strong> books Register 10 years(e) Files Pertaining to purchase <strong>of</strong> books/Journals/Newspapers.5 Years.(f) Temporary lending <strong>of</strong> books Register 1 Year.34.7 Monetary limits for purchase <strong>of</strong> publications/journals etc.The CBI Head Office vide letter No. 5/1/90 Ad IV dated 10-8-90has delegated monetary powers limited to Rs 1000/- on each occasionto the Superintendents <strong>of</strong> Police <strong>of</strong> all the branches and theAdministrative Officer at CBI Head Office and full powers to all theDy. Inspector Generals <strong>of</strong> Police for purchase <strong>of</strong> books by them for<strong>of</strong>ficial purposes. The branches/units <strong>of</strong> CBI could, therefore, alsoestablish their own library for their day to day use.34.8 Supply <strong>of</strong> Newspapers/Magazines at the Residence <strong>of</strong>various <strong>of</strong>ficers in CBI34.8.1 The Director CBI vide circular No. 4/15/97-Library dated 28-10-1997 has permitted supply <strong>of</strong> the Newspapers/Magazines w.e.f 1-11-1997 to the residence <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers as per the scale given below.S.No Level <strong>of</strong> OfficersIndian Indian MagazineNewspaper1 Director/Spl. Director/ Addl. No LimitNo LimitDirector2 Joint Directors 4 2<strong>Page</strong> 227 <strong>of</strong> 227

3 Director <strong>of</strong> Prosecution 3 24 DIsG 3 25 SsP/AD(CO)/ AD(Interpol)/ 2 1A.O.(E)/ A.O.(A)6 All other <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the rank <strong>of</strong>DSsP/ O.S and equivalent1 Nil34.8.2 The <strong>of</strong>ficers mentioned above are entitled to claimreimbursement <strong>of</strong> the amounts spent by them for buying theNewspapers/magazines as per the entitlements mentioned aboveafter deducting 15% <strong>of</strong> the total cost <strong>of</strong> the bills towards ‘scrap’charges.<strong>Page</strong> 228 <strong>of</strong> 228

35. SECURITY PLAN35.1 In view <strong>of</strong> the sensitive nature <strong>of</strong> the work performed by CBI,the likelihood <strong>of</strong> security threats to CBI <strong>of</strong>fices is higher incomparison to most <strong>of</strong> the other government <strong>of</strong>fices. Therefore, eachhead <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice/designated nodal <strong>of</strong>ficer should prepare a securityplan incorporating the following features. The plan should beappropriate and suitable for the premises <strong>of</strong> the particular branch /set <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fices. The plan should contain the following subjects or heads<strong>of</strong> security detail :(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)Access control <strong>of</strong> both animate and inanimate objects; thisincludes perimeter defence, car parking etc.Anti-sabotage check and precautions to be taken.Fire control measures including evacuation <strong>of</strong> premises.Document and security <strong>of</strong> other valuables.Information SecuritySecurity/threat response, including alerting local police,government agencies etcContingency plan.35.2 Access Control35.2.1 Basic principle to be observed is that access control beginswith the outermost point. Outer perimeter may vary from place toplace. In a typical m<strong>of</strong>ussil branch it may be the street, pavement andcompound wall <strong>of</strong> the branch. In an urban setup, it can be the road,building entrance, floor entrance, lift doors etc. The outer perimetershould be secured in such a manner that unauthorised object orunauthorised person cannot get entry. Since most <strong>of</strong> the CBI <strong>of</strong>ficesare housed in exclusive premises, nodal <strong>of</strong>ficers can consider laying <strong>of</strong>barbed-wire fencing and lighting <strong>of</strong> the fence/compound wall so as toensure day and night security.35.2.2 Outer perimeter security also includes buildings, trees, polesetc. which provide access to the secure area and which need to becordoned <strong>of</strong>f suitably. Outer perimeter security similarly includesdrains and their openings running from the compound to outsideareas, electricity substations, telephone poles, mail boxes and maildelivery bags etc. Entry points at the outer perimeter have to beregulated by a security guard with a register and intercom facilitieswith the duty room. The duty <strong>of</strong>ficer will have to notify allvisitors/vehicle numbers to the security guard. The entrance gates<strong>Page</strong> 229 <strong>of</strong> 229

will have to be made strong and secure and able to resist gatecrashing.The boundary wall similarly will have to be repaired andstrengthened wherever necessary and subsidiary entry points such aswicket gates, service entrance etc. need to be sealed.35.2.3 Finally, built-up areas including apartments, garages, shopsetc. adjoining the compound need to be kept under watch through theday and occasionally at night. Any person(s) found loitering aroundCBI building for no reason should be thoroughly checked and handedover to local police, if necessary.35.3 Inner Access Control35.3.1 Access to the main building/<strong>of</strong>fice should be controlled by anextra security guard to whom the outer guard relays the visitor'sidentity. Sentry whenever guard is posted, should be alert whileperforming duties and guard should be always ready to meet anyexigencies. There should be provision for checking <strong>of</strong> parcels,suitcase etc. through physical checking devices. Letters and postalarticles would similarly require examination. Equipment for the samewould have to be purchased, wherever necessary.35.3.2 There should be a reception area where visitors report. Thisshould be the general rule except for witnesses, experts who have tomeet the concerned IO/Supervisory Officer. All visitors are to be givenidentity tags. They should be escorted to the <strong>of</strong>fice/<strong>of</strong>ficer to be visitedand nobody should be allowed to roam around the premises withoutspecific work. Tradesmen, repairmen and other service agencies willhave to identify themselves and have their equipment checked beforeentry. Similarly, one constable will have to watch over their workduring the repair/servicing.35.3.3 Car parking/scooter parking, both for employees and visitorsshould be designed in such a way that the area is separate and apart fromthe main building. Employees should conduct their own check <strong>of</strong> vehiclesbefore parking the same in the designated area. Vehicles <strong>of</strong> visitors shouldbe checked above and below and wherever feasible, the visitor should bedropped and vehicle made to be parked outside the compound, to be calledwhen necessary. Any incident <strong>of</strong> important/sensitive nature should bereported to senior <strong>of</strong>ficer incharge available.35.4 Identity cards/Personal Identification Criteria35.4.1 Government servants are provided photo Identity Cards whichshould be rigorously checked at the outer perimeter and again at the<strong>Page</strong> 230 <strong>of</strong> 230

inner entry point. Similarly, all visitors/service personnel will have toshow some form <strong>of</strong> identity before being admitted.35.4.2 Sample Identity Cards <strong>of</strong> MHA and other organisations whosepersonnel frequent our premises should be kept with the outerperimeter guard and similarly look out notices sent by localpolice/intelligence agencies, with or without photographs <strong>of</strong> wantedaccused should be available for reference with him. In case <strong>of</strong>introduction <strong>of</strong> new types <strong>of</strong> Identity Cards by CBI to adopt fool pro<strong>of</strong>systems, the information is to be furnished to all branches and <strong>of</strong>fices<strong>of</strong> CBI located elsewhere. However, SP In-charge <strong>of</strong> branch/NodalOfficer will have to check the current status and tighten up thesystem as and when warranted.35.4.3 It is clarified that visiting cards/letter heads <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers are notsufficient identification or pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> identity and they will have to besupported with verifiable documents such as driving license, serviceIdentity cards, PAN Cards, Voter’s Identity Card etc.35.4.4 Door frame metal detectors, if not already available should beinstalled at the earliest at the inner entry point <strong>of</strong> all branches. Handheld metal detector should also be available for frisking. However,both these gadgets are only supplements to thorough physical friskingand checking by security personnel. Sharp edged objects and anyother material which can be used as weapon <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fence may beretained by the security staff till the departure <strong>of</strong> the visitor.35.5 Anti Sabotage Checks35.5.1 ASC (Anti Sabotage Check) need not be necessarily associatedwith sophisticated equipment. All that is initially needed is vigilanceand security consciousness on the part <strong>of</strong> the staff. It starts with theperson and goes on to the work premises. It can be done by anybodybut everybody should do it, because the safety <strong>of</strong> a branch is thecommon or group concern.35.5.2 Firstly, branch personnel should check their own bags,briefcases etc. before starting for <strong>of</strong>fice. Enroute, they should ensurethat no one tampers with them. Luggage boots <strong>of</strong> cars and scooters,either personal or <strong>of</strong>ficial, should be checked and always kept locked.A visual check <strong>of</strong> the under carriage, engine and the boot may bemade before locking the car at the parking site. At all times, oneshould be aware <strong>of</strong> one's surroundings and notice anything that isamiss, out <strong>of</strong> context or placed in an awkward or unnecessaryposition. Thus, one's work table, room/cabin and storage area likealmirahs, drawers <strong>of</strong> table etc. will have to be visually checked. Any<strong>Page</strong> 231 <strong>of</strong> 231

object lying in the room which was not present on the previous daymay be queried and even removed. General visual check <strong>of</strong> the branchwill be done every morning by the nodal <strong>of</strong>ficer who should have acheck list with him. A model check list will be sent later to allbranches but each location can prepare its own list <strong>of</strong> places andpoints to be visually and manually checked. There is no hard and fastrule in the matter but the underlying emphasis should be oneliminating unauthorised objects. Visual ASC should be conducted <strong>of</strong>electrical points, fixtures and also electronic items like computers,Xerox machines and FAX machines. One's own telephone/extensionshould also be opened from the bottom every week and daily visualcheck is absolutely essential. A trained <strong>of</strong>ficer should brief the branchpersonnel about the correct method <strong>of</strong> ASC but, in the meantime, ourbasic police procedures for rummaging and search can be used.35.5.3 Equipment for anti sabotage check comes in various shapesand sizes but we can certainly invest in viewing mirrors (for looking atthe under carriage <strong>of</strong> vehicles), simple explosive detectors and mufflerbags (for covering & isolating suspicious objects). This expenditurecan be met from the normal budget. The same goes for door framemetal detectors and the hand-held version, touched upon earlier.35.5.4 Wherever feasible and approved by the appropriate authority inCBI, the branch <strong>of</strong>ficers should obtain the services <strong>of</strong> State SpecialBranch and related bodies <strong>of</strong> the Centre, to come for lecdems (lecturedemonstrations)<strong>of</strong> security precautions and anti sabotage checks.The talk/demonstration can be organised outside the premises. At nocost should the topography and site plan/building plan be madeavailable to anyone outside the organisation. CPWD should also bewarned not to part with the plans.35.6 Fire Fighting Measures35.6.1 Every branch and <strong>of</strong>fice premises in CBI should have properfire control system. There should be a well laid down procedure <strong>of</strong> firecontrol . Staff members should be repeatedly educated about firecontrol procedures. The capster <strong>of</strong> chemical and soda should bechecked and ensured that it is not timed barred.35.6.2 In the multistoried buildings, particularly where we aretenants, the fire control plan should be known to us (For details seeAnnexure-XVII). All the staff members should take part in the firecontrol drill organised by the fire service or by the building supervisorrespectively. The emergency exits and external stair case for speedyevacuation should be known to all members.<strong>Page</strong> 232 <strong>of</strong> 232

35.6.3 The local fire service can be requested to demonstrate firecontrol measures and also educate the staff about precautions to betaken. As far as possible, elementary precautions such as using ashtray for cigarette butts, switching <strong>of</strong>f electrical fittings and applianceswhen not required and preventing over heating <strong>of</strong> junctionboxes/plugs and preventing short circuits, can be observed by allmembers. It is important to have the nodal <strong>of</strong>ficer or in his absenceanother <strong>of</strong>ficer as fire drill coordinator. Without such a person, chaosand confusion could result. At all times, for major or minor fires, ourstaff should display good discipline and self control. First aid forminor burn and injuries should be known to the nodal <strong>of</strong>ficer andalso to some staff members. If there is a CGHS dispensary or medicalunit nearby, they should also be associated with the fire drill.Availability <strong>of</strong> ambulance or emergency vehicle should be ensured.Besides, the fire fighting equipments normally contained ingovernment <strong>of</strong>fices namely fire extinguishers, buckets <strong>of</strong> water andsand should always be available in a pre-designated spot. Usually it isfound that these buckets are empty and the buckets themselves haverusted and become unserviceable. Nodal Officer should inspect thefixtures and ensure that all <strong>of</strong> them including water pipes, alarm bellsand smoke detectors are in working order.35.6.4 Overhead/ceiling water sprinklers are now being provided incertain buildings. This equipment is very delicate in nature. Itresponds to changes in temperature and emitting <strong>of</strong> smoke. Hence,staff members should be advised not to burn papers and wastematerial in the <strong>of</strong>fice premises. The CPWD Engineers or buildingsupervisor should periodically check the sprinkler system and ensurethat it is in working order. Since water is not provided around theclock in all cities, we should have our own storage facility on the ro<strong>of</strong>or elsewhere. The bigger cities have water hydrants to be used by fireservice personnel. We should ensure that these areas are kept freefrom parking vehicles, rubbish and condemned articles are notdumped around this area. Elementary precautions to prevent fire canbe observed in all branches. For example, condemned article orarticles not in active use such as old carpets, wall hangings, s<strong>of</strong>a sets,wooden chairs and any other inflammable material should bepromptly disposed <strong>of</strong>f. Similarly, exposed wires and junctions shouldbe covered. As far as possible the wiring should be placed in PVC pipeand firmly attached to the wall instead <strong>of</strong> hanging loose in differentparts <strong>of</strong> the room. Concealed wiring should be adopted whereverfeasible.35.6.5 Finally in those branches which do not have fire controlmeasures or fire control plan, nodal <strong>of</strong>ficer should immediately startworking for a rudimentary system in place at the earliest. Of<strong>Page</strong> 233 <strong>of</strong> 233

particular relevance are places such as malkhana where valuable caserecords are stored. Similarly, the record room where crime files andother documents are stored should have excellent fire fightingarrangement. Volatile chemicals, various types <strong>of</strong> fuel and suchdangerous items should be specially packed and stored. Basementand barsati are equally vulnerable and should not be used asdumping grounds.35.6.6 Pest control particularly <strong>of</strong> rodents, is required in all branches,not only for preservation <strong>of</strong> documents and other material but alsobecause rats and other pests will cause damages to the electricalwiring and also to other important fittings. Special precautions shouldbe taken at the time <strong>of</strong> Diwali and other festivals as also marriagesand local celebrations where fire crackers are used. Ro<strong>of</strong> tops <strong>of</strong> thebuilding should not contain any inflammable material which cancatch fire if a fire cracker falls on it accidentally. Similarly, windowsand ventilators should always be kept shut, particularly in <strong>of</strong>f dutyhours.35.7 Document security and security <strong>of</strong> valuables35.7.1 As our organisation has a document oriented work atmosphere,proper storage <strong>of</strong> documents is essential to counter hazards. The ageold system <strong>of</strong> storing case documents in steel trunks is not such abad idea provided we know what documents are contained in whichtrunk and do not retain unnecessary records with us. The generaltendency is for IOs to store their documents in wooden or steelalmirahs and this needs to give way to the work station concept inwhich over head bins retain only those papers which are required ona daily basis. The bulkier records seized or required for examinationand scrutiny need to be stored in a fire pro<strong>of</strong> room deep within thebranch premises.35.7.2 Branches will have to go in for fire pro<strong>of</strong> cabinets and ensurethat the malkhana has two or three such cabinets to store valuableproperties such as currency notes, share and stock certificates,computer CD ROMs and floppies as well as gold and jewellery items.The degree <strong>of</strong> security required for the malkhana is the greatest.Hence, as mentioned earlier, chemicals and other inflammablematerial should not be stored in the malkhana. Documents securityincludes the reprographic facilities such as xerox machine, duplicatormachine and fax machine which need to be kept under the personalcontrol <strong>of</strong> a responsible member <strong>of</strong> the staff. Unnecessary copiesshould be destroyed by using the shredding machine. At no costshould we use the old method <strong>of</strong> burning <strong>of</strong> the papers. The latter isnot efficient or fool pro<strong>of</strong>.<strong>Page</strong> 234 <strong>of</strong> 234

35.7.3 Transit <strong>of</strong> documents and despatch and receipt <strong>of</strong> files areequally important in documents security. Within the same station,files have to be sent in properly sealed covers through dispatch ridersand dak vehicles and the peon book should be signed by a responsiblemember <strong>of</strong> the receiving <strong>of</strong>fice. The carriage <strong>of</strong> dak should beprotected against bad weather, road traffic accident, misplacementand wrong deliveries as well as theft and deliberate mischief.Currently, air bags are being used in addition to normal postalfacilities for dispatch and receipt <strong>of</strong> other important documents.Besides the requirement <strong>of</strong> maintaining shadow files, it will bedesirable to send important files through a special messenger. Thedak boxes should be made <strong>of</strong> steel and "leather bastas" should beused only for storage <strong>of</strong> local dak.35.7.4 Security classification <strong>of</strong> documents is very essential. It is wellknown that top secret documents should always be sent in doublecover with double acknowledgment slip but documents with lesserdegree <strong>of</strong> security classification should also be handled very carefully.Indeed no document should emanate from any branch without someform <strong>of</strong> security classification. It is also emphasised that NGOreferences should remain with the <strong>of</strong>ficer himself and should not besent to the section. Every branch <strong>of</strong>ficer and supervisory <strong>of</strong>ficershould have proper storage facility to keep such files in his personalcustody under lock and key. As far as possible, correspondenceshould be done by the <strong>of</strong>ficer himself or at the most by his PersonalSecretary alone. Separate dairy should be maintained for suchreferences. It is not only a good habit but a security requirement tolock up the files lying on the table in the evening when departing fromthe <strong>of</strong>fice. The most vulnerable part <strong>of</strong> the day is in the early morningwhen the <strong>of</strong>fice is opened for sweeping and cleaning and in theevening when the various rooms are locked up. If we are not careful,any type <strong>of</strong> mischief can be played during these vulnerable moments.In general it would be desirable for the <strong>of</strong>ficer to shut his own roomwhen departing in the evening and do so whenever he leaves the roomto attend meetings and other engagements within the building oroutside.35.7.5 Though the government buildings are generally immune frompetty theft or even attempts by pr<strong>of</strong>essional burglars, adequateprecaution should be taken to prevent entry through vulnerablepoints like ventilators, windows rear doors and elementary burglaralarm has to be installed to ensure that the duty <strong>of</strong>ficer or the guardsor the nearby police station is able to intercept and prevent a majortheft in the branch. Those branches which have a lock up and wherepolice custody suspects are kept for a few days or more, need to be<strong>Page</strong> 235 <strong>of</strong> 235

strengthened, particularly when the suspects are militants or belongto major criminal gangs. The possibility <strong>of</strong> rescue attempt by hisassociates cannot be ruled out. This brings into focus the weaponry inthe branch. The available weapons should be cleaned and keptserviceable at all times. Regular fire practice has to be given to allstaff members.35.8 Information SecurityAll the CBI branches are provided with computers and most <strong>of</strong>these computers are interconnected with each other through anetwork. Since information <strong>of</strong> confidential nature is stored andexchanged in most <strong>of</strong> these computers, it is essential that head <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>fice takes all precautions to ensure absolute security to theinformation and to make their systems impenetrable to the hackerattacks.35.8.1 Security precautions for network Administrators/usersSystem Administrator/HeadOf Department to ensureThat employee code may beused as login ID for eachauthorised userAll users periodically briefed,regarding SOPs and latestthreats and precautionsthat all users change theirpass words periodicallythat the Data is backed-up ona weekly basisfacility for Internet Access isnever attached or installed inthe CBI network.that temporary files from Tempfolder is regularly deleted.that no user with other thanhis own login name/passwords is allowed to access.that files are named properlyfor enabling search/retrieval atAll Users to ensure thatPasswords generated are <strong>of</strong>atleast 10 characters.Passwords contain alphanumeric and symboliccharacters.Passwords are neither noteddown nor disclosed to anyone.Character combinations thatare not available indictionary are used forgenerating passwords.That Internet is notaccessed on CBI network.They log <strong>of</strong>f their machine incase any one wants to leaveeven for a short while.Their login name/passwordsare not used by anyone evenfor a short while.That files are namedproperly for enabling<strong>Page</strong> 236 <strong>of</strong> 236

a later stage.that Server and nodes areinstalled in a secure location.that no games are installed inNetwork. He will removegames that are part <strong>of</strong> OS.Devising mock exercises toeducate users regardingnetwork security threats.Proper supervision on serviceengineers who are given accessfor repair/maintenance.that no unauthorisedprograms are loaded into thecomputer.that no external disk/CDs areloaded into the Drives.that disks/CDs scanned forviral activity before using.that all floppy disks/CDRomsare maintained cleanly andsafely.that UPS is On beforeswitching on Server/Nodes.search/retrieval at a laterstage.That they delete unwanteduser-created files. However,one should not delete filesthat one is not sure about.They use floppy disks, CD-ROMS/ DVD ROMS/MICROVAULTS etc.They follow proper switchingon/ shutdown procedures.35.9 Security/Threat response, alerting Local Police, GovernmentAgencies etc.35.9.1 As soon as information is received about threat to thepremises <strong>of</strong> headquarters/branch, duty <strong>of</strong>ficer, control room could bemade nodal <strong>of</strong>fice to inform the various securities agencies like DelhiPolice, I.B. etc. It will do so under the instructions <strong>of</strong> the nodal <strong>of</strong>ficerincharge <strong>of</strong> security <strong>of</strong> the premises. Thus, the information receivedshould be authentic and credible and should be verifiable by our ownstaff or by the security agencies. A letter, a telephone call or any othertype <strong>of</strong> intimation needs to be acted upon immediately.35.9.2 Some anti-social /anti-national elements may pose threat tothe security <strong>of</strong> CBI <strong>of</strong>ficers or CBI buildings. In order to avoiduntoward incident and leakage <strong>of</strong> discreet information, it is essentialto take utmost care while furnishing information to any person<strong>Page</strong> 237 <strong>of</strong> 237

egarding <strong>of</strong>ficers/location <strong>of</strong> CBI buildings by incharge controlroom/D.O./person on telephone duty. Somebody in the guise <strong>of</strong>senior <strong>of</strong>ficers may try to gather information about cases or any suchsensitive information or information about custody <strong>of</strong>accused/witnesses etc. should be handled with tact.35.9.3 Bomb blankets whenever made available in the control roomshould be used when there is a suspected bomb, placed either in ascooter / car / open place and there should be sufficient materialavailable by way <strong>of</strong> ropes and pedestrian stands to cordon <strong>of</strong>f thesuspected area.35.9.4 In the unlikely event <strong>of</strong> firearms being used by assailants,either against specific targets outside the premises or inside, and ifshots are fired at the windows / apertures, there should be a definiteresponse by way <strong>of</strong> defensive fire. This firing by our personnel will beresorted to only as it takes time for the local police and other securityagencies to reach the spot.35.9.5 Regular range practice is required for the PSOs <strong>of</strong> senior<strong>of</strong>ficers as well as control room staff (including reception staff) whoshould be able to withstand the first assault. The armory should beplaced deep inside the premises, well away from the entrance. Thicksteel plated doors and fire pro<strong>of</strong> arrangements are required toprevent assailants from capturing our firearms and ammunition.35.9.6 Evacuation <strong>of</strong> the staff through various entrance or throughexit points should be carried out with minimum effort and maximumefficiency. The loose papers and files should be placed within thealmirahs and fire hazards thus eliminated.35.9.7 Similarly, the electrical main switch and master valve <strong>of</strong> theoverhead tanks should be switched <strong>of</strong>f / shut so that the damage tothe premises is minimum. If the building is equipped with watersprinkler system, the operation <strong>of</strong> the system should be such thatvaluable documents and other case properties are not damaged.35.9.8 Inflammable material such as petroleum products, chemicals,plastic and nylon tubes etc. should not be stored within the buildingat any time. The correct procedure for storage <strong>of</strong> such material is touse a out house or separate storage area away from the mainbuilding. Similarly, vehicles parked in the basement or on the groundfloor whenever required, should be removed immediately and takento a safe location.<strong>Page</strong> 238 <strong>of</strong> 238

35.9.9 The attack or crisis control room should be located away fromthe area <strong>of</strong> threat. There should be telephonic communication as wellas wireless facilities between the crisis control room and the effectedarea so that instructions can be passed on to the staff facing theattack.35.9.10 Medical aid including first aid boxes, should be kept atdifferent stations within the premises so as to be <strong>of</strong> some use duringcrises. The location and route to the nearest M.I. Room as well as theroute to the nearest multi speciality hospital with emergencyoperation facilities should be known either to the control room staffon the nodal <strong>of</strong>ficer (Security).35.9.11 Coordination with local police agencies will have to be workedout through coordination meeting to be held individually andseparately for each branch. As conditions may vary, branch <strong>of</strong>ficersare requested to hold these meeting at the earliest and agree uponthe correct procedure for a coordinating response to the threat. Inheadquarters, the designated <strong>of</strong>ficer should hold the coordinationmeeting with the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment Officer who arecoordinating security arrangements in the CGO Complex.35.10 Contingency Plan35.10.1 In the event <strong>of</strong> a threat / actual attack, the contingency planavailable with the nodal <strong>of</strong>ficer should have two main divisionsnamely short term and immediate response and long term /containment plan. In the former all the counter measures mentionedin the previous chapter be included. In the latter, the effort will be toconduct normal <strong>of</strong>fice routine from either the same premises or from adifferent premises, so that our basic work does not suffer.35.10.2 The contingency plan will vary from attacks on individuals, toattacks on teams, to attacks on premises <strong>of</strong> our branch or courtpremises. In the case <strong>of</strong> attacks on individuals, the driver <strong>of</strong> thebranch vehicle will have to be trained in <strong>of</strong>fensive and defensivedriving. He will have to be equipped with sufficient knowledge <strong>of</strong>defensive measures. He should also know the route to the nearestmedical facility. Above all, he should know to use a firearm andshould be able to substitute for the PSO if the latter is injured orincapacitated.35.10.3 When groups <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers are attacked, there should be asufficient pre planned response to the attack. If the <strong>of</strong>ficers areproceeding for a search /arrest/court work and the attack takesplace in a public area, they should be instructed before hand about<strong>Page</strong> 239 <strong>of</strong> 239

the various possibilities available to them to counter the attack. Thiswould apply to prisoners being taken to court in police custody.Sufficient number <strong>of</strong> firearms should be carried by the party escortingthe prisoner to the court or to the Jail.35.10.4 If the attack is in the court premises, the existing securityarrangements in the court should be used to counter the attack. Most<strong>of</strong> the special courts and designated courts are located within theKatchery premises in which the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> District Magistrate, DistrictSuperintendent <strong>of</strong> Police or Sub Division Police Officer are located.Hence, help can be taken from these agencies to counter the attack.35.10.5 In the case <strong>of</strong> individual personnel or vulnerable branchesengaged in investigating sensitive cases, request should be made tothe state police to provide sufficient armed guards around the clock.Similarly emergency telephone lines should be installed (hot line)connecting branch or the residential premises with a local policestation.35.10.6 Contingency plan for prolonged period should provide fornormal <strong>of</strong>fice routine in borrowed premises which are equallystrengthened and made secure. This eventuality will arise if theoriginal branch or <strong>of</strong>fice premises was partly or entirely effected by theattack and was not usable for routine work.35.10.7 As far as possible, every premises and property owned by theOrganisation should have a clear route <strong>of</strong> escape. Usually, old carsand other unnecessary material obstruct the rear entrance and thelane leading from it. Periodic inspections should avoid such unsafepractices. Contingency plan for <strong>of</strong>ficers / groups on the move shouldhave provision for safe routes which are less congested and whichwould lead them to safety in another branch or to the premises <strong>of</strong> thebig police station or police lines.35.10.8 Every branch should, as part <strong>of</strong> its security plan, practice andrehearse the contingency plan periodically so that all staff membersare aware <strong>of</strong> the steps to be taken. If the new member <strong>of</strong> the staff joinswork, he should be separately briefed by the nodal <strong>of</strong>ficer.35.10.9 In residential areas where families are more vulnerable propercompound walls should be set up and access control should beenforced. If a child is abducted or kidnapped, there should be a welldefined plan to meet the emergency.<strong>Page</strong> 240 <strong>of</strong> 240

35.10.10 Blood groups <strong>of</strong> all the staff should be readily available with thenodal <strong>of</strong>ficer as also the individual allergy / reaction to specific drugsand medicines such as Penicillin, steroid etc.35.11 Role <strong>of</strong> control room staff-Officers <strong>of</strong> the branch should also issue the following set <strong>of</strong>instructions to <strong>of</strong>ficers/men in the branch, who handle such tasks :i) The person attending the telephone call must not partwith any information unless he is absolutely sure about theidentity <strong>of</strong> the caller.ii) Must always enquire about the telephone number <strong>of</strong> thecaller and then call him back to give the information soughtfor. This will also establish the genuineness <strong>of</strong> the callsreceived in the control room/D.O.iii) The <strong>of</strong>ficers/men on duty during the day and nightshifts must be properly briefed and told thatleaders/activitists <strong>of</strong> the terrorists outfit such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and others have adopted a new modus-operandi tocollect sensitive information about the Indian SecurityAgencies. The nature <strong>of</strong> information which may be <strong>of</strong> interestto the terrorists is :a) Name, address and telephone number <strong>of</strong> senior <strong>of</strong>ficersparticularly those engaged in anti-terrorists operations.b) Details about political leaders and their programmes/movements.c) Movement/deployment <strong>of</strong> security forces.d) Details about a particular incident.e) Progress in investigation <strong>of</strong> specific cases, etc.The information on the aforesaid points should not be divulgedto callers whose identity is not properly established.<strong>Page</strong> 241 <strong>of</strong> 241

36. OFFICE PROCEDURE-MEANING OFVARIOUS TERMSThe terms used in this Manual carry the special meanings asdescribed below :36.1 'File' means a collection <strong>of</strong> papers on a specific subject matterassigned a file number and consisting <strong>of</strong> one or more <strong>of</strong> the followingparts:(a)(b)(c)(d)CorrespondenceNotesAppendix to correspondenceAppendix to notes36.2 'Appendix to correspondence' in relation to a file meanslengthy enclosures to a communication (whether receipts or issue) onthe file, inclusion <strong>of</strong> which in the correspondence portion is likely toobstruct smooth reading <strong>of</strong> the correspondence or make thecorrespondence portion unwieldy.36.3 'Appendix to notes' in relation to a file means a lengthysummary or statement containing detailed information concerningcertain aspects <strong>of</strong> the question discussed on the file, incorporation <strong>of</strong>which in the main note is likely to obscure the main point or makethe main note unnecessarily lengthy.36.4 'Branch Officer' in relation to a section means the <strong>of</strong>ficer whotakes the work directly from the section.36.5 'Case' means a current file or a receipt together with otherrelated papers, if any.36.6 '<strong>Central</strong> Issue Section' means the unit within a departmentresponsible for typing <strong>of</strong> drafts, comparing <strong>of</strong> fair copies, preparation<strong>of</strong> pads for signature and despatch <strong>of</strong> communication to theaddressees and includes functionaries like residential clerk and nightduty clerk. In departments where centralised typing pool does notexist in central issue section, this section will be responsible only fordespatch <strong>of</strong> signed communications to the addressees.<strong>Page</strong> 242 <strong>of</strong> 242

36.7 '<strong>Central</strong> receipt and issue section' means a unit within adepartment consisting <strong>of</strong> the central registry and the central issuesection.36.8 '<strong>Central</strong> registry' means a unit within a department chargedwith the responsibility <strong>of</strong> receiving, registering and distributing dakmeant for that department and includes functionaries like residentclerk and night duty clerk.36.9 'Classified dak' means dak bearing a security grading.36.10 ‘Come-back case’ means a case received back for furtheraction such as re-examination or preparing a draft or a summary <strong>of</strong>the case.36.11 'Correspondence portion' in relation to a file means theportion containing 'receipts' and <strong>of</strong>fice copies <strong>of</strong> 'issue' pertaining tothe file, including self-contained inter-departmental notes butexcluding those recorded on the notes portion <strong>of</strong> the file itself.36.12 'CR No.' means the serial number assigned by the centralregistry to dak in the Dak register preceded by the code letteridentifying the register.36.13 'Current file' means a file, action on which has not beencompleted.36.14 'Dak' includes every type <strong>of</strong> written communication such asletter, telegram, fax, e-mail, interdepartmental note, file, which isreceived, whether by post or otherwise, in any department for itsconsideration.36.15 'Dealing hand' means any functionary such as a lower divisionclerk, an upper division clerk, an assistant, entrusted with initialexamination and noting upon cases.36.16 'Department' means any <strong>of</strong> the Ministries, Departments,Secretariat and Offices mentioned in the First Schedule to theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India (Allocation <strong>of</strong> Business) Rules.36.17 'Departmental index' means a consolidated index <strong>of</strong> filesopened by different sections <strong>of</strong> a department during a year (exceptthose <strong>of</strong> a classified nature or those proposed to be retained for lessthan 10 years) arranged in a single series in the alphabetical order <strong>of</strong>the catch-words under which they have been indexed.<strong>Page</strong> 243 <strong>of</strong> 243

36.18 'Departmental instructions' means instructions issued by adepartment to supplement or vary the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Manual <strong>of</strong>Office Procedure.36.19 'Diarist' means a Clerk within a section charged with theresponsibility inter alia <strong>of</strong> maintaining the section diary.36.20 'Diarising' means registering <strong>of</strong> receipts in the section diary.36.21 'Diary number' means the serial number assigned to a receiptin the section diary followed by the year and the abbreviated symbol<strong>of</strong> the section, e-g. 105/72 - O&M.36.22 'Docketing' means making <strong>of</strong> entries in the notes portion <strong>of</strong> afile about the serial number assigned to each item <strong>of</strong> correspondence(whether receipt or issue) for its identification.36.23 'Final disposal' in relation to a case under considerationmeans completion <strong>of</strong> all action thereon culminating, where necessary,in the issue <strong>of</strong> final orders or final reply to the party from which theoriginal communication emanated.36.24 'Fresh receipt (FR)' means any subsequent receipt on a casewhich brings in additional information to the disposal <strong>of</strong> the paperunder consideration.36.25 'Indexing' in relation to a file means indicating its title underappropriate catchwords arranged in their alphabetical order with aview to facilitate its location in the event <strong>of</strong> need.36.26 'Index slip' means a card or a paper slip displaying the title <strong>of</strong>a file under a catchword, followed by a reference to its file number.36.27 'Issue' means a communication issued in a case.36.28 'Issue <strong>of</strong> draft' includes all stages <strong>of</strong> action after the approval<strong>of</strong> a draft ending with despatch <strong>of</strong> the signed communication to theaddressee, e.g. fair typing, comparing, attaching enclosures, preparingpads for signature, preparing covers; making entries in the despatchregisters and messenger books, affixing stamps where necessary etc.36.29 'Messenger book or Peon book' means a record, maintained instandard form O&M 13 or any other form, <strong>of</strong> particulars <strong>of</strong> despatch<strong>of</strong> non-postal communications and their receipt by the addressees.36.30 'Minute' means a note recorded by the President, the Vice-President, the Prime Minister or a Minister.<strong>Page</strong> 244 <strong>of</strong> 244

36.31 'Note' means the remarks recorded on a case to facilitate itsdisposal, and includes a precis or previous papers, a statement or ananalysis <strong>of</strong> the questions requiring decision, suggestions regarding thecourse <strong>of</strong> action and final orders passed thereon.36.32 'Notes portion' in relation to a file means the portioncontaining notes or minutes recorded on a case.36.33 ‘Ordinary postal dak' means postal dak for which no specificacknowledgement is obtained by the Posts and Telegraphs Offices.36.34 ‘Paper under consideration (PUC)' means a receipt on a case,the consideration <strong>of</strong> which is the subject matter <strong>of</strong> the case.36.35 'Personal staff' in relation to a functionary means and includesprivate secretary, personal assistant, stenographer, assistant, clerk orany other clerical staff appointed to assist him as well as the personalsection <strong>of</strong> a Minister.36.36 'Postal communication' means a communication despatchedby post and includes telegram.36.37 'Postal Dak' means all the dak received through posts andTelegraphs <strong>of</strong>fices.36.38 'Receipt' means dak after it has been received by theconcerned section/<strong>of</strong>ficer.36.39 'Record Clerk' means a clerk in a section responsible inter aliafor typing and maintaining index slips and for looking after routineaspects or recording work.36.40 'Recording' means the process <strong>of</strong> closing a file after action onall the issues considered thereon has been completed, and includesoperations like completing references, removing routine papers,revising the file title, changing the file cover and stitching the file.36.41 'Reference folder' in relation to a particular subject means afolder containing copies <strong>of</strong> relevant rules, orders, instructions, etc.arranged in chronological order.36.42 'Running summary <strong>of</strong> facts' in relation to a case means asummary <strong>of</strong> the facts <strong>of</strong> the case updated from time to time toincorporate significant developments as and when they take place.36.43 'Section' means the basic work unit within a department,responsible for attending to items <strong>of</strong> work allotted to it. It is generally<strong>Page</strong> 245 <strong>of</strong> 245

headed by a section <strong>of</strong>ficer and includes 'Cell', 'Unit' and other liketerms.36.44 'Sectional note' means a note recorded on only one <strong>of</strong> themany issue raised in the PUC.36.45 'Section Officer' means an <strong>of</strong>ficer supervising a section andincludes functionaries like superintendent and assistant-in-charge, orHead Clerk.36.46 'Security grading' means security marking 'Confidential',‘Secret’ or 'Top Secret'.36.47 'Standing guard file' on a subject means a compilationconsisting <strong>of</strong> the following three parts :-(a)(b)(c)a running summary <strong>of</strong> the principles and policy relating to thesubject with number and date <strong>of</strong> relevant decisions or ordersquoted in margin against each;copies <strong>of</strong> the decisions or orders referred to, arranged inchronological order ; andmodel forms <strong>of</strong> communications to be used at different stages.36.48 'Standing note' in relation to a subject means a continuingnote explaining, among other things, the history and development <strong>of</strong>the policy and procedure, designed to serve as :(a)(b)(c)a complete background material for review <strong>of</strong> the existing Policyor procedure;a brief for preparing replies to Parliament questions or notes forsupplementary thereto; andinduction or training material.36.49 'Standing process sheet' means a standard skeleton notedeveloped for a repetitive item <strong>of</strong> work, indicating predeterminedpoints <strong>of</strong> check or aspects to be noted upon.36.50 'Urgent dak' means dak marked 'immediate' or 'priority', andincludes telegrams, wireless messages, and fax messages.<strong>Page</strong> 246 <strong>of</strong> 246

37. MACHINERY OF GOVERNMENT37.1 The President –The executive power <strong>of</strong> the Union formally vests in thePresident and may be exercised by him either directly or through<strong>of</strong>ficers subordinate to him, in accordance with the Constitution.37.2 The Council <strong>of</strong> Ministers -(i)In the exercise <strong>of</strong> his functions, the President is aided andadvised by a council <strong>of</strong> Ministers headed by the Prime Minister.In the actual practice, the executive authority resides in theCouncil <strong>of</strong> Ministers.(ii)The Council <strong>of</strong> Ministers consists <strong>of</strong> three categories <strong>of</strong>Ministers, namely :(a) Ministers <strong>of</strong> Cabinet rank ;(b) Ministers <strong>of</strong> State ; and(c) Deputy Ministers.(iii)The Cabinet, which consists <strong>of</strong> Ministers <strong>of</strong> the first categoryonly, is responsible for shaping the overall policies <strong>of</strong> theGovernment. In discharging its responsibilities, it sometimesfunctions through its committees.37.3 Transaction <strong>of</strong> Government Business(i)Among the rules issued by the President for the convenienttransaction <strong>of</strong> the business <strong>of</strong> the Government under Article77(3) <strong>of</strong> the Constitution, are :(a) The Government <strong>of</strong> India (Allocation <strong>of</strong> Business)Rules ; and(b) The Government <strong>of</strong> India (Transaction <strong>of</strong>Business) Rules.(ii)The allocation <strong>of</strong> Business Rules allocate the business <strong>of</strong> theGovernment among its different departments which areassigned to the charge <strong>of</strong> the Ministers by the President on theadvice <strong>of</strong> the Prime Minister. In relation to the businessallotted to a Minister, these rules also permit the association <strong>of</strong><strong>Page</strong> 247 <strong>of</strong> 247

another Minister or Deputy Minister to perform such functionsas may be specifically assigned to him.(iii)The Transaction <strong>of</strong> Business Rules seek to define the authority,responsibility and obligations <strong>of</strong> each department in the matter<strong>of</strong> disposal <strong>of</strong> business allotted to it. While providing that thebusiness allotted to a department will be disposed <strong>of</strong>f by, orunder the direction <strong>of</strong>, the Minster-In-Charge, these rules alsospecify :(a) cases or classes <strong>of</strong> cases to be submitted to thePresident, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet or its committees forprior approval;(b) the circumstances in which the department primarilyconcerned with the business under disposal will have toconsult other departments concerned and secure theirconcurrence before taking final decision.37.4 Department-(i)A department is responsible for the formulation <strong>of</strong> the policies<strong>of</strong> the Government within its sphere <strong>of</strong> responsibility and als<strong>of</strong>or the execution and review <strong>of</strong> those policies.(ii)For the efficient disposal <strong>of</strong> business allotted to it, adepartment is divided into wings, divisions, branches andsections.(iii)A department is normally headed by a Secretary to theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India who acts as the Administrative Head <strong>of</strong>the Department and Principal Adviser <strong>of</strong> the Minister on allmatters <strong>of</strong> policy and Administration within the department.(iv)Where the volume <strong>of</strong> work in a department exceeds themanageable charge <strong>of</strong> a Secretary, one or more wings may beestablished with a Secretary/Special Secretary/AdditionalSecretary/Joint Secretary in charge <strong>of</strong> each wing. Such afunctionary is normally vested with the maximum measure <strong>of</strong>independent functioning and responsibility in respect <strong>of</strong> thebusiness falling within his wing subject, however, to the overallresponsibility <strong>of</strong> the Secretary for the Administration <strong>of</strong> thedepartment as a whole.(v)A section is generally the lowest organisational unit in adepartment with a well-defined area <strong>of</strong> work.It normally<strong>Page</strong> 248 <strong>of</strong> 248

consists <strong>of</strong> assistants and clerks supervised by a SectionOfficer/OS/Head Clerk. Initial handling <strong>of</strong> cases (includingnoting and drafting) is generally done by assistants and clerkswho are also known as the dealing hands.(vi)While the above represents the commonly adopted pattern <strong>of</strong>organisation <strong>of</strong> a department, there are certain variations, themost notable among them being the desk <strong>of</strong>ficer system. Inthis system the work <strong>of</strong> a department at the lowest level isorganised into distinct functional desks, each manned by an<strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> appropriate rank, e.g. Under Secretary or SectionOfficer, who handles the cases himself and is providedadequate stenographic/clerical assistance.37.5 Attached and subordinate <strong>of</strong>fices -(i)Where the execution <strong>of</strong> the policies <strong>of</strong> the Government requiresdecentralisation <strong>of</strong> executive action and/or direction, adepartment may have under it executive agencies called'Attached' and ‘Subordinate' <strong>of</strong>fices.(ii)Attached <strong>of</strong>fices are generally responsible for providingexecutive direction required in implementation <strong>of</strong> the policieslaid down by the department to which they are attached. Theyalso serve as repository <strong>of</strong> technical information and advise thedepartment on technical aspects <strong>of</strong> questions dealt with bythem.(iii)Subordinate <strong>of</strong>fices generally function as field establishmentsor as agencies responsible for the detailed execution <strong>of</strong> thepolicies <strong>of</strong> Government. They function under the direction <strong>of</strong>an attached <strong>of</strong>fice, or where the volume <strong>of</strong> executive directioninvolved is not considerable, directly under a department. Inthe latter case, they assist the departments concerned inhandling technical matters in their respective fields <strong>of</strong>specialisation.(iv)CBI Head Office is an attached <strong>of</strong>fice under the CabinetSecretariat and the CBI Offices are the subordinate <strong>of</strong>fices. Theconfiguration <strong>of</strong> CBI, its hierarchy, divisions, zones, regions,branches and units has already been explained in Chapter-1.<strong>Page</strong> 249 <strong>of</strong> 249

38. DAK-RECEIPT, REGISTRATION ANDDISTRIBUTION38.1 Receipt <strong>of</strong> dak(i)During <strong>of</strong>fice hours, the entire dak <strong>of</strong> a department/<strong>of</strong>ficeincluding that addressed to Ministers/Officers by name, will bereceived in the <strong>Central</strong> Registry/Receipt Section. Where,however, immediate/important dak addressed toMinisters/Officers by name is sent through special messengersdirectly to the addressees themselves, it will be received bythem or their personal staff.27 (ii) Outside <strong>of</strong>fice hours, dak will be received :28 (a) by the addressees themselves at their residences, if marked‘immediate’ and addressed by name; and29 (b) in other cases by :(i)(ii)the night duty clerk or constable or Control Room <strong>of</strong> thedepartment concerned, orwhere no such arrangements exist, by the <strong>of</strong>ficer designated bythe department/<strong>of</strong>fice concerned to receive such dak.38.2 Acknowledgement <strong>of</strong> dakThe receipt <strong>of</strong> dak, except ordinary postal dak, will beacknowledged by the recipient signing his name in full and in ink.38.3 Registration <strong>of</strong> dak(i) Urgent dak will be separated from other dak and dealt withfirst.(ii) All covers, except those addressed to Ministers/Officers byname or those bearing a security grading, will be opened by the<strong>Central</strong> Registry/Receipt Section.(iii)On opening dak, the <strong>Central</strong> Registry will check enclosures andmake a note <strong>of</strong> any found missing.(iv) All opened dak, as well as the covers <strong>of</strong> unopened classifieddak, will be date-stamped vide specimen mentioned below :-__________________________Department/Office <strong>of</strong> ..............Received on .............................<strong>Page</strong> 250 <strong>of</strong> 250

CR No......................................Sec. Dy. No.___________________________(v)The entire dak will then be sorted out section-wise (and <strong>of</strong>ficerwise,if addressed by name). To facilitate this, the <strong>Central</strong>Registry/Receipt Section will maintain an alphabetical index <strong>of</strong>the subjects dealt with the each section.(vi)The following categories <strong>of</strong> dak will be registered by the <strong>Central</strong>Registry/Receipt Section in the dak register.(a) Telegrams, wireless messages and telex message.(b) Registered postal dak.(c) Inter-departmental files.(d) Court summons and receipts enclosing valuabledocuments, e.g. service books, agreements, cheques/draftsetc.,(e) Parliament questions, resolutions, cut motions andreferences seeking information relating to them.(f) Unopened inner covers containing classified dak.(g) Letters from Members <strong>of</strong> Parliament, and(h) Any other category covered by departmentalinstructions.(vii)The <strong>Central</strong> Registry/Receipt Section will maintain one or moredak registers as may be found convenient. In no case,however, will a single register be operated upon by two or moreclerks. Where more than one dak register is maintained, eachregister will be identified with an alphabetical code letter ‘A’,‘B’, ‘C’ and so on.(viii)The C.R. No./Receipt No. assigned to dak in the dak register,will be exhibited on the dak in the appropriate place in thestamp affixed on it.38.4 Distribution <strong>of</strong> dak(i)The <strong>Central</strong> Registry/Receipt Section will prepare an invoiceseparately for each section to which the dak is to bedistributed. The dak, alongwith invoice, will be sent to thesection concerned and acknowledged by the diarist. Theinvoice, duly signed, will then be returned to the <strong>Central</strong>Registry/Receipt Section where it will be filed section-wise anddate-wise.<strong>Page</strong> 251 <strong>of</strong> 251

(ii)Alternatively, dak may be distributed and acknowledgementobtained in messenger books or dak register maintainedsection-wsie.(iii)The above procedure will also apply to the dak meant forMinisters/Officers which will be acknowledged by theirpersonal staff.(iv)Urgent dak will be distributed as and when received. Otherdak may be distributed at suitable intervals (i.e. 11 AM, 2 PM,and 4 PM). Such part <strong>of</strong> the ordinary dak as is received too lateto be included in the last daily round, will be kept ready fordistribution early next day. The <strong>of</strong>ficial in charge <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong>Registry will ensure:(a) that, as far as possible, sorting, registration andinvoicing <strong>of</strong> dak is completed on the day <strong>of</strong> its receipt; and(b) that, to the extent to which the above work cannot becompleted during the day, and without prejudice to theprocessing <strong>of</strong> urgent dak, the night duty staff attends to it.(v)Urgent dak received outside <strong>of</strong>fice hours will be sent to thesections concerned, if there is staff on duty. In other cases, suchdak will be dealt with in accordance with the instructions issuedby the department concerned.<strong>Page</strong> 252 <strong>of</strong> 252

39. RECEIPT-SUBMISSION AND DIARISATION39.1 Perusal and marking <strong>of</strong> receipt :The diarist will submit all receipts to the SectionOfficer/OS/Head Clerk who will :(i)go through the receipts;(ii)mark mis-sent receipts to the sections concerned;(iii)separate those which, either under the departmentalinstructions or in his discretion, should be seen by higher<strong>of</strong>ficers before they are processed and mark them to such<strong>of</strong>ficers;(iv)mark to himself such <strong>of</strong> the remaining receipts as are <strong>of</strong> adifficult nature or present any special features requiring hispersonal attention;(v)mark other receipts to the dealing hands concerned, and,where necessary, indicate urgency grading and give directionsregarding line <strong>of</strong> action;(vi)keep a note in his diary <strong>of</strong> important receipts requiring promptaction or disposal by a specified date; and(vii)submit the case to the <strong>of</strong>ficer who last noted on it, if it is onereturned by another department.39.2 Diarising <strong>of</strong> receipts:(i)The diarist will diarise in the section diary (Annexure -XVIII) allthe receipts except the following before they are submitted tothe <strong>of</strong>ficers concerned or distributed among the dealing hands:(a) receipts which, as a class, are adequately taken care <strong>of</strong>by a register specially devised for the purpose (e.g. telephonebills which are entered in telephone bill register);(b) unsigned communications on which no instructionshave been recorded by <strong>of</strong>ficers and on which no action is to betaken;<strong>Page</strong> 253 <strong>of</strong> 253

(c) identical copies <strong>of</strong> representations, save the onereceived first;(d) post copies <strong>of</strong> telegrams unless the endorsementcontains a message in additional to that contained in thetelegrams;(e) petty contingent vouchers such as those relating to nightduty or overtime claims <strong>of</strong> the staff, claims for coolie hire orconveyance hire, chits asking for articles <strong>of</strong> furniture,stationery etc.;(f) routine acknowledgements;(g) casual leave applications;(h) copies <strong>of</strong> miscellaneous circulars, <strong>of</strong>fice memoranda,extracts, etc., circulated by any section for general information,e.g., orders <strong>of</strong> general application, telephone lists, notices <strong>of</strong>holidays, tour programmes, etc.; and(i) any other types <strong>of</strong> receipts which under departmentalinstructions are not required to be diarised.(ii)Inter-departmental notes, telegrams, or any other category orreceipts sought to be distinguished from the rest, may beentered in the section diary in red ink.(iii)Papers referred to another department will be diarised eachtime they are received back. For those referred under diarynumbers, however, previous and later entries in the diary willbe linked by giving the earlier and the later diary numbersagainst each entry.(iv)If a receipt is diarised after a lapse <strong>of</strong> more than 15 days fromthe date it bears the entry regarding date in column 3 <strong>of</strong> thesection diary, it will be circled in red ink.(v)The diary number <strong>of</strong> a receipt will be indicated in the spaceprovided for the purpose in the stamp affixed by the <strong>Central</strong>Registry.(vi)The Section Officer/O.S/Head Clerk will scrutinise the sectiondiary once a week to ensure that it is being properlymaintained and append his dated initials in token <strong>of</strong> thescrutiny.39.3 Movement <strong>of</strong> receipts(i)Receipts submitted to <strong>of</strong>ficers will move in pads conspicuouslylabelled as “Receipts Pad”. Their movement and perusal willreceive prompt attention.<strong>Page</strong> 254 <strong>of</strong> 254

(ii)The Section Officer/OS/Head Clerk will keep a careful watchon any hold-up in the movement <strong>of</strong> receipts. The diarist willbring to his notice any receipts which are not received backfrom <strong>of</strong>ficers within 24 hours.39.4 Action by higher <strong>of</strong>ficersOfficers to whom receipts are submitted will:(i)(ii)go through the receipts and initial them;remove receipts which they may like to dispose <strong>of</strong>f withoutassistance from section or to submit to higher <strong>of</strong>ficers;(iii)enter the diary numbers <strong>of</strong> the receipts removed on the movementslip;(iv)(v)where necessary, give directions regarding line <strong>of</strong> action to betaken on other receipts; andreturn the receipts together with movement slip, if any, to theSection Officer/OS/head Clerk for action above.39.5 Allocation <strong>of</strong> disputed receiptsIf a section feels that it is not concerned with a mis-sent receiptforwarded to it, the same should be brought to the notice <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>ficer designated by the department for deciding allocation <strong>of</strong>disputed receipts.<strong>Page</strong> 255 <strong>of</strong> 255

40. ACTION ON RECEIPTS40.1 Action by dealing hand:The dealing hand will :(i)go through the receipts and separate urgent receipts from therest;(ii)enter the receipts in the assistant’s diary (Annexure-XIX);(iii)deal with the urgent receipts first;(iv)check enclosures and, if any, is found missing, initiate actionto obtain it;(v)see whether any other section is concerned with any part oraspect <strong>of</strong> a receipt and, if so, send copies or relevant extracts tothat section for necessary action;(vi)bring the receipt on to a current file if one already exists oropen a new file and indicate file No. in column 3 <strong>of</strong> theassistant’s diary;(vii)file papers as per the procedure <strong>of</strong> filing <strong>of</strong> papers;(viii)assign the receipt a serial number and page number;(ix)docket the receipt and reproduce on the notes portion <strong>of</strong> the fileremarks, if any, made by an <strong>of</strong>ficer on the receipt;(x)with the help <strong>of</strong> file registers, indexes, precedent book,standing guard files, reference folders etc., locate and collectother files or papers, if any, referred to in the receipt, or havinga bearing on the issues raised therein;(xi)identify and examine the issue involved in the case and recorda note;(xii)arrange reference papers in the case properly;(xiii)where necessary, attach a label indicating urgency gradingappropriate to the case;<strong>Page</strong> 256 <strong>of</strong> 256

(xiv)put up the case to the appropriate higher <strong>of</strong>ficer; and(xv)indicate the date <strong>of</strong> submission in column 4 <strong>of</strong> the assistant’sdiary.40.2 Action by Section Officer(i)The section <strong>of</strong>ficer/OS/Head Clerk will:(a) scrutinise the note <strong>of</strong> the dealing hand;(b) finally dispose <strong>of</strong>f routine cases;(c) take intermediate routine action;(d) record, where necessary, a note setting out his owncomments or suggestions; and(e) submit the case to the appropriate higher <strong>of</strong>ficer.(ii)What constitutes “routine cases” or “intermediate routineaction” in terms <strong>of</strong> (b) and (c) above will be specified by eachdepartment in its departmental instructions.40.3 Examination by sectionWhen the line <strong>of</strong> action on a receipt is obvious or is based on aclear precedent or practice, or has been indicated by a higher <strong>of</strong>ficer,and a communication has to issue, a draft will be put up without anyelaborate note. In other cases, the section, while putting up a case,will :(i)see whether all the statements are correct;(ii) point out mistakes, mis-statements, missing data orinformation, if any;(iii)draw attention, where necessary, to the statutory or customaryprocedure and point out the relevant law and rules;(iv)furnish other relevant data or information available in thedepartment, if any;(v)state the question for consideration and bring out clearly thepoints requiring decision;(vi)draw attention to precedents;(vii)evaluate relevant data and information; and<strong>Page</strong> 257 <strong>of</strong> 257

(viii)suggest, where possible, alternative course <strong>of</strong> action forconsideration.40.4 Action by higher <strong>of</strong>ficersOfficers above the level <strong>of</strong> Section Officer will take final actionon different classes <strong>of</strong> cases in accordance with such departmentalinstructions as may be issued by the department concerned fromtime to time.40.5 Departure from normal procedures <strong>of</strong> RulesIn every case where a major or minor infraction, other thantrivial, <strong>of</strong> the existing procedures or rules is sought to be made, itshall be the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the decision making authority toensure that reasons are set out in writing, warranting such adeparture from the rules or procedures.40.6 Running summary <strong>of</strong> facts (Self contained note)To facilitate consideration and to obviate repeatedrecapitulation, a running summary <strong>of</strong> facts will be prepared andplaced on the file in a separate folder labelled as such in every casein which it is evident that such a summary would contribute to itsspeedy disposal. This summary will also include the advice or views<strong>of</strong> other departments, consulted in the matter but not opinions <strong>of</strong>individual <strong>of</strong>ficers within a department. It should be kept upto datewhenever further developments take place.40.7 Guidelines for noting(i)All notes should be concise and to the point. Lengthy notesshould normally conclude with a para bringing out clearly butbriefly the points for consideration or decision. Paragraphs <strong>of</strong>notes should be serially numbered.(ii)The verbatim reproduction <strong>of</strong> extracts from or para-phrasing <strong>of</strong>the paper under consideration, fresh receipt, or any other part<strong>of</strong> correspondence or notes on the same file, should not beattempted.(iii)When passing orders or making suggestions, an <strong>of</strong>ficer willconfine his note to the actual points he proposes to makewithout reiterating the ground already covered in the previous<strong>Page</strong> 258 <strong>of</strong> 258

notes.If he agrees to the line <strong>of</strong> action suggested in thepreceding note, he will merely append his signature.(iv)Any <strong>of</strong>ficer, who has to note upon a file on which a runningsummary <strong>of</strong> facts is available will, in drawing attention to thefacts <strong>of</strong> the case, refer to the appropriate part <strong>of</strong> the summarywithout repeating it in his own note.(v)Unless a running summary <strong>of</strong> facts is already available on thefile or the last note on the file itself serves that purpose, a selfcontainedsummary will be put up with every case submitted tothe Minister. Such a summary will bring out briefly but clearlyrelevant facts, including the views expressed on the subject byother departments, if any, consulted in the matter and thepoint or points on which the orders <strong>of</strong> the Minister are sought.(vi)If apparent errors or mis-statements in a case have to bepointed out or if an opinion expressed therein has to becriticised, care should be taken to couch the observations incourteous and temperate language free from personal remarks.(vii)When a paper under consideration raises several major points,each requiring detailed examination and orders, each point willbe noted upon separately in sectional notes.(viii)Notes and orders will normally be recorded on note sheets.(ix)The dealing hand will append his initial with date on the left,below his note. The section <strong>of</strong>ficer and higher <strong>of</strong>ficers willappend their signature on the right hand side <strong>of</strong> the notes.40.8 Modification <strong>of</strong> notes or orders(i)Senior <strong>of</strong>ficers should not require any modification in, orreplacement <strong>of</strong>, the notes recorded by their juniors once theyhave been submitted to them. Instead, the higher <strong>of</strong>ficersshould record their own notes giving their views on the subject,where necessary, correcting or modifying the facts given inearlier notes. In any case, the replacement or modification <strong>of</strong>the notes which have already been recorded on a file, when thefile has been further noted upon by others, should not bepermitted.(ii)Where a final decision already communicated to a party isfound later on to have been given on a mistaken ground orwrong facts or wrong interpretation <strong>of</strong> rules due to<strong>Page</strong> 259 <strong>of</strong> 259

misunderstanding, such withdrawal may also have legalimplications. In all such cases, in addition to consulting theMinistry <strong>of</strong> Law, wherever necessary, such a withdrawal shouldbe permitted only after the approval <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficer higher thanthe one who took the original decision, has been obtained andreasons for the reversal or modification <strong>of</strong> the earlier decisionhave been duly recorded on the file.40.9 Noting on files received from other departments(i)If the reference seeks the opinion, ruling or concurrence <strong>of</strong> thereceiving department and requires detailed examination, suchexamination will normally be done separately through routinenotes and only the final result will be recorded on the file bythe <strong>of</strong>ficer responsible for commenting upon the reference. The<strong>of</strong>ficer to whom such a note is submitted will either accept thatnote or record a note <strong>of</strong> his own. In the former case, he maydirect that the note in question or a specified portion there<strong>of</strong>may be reproduced on the main file for communication to thedepartment concerned. In the latter case, he will record asuitable note on the main file itself. In either case, a copy <strong>of</strong>the note recorded on the main file will be kept on the routinenotes for retention in the receiving department before the file isreturned to the originating department.(ii)Where the reference requires information <strong>of</strong> a factual nature orother action based on a clear precedent or practice, the dealinghand in the receiving department may note on the filestraightaway.(iii)Where a note on a file is recorded by an <strong>of</strong>ficer after obtainingthe orders <strong>of</strong> a higher <strong>of</strong>ficer, the fact that the views expressedtherein have the approval <strong>of</strong> the latter should be specificallymentioned.40.10 Aids to processingTo facilitate processing <strong>of</strong> cases, each section will develop andmaintain the following records for important subjects dealt with by it:-(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)only); and(v)standing guard files;standing notes;precedent bookstandard process sheets (for repetitive items <strong>of</strong> workreference folders containing copies <strong>of</strong> circulars etc.<strong>Page</strong> 260 <strong>of</strong> 260

40.11 Oral discussions(i)All points emerging from discussions between two or more<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the same department and the conclusions reachedwill be recorded on the relevant file by the <strong>of</strong>ficer authorisingaction.(ii) All discussions/instructions/decisions which the <strong>of</strong>ficerrecording them considers to be important enough for thepurpose, should be got confirmed by all those who haveparticipated in or are responsible for them. This is particularlydesirable in cases where the policy <strong>of</strong> the Government is notclear or where some important departure from the prescribedpolicy is involved, or where two or more levels differ onsignificant issues or the decision itself, though agreed upon byall concerned, is an important one.40.12 Oral instructions by higher <strong>of</strong>ficers(i)Where an <strong>of</strong>ficer is giving direction for taking action in any casein respect <strong>of</strong> matters on which he or his subordinate haspowers to decide, he shall ordinarily do so in writing. If,however, the circumstances <strong>of</strong> the case are such that there isno time for giving the instructions in writing, he should followit up by a written confirmation at his earliest.(ii)An <strong>of</strong>ficer shall, in the performance <strong>of</strong> his <strong>of</strong>ficial duties, or inthe exercise <strong>of</strong> powers conferred on him, act in his bestjudgement except when he is acting under instructions <strong>of</strong> an<strong>of</strong>ficial superior. In the latter case he shall obtain thedirections in writing wherever practicable before carrying outthe instructions, and where it is not possible to do so, he shallobtain written confirmation <strong>of</strong> the directions as soon thereafteras possible. If the <strong>of</strong>ficer giving the instructions is not hisimmediate superior but one higher to him in the hierarchy, heshall bring such instructions to the notice <strong>of</strong> his immediatesuperior at the earliest.40.13 Oral orders on behalf <strong>of</strong> or from Minister(i)Wherever a member <strong>of</strong> the personal staff <strong>of</strong> a Ministercommunicates to any <strong>of</strong>ficer an oral order on behalf <strong>of</strong> theMinister, it shall be confirmed by him in writing immediatelythereafter.<strong>Page</strong> 261 <strong>of</strong> 261

(ii)If any <strong>of</strong>ficer receives oral instructions from the Minister orfrom his personal staff and the orders are in accordance withthe norms, rules, regulations or procedures, they should bebrought to the notice <strong>of</strong> the Secretary (or the Head <strong>of</strong> theDepartment where the <strong>of</strong>ficer concerned is working in or undera non-secretariat organisation).(iii)If any <strong>of</strong>ficer receives oral instructions from the Minister orfrom his personal staff and the orders are not in accordancewith the norms, rules, regulations or procedures, he shouldseek further clear orders from the Secretary (or the Head <strong>of</strong> theDepartment in case he is working in or under a non-secretariatorganisation) about the line <strong>of</strong> action to be taken, statingclearly that the oral instructions are not in accordance with therules, regulations, norms and procedures.40.14 Confirmation <strong>of</strong> oral instructions(i)If an <strong>of</strong>ficer seeks confirmation <strong>of</strong> an oral instruction given byhis superior, the latter should confirm it in writing wheneversuch confirmation is sought.(ii)Receipt <strong>of</strong> communications from junior <strong>of</strong>ficers seekingconfirmation <strong>of</strong> oral instructions should be acknowledged bythe senior <strong>of</strong>ficers or their personal staff, or the personal staff<strong>of</strong> the Minister, as the case may be.40.15 Channel <strong>of</strong> submissionUnless otherwise provided for in the departmental instructionseach case will travel upto the appropriate decision-making levelthrough all the intermediate levels in the hierarchy.40.16 Direct submission <strong>of</strong> cases by senior assistants(i)Every assistant in a conventional section who has more thanfive years service in the grade including at least six months inthe concerned section may be required to submit all his casesdirect to the branch <strong>of</strong>ficer. However, in appropriate cases,assistants with less than five years service in the grade mayalso be permitted to submit cases direct to branch <strong>of</strong>ficer.(ii)All the cases directly submitted by assistants to the branch<strong>of</strong>ficer should, as a rule, go back to the assistants through theSection Officer. The Section Officer will, however, be free to<strong>Page</strong> 262 <strong>of</strong> 262

ing to the notice <strong>of</strong> the branch <strong>of</strong>ficer any omission or flawsin the submission <strong>of</strong> cases or the decisions taken and thus givean opportunity to the branch <strong>of</strong>ficer to reconsider the matter.40.17 Examination and progressing <strong>of</strong> cases in which two or moreauthorities are consultedWhere two or more state Governments, <strong>Central</strong> Departments orother authorities are simultaneously consulted, the examination and,where necessary, tabulation <strong>of</strong> the replies will ordinarily be started assoon as replies begin to arrive and not held over till the receipt <strong>of</strong> allthe replies or the expiry <strong>of</strong> the target date.40.18 Filing <strong>of</strong> papers(i)Papers required to be filed will be punched on the left hand topcorner and tagged on to the appropriate part <strong>of</strong> the file, viz,notes, correspondence, appendix to notes and appendix tocorrespondence, in chronological order, from left to right, thelatest being at the bottom.(ii)Normally, each part <strong>of</strong> the file will be placed in a separate filecover. Where, however, ‘notes’ and 'correspondence' are notbulky, both may be placed in a single file cover by tagging thecorrespondence portion on to the right side <strong>of</strong> the cover and thenotes portion on the left side <strong>of</strong> the same cover. Similarly, boththe appendix to notes and appendix to correspondence may befiled in a single file cover, if they are not bulky.(iii) Routine receipts and issues (e.g. reminders,acknowledgements) and routine notes will not be allowed toclutter up the file. They will be placed below the file in aseparate cover and destroyed when they have served theirpurpose.(iv)When either the ‘notes’ or the ‘correspondence’ portion <strong>of</strong> a filebecomes bulky (say, exceeds 100 pages), it will be stitched andmarked ‘Volume I’. Further papers on the subject will be addedto the new volume <strong>of</strong> the same file, which will be marked‘Volume II’, and so on.40.19 Arrangement <strong>of</strong> papers in a case<strong>Page</strong> 263 <strong>of</strong> 263

The papers in a case will be arranged in the following orderfrom top, downwards:(i)reference books;(ii)notes portion <strong>of</strong> the current file ending with the note forconsideration;(iii)running summary <strong>of</strong> facts;(iv) (iv) draft for approval, if any;(v)Correspondence portion <strong>of</strong> the current file ending with thelatest receipt or issue, as the case may be;(vi)appendix to notes and correspondence;(vii)standing guard file, standing note or reference folder, if any;(viii)other papers, if any, referred to e.g. extracts <strong>of</strong> notes orcorrespondence from other files, copies <strong>of</strong> orders, resolutions,gazettes, arranged in chronological order, the latest beingplaced on the top;(ix)recorded files, if any, arranged in chronological order, the latestbeing placed on the top; and(x)routine notes and papers arranged in chronological order andplaced in a separate cover.40.20 Referencing(i)Every page in each part <strong>of</strong> the file (viz. notes, correspondence,appendix to notes, and appendix to correspondence) will beconsecutively numbered in separate series, in pencil, blankintervening pages, if any, will not be numbered.(ii)Each item <strong>of</strong> correspondence in a file, whether receipt or issue,will be assigned a serial number which will be displayedprominently in red ink on the right top corner <strong>of</strong> its first page.(iii)The paper under consideration on a file will be flagged “PUC”and the latest fresh receipt noted upon, as “FR”. In nocircumstances, will a slip other than “PUC” and (FR), beattached to any paper in a current file. If there are more than<strong>Page</strong> 264 <strong>of</strong> 264

one FRs, they should be flagged separately as ‘FR.I’, ‘FR II’ andso on.(iv)In referring to the papers flagged ‘PUC’ or ‘FR’ the relevant pagenumbers will be quoted invariably in the margin. Other papersin a current file will be referred to by their page numbers only.(v)Recorded files and other papers put up with the current file willbe flagged with alphabetical slips for quick identification. Onlyone alphabetical slip will be attached to a recorded file orcompilation. If two or more papers contained in the same fileor compilation are to be referred to, they should be identified bythe relevant page numbers in addition to the alphabetical slip,e.g. ‘A’/23.N, ‘A’/17.C, and so on.(vi)To facilitate the identification <strong>of</strong> references to papers containedin other files after the removal <strong>of</strong> slips, the number <strong>of</strong> the filereferred to will be quoted invariably in the body <strong>of</strong> the note andthe relevant page numbers, together with the alphabetical slipattached thereto, will be indicated in the margin. Similarly, thenumber and date <strong>of</strong> orders, notifications and resolutions, and,in the case <strong>of</strong> acts, rules and regulations, their brief titletogether with the number <strong>of</strong> the relevant section, rule,paragraph or clause, referred to will be quoted in the body <strong>of</strong>the notes, while the alphabetical slips used, will be indicated inthe margin.(vii)Rules or other compilations referred to in a case need not beput up if copies there<strong>of</strong> are expected to be available with the<strong>of</strong>ficer to whom the case is being submitted. The fact <strong>of</strong> suchcompilations not having been put up will be indicated in themargins <strong>of</strong> the notes in pencil.(viii)The reference slips will be pinned neatly on the inside <strong>of</strong> thepapers sought to be flagged. When a number <strong>of</strong> papers put upin a case are to be flagged, the slips will be spread over theentire width <strong>of</strong> the file so that every slip is easily visible.40.21 Linking <strong>of</strong> files(i)If the issues raised in two or more current files are sointerconnected that they must be dealt with togethersimultaneously, the relevant files will be linked in the mannerindicated in (ii) below. Such linking may also be resorted to if apaper on one current file is required for reference in dealing<strong>Page</strong> 265 <strong>of</strong> 265

with another current file unless a copy <strong>of</strong> the paper can beconveniently placed on the first file.(ii)When files are to be linked, strings <strong>of</strong> the file board <strong>of</strong> the lowerfile (but not its flaps) will be tied round the upper file and those<strong>of</strong> the file board or flap <strong>of</strong> the upper file tied underneath it in abow out <strong>of</strong> the way so that each file is intact with all itsconnected papers properly arranged on its file board or flap.(iii)On receipt after completion <strong>of</strong> action, the linked files will beimmediately delinked after taking relevant extracts and placingthem on the linked files, where necessary.40.22 Use <strong>of</strong> urgency gradings(i)The two urgency gradings authorised for use on cases are‘immediate’ and ‘priority’.(ii)The label ‘immediate’ will be used only in the cases requiringprompt attention. The “Priority’ label will be used for caseswhich, though not warranting prompt attention, have normallyto be given precedence over those not bearing any urgencygrading.(iii)The grading <strong>of</strong> urgency assigned to a case will be reviewed byall concerned at different stages <strong>of</strong> its progress and, wherenecessary, revised. This is particularly important for casesproposed to be referred to other departments.<strong>Page</strong> 266 <strong>of</strong> 266

41. FORMS AND PROCEDURE OFCOMMUNICATION41.1 Forms <strong>of</strong> written communicationThe different forms <strong>of</strong> written communications used by adepartment are described below. Each form has a use and, in somecases, a phraseology <strong>of</strong> its own.(i) Letter :(a) This form is used for corresponding with foreign governments,state governments, heads <strong>of</strong> attached and subordinate <strong>of</strong>fices,statutory bodies like the Union Public Service Commission, publicbodies and members <strong>of</strong> public generally. A letter begins with thesalutation “ Sir (s) or Dear Sir (s)”, as may be appropriate.(b) Official letter emanating from a department and purporting toconvey the views or orders <strong>of</strong> the Government <strong>of</strong> India mustspecifically be expressed to have been written under the directions <strong>of</strong>Government.(ii) Demi-<strong>of</strong>ficial letter :(a) This form is generally used in correspondence betweengovernment <strong>of</strong>ficers for an interchange or communication <strong>of</strong> opinionor information without the formality <strong>of</strong> the prescribed procedure. Itmay also be used when it is desired that a matter should receivepersonal attention <strong>of</strong> the individual addressed. Communications tonon-<strong>of</strong>ficials also can take the form <strong>of</strong> a demi-<strong>of</strong>ficial letter.(b)tone.It is written in the first person and in a personal and friendly(iii) Office Memorandum :This form is generally used for corresponding with other departmentsor in calling for information from or conveying information (notamounting to an order <strong>of</strong> Government) to its employees. It may alsobe used in corresponding with attached and subordinate <strong>of</strong>fices. It iswritten in the third person and bears no salutation or subscriptionexcept the name and designation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer signing it.<strong>Page</strong> 267 <strong>of</strong> 267

(iv) Inter-departmental note :(a) This form is generally employed for obtaining the advice, views,concurrence or comments <strong>of</strong> other departments on a proposal or inseeking clarification <strong>of</strong> the existing rules, instructions, etc. It mayalso be used by a department when consulting its attached andsubordinate <strong>of</strong>fices and vice-versa.(b) The inter-departmental note may either be recorded on a filereferred to another department or may take the form <strong>of</strong> anindependent self-contained note.(v) Office order :This form is normally used for issuing instructions meant for internaladministration e.g. grant <strong>of</strong> regular leave, distribution <strong>of</strong> work among<strong>of</strong>ficers and sections.(vi) Orders :This form is generally used for issuing certain types <strong>of</strong> financialsanctions and for communicating Government orders in disciplinarycases etc., to the <strong>of</strong>ficials concerned.(vii) Notification :This form is mostly used in notifying the promulgation <strong>of</strong> statutoryrules and orders, appointments and promotions <strong>of</strong> gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficersetc. through publication in the Gazette <strong>of</strong> India.(viii) Resolution :This form <strong>of</strong> communication is used for making public announcement<strong>of</strong> decision <strong>of</strong> Government in important matters <strong>of</strong> policy, e.g. thepolicy <strong>of</strong> industrial licensing, appointment <strong>of</strong> committees orcommissions <strong>of</strong> enquiry. Resolutions are also usually published inthe Gazette <strong>of</strong> India.(ix) Press Communique/note :This form is used when it is proposed to give wide publicity to adecision <strong>of</strong> Government. A press communique is more formal incharacter than a press note and is expected to be reproduced intactby the press. A press note, on the other hand, is intended to serve asa handout to the press which they may edit, compress or enlarge, asdeemed fit.<strong>Page</strong> 268 <strong>of</strong> 268

(x) Endorsement :This form is used when a paper has to be returned in original to thesender, or the paper in original or its copy sent to another departmentor <strong>of</strong>fice, for information or action. It is also used when a copy <strong>of</strong> acommunication is proposed to be forwarded to parties other than theone to which it is addressed. Normally this form will not be used incommunicating copies to State Government. The appropriate form forsuch communication should be a letter.41.2 Fax Messages and E-mail:(i)In CBI, all the branches have been provided with the facility <strong>of</strong>FAX. It is incumbent on the Head <strong>of</strong> Office <strong>of</strong> the concernedBranch to ensure that the facility <strong>of</strong> FAX is maintained properlyand is not misused. The FAX machine provided to thebranches should be used only for sending/receiving urgentmessages.(ii)Computers are provided to every branch <strong>of</strong> CBI. Branch SsPare authorised to subscribe to dial up internet connection upto100 hours on each occasion. Each Head <strong>of</strong> the Office andsenior <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> CBI have been provided with e-mail addresses<strong>of</strong> NIC mailing service. Branches should widely use thismeans <strong>of</strong> communication, which is fast and also inexpensive.41.3 Telephonic communications :(i) In purely routine matters not warranting a writtencommunication, departments may communicate with localparties over the telephone.(ii)In matters <strong>of</strong> extreme urgency, departments may communicatewith other parties, both local and outstation, over thetelephone. Where necessary, such communications may befollowed by written communications in the appropriate form.(iii)Telephone calls (including STD calls) will be regulated bydepartmental instructions.41.4 Correspondence with attached and subordinate <strong>of</strong>fices :<strong>Page</strong> 269 <strong>of</strong> 269

Department may correspond with attached and subordinate<strong>of</strong>fices under the control <strong>of</strong> other departments subject to generalinstructions as the latter may issue.41.5 Inter-departmental consultation :(i)Inter-departmental consultation may take the form <strong>of</strong> interdepartmentalnotes, inter-departmental meetings or oraldiscussions.(ii)In making written inter-departmental references, the followingpoints should be observed :(a) Inter-departmental references, will normally be madeunder the directions <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficer not below the rank <strong>of</strong> UnderSecretary or as may be provided by the departmentalinstructions.(b) The points on which the opinion <strong>of</strong> other departments issought or which it is desired to bring to their notice should beclearly stated.(c) Where possible, the drafts <strong>of</strong> the orders proposed to beissued may also be shown to the departments sought to beconsulted.(d) When it is necessary to consult more than onedepartment on a case, such consultation may be effectedsimultaneously by self-contained inter-departmental notesunless :(i)it involves copying <strong>of</strong> a large number <strong>of</strong>documents available on the file; or(ii) the need for consulting the second departmentwould arise only after the views <strong>of</strong> the first have becomeavailable.(iii) (a) When such reference requires concurrence<strong>of</strong> one or more Ministries under the Government <strong>of</strong> India(Transaction <strong>of</strong> Business) Rules, the following furtherpoints should be observed :<strong>Page</strong> 270 <strong>of</strong> 270

(i) the originating Ministry should invariablyprescribe a time limit when calling for commentsor concurrence from other Ministries.(ii)in case any <strong>of</strong> the Ministries so consulted is not ina position to send its comments/concurrencewithin the prescribed time limit, it should writeback promptly, and in any case, before theprescribed time limit and indicate the additionaltime they would require for furnishing their finalreply.(b) When such a reference does not require suchconcurrence under the rules, the originating Ministryneed not wait for the comments <strong>of</strong> other Ministry beyondthe prescribed time limit and it should feel free to goahead with its scheme/proposal without waiting anylonger.(c) The initiating Ministry should always feel free torecall its file from another Ministry to which such areference has been made on a file, if such a course isrequired to be adopted for expediting the process <strong>of</strong>decision making in the case. Such a decision to recall afile should be taken at a level not lower than that <strong>of</strong> aBranch Officer in the originating Ministry.(iv)Inter-departmental meetings may be held where it is necessaryto elicit the opinion <strong>of</strong> other departments on important casesand arrive at a decision within a limited time. No such meetingwill normally be convened except under the orders <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficernot below the level <strong>of</strong> Joint Secretary. In respect <strong>of</strong> suchmeetings, it will be ensured that:-(a)the representatives attending the meeting are <strong>of</strong>ficerswho can take decisions on behalf <strong>of</strong> their departments;(b) an agenda setting up clearly the points for discussion isprepared and sent alongwith the proposals for holding themeeting, allowing adequate time for the representatives <strong>of</strong> theirdepartments to prepare themselves for the meeting; and(c) a record <strong>of</strong> discussions is prepared immediately after themeeting and circulated to the other departments concerned,setting out the conclusions reached and indicating the<strong>Page</strong> 271 <strong>of</strong> 271

department or departments responsible for taking furtheraction on each conclusion.(v)Sometimes, it may be necessary to have oral discussions with<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> other departments, e.g. when ;(a) a preliminary discussion between the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> thedepartments concerned is likely to help in the disposal <strong>of</strong> thecase;(b)it is desirable to reach a preliminary agreement beforeproceeding further in the matter;(c)inter-departmental noting reveals a difference <strong>of</strong> opinionbetween two or more departments; or(d)it is proposed to seek only information or advice <strong>of</strong> thedepartment to be consulted.The result <strong>of</strong> such oral consultation should be recorded in asingle note on the file by the <strong>of</strong>ficer <strong>of</strong> the department to which thecase belongs. The note will state clearly the conclusions reached andthe reasons there<strong>of</strong>. A copy <strong>of</strong> the note will also be sent to thedepartments consulted in order that they have a record <strong>of</strong> theconclusions reached.41.6 References to the Attorney General <strong>of</strong> India :Reference to the Attorney General will be made only by theMinistry <strong>of</strong> Law, Justice and Company Affairs.41.7 References to the Comptroller and Auditor General <strong>of</strong> India:References to the Comptroller and Auditor General for his viewsor advice can be made only by or through the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance. Inmatters <strong>of</strong> day-to-day administration, departments may, however,correspond directly with the Comptroller and Auditor General at theirdiscretion.41.8 Reference to the Union Public Service Commission :Reference to the Union Public Service Commission willnormally be made in the form <strong>of</strong> letters addressed to the Secretary. Incertain matters, e.g. requisitions for recruitment, formal references<strong>Page</strong> 272 <strong>of</strong> 272

should ordinarily be preceded by informal discussions at appropriatelevels.41.9 Correspondence with Union Territory administrations :All communications <strong>of</strong> a routine nature which are clearlyrelatable to the business <strong>of</strong> a particular department, will ordinarily beaddressed to the Secretary in the appropriate department. Othercommunications may be addressed to the Chief Secretary or theAdministrator depending upon the importance <strong>of</strong> the matter.41.10 Correspondence with State Governments :(i)Communications on subjects clearly relatable to the business<strong>of</strong> a particular department will normally be addressed to theSecretary <strong>of</strong> that department.Other communications,including those <strong>of</strong> special nature or importance warrantingattention at higher levels, may be addressed to the ChiefSecretary.(ii)Communications other than those <strong>of</strong> a purely routine nature,e.g. acknowledgements, will not ordinarily be addressed toState Government except with the prior approval and over thesignature <strong>of</strong> the Branch Officer. Purely routinecommunications can, however, be signed by a Section Officer.41.11 Correspondence with Lok Sabha and Rajya SabhaSecretariats :41.12Communications meant for the Lok Sabha Secretariat or theRajya Sabha Secretariat and requiring urgent or high level attentionmay be addressed to the Secretaries concerned and not directly to theSpeaker or the Chairman.41.12 Correspondence with members <strong>of</strong> Parliament :(i)Communications received from members <strong>of</strong> Parliament shouldbe attended to promptly.(ii)Where a communication is addressed to a Minister, it should,as far as practicable, be replied to by the Minister himself. Inother cases, a reply should normally be issued over thesignature <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficer not below the rank <strong>of</strong> Joint Secretary.<strong>Page</strong> 273 <strong>of</strong> 273

(iii)Normally information sought by a member should be suppliedunless it is <strong>of</strong> such a nature that it would have been denied tohim even if asked for on the floor <strong>of</strong> the Houses <strong>of</strong> Parliament.(iv)As far as possible, in corresponding with members <strong>of</strong>Parliament, pre-printed or cyclostyled replies should beavoided.41.13 Correspondence with foreign Governments andInternational organisationsCorrespondence with foreign Governments and their Missionsin India, heads <strong>of</strong> Indian Diplomatic Missions and posts abroad andUnited Nations and its specialised agencies will normally bechannelised through the Ministry <strong>of</strong> External Affairs. The cases inwhich and the conditions subject to which direct correspondence maybe resorted to are indicated in the instructions entitled “Channel <strong>of</strong>communication between the Government <strong>of</strong> India and StateGovernments on the one hand; and foreign and Commonwealthgovernments or their Missions in India, Heads <strong>of</strong> India DiplomaticMissions and posts abroad and United Nations and its specialisedAgencies on the other” issued by the Ministry <strong>of</strong> External Affairs.41.14 Acknowledgements and interim replies :(i)All communications from members <strong>of</strong> Parliament, recognisedassociations, public bodies and members <strong>of</strong> the publicgenerally, which cannot be answered promptly will beacknowledged suitably. If any such communication is wronglyaddressed to a department, it will be transferred promptly tothe appropriate department under intimation to the partyconcerned.(ii)In all other cases in which delay is anticipated in sending out afinal reply, an interim reply will be sent to the party concernedat the earliest possible stage, indicating wherever possible theapproximate date by which a final reply may be expected.41.15 Target date for replies :In all important matters in which State Governments,departments <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government or other <strong>of</strong>fices, public bodiesor individuals are consulted, time limit for replies may ordinarily bespecified. On the expiry <strong>of</strong> the specified date, orders <strong>of</strong> theappropriate authority may be obtained whether the parties whose<strong>Page</strong> 274 <strong>of</strong> 274

eplies have not been received, may be allowed an extension <strong>of</strong> time orwhether the matter may be proceeded with, without waiting for theirreplies.<strong>Page</strong> 275 <strong>of</strong> 275

42. DRAFTING OF COMMUNICATIATION42.1 Procedure for drafting :(i)No draft will normally be prepared in simple and straightforward cases or those <strong>of</strong> a repetitive nature for which standardforms <strong>of</strong> communication exist. Such cases may be submittedto the appropriate <strong>of</strong>ficer with fair copies <strong>of</strong> the communicationfor signatures.(ii)When the line <strong>of</strong> action is obvious and no noting need be doneor when noting is necessary but examination <strong>of</strong> the matterdevelops a clear line <strong>of</strong> action, a draft will be put up straight forapproval; otherwise, a draft will be put up only after theappropriate <strong>of</strong>ficer has indicated or approved the line <strong>of</strong>action/or what the contents <strong>of</strong> the communication should be.(iii)An <strong>of</strong>ficer who has formulated his views on a case may eitherhave the fair communication made for his signature andauthorise its issue or prepare a draft and submit it to theappropriate <strong>of</strong>ficer for approval.42.2 General instructions for drafting :(i)A draft should carry the message sought to be conveyed in alanguage that is clear, concise and incapable <strong>of</strong> beingmisconstrued.(ii)Lengthy sentences, abruptness, redundancy, circumlocution,superlative and repetition, whether <strong>of</strong> words, observations orideas, should be avoided.(iii)Communications <strong>of</strong> some length or complexity should generallyconclude with a summary.(iv)Where appropriate, the subject should be mentioned incommunications (including reminders).(v)The number and date <strong>of</strong> the last communication in the series,and if this is not from the addressee, his last communicationon the subject, should always be referred to. Where it isnecessary to refer to more than one communication or a series<strong>of</strong> communications, this should be done in the margin <strong>of</strong> thedraft.<strong>Page</strong> 276 <strong>of</strong> 276

(vi)All drafts put up on a file should bear the file number. Whentwo or more communications are to issue from the same file tothe same addressee on the same date, a separate serial numbermay be inserted before the numeral identifying the year toavoid confusion in reference, e.g. 8/5(I)/54-Est., 8/5(II)/54-Est.(vii)A draft should clearly specify the enclosures which are toaccompany the fair copy. In addition, short oblique linesshould be drawn at appropriate places in the margin for readyreference by the typist, the comparers and the despatcher. Thenumber <strong>of</strong> enclosures should also be indicated at the end <strong>of</strong> thedraft on the bottom left <strong>of</strong> the page, thus, “Encl.3”.(viii)If copies <strong>of</strong> an enclosure referred to in the draft are availableand are, therefore, not to be typed, an indication to that effectwill be given in the margin <strong>of</strong> the draft below the relevantoblique line.(ix)If the communication to be despatched by post is important(e.g. a notice cancelling a licence or withdrawing an existingfacility) or encloses a valuable document such as anagreement, service book or a cheque, it should be sent underregistered post, insured cover or postal certificate, asappropriate.(x)The name, designation and telephone number <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer,over whose signature the communication is to issue, shouldinvariably be indicated on the draft.(xi)In writing or typing a draft, sufficient space should be left forthe margin and between successive lines to admit <strong>of</strong> additionsor interpolation <strong>of</strong> words, if necessary.(xii)A slip bearing the words “Draft for approval” should beattached to the draft. If two or more drafts are put on a file,the drafts as well as the slips attached thereto will be marked‘DFA-I’, ‘DFA-II’, ‘DFA-III’ and so on.(xiii)Drafts which are to issue as “Immediate” or “Priority” will be somarked under the orders or an <strong>of</strong>ficer not lower in rank than aSection Officer/O.S.(xiv)The <strong>of</strong>ficer concerned will initial on the draft in token <strong>of</strong> hisapproval.<strong>Page</strong> 277 <strong>of</strong> 277

42.3 Authentication <strong>of</strong> Government orders :(i)All the orders and other instruments made and executed in thename <strong>of</strong> the President should be expressed to be made in hisname and signed by an <strong>of</strong>ficer having regular or ex-<strong>of</strong>ficiosecretariat status <strong>of</strong> and above the rank <strong>of</strong> Under Secretary, orothers specifically authorised to authenticate such ordersunder the Authentication (Orders and Other Instruments)Rules, 1958.(ii)Where the power to make orders, notifications, etc. is conferredby a statute on the <strong>Central</strong> Government, such orders andnotifications will be expressed to be made in the name <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Central</strong> Government.42.4 Addressing communications to <strong>of</strong>ficers by name :Normally no communication, other than that <strong>of</strong> a classifiednature or a demi-<strong>of</strong>ficial letter, should be addressed or marked to an<strong>of</strong>ficer by name, unless it is intended that the matter raised thereinshould receive his personal attention either because <strong>of</strong> its specialnature, urgency or importance, or because some ground has alreadybeen covered by personal discussions with him and he would be in abetter position to deal with it.<strong>Page</strong> 278 <strong>of</strong> 278

43. ISSUE OF DRAFTS43.1 Marking <strong>of</strong> drafts for issue :(i)After a draft has been approved, the Section Officer/O.S./HeadClerk will :(a) Examine the draft to see that it is letter perfect i.e. allcorrections etc., have been properly carried out and that thereare no accidental errors;(b) Indicate if a clean copy <strong>of</strong> the draft is to be made for useas an <strong>of</strong>fice copy;(c) Specify the number <strong>of</strong> spare copies required, if any;(d) Ensure that copies <strong>of</strong> enclosures are attached to thedraft where these are available in the section;(e) Indicate whether fair copies are to be signed by the<strong>of</strong>ficer approving the draft or to be authenticated for issue bythe Section Officer <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section;(f) Give a clear indication on the draft, where acommunication is to be despatched by a special messenger onaccount <strong>of</strong> its special nature, importance or urgency;(g) Mark the draft for “issue” (if there are more than onedrafts for issue from the same file, indicate the total number <strong>of</strong>drafts e.g., ‘issue 3 drafts’;(h) Write the words “with file” on the draft where the filealso is to be sent to the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section (e.g. where copies<strong>of</strong> any paper contained therein are to be typed as enclosure);and(i) Pass on the file to the diarist.(ii) The diarist will :(a) Remove the draft, unless the file itself is to be sent to the<strong>Central</strong> Issue Section, place it in the pad prominently marked‘drafts for issue’ and make suitable entry (e.g. sent for issueon 07.04.1991) in the margin <strong>of</strong> the notes portion <strong>of</strong> the file;(b) Mark the movement in the file movement register wherethe file is to be sent with the draft.(c) Send the pad containing drafts for issue, alongwith fileswhere necessary, to the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section at appropriateintervals during the day; and(d) Report to the Section <strong>of</strong>ficer, at the end or each day, thenumber <strong>of</strong> drafts not received back within two days from thedate they were sent to the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section.<strong>Page</strong> 279 <strong>of</strong> 279

43.2 Stamping <strong>of</strong> drafts :On receipt in the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section, the drafts will bestamped with the use <strong>of</strong> an automatic numbering machine, havingan adjustable date, as per specimen in the margin.(Date)(S. No.)Typist ............................................Comparers .....................................43.3 Distribution <strong>of</strong> work among typists :(i) The drafts will then be placed before the SectionOfficer/OS/Head Clerk <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section/IssueSection who will mark them to the typist for fair typing byindicating their initial letters (e.g. “TKM”), in the space providedin the stamp for the purpose. To enable him to distribute thetyping work among the typists equitably, he will maintain adistribution chart.(ii)The typist will enter the drafts received by him for typing in thetypist’s diary.(iii)At the end <strong>of</strong> the day, the typist will submit the diary togetherwith the unfinished typing work to the Section Officer.(iv) The Section Officer/OS/Head Clerk will :(a) Complete the distribution chart;(b) Arrange for the typing <strong>of</strong> urgent untyped work outside<strong>of</strong>fice hours, where necessary; and(c) Take the arrears into account in allocating fresh work onthe next working day.43.4 Registration <strong>of</strong> drafts :(i)Before the drafts are handed over to the typists, they will beentered in the Issue Diary.(ii)Drafts <strong>of</strong> telegrams and other communications marked“Immediate” will be entered in red ink to distinguish them fromthe rest.<strong>Page</strong> 280 <strong>of</strong> 280

(iii)At the end <strong>of</strong> the day, the clerk maintaining the issue diary willsubmit his diary to the Section Officer/OS/Head Clerk forassessing arrears and taking appropriate action.43.5 General instructions regarding typing :(i)Urgent drafts will be attended to first.(ii)Fair copies <strong>of</strong> all communications will be typed on paper <strong>of</strong>suitable size, printed forms being used as far as possible. Ifplain paper is used, whether for the original communication orfor an endorsement, the name <strong>of</strong> the issuing department will betyped at the appropriate place.(iii)Fair copies will be typed with single spacing unless otherwisedirected.(iv)The oblique lines, as also the number <strong>of</strong> enclosures indicatedin the drafts, will be typed at the appropriate places.(v)The typist will type his initials with date in the left hand bottomcorner <strong>of</strong> the fair copy, e.g. HCK/13.05.1989.43.6 Comparison :The typed matter, alongwith the drafts and relevant files, if any,will be passed on by the typists to the comparers, who will :(a) Compare the fair copies with the drafts;(b) Initial (with date) in the space provided for the purposein the stamp affixed on the draft;(c) Attach enclosures, if any, and write the word ‘attached’below the oblique line on the <strong>of</strong>fice copy; and(d) Send the fair copies alongwith enclosures and theduplicate <strong>of</strong>fice copy, if any, together with the approved drafts,in a signature pad to the <strong>of</strong>ficer concerned for signature .43.7 Signing <strong>of</strong> fair copies :(i)Departments having centralised arrangements for fair typing <strong>of</strong>drafts may issue departmental instructions authorising SectionOfficer <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section to authenticate specifiedcategories <strong>of</strong> fair communications for issue.(ii)The Section Officers <strong>of</strong> the other Sections could also beauthorised to authenticate issue <strong>of</strong> such communications as<strong>Page</strong> 281 <strong>of</strong> 281

per (i) above, if the fair-typing <strong>of</strong> drafts is done in thosesections.(iii)Such authorisations, however, will not extend to:(a) Orders and instruments issued in the name <strong>of</strong> thePresident ;(b) Financial sanctions; and(c) Communications to Members <strong>of</strong> Parliament, StateGovernment, Public bodies and Members <strong>of</strong> the PublicGenerally.(iv)Authentication by Section Officers <strong>of</strong> the fair copies <strong>of</strong>communications for issue, where permitted, will be done in themanner prescribed.(v)Signing <strong>of</strong> fair communications and movement <strong>of</strong> ‘signaturepads’should receive prompt attention.(vi)On return <strong>of</strong> the signature pads, the comparers concerned willsee that the fair copies have been duly signed by the <strong>of</strong>ficer andthat corrections, if any, made by the <strong>of</strong>ficer while signing arecarried out in all the copies. The signed fair copies togetherwith <strong>of</strong>fice copies, drafts and relevant files, if any, will then bepassed on to the despatcher.43.8 General instructions regarding despatch :The despatcher will :(i) Date fair copy, <strong>of</strong>fice copy and spare copies, if any;(ii) Affix the stamp ‘Issued’ (after adjusting date) as perspecimen given in the margin, on the <strong>of</strong>fice copy and initial it;ISSUEDInitials(Date)(iii) Where for any reason an enclosure has to be sentseparately, make a note to that effect on the communication(both fair copy and <strong>of</strong>fice copy) and attach a slip to theenclosure indicating the number and date <strong>of</strong> thecommunication to which it relates;<strong>Page</strong> 282 <strong>of</strong> 282

(iv)Separate the communications to be sent by post fromthose to be delivered by hand, for further processing;(v) Enclose communications meant for despatch by post, orthose addressed to <strong>of</strong>ficers by name in covers <strong>of</strong> appropriatesize, ensuring at the same time that all communicationsintended for the same addressee are placed in a single cover;(vi) Use economy slips (O&M 32) for all covers except :(a) Those with bulky contents;(b) Those addressed to foreign Governments, privatebodies and members <strong>of</strong> the public; and(c) Those intended for despatch under registered orinsured covers.(vii) Where window envelopes are in use, fold the faircommunications in such a way that the address typed thereonis visible through the window;(viii) Where other covers are used, write the address and thenumber <strong>of</strong> the communication on an economy slip or the cover,as the case may be; and(ix):Bring to the notice <strong>of</strong> the Section Officer/OS/Head Clerk(a) Urgent communications which could not bedespatched on the day or their receipts; and(b) Ordinary communications which could not bedespatched even on the day following the day <strong>of</strong> theirreceipt.43.9 Despatch <strong>of</strong> postal communications :(i)The despatcher will hand over communications to be sent bypost to the daftry, who will:-(a) Separate those to be sent by foreign post from the rest;(b) Paste the telegrams, if typed on plain paper, over theprinted form <strong>of</strong> telegram supplied by posts and TelegraphsDepartment and affix service postage stamps <strong>of</strong> the appropriatevalue thereon;(c) If a credit deposit account is maintained for issuingtelegrams, affix rubber stamp indicating the credit depositaccount number assigned to the department in the spaceprovided for affixing postage stamps;<strong>Page</strong> 283 <strong>of</strong> 283

(d) Affix postage stamps <strong>of</strong> the appropriate value on covers,packets, etc., where necessary after weighing them, usingordinary postage stamps for foreign post and service postagestamps for inland post;(e) Where postal franking machines are in use, frank thecovers etc. instead or affixing postage stamps;(f) Stamp the postal covers with a rubber stamp bearing thename <strong>of</strong> the department, the name and designation <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>ficer in charge <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section, and the facsimile<strong>of</strong> his signature; and(g) Return the communications to the despatcher.(ii)The despatcher will enter particulars <strong>of</strong> the communicationsand the value <strong>of</strong> stamps affixed thereon in the despatchregister. (Annexure-XX(A)).(iii)In the case <strong>of</strong> telegrams, the serial number assigned to them inthe despatch register will be noted at a convenient place on thetop receipt portion <strong>of</strong> the printed telegram to facilitate thelinking <strong>of</strong> the telegram receipts to the relevant entries in thedespatch register.(iv)Departments despatching registered post exceeding in dailyaverage <strong>of</strong> 10 should use postal registration books so that theoutgoing registered communications could straightaway beentered in that book instead <strong>of</strong> in the despatch register. Eachentry in such a book will then be got stamped by the post<strong>of</strong>fice.(v)If a communication is to be sent by registered post(acknowledgement due), the number <strong>of</strong> the communicationsshould be written on the ‘acknowledgement card’ also so that,when received back, it can be sent to the section concerned.(vi) Telegrams should be despatched promptly. Registered andinsured articles should be sent to the post <strong>of</strong>fice well before theclosing hours prescribed for the receipt <strong>of</strong> suchcommunications. Other communications should be posted atconvenient intervals.(vii)Receipts for telegrams, registered and insured posts, etc.,should be checked carefully by the despatcher. These shouldbe filed properly for reference in the event <strong>of</strong> need.(viii)In <strong>of</strong>fices where despatch work is heavy and where centraldespatch registers are maintained in detail, the procedure for<strong>Page</strong> 284 <strong>of</strong> 284

maintenance <strong>of</strong> service postage stamp account will be as givenin Annexure-XX(B).43.10 Despatch <strong>of</strong> non-postal communications :(i)Non-postal communications should be sorted out according tothe location <strong>of</strong> the addressees, entered in messenger books andhanded over to messenger for delivery to the addressees.(ii)Messenger books should be numbered serially and an adequatenumber <strong>of</strong> such books allotted to each department/<strong>of</strong>fice orseveral departments/<strong>of</strong>fices grouped conveniently according totheir location.(iii)Urgent communications should be despatched promptly. Thetime <strong>of</strong> despatch should invariably be noted in the messengerbook. The recipients should similarly be required to indicatethe time <strong>of</strong> their receipt. Ordinary communication should bedespatched at least twice a day at suitable intervals.(iv)Only urgent communications will be despatched outside <strong>of</strong>ficehours. No communication should be sent to an <strong>of</strong>ficer at hisresidence unless :(a) It is <strong>of</strong> such a nature that action thereon cannot wait tillthe commencement <strong>of</strong> the next working day;(b) It is marked ‘immediate’ and addressed to the <strong>of</strong>ficer byname; and(c) Its delivery to the <strong>of</strong>ficer’s residence has been authorisedby the Branch Officer concerned at the despatching end.(v)After the communications have been delivered, the despatcherwill examine the messenger books to see that all thecommunications entered therein have been duly acknowledgedby the recipients under dated signatures written in ink.Instances where the communications have not beenacknowledged will be immediately brought to the notice <strong>of</strong> theSection Officer <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section for investigationand further suitable action.43.11 Return <strong>of</strong> papers after issue :After issue <strong>of</strong> fair communications the despatcher will makeover <strong>of</strong>fice copies, together with drafts and relevant files, if any, to theclerk maintaining the issue diary. The latter will return the papers to<strong>Page</strong> 285 <strong>of</strong> 285

the diarists <strong>of</strong> the sections concerned after making entries in column3 <strong>of</strong> the issue diary.43.12 Issue <strong>of</strong> inter-departmental notes :(i)Drafts <strong>of</strong> self-contained inter-departmental notes will be issuedin the same manner as any other draft.(ii)Inter-departmental notes sought to be recorded on files will befair typed and compared in the sections concerned butdespatched through the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section.(iii)Before sending the files to the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section fordespatch, the diarist will:(a) mark the movement in the file movement register in thecase <strong>of</strong> section’s own files, and in the section diary in othercases;(b) in respect <strong>of</strong> section’s own files, prepare a challan (O&M10) in duplicate and place one copy on the file and make overthe other to the dealing hand concerned;(c) enter the file in the messenger book; and(d) send it to the despatcher <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section.(iv) The despatcher will :(a)(b)(c)remove the file for despatch to the addressee;acknowledge its receipt in the messenger book; andreturn the messenger book to the section concerned.43.13 Stamps account register :(i)The despatcher will maintain an account <strong>of</strong> the postage stampsin the form given in Annexure-XX( C).(ii)The Section Officer/OS/Head Clerk will check the entries madein the register every day and append his dated signature intoken <strong>of</strong> his having done so. He will also conduct surprise testchecks<strong>of</strong> envelopes ready for despatch by post to make sure :(a) that the value <strong>of</strong> stamps affixed thereon tallies with thatshown in the despatch register.(b) that the required value has been secured by using theminimum number <strong>of</strong> stamps <strong>of</strong> appropriate higherdenominations.<strong>Page</strong> 286 <strong>of</strong> 286

(iii)The Branch <strong>of</strong>ficer in charge <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section willalso inspect the two registers once a month and verify that thevalue <strong>of</strong> stamps in hand tallies with that shown in the register.43.14 Action after issue :(i) On receipt <strong>of</strong> papers after issue, the diarist will :(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)check that the <strong>of</strong>fice copies bear the stamp “issued”;make sure that files and other papers sent with thedrafts to the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Section have been receivedback;make entries about the return <strong>of</strong> files in the filemovement register;place <strong>of</strong>fice copies, with drafts, if any, on the relevantfiles; andpass on the files to the dealing hands concerned.(ii) The dealing hand will :(a)docket the communication issued;(b)examine whether the case is fit for inclusion in any <strong>of</strong>the following reports and obtain orders <strong>of</strong> theappropriate <strong>of</strong>ficer;(i) weekly statement <strong>of</strong> cases, other than those <strong>of</strong>routine nature, disposed <strong>of</strong>f without reference to theMinister-in-charge, to be submitted to the Minister inaccordance with departmental instructions; and(ii) monthly summary <strong>of</strong> the principal activities <strong>of</strong> thedepartment to be furnished to the Cabinet Secretariat inaccordance with the instructions issued by it;(c)Examine whether the communication issued, constitutesfinal disposal <strong>of</strong> the paper under consideration, and ifso, initiate action to record the file where it has beenmarked for record by the section <strong>of</strong>ficer; and(d)If a reply to the communication issued is to be awaitedor further action on the file is to be resumed at a laterdate :date;(i)mark the file for being brought forward on that<strong>Page</strong> 287 <strong>of</strong> 287

(ii) make a note <strong>of</strong> it in his Engagement Calendar andDiary on the relevant data; and(iii) pass on the file to the diarist for according itsmovement in the file movement register and keeping anote in the reminder diary .(Similar action should be taken also on duplicate copies,challans and in respect <strong>of</strong> files referred to other departments).43.15 Reference lists :(i)To facilitate quick despatch <strong>of</strong> papers, the <strong>Central</strong> Issue Sectionwill maintain the following lists and directories :(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)Schedule <strong>of</strong> postal rates. Residential addresses andtelephone numbers <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers and staff <strong>of</strong> thedepartment;Departments which have arrangements within the<strong>Central</strong> Registry for receipt <strong>of</strong> dak outside <strong>of</strong>fice hours(with name and telephone number <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficialincharge);Residential addresses and telephone numbers <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers<strong>of</strong> other departments designated to receive urgent dakoutside <strong>of</strong>ficer hours;Postal addresses <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong>fices under the department,attached <strong>of</strong>fices, subordinate <strong>of</strong>fices, autonomous bodiesetc., which deal directly with it;Residential addresses and telephone numbers <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers<strong>of</strong> other departments designated to receiveparliamentary papers;Telegraphic addresses <strong>of</strong> State Governments and otherout station <strong>of</strong>ficers frequently addressed;Delhi Official Directory issued by the President’sSecretariat;Official Directory issued by the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs;List <strong>of</strong> India’s Representatives Abroad issued by theMinistry <strong>of</strong> External Affairs;Diplomatic List issued by the Ministry <strong>of</strong> ExternalAffairs.(ii)These lists etc. will be kept up to-date and displayedprominently for easy consultation by the despatcher, theresident clerk and other <strong>of</strong>ficials on duty.<strong>Page</strong> 288 <strong>of</strong> 288

44. FILING SYSTEM44.1 Filing system :A proper filing system is essential for convenient identification,sorting, storage and retrieval <strong>of</strong> papers. The two systems now in usein the secretariat are described below.44.2 Filing system based on subject classification :(i) Each section will maintain approved lists <strong>of</strong> :(a) Standard heads, i.e. main subject headingsconcerning it; and(b) Standard sub-heads, i.e., aspects <strong>of</strong> the mainsubject headings.(ii) The standard heads will bear consecutive serialnumbers. No such numbers, however, will be allotted tostandard sub-heads.(iii)The lists <strong>of</strong> standard heads and sub-heads will bereviewed at the beginning <strong>of</strong> each year and revised, ifnecessary, with the approval <strong>of</strong> the Branch Officerconcerned. The serial numbers once allotted to thestandard heads should not ordinarily be changed.(iv)Before opening a new file, the dealing hand will ascertainthe standard head to which the paper underconsideration relates. He will then propose a suitabletitle <strong>of</strong> the file for the approval <strong>of</strong> the SectionOfficer/OS/Head Clerk. The title will consist <strong>of</strong> :(a) Standard head;(b) Sub-head which will be more indicative <strong>of</strong> theprecise subject than the ‘head’ (where it is necessary tohave more than one sub-head in a title the wider andmore abstract should generally precede the narrowerand more concrete);(c) A brief content indicating the question or issueunder consideration in relation to the standard head andsub-head and where necessary, the specific institution,persons place or thing involved.<strong>Page</strong> 289 <strong>of</strong> 289

(v)The title should be as brief as possible but should give ata glance sufficient indication <strong>of</strong> the contents <strong>of</strong> the file soas to serve as an aid to its identification. It should bearticulated, i.e. broken up into components, eachconsisting <strong>of</strong> the minimum possible substantive words,and expressing an element in the subject matter. Eachpart will begin with a capital letter and will be separatedfrom the preceding one by a bold dash.(vi)As far as possible, there should be a separate file foreach distinct aspect <strong>of</strong> the subject. The title <strong>of</strong> a fileshould not be couched in very general or wide termswhich might attract large number <strong>of</strong> receipts on differentaspects <strong>of</strong> the matter, thereby making the file unwieldy.(vii)If the issue raised in a fresh receipt or in the note on acurrent file goes beyond the original scope, a new filemay be opened to deal with it, after placing the relevantextracts or copies thereon.(viii)Every file will be assigned a file number which willconsist <strong>of</strong> :(a) The serial number allotted to the standard head;(b) The serial number <strong>of</strong> the file opened during theyear under the standard head;(c) The year <strong>of</strong> opening the file (last two digits only);(d) An abbreviated symbol identifying the section.44.2.1 The first three elements in the file number will be separatedfrom one another by a slant stroke and the last two by a dash. Thus,files opened in, way, States Reorganisation section during 1991 underthe standard head bearing serial number ‘3’, will be numberedconsecutively as 3/1/91-SR, 3/2/91-SR and so on, where ‘SR’represents the section.44.3 Functional filing system :(i)In this system, the range and dimensions <strong>of</strong> the subjectfalling under the scope <strong>of</strong> business allocated to adepartment are analysed in the following sequence :(a) the main functions <strong>of</strong> the department;(b) the activities in each <strong>of</strong> these functions;(c) the aspects or operations involved in each <strong>of</strong> theseactivities; and<strong>Page</strong> 290 <strong>of</strong> 290

(d)the factors to be taken into consideration relatingto each <strong>of</strong> these aspects or operations.(ii)The scope <strong>of</strong> business <strong>of</strong> a department is thus analysedunder four hierarchical divisions, and accordingly thefollowing four standard lists <strong>of</strong> headings are prepared :(a) Functional heads which may be called ‘basicheads’;(b) Activity heads which may be called ‘primaryheads’ as related to each functional head;(c) Aspect or operation heads which may be called‘secondary heads’ as related to activity heads; and(d) Factor heads which may be called ‘tertiary heads’as related to aspects or operation heads.(iii)Based upon the above lists <strong>of</strong> heads a functional fileindex for the various substantive subjects dealt with bya department together with an identifying file numberingsystem is then developed.(iv)For opening files relating to establishment, finance,budget and accounts, <strong>of</strong>fice supplies and services, andother house-keeping jobs common to all departments,the standardised functional file job index including itsfile-numbering system, issued by the Department <strong>of</strong>Personnel and Administrative Reforms will be followed.44.4 Instances where files need not be opened :Normally, no new files will be opened for dealing with receipts<strong>of</strong> a purely routine nature (e.g. requests for supply <strong>of</strong> unclassifiedfactual information, notices <strong>of</strong> holidays, miscellaneous circulars)which :(a)Can be disposed <strong>of</strong>f straightaway by noting the reply onthe source receipts and returning them to the originators; or(b) Are unlikely to generate further correspondence andtherefore can be placed in a miscellaneous file to be destroyedat the end <strong>of</strong> the year, or placed in the folder <strong>of</strong> circulars etc.,on the subject.44.5 File register :<strong>Page</strong> 291 <strong>of</strong> 291

A record <strong>of</strong> files opened during a calendar year will be kept in afile register (Annexure-XXI) to be maintained by the diarist. A list <strong>of</strong>approved standard heads alongwith the serial numbers identifyingthem should be pasted at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the register. The pagesallotted to the standard heads in the register should also be indicatedagainst each.44.6 Part file :(i)If the main file on a subject is not likely to be availablefor some time and it is necessary to process a freshreceipt or a note without waiting for its return, a part filemay be opened to deal with it. This device may also beresorted to where it is desired to consult simultaneouslytwo or more sections or <strong>of</strong>ficers and it is necessary foreach <strong>of</strong> them to see the receipt noted upon.(ii) A part file will normally consist <strong>of</strong> :(a)(b)Receipt or note dealt with; andNotes relating thereto.(iii)Where two or more part files are opened, each will beidentified by a distinct number, e.g. part file-I, part file-IIand so on.(iv)A part file will be incorporated with the main file as soonas possible, duplicate papers, if any, being removed.44.7 Transfer, reconstruction and renumbering <strong>of</strong> files :Whenever work is transferred from one department/section toanother, the former will promptly transfer all the related recordsincluding files, both current and closed, to the latter. Thedepartment/section taking over the records will not divide, reclassifyor renumber the closed files transferred to it. In the case <strong>of</strong> currentfiles, the endeavour should be to close them at the earliest possiblestage and to open new files according to the department/section’sown scheme <strong>of</strong> classification for dealing with the matter further.44.8 Movement <strong>of</strong> files and other papers :(i)Movement <strong>of</strong> files will be entered in the file movementregister.<strong>Page</strong> 292 <strong>of</strong> 292

(ii) Movement <strong>of</strong> files received from the otherdepartments/sections and other receipts which have notbeen brought on to a file in the receiving section, will benoted in the ‘remarks’ column <strong>of</strong> the section diary.(iii)Files and other papers marked by the Under Secretary toother <strong>of</strong>ficers, sections or departments will be routedthrough the section for noting their movement.(iv)Movement <strong>of</strong> files passed by Deputy Secretaries andhigher <strong>of</strong>ficers will be noted by the personal staff in themovement diary. Papers marked by them to otherdepartments, however, will be routed through thesection concerned for noting their movement in the filemovement register or section diary, as appropriate.<strong>Page</strong> 293 <strong>of</strong> 293

45. INDEXING AND RECORDING45.1 Stage <strong>of</strong> Indexing :Files will be indexed at the time <strong>of</strong> their recording. Only thosefiles which are categorised as ‘A’ and ‘B’ and those in the ‘C’ categorywhich are to be retained for 10 years will be indexed.45.2 Manner <strong>of</strong> indexing :(i)underline :While preparing a file for record, the dealing hand will(a) The ‘index head’ i.e. the standard head or the mostimportant catch word in the standard head which will naturallyoccur to any <strong>of</strong>ficial searching for the file and which willdetermine the position <strong>of</strong> the relevant index slip in theconsolidated index.(b) The ‘index sub-head’ i.e. the catch-word or catch-wordsin the standard sub-heads and /or the ‘content’ <strong>of</strong> the titlewhich will give a further and more specific clue to the file undersearch.(ii) Where the functional filing system is followed, files need not beindexed under the basis, primary, secondary and tertiary heads forwhich the classification scheme itself will provide the master index.However, such files will have to be indexed under the catch-wordsused in the ‘content’ part <strong>of</strong> the title which falls outside thestandardised headings.(iii)After index heads and sub-heads in the title have beenapproved by the Section Officer/OS/Head Clerk, the record clerk will :(a) type out, in duplicate, as many index slips as there areindex heads and sub-heads underlined in the title;(b) distinguish the index heads from the sub-heads by typingthe former in capital letters;(c) indicate, at the top <strong>of</strong> the index slips, all the heads and subheadsmentioned in the title, one below the other, followed bythe complete title <strong>of</strong> the file and the file number;(d) allot a pair <strong>of</strong> slips to each index head and sub-head byscoring out entries relating to the others;<strong>Page</strong> 294 <strong>of</strong> 294

(e) arrange the index slips in two sets, one in alphabetical order<strong>of</strong> the heads/sub-heads, for use in the section, and the other inthe sequence <strong>of</strong> the file numbers for the use <strong>of</strong> the compiler <strong>of</strong>the departmental index;(f) keep each set <strong>of</strong> paper index slips in separate spring clipfolders for each year;(g) indicate the date <strong>of</strong> indexing on the file cover and initial it inthe space provided for the purpose.(iv)Index slips will normally be typed on good quality paper. In thecase <strong>of</strong> important files requiring frequent and urgent reference,however, card indexes could also be prepared. Even here, theduplicate set meant for incorporation in the departmentalindex, will be kept according to the alphabetical order <strong>of</strong> theirrespective catch-words, in a single series for all the years.Each department will issue departmental instructionsspecifying the classes <strong>of</strong> files in respect <strong>of</strong> which card indexeswill be maintained;(v) To ensure consistency and facilitate consolidation <strong>of</strong>departmental index, files relating to parliamentary businesswill be indexed not only under the appropriate standard headsand sub-heads but also under the nature <strong>of</strong> such business, e.g.Parliament Questions, cut-motions, resolutions, etc.45.3 Custody <strong>of</strong> index slips :(i)Index slips will remain in the custody <strong>of</strong> the record clerk.(ii)After all the files relating to a year have been recorded, the set<strong>of</strong> index slips in respect <strong>of</strong> that year meant for use within thesection (viz. that arranged in alphabetical order) will be neatlystitched and the stitched compilation kept at a convenientplace for reference by all concerned.45.4 Compilation <strong>of</strong> departmental index :(i)The index slips pertaining to files relating to a year will be sentto the compiler <strong>of</strong> the departmental index one year after theclose <strong>of</strong> the year to which they relate. If some files <strong>of</strong> that yearstill remain current even at the time <strong>of</strong> sending the index slipsas envisaged above, the dealing hand with the approval <strong>of</strong> theSection Officer/OS/Head Clerk will prepare index slips inrespect <strong>of</strong> such files as are likely to be retained for 10 years ormore from the date <strong>of</strong> recording. These will also be added to<strong>Page</strong> 295 <strong>of</strong> 295

the set <strong>of</strong> slips being sent to the compiler <strong>of</strong> the departmentalindex.(ii) The compiler <strong>of</strong> the departmental index will :(a) Edit the index slips by :(i)allowing the full title to appear only on themain index slips, i.e. those indexed under the indexheads;(ii)scoring out the title on the subsidiary indexslips, i.e., those indexed under the index sub-heads andgiving a cross reference to the relevant index head.(b) Arrange the index slips received from different sections,in alphabetical order in a single series for the department as awhole;(c) Arrange for the printing or cyclostyling <strong>of</strong> theconsolidated departmental index for each year.45.5 Precedent book :Every section will maintain a precedent book in the prescribedform (Annexure-XXII) for keeping note <strong>of</strong> important rulings anddecisions having a precedent value for ready reference. Entries in thisrecord will be made at the earliest opportunity and, in any case, at thestage <strong>of</strong> recording the file.45.6 Record retention schedule :(i)To ensure that files are neither prematurely destroyed nor keptfor periods longer than necessary, every department will :(a) in respect <strong>of</strong> records connected with accounts, observethe instructions contained in Appendix 13 to the GeneralFinancial Rules;(b) in respect <strong>of</strong> records relating to establishment, personneland house-keeping matters common to all departments, followthe ‘schedule <strong>of</strong> periods <strong>of</strong> retention for records common to alldepartments’ issued by the Department <strong>of</strong> Personnel &Administrative Reforms;(c) in respect <strong>of</strong> records prescribed in this Manual, observethe retention periods specified in (Annexure-XXIII(A) TO (F));<strong>Page</strong> 296 <strong>of</strong> 296

(d) in respect <strong>of</strong> records connected with its substantivefunctions, issue a departmental retention schedule prescribingthe periods for which files dealing with specified subjectsshould be preserved, in consultation with the National Archives<strong>of</strong> India.years.(ii) The above schedules should be reviewed at least once in 545.7 Stage <strong>of</strong> recording :Files should be recorded after action on the issues consideredthereon has been completed. However, files <strong>of</strong> a purely ephemeralnature containing papers <strong>of</strong> little reference or research value may bedestroyed after one year without being formally recorded.45.8 Classification <strong>of</strong> records :Files may be recorded under any one <strong>of</strong> the following classes;(i)Class ‘A’ meaning 'keep and print or micr<strong>of</strong>ilm'This classification will be adopted for :(a) files <strong>of</strong> historical importance;(b) files which qualify for permanent preservation foradministrative purposes and which have to be printed ormicr<strong>of</strong>ilmed because they contain ;(i) a document so precious that its original must bepreserved intact and access to it in the original formmust be restricted to the barest minimum or(ii) material likely to be required for frequentreference by different parties.(NB : Files <strong>of</strong> CBI are not ordinarily classified ‘A’)(ii)Class ‘B’ meaning “keep but do not print or micr<strong>of</strong>ilm”This class will cover files required for permanent preservationfor administrative purpose, but not containing material <strong>of</strong> thekind mentioned in (i) or (ii) <strong>of</strong> sub-para (i) (b) above.(iii)Class ‘C’ meaning “keep for specified period only”<strong>Page</strong> 297 <strong>of</strong> 297

This class will include files <strong>of</strong> secondary importance and havingreference value for a limited period not exceeding 10 years.45.9 Procedure for recording :(i):After action on a file has been completed, the dealing hand will(a) state the fact <strong>of</strong> completion <strong>of</strong> action on the file;(b) suggest the appropriate classification <strong>of</strong> record and inthe case <strong>of</strong> class ‘C’ files, also specify the retention period andthe year <strong>of</strong> review;(c) where necessary, revise the title <strong>of</strong> the file so that itdescribes adequately the contents at that stage;(d) underline the words, under which the title shouldbe indexed;(e) indicate on the file cover whether any <strong>of</strong> the decisionscontained in the file is or is not to be noted in the precedentbook by scoring out the entry not applicable;(f) indicate the changes, if any, to be incorporated in thestanding guard file;(g) remove from the main file, routine papers;(h) in respect <strong>of</strong> Class ‘A’ files proposed to be printed, editthe file in accordance with the instructions given in AppendixIII to the Rules <strong>of</strong> Printing and Binding and suggest the number<strong>of</strong> copies to be printed;(i) complete all references and, in particular, mark previousand later references on the subject on the file cover;(j) initial the entries on the file cover;(k) submit the file to the Section Officer/OS/Head Clerk.(ii)After satisfying himself that no action is pending on the file, theSection Officer/OS/Head Clerk will :(a) approve or modify the action proposed in (b) to (g) <strong>of</strong>sub-para(i);(b) ensure that action in respect <strong>of</strong> (h) and (i) sub-para (i)has been taken;(c) sign on the notes portion and initial entries on the filecover;(d) if the file is proposed to be recorded under class ‘A’,obtain the approval <strong>of</strong> the branch <strong>of</strong>icer;(e) pass on the file to the Record Clerk.(iii) The Record Clerk will :<strong>Page</strong> 298 <strong>of</strong> 298

(a) complete columns 4 & 5 <strong>of</strong> the file register and, wherenecessary, correct the entry in column 2 there<strong>of</strong>;(b) enter the file number in column 2 <strong>of</strong> the register forwatching progress <strong>of</strong> recording (Annexure-XXIV);(c) enter Class ‘C’ files proposed to be retained fornot more than 3 years in the record review register(Annexure-XXV);(d) write the word ‘recorded’ prominently in red ink,across the entries in the file movement register;(e) ink page numbers and other references (exceptreferences to alphabetical slips) made in pencil;(f) indicate the year <strong>of</strong> review on the file cover inrespect <strong>of</strong> class ‘C’ files;(g) prepare fresh cover, where necessary, with all theentries already made thereon;(h) hand over the file to the Daftry after putting theinitials at the appropriate place on the file cover.(iv)The Daftry will repair the damaged papers, if any, stitch the fileand submit it to the Section Officer/OS/Head Clerk.(v)After satisfying himself that the file has been properly recorded,the Section Officer/OS/Head Clerk will sign the outer coverand return the file to the Record Clerk.(vi)The Record Clerk will enter the file number in column 4 <strong>of</strong> theregister and make it over to the Daftry for being kept in thebundle <strong>of</strong> recorded files.45.10 Custody <strong>of</strong> records :(i)Recorded files will be kept serially arranged in the Sectionsconcerned for not more than 3 calendar years. Thereafter theywill be transferred to the Departmental Record Room.(ii)In the event <strong>of</strong> transfer <strong>of</strong> work from one Section to another,the relevant files also will be transferred, after being listed induplicate. One copy <strong>of</strong> this list will be retained by the Sectiontaking over the files for its record and the other acknowledgedand returned to the Section transferring them.(iii)Files transferred by a Section to the Departmental RecordRoom will be accompanied by a list <strong>of</strong> files in duplicate. TheDepartmental Record Room will verify that all the filesmentioned in the list have been received, retain one copy <strong>of</strong> thelist and return the other, duly signed, to the Section concerned.<strong>Page</strong> 299 <strong>of</strong> 299

In the Record Room, these lists will be kept section-wise inseparate file covers.(iv)The Departmental Record Room will maintain a record reviewregister in which a few pages will be allotted for each futureyear. Class ‘C’ files marked for review in a particular year willbe entered in the pages earmarked for that year in the register.(v)Files surviving the review undertaken on their attaining the25th year <strong>of</strong> the life will be stamped prominently as“transferred to NAI” and retired to the National Archives. Filestransferred to the National Archives will be accompanied by alist <strong>of</strong> files, in triplicate, one copy <strong>of</strong> which will be returned bythe National Archives, duly signed, to the Departmental RecordRoom.45.11 Review and weeding <strong>of</strong> records :(i) No file other than ephemeral files will be weeded out withoutfirst reviewing its contents.(ii)A class ‘C’ file will be reviewed on the expiry <strong>of</strong> the specifiedretention period, and depending on the merits <strong>of</strong> the case, willbe :(a) weeded out;(b) retained for a further period not exceeding 10 years fromthe year <strong>of</strong> its closing, at the end <strong>of</strong> which it will be weeded outwithout any further review; or(c) upgraded to class ‘B’ with the approval <strong>of</strong> the BranchOfficer.(iii) Class ‘A’ and Class ‘B’ files will be reviewed on attaining the 25year <strong>of</strong> their life in consultation with the National Archives <strong>of</strong>India. In these reviews, the need for revising the originalclassification <strong>of</strong> class ‘B’ files may also be considered.(iv)The year <strong>of</strong> review <strong>of</strong> class ‘C’ files will be reckoned withreference to the year <strong>of</strong> their closing and that for class ‘A’ andclass ‘B’ files with reference to the year <strong>of</strong> their opening.(v)Beginning in January each year, the Record Clerk will consultthe record review register and submit files due for review in thepreceding year to the Section Officer, after scoring out therelevant entries in that register. Similarly, the DepartmentalRecord Room will send to the Sections concerned files due for<strong>Page</strong> 300 <strong>of</strong> 300

eview in the preceding year together with a list <strong>of</strong> files in theform at (Annexure- XXVI).(vi)Files received for review will be examined by, or under thedirections <strong>of</strong> the Section Officer concerned and those no longerrequired will be marked for destruction. Other files may bemarked for further retention.(vii)If in the case <strong>of</strong> a less than three years old file, it has beendecided on review to weed out, the entry to this effect in the fileregister will also be attested by the signature <strong>of</strong> SectionOfficer/OS/Head Clerk or other <strong>of</strong>ficer authorising thedestruction.(viii) The Departmental Record Room will :(a) transfer class ‘A’ and class ‘B’ files surviving the reviewundertaken at the 25th year <strong>of</strong> their life to the NationalArchives;(b) in the case <strong>of</strong> other files :(i) dstroy those marked for destruction, aftercompleting column 4 <strong>of</strong> the list <strong>of</strong> files;(ii) restore the rest, i.e., those marked for furtherretention, to the departmental record stacks aftermaking the required entries in the record review registerin the case <strong>of</strong> class ‘C’ files.(ix) Records not falling within the category <strong>of</strong> files, e.g.publications, spare copies <strong>of</strong> circulars, orders will also besubjected to periodic reviews at suitable intervals and those nolonger needed, should be weeded out. To facilitate suchreviews each Section will maintain a register.45.12 Records maintained by <strong>of</strong>ficers and their personal staff :Each department may issue departmental instructions toregulate the review and weeding out <strong>of</strong> records maintained by <strong>of</strong>ficersand their personal staff.45.13 Requisitioning <strong>of</strong> records :(i)No recorded file will be issued from the Sectional, Departmentalor Archival records except against a signed requisition inprinted form O&M 65, in the case <strong>of</strong> Archival records and alsoin the form in the case <strong>of</strong> other records.<strong>Page</strong> 301 <strong>of</strong> 301

(ii)Requisition for files belonging to other departments and in thecustody <strong>of</strong> the National Archives will be got endorsed by thedepartment concerned before they are sent to the Archives. Ifthe requisitioned filed happens to be a confidential one, theArchives will not supply the file direct to the requisitioningdepartment but route it through the department to which itbelongs.(iii)The requisition will be kept in the place <strong>of</strong> the file issued.(iv)If the requisitioned file is one that has been micr<strong>of</strong>ilmed orprinted, normally a micr<strong>of</strong>ilmed or printed copy and not theoriginal will be issued to the requisitioning department.(v)If a requisitioned file initially obtained for being put up in onecase is subsequently put up on another, a fresh requisitionshould be given to the section daftry or sent to the DepartmentRecord Room or the National Archives, as the case may be, forreplacing the original requisition which will be returned to theparty concerned. In the case <strong>of</strong> records obtained from theNational Archives, the fresh requisition slip will be prominentlymarked “change slip”.(vi)On return, the requisitioned file will be restored to its place andthe requisition returned to the Section/Official concerned.(vii)Files obtained by a Section from the Departmental RecordRoom will normally be returned within 3 months. If they arenot received back within this period, the Departmental RecordRoom will remind the Section concerned. For this purpose, theRecord Room will maintain a simple register for keeping arecord <strong>of</strong> the files issued to the various Sections each month. Asimilar register will be maintained by each Section as a record<strong>of</strong> files borrowed from it by other Sections.(viii)Files obtained by a department from the National Archives willnot normally be retained for more that 6 months except withthe later’s specific knowledge and consent.<strong>Page</strong> 302 <strong>of</strong> 302

46. SECURITY OF OFFICIAL INFORMATIONAND DOCUMENTS46.1 Unauthorised communication <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial information :Unless authorised by general or specific orders, no <strong>of</strong>ficial willcommunicate to another <strong>of</strong>ficial or a non-<strong>of</strong>ficial, any information ordocument which has come into his possession in the course <strong>of</strong> his<strong>of</strong>ficial duties.46.2 Treatment <strong>of</strong> classified papers :The provisions contained in this manual apply primarily tounclassified papers. In handling classified papers, the <strong>of</strong>ficialconcerned will have to exercise special care and follow the provisions <strong>of</strong>“Departmental Security Instructions” issued by the Ministry <strong>of</strong> HomeAffairs. Since, according to these instructions, classified papers (otherthan confidential) are expected to be handled either by <strong>of</strong>ficersthemselves or in sanction/designated as secret or top secret, it isessential that in Sections not so designated:(a) A separate set <strong>of</strong> registers and other records (e.g. dakregister, section diary, file register, file movement register,precedent book, index slips, various arrears and disposalstatements) is maintained for such papers by SectionOfficer/OS/himself;(b) The recording <strong>of</strong> such files and their review is alsoundertaken by him personally keeping in view the DepartmentalSecurity Instructions.46.3 Confidential character <strong>of</strong> notes :(i) The notes portion <strong>of</strong> a file referred by a department toanother will be treated as confidential and will not be referredto any authority outside the secretariat and attached <strong>of</strong>ficeswithout the general or specific consent <strong>of</strong> the department towhich the file belongs.(ii) Where the general consent has been obtained undersub-para (i) above, such consent will not be construed to applyto classified files or to files in which the <strong>of</strong>ficer to whom the fileis supposed to be referred or shown, is personally affected or inwhich his <strong>of</strong>ficial conduct is under consideration.<strong>Page</strong> 303 <strong>of</strong> 303

46.4 Communication <strong>of</strong> information to the press :(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)Official information to the press and other news media,i.e. radio and television, will normally be communicatedby Government Departments through the PressInformation <strong>Bureau</strong>. In CBI, the DPIO performs thisduty.Only Ministers, Secretaries and other Officers speciallyauthorised in this behalf may give information or beaccessible to the representatives <strong>of</strong> the press. Any other<strong>of</strong>ficial, if approached by a representative <strong>of</strong> the press,will direct him to the Press Information <strong>Bureau</strong>.Whenever it is proposed to release an <strong>of</strong>ficial informationto the press, or to hold a press conference or Pressbriefing, or to give publicity to an <strong>of</strong>ficial report,resolution or any other publication, the departmentconcerned will consult the accredited information <strong>of</strong>ficerin advance.Detailed procedure in respect <strong>of</strong> matters mentioned inthis para, as laid down by the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Informationand Broadcasting, should be followed.46.5 Use <strong>of</strong> restrictive classification for printed reports etc:(i) The restrictive classification “For <strong>of</strong>ficial use only” willnot be assigned to any printed report, pamphlet or compilationunless it contains information which it would not be desirablein the public interest to disclose. In doubtful cases, the testthat may be usefully applied is whether the publication, whosecirculation it is proposed to restrict to <strong>of</strong>ficial use only, is suchthat the minister would be justified in refusing to lay it beforethe Parliament.(ii) No <strong>of</strong>ficial publication will be marked “For <strong>of</strong>ficial useonly” except with the prior approval <strong>of</strong> the Branch Officer, whowill obtain the orders <strong>of</strong> the Secretary or Minister, in doubtfulcases.<strong>Page</strong> 304 <strong>of</strong> 304

47. CHECKS ON DELAYS47.1 Weekly arrear statement :(i) On the last working day <strong>of</strong> every week, each dealing hand will :(a)(b)(c)prepare a weekly arrear statement in the form prescribed(Annexure-XXVII);give particulars <strong>of</strong> receipts/cases pending with him formore than 7 days in the form prescribed (Annexure-XXVIII); andsend the two statements to the diarist.(ii)The Section Officer will also prepare similar statements inrespect <strong>of</strong> receipts/cases required to be dealt with by him andpass them on to the diarist.(iii)The diarist will consolidate the individual weekly arrearstatements in the form prescribed and submit the consolidatedstatement together with the individual statements mentioned in(a) and (b) <strong>of</strong> sub-para (i) above to the Section Officer on themorning <strong>of</strong> the first working day <strong>of</strong> the following week. Theindividual statements <strong>of</strong> each dealing hand will be kept in aseparate folder.(iv)The Section Officer will:(a) check the individual and consolidated arrear statementsfor theircompleteness and accuracy;(b) scrutinise the statements <strong>of</strong> receipts/cases which aremore thanone week old;(c) give his remarks or instructions, where necessary;(d) submit the statements to the Branch Officer.(v)The Branch Officer will watch the progress <strong>of</strong> work in theSection and where necessary, give suitable directions forexpeditious handling <strong>of</strong> delayed receipts/cases.(vi)On receipt in the Section, the folders containing individualarrear statements will be made over to the dealing handsconcerned for taking necessary action on the remarks, if any, <strong>of</strong><strong>Page</strong> 305 <strong>of</strong> 305

the Section Officer/Branch Officer and using the form forpreparing the arrear statement for the next week.47.2 Monthly statement <strong>of</strong> cases pending disposal for over amonth :(i) Every Section will prepare each month a statement indicatingbriefly the position <strong>of</strong> each case pending disposal for over a month.(ii) On the last working day <strong>of</strong> each month, the diarist will :(a) go through the case sheets (Annexure-XXIX) <strong>of</strong> pendingcases for the preceding month and indicate the latest position<strong>of</strong> each case included therein in column 2 <strong>of</strong> the statement;(b) prepare fresh case sheets for cases opened during thepreceding month but not yet finally disposed <strong>of</strong>f, by completingcolumn 1 and 2 <strong>of</strong> the form and top fixed entries;(c) hand over the case sheets to the dealing handsconcerned.(iii) The dealing hand will :(a) scrutinise entries in the first two columns <strong>of</strong> the casesheets;(b) draw a red line across case sheets <strong>of</strong> cases that havebeen finally disposed <strong>of</strong>f or transferred to call book (Annexure-XXX);(c) complete column 4 <strong>of</strong> other case sheets;(d) return the case sheets to the diarist by the 2nd <strong>of</strong> themonth following that to which the statement relates.(iv) The diarist will :(a) remove the case sheets <strong>of</strong> files that have been finallydisposed <strong>of</strong>f or transferred to call book for being kept in aseparate folder;(b) arrange the remaining case sheets in chronological order<strong>of</strong> the dates <strong>of</strong> the commencement <strong>of</strong> cases, the latest being ontop;(c) place the case sheets in a file cover marked “Monthlystatement <strong>of</strong> cases pending disposal for over a month”;(d) prepare in duplicate a numerical abstract (Annexure-XXXI); and(e) submit the monthly statement and the two copies <strong>of</strong> thenumerical abstract to the Section Officer by the 3rd <strong>of</strong> themonth.(v) The Section Officer will :<strong>Page</strong> 306 <strong>of</strong> 306

(a) scrutinise the case sheets and where necessary, add hisremarks;(b) check the numerical abstract for accuracy;(c) submit the monthly statement and one copy <strong>of</strong> thenumerical abstract with a brief forwarding note to the BranchOfficer by the 5th <strong>of</strong> the month; and(d) send the second copy <strong>of</strong> the numerical abstract to theInternal Work Study Unit.(vi)Unless otherwise provided in the departmental instructions,the monthly statement together with the numerical abstractwill go up to the Joint Secretary. Each <strong>of</strong> these <strong>of</strong>ficers may :(a) add such remarks as he would like to make about latestposition <strong>of</strong> a case;(b) in suitable cases give directions or make suggestions forexpeditious disposal.(vii)The Joint Secretary may bring any case included in themonthly statement to the specific notice <strong>of</strong> higher <strong>of</strong>ficers orminister, either through submission <strong>of</strong> the monthly statementitself or otherwise, as deemed fit.(viii) The Internal Work Study Unit will :(a) post the figures in the numerical abstract, in the formprescribed and return the abstract to the Section concerned;(b) prepare the consolidated statement for the department as awhole by totalling the column vertically;(c) analyse the trend <strong>of</strong> disposal <strong>of</strong> cases;(d) bring to the notice <strong>of</strong> the O&M Officer and the Secretary,any significant trends.47.3 Call book :(i)If a current case has reached a stage when no action can orneed be taken to expedite its disposal for at least 6 months (e.g.cases held up in Law Courts), it may be transferred to the callbook with the approval <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficer not below the rank <strong>of</strong>Under Secretary.(ii)Closed cases in which a review is contemplated after a period <strong>of</strong>6 months or more may also be included in the call book.<strong>Page</strong> 307 <strong>of</strong> 307

(iii)Cases transferred to call book vide sub-para (i) above, will beexcluded from the monthly statement <strong>of</strong> pending cases till theyare reopened vide sub-para (iv) below.(iv)When a case included in the call book becomes ripe for actionor if action has be to restarted as a sequel to an unexpecteddevelopment, e.g. receipt <strong>of</strong> a communication from the partyconcerned earlier than expected, it will be revived and itsprogress watched in the usual way through the monthlystatement <strong>of</strong> pending cases. The date <strong>of</strong> commencement <strong>of</strong>such reopened cases, however, will be the date <strong>of</strong> occurrence<strong>of</strong> the development or that <strong>of</strong> the first note leading to thereopening <strong>of</strong> the case.(v)The Section Officer will scrutinise the call book in the last week<strong>of</strong> every month to see that the cases which become ripe forfurther action during the following month are brought forwardand action initiated on due dates. The call book will besubmitted to the Branch Officer once a quarter i.e. during themonths <strong>of</strong> January, April, July and October. He will satisfyhimself that no case on which action could have been takensuffers by its inclusion in the call book and in suitable cases,give directions for the action to be taken.47.4 Monthly progress reports <strong>of</strong> recording and review <strong>of</strong> files :(i) On the first working day <strong>of</strong> each month, the Record Clerk willprepare in duplicate progress reports on the recording and review <strong>of</strong>files for the preceding month in the forms at (Annexures-XXXII) andsubmit them, together with the following records, to the SectionOfficer:(a)(b)(c)Register for watching the progress <strong>of</strong> recording;Record review register; andLists <strong>of</strong> files received for review.(ii) The Section Officer will check the two statements, submit onecopy <strong>of</strong> the report to the Branch Officer and send the other to theInternal Work Study Unit.(iii) The Internal Work Study Unit will :(a)post the figures in the forms prescribed and return thereports to the section concerned;<strong>Page</strong> 308 <strong>of</strong> 308

(b) prepare the consolidated statement for the departmentas a whole by vertically totalling the columns in the formprescribed;(c) watch the progress <strong>of</strong> recording and review workgenerally; and(d) bring to the notice <strong>of</strong> the O&M Officer and the Secretary,any significant trends in the matter.47.5 Reminder diary :(i) The diarist will maintain a reminder diary in which he willenter, date-wise, all cases marked for suspense or reminder andrequired to be brought forward on specified dates. Challans <strong>of</strong> filesreferred to other Sections/Departments will also be similarly entered.(ii) Every morning the diarist will :(a) examine the reminder diary;(b) get hold <strong>of</strong> the files and challans, marked for that date;(c) send the files and challans to the dealing handsconcerned after scoring <strong>of</strong>f the relevant entries in the diary; and(d) if any file entered in the diary for that date is notavailable, report the fact to the dealing hand concerned whowill ensure that appropriate action is taken in such cases.47.6 Watch on disposal <strong>of</strong> communications received frommembers <strong>of</strong> Parliament :(i) To enable each Joint Secretary, Director in a department tokeep a special watch on speedy disposal <strong>of</strong> communications receivedfrom the members <strong>of</strong> Parliament and addressed to a Minister or aSecretary, the personal staff attached to him will :(a) maintain register in the form prescribed;(b) mark out prominently those communications finallydisposed <strong>of</strong>f by rounding <strong>of</strong>f the relevant serial numbers <strong>of</strong> theregister in red ink; and(c) submit the register twice a month, say on the 1st andthe 15th <strong>of</strong> each month to the Joint Secretary/Director forscrutiny and such other action as he may consider appropriate.(ii) The concerned sections will also maintain a similar register forkeeping a special watch on the speedy disposal <strong>of</strong> communicationsreceived from the members <strong>of</strong> Parliament.<strong>Page</strong> 309 <strong>of</strong> 309

47.7 Register <strong>of</strong> Parliamentary Assurances :(i) Each Section in a department will keep a record in the form(Annexure-XXXIII) <strong>of</strong> assurances given by a Minister to either House <strong>of</strong>Parliament, whether in replies to questions or in the course <strong>of</strong>discussions on bills, resolutions and other motions. A separateregister will be maintained for each House and entries therein will bemade session-wise.(ii) The Section Officer will :(a) scrutinise the register once a week;(b) ensure that necessary follow-up action is in fact beingtaken; and(c) the Section Officer will submit the registers to theBranch Officer every fortnight if the House concerned is insession and once a month otherwise, drawing his specialattention to assurances which are not likely to be implementedwithin period <strong>of</strong> two months.(iii) The Branch Officer will keep the higher <strong>of</strong>ficers and theMinister informed <strong>of</strong> the progress made in the implementation <strong>of</strong>promises and undertakings given by him in Parliament. Cases in whichthere is likely to be any delay in the implementation <strong>of</strong> a promise or anundertaking should be particularly brought to their notice.47.8 Check list <strong>of</strong> periodical reports :(i)To ensure timely receipt, preparation and despatch <strong>of</strong>periodical reports, each section will maintain two check-lists, one forincoming reports and the other for outgoing reports, in the forms atAnnexure-XXXIV & Annexure-XXXV Periodical reports will be listed incolumn 2 <strong>of</strong> the appropriate check list in the order <strong>of</strong> their frequency,weekly reports being entered first, fortnightly reports next, and so on.(ii) The check-lists will be prepared at the commencement <strong>of</strong> eachyear, approved by the Section Officer, shown to the branch <strong>of</strong>ficer anddisplayed prominently on the wall.(iii) The Section Officer will go through the check list once a weekto plan action on items requiring attention during the next week or so.After a periodical report has been received or despatched, the relevantentry in the date column <strong>of</strong> the appropriate check list will be rounded<strong>of</strong>f in red ink.<strong>Page</strong> 310 <strong>of</strong> 310

47.9 Responsibility <strong>of</strong> expeditious disposal <strong>of</strong> work :(i) The primary responsibility for expeditious disposal <strong>of</strong> work andtimely submission <strong>of</strong> arrear and disposal statements rests with theSection Officer. To this end, he will inspect the section diary and theassistants diary and take such other action as may be necessary toensure :-(a)(b)that no paper or file has been overlooked; andthat no receipt or case actually pending with the dealinghand has been excluded from the relevant arrearstatement.(ii) The branch <strong>of</strong>ficer will also keep a close watch on the progress<strong>of</strong> work in the sections under his control. In particular, he will ensurethat the prescribed arrear and disposal statements are submittedpunctually and regularly.(iii) The Section Officer/OS etc., shall also regularly inspect theracks and tables <strong>of</strong> Assistants and Clerks (such inspections being notless frequent than once in a fortnight) and satisfy himself that nopaper or file has been overlooked. He will also ensure that no receiptsactually pending with the dealing Assistants/Clerks are excludedfrom the arrears as shown in the weekly arrears statement.<strong>Page</strong> 311 <strong>of</strong> 311

48. REPORTS & RETURNS48.1 Recording <strong>of</strong> information and its timely and correct retrieval ,collation and transmission are some <strong>of</strong> the most essentialrequirements for efficient discharge <strong>of</strong> Managerial functions. In the<strong>of</strong>fice functioning, one <strong>of</strong> the mechanisms for keeping a record <strong>of</strong>information is through registers and the mechanism for itstransmission for perusal by the supervisory <strong>of</strong>ficers is throughReports and Returns.48.2 A Return is merely factual information presented in astructured statistical format. A report on the other hand is narrativeand may include analysis and explanations. The Branches arerequired to send Reports and Returns to the CBI HQs. Theinformation received through these reports/returns is used for takingdecisions by seniors <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> CBI and the Government <strong>of</strong> India.48.3 RegistersIn order to facilitate communication <strong>of</strong> timely and correctinformation and also for facilitating decision making by the HeadOffice in the matters concerning Administration, registers aremaintained on various subjects. The list <strong>of</strong> all registers which are tobe maintained under any existing orders or procedure should beprepared by the Head Clerk/Office Superintendent/Section Officer ineach <strong>of</strong>fice. This list should have the following columns:-(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)Serial Number.Name <strong>of</strong> the register.Orders under which the register is to be maintained.Person who is responsible for keeping it up-to-date.48.4 Registers to be maintained by the Branch(i) An Establishment Registers for the permanent staff <strong>of</strong> CBI(directly recruited and permanently absorbed) is to be maintained ineach <strong>of</strong>fice and also at Head Office in Form G-2.(ii) An Establishment Register for the non-CBI staff (i.e.deputationists) is to be maintained in each <strong>of</strong>fice and also at HeadOffice in Form SPE-G-3.(iii) An Order Book should be maintained in Form SPE-G-4 in all<strong>of</strong>fices.<strong>Page</strong> 312 <strong>of</strong> 312

(iv) A register <strong>of</strong> Identification Cards issued is to be maintained byeach issuing <strong>of</strong>fice in Form SPE-G-6. Identification Cards are to beissued for all employees under instructions issued in this regard.(v) A daily Duty Register is to be maintained at each unit for police<strong>of</strong>ficers in Form SPE G-7.(vi) Register <strong>of</strong> trunk and telephone calls should be maintained inForm SPE G-38 in each <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> SPE.(vii) Register <strong>of</strong> shorthand note books is to be kept in Form SPE G-36 in all Branch Offices and also by Head Office for each Unit.(viii) Motor Vehicles Register.(ix) Register for undisbursed Pay & allowances.(x) Dead Stock Register.(xi) Increment Register.(xii) Stationary / Stores Issue & Receipt Register.(xiii) Despatch and Issue Register.(xiv) Service Postage Stamps Register.(xv) Cash Book.(xvi) Pay Bill Register.(xvii) Party Cheque Register.(xviii) Register <strong>of</strong> Valuables.(xix) Bill Register.(xx) Contingent Bill Register.(xxi) TR-5 Receipts.(xxii) Rewards Register.(xxiii) TA Bill Register.(xxiv) LTC Bill Register.(xxv) File Register.(xxvi) File Movement Register.48.5 To ensure timely receipt preparation and despatch <strong>of</strong>reports/returns, the branches should maintain two checklists - onefor incoming returns/reports and the other for outgoingreports/returns. All periodical reports/returns should be listed incheck - list in order <strong>of</strong> their frequency i.e. weekly reports beingentered first, followed by fortnightly reports, monthly reports,quarterly reports, half yearly reports and annual reports. The checklists should be prepared at the commencement <strong>of</strong> each year anddisplayed prominently on the wall. The Head Clerk should go throughthe check-list once a week to plan action on items requiring attentionduring the next week or so. After periodical report has beenreceived/despatched, the relevant entry in the check-list concernedshould be made.48.6 At present the following returns are being dealt with in theCBI,H.O.<strong>Page</strong> 313 <strong>of</strong> 313

Monthly ReturnsSection1. Statement <strong>of</strong> vacancies in the rank <strong>of</strong> Pers-IIExecutive (ASI to Inspector) and all Ministerialranks except Office Supdts. is required to besent by the branches by the 10th <strong>of</strong> everymonth.2. Statement <strong>of</strong> vacancies in the rank <strong>of</strong> Pers-IIIConstables & Head Constables is required tobe sent by the branches by the 10th <strong>of</strong> everymonth.3. Statement regarding Pending Pension Cases AD.II(Papers).4. Statement showing particulars <strong>of</strong> AD.IIIgovernment servants retired in the previousCalendar month and date for authorisationfinal pension report for the month5. Statement showing particulars <strong>of</strong> AD.IIIgovernment servant due for retirement in thenext (Preceeding) 8 months6. Expenditure statement <strong>of</strong> loans and Pers-Iadvances Viz. House Building Advance, MotorCar Advance, Computer Advance, ScooterAdvance and Cycle Advance from all theDDOs.7. Statement regarding the number <strong>of</strong> IWSUSC/ST/OBC candidates appointed against thereserved quota.8. Return relating to pending promotion cases IWSUand ad-hoc arrangement.9. Return regarding activating the existing IWSUmachinery for redressal for grievances.10. Expenditure Statement. AD-IIQuarterly ReturnsSection1. Statement showing particulars <strong>of</strong>government servants where presumptionshave been made in favour <strong>of</strong> retiringgovernment servants because <strong>of</strong> incompletemaintenance <strong>of</strong> service records.AD.III2. Statement regarding showing theparticulars <strong>of</strong> government servants whoseAD.III<strong>Page</strong> 314 <strong>of</strong> 314

Pension Payment order (PPO) was not issuedwithin six months <strong>of</strong> retirement.3. Statement regarding voluntary retirement <strong>of</strong> AD.IIIcentral government employees after 20 yearsqualifying service and who have completed 30years <strong>of</strong> qualifying service.4. Statement about the pending pension, AD.IIIfamily pension and revision <strong>of</strong> pension andfamily pension case in P&AO/CBI.5. Employment Returns (ER-I) to be sent to Pers-IIIEmployment Officer, Pusa, New Delhi6. Return regarding Monitoring <strong>of</strong> personnel IWSUmatters7. Return/Half yearly report regarding total IWSUnumber <strong>of</strong> employees belonging to minorityCommunities - group wise.8. Report regarding Employment <strong>of</strong> members IWSU<strong>of</strong> a family in Foreign Mission in India9. Report/Annual report regarding The Pers-IIIpersons with disabilities equal opportunitiesprotection <strong>of</strong> Rights and full participation Act1995 - Furnishing <strong>of</strong> report <strong>of</strong> action taken inrespect <strong>of</strong> relevant provisions.10. Return regarding activating the existing IWSUmachinery for redressal <strong>of</strong> grievances.11. Return regarding public grievances IWSU12. Statement on various types <strong>of</strong> Pay andAllowances.AD.IIHalf Yearly ReturnsSection1. Return due for retirement in next 24-30 AD.IIImonths.2. Acceptance <strong>of</strong> commercial employment AD.IIIwithin 2 years <strong>of</strong> retirement (Group ‘B’Officers).3. Physically handicapped persons in Group Pers-III‘A’, ‘B’ ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts to be sent to DP & Trg.4. Return regarding engagement <strong>of</strong> consultant IWSU5. Return regarding SC/ST. IWSU6. Report <strong>of</strong> OBC. IWSU7. Report regarding Minority Communities IWSUReport.<strong>Page</strong> 315 <strong>of</strong> 315

Annual Returns1. Reward/honorarium to be sent toCBI/Policy Dvn./HO/New Delhi.2. Appointment <strong>of</strong> Non-Indians in governmentservice and Public Sector Undertakings to besent to Department <strong>of</strong> Personnel & Training.3. Physically handicapped persons in Group‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts to be sent toDepartment <strong>of</strong> Personnel & Training.4. Information to be furnished in respect <strong>of</strong>Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes inAppendix 8A, 8B, 8C and 9 to be sent toDepartment <strong>of</strong> Personnel & Training.5. Utilisation <strong>of</strong> vacancies reserved and filledby Ex-Servicemen to be sent to Department <strong>of</strong>Personnel & Training.6. Annual return/Half yearly report regardingtotal number <strong>of</strong> employees belonging toMinority Communities - Group wise.7. Annual return regarding recruitment <strong>of</strong>OBCs in government services.SectionPers-IIIPers-IIIPers-IIIPers-IIIPers-IIIIWSUIWSU<strong>Page</strong> 316 <strong>of</strong> 316

49. INSPECTIONS49.1 Meaning & Purpose <strong>of</strong> InspectionThe word “Inspection” means “ the act <strong>of</strong> looking closely into,carefully or <strong>of</strong>ficial examination”. The procedure to be followed in theorganization helps in achieving the objects <strong>of</strong> the organization aseconomically as possible. A manual itself cannot achieve theobjectives unless it is ensured that the provisions contained thereinare understood properly and practised intelligently. Even this maynot be helpful if periodical reviews are not conducted to replace theold procedure with new ones to suit the present day needs. One <strong>of</strong>the ways to ensure that the procedure laid down is being observed isto make a periodical inspection <strong>of</strong> the working <strong>of</strong> a section. Thepurpose <strong>of</strong> inspection is to see how far the prescribed procedure isbeing followed and to suggest improvement/modifications to coverthe areas where the procedure is not being followed.49.2 ObjectivesThe objectives <strong>of</strong> inspection are :i) to find out the state <strong>of</strong> affairs existing in each unit;ii) to see whether the prescribed procedure and instructions areunderstood properly and followed intelligently;iii) to find out whether proper attention is being paid to quality <strong>of</strong>performance by <strong>of</strong>ficers and staff during discharge <strong>of</strong> their duties; andiv) to test the intrinsic soundness and utility <strong>of</strong> the proceduresand to get reliable data for planning improvements.49.3 Inspection Schedule(i) The branch SP will ensure that periodical inspections arecarried out regularly and thoroughly. The following schedule will beobserved in regard to the inspections <strong>of</strong> various sections <strong>of</strong> the SP’s<strong>of</strong>fice :-Section I- Establishment Accommodation<strong>of</strong> the branch and jurisdictionSection II- OfficeSection III- Accounts.Once in a year.Twice in a year withreasonable gap betweenthe Inspections. Wheretwo Ss.P. are posted in<strong>Page</strong> 317 <strong>of</strong> 317

Section IV- Malkhana, Summons &Warrants and Absconders.Section V-Crime.Section VI- Staff and MiscellaneousSection VII- Programme <strong>of</strong> work.two Ss.P. are posted ina branch the 1stinspection <strong>of</strong> thesesections may be doneby the SP-II in the 1sthalf <strong>of</strong> the CalendarYear, while SP-I willcarry out inspection inthe 2nd half <strong>of</strong> the year.Once in a year.ii) A co-ordinated programme <strong>of</strong> inspections should be drawn upin advance by the DIG/JD incharge <strong>of</strong> the Zone. It should beensured that the programmes so drawn up are strictly adhered to byall concerned.49.4 Inspection ReportsThe inspecting <strong>of</strong>ficers are required to submit their reports totheir immediate superiors for their information and for devising thesuitable remedies to prevent recurrence <strong>of</strong> the shortcomings pointedout in the Inspection Report.49.5 Check Points for inspection <strong>of</strong> CBI BranchesThese are illustrative and indicate only the mandatoryminimum points which are required to be covered by the InspectingOfficers. The <strong>of</strong>ficers are required to make their inspection a verycomprehensive exercise keeping in mind the purpose and objectives <strong>of</strong>inspection as suggested in the previous paragraphs.49.6 Section I - Establishment /Accommodation <strong>of</strong> the branch &jurisdiction49.6.1 Buildings and Accommodation - Whether the <strong>of</strong>fice is locatedin a Government building or a private one? Is the accommodationsufficient for <strong>of</strong>fice purposes? What is the rent? Whether it appearsto be reasonable? If accommodation is inadequate what alternativearrangements are possible? Condition <strong>of</strong> the building and repairs.Check payment <strong>of</strong> proportionate rent, water and electricity charges bystaff living in the <strong>of</strong>fice premises.49.6.2 Is any residential accommodation provided at governmentexpense? If so, to whom? Any further action necessary and possiblein this connection?49.7 Section - II - Office<strong>Page</strong> 318 <strong>of</strong> 318

49.7.1 Attendance Register - Whether Properly kept up whenchecked by SP or Dy.SP daily & corrective action taken.49.7.2 Receipt/Diary - Whether this has been maintained up-to-dateand all the columns have been filled up promptly and whether areceipt is taken from the clerk concerned to whom the papers weremade over.49.7.3 Dealing Clerk’s Diary - It should be checked to see whether allcolumns are filled up and whether there has been any delay in dealingwith any receipt. In a few cases, the dates <strong>of</strong> receipt and the dates <strong>of</strong>disposal shown in the dealing clerk’s diary should be checked up withthe Receipt Register and the files to make sure that wrong dates arenot mentioned.49.7.4 Reminders - System <strong>of</strong> dealing with reminders should bechecked. To see whether prompt action is being taken.49.7.5 Files - Some miscellaneous files should be checked to see -(a)(b)(c)(d)Whether they are properly arranged and page numbers given.Whether there is any delay in disposal.Whether the preparation <strong>of</strong> cases and drafting is satisfactory.Whether they are properly kept to facilitate tracing them.49.7.6 Register <strong>of</strong> Files - Whether the files have been correctly notedin this Register and proper serial numbers given to them. Whetherperiod <strong>of</strong> retention is noted when the file is closed. Whether theheadings and the subjects <strong>of</strong> files are satisfactory or whether anyimprovement is necessary in this.49.7.7 Files <strong>of</strong> Circulars/Orders - Whether they are completeand chronologically maintained. Whether index is maintained up-todate.49.7.8 Records - Whether closed files and records are properly kept.Whether notes about weeding are recorded and whether weeding hasbeen done regularly.49.7.9 Despatch Register - Whether it has been checked andsigned daily by the Head Clerk. Totals <strong>of</strong> a few days should be testchecked to see that the expenditure <strong>of</strong> stamps shown is correct. Afew items should be verified at random to see that the subject andfile numbers are correctly mentioned.49.7.10 Order Book - Who maintains it ? Whether it is writtenup promptly and signed daily by the SP?. Whether necessary action<strong>Page</strong> 319 <strong>of</strong> 319

on that basis has been taken by the <strong>of</strong>fice and others concernedpromptly? Whether relevant corresponding entries have been madein the Service Books? A few specific items might be checked atrandom.49.7.11 Leave Register - Whether properly and correctly maintained.49.7.12 Gradation Lists - Whether properly kept and up-to-date.Whether increments given timely.49.7.13 Character Rolls and Service Books - Some Rolls should berandomly checked to see whether they are up-to-date and properlykept up. Some entries in Service Book relating to leave should bechecked up with the Order Book to make sure that there are noomissions. It should be seen whether annual verification has beendone.49.7.14 Warning Register, Punishment Files - It should be seen iforders passed are suitable and adequate and proper procedure isadopted.49.7.15 Library Register - It should be checked for correctness byrandomly comparing some entries with the books. The issues andreturns should also be checked.49.7.16 Forms and Stationery -Stocks and some items <strong>of</strong> issue, bothabout their numbers and about the necessity and requirements areto be checked. It should be seen whether indenting has been madeadequately to avoid local purchases. Whether registers maintainedproperly and checked by SP periodically. Care <strong>of</strong> typewriters.49.7.17 Distribution <strong>of</strong> Work - Whether update. Whether all thedistribution is done on sound and equitable basis and with theapproval <strong>of</strong> SP.49.8 Section III - Accounts49.8.1 Cash Book - Whether it has been maintained up-to-date andwritten regularly. Whether entries for everyday are checked andscrutinised and signed by the DDO. Whether all money received forcredit has been entered promptly in the Cash Book and whetherevery payment entry is signed by the SP/DDO in token <strong>of</strong> havingseen actual payee’s receipt. Whether there has been delay inpayment or in obtaining payee’s receipts. Whether at the end <strong>of</strong>every month statements are prepared showing :-(a)details <strong>of</strong> cash in hand,<strong>Page</strong> 320 <strong>of</strong> 320

(b) items pending for actual payee’s receipts.(c) Whether in cases <strong>of</strong> inordinate delays in obtainingpayee’s receipts or in disbursements, necessary action has beentaken by the SP. Whether the necessary verification orreconciliation has been done with the bank records everymonth. Whether SP has recorded a certificate on the firstworking day <strong>of</strong> every month and whenever the balance exceededRs.1,000 that he had checked the amount in hand and found itcorrect.49.8.2 Register <strong>of</strong> Pay Bills - Whether this has been properlymaintained and whether the fact that it is a Regular Pay Bill or anArrear Pay Bill has been clearly mentioned. Some actual pay billsshould be seen and scrutinised. Checks should be made in somecases to ascertain whether notes about amounts claimed in ArrearPay Bills have been recorded against the relevant item in the OriginalPay Bills concerned.49.8.3 T.A. Bills - Whether there has been delay in preparing the T.A.Bills or in drawing and disbursing the amounts? Whether T.A. hasbeen properly controlled by the SP. T.A. Advance Register should bechecked and seen, whether recoveries made fully and timely.49.8.4 Railway Warrants - It should be seen whether properaccount is kept and if they are properly utilised.49.8.5 Contingent Bill Register - Whether bills have been preparedas <strong>of</strong>ten as required? Some items <strong>of</strong> expenditure should also bechecked with the Contingent Vouchers. Check propriety <strong>of</strong>expenditure under certain heads, e.g. petrol charges, telephonecharges, electricity charges.49.8.6 Payment Vouchers - Some <strong>of</strong> them should be taken out atrandom and every transaction in it checked including actual payee’sreceipts.49.8.7 Motor Vehicle & Government Cycle - Check them and theirmaintenance and expenditure on repairs.49.8.8 Rewards - Scrutinise the records and see if adequate rewardshave been given.49.8.9 S.S. Fund Accounts - Expenditure on a few items should bescrutinised. Note about this should be recorded separately anddealt with on a secret basis.49.8.10 Cashier’s Security Bond - Whether it is in order.Whether Annual verification is done?<strong>Page</strong> 321 <strong>of</strong> 321

49.8.11 Audit Reports - Whether action taken on them and actionsdealt with fully and promptly.49.8.12 Budget - Whether the Head Office instructions on Budgetarycontrol are being exercised meticulously..49.9 Section IV - Malkhana, Summons, Warrants & Absconders49.9.1 Malkhana - Whether the room in which Malkhana is situated,is safe and secure. If not, adequate steps are to be suggested.Whether valuable property is kept in safe custody. Malkhana Registershould be checked particularly to see whether there is any delay indisposal <strong>of</strong> property after conclusion <strong>of</strong> the case. In a few items theproperty actually present in Malkhana should be checked with the listgiven in the register. Are Monthly Statements about property presentin the Malkhana prepared? Are Monthly Inspections done by the PPand half - yearly by the SP?49.9.2 Summons and Warrants - Whether the register is maintainedproperly and are Monthly Statements prepared and checked by theSP. Is there any omission or defect in service <strong>of</strong> summons orexecution <strong>of</strong> warrants?49.9.3 Absconded Offenders - The register should be checked toascertain whether entries are up-to-date and complete. Whetherrewards are announced and whether periodical efforts have beenmade to trace the absconders.49.10 Section V - Crime49.10.1 Crime Registers - Check all Crime Registers and statements tosee if they are properly maintained, particularly check the crimeDigest and the quality <strong>of</strong> the notes made therein by the SP or theDy.SP maintaining it.49.10.2 Complaints Register - Check whether each complaint hasbeen scrutinised and dealt with according to its nature and in propertime.49.10.3 Preliminary Enquiries - Check their disposal, both in point <strong>of</strong>speed and quality.49.10.4 Regular Cases - Check their disposal, both in point <strong>of</strong> speedand quality <strong>of</strong> investigations.49.10.5 Delays in Enquiries and <strong>Investigation</strong> - Examine cases inwhich more than three or six months were taken respectively forfinalising PEs and RCs and comments on reasons for delay.<strong>Page</strong> 322 <strong>of</strong> 322

49.10.6 Diaries and Progress Reports - Check a few to see theirquality and to check if they were prepared and submitted in propertime.49.10.7 Final Reports - Check some to see if they are properly drafted.Point out general and persistent defects, if any. In how many caseswere further enquiries ordered by Head Office or therecommendations <strong>of</strong> the branch were not accepted. Comment onsupervision by the SP.49.10.8 Results <strong>of</strong> Enquiries and <strong>Investigation</strong> - Consider number <strong>of</strong>cases taken up for enquiry and investigation and the number <strong>of</strong>successful cases. Comment on quality <strong>of</strong> investigation work and onsupervision by SP.49.10.9 Court Trials - Check all cases pending trial in courts over ayear. Consider possible steps to get them expedited.49.10.10 Prosecution and Results in Court - Comment on successesand failures in courts. Scrutinise Acquittal Register and results <strong>of</strong>appeals or revisions against acquittals. Reasons for failure should beparticularly examined whether in original or Appellate Courts.Comment on quality <strong>of</strong> prosecution work.49.10.11 Departmental Action & Results - Check and comment oncases sent up for departmental action and their results. Commentparticularly on failures in departmental action.49.10.12 Collection <strong>of</strong> information about corruption - Check number<strong>of</strong> trap cases and other cases started on information gathered by thebranch itself. Discuss adequacy <strong>of</strong> arrangements made for collection<strong>of</strong> information and take steps, wherever necessary, for improvement.Discuss with SP quality <strong>of</strong> investigation and prosecution workand make necessary suggestions for improvement.49.11 ection VI - Staff & Miscellaneous49.11.1 Staff - Consider vacancies and interview Investigating Officersand other staff to check the quality <strong>of</strong> their work and their suitabilityfor continued retention in the Special Police Establishment or in thatBranch.49.11.2 RSOs - Interview them and check their work and suitability forfurther retention.<strong>Page</strong> 323 <strong>of</strong> 323

49.11.3 Co-operation - Comment on liaison maintained by the SP withother Departments and the co-operation between them.49.11.4 Discipline - Comment on discipline <strong>of</strong> the staff.49.11.5 Sports and Games - See whether any arrangementsexist?49.11.6 Inspections - Check dates <strong>of</strong> inspections by the SP, theDy.SP and the P.P. Scrutinise notes <strong>of</strong> inspection to see their quality.Also see whether the instructions issued during the Inspections havebeen complied with.49.11.7 Security - Check arrangements for security <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice and<strong>of</strong>ficial records and files.49.12 List <strong>of</strong> items to be checked by <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the CBI HeadOffice while inspecting CBI Branchesi) Whether the expenditure has been kept within the sanctionedBudget grant.ii) Whether the cash book is being maintained properly.iii) Whether the Drawing and Disbursing Officer is exercising thecheck prescribed in the Financial Rules.iv) Whether TA and other advances are being adjusted promptlyin accordance with the rules and the subject.v) Whether recoveries are being made <strong>of</strong> Government dues fromthe <strong>of</strong>ficers in time.vi) Whether the Service Books are being maintained properly.vii) Whether Rules regarding grant <strong>of</strong> Over Time Allowance arebeing observed.viii) Whether the procedure for disposal <strong>of</strong> old Newspapers isbeing observed.ix) Whether due care is being exercised on Telephone expenditureand a register maintained for STD calls.x) Whether the amount <strong>of</strong> permanent imprest sanctioned to the<strong>of</strong>fice is being properly utilised, whether the amount needsrevision or not.xi) Whether annual stock verification <strong>of</strong> dead stock is beingcarried out.xii) Whether GPF Ledger in respect <strong>of</strong> Class IV Governmentservants is being duly maintained.xiii) Whether payment <strong>of</strong> Children Education Allowance,reimbursement <strong>of</strong> educational expenditure and reimbursement<strong>of</strong> medical fees is being made in accordance with the rules etc.xiv) Whether a Pension register is being maintained properly.<strong>Page</strong> 324 <strong>of</strong> 324

xv)xvi)xvii)xviii)xix)xx)xxi)xxii)xxiii)xxiv)Whether annual verification certificates are being recorded inthe Service Books.Whether the Recruitment Rules in regard to the cases wherethe SP is appointing authority, are being followed in the matter<strong>of</strong> appointment <strong>of</strong> candidates from Employment Exchange.Whether a special register in respect <strong>of</strong> vacancies reserved forScheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates is beingmaintained.Whether recording and weeding out <strong>of</strong> old files is being doneproperly and whether the files recorded are being preserved inaccordance with the procedures prescribed in this regard.Whether Diary, Despatch, File Movement, Assistant Diary(including typists register showing daily work done) and StampAccount Registers are maintained properly.Whether Weekly Arrears Statement is being put up to BranchOfficer in time.Whether a chart/Register showing the periodicity <strong>of</strong>various/Monthly/ Quarterly/Half Yearly/Annual Returns isbeing maintained and dates <strong>of</strong> submission <strong>of</strong> returns to HeadOffice shown therein.Whether proper account is being maintained <strong>of</strong> chequesissued by the branches and whether the cheques are issued inthe proper form, that is to say, in the form intended for issue togazetted <strong>of</strong>ficers, to non-gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficers or for miscellaneouspayments.Whether vouchers in respect <strong>of</strong> payments made by the <strong>of</strong>ficeby drawing cash from the bank are being sent to the Pay andAccounts Officer regularly and whether action is being taken tohave the accounts reconciledWhether references to the Pay and Accounts Officer/CBI, HeadOffice are being made regularly and in time for issue <strong>of</strong> letters<strong>of</strong> credit and whether references are also being made to thisPay Office separately for letters <strong>of</strong> credit for items <strong>of</strong>expenditure <strong>of</strong> special nature not covered by the letters <strong>of</strong>credit already issued.<strong>Page</strong> 325 <strong>of</strong> 325

50. AUDIT50.1 Role <strong>of</strong> AuditThe audit is an essential part <strong>of</strong> financial system. Its mainpurpose is to see (i) whether the accounts are complete in all respects(ii) whether expenditure is as per the laid down financial rules andduly authorised.50.2 Internal AuditInternal checks on accounts <strong>of</strong> Civil Departments is vested inthe Financial Adviser under Departmentalized Accounting System.Internal Audit <strong>of</strong> CBI Head Office and all budget dealing brancheslocated at Delhi and outside Delhi is conducted by the Internal AuditParty deputed by the Internal Audit Wing <strong>of</strong> Principal Accounts Office<strong>of</strong> Ministry <strong>of</strong> Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, New Delhi.50.3 Statutory AuditStatutory Audit is conducted by the Audit Team <strong>of</strong> DirectorateGeneral <strong>of</strong> Audit, <strong>Central</strong> Revenue, New Delhi and local AccountantGeneral <strong>of</strong> State. Audit <strong>of</strong> the books <strong>of</strong> accounts <strong>of</strong> CBI Head Officeand branches located at Delhi is conducted by the Audit Teamdeputed by the Office <strong>of</strong> Directorate General <strong>of</strong> Audit, <strong>Central</strong>Revenue, New Delhi and in respect <strong>of</strong> CBI branches located outsideDelhi by the Audit Team <strong>of</strong> concerned State Accountant General.50.4 The audit party audits the accounts <strong>of</strong> the branches andinspects the general working <strong>of</strong> a Department. The following books/records among other things are generally audited:-(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)(x)(xi)(xii)Cash BookReceipt Book( in form GAR-6)Contingent RegisterBill RegisterPay Bill RegistersService Postage Stamps RegisterRegister <strong>of</strong> recoveriesRegister <strong>of</strong> valuablesDespatch RegisterChallan Register/ChallansRegister <strong>of</strong> StationeryTelephone Bill Register<strong>Page</strong> 326 <strong>of</strong> 326

(xiii) Stock Registers :a) Consumable articles &b) Non-consumable articles (Dead-stock)(xiv) Log Books (All Vehicles)(xv) GP Fund Register <strong>of</strong> Group ‘D’ employees.(xvi) Paid Vouchers.(xvii) TA/LTC claims(xviii) Income Tax calculation(xix) Pay Fixation statements(xx) All Purchase files(xxi) Railway Warrants(xxii) Budget50.5 A subordinate authority shall not with hold any information,books or other documents required by Audit (GFR-II).50.6 On receipt <strong>of</strong> a copy <strong>of</strong> the audit/Inspection Report, the Ss.P. <strong>of</strong>the Branches are required to remove the defects and implement thesuggestions made in these reports and send compliance to the AuditParty under intimation to Head Office. The Head Office keeps a watchthat the objections raised by the Audit are settled fully and finally.50.7 To monitor the settlement <strong>of</strong> audit objections, a register may bemaintained. Progress made for settlement <strong>of</strong> these objections may bereviewed periodically.50.8 Periodicity <strong>of</strong> Audit Inspections :Each Office should be inspected at least once a year. Accounts<strong>of</strong> Head Office and branches are subjected to test audits periodicallyby representatives <strong>of</strong> Controller <strong>of</strong> Accounts/Principal AccountsOffice.50.9 Wherever such test audit has not been undertaken within aperiod <strong>of</strong> preceding two years in any unit, an inspection <strong>of</strong> theaccounts <strong>of</strong> that unit should be undertaken by a team from CBI, HeadOffice. Heads <strong>of</strong> CBI Offices should keep the Head Office informedabout any case when there was no test audit within preceding twoyears.<strong>Page</strong> 327 <strong>of</strong> 327

51. IMPLEMENTATION OF INSTRUCTIONSON OFFICIAL LANGUAGE51.1 Language <strong>of</strong> the UnionThe Official Language <strong>of</strong> the Union is Hindi in Devanagariscript. The form <strong>of</strong> numerals used for the <strong>of</strong>ficial purposes <strong>of</strong> theUnion is the international form <strong>of</strong> Indian numerals.51.2 The important instructions regarding Official LanguagePolicy as per the Official Languages Act, 1963 and the OfficialLanguages (Use for <strong>of</strong>ficial purposes <strong>of</strong> the Union) Rules, 1976 (Asamended in 1987) made thereunder are as follows:-(i) Region :-"Region A" means the States <strong>of</strong> Bihar, Chhattisgarh,Jharkhand, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, MadhyaPradesh, Rajasthan, Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh andthe Union Territory <strong>of</strong> Delhi and Andaman and NicobarIslands ."Region B" means the States <strong>of</strong> Gujarat, Maharashtraand Punjab and the Union Territory <strong>of</strong> Chandigarh."Region C" means the States and the Union Territoriesother than those referred to in Region A and B.(ii) (ii) Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in Hindi - An employee shall bedeemed to possess pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in Hindi if :-(a) he has passed the Matriculation or anyequivalent or higher examination with Hindi as themedium <strong>of</strong> examination; or(b) he has taken Hindi as an elective subject in thedegree examination or any other examination equivalentto or higher than the degree examination; or(c) he declares himself to possess pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in Hindi.(iii)Working knowledge <strong>of</strong> Hindi - An employee shall bedeemed to have acquired a working knowledge <strong>of</strong> Hindi if:-<strong>Page</strong> 328 <strong>of</strong> 328

(a) he has passed the Matriculation or anequivalent or higher examination with Hindi asone <strong>of</strong> the subjects; or(b) he has passed the Pragya examinationconducted under the Hindi Teaching Scheme <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Central</strong> Government or when so specified bythat Government in respect <strong>of</strong> any particularcategory <strong>of</strong> posts, any lower examination underthat Scheme; or(c) he has passed any other examination specifiedin that behalf by the <strong>Central</strong> Government; or(d) he declares himself to have acquired suchknowledge .(iv)Originating Correspondence to the <strong>Central</strong> GovernmentOffices, States or Union Territories and individuals inRegion 'A' and 'B' shall be in Hindi.(v)Noting on files be made more and more in Hindi.(vi)All communications received in Hindi irrespective <strong>of</strong>their source shall be replied to in Hindi.(vii)All applications, appeals or representations made orsigned in Hindi shall essentially be replied in Hindi.(viii)All papers, documents, general orders, resolutions,rules, notifications, agreements, administrative andother reports or press communiques etc. falling undersection 3(3) <strong>of</strong> the Official Language Act, 1963 shallessentially be issued simultaneously in bilingual form( Hindi & English).(ix)Addresses on the envelopes <strong>of</strong> letters meant fordespatch to Region 'A' & 'B' shall be written only inDevnagari script.(x) Rubber stamps, Name plates, Notice Boards, Signboards, letter-heads, forms headings <strong>of</strong> Registers etc.shall be got prepared only in bilingual form, i.e. both inHindi & English.(xi)Entries in Service Books/Registers maintained in<strong>of</strong>fices located in Region A' & 'B' shall be made in Hindionly.<strong>Page</strong> 329 <strong>of</strong> 329

(xii)All advertisements/tenders etc. shall be issued inHindi & English simultaneously for publication in theNewspapers <strong>of</strong> the respective languages.(xiii) In all in-service Departmental and PromotionalExaminations, option shall be provided to answerquestion papers through Hindi medium also exceptcompulsory question papers <strong>of</strong> English. Such questionpapers shall be made available both in English andHindi. The candidates shall be informed clearly aboutthe availability <strong>of</strong> Hindi medium for writtenexamination and interview well in advance.(xiv)The names <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government <strong>of</strong>fices, the staffwhere<strong>of</strong> have acquired a working knowledge <strong>of</strong> Hindi,shall be notified in the Official Gazette.(xv)All manuals, codes and other procedural literaturerelating to the <strong>Central</strong> Government <strong>of</strong>fices shall beprinted or cyclostyled, as the case may be, andpublished both in Hindi and English in diglot form.51.3 Overall ResponsibilityIt shall be the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the administrative head <strong>of</strong> each<strong>Central</strong> Government <strong>of</strong>fice to ensure that the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Act andrules made thereunder and the directions issued are properlycomplied with. Further, it is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer signingthe letter, circular or document to ensure that the letters, circularsetc. which are required to be issued in Hindi or in bilingual, i.e. inHindi & English are both prepared simultaneously and then issuedaccordingly.51.4 Incentive SchemesThere are several incentive schemes for doing <strong>of</strong>ficial work inHindi such as scheme for doing original noting/drafting in Hindi,scheme for doing orginal <strong>of</strong>ficial work in Hindi in specialized spheres,scheme <strong>of</strong> giving dictation in Hindi, scheme for writing original booksin Hindi etc.51.5 Annual ProgrammeDepartment <strong>of</strong> Official Language issues an Annual Programmefor progressive use <strong>of</strong> Hindi which can be downloaded from theirwebsite [dol.nic.in].<strong>Page</strong> 330 <strong>of</strong> 330

APPENDIX-IPOSTS SANCTIONED IN CBI AND THEIR PAY SCALEDesignation <strong>of</strong> PostGROUP ASanctionedStrengthRevised scales <strong>of</strong> Pay (According to5th <strong>Central</strong> Pay Commission)Director 1 Rs.26000/-(fixed)Special Director 1 Rs.24050-650-26000/- (Above Supertime Scale)Additional. Director 2 Rs.22400-525-24500/- (AboveSupertime Scale)Joint Director 16 Rs.18400-500-22400/- (SupertimeScale)Deputy Inspector General<strong>of</strong> Police39 Rs.16400-450-20000/-(Super time Scale)Senior Supdt. <strong>of</strong> Police 10 Rs.14300-400-18300/-Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police 89 For IPS OfficersRs.10000-325-15200 (Time Scale)Rs.12000-375-16500/-(JuniorAdministrative Scale)Rs.14300-400-18300/- (SelectionGrade)For Non -IPS <strong>of</strong>ficersRs.12000-375-16500/-Addl. Superintendent <strong>of</strong> 75 Rs.10000-325-15200/-PoliceDeputy Superintendent 240 Rs.8000-275-13500/-<strong>of</strong> PoliceDy. Adviser (Equivalent to 10 Rs.8000-275-13500/-the rank <strong>of</strong> DSP)Admn. Officer 2 Rs.10000-325-15200/-ALA 6 Rs.14300-400-18300/-DLA 20 Rs.12000-375-16500/-Senior Public Prosecutor 67 Rs.10000-325-15200/-Public Prosecutor 96 Rs.8000-275-13500/-Sr. Adviser (Equivalent to 4 Rs.16400-450-20000/-DIG)Adviser (Equivalent to SP) 4 Rs.14300-400-18300/-Technical Adviser 1 Rs.10000-325-15200/-Technical Officer (A&IT) 3 Rs.10000-325-15200/-<strong>Page</strong> 331 <strong>of</strong> 331

Technical Officer1 Rs.10000-325-15200/-(Banking)DPIO 1 Rs.14300-400-18300/-Executive Engineer 1 Rs.10000-325-15200/-OSD (Computer) 1 Rs.10000-325-15200/-Principal System Analyst 1 Rs.12000-375-16500/-Sr. System Analyst. 3 Rs.10650-325-15850/-Programmer 10 Rs.8000-275-13500/-Lecturers (Training2 Rs.8000-275-13500/-Academy)TOTAL 706GROUP BJunior Analyst 1 Rs.6500-200-10500/-Office Supdt. 35 Rs.6500-200-10500/-APPs 41 Rs.6500-200-10500/-JTO (A&IT) 4 Rs.6500-200-10500/-Hindi Officer 2 Rs.7500-250-12000/-Librarian 1 Rs.6500-200-10500/-Steno Gr.A/Sr.PS 3 Rs.7500-250-12000/-Steno Gr.B/PS 16 Rs.6500-200-10500/-Asst. Programmer 40 Rs.6500-200-10500/-Total 143GROUP CInspr. <strong>of</strong> Police 755 Rs.6500-200-10500/-Junior Adviser 16 Rs.6500-200-10500/-Sub Insprs. 381 Rs.5500-175-9000/-ASI 199 Rs.4000-100-6000/-Head Constable 459 Rs.3200-85-4900/-Constable 1,808 Rs.3050-75-3950-80-4590/-Steno Gr.I/PA 64 Rs.5500-175-9000/-Steno Gr.D/ Sr. Clerk 371 Rs.4000-100-6000/-StenoJr. Accounts Officer 1 Rs.5500-175-9000/-Crime Assistants 57 Rs.5500-175-9000/-Head Clerks 76 Rs.5000-150-8000/-UDCs 188 Rs.4000-100-6000/-LDCs 469 Rs.3050-75-3950-80-4590/-Sr.Hindi Translator 1 Rs.6500-200-10500/-Jr. Hindi Translator 20 Rs.5500-175-9000/-Asst. Librarian 1 Rs.5000-150-8000/-Junior Engineers 5 Rs.5500-175-9000/-Income Tax Inspectors 2 Rs.6500-200-10500/-C&CE Insprs. 4 Rs.6500-200-10500/-<strong>Page</strong> 332 <strong>of</strong> 332

DPA Gr.B 1 Rs.6500-200-10500/-DPA Gr.A 1 Rs.5500-175-9000/-Care Taker 1 Rs.5500-175-9000/-DEO Gr. A 12 Rs.4000-100-6000/-Sr.Gest. Operator 1 Rs.3050-75-4590/-TOTAL 4,893GROUP DDresser 1 Rs.2750-70-3800-75-4400/-Jr. Gest. Operator 7 Rs.2610-60-2910-65-3300-70-4000/-Daftry 48 Rs.2610-60-2910-65-3300-70-4000/-Peon 28 Rs.2550-55-2660-60-3200/-Safaiwala 53 Rs.2550-55-2660-60-3200/-Farash 1 Rs.2550-55-2660-60-3200/-Bearer 4 Rs.2550-55-2660-60-3200/-Cook 2 Rs.2550-55-2660-60-3200/-Total 144GRAND TOTAL 5,886<strong>Page</strong> 333 <strong>of</strong> 333

APPENDIX-IIWORK ALLOCATION IN ADMINISTRATION DIVISIONConsequent upon restructuring <strong>of</strong> CBI branches / regions vide PolicyDivision/CBI/HO Order dated 30.05.2003 under each Joint Director, thework <strong>of</strong> Administration Division CBI, Head Office is redistributed as under:(A)DIG(Pers.)The DIG(Pers) is responsible for the personnel management in CBIthrough the SP(Pers) and AO(Pers) whose allocation <strong>of</strong> duties andresponsibilities are given below :(I)Supdt <strong>of</strong> Police (Pers.)1. Internal Work Study Uniti. Rationalisation <strong>of</strong> Organisation structure.ii. Work measurement studies <strong>of</strong> CBI, HO and Branches etc.iii. Inspection notes - compilation/supply <strong>of</strong> information asked for byCabinet Sectt./DP&T/MHA and Parliament Questions.iv. Creation <strong>of</strong> new posts and setting up <strong>of</strong> new Branches / Units etc.v. Proposal for creation / upgradation <strong>of</strong> posts.vi. Revision <strong>of</strong> pay scales and allowances.vii. All monthly, quarterly and annual returns relating to :-a. Representation <strong>of</strong> Minority Communities in GovernmentService.b. Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST.c. Recruitment <strong>of</strong> OBCs in Government Service.d. Employment <strong>of</strong> members <strong>of</strong> families <strong>of</strong> GovernmentServants in foreign mission.e. Representation for Physically handicapped persons inGroup ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts.f. Filling up <strong>of</strong> backlog <strong>of</strong> posts reserved for SC/ST.g. Appointment <strong>of</strong> SCs/STs/OBCs.viii. Continuation <strong>of</strong> temporary posts.ix. Related Court matters/RDAs.<strong>Page</strong> 334 <strong>of</strong> 334

x. To liaise with all <strong>of</strong>ficers/Sections <strong>of</strong> Administration Division andto furnish information to Senior Officers as and when calledfor.xi. Monthly Performance Report.xii. Maintenance <strong>of</strong> old files and records as per instructions <strong>of</strong> theGovernment in the <strong>Central</strong> Record Room.xiii. Co-ordination with Ministries / Sections <strong>of</strong> AdministrationDivision, CBI, Head Office regarding Establishment matters.2. Pers-II Sectioni. Recruitment, appointment, deputation, posting, transfer, promotion,absorption, pay fixation in respect <strong>of</strong> Inspector, Sub-Inspectors, Jr.Advisors, Jr. Engineers, Hindi Translators.ii. Recruitment, appointment, deputation, posting, transfer, promotion,absorption, pay fixation <strong>of</strong> Sr.PS and PS, all NGO Ministerial andGroup ‘D’ ranks.iii. All disciplinary matters in respect <strong>of</strong> Inspectors and Sub-Inspectors inexecutive ranks, Jr.Advisors & Jr. Engineers, Sr.PS and PS all NGOMinisterial and Group ‘D’ ranks.iv. Preparation <strong>of</strong> Seniority list <strong>of</strong> all cadres dealt with in the Section.v. Court/CAT matters in respect <strong>of</strong> all cadres dealt with in the Section.3. Pers- III Sectioni. Recruitment, appointment, deputation, posting, transfer, promotion,absorption, pay fixation in respect <strong>of</strong> ASI, Head Constables andConstables.ii. All disciplinary matters in respect <strong>of</strong> ASI, Head Constables andConstables.iii. Pension cases <strong>of</strong> all categories <strong>of</strong> staff / Officers <strong>of</strong> CBI, HO and followup <strong>of</strong> pension cases <strong>of</strong> Branches with P & AO, CBI.iv. All matters relating to CGHS / Family Planning Scheme.v. Rewards / Honorarium.vi. Preparation <strong>of</strong> Seniority list <strong>of</strong> all Cadres dealt with in the Section.vii. Court/CAT matters in respect <strong>of</strong> all cadres dealt with in the Section.(II)Admn. Officers (Pers.)1. Pers-I Sectioni. Appointment, deputation, posting, transfer, promotion, training,absorption, pay fixation and disciplinary matters in respect <strong>of</strong> allExecutive Officers <strong>of</strong> the rank <strong>of</strong> Dy.SP and above, Prosecution ranks,<strong>Page</strong> 335 <strong>of</strong> 335

ii.iii.Information Officers, Executive Engineer, OSD(Computer), TechnicalAdvisor, Technical Officers, JTOs, Principal System Analyst,Sr.System Analysts, Programmers, Asstt. Programmers, OfficerSupdts & Hindi Officer.Induction / posting / transfer <strong>of</strong> Railway Sectional Officers.Preparation <strong>of</strong> Seniority list <strong>of</strong> all cadres dealt with in the Section.iv. Court / CAT matters in respect <strong>of</strong> all cadres dealt with in theSection.2. DPC & ACR Sectioni. DPC meetings <strong>of</strong> CBI Officers.ii. Submission <strong>of</strong> proposals to UPSC.iii. Holding <strong>of</strong> Departmental Competitive Examinations.iv. Recruitment Rules - matters relating to review.v. Custody / maintenance <strong>of</strong> ACR folders and follow-up action on appealsagainst adverse remarks in respect <strong>of</strong> all NGO ranks in Ministerial,Executive and Technical cadre <strong>of</strong> CBI and Departmental Canteenstaff.3. Hindi Sectioni. Translation from English to Hindi and vice-versa.ii. Implementation <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial language programmes.iii. Imparting training in Hindi.iv. Inspection <strong>of</strong> Branches <strong>of</strong> CBI regarding progressive use <strong>of</strong> Hindi.v. Organisation <strong>of</strong> Hindi Workshop.vi. Organisation <strong>of</strong> OLIC meeting.(B)DIG(Admn.)The Dy.I.G.(Admn) is responsible for the overall Budget & logistics <strong>of</strong>the organisation through the AO(A) and SP(Hqrs) whose allocation <strong>of</strong> dutiesand responsibilites are given below :-(I)Supdt <strong>of</strong> Police (Hqrs.)1. Admn.-1i. Office accommodation - Acquisition, possession, maintenance, hiringand construction etc.ii. Residential accommodation - Acquisition, possession, maintenance,hiring and construction etc.<strong>Page</strong> 336 <strong>of</strong> 336

iii. Supervision, caretaking etc., <strong>of</strong> HO building viz., sanitation, hygiene,beautification and other civic amenities.iv. Telephones - all matters.v. Preparation <strong>of</strong> plan and its implementation.vi. Identity Cards - MHA, CBI, Defence, BOCAS etc.vii. CBI Canteen matters.viii. Condemnation, purchase and distribution <strong>of</strong> all CBI vehicles.ix. Benevolent fund and welfare matters.x. Uniforms and liveries to Group ‘D’ staff - purchase and supply inrespect <strong>of</strong> HO staff.2. Control Room3. Motor Transport Celli. Maintenance and upkeep <strong>of</strong> Government vehicles available on thesrength <strong>of</strong> CBI, HO and also their records. To provide Government vehiclesto all senior <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> CBI, HO at the time <strong>of</strong> their requirements. Also toarrange transport facilities for <strong>of</strong>ficers attending various Conference /Meetings organised by CBI.4. R & I Celli. <strong>Central</strong>ised receipts and despatch section for the entire CBI Branches.ii.Despatch section for the entire Admn Division.5. Deptt. Canteen6. Duty Officer, Pragati Vihar Hostel and Vasant Vihar Hostel.7. EPBAX, CBI, HO.(II)Admn. Officer(A)1. Admn.IIi. Drawing and Disbursing Unit for CBI Hqrs., and all related functions.ii. Annual and Plan Budget matters for the Department as a whole.iii. Audit paras and their settlements.iv. Payments <strong>of</strong> bills in respect <strong>of</strong> Air Vouchers, Railway Warrants.v. Delegation <strong>of</strong> Adminisrative and Financial powers.vi. Declaration <strong>of</strong> DDOs, Head <strong>of</strong> Office, Controlling Officers in respect <strong>of</strong>CBI Branches.vii. Appropriation and Re-appropriation <strong>of</strong> funds.<strong>Page</strong> 337 <strong>of</strong> 337

viii. Maintenance <strong>of</strong> GPF Account <strong>of</strong> Group ‘D’ employees <strong>of</strong> CBI,ix. All work relating to issue <strong>of</strong> Air Vouchers for air journeys performedby CBIx. Matters relating to Foreign visits <strong>of</strong> CBI <strong>of</strong>ficers for investigation andto attend Training, Seminar & Conferences etc.2. Admn.IIIi. Stationary and furniture / indenting / purchase and supply includingprinting /supply <strong>of</strong> establishment and crime forms.ii. Purchase, supply and maintenance <strong>of</strong> all types <strong>of</strong> manual / electronicmachines FAX, Computers, Printers etc.iii. Purchase and condemnation <strong>of</strong> stores purchase under HO sanction.iv. Publishing and printing.v. Matters relating to all advances (GPF, HBA, Motor Car Advance, CycleAdvance, Festival Advance, Computer Advance etc.)vi. Medical Reimbursement.vii. Matters relating to all claims (Conveyance allowance under SR-25,Children Education Allowance, Tuition Fee claims etc.)3. LibraryMaintenance <strong>of</strong> all Books, Newspapers, Magazines.<strong>Page</strong> 338 <strong>of</strong> 338

APPENDIX-IIIRECRUITMENT RULES1. IntroductionRules are framed by the President <strong>of</strong> India in exercise <strong>of</strong> the powersconferred by the provision <strong>of</strong> Article 309 <strong>of</strong> the Constitution to regulate themethod <strong>of</strong> recruitment/appointment to different posts in CBI. Variousmethods <strong>of</strong> recruitment are direct recruitment, deputation, promotion byseniority or through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination.Recruitment Rules for most <strong>of</strong> the posts <strong>of</strong> CBI have been framed andnotified. The rest <strong>of</strong> the Rules are under the process <strong>of</strong> revision or pendingnotification. No relaxation in the provisions <strong>of</strong> the rules are possible exceptwith the prior approval <strong>of</strong> the Cabinet Secretariat which is the rule makingauthority.2. Modes <strong>of</strong> Recruitment2.1 Executive Ranks :(i) The Director, Special Directors and Addl. Director are recruitedexclusively by deputation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> Indian Police Services, who havebeen approved for appointment as Director General <strong>of</strong> Police/and AdditionalDirector General <strong>of</strong> Police under the Government <strong>of</strong> India respectively.Recommendations for appointments are made by a CBI Selection Boardheaded by <strong>Central</strong> Vigilance Commissioner and Home Secretary, Secretary(Co-ordn & PG), Cabinet Secretariat as Members. The views <strong>of</strong> theincumbent Director are considered by the Board for making the best choice.Final selection to these posts <strong>of</strong> CBI is made by the Appointment Committee<strong>of</strong> the Cabinet from the panel recommended by the aforesaid CBI SelectionBoard. The Director, CBI shall have a minimum tenure <strong>of</strong> 2 years regardless<strong>of</strong> the date <strong>of</strong> his superannuation.(ii) Eighty percent posts <strong>of</strong> the Joint Directors are filled up by deputationfrom the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> Indian Police Service who have been approved forappointment as Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police under the Government <strong>of</strong> India.The rest twenty percent posts <strong>of</strong> Joint Directors are filled up by thedepartmental cadre <strong>of</strong>ficers who have completed 5 years regular service asDIG.(iii) Seventy five percent posts <strong>of</strong> DIG are filled up on deputation <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> Indian Police Service empaneled for holding DIsG level post at the<strong>Page</strong> 339 <strong>of</strong> 339

Centre or <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax Service, IndianCustom and <strong>Central</strong> Excise), holding analogous posts on regular basis. Therest twenty five percent posts <strong>of</strong> DIsG are filled up from the departmentalcadre <strong>of</strong>ficers who have completed 4 years regular service as Sr.Ss.P., failingwhich Sr.Ss.P. with combined regular service <strong>of</strong> 8 years in the grade <strong>of</strong>Sr.S.P. and SP.(iii)The posts <strong>of</strong> Sr.Ss.P. are filled up from the departmental cadre SsPwith 4 years <strong>of</strong> regular service in the grade.(iv) Sixty percent posts <strong>of</strong> SsP are filled on deputation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong>Indian Police Service/All India Services/IAAS/IRS/IC&CE and <strong>Central</strong> PoliceOrganizations holding analogous post on regular basis. Ten percent <strong>of</strong> thedeputation posts are exclusively meant for <strong>of</strong>ficers belonging to servicesother than IPS such as AIS, IA&AS/IRS(IT), IC&CES and CPOs (the penal <strong>of</strong>the deputation posts, out <strong>of</strong> the deputation quota are to be filled up from the<strong>of</strong>ficers other than Indian Police Services). The rest forty percent posts <strong>of</strong> SsPare filled up from amongst the departmental cadre <strong>of</strong>ficers who havecompleted 6 years regular service in the rank <strong>of</strong> ASP failing which <strong>of</strong> therank <strong>of</strong> ASP with combined regular service <strong>of</strong> 12 years in the grades <strong>of</strong> ASP &DSP.(v) Eighty percent posts <strong>of</strong> ASP are filled by promotion <strong>of</strong> thedepartmental DSsP having 6 year regular service in the grade, the resttwenty percent posts are filled up on deputation/absorption basis.Absorption will not exceed ten percent <strong>of</strong> the deputation posts.(vi) Forty percent posts <strong>of</strong> Dy.S.P. are filled up by promotion <strong>of</strong> thedepartmental Inspectors, who have 8 years regular service in the grade. Fiftypercent posts are filled on deputation/absorption basis <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong>Centre/State Police Organisations holding analogous posts subjected to thecondition that absorption will not exceed fifteen percent <strong>of</strong> the deputationposts. The rest ten percent posts are filled by Direct Recruitment.(vii) Fifty percent posts <strong>of</strong> Inspectors are filled up by promotion <strong>of</strong> the Sub-Inspectors in the CBI with 5 years’ regular service in the grade. Remainingfifty percent posts are filled up on deputation/transfer basis <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong>Centre/State Police Organisations holding analogous posts.(viii) Fifty percent posts <strong>of</strong> Sub-Inspectors are filled by direct recruitmentthrough Staff Selection Commission. Twenty five percent posts are filled upby the departmental ASIs with five years’ regular service in the grade bypromotion on seniority-cum-fitness basis. The remaining twenty five percentposts are filled up through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination.<strong>Page</strong> 340 <strong>of</strong> 340

(ix) Fifty percent posts <strong>of</strong> ASIs are filled up by promotion <strong>of</strong> departmentalHead Constables <strong>of</strong> CBI with a minimum <strong>of</strong> 5 years’ regular service in thatgrade. Twenty five percent posts are filled up through Limited DepartmentalCompetitive Examination and remaining twenty five percent bydeputation/absorption.(x) Forty percent posts <strong>of</strong> Head Constables are filled up by promotion byseniority-cum-fitness basis <strong>of</strong> the Constables with at least 5 years’ regularservice the grade in CBI. Forty percent posts are filled up through LimitedDepartmental Competitive Examination. Remaining twenty percent are filledup by deputation/absorption.(xi)Forty percent posts <strong>of</strong> Constables are filled up by direct recruitment.Remaining sixty percent posts are filled up by deputation/absorption.2.2 Law Officers(i) The posts <strong>of</strong> Additional Legal Advisor/Deputy Legal Advisor are filledup either by promotion from amongst Dy. Legal Advisors/Sr. PublicProsecutors <strong>of</strong> CBI with 5 years regular service in the grade or by deputationfrom amongst the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong>/State Governments holding analogouspost. Failing both <strong>of</strong> the above methods, ALA/DLA can also be appointed bydirect recruitment through UPSC.(ii) Fifty percent posts <strong>of</strong> Sr. Public Prosecutors are filled up by promotionfrom amongst the Public Prosecutors <strong>of</strong> CBI with five years’ regular service inthe grade, failing which the posts are filled by deputation. Twenty fivepercent posts are filled up by direct recruitment through UPSC andremaining twenty five percent posts by deputation or absorption fromamongst the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> Cenral/State Governments holding analogous post.(iii) Fifty five percent posts <strong>of</strong> Public Prosecutors are filled up by directrecruitment through UPSC. Twenty percent posts are filled up by promotionfrom amongst the Assistant Public Prosecutors <strong>of</strong> CBI with five years’ regularservice in the grade, failing which the posts are filled by deputation. Theremaining twenty five percent posts by deputation or absorption fromamongst the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong>/State Governments holding analogous post.(iv)The post <strong>of</strong> Assistant Public Prosecutor is filled up by directrecruitment through UPSC.2.3 Ministerial Cadre(i) The post <strong>of</strong> Office Superintendent in CBI is filled up either bypromotion <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> CBI with a cumulative service <strong>of</strong> 8 years in theposts <strong>of</strong> Crime Assistant and Head Clerk-cum-Accountant in the<strong>Page</strong> 341 <strong>of</strong> 341

organisation (<strong>of</strong> which at least 3 years <strong>of</strong> service should be in the post <strong>of</strong>Crime Assistant) or on deputation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers holding analogous posts inCentre/State Police Organisations.(ii) The posts <strong>of</strong> Sr. Private Secretary/Private Secretary in CBI are filledup either by promotion from amongst the <strong>of</strong>ficers in the rank <strong>of</strong> PrivateSecretary/Personal Assistant <strong>of</strong> CBI with a total period <strong>of</strong> 2/7 years <strong>of</strong>service respectively in the organization on deputation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers holdinganalogous posts in Centre/State Police Organizations.(iii) The post <strong>of</strong> Personal Assistant in CBI is filled up either by promotionfrom amongst the <strong>of</strong>ficers in the rank <strong>of</strong> Sr. Clerk Steno <strong>of</strong> CBI with a totalperiod <strong>of</strong> 3 years <strong>of</strong> service in the organization or on deputation <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>ficers holding analogous posts in Centre/State Police Organizations.(iv) Seventy five percent posts <strong>of</strong> Sr. Clerk Steno are filled up directlythrough Staff Selection Commission and the remaining twenty five percentposts are filled up by deputation failing which by direct recruitment.(v) The posts <strong>of</strong> Crime Assistant in CBI are filled up by promotion <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>ficers in the rank <strong>of</strong> Head Clerk-cum-Accountants in the CBI who have putin 3 years regular service in the grade.(vi) Sixty percent posts <strong>of</strong> Head Clerk in CBI are filled up by promotionthrough Limited Departmental Competitive Examination <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficials inthe rank <strong>of</strong> UDCs in the CBI who have put in 3 years regular service in thegrade. Remaining forty percent posts are filled up by promotion on the basis<strong>of</strong> seniority-cum-fitness.(vii) Seventy five percent posts <strong>of</strong> UDC are filled up by promotion byseniority-cum-fitness, failing which by deputation and the rest twenty fivepercent posts are filled up by promotion through Limited DepartmentalCompetitive Examination from amongst the <strong>of</strong>ficials who have put in 5 years<strong>of</strong> regular service in the rank <strong>of</strong> LDC.(viii) Ninety percent <strong>of</strong> the posts <strong>of</strong> LDC are filled up through by directrecruitment. Out <strong>of</strong> these, ten percent <strong>of</strong> the vacancies, are to be filledthrough Limited Departmental Competitive Examination <strong>of</strong> the matriculateClass-IV employees <strong>of</strong> CBI. The remaining ten percent posts are filled bydeputation, failing which by direct recruitment.2.4 Group ‘ D’ Posts(i)The post <strong>of</strong> Daftry in CBI is filled up by promotion <strong>of</strong> the Peons withthree years minimum service rendered on regular basis after their<strong>Page</strong> 342 <strong>of</strong> 342

appointment<strong>Central</strong> Government Officers.or by deputation form persons holding analogous posts in(ii) Seventy five percent posts <strong>of</strong> Peon are filled up directly and twenty fivepercent posts are filled up by deputation failing which by direct recruitment<strong>of</strong> other Group ‘D’ employees who have put in 5 years regular service andposses at least elementary literacy.(iii)The recruitment in the grade <strong>of</strong> Safaiwalas in the CBI is made bydirect recruitment.(iv) The post <strong>of</strong> Sr. Gestetner Operator in CBI is filled up by promotionfrom amongst Jr. Gestetner Operators with 3 years service in the grade andhaving pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in handling <strong>of</strong> Gestetner Machines.(v) The post <strong>of</strong> Jr. Gestetner Operator is filled up by promotion fromamongst Daftaries <strong>of</strong> CBI who have put in minimum 3 years service asDaftry and who possess pr<strong>of</strong>iciency in handling <strong>of</strong> Gestetner Machines.2.5 Support Staff(i)The post <strong>of</strong> Lecturer is filled up by deputation from the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Central</strong>/State Government.(ii) The post <strong>of</strong> Principal System Analyst is filled up either by promotionfrom amongst the Senior System Analysts <strong>of</strong> CBI with five years’ regularservice in the grade or by deputation from amongst the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong><strong>Central</strong>/State Government or Universities or recognised Research Institutes<strong>of</strong> Public Sector Undertaking or Semi-Government, Statutory orAutonomous Organisations holding analogous posts on regular basis, failingwhich by direct recruitment through UPSC.(iii) The post <strong>of</strong> Sr. System Analyst is filled up either by promotion fromamongst the Programmers <strong>of</strong> CBI with five years’ regular service in the gradeor by deputation from amongst the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong>/State Government orUniversities or recognised Research Institutes or Public Sector Undertakingsor Semi-Government, Statutory or Autonomous Organisations holdinganalogous posts on regular basis, failing by promotion/deputation, the postis filled up directly through UPSC.(iv) The post <strong>of</strong> Programmer is filled up either by promotion from amongstthe Assistant Programmers <strong>of</strong> CBI with five years’ regular service in thegrade or by deputation from amongst the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong>/StateGovernment or Universities or recognised Research Institutes or PublicSector Undertakings or Semi-Government, Statutory or Autonomous<strong>Page</strong> 343 <strong>of</strong> 343

Organisations holding analogous posts on regular basis. Failing bypromotion/deputation, the post is filled up directly through UPSC.(v)The post <strong>of</strong> Assistant Programmer is filled up by direct recruitment.(vi) The posts <strong>of</strong> Assistant Library & Information Officer/Senior Library &Information Assistant are filled up either by promotion from departmental<strong>of</strong>ficers with three years’ regular service or by deputation from amongst the<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Government holding analogous post.(vii) The post <strong>of</strong> Information Officer is filled up by deputation fromamongst the <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Government holding analogous post, failingwhich by direct recruitment through UPSC.(viii)The post <strong>of</strong> Care-Taker in CBI is filled up on deputation from <strong>Central</strong>Government Offices.(ix)The post <strong>of</strong> Dresser in CBI is filled up on deputation from <strong>Central</strong>Government Offices.<strong>Page</strong> 344 <strong>of</strong> 344

APPENDIX-IVAPPOINTMENT THROUGH STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION1. The Government <strong>of</strong> India, in the Department <strong>of</strong> Personnel andAdministrative Reforms vide its Resolution No. 46/1(S)/74-Estt.(B)dated the 4th November, 1975 constituted a Commission called asSubordinate Services Commission which was subsequentlyredesignated as Staff Selection Commission effective from the 26thSeptember, 1977 to make recruitment to various Class III (now Group‘C’) (non-technical) posts in various Ministries/Departments <strong>of</strong> theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India and in subordinate Offices. The functions <strong>of</strong> theStaff Selection Commission have been enlarged from time to time andpresently the Staff Selection Commission conducts recruitment to allGroup ‘B’ posts in the pay scale the maximum <strong>of</strong> which is less thanRs. 10,500/-. Thus the Staff Selection Commission conductsexamination and/or interviews, whenever required for recruitment tothe posts within its purview. The examinations are conducted usuallyfor :-(a) the posts <strong>of</strong> Lower Division Clerks in variousMinistries/Departments, attached and subordinate <strong>of</strong>fices.(b)the posts <strong>of</strong> Grade ‘C’ and Grade ‘D’ Stenographers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong>Secretariat Stenographers Service including attached andsubordinate <strong>of</strong>fices.(c)the posts <strong>of</strong> Assistant in various Ministries/Departmentsincluding attached and subordinate <strong>of</strong>fices.(d)the posts <strong>of</strong> Inspectors <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Excise, Inspectors <strong>of</strong> IncomeTax, Preventive Officers and Examiners in different CustomHouses, Assistant Enforcement Officers in Directorate <strong>of</strong>Enforcement, Grade - II <strong>of</strong> Delhi Administration SubordinateServices.(e)the posts Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Investigation</strong> and <strong>Central</strong> Police Organizations.2. Besides, the Commission conducts periodical typewriting testin English and Hindi.<strong>Page</strong> 345 <strong>of</strong> 345

3. On setting up <strong>of</strong> the Staff Selection Commission, it will not bepossible to make recruitment to these posts without consulting theStaff Selection Commission and that also for filling up <strong>of</strong> vacancies <strong>of</strong>an ad-hoc nature only.4. In CBI, there are posts <strong>of</strong> SIs, Senior Clerk Stenos and LDCsand other Group B & C Posts (as mentioned in the RecruitmentRules), to which it is now necessary to make recruitment through theStaff Selection Commission. The exact number <strong>of</strong> vacancies in thegrade <strong>of</strong> SIs, LDCs and Sr.Clerk Stenos are to be notified to StaffSelection Commission in advance, indicating the number <strong>of</strong> posts ineach category reserved for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes.Recruitment examinations are held by the Staff Selection Commissionand on the basis <strong>of</strong> results, they nominate candidates for the posts <strong>of</strong>SIs, in CBI (including SIs, Finger Print <strong>Bureau</strong>, Kolkatta) as well asSr.Clerk Stenos, and LDCs.5. While notifying the vacancies to the Commission, the followingpoints are required to be noted carefully :-(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)Requisitions and letters intimating the vacancies addressed tothe Commission should be signed invariably by the authorized<strong>of</strong>ficer, namely, Head <strong>of</strong> Office.Only permanent vacancies and vacancies likely to continueindefinitely are to be taken into account. Short-term/leavevacancies which are to be filled purely on ad hoc basis shouldnot be included.Exact location <strong>of</strong> the vacancies, i.e. places where the nominatedcandidates are to be posted, should be clearly specified.Particular care should be taken to ensure that reservationorders are correctly applied and break-up <strong>of</strong> vacancies reservedfor SC/ST, OBC, PH and Ex-Servicemen is properly indicatedin the requisition under the relevant column.It should be ensured that correct number <strong>of</strong> vacancies areintimated.Attested copy <strong>of</strong> ‘No Objection Certificate’ issued by the <strong>Central</strong>(Surplus Staff) Cell, in respect <strong>of</strong> relevant post may also beattached with the requisition.It should be ensured that the <strong>of</strong>ficial seal <strong>of</strong> requisitioning<strong>of</strong>ficer is affixed below his signature.<strong>Page</strong> 346 <strong>of</strong> 346

APPENDIX-VTHE DELHI SPECIAL POLICE ESTABLISHMENT (SUBORDINATE RANKS)(DISCIPLINE AND APPEAL) RULES, 1961(Govt. <strong>of</strong> India, Ministry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs No. 15/18/59-AVDdated, the 15th December, 1961)NOTIFICATIONS.R.O......... In exercise <strong>of</strong> the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309<strong>of</strong> the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules, namely:-(THE DELHI SPECIAL POLICE ESTABLISHMENT (SUBORDINATE RANKS)(DISCIPLINE AND APPEAL) RULES, 1961.PART-1 (GENERAL)1. SHORT TITLE:These rules may be called the Delhi Special Police Establishment(Subordinate Ranks) (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1961.2. APPLICATION:These rules shall apply to all subordinate Police Officers in the DelhiSpecial Police Estt.3. DEFINITIONS:In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:-(a)means-'Appointing Authority' in relation to a subordinate Police Officer(i) the authority empowered to make appointment to therank or post which the subordinate Police <strong>of</strong>ficer for the timebeing holds, or(ii) the authority which appointed the subordinate PoliceOfficer to such rank or post, or(iii) where the subordinate Police Officer havingsubstantively held any other permanent rank or post, has beenin continuous employment <strong>of</strong> Govt., the authority which<strong>Page</strong> 347 <strong>of</strong> 347

appointed him to that rank or post, whichever authority is thehighest authority;(b)(c)(d)(e)'Disciplinary Authority' in relation to the imposition <strong>of</strong> a penalty on asubordinate Police Officer means the authority competent under theserules to impose on him that penalty;'Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police' means the Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police,Delhi Special Police Establishment;'Subordinate Police Officer' means a person who is appointed to anywork rank or post specified in the schedule and includes any suchperson who is on foreign service or whose services are temporarilyplaced at the disposal <strong>of</strong> any other department <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong>Government or <strong>of</strong> a State Government or a Union Territory or a localor other authority and also any person in the service <strong>of</strong> any otherdepartment <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government or <strong>of</strong> a State Govt. or a UnionTerritory or a local or other authority whose services are temporarilyplaced at the disposal <strong>of</strong> the Delhi Special police Establishment andwho is appointed to any rank or post specified in the Schedule; and'Schedule' means the Schedule to these rules.4. APPOINTMENTS:All appointments to the ranks or posts mentioned in column 1 <strong>of</strong> theschedule shall be made by the authorities mentioned against each in column2 there<strong>of</strong>.PART-II (SUSPENSION)5. SUSPENSION(1) A subordinate Police Officer may be placed under suspension by theAppointing Authority or any authority to which it is subordinate orany authority competent under these rules to impose on that <strong>of</strong>ficerany <strong>of</strong> the penalties specified in rule-6 :(a) where a disciplinary proceeding against him iscontemplated or is pending, or(b) where a case against him in respect <strong>of</strong> any criminal<strong>of</strong>fence is under investigation or trial; Provided that where theorder <strong>of</strong> suspension is made by an authority lower than theAppointing Authority such authority shall forthwith report tothe appointing authority the circumstances in which the orderwas made.(2) A Subordinate Police Officer who is detained in custody, whether on acriminal charge or otherwise, for a period exceeding forty-eight hours<strong>Page</strong> 348 <strong>of</strong> 348

shall be deemed to have been suspended with effect from the date <strong>of</strong>detention by an order <strong>of</strong> the Appointing Authority and shall remainunder suspension until further orders.(3) Where a penalty <strong>of</strong> dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement fromservice imposed upon a Subordinate Police Officer under suspensionis set aside in appeal or on review under these rules and the case isremitted for further enquiry or action or with any other directions, theorder <strong>of</strong> his suspension shall be deemed to have continued in force onand from the date <strong>of</strong> the original order <strong>of</strong> dismissal, removal orcompulsory retirement and shall remain in force until further orders.(4) Where a penalty <strong>of</strong> dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement fromservice imposed upon a Subordinate Police Officer is set aside ordeclared or rendered void in consequence <strong>of</strong> or by a decision <strong>of</strong> aCourt <strong>of</strong> Law and the Disciplinary Authority, on a consideration <strong>of</strong> thecircumstances <strong>of</strong> the case, decides to hold a further inquiry againsthim on the allegations on which the penalty <strong>of</strong> dismissal, removal orcompulsory retirement was originally imposed the Subordinate PoliceOfficer shall deemed to have been placed under suspension by theAppointing Authority from the date <strong>of</strong> the original order <strong>of</strong> dismissal,removal or compulsory retirement and shall continue to remain undersuspension until further orders.(5) An order <strong>of</strong> suspension made or deemed to have been made underthis rule may at any time be revoked by the authority which made oris deemed to have made the order or by any authority to which thatauthority is subordinate.PART-III (DISCIPLINE)6. NATURE OF PENALTIES:The following penalties may, for good and sufficient reasons and ashereinafter provided, be imposed on any subordinate Police Officer namely:-(i) fatigue duty (in the case <strong>of</strong> Constables only);(ii) extra guard duty (in the case <strong>of</strong> Head Constables andConstables only);(iii) black-mark;(iv) censure;(v) withholding <strong>of</strong> increments or promotion;(vi) recovery from pay <strong>of</strong> the whole, part <strong>of</strong> any pecuniaryloss caused to the Government by negligence or breach <strong>of</strong>orders;<strong>Page</strong> 349 <strong>of</strong> 349

(vii) reduction to a lower rank or post, or to a lower timescale; or to a lower stage in a time scale;(viii) compulsory retirement;(ix) removal from service which shall not be adisqualification for future employment;(x) dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be adisqualification for future employment.EXPLANATION:rule:The following shall not amount to a penalty within the meaning <strong>of</strong> this(i) withholding <strong>of</strong> increments <strong>of</strong> a Subordinate Police Officer for failure topass a departmental examination in accordance with the rules ororders governing the rank or post or the terms <strong>of</strong> his appointment;(ii) stoppage <strong>of</strong> a Subordinate Police Officer at the efficiency bar in thetime-scale on the ground <strong>of</strong> his unfitness to cross the bar;(iii) non-promotion, whether in a substantive or <strong>of</strong>ficiating capacity, <strong>of</strong> aSubordinate Police Officer after consideration <strong>of</strong> his case, to a rank orpost for promotion to which he is eligible;(iv) reversion to a lower rank or post <strong>of</strong> a Subordinate Police Officer<strong>of</strong>ficiating in a higher rank or post on the ground that he isconsidered, after trial, to be unsuitable for such higher rank or postor on administrative ground unconnected with his conduct;(v) reversion to his permanent rank or post <strong>of</strong> a Subordinate PoliceOfficer appointed in probation to another rank or post during or at theend <strong>of</strong> the period <strong>of</strong> probation in accordance with the terms <strong>of</strong> hisappointment or the rules and orders governing probation;(vi) replacement <strong>of</strong> the services <strong>of</strong> a Subordinate Police Officer at thedisposal <strong>of</strong> the authority which had lent his services;(vii) compulsory retirement <strong>of</strong> a Subordinate Police Officer in accordancewith the provisions relating to his superannuation or retirement;(viii) termination <strong>of</strong> the services-(a) <strong>of</strong> a Subordinate Police Officer appointed on a probation,during or at the end <strong>of</strong> the period <strong>of</strong> probation, in accordancewith the terms <strong>of</strong> his appointment or the rules and ordersgoverning probation; or(b) <strong>of</strong> a temporary Subordinate Police Officer in accordancewith rules 5 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Civil Services (Temporary Services)Rules, 1949;(c) <strong>of</strong> a Subordinate Police Officer employed under anagreement, in accordance with the terms <strong>of</strong> suchagreement.<strong>Page</strong> 350 <strong>of</strong> 350

7. DISCIPLINARY AUTHORITIES:(1) The Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police may impose any <strong>of</strong> the penaltiesspecified in rule 6 on any subordinate police <strong>of</strong>ficer.(2) Without prejudice to the provisions <strong>of</strong> sub-rule(1), but subject to theprovisions <strong>of</strong> sub-rule(3), any <strong>of</strong> the penalties specified in rule 6 maybe imposed on a subordinate Police Officer by the appointingauthority or the authority specified in the Schedule in this behalf.(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, no penalty specifiedin clauses (vii) to (x) <strong>of</strong> rule 6 shall be imposed by an authoritysubordinate to the Appointing Authority on any subordinate PoliceOfficer.8. PROCEDURE FOR IMPOSING MAJOR PENALTIES(1) Without prejudice to the provisions <strong>of</strong> the public servants (Inquiries)Act, 1850, (37 <strong>of</strong> 1850), no order imposing on a subordinate PoliceOfficer any <strong>of</strong> the penalties specified in clauses (vii) to (x) <strong>of</strong> rule 6shall be passed except after an inquiry, held as far as may be, in themanner hereinafter provided.(2) The Disciplinary Authority shall frame definite charges on the basis <strong>of</strong>the allegations on which the inquiry is proposed to be held. Suchcharges, together with a statement <strong>of</strong> the allegations on which theyare based, shall be communicated in writing to the Subordinate PoliceOfficer and he shall be required to submit, within such time as maybe specified by the Disciplinary Authority;(a) to such Authority, or,(b) where a Board <strong>of</strong> Inquiry or Inquiring Officer has beenappointed under sub-rule(3), to that Board <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficer a writtenstatement <strong>of</strong> his defence and also to state whether he desires tobe heard in person.EXPLANATION:In this sub-rule and in sub-rule(4) the expression "the DisciplinaryAuthority" shall include the authority competent under these rules to imposeupon such Subordinate Police Officer any <strong>of</strong> the penalties specified inclauses (iii) to (vi) <strong>of</strong> rule 6.(3) The Disciplinary Authority may inquire into the charges itself or, if itconsiders it necessary so to do, it may either at the time <strong>of</strong> communicating<strong>Page</strong> 351 <strong>of</strong> 351

the charges to the Subordinate Police Officer under sub-rule(2), at any timethere-after, appoint a Board <strong>of</strong> Inquiry or Inquiring Officer for the purpose.(4) The Subordinate Police Officer shall for the purpose <strong>of</strong> preparing hisdefence, be permitted to inspect and take extracts from such <strong>of</strong>ficial recordsas he may specify, provided that such permission may be refused if, forreasons to be recorded in writing, in the opinion <strong>of</strong> the Disciplinary Authoritysuch records are not relevant for the purpose or it is against the publicinterest to allow him access thereto.(5) On receipt <strong>of</strong> the written statement <strong>of</strong> defence, or if no such statementis received within the time specified, the authority inquiring into the chargesunder sub-rule(3) hereinafter referred to as the inquiring authority mayinquire into such <strong>of</strong> the charges as are not admitted.(6) The inquiring authority shall, in the course <strong>of</strong> the inquiry, considersuch documentary evidence and take such oral evidence as may be relevantor material in regard to the charges. The Subordinate Police Officer shall beentitled to cross-examine witnesses examined in support <strong>of</strong> the charges andto give evidence in person and to examine witnesses in his defence. If theInquiring Authority declines to examine any witness on the ground that hisevidence is not relevant or material, it shall record the reasons in writing.(7) At the conclusion <strong>of</strong> the inquiry, the Inquiry Authority shall prepare areport <strong>of</strong> the inquiry, recording its findings on each <strong>of</strong> the charges togetherwith reasons there<strong>of</strong>, if in the opinion <strong>of</strong> such Authority the proceedings <strong>of</strong>the inquiry establish charges different from those originally framed, it mayrecord findings on such charges provided that findings on such chargesshall not be recorded unless the Subordinate Police Officer has admitted thefacts constituting them or has had an opportunity <strong>of</strong> defending himselfagainst them.(8) The record <strong>of</strong> the inquiry shall include:-(i) the charges framed against the Subordinate PoliceOfficer and the statement <strong>of</strong> allegations communicated to himunder sub-rule(2);(ii) his written statement <strong>of</strong> defence if any;(iii) the oral evidence taken in the course <strong>of</strong> the inquiry;(iv) the documentary evidence considered in the course <strong>of</strong>the inquiry;(v) the orders, if any, made by the Disciplinary Authorityand the Inquiring Authority in regard to the inquiry; and(vi) a report setting out the finding on each charge and thereasons there<strong>of</strong>.<strong>Page</strong> 352 <strong>of</strong> 352

(9) The Disciplinary Authority shall, if it is not the Inquiring Authorityconsider the record <strong>of</strong> the inquiry and record its findings on eachcharge.(10) (i) If the Disciplinary Authority, having regard to its findings onthe charges, is <strong>of</strong> the opinion that any <strong>of</strong> the penalties specified inclauses (vii) to (x) <strong>of</strong> rule 6 should be imposed, it shall(a) furnish to the Subordinate Police Officer a copy <strong>of</strong> thereport <strong>of</strong> the Inquiring Authority and, where the DisciplinaryAuthority is not the Inquiring Authority, a statement <strong>of</strong> itsfindings together with brief reasons for disagreement if any,with the findings <strong>of</strong> the Inquiring Authority; and(b) give him a notice stating the action proposed to be takenin regard to him and calling upon him to submit within aspecified time such representation as he may wish to makeagainst the proposed action.(ii) The Disciplinary Authority shall consider the representation, ifany, made by the Subordinate Police Officer in response to the noticeunder clause (i) and determine what penalty, if any, should beimposed on the Subordinate Police Officer and pass appropriateorders on the case.(11) If the Disciplinary Authority having regard to its findings, is <strong>of</strong> theopinion that any <strong>of</strong> the penalties specified in clause (iii) to (vi) <strong>of</strong> rule 6should be imposed, it shall pass appropriate orders in the case.(12) Orders passed by the Disciplinary Authority shall be communicated tothe Subordinate Police Officer who shall also be supplied with a copy<strong>of</strong> the report <strong>of</strong> the Inquiring Authority and, where the DisciplinaryAuthority is not the Inquiring Authority, a statement <strong>of</strong> its findingstogether with brief reasons for disagreement, if any, with the findings<strong>of</strong> the Inquiring Authority, unless they have already been supplied tohim.9. PROCEDURE FOR IMPOSING MINOR PENALTIES(1) In every case where it is proposed to impose on a Subordinate PoliceOfficer any <strong>of</strong> the penalties mentioned in clause (i) and (ii) <strong>of</strong> rule 6, heshall be given an opportunity <strong>of</strong> explaining orally his conduct againstthe action proposed to be taken in regard to him. This explanationand the orders passed will be briefly recorded by the <strong>of</strong>ficer imposingthe penalty or penalties in a register maintained for this purpose.<strong>Page</strong> 353 <strong>of</strong> 353

(2) No order imposing any <strong>of</strong> the penalties specified in clauses (iii) to (vi)<strong>of</strong> rule 6 shall be passed except after-(a) the Subordinate Police Officer is informed in writing <strong>of</strong>the proposal to take action against him and <strong>of</strong> the allegationson which it is proposed to be taken and given an opportunity tomake any representation he may wish to make; and(b) such representation, if any is taken into considerationby the Disciplinary Authority.(3) The record <strong>of</strong> proceedings in cases under sub-rule (2) shall include-(i) a copy <strong>of</strong> the intimation <strong>of</strong> the Subordinate Police Officer<strong>of</strong> the proposal to take action against him;(ii) a copy <strong>of</strong> the statement <strong>of</strong> allegations communicated tohim;(iii) his representation, if any and(iv) the orders on the case together with the reasonstherefor.(4) Order passed by the Disciplinary Authority shall be communicated tothe Subordinate Police Officer.10. JOINT ENQUIRY(1) Where two or more Subordinate Police Officers are concerned in anycase, the President or the Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police or any otherauthority competent to impose the penalty <strong>of</strong> dismissal from serviceon all such Subordinate Police Officers may make an order directingthat disciplinary action against all <strong>of</strong> them may be taken in a commonproceeding.(2) Subject to the provision <strong>of</strong> sub-rule(3) <strong>of</strong> rule 7, any such order shallspecify-(iii)(i) the authority which may function as the DisciplinaryAuthority for the purpose <strong>of</strong> such common proceedings;(ii) the penalties specified in rule 6 which such DisciplinaryAuthority shall be competent to impose; andwhether the procedure prescribed in rule 8 or rule 9 may befollowed in the proceeding.<strong>Page</strong> 354 <strong>of</strong> 354

11. SPECIAL PROCEDURE IN CERTAIN CASES:Notwithstanding anything contained in rules 8, 9 and 10-(1) where a penalty is imposed on a Subordinate Police Officer on theground <strong>of</strong> conduct which has led to his conviction on a criminalcharge; or(2) where the Disciplinary Authority is satisfied for reasons to berecorded in writing that it is not reasonably practicable to follow theprocedure prescribed in these rules or(3) where the President is satisfied that in the interest <strong>of</strong> the security <strong>of</strong>the State it is not expedient to follow such procedure, the DisciplinaryAuthority may consider the circumstances <strong>of</strong> the case and pass suchorders thereon as it deems fit.12. PROVISION REGARDING OFFICERS LENT TO STATE GOVT. ETC.(1) Where the services <strong>of</strong> a Subordinate Police Officer are lent to anyother Department <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government or to a StateGovernment or Union Territory or to a local or other authority(hereinafter in this rule referred to as "the borrowing authority") theborrowing authority shall have the powers <strong>of</strong> the Appointing Authorityfor the purpose <strong>of</strong> placing him under suspension and <strong>of</strong> theDisciplinary Authority for the purpose <strong>of</strong> taking disciplinaryproceedings against him;Provided that the borrowing authority shall forthwith informthe authority which lent his services (hereinafter in this rule referredto as "the lending authority") <strong>of</strong> the circumstances leading to the order<strong>of</strong> his suspension or the commencement <strong>of</strong> the disciplinary proceedingas the case may be, except in respect <strong>of</strong> proceedings under rule 9.(2) In the light <strong>of</strong> the findings in the disciplinary proceedings takenagainst the Subordinate Police Officer,(i) if the borrowing authority is <strong>of</strong> the opinion that any <strong>of</strong>the penalties specified in clauses (i) to (vi) <strong>of</strong> rule 6 should beimposed on him, it may pass such order on the case as itdeems necessary;(ii) if the borrowing authority is <strong>of</strong> the opinion that any <strong>of</strong>the penalties specified in clauses (vii) to (x) <strong>of</strong> rule 6 should beimposed on him, it shall replace his services at the disposal <strong>of</strong><strong>Page</strong> 355 <strong>of</strong> 355

the lending authority and transmit to it the proceedings <strong>of</strong> theinquiry and thereupon the lending authority may, if it is theDisciplinary Authority, pass such orders therein as it deemsnecessary, or if it is not the Disciplinary Authority submit thecase to the Disciplinary Authority which shall pass such orderson the case as it deems necessary;Provided that in passing any such order the Disciplinary Authorityshall comply with the provisions <strong>of</strong> sub-rules (10) & (11) <strong>of</strong> rule 8.EXPLANATION:The Disciplinary Authority may make an order under this clause onthe record <strong>of</strong> the inquiry transmitted by the borrowing authority, or afterholding such further inquiry as it may deem necessary.13. PROVISION REGARDING OFFICERS BORROWED FROM STATEGOVT. ETC.(1) Where an order <strong>of</strong> suspension is made or a disciplinary proceeding istaken against a Subordinate Police Officer whose services have beenborrowed from a State Government, a Union Territory, a local or otherauthority, the authority lending his services (hereinafter in this rulereferred to as "the lending authority") shall forthwith be informed <strong>of</strong>the circumstances leading to the order <strong>of</strong> his suspension or thecommencement <strong>of</strong> the disciplinary proceedings, as the case may be.(2) In the light <strong>of</strong> the findings in the disciplinary proceedings takenagainst the Subordinate Police Officer-(i) if the Disciplinary Authority is <strong>of</strong> the opinion that any <strong>of</strong>the penalties specified in clause (i) to (vi) <strong>of</strong> rule 6 should beimposed on him it may pass such orders on the case as itdeems necessary;(ii) if the disciplinary authority is <strong>of</strong> the opinion that any <strong>of</strong>the penalties specified in clauses (vii) to (x) <strong>of</strong> rule 6 should beimposed on him, it shall replace his services at the disposal <strong>of</strong>the lending authority and transmit to it the proceedings <strong>of</strong> theinquiry for such action as it deems necessary;(iii) notwithstanding anything contained in clause (ii) <strong>of</strong> subrule(2) when the Disciplinary Authority is <strong>of</strong> opinion that aSubordinate Police Officer whose services have been borrowedfrom a State Govt. or a Union Territory is guilty <strong>of</strong> misconductso as to warrant the imposition <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the penalties specifiedin clauses (vii) to (x) <strong>of</strong> rule 6 it may at its discretion revertsuch Subordinate Police Officer to the lending authority<strong>Page</strong> 356 <strong>of</strong> 356

without holding an inquiry at all and report the details <strong>of</strong> thecase to the lending authority for such action as it deemsnecessary.PART-IV- APPEALS14. APPEALS AGAINST ORDERS OF SUSPENSIONA Subordinate Police Officer may appeal against an order <strong>of</strong>suspension to the authority to which the authority which made or is deemedto have made the order is immediately subordinate.15. APPEALS AGAINST ORDERS IMPOSING PENALTIES(1) A Subordinate Police Officer may appeal against an order <strong>of</strong> theInspector General <strong>of</strong> Police imposing upon him any <strong>of</strong> the penaltiesspecified in clauses (iii) to (x) <strong>of</strong> rule 6 to the Secretary to theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India, Ministry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs.(2) Subject to the provisions contained in sub-rule (1), a SubordinatePolice Officer may appeal against an order imposing upon him any <strong>of</strong>the penalties specified in clauses (iii) to (x) <strong>of</strong> rule 6 to the authorityspecified in this behalf in the Schedule.(3) No appeal shall lie against an order imposing any <strong>of</strong> the penaltiesspecified in clauses (i) and (ii) <strong>of</strong> rule 6.EXPLANATIONIn this rule the expression 'Subordinate Police Officers' includes aperson who has ceased to hold any rank or post mentioned in the Schedule.16. APPEAL AGAINST OTHER ORDERS(I)A Subordinate Police Officer may appeal against an order which-(a) denies or varies to his disadvantage his pay, allowances,pension or other conditions <strong>of</strong> service as regulated by any rulesor by agreement, or(b) interprets to his disadvantage the provisions <strong>of</strong> any suchrule or agreement, to the President, if the order is passed bythe authority which made the rules or agreement, as the casemay be or by any authority to which such authority issubordinate, and to the authority which make such rules oragreement, if the order is passed by any other authority.<strong>Page</strong> 357 <strong>of</strong> 357

(2) An appeal against an order-(a) stopping a Subordinate Police Officer at the efficiencybar in the time-scale on the ground <strong>of</strong> his unfitness to crossthe bar;(b) reverting to a lower rank or post, a Subordinate PoliceOfficer <strong>of</strong>ficiating in a higher rank or post, otherwise, than as apenalty;(c) reducing or withholding the pension or denying themaximum pension admissible under the rules; and(e) determining the pay and allowances for the period<strong>of</strong> suspension to be paid to a Subordinate PoliceOfficer on his reinstatement or determiningwhether or not such period shall be treated as aperiod spent on duty for any purpose, shall lie tothe authority to whom the authority passing suchorder is immediately subordinate.EXPLANATION:In this rule:-(i) the expression, 'Subordinate Police Officer' includes a person who hasceased to hold a rank or post mentioned in the schedule;(ii)the expression 'pension' includes additional pension, gratuity and anyother retirement benefit.17. PERIOD OF LIMITATION FOR APPEALSNo appeal under this part shall be entertained unless it is submittedwithin a period <strong>of</strong> three months from the date on which the appellantreceives a copy <strong>of</strong> the order appealed against:Provided that the appellate authority may entertain the appeal afterthe expiry <strong>of</strong> the said period, if it is satisfied that the appellant had sufficientcause for not submitting the appeal in time.18. FORM AND CONTENTS OF APPEAL(1) Every person submitting an appeal shall do so separately and in hisown name.(2) The appeal shall be addressed to the authority to whom the appeallies, shall contain all material statements and arguments on which<strong>Page</strong> 358 <strong>of</strong> 358

the appellant relies; shall not contain any disrespectful or improperlanguage, and shall be complete in itself.19. SUBMISSION OF APPEALSEvery appeal shall be submitted to the authority which made theorder appealed against:Provided that if such authority is not the head <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fice in whichthe appellant may be serving, or if he is not in service, the head <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficein which he was last serving, or is not subordinate to the head <strong>of</strong> such <strong>of</strong>fice,the appeal shall be submitted to the head <strong>of</strong> such <strong>of</strong>fice who shall forward itforthwith to the said authority;Provided further that copy <strong>of</strong> the appeal may be submitted direct tothe appellate authority.20. WITHHOLDING OF APPEALS(1) The authority which made the order appealed against may withholdthe appeal if -(i) it is an appeal against an order from which no appeallies; or(ii) it does not comply with any <strong>of</strong> the provision <strong>of</strong> rule 18;or(iii) it is not submitted within the period specified in rule 17and no cause is shown for the delay; or(iv) it is a repetition <strong>of</strong> an appeal already decided and nonew facts or circumstances are adduced:Provided that an appeal withheld on the ground only that itdoes not comply with the provisions <strong>of</strong> rule 18 shall be returned to theappellant and , if re-submitted within one month there<strong>of</strong> aftercompliance with the said provisions, shall not be withheld.(2) Where an appeal is withheld, the appellant shall be informed <strong>of</strong> thefact and the reasons where<strong>of</strong>.(3) At the commencement <strong>of</strong> each quarter a list <strong>of</strong> the appeals withheldby any authority during the previous quarter, together with thereasons for withholding them, shall be furnished by that authority tothe appellate authority.<strong>Page</strong> 359 <strong>of</strong> 359

EXPLANATION:"Quarter" means a period <strong>of</strong> three months commencing on the first <strong>of</strong>January, the first <strong>of</strong> April, the first <strong>of</strong> July and the first <strong>of</strong> October <strong>of</strong> eachyear.21. TRANSMISSION OF APPEALS:(1) The authority which made the order appealed against shall, withoutany avoidable delay, transmit to the appellate authority every appealwhich is not withheld under rule 20, together with its commentsthereon and the relevant records.(2) The authority to which the appeal lies may direct transmission to it <strong>of</strong>any appeal withheld under rule 20 and thereupon such appeal shallbe transmitted to that authority together with the comments <strong>of</strong> theauthority withholding the appeal and the relevant records.22. CONSIDERATION OF APPEALS:(1) In the case <strong>of</strong> an appeal against an order <strong>of</strong> suspension, the appellateauthority shall consider whether in the light <strong>of</strong> the provisions <strong>of</strong> rule 5and having regard to the circumstances <strong>of</strong> the case the order <strong>of</strong>suspension is justified or not and confirm or revoke the orderaccordingly.(2) In the case <strong>of</strong> an appeal against an order imposing any <strong>of</strong> thepenalties specified in rule 6, except those specified in clauses (i) and(ii) the appellate authority shall consider-(a) whether the procedure prescribed in these rules hasbeen complied with and if not, whether such non-compliancehas resulted in violation <strong>of</strong> any provisions <strong>of</strong> the constitution orin failure <strong>of</strong> justice;(b) whether the findings are justified; and(c) whether the penalty imposed is excessive, adequate orinadequate; and pass orders-(ii)(i) Setting aside, reducing, confirming or enhancingthe penalty; orremitting the case to the authority which imposed the penaltyor to any other authority with such direction as it may deem fitin the circumstances <strong>of</strong> the case;<strong>Page</strong> 360 <strong>of</strong> 360

PROVIDED THAT-(i) the appellate authority shall not impose any enhanced penaltywhich neither such authority nor the authority which made theorder appealed against is competent in the case to impose;(ii) no order imposing an enhanced penalty shall be passed unlessthe appellant is given an opportunity <strong>of</strong> making any representationwhich he may wish to make against such enhanced penalty; and(iii) if the enhanced penalty which the appellate authority proposesto impose is one <strong>of</strong> the penalties specified in clauses (vii) to (x) <strong>of</strong>rule 6 and an inquiry under rule 8 has not already been held inthe case, the appellate authority shall, subject to the provisions <strong>of</strong>rule 11, itself hold such inquiry or direct that such inquiry be heldand thereafter on consideration <strong>of</strong> the proceedings <strong>of</strong> such inquiry,and after giving the appellant an opportunity <strong>of</strong> making anyrepresentation which he may wish to make against such penalty,pass such orders as it may deem fit.(3) In the case <strong>of</strong> an appeal against any order specified in the rule 16, theappellate authority shall consider all the circumstances <strong>of</strong> the caseand pass such orders as it deems just and equitable.23. IMPLEMENTATION OF ORDERS IN APPEAL:The authority which made the ordes appealed against shall give effectto the orders passed by the appellate authority.24. FORWARDING OF APPEAL TO HIGHER AUTHORITY IN CERTAINCASES.Notwithstanding anything contained in this part, where the personwho made the order appealed against becomes by virtue <strong>of</strong> his subsequentappointment or otherwise, the appellate authority in respect <strong>of</strong> the appealagainst such order, such person shall forward the appeal to the authority towhich he is immediately subordinate and such authority shall, in relation tothe appeal, be deemed to be the appellate authority for the purposes <strong>of</strong> theserules.PART-V- REVIEW25. REVIEW BY THE INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE, DELHI SPECIALPOLICE ESTABLISHMENT<strong>Page</strong> 361 <strong>of</strong> 361

The Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police, if he is not the authority to which anappeal against an order imposing any <strong>of</strong> the penalties specified in rule 6 lies,may, <strong>of</strong> his own notion or otherwise, call for the records <strong>of</strong> the case in adisciplinary proceeding, review any order passed in such a case and(a)(b)(c)(d)confirm, modify or set aside the order;impose any penalty or set aside, reduce confirm, or enhance thepenalty imposed by the order;remit the case to the authority which made the order <strong>of</strong> to any otherauthority directing such further action or enquiry as he considersproper in the circumstances <strong>of</strong> the case; orpass such other order as he deems fit.PROVIDED THAT-(i)an order enhancing the penalty shall not be passed unless the personconcerned has been given an opportunity <strong>of</strong> making anyrepresentation which he may wish to make against such enhancedpenalty;(ii)if the Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police proposes to impose any <strong>of</strong> thepenalties specified in clauses (vii) to (x) <strong>of</strong> rule 6 in a case where aninquiry under rule 8 has not been held, he shall, subject to theprovisions <strong>of</strong> rule 11, direct that such inquiry be held and thereafteron consideration <strong>of</strong> the proceedings <strong>of</strong> such inquiry and after givingthe person concerned an opportunity <strong>of</strong> making any representationagainst such penalty, pass such order as he may deem fit; and(iii)no action under this rule shall be initiated by the Inspector General <strong>of</strong>Police, more than two years after the date <strong>of</strong> the order to be reviewed.26. REVIEW BY APPELLATE AUTHORITY:The authority to which an appeal against an order imposing any <strong>of</strong>the penalties specified in rule 6 lies, may <strong>of</strong> its own notion or otherwise andif no appeal has been preferred, call for the records <strong>of</strong> the case in adisciplinary proceeding, review any order passed in such a case, and passsuch orders as it deems fit, as if the Subordinate Police Officer had preferredan appeal against such order;PROVIDED THAT-no action under this rule shall be initiated more than six months afterthe date <strong>of</strong> the order to be reviewed.<strong>Page</strong> 362 <strong>of</strong> 362

PART-VI- MISCELLANEOUS27. THE CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (CLASSIFICATION, CONTROL ANDAPPEAL) RULES. NOT TO APPLY TO SUBORDINATE POLICEOFFICERS.(1) The <strong>Central</strong> Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rulesand any notifications issued and orders made thereunder shall ceaseto apply to all subordinate police <strong>of</strong>ficers.PROVIDED THAT-(a)such cessation shall not affect the previous operation <strong>of</strong> the saidrules, notification and orders or anything done or any action takenthereunder;(b)any proceeding under the said rules, notifications or orders pendingat the commencement <strong>of</strong> these rules shall be continued and dispose <strong>of</strong>as far as may be, in accordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong> these rules;(2) nothing in these rules shall operate to deprive any Subordinate PoliceOfficer <strong>of</strong> any right <strong>of</strong> appeal which had accrued to him under the<strong>Central</strong> Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules,1957, or any notifications or orders issued thereunder in respect <strong>of</strong>any order passed before the commencement <strong>of</strong> these rules.(3) An appeal pending at or preferred after the commencement <strong>of</strong> theserules against an order made before such commencement shall beconsidered and orders thereon shall be passed in accordance withthese rules.28. SPECIAL PROVISION BY AGREEMENT:Where it is considered necessary to make special provisions in respect<strong>of</strong> a Subordinate Police Officer, inconsistent with any <strong>of</strong> these rules, theauthority making the appointment may, with the previous approval <strong>of</strong> thePresident and by agreement with such Subordinate Police Officer, makesuch special provisions and thereupon these rules shall not apply to suchSubordinate Police Officer, to the extent to which the special provision somade are inconsistent therewith.29. REMOVAL OF DOUBTS:-<strong>Page</strong> 363 <strong>of</strong> 363

Where a doubt arises as to the interpretation or application <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong>the provisions <strong>of</strong> these rules, the matter shall be referred to the Presidentwhose decision thereon shall be final.Sd- TCA RamanujachariDy. Secy. to the Govt. <strong>of</strong> India.No. 15/18/59-AVD Dated: November, 1961.1. Copy to Inspr. Genl. <strong>of</strong> Police, SPE, New Delhi.2. Ministry <strong>of</strong> Law (Department <strong>of</strong> Legal Affairs) for information.<strong>Page</strong> 364 <strong>of</strong> 364

SCHEDULEDescription<strong>of</strong> rank orpost1Appointingauthority2Authority empowered to impose penalties and penaltywhich it may imposeAuthority3Penalties4i) Fatigue duty in the case <strong>of</strong> Constables onlyii) Extra guard duty (in the case <strong>of</strong> Head Constablesand Constables only)iii) Black Markiv) Censurev) Withholding <strong>of</strong> increments or promotionvi) Recovery from pay <strong>of</strong> the whole or part <strong>of</strong> anypecuniary loss caused to the Government bynegligence or breach <strong>of</strong> ordersvii) Reduction to a lower rank or post or to a lowertime scale or to a lower state in a time scaleviii) Compulsory retirementix) Removal from service which shall not be adisqualification for future employmentx) Dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be adisqualification for future employment.AppellateAuthority51 2 3 4 5Delhi Special Police Establishment(sub-ordinte ranks)1. InspectorsincludingTechnicalInspectors,Assistant PublicProsecutors Grade-I2. Sub-Insprs.includingTechnical Sub-Inspectors, Asstt.Public ProsecutorsGrade-II and Asstt.Sub-Inspectors3. HeadConstablesDy. Inspr. Genl. <strong>of</strong>PoliceDy. Inspr. Genl. <strong>of</strong>PoliceSupdt. <strong>of</strong>Police/Asstt. Inspr.Genl. <strong>of</strong> Policei) Supdt.<strong>of</strong>Police/Assistant Inspr.Genl. <strong>of</strong> Policeii) Dy. Inspr. Genl. <strong>of</strong>Policei) Supdt. <strong>of</strong> Police/Asstt.Inspector General <strong>of</strong>Policeii)Dy. Inspr. Genl. <strong>of</strong>Policei) Dy. Supdt. <strong>of</strong> Policeii) Supdt. <strong>of</strong> Police/AIG4. Constables SP/AIG i) Dy. Supdt. <strong>of</strong> Policeii) Supdt. <strong>of</strong> Police/AIG(iv) to (vii)All(iv) to (vii)All(ii)All(i) & (ii)All(i) Dy. Inspr. Genl.<strong>of</strong> Police(ii) InspectorGeneral <strong>of</strong> Police(i) Dy. Inspr. Genl.<strong>of</strong> Police(ii) InspectorGeneral <strong>of</strong> Police(i) No appealallowed.(ii) Dy. Inspr.Genl. <strong>of</strong> Police(i) No appealallowed(ii) Dy. Inspr.Genl. <strong>of</strong> PoliceNote : (i) In respect <strong>of</strong> Sub-ordinate Police Officers <strong>of</strong> the ranks <strong>of</strong> HCs and FCs attached toHeadquarters <strong>of</strong> the Delhi Special Police Establishment, the Asstt. Director(P) will exercise the powers <strong>of</strong>the Supdt. <strong>of</strong> Police as noted above. SP(Hqrs.) in CBI, Head Office will now exercise the powers in place <strong>of</strong>AD(P).(ii) In particular cases in which the Inspr. Genl. <strong>of</strong> Police was actually the appointingauthority, the punishments at items vii to x will be awarded by him.<strong>Page</strong> 365 <strong>of</strong> 365

GOI, DP&AR No. 202/44/71-AVD.II dated 30.10.1973ORDERS.O............. In exercise <strong>of</strong> the powers conferred by sub-rule(2) <strong>of</strong> rule 9,clause (b) <strong>of</strong> sub-rule (2) <strong>of</strong> rule 12 and sub-rule (1) <strong>of</strong> rule 24 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong>Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 and insupersession <strong>of</strong> the existing orders on the subject, the President herebydirects that:-(i) in respect <strong>of</strong> the posts in the General <strong>Central</strong> Services, Class II,specified in column 1 <strong>of</strong> the Part I <strong>of</strong> the Schedule to this Order, theauthority specified in column 2, shall be the Appointing Authority and theAuthority specified in column 3 shall be the Disciplinary Authority in regardto the penalties specified in column 4;(ii) in respect <strong>of</strong> the posts in the General <strong>Central</strong> Service, Class III andthe General <strong>Central</strong> Service, Class IV, specified in column 1 <strong>of</strong> Part II andPart III <strong>of</strong> the said Schedule, the Authority specified in column 2 shall be theAppointing Authority and the authority specified in column 3 and 5 shall bethe Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority respectively in regard tothe penalties specified in column 4,(SCHEDULE)No. 202/44/71-AVD.II dated 30.10.1973.Sd- B.C.VanjaniUnder Secy. to the Govt. <strong>of</strong> India.Copy forwarded for information to:1. The Director, CBI, New Delhi.xxx xxx xxx xxx<strong>Page</strong> 366 <strong>of</strong> 366

SCHEDULEDescription <strong>of</strong>post1Part-I - General <strong>Central</strong> Service, Class IIAppointingauthority2Authority empowered to imposepenalties and penaltiesand penalties which it may impose (With reference to item numbers in rule11)Appellate Authority5AuthorityPenalties341. Dy. Supdt. <strong>of</strong>Director,(i) Director, <strong>Central</strong>AllPresidentPolice<strong>Central</strong><strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong><strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Investigation</strong>(ii) JointDirector/AdditionalDirector(i) to (iv)Director, <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>2. Senior PublicProsecutor-do-(i) Director, <strong>Central</strong><strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>(ii) JointDirector/AdditionalDirectorAll(i) to (iv)PresidentPresidenTo be modifiedin the light <strong>of</strong>the revisedrecruitmentrulestDir./CBI3. Jr. Technical-do-(i) Director, CBIAllPresidentOfficer(Accounts)(ii) Joint Director/ Addl.Director(i) to (iv)Director, CBI4. Jr. Technical-do-(i) Director, CBIAllPresidentOficer (Income-Tax)(ii) Joint Director/ Addl.(i) to (iv)Director, CBIDirector5. Hindi Officer -do- (i) Director, CBIAllPresident(ii) Joint Director/ Addl.Director6. Office Supdt. -do- (i) Director, CBI(i) to (iv)AllDirector, CBIPresident(ii) Joint Director/ Addl.(i) to (iv)Director, CBIDirector7. Jr. ScientificOfficer-do-(i) Director, CBIAllPresident(ii) Joint Director/ Addl.(i) to (iv)Director, CBIDirector8. Senior-do-(i) Director, CBIAllPresidentScientificAssistant (ClassII Non-Gazetted)(ii) Joint Director/ Addl.Director(i) to (iv)Director, CBI<strong>Page</strong> 367 <strong>of</strong> 367

SCHEDULEPart-II- General <strong>Central</strong> Service, Class IIIDescription <strong>of</strong>rank or post11. CounterfeitExpertAppointingauthorityAuthority empowered to imposepenalties and penalty which it mayimpose (with reference to item numbers2 Authority3in rule 11)Penalties4Appellate AuthorityDIG/DD DIG/DD All Joint Director/CBI2. Crime Asstt. -do- -do- All -do-3. Hindi Asstt. -do- -do- All -do-4. PersonalAsstt.-do- -do- All -do-5. Head Clerk -do- i) DIG/DDAll5Joint Director, CBI6. SelectionGradeSr. Clerk.Steno.7. Sr. ClerkSteno8. UpperDivisioin Clerk9. Sr. CrimeClerk10. LowerDivision Clerk11. Jr. CrimeClerk12. Sr.GestetnerOperatorii) SP(i) to (iv)DIG/CBI-do- -do- All DIG/CBISupdt. <strong>of</strong>PoliceDIG/DDSupdt. <strong>of</strong> Police All DIG/DDi) DIG/DDii) SPAll(i) to (iv)Joint Director/CBIDIG/DD-do- DIG/DD All Joint Director, CBISupdt. <strong>of</strong>PoliceSupdt. <strong>of</strong> Police All DIG/DDDIG/DD DIG/DD All Joint Director/CBI-do- -do- All -do-13. Munim -do- i) DIG/DDAllJoint Director, CBIii) Supdt. <strong>of</strong> Police(i) to (iv)DIG/DD14. Operseer -do- DIG/DD All Joint Director, CBI15. Asstt.Librarian-do- -do- All -do-16. Curator -do- -do- All -do-17. PunchmanVerifier18. Pro<strong>of</strong>Reader19. PublicProsecutor20. AssttPublicProsecutor-do- -do- All -do--do- -do- All -do--do- -do- All-do- -do- All-do-(To be modified in thelight <strong>of</strong> revisedrecruitment rules)(Dy. Director, <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> is ex-<strong>of</strong>ficio Dy. Inspr. Genl. <strong>of</strong> Police, <strong>Central</strong><strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>).<strong>Page</strong> 368 <strong>of</strong> 368

SCHEDULEPart-III- General <strong>Central</strong> Services, Class IVDescription <strong>of</strong> rankor post1Appointingauthority2Authority empowered to impose penalties andpenalties which it may impose (with reference toitem numbers in rule 11)Authority3PenaltiesAppellateAuthority4 51. Daftry SP/AIG SP/AIG All DIG/DD2. Jr. GestetnerOperator-do- -do- All DIG/DD3. Sweeper -do- -do- All DIG/DD4. Peon AIG AIG All DIG/DD(Dy. Director, <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> is ex-<strong>of</strong>ficio Dy. Inspr. Genl. <strong>of</strong> Police, <strong>Central</strong><strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>)Sd/- B.C. VanjaniUnder Secretary to the Government <strong>of</strong> India<strong>Page</strong> 369 <strong>of</strong> 369

APPENDIX-V1ADMINS MODULE1. The Computerization Project <strong>of</strong> the CBI envisagescomputerization <strong>of</strong> various functions <strong>of</strong> the CBI. One <strong>of</strong> the areascovered by the project are <strong>of</strong>fice automation and the management <strong>of</strong>various administrative functions. For this purpose, a s<strong>of</strong>tware modulenamely ADMINS has been developed to facilitate administrative workand it has been fully implemented in the CBI.2. The ADMINS module is acronym for ‘AdministrationInformation System’. It covers the following major administrationrelated activities carried out by the Administration Division as well asthe branches <strong>of</strong> the CBI namely,(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)Personnel Information SystemAccommodationAdvancesBudget Monitoring SystemCBI Benevolent FundPay roll and Provident FundVehicles, Equipment and Dead Stock InformationTraining Division Information SystemPersonnel Information System (PIS)PIS will aid in maintenance <strong>of</strong> :Employee details like qualifications, postings, pay, deputation,awards, training attended, foreign visits etc.Vacancy status <strong>of</strong> CBI branches.Status <strong>of</strong> ACRs.Information about <strong>of</strong>ficers being considered for induction in CBI.Details regarding deputation from/to CBI.Details <strong>of</strong> employees under suspension or against whomdisciplinary proceedings are contemplated.Details regarding payment to the Armed Guards.<strong>Page</strong> 370 <strong>of</strong> 370

It will aid the recruitment/promotion processes.Accommodation ModuleWill aid in maintenance <strong>of</strong> :CBI pooled quarter informationQuarter occupancyLicence fee recoveryWaiting list for accommodationOfficial and residential buildingsCBI landDetails <strong>of</strong> proposals for purchase/lease <strong>of</strong> land/ buildingsAdvances ModuleWill aid in maintenance <strong>of</strong> :House Building Advance and Motor Car AdvanceRecovery <strong>of</strong> advancesDetails on pending applicationsFunds available with CBI for the financial yearBudget Monitoring SystemWill aid in maintenance <strong>of</strong>:Budget allocation, reallocation and revisionFunds utilisationHead-wise budget allocation for all the BranchesMonthly head-wise expenditure for each BranchBudget utilisation recordsConsolidated expenditure reportsBill-wise expenses entryCBI Benevolent Fund ModuleWill aid in maintenance <strong>of</strong>:Subscriber’s detailsDefaulter’s detailsRelief and loansRecovery <strong>of</strong> loanInvestments, receipts, issues from the fund accountEnable to effectively monitor the CBF subscription and utilisation.Payroll System<strong>Page</strong> 371 <strong>of</strong> 371

Will aid in maintenance <strong>of</strong> :Employee’s earnings and deductions.Loan, advances & licence fee recovery.Savings information and bonus detailsIncome tax deductions.Recoveries to be made on account <strong>of</strong> deputationists.Pay bills, supplementary pay bills, pay slips, supplementary pay slips,GPF schedules bank statements, GPF statements etc. will begenerated.Vehicles, Equipment, Telephone and Dead Stock InformationSystemWill aid in maintenance <strong>of</strong> :Expenditure on a vehicle i.e. purchase, monthly maintenance, petrol,accidental repairs etc.Monitor the vehicle performance by consolidating the monthlyinformation received on expenses and km run.Identify the vehicles due for condemnation.Purchase, issue, return and condemnation details <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice equipmentand dead stock.Identifying the equipment which is due for AMC.Provide updated dead stock availability status.Details <strong>of</strong> telephone connections, allotments and expenses on them.Training Division ModuleWill aid in maintenance <strong>of</strong> :Details <strong>of</strong> coursesSchedules <strong>of</strong> coursesDetails <strong>of</strong> course participantsFaculty detailsNominationsParticipant’s pr<strong>of</strong>ileCourse feedbackEvaluation<strong>Page</strong> 372 <strong>of</strong> 372

Annexure - INo.4/31/61-TGOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRSRESOLUTIONNEW DELHI - 11, the 1st April, 1963.The Government <strong>of</strong> India have had under consideration theestablishment <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> for the investigation <strong>of</strong>crimes at present handled by the Delhi Special Police Establishmentincluding specially important cases under the Defence <strong>of</strong> India Act and Rulesparticularly <strong>of</strong> hoarding, black-marketing and pr<strong>of</strong>iteering in essentialcommodities, which may have repercussions and ramifications in severalStates; the collection <strong>of</strong> intelligence relating to certain types <strong>of</strong> crime;participation in the work <strong>of</strong> the National <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> connected with theInternational Criminal Police Organisation; the maintenance <strong>of</strong> crimestatistics and dissemination <strong>of</strong> information relating to crime and criminals;the study <strong>of</strong> specialised crime <strong>of</strong> particular interest to the Government <strong>of</strong>India or crimes having all India or inter-State ramifications or <strong>of</strong> particularimportance from the social point <strong>of</strong> view; the conduct <strong>of</strong> police research; andthe co-ordination <strong>of</strong> laws relating to crime. As a first step in that direction,the government <strong>of</strong> India have decided to set up with effect from 1st April,1963 a <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> at Delhi with the following sixDivisions, namely :-(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)<strong>Investigation</strong> and Anti-Corruption Division,(Delhi Special Police Establishment)Technical Division,Crime Records and Statistics Division,Research Division,Legal and General Division,Administration Division.The Charter <strong>of</strong> functions <strong>of</strong> the above said Divisions will be as given inthe annexure. The assistance <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong> will alsobe available to the State Police Forces on request for investigating andassisting in the investigation <strong>of</strong> inter-State crime and other difficult criminalcases.sd/-( V. Viswanathan )Secretary to the Government <strong>of</strong> IndiaNo. 4/31/61-T New Delhi-11, the 1st April, 1963.<strong>Page</strong> 373 <strong>of</strong> 373

ORDER : Ordered that a copy <strong>of</strong> the Resolution be communicated toall State Governments/Union Territories Administrations;Director, Intelligence <strong>Bureau</strong>; Inspector General, SpecialPolice Establishment, Delhi; all Ministries/Departments <strong>of</strong>the Govt. <strong>of</strong> India.Ordered also that the Resolution be published in theGazette <strong>of</strong> India for general information.sd/-( V. Viswanathan )Secretary to the Government <strong>of</strong> India<strong>Page</strong> 374 <strong>of</strong> 374

Encl. To Annexure-IIINVESTIGATION AND ANTI-CORRUPTION DIVISION (Delhi SpecialPolice Establishment)(1) Cases in which public servants under the control <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong>Government are involved either by themselves or along with StateGovernment servants and/or other persons.(2) Cases in which the interests <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government, or <strong>of</strong> anypublic sector project or undertaking, or any statutory corporation orbody set up the financed by the Government <strong>of</strong> India are involved.(3) Cases relating to breaches <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Laws with the enforcement <strong>of</strong>which the Government <strong>of</strong> India is particularly concerned, e.g.(a) breaches <strong>of</strong> Import and Export Control Orders,(b) Serious breaches <strong>of</strong> Foreign Exchange Regulation Act,(c) Passport frauds,(d) cases under the Official Secrets Act pertaining to theaffairs <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Government,(e) cases <strong>of</strong> certain specified categories under the Defence <strong>of</strong>India Act or Rules with which the <strong>Central</strong> Government isparticularly concerned.(4) Serious cases <strong>of</strong> cheating or fraud relating to the Railways, or Post &Telegraph Department, particularly those involving pr<strong>of</strong>essionalcriminals operating in several States.(5) Crime on the High Seas.(6) Crime on the Airlines.(7) Important and serious cases in Union Territories particularly those bypr<strong>of</strong>essional criminals.(8) Serious cases <strong>of</strong> fraud, cheating and embezzlement relating to PublicJoint Stock Companies.(9) Other cases <strong>of</strong> a serious nature, when committed by organised gangsor pr<strong>of</strong>essional criminals, or cases having ramifications in severalStates including Union Territories, serious cases <strong>of</strong> spurious drugs,important cases <strong>of</strong> kidnapping <strong>of</strong> children by pr<strong>of</strong>essional inter-state<strong>Page</strong> 375 <strong>of</strong> 375

gangs, etc. These cases will be taken up only at the request <strong>of</strong> or withthe concurrence <strong>of</strong> the State Government/Union TerritoriesAdministrations concerned.(10) Collection <strong>of</strong> intelligence about corruption in the public services andthe projects and undertaking in the public sector.(11) Prosecution <strong>of</strong> cases investigated by this Division.(12) Presentation <strong>of</strong> cases before Enquiry Officers in which departmentalproceedings are instituted on the recommendations <strong>of</strong> this Division.II.TECHNICAL DIVISION.(1) Technical assistance in investigation <strong>of</strong> cases involving accounts.(2) Specialised assistance in cases involving Railway and Postal accounts.(3) Assistance in cases involving assessment <strong>of</strong> Income-Tax, Estate Duty,etc.(4) Examination <strong>of</strong> accounts and assets etc. in cases relating toallegations <strong>of</strong> disproportionate assets.(5) Examination <strong>of</strong> cases investigated by the <strong>Bureau</strong> which have anIncome-tax aspect, and communication <strong>of</strong> information with a view toenabling the Income-tax Department to recover the evaded tax.III.CRIME RECORDS & STATISTICS DIVISION.(1) Maintenance <strong>of</strong> all-India statistics <strong>of</strong> crime.(2) Study <strong>of</strong> all-India trends in thefts and losses, and recoveries <strong>of</strong> firearmsand ammunition, and note-forgery and counterfeit coining.(3) Collection and dissemination <strong>of</strong> information about important inter-State criminals.(4) Preparation and circulation <strong>of</strong> reports and reviews relating to crime inIndia.(5) Participation in the work <strong>of</strong> the I.C.P.O., N.C.B., U.N.O. Reporter forCrime.<strong>Page</strong> 376 <strong>of</strong> 376

IV.RESEARCH DIVISION.(1) Analysis and study <strong>of</strong> specialised crimes and <strong>of</strong> problems <strong>of</strong> a generalnature affecting the Police, e.g.(i)(ii)(iii)iv)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)(ix)(x)(xi)trends and causes <strong>of</strong> serious crimes in different areas,preventive measure, their effectiveness and relationship withcrime,improvement in methods <strong>of</strong> investigation, utility and results <strong>of</strong>Introducing scientific aids and equipment,Inadequacy <strong>of</strong> laws; coordination <strong>of</strong> laws relating to crime invarious States,criminal gangs operating in more than one State - wanderinggangs - Ex-criminal Tribes - habitual <strong>of</strong>fenders,crime amongst the Tribal people,inter-State note-forgery and counterfeiting,social factors in crime,industrialisation and crime,juvenile delinquency,kidnapping <strong>of</strong> women and children.(2) Participation in the work <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Forensic Science AdvisoryCommittee and the <strong>Central</strong> Medico Legal Advisory Committee.V. LEGAL AND GENERAL DIVISION(A)LEGAL SECTION(1) Legal Advice in cases investigated by the <strong>Investigation</strong> and AnticorruptionDivision.(2) Conducting prosecution in important cases.(3) Review <strong>of</strong> judicial decisions relating to criminal law and procedure forpublication in the C.B.I. Gazette.(4) Compilation and circulation <strong>of</strong> Law Digest.(5) Inadequacy <strong>of</strong> and amendments <strong>of</strong> laws.(6) Coordination <strong>of</strong> laws relating to crime in various States.(B)GENERAL SECTION<strong>Page</strong> 377 <strong>of</strong> 377

(1) Matters relating to organisation, policy and procedure.(2) Inter-State Conferences relating to crime and anti-corruption work.(3) Appreciation reports regarding modes <strong>of</strong> corruption in variousGovernment Departments and Public Undertakings.(4) Correspondence with Ministries and States on general questionsrelating to policy, procedure, etc.(5) Training Courses in anti-corruption work.(6) C.B.I. Gazette.(7) Photographic section.VI.ADMINISTRATION DIVISIONAll establishment and accounts matters.-----------<strong>Page</strong> 378 <strong>of</strong> 378

Annexure - IIINo.21/43/2002-PD-01307<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>Policy & Co-ordination Division,North Block, New Delhi-110001.May 30, 2003ORDERA committee was constituted to suggest restructuring andrationalization <strong>of</strong> staff strength in CBI. The Committee suggestedrestructuring <strong>of</strong> CBI branches/regions under each Joint Director. Therecommendations made by the Committee were discussed with all JointDirectors. After detailed deliberations the proposal <strong>of</strong> the Committee torestructure and rationalise the staff strength was accepted with certainmodifications. However, it is clarified that the restructuring andrationalization is being effected for optimal utilization <strong>of</strong> Human resourcesand intends to improve the overall performance <strong>of</strong> the organization. This isnot intended to be a rigid or permanent measure and would be amenable tochanges/ modifications to take care the dynamics <strong>of</strong> CBI functioning.The following restructuring is ordered in suppression <strong>of</strong> all theprevious orders on the subject:ANTI-CORRUPTION DIVISIONAnti-Corruption Division <strong>of</strong> CBI is organised into Zones, Regions andBranches/Units with jurisdiction as detailed below. In the functioning <strong>of</strong> theDivision, the Director, CBI will be assisted by Special Director/AdditionalDirector (A) with Joint Directors heading each Zone. The territorialjurisdiction <strong>of</strong> each Zone is given below:S.No Name <strong>of</strong> the Branch Location <strong>of</strong>Branch/unitLocation <strong>of</strong>region/ DIGJDJurisdiction1 2 3 4 5 6DELHI ZONE1 Anti-Corruption Region-IDelhiNewDelhiDIG/ACR-I NewDelhiJD/ACZ/DELHIEntire area <strong>of</strong>National Capital<strong>Page</strong> 379 <strong>of</strong> 379

SP-I ACB-I DelhiSP-II ACB-I Delhi(Existing SP- I & II/ACBDelhi)Territory <strong>of</strong> Delhi2 Anti-Corruption Region-II,DelhiNewDelhiDIG/ACR-IINew Delhi-do--do-SP-I ACB-II DelhiSP-II ACB-II Delhi(Existing SP-III & SP-IV/ACB Delhi)3 Anti -Corruption RegionJaipur*JaipurDIG/ACR(Jaipur)-do-State <strong>of</strong> RajasthanSP/ACB/JaipurJodhpur (Unit) underSP/ACB/Jaipur* As amended vide order No. DP0992003/21/43/2002-PD-1069 dated4 Anti -CorruptionRegion ChandigarhSP/ACB/CHG.(with Unit at Shimla)5 Anti-CorruptionBranch JammuSP/ACB/Jammu6 Anti-CorruptionRegion BhopalSP/ACB/Bhopal7 Anti-CorruptionBranch Jabalpur(including CHTG. Unit)SP/ACB/JBL.8 Anti-CorruptionRegion LucknowSP/ACB/LKO9 Anti-CorruptionBranch Dehradun(including GhaziabadUnit)SP/ACB/Dehradun7.05.2003.NORTH ZONEChandigarh DIG/ACRChandigarhJD/ACZ/North(Delhi)State <strong>of</strong> Punjab, Haryana,Himachal Pradesh & UnionTerritory <strong>of</strong> Chandigarh.Shimla Unit will havejurisdiction in the State <strong>of</strong>Himachal Pradesh.Jammu -do- -do- State <strong>of</strong> Jammu & KashmirBhopalJabalpur(To beshifted toRaipur indueCourse)LucknowDIG/ACRBhopal-do-Gwalior, Morena, Bhind,Shivpuri, Guna, Vidisha,Shajapur. Dewas, Ujjain,Indore, Dhar, Ratlam,Jhabua, Mandsaur, Rajgarh,East Nimar(Khargone),Sehore, Raisen, Bhopal,Hoshangabad, Khandwa,Betul Districts <strong>of</strong> MadhyaPradesh,-do- -do- State <strong>of</strong> ChhatisgarhState <strong>of</strong> Madhya Pradeshexcluding the areasmentioned against BhopalBranch.DIG/ACRLucknow-do-State <strong>of</strong> U.P. except the areamentioned against DehradunBranchDehradun -do- -do- Nainital, Pithoragarh,Almorah, Chamoli, Garhwal,Tehri Garwal, Uttar Kashi,Dehradun, Meerut,Ghaziabad,Muzzafarnagar,BulandshaharSaharanpur, Hardwar, Agra,Etah Aligarh, Mainpuri,Mathura districts <strong>of</strong> UttarPradesh<strong>Page</strong> 380 <strong>of</strong> 380

WEST ZONE10 Anti-CorruptionRegion-I Mumbai(SP-I, ACB MumbaiSP-II, ACB MumbaiSP-III, ACB MumbaiGoa (Unit) under SP-III/ACB Mumbai11 Anti-CorruptionRegion– IIMumbaiDIG/ACR-IMumbaiGandhinagar DIG/ACR-IIGandhinagarJD/ACZ/West(Mumbai)-do-State <strong>of</strong> Maharashtra(excluding the areasmentioned againstNagpur Branch). UnionTerritories <strong>of</strong> Daman.Diu, Dadra and NagarHaveli, State <strong>of</strong> GoaState <strong>of</strong> GujaratAnti-CorruptionBranchGandhinagarSP/ACB/Gandhinagar.12 Anti-CorruptionBranch NagpurSP/ACB/Nagpur13 Anti CorruptionBranch Vadodara*SP/ACB/VadodaraNagpur -do- -do- Bhandara, Chandrapur,Garhchiroli, Wardha,Amravati, Akola,Buldhana. Yavatmal,Aurangabad, JalnaParbhani, Beed,Nanded. Osmanabad,Latur & Nagpur districts<strong>of</strong> MaharashtraVadodara -do- -do- Valsad, Bharuch, Surat,Vadodara, Khera(including Anand),Mehsana, Dang,Panchmahal,Sabarkantha,Banaskantha <strong>of</strong> state <strong>of</strong>Gujarat.5.8.2003.* As amended vide order No. 21/43/2002-PD-01953 datedCENTRAL ZONE DELHI*14 Anti-CorruptionRegion PatnaPatnaDIG/ACRPatnaJD/ACZ/<strong>Central</strong>(Delhi)State <strong>of</strong> BiharSP/ACB/Patna15 SP/AHD Patna Patna -do- -do- -do-16 Anti-Corruption Ranchi DIG/ACR -do- State <strong>of</strong> JharkhandRegion RanchiRanchiSP/ACB/Ranchi17 SP/AHD Ranchi Ranchi -do- -do- -do-18 Anti -Corruption Dhanbad -do- -do- State <strong>of</strong> JharkhandBranch DhanbadSP/ACB/Dhanbad<strong>Page</strong> 381 <strong>of</strong> 381

* As amended vide order No. DP0992003/21/43/2002-PD-1068 dated7.05.2003SOUTH ZONE19 Anti-Corruption RegionChennaiAnti-Corruption BranchChennaiSP-I/ACB/ChennaiSP-II/ ACB/Chennai20 Anti-Corruption BranchCochinSP/ACB/Cochin.21 Anti-Corruption RegionHyderabadAnti-Corruption BranchHyderabadSP/ACB/Hyd.22 Anti-Corruption Branch,VishakhapatnamSP/ACB/ Vizag.23 Anti-Corruption Branch,BangaloreSP/ACB/BangaloreChennaiDIG/ACRChennai-JD/ACZ/South(Chennai)State <strong>of</strong> Tamil Nadu &Union Territory <strong>of</strong>PondicherryCochin -do -do- State <strong>of</strong> Kerala & theUnion Territory <strong>of</strong>LakshadweepHyderabadDIG/ACRHyderabad-do-State <strong>of</strong> AndhraPradesh excluding theareas mentionedagainstVishakhapatnamBranchVizag. -do- -do- Vishakhapatnam,Srikakulam, EastGodavari,Krishna,Guntur,Prakassam & Nelloredistricts <strong>of</strong> AndhraPradesh.Bangalore -do- -do- State <strong>of</strong> KarnatakaEAST ZONE24 Anti-Corruption RegionKolkataSP-I ACB/Kol.SP-II/ACB/Kol.25 Anti-Corruption BranchBhubaneshwar (with Unitat Rourkela)KolkataBhubaneshwarDIG/ACRKolkataJD/ACZ/East(Kolkata)State <strong>of</strong> West Bengal,Sikkim and UnionTerritories <strong>of</strong> Andaman& Nicobar Islands.Gangtok and Port BlairUnits will havejurisdiction in the entireState <strong>of</strong> Sikkim andAndaman NicobarIslands respectively.-do- -do- State <strong>of</strong> OrissaSP/ACB/BBSR.26 Anti-Corruption RegionGuwahatiGuwahatiDIG/ACRGuwahati-do-State <strong>of</strong> Assam(excluding Cachar andNorth Cachar Districts<strong>Page</strong> 382 <strong>of</strong> 382

SP/ACB/Guwahati27 Anti-Corruption BranchSilcharSP/ACB/Silchar<strong>of</strong> Assam) Meghalayaand Arunachal PradeshSilchar -do- -do- State <strong>of</strong> Manipur,Nagaland, Tripura,Mizoram and Cachar &North Cachar Districts<strong>of</strong> Assam.ACHQ ZONE DELHI28 SP ACU-I, AC-I(Existing SP/ACU-I/Delhi)29 SP ACU-II, AC-I(Existing SP/ACU-II/Delhi.30SP ACU-III, AC-I(Existing SP/ACU-III/Delhi)31 SP ACU-IV, AC-II(Existing SP/ACU-IV/Delhi)32 SP ACU-V, AC-II(Existing SP/ACU-V/Delhi).33 SP ACU-VI, AC-II(Existing SP/ACU-VI/Delhi).34 SP ACU-VII, AC-III(Existing SP/ACU-VIII)/Delhi)35 SP ACU-VIII, AC-III(Existing SP/ACU-IX)/Delhi)36 SP ACU-IX, AC-III(Existing SP/ACU-X/DelhiNew DelhiDIG/AC-I NewDelhiJD/AC/HQ(Delhi)-do- -do- -do- -do--do- -do- -do- -do--do-DIG/AC-II, NewDelhi-do-ThroughoutIndia-do--do- -do- -do- -do--do- -do- -do- -do--do-DIG/AC-III,New Delhi-do--do--do- -do- -do- -do--do- -do- -do- -do-SPECIAL CRIMES DIVISIONSpecial Crimes Division <strong>of</strong> CBI is organised into Zones, Regions,Investigating Units and Cells as detailed below. In the functioning <strong>of</strong> theDivision, the Director, CBI will be assisted by Special Director(s)/ Addl.Director (s) with Joint Directors heading each Zone. The territorialjurisdiction <strong>of</strong> each Zone is given below:SC-I/MDMA, DELHI*<strong>Page</strong> 383 <strong>of</strong> 383

37 Special CrimeRegion -I, DelhiNew DelhiDIG/SC-I DelhiJD/SC-I/MDMA DelhiThroughoutIndiaSP SCU-I, SC-I(Existing SP/SIU-I)/Delhi).SP SCU-II, SC-I(Existing SP/SIU-II)/Delhi).SP SCU-III, SC-I(Existing SP/SIU-III)/Delhi)38 Special Crime RegionKolkataSP/SCB/Kolkata39 SCB LucknowSP/SCB/Lucknow(Existing SP/ SIC-IV/Lucknow).40 MDMAMDMA DelhiSP/MDMA/Delhi41 MDMA ChennaiSP/MDMA/ Chn.KolkataDIG/SCRKolkata-do-States <strong>of</strong> WestBengal, Orissa,Assam, Meghalaya,ArunachalPradesh, Manipur,Tripura, Sikkim,Mizoram andUnion Territory <strong>of</strong>Andaman &Nicobar Islands.Lucknow -do- -do- Throughout IndiaDelhiDIG/MDMADelhi-do-Throughout IndiaChennai -do- -do- Throughout India* In partial modification <strong>of</strong> this <strong>of</strong>fice order No.DP0992003/21/43/2002-PD-1099 dated 10.05.2003(SC-II) ZONE DELHI42 Special Crime Region-II, DelhiSP SCU-IV, SC-IISP SCU-V, SC-IISP SCU-VI, SC-II(Existing SP/ SIU-IV,SP/SIU-V & SP/SIU-VI/Delhi).43 Special Crime RegionMumbaiSC Branch MumbaiSP/SCB/Mumbai44 Special Crime BranchChennaiSP/SCB/ChennaiNew DelhiMumbaiDIG/SC-IIDelhiDIG/SCRMumbaiJD/STF(Delhi) *JD/SC-IIThroughout IndiaStates <strong>of</strong>MaharashtraGujarat,Rajasthan, Goaand UnionTerritories <strong>of</strong>Daman, Diu,Dadra andNagarHaveli.Chennai -do- -do- States <strong>of</strong> TamilNadu, Kerala,Andhra Pradesh,Karnataka and<strong>Page</strong> 384 <strong>of</strong> 384

Union Territories<strong>of</strong> Pondicherry andLakshdweep.* As amended vide Order No. 21/43/2002-PD-01953 dated 5.8.2003.<strong>Page</strong> 385 <strong>of</strong> 385

SPECIAL TASK FORCE ZONE DELHI45 Special Crime Region-III, DelhiSP SCU-VII, SC-III (Existing SP-I/SIC-IV)/Delhi).SP SCU-VIII, SC-III(Existing SP-II/ SIC-IV/Delhi).SP SCU-IX, SC-III(Existing SP-III/ SIC-IV/Delhi)46 Special Crime Region,DelhiSC Branch DelhiSP-I, SCB Delhi(Existing SP/ SCB-I/Delhi).47 SP-II, SCB Delhi(Existing SP/ SCB-II/Delhi.48 SC BranchChandigarhSP/SCB/CHG.(Existing SP/SIU-XV/Chg).New DelhiDIG/SC-IIIDelhi(Existing DIGSIC IV, Delhi)JD/SC-II(Delhi) *Delhi DIG/SCR Delhi JD/STFDelhi *Throughout IndiaStates <strong>of</strong> Punjab,HaryanaHimachalPradesh, Jammu& Kashmir,National CapitalTerritory <strong>of</strong> Delhiand UT <strong>of</strong>Chandigarh.Delhi -do- -do- States <strong>of</strong> Bihar,Madhya Pradeshand UttarPradesh.Chandigarh -do- -do-State <strong>of</strong> Punjab,Haryana,Himachal Pradeshand UnionTerritory <strong>of</strong>Chandigarh.49 SP/STF Delhi Delhi DIG STF Delhi -do- Throughout India50 SP/STF Mumbai Mumbai -do- -do- -do-5.8.2003.* As amended vide Order No. 21/43/2002-PD-01953 datedECONOMIC OFFENCES DIVISIONEconomic Offences Division <strong>of</strong> CBI is organised intoZones, Region, investigation Cell & Units as detailed below. Inthe functioning <strong>of</strong> the Division, the Director, CBI will beassisted by Special Director (E)/ Additional Director (E) withJoint Directors heading each Zone. The territorial jurisdiction<strong>of</strong> each Zone will be as mentioned below:-EOW-I ZONE51 EO-I Region, DelhiSP EOU-I, EO-I(Existing SP-I/SIG/Delhi).New DelhiDIG/EO-IDelhiJD/EOW-IDelhiThroughoutIndia<strong>Page</strong> 386 <strong>of</strong> 386

SP EOU-II, EO-I(Existing SP-II/SIG/Delhi)SP EOU-III, EO-I(Newly created byadjusting one post <strong>of</strong>SP/CBI)EOW-II ZONESP EOU-VII, EO-III(Existing SP/SIU-IX/Delhi).SP EOU-VIII, EO-III(Existing SP/ SIU-XII/Delhi).SP EOU-IX, EO-III(Existing SP/CCIC/Delhi).NewDelhiNewDelhiDIG/EO-IIDelhiDIG/EO-IIIDelhi52 EO-II Region, DelhiSP EOU-IV, EO-II(Existing SP/SIU-VIII/Delhi).SP EOU-V, EO-II(Existing SP/SIU-XI/Delhi).SP EOU-VI, EO-II(Existing SP/ SIU-XVII/Delhi)53 EO-III Region, DelhiJD/EOW-II Delhi-do-Throughout India-do-EOW-III ZONE54 EOW-RegionMumbaiSP/EOW/MumbaiMumbaiDIG/EOWMumbaiJD/EOW-III DelhiStates <strong>of</strong> Maharashtra, Goaand Union Territories <strong>of</strong>Daman Diu, Dadar and NagarHaveli55 EOW- ChennaiSP/EOW-Chennai56 EOW- Region DelhiEOW DelhiSP-I/EOW DelhiChennai -do- -do- States <strong>of</strong> Tamil-Nadu, Kerala,Andhra Pradesh. Karnatakaand Union Territories <strong>of</strong>Pondicherry & LakshdweepNewDelhiDIG/EOWDelhiJD/EOW-III Delhi *States <strong>of</strong> Punjab, Haryana,Himachal Pradesh, Jammu &Kashmir, NCT <strong>of</strong> Delhi andU.T. <strong>of</strong> Chandigarh.57 SP-II/EOW Delhi -do- -do- -do- States <strong>of</strong> Bihar, UttarPradesh and Remainingdistricts <strong>of</strong> Madhya Pradesh58 EOW-KolkataSP-/EOW KolkataKolkata -do- -do- States <strong>of</strong> West Bengal, Orissa,Assam, Meghalaya ArunachalPradesh, Manipur, Tripura,Sikkim, Mizoram and U. T. <strong>of</strong>A. & Nicobar Islands.* As amended vide Order No. 21/43/2002-PD-01953dated 5.8.2003.EOW-IV ZONE59 BS&FC Region DelhiNewDIG/BS&FCDelhiJD/EOW-IV DelhiThroughout India<strong>Page</strong> 387 <strong>of</strong> 387

BS&FC DelhiBS&FC -I DelhiSP-I,BS&FC Dli.60 BS&FC-II DelhiSP-II,BS&FC Dli.61 BS&FC-III DelhiSP-III,BS&FC Dli.(Existing SP/SIU-X)/ Delhi).Delhi Delhi IV Delhi-do- -do- -do- -do--do- -do- -do- -do-62 BS&FC KolkataSP/BS&FC Kol.(Newly created byadjusting one post<strong>of</strong> SP/CBI).63 BS&FC RegionMumbaiBS&FC MumbaiSP-I/BS&FC Mum.Kolkata -do- -do- -do-MumbaiDIG/BS&FCMumbai-do--do-64 SP-II/BS&FC Mum. Mumbai -do- -do- -do-65 BS&FC Bangalore Bangalore -do- -do- -do-SP/BS&FC B’lore.ADMINISTRATION DIVISIONHeaded by a Joint Director, the Administration Division willcomprise <strong>of</strong> following Offices/Units. Jt. Director (A) will reportthrough Addl. Director( E).66 SP/ Training Centre-I67 SP/ TrainingCentre-II68 SP/ R &D(newly created byadjusting one post<strong>of</strong> SP/CBI)Ghaziabad DIG/Trg. JD(Admn.)Delhi--do- -do- -do- --do- -do- -do- -69 SP/ HQ New Delhi DIG -do- -(Admn.)70 AO (A) -do- -do- -do- -71 SP/ Pers.-do- DIG -do- -(newly created post)(Pers.)72 AO (P) -do- -do- -do- -POLICY DIVISION DELHIHeaded by a Joint Director, this division will work directly underDCBI. It will have following Branches/Units/Wing:-73 Special Unit-INew DIG- JD/Policy Throughout IndiaSP-I/SU DelhiDelhi I/SU74 Special Unit-II New -do- -do- -do-SP-II/SU Delhi Delhi75 Special Unit Mumbai Mumbai -do- -do- -do-76 Special Unit -IIISP-III SU DelhiDelhi DIG-II/SU-II-do- -do-<strong>Page</strong> 388 <strong>of</strong> 388

77 Special Unit KolkataSP SU Kolkata78 Special Unit ChennaiSP SU Chennai79 AIG (P)-I (ExistingAIG (P)/ Delhi.80 AIG (P)-II(Newly created byadjusting one post <strong>of</strong>SP/CBI).81 Deputy PrincipalInformation OfficerKolkata -do- -do- -do-Chennai -do- -do- -do-New -- -do- --Delhi-do- -- -do- ---do- -- -do- --CO-ORDINATION DIVISIONHeaded by Dy. Director (Coordination), this division will functionunder a Joint Director, which will be nominated by DCBI.82 AD(Interpol)-I (ExistingAD/Interpol/Delhi).New Delhi DIG/Coord. JD-Nominatedby DCBI83 AD (Interpol)-II (Newly New Delhi -do- -do- -docreatedby adjusting onepost <strong>of</strong> SP/CBI).84 AD (Coord.) New Delhi -do- -do- -do-ThroughoutIndiaThe System Division <strong>of</strong> CBI will function under JD/ DIG wellversed with Computers. They will be nominated by DCBI.This order will come into force from August 1, 2003 or as otherwiseordered. Administration division will issue all other consequential ordersindicating rationalization <strong>of</strong> staff strength. The CBI Crime Manual andAdministration Manual are deem to have been amended accordingly inrespect <strong>of</strong> this order.Sd/-P. C. SharmaDIRECTOR CBICopy to:1. Special Director, CBI, New Delhi/ Additional Director, CBI, NewDelhi2. All Joint Directors, CBI/Director (Prosecution)/Director, C.F.S.L.3. All DIGs, CBI./DD(A) & DD(Co),CBI/ DPIO, CBI, New Delhi.4. All SsP, CBI/ Asstt. Director (Interpol) and Asstt. Director (Coord.),CBI, New Delhi.5. AO(E) and AO(A)/CBI/New Delhi/ OSD(Computer),CBI, SystemDivision, New Delhi.6. Guard File No.24.<strong>Page</strong> 389 <strong>of</strong> 389

Annexure -IVPRO FORMA1 (i) Name <strong>of</strong> the Organisation/Office <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Investigation</strong>(ii) Ministry/Department to which attached Cabinet Secretariat(iii) Whether the requisitioning authority isauthorized by the administrativeMinistry/Deptt. to place the requisitionwith SSC directly ?2 Complete postal address <strong>of</strong> the Head <strong>of</strong> Office <strong>of</strong>the Organisation.<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Investigation</strong>Block No. 3, 4thFloor, CGO Complex,Lodhi Road, NewDelhi - 110 0033 Requisition for recruitment to the post <strong>of</strong> :-(a) Designation(b) Scale <strong>of</strong> Pay(c) Classification(Whether Group 'C' - Non - technical orGroup 'B' - Non - gazetted)4 Details <strong>of</strong> the post :-(a) Brief description <strong>of</strong> the job requirementsand nature <strong>of</strong> duties <strong>of</strong> the post(b) Place <strong>of</strong> initial posting(c) Whether All India Service Liability involved5 How have the vacancies arisen ?(Clearly specify, byPromotion/Resignation/Death/Retirement,etc. In case the vacancy is due to failure <strong>of</strong>recruitment by transfer/deputation, thedetails there<strong>of</strong> may also be indicated.)6 Break- up <strong>of</strong> vacancies (This may be shown in the format <strong>of</strong>Vertical and Horizontal components as indicated below)(a)Category - wise (Vertical)Break- up <strong>of</strong> vacancies(Note : Break - up <strong>of</strong> current and backlogvacancies for SCs & STs to be indicated. )CategoryNo. <strong>of</strong> vacancies(i) UR(ii] OBC(iii) SC CurrentBacklog(iv) ST Current<strong>Page</strong> 390 <strong>of</strong> 390

(b) Horizontal Reservation :(i) Whether the post is identified as suitablefor :(ii)(iii)Out <strong>of</strong> the total vacancies shown above inCol. 6 (a), the number <strong>of</strong> vacancies for PH(Horizontal reservation)Out <strong>of</strong> the total vacancies shown above inCol. 6 (a), the number <strong>of</strong> vacancies for Ex -Servicemen (Horizontal reservation)(Please note that the vacancies mentioned inthe vertical component shall be the totalnumber <strong>of</strong> vacancies inclusive <strong>of</strong> thehorizontal component)BacklogTOTAL(i) OH Yes No(ii) HH Yes No(iii) VH Yes No(i) OH(ii) HH(iii) VH7 Period <strong>of</strong> Probation8 Qualifications as laid down in the notified Recruitment Rulesincluding any relaxation :(a)(b)EssentialDesirable(Please indicate 'Nil' if not specified in theRecruitment Rules)9 Age limits(a) As per recruitment rules(b) Relaxation in upper age limit available to :(i) SC by ______ years(ii) ST by ______ years(iii) OBC by ______ years(iv) PH by ______ years(v) PH & SC/ST by ______ years(vi) PH & OBC by ______ years(vii) Departmental candidates by ______ years(viii) <strong>Central</strong> Govt. Employees (Other than (vii) above ) by ______years(ix) Any others (please specify details and extent <strong>of</strong> relaxation) by______ yearsNote : As regards age relaxation to physically handicapped categoriescandidates, your attention is invited to DOPT OM No. 43019/28/86 - Estt(D) dated Any other requirements or conditions notcovered by the above Columns.11 Name, address and telephone number <strong>of</strong>the Departmental Representative (not lessthan the rank <strong>of</strong> Deputy Secretary <strong>of</strong> theDepartment/Ministry) who will be deputedto assist the SSC at the Interview.12 Whether the captioned post(s) has/havebeen got exempted from ban ordersimposed by the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance videtheir O.M. No. F.7 (1)- E (Coord)/84 dated3.1.84 and F.No. 7 (3)/6/E. (Coord)/99,dated 5.8.99 or any subsequent orders.13 Whether the vacancies have been clearedby the Screening Committee <strong>of</strong> theadministrative Ministry in accordance with<strong>Page</strong> 391 <strong>of</strong> 391

DOPT O.M. No. 2/8/2001 - PIC, dated 16thMay, 2001 and 6/18th June, 2002.14 Whether a "No Objection Certificate" fromthe <strong>Central</strong> (Surplus Staff) Cell (now redesignatedas Division for Retraining andRe-deployment) <strong>of</strong> the DOPT has beenobtained in accordance with the CCS (Redeployment<strong>of</strong> Surplus Staff) Rules, 1990notified vide DOPT Notification 1/14/89 -CS.III, dated 28.2.1990 and DOPT letter No.1/5/2000 - CS.III dated 10.11.2000.15 Whether the number <strong>of</strong> vacancies reservedfor SC, ST and OBC as mentioned incolumn 6 above is in accordance with thereservation quota fixed for thesecommunities as per the DOPT O.M. No.36012/2/96-Estt (Res), dated 2.7.1997 andDOPT O.M. No. 36012/5/97-Esst. (Res)Vol.II, dated 20.7.2000.16 Whether the vacancies for PhysicallyHandicapped and Ex-servicemen haveworked out with reference to DOPT O.M.Nos. 36035/16/91-Estt.SCT dated 20.9.94and 36012/58/92 - Estt. (SCT), dated1.12.1994 respectively.17 Whether the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Persons withDisabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection<strong>of</strong> Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995are complied with.18 Letter No. and date <strong>of</strong> the LAST requisitionfor the same post (along with category-wisebreak - up <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> vacancies)placed with the SSC by your <strong>of</strong>fice.19 Letter No. and date by which nominationhas been made by SSC to your <strong>of</strong>fice earlierfor the same post.It is certified that :(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)The information furnished against the above mentioned columns arecorrect and based on the <strong>of</strong>ficial records available with the <strong>of</strong>fice ;Vacancies projected in this requisition are regular and all regularvacancies on date which fall within the direct recruitment quota havebeen included in this requisition, and also the necessary sanction <strong>of</strong>the govt. for these posts is available ;The vacancies reported shall not be withdrawn nor the number andcategory break - up <strong>of</strong> vacancies shall be altered under anycircumstances ;Suitable personnel are not available with the Surplus Cell <strong>of</strong> DOPT forfilling up these vacancies ;While sending this requisition, policy relating to 3% reservation forpersons with disabilities has been taken care <strong>of</strong> ;<strong>Page</strong> 392 <strong>of</strong> 392

(f) (i) The post for which this requisition is being sent has been identified assuitable for being manned by persons with disabilities. Vacanciesreserved for the disabled have been suitably indicated in the vacancyposition ;(ii) The post for which this requisition is being sent has been identified assuitable for being manned by persons with disabilities. However, none<strong>of</strong> the vacancies reported hereby has been earmarked reserved for thedisabled ;(iii) The post for which this requisition is being sent has not beenidentified as suitable for being manned by persons with disabilities ;(iv) The establishment/organization to which the post is to be filled up, forwhich this requisition is being sent has been exempted from theprovisions <strong>of</strong> Section 33 <strong>of</strong> the Persons with Disabilities (EqualOpportunities, Protection <strong>of</strong> Rights and full Participation) Act, 1995 ;(g) The number <strong>of</strong> vacancies reserved for SC, ST, OBC etc. as mentionedin column 6 above are in accordance with the reservation quota fixedby the Govt. for these communities ;(h) Candidates nominated by the SSC against the vacancies reported inthis requisition shall be given appointment by this <strong>of</strong>fice within threemonths from the date <strong>of</strong> nomination.* Strike <strong>of</strong>f whichever is not applicable.Place :Date :Signature and Official Seal<strong>of</strong> the Officer authorized tosend this requisition.Tel No.<strong>Page</strong> 393 <strong>of</strong> 393

Annexure – VCOURSES CONDUCTED BY THE CBI ACADEMYTARGET OFFICERS AND DURATIONBASIC COURSESS.No Courses Target Officers Duration1 Basic Course for Dy.SsP Direct recruited Dy. SsP 1 years &14 weeks2 Basic Course for SIs Direct recruited S.I. andDepartmental1 years &7 weeks3 Basic Course for Constables Direct Recruited Constables 6 monthsORIENTATION/INDUCTION COURSES4 Orientation Course for SsP/ DIsG joining CBI on 1 weekSsP/DIsGdeputation5 Orientation Course for Deputationist Dy.SsP and 6 weeksInspr/DySsP6 Orientation Course forConstablesINDUCTION COURSES7 Induction Course for NewlyAppointed Law Officers8 Induction Course for NewlyAppointed LDCs9 Basic <strong>Investigation</strong> Course forPromotee Inspectors10 Basic <strong>Investigation</strong> Course forPromotee Sub-InspectorsInspectors on joining CBIDeputationist Constables onjoining CBI6 daysNewly Appointed Law 5 daysOfficers <strong>of</strong> CBINewly Appointed LDCs <strong>of</strong> CBI 2 weeksPromotee Inspectors <strong>of</strong> CBI(who have not attended BasicCourse <strong>of</strong> SIs)Promotee Sub-Inspectors <strong>of</strong>CBI (who have not attendedBasic Course <strong>of</strong> SIs)2 weeks3 weeksREFRESHER COURSES11 Refresher Course ASIs <strong>of</strong> CBI 1 week12 Refresher Course Constables & Head1 weekConstables <strong>of</strong> CBI13 Refresher Course Handling <strong>of</strong> Cash & Accts for 2 daysall ministerial staff14 Refresher Course UDCs <strong>of</strong> CBI 1 week15 Refresher Course for Law APP, PP, and Sr.PP <strong>of</strong> CBI 1 week<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> CBI16 Refresher Course for SCS/PAs <strong>of</strong> CBI1 weekSCS/PAs17 Refresher Course for LDCs LDCs <strong>of</strong> CBI 1 week18 Refresher Course for Hd. Hd Clks & CAs <strong>of</strong> CBI 1 weekClerk and CAsANTI-CORRUPTION COURSES19 <strong>Investigation</strong> <strong>of</strong>Disproportionate Assets &Trap CasesInsprs to Addl.SsP <strong>of</strong> CBIACB Branches & <strong>of</strong> StatePolice1 week20 <strong>Investigation</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cases <strong>of</strong>Abuse <strong>of</strong> Official Position inAward <strong>of</strong> Contracts,Purchases, Procurement andSub-Standard ConstructionInsprs. to Addl.SsP <strong>of</strong> CBIACB Branches Addl.SsP <strong>of</strong>State Anticorruption CB(CID)Vig. Dealing with such cases1 week21 Anti-Corruption Laws and SsP <strong>of</strong> CBI and <strong>of</strong> State Police 1 week<strong>Page</strong> 394 <strong>of</strong> 394

<strong>Investigation</strong> includingappreciation <strong>of</strong> Evidence inAnti-Corruption Casesdealing with Anti-CorruptionCases & DIsG <strong>of</strong> Statedealing with such casesCYBER CRIME COURSES22 <strong>Investigation</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cyber Crime Inspr. to Addl.SsP <strong>of</strong> CBI &<strong>of</strong> State Police23 <strong>Investigation</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cyber Crime SsP & above <strong>of</strong> CBI and <strong>of</strong>State PoliceECONOMIC OFFENCES COURSES24 <strong>Investigation</strong> <strong>of</strong> EconomicOffences25 <strong>Investigation</strong> <strong>of</strong> Bank FraudCasesCONVENTIONAL & TERRORIST CRIME COURSES26 <strong>Investigation</strong> <strong>of</strong> HomicideCases including CustodialCrime and Capsule onHuman RightsInsprs to Addl.SsP <strong>of</strong> CBIand <strong>of</strong> State ACB/EOWBranches, APP, PP, andSr.PP <strong>of</strong> CBIInsprs to Addl.SsP <strong>of</strong> CBI,ACB/EOW Branches, APPPP, and Sr.PP <strong>of</strong> CBIInsprs to Addl.SsP <strong>of</strong> CBIposted to the branchesinvestigating such casesSCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION COURSES27 Scientific Aids to <strong>Investigation</strong> SIs to Addl. SP <strong>of</strong> CBI andState Police posted ininvestigation units28 Scientific InterrogationTechniquesVIGILANCE COURSES29 Vigilance Course for JuniorVigilance Officials30 Vigilance Course for middlelevel vigilance <strong>of</strong>ficialsSIs to Addl. SP <strong>of</strong> CBI andState Police posted ininvestigation unitsVOs(upto Manager level ) <strong>of</strong>PSUs, Insprs. to Dy..SsP <strong>of</strong>CBI and <strong>of</strong> State PoliceSr. Managers to DGM <strong>of</strong>PSUs, Addl.SsP <strong>of</strong> CBI andState Police1 week1 week1 week1 week1 week1 week1 week1 week1 week31 Vigilance Course for CVOs CVOs <strong>of</strong> PSUs & Banks 1 week32 Departmental Enquiries : Insprs to ASP <strong>of</strong> CBI, VOs toVigilance Managers <strong>of</strong> PSUsand Dy.SsP/ Addl. SP <strong>of</strong>State Police and CPOshandling DEs1 weekCOMPUTER COURSES33 Computer FamiliarisationCourse34 Computer FamiliarisationCourse35 Computer FamiliarisationCourse36 Data base course on LotusApproachVERTICAL INTERACTION COURSE37 Vertical Interaction Course(sponsored by BPR&D)SEMINAR/WORKSHOPS38 Seminar/Workshop for IT forCBI OfficersSIs to Addl. SP, OS , APP toSr.PP <strong>of</strong> CBIConst. to ASILDC to CA <strong>of</strong> CBI & CFSLD.E.Os and all ranks alreadytrained in Windows NTIPS & other Senior PoliceOfficersSsP, DIsG, JDs <strong>of</strong> CBI1 week1 week1 week1 week3 days<strong>Page</strong> 395 <strong>of</strong> 395

39 International Seminar on“Prosecution <strong>of</strong> Corruption”40 Seminar/workshop on Anti-Corruption Laws and<strong>Investigation</strong>41 Seminar/Workshop on"Economic Offences"42 Seminar/Workshop on"<strong>Investigation</strong> <strong>of</strong> SpecialCrime Cases- Difficulties &Challenges"Prosecutors from signatoriescountries to ADB-OECD AntiCorruption initiativeSsP, DIsG & JDs, DLAs &ALAs <strong>of</strong> CBISsP, DIsG, JDs, DLAs, ALAs<strong>of</strong> CBISsP, DIsG, DLAs, ALAs <strong>of</strong>CBIOTHER COURSES43 <strong>Investigation</strong> Abroad Dy.SP, SP &Law Officers <strong>of</strong>CBI And State Police dealingwith such cases3 days2 days2 days2 days3 days44 Course for DDOs OS, Dy.SP & Addl.SsP <strong>of</strong> CBI 3 days45 Course for Retiring employees Officers & Staff <strong>of</strong> CBI 2 daysretiring within one year46 Attachment <strong>of</strong> IPS(OfficersTrainees)IPS(OTs) <strong>of</strong> 53rd-RR(on request from NPA)47 Visits <strong>of</strong> Officers from IndianAir Force, BSF, IB UP Policeetc.On request from concerned agencies.48 Course on Driving and TrafficRulesIn-service Drivers <strong>of</strong> CBI -<strong>Page</strong> 396 <strong>of</strong> 396

Annexure - VICHECKLIST OF POINTS FOR CONSIDERATION(G.I.MHA (D.P.&A.R.) O.M.No.24011-1/76-Estt. (B) dated the 17th May,1976)Part-I-General Information1. Name and present designation :2. Post held including name <strong>of</strong> establishment :i) substantiveii) <strong>of</strong>ficiating3. Any post, other than the present appointment,held during 6 months prior to the month in whichresignation is tendered.4. Permanent residential address :Part-II - Points to be checked up before accepting resignation5. The date on which the Government servant wantsto be relieved from service.6. (i) Whether any inquiry or investigation ordisciplinary case is pending or contemplated.(ii) Whether under suspension :7. Whether the Government servant concerned hasexecuted any Bond for serving the Governmentfor a specified number <strong>of</strong> years on account <strong>of</strong> hisbeing given specialised training,fellowship/scholarship for studies or deputed fortraining whether in India or abroad, and if so, theBond period is over.8. Time required for filling up the post and/ormaking alternative arrangements :9. Authority competent to accept resignation i.e.appointing authority :Part-III - If the resignation is accepted, points to be checked upbefore relieving the Government servant.10. Whether alternative arrangements have beenmade for discharge <strong>of</strong> the duties <strong>of</strong> the postincluding arrangements for taking over charge <strong>of</strong>cash/stores in the custody <strong>of</strong> Governmentservant (wherever applicable)Controlling Officer :11. Whether the Government servant hassurrendered and obtained ‘No DemandCertificates’ in respect <strong>of</strong> -(i) MHA/Departmental Identity Card(ii) Library Cards/Tokens <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> Sectt.Library and/or Departmental Library etc.<strong>Page</strong> 397 <strong>of</strong> 397

(iii) CGHS Identity Card(iv) Typewriters, brief cases, cycles, Liveries, etc(wherever applicable)(v) Headgear set and locker in case <strong>of</strong> TO andother tools in case <strong>of</strong> other cadres.12. Arrangement made for recovery <strong>of</strong> outstandingadvances/loans, if any, taken or any other category<strong>of</strong> dues, viz.-(i) Training Allowance paid to the <strong>of</strong>ficial :(ii) House Building Advance :(iii) Advance for purchase <strong>of</strong> Motor Car/MotorCycle/Scooter/Cycle :(iv) Festival Advance/Flood Advance :(v) Any other dues, such as :-(a) Amounts due to be recovered from orsettled by, the employee in respect <strong>of</strong>money/material entrusted to him in the course<strong>of</strong> his <strong>of</strong>ficial duties in this or earlier posts :(b) Recoveries ordered to be made as a result<strong>of</strong> disciplinary proceedings13. Whether the Government servant is in occupation<strong>of</strong> Government accommodation. If so, whether thedues in respect <strong>of</strong> such accommodation (includingelectrical appliances, etc.) have been settled and aNo Demand Certificate obtained.14. Whether accounts in respect <strong>of</strong> water andelectricity charges in respect <strong>of</strong> Governmentaccommodation held by the Government servanthave been settled with the concernedMunicipality/Corporation.15. In case where the Government servant has notbeen in occupation <strong>of</strong> any Government residentialaccommodation during the service, whether ‘NoDemand Certificate’ has been issued by theMinistry/Department as required in Ministry <strong>of</strong>W.H.&R. Memo NO.15-362-A.C.C.I, dated the 19thOctober, 196316. Whether any cash deposit/security <strong>of</strong> sufficientvalue has been taken where it is not foundpossible to make a correct assessment <strong>of</strong> the duesimmediately.17. Leave sanctioned to the <strong>of</strong>ficial from previous halfyearand any leave sanctioned extra, if so leavesalary paid. The Personal File and Service Bookmay also be forwarded18. Any other section concerned :<strong>Page</strong> 398 <strong>of</strong> 398

Annexure - VIIMOST IMMEDIATENo.DP AD 4 2000/87/8/1/2000CENTRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONGovernment <strong>of</strong> IndiaBlock No.3, 4th Floor,CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,NEW DELHI-110 003.To1. The Spl. Director (S) & (E),<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>New Delhi.Dated 04-02-2000.2. All Joint Directors,<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>,(Delhi based and outside Delhi)3. The Supdt.<strong>of</strong> Police, CBI,All Branches located in Delhi and outside.Sub.: Delegation/Re-delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial and Administrative Powersto Special Directors and Joint Directors, CBI.Sir,The proposal regarding Delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial Powers to the SpecialDirectors and the Joint Directors <strong>of</strong> the CBI has been under considerationfor some time. The existing scheme <strong>of</strong> delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial Powers toZonal JDs has been reviewed with a view to have greater delegation <strong>of</strong>financial responsibility and expeditious disposal <strong>of</strong> business. Accordingly incontinuation <strong>of</strong> Head Office Circular No(s) A-22020/32/92-AD.IV dt.27-02-95 and 27/28/95/AD.V dt.28-11-96, it has now been decided, in exercise <strong>of</strong>the powers conferred vide Rule - 13(2) <strong>of</strong> the Delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial PowersRules, 1978, by the Director/CBI to delegate more Financial andAdministrative Powers to all the Joint Directors and Special Directors, CBI tothe extent as indicated against each item <strong>of</strong> the Statement annexed to thisletter.2. The delegation/re-delegation is subject to restrictions, stipulations orinstructions that may be issued by the Government from time to time.3. The Director, CBI has desired that all Joint Directors/CBI and SpecialDirectors will ensure that the powers are exercised properly.Yours faithfully,Sd/-(Vivek Dube)<strong>Page</strong> 399 <strong>of</strong> 399

Encl.: As above.Dy. Director (Admn./CBICopy to :-1. PS to Director, CBI.2. All DIsG/Dy. Directors/DD(CO), CBI.3. Administrative Officer (A) and (E), AIG (P)CBI, Nsew Delhi.4. Accounts Officer, PAO, CBI, New Delhi.5. All Sections/Zones/Divisions, CBI.6. Guard File (AD.IV Section).<strong>Page</strong> 400 <strong>of</strong> 400

STATEMENT SHOWING THE FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVEPOWERS OF THE JOINT DIRECTORS AND SPECIAL DIRECTORS OF C BISl.No. Nature <strong>of</strong> Powers. All JointDirectors/CBI1 SANCTION OF LEAVESanction <strong>of</strong> all Full Powerskinds <strong>of</strong> leave to for grant <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ficersleave upto therank <strong>of</strong> SsP.Spl.Director(S)/CBI&Spl.Director(E)/CBIRemarksFull Powers to Leave mattersSpecial Director concerning to JDs(S) & (E) in and above willrespect <strong>of</strong> DIsG continue to beworking under submitted to thethem.Director, CBI.2 PERMISSION FOR HIGHER STUDIES AND TO OBTAIN PASSPORT.Permission for-- Full Powers to The matters inhigher studies/SDCBI (S) respect <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficersvocational coursesand NOC forobtaining passportin respect <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficersabove the rank <strong>of</strong>DIG will continue tobe submitted to theDirectror/CBI.upto the rank <strong>of</strong> DIGand AdministrativeOfficers.3 ADVANCE/WITHDRAWAL FROM PF TO IPS OFFICERSSanction <strong>of</strong>Advance/Withdrawalfrom GPF to IPS<strong>of</strong>ficers underAIS(PF) Rules uptothe rank <strong>of</strong> DIsG.-- Full Powers toSDCBI(S)The cases concerningJDs and above forsanction<strong>of</strong>advance/withdrawalsunder AIS (Rules)will continue to besubmitted to theDCBI.4 HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCEGrant <strong>of</strong> House -- Full Powers toBuilding Advance toSDCBI (S)<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> and abovethe rank <strong>of</strong> DIG.Powers to sanctionHBA to <strong>of</strong>ficers belowthe rank <strong>of</strong> DIG arealready delegated toJD (Admn.), CBI,HO.5 MOTOR CAR/COMPUTER ADVANCESanction <strong>of</strong> -- Full Powers toMotor CarSDCBI(S)Advance/Powers to sanction MotorCar Advance to <strong>of</strong>ficersbelow the rank <strong>of</strong> DIG<strong>Page</strong> 401 <strong>of</strong> 401

ComputerAdvance to JDs6 POSTING/TRANSFERPosting/Transfer <strong>of</strong>all Group 'A'Officers viz. Dy.Supdts. <strong>of</strong> Policeand Law Officers(Sr.PP to ALA)except Ss.P andabove.7 MEDICAL CLAIMSProcess claimsunder CS(MA)Rules, CGHSRules, condonation<strong>of</strong> delay andsettlement <strong>of</strong>medical claims etc.<strong>of</strong> the staffmembers <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Investigation</strong> uptothe level <strong>of</strong> DIG,Ministerial Staffand their familymembers.-- Full Powers toSpl. Directors(S) and SpecialDirector (E) inrespect <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ficers workingunder theircontrol only.are already delegated toJD(A), CBI, HO.The cases <strong>of</strong> Transfer <strong>of</strong> Dy.SsP and Law Officers (Sr.PPto ALA) outside thejurisdiction <strong>of</strong> SD, CBI (S)and (E) will be decided inco-ordination meeting to beheld between the twoSpecial Directors, whichmay be held once in amonth.Full Powers. -- The cases concerning JDsand above will continue tobe submitted to the DCBI.The delegation/ redelegationis subject to therestrictions, stipulations orinstructions that may beissued by the Ministry <strong>of</strong>Health & F.W/DGHS/CGHS from time totime.Annexure - VIIIFORM NO 24(See Rule 32)Form <strong>of</strong> certificate <strong>of</strong> verification <strong>of</strong> service for pensionCertificateNo_______________________Government <strong>of</strong> IndiaMinistry <strong>of</strong> ________________Department <strong>of</strong> _____________Dated_____________________It is clarified, in consultation with the Accounts Officer, thatShri......... Designation.......... has completed a qualifying service <strong>of</strong>........years ............months............days as on............(date), as per details givenbelow. The service has been verified on the basis <strong>of</strong> his service documentsand in accordance with the rules regarding qualifying service in force atpresent. The verification <strong>of</strong> service under sub rules (1) and (2) <strong>of</strong> Rule 32 <strong>of</strong><strong>Page</strong> 402 <strong>of</strong> 402

the <strong>Central</strong> Civil Services(Pension) Rules 1972, shall be treated as final andshall not be re-opened except when necessitated by a subsequent change inthe rules and orders governing the conditions under which the servicequalifies for pension.DETAILS OF QUALIFYING SERVICE_____________________________________________________________________________ToFrom_____________________________________________________________________________1.2.3._____________________________________________________________________________ToShri______________(Name & Designation)Signature <strong>of</strong> Head <strong>of</strong> Office<strong>Page</strong> 403 <strong>of</strong> 403

Annexure - IXMODEL CALCULATION-1FAMILY PENSION & DEATH GRATUITY CALCULATIONMEMO IN RESPECT OF SHRI AAA DESIGNATION BBB, CBI EXPIRED ON09.09.1999I. Date <strong>of</strong> birth: 23.04.1941Date <strong>of</strong> appointment: 05.04.1963Date <strong>of</strong> death: 09.09.1999Last pay drawn Rs. 6025/-II.QUALIFYING SERVICE: Y M DGross service w.e.f.36 5 405.04.1963 to 09.09.1999Non-qualifying service - - -NET SERVICE 36 5 4III.FAMILY PENSIONEmoluments last (pay) drawn = Rs.6025/-Family Pension admissible @30%6025 x30 = Rs.1808-00100i) Family pension atEnhanced Rate10.09.1999 to 09.09.2006 (7 years) Rs.1808 x 2 = Rs.3616/- butor attaining the age <strong>of</strong> 67 years limited to Rs.3013/- i.e. 50% <strong>of</strong> whichever isearlierthe last pay drawn.ii)Family Pension at Normal Rate10.09.2006 onward Rs.1808/-IV)DEATH GRATUITY:Basic PayDA @ 37%TOTALRs.8254 x 33Rs.6025-00Rs.2229-00Rs.8254-00Rs.2,72,382-00Sd/-Head <strong>of</strong> OfficeCBI<strong>Page</strong> 404 <strong>of</strong> 404

MODEL CALCULATION – 2PENSION, COMMUTED VALUE OF PENSION, RETIREMENT GRATUITY &FAMILY PENSION CALCULATION MEMO IN RESPECT OF SHRI CCCDESIGNATION DDD, CBI RETIRING ON 31.05.2002 ONSUPERANNUATIONDate <strong>of</strong> birth: 20.05.1942Date <strong>of</strong> appointment: 03.09.1970Date <strong>of</strong> retirement: 31.05.2002Pay as on 1.10.2000 Rs. 8300/-Pay as on 1.10.2001 Rs. 8500/-Pay on the date <strong>of</strong> retirement Rs. 8500/-I. Gross Service Yr. M Dw.e.f. 03.09.1970 to 31.05.2002 31 8 28Non-qualifying service - - -Total Service 31 8 28or say 63 SMPsII:AVERAGE EMOLUMENTSi) 01.08.2001 to 30.09.2001 @Rs.8300 x 2= Rs.16,600-00ii) 01.10.2001 to 31.05.2002 @Rs.8500 x 8= Rs.68,000-00Total = Rs.84,600-00A.E. = 84,600 = Rs.8,460-0010III:PENSIONi) Pension admissible for maximum: 8460 x 66 = Rs.4230-00qualifying service 2 x 66ii) Pension admissible for 8460 x 63 =Rs.4037.7263 Six Monthly Period 2 x 66 or sayRs.4038-00IV.COMMUTATION40% <strong>of</strong> Rs.4038 = Rs.1615/-1615 x 12 x 9.81 = Rs.1,90,117.80V. RESIDUARY PENSION:Rs.4038 (-) Rs.1615 = Rs.2423-00VI.RETIREMENT GRATUITY:Basic Pay Rs. 8500-00DA @45% Rs. 3825-00Rs.12,325-00<strong>Page</strong> 405 <strong>of</strong> 405

12,325x63 = Rs.1,94,118.75/- or say Rs.1,94,119-004VII.FAMILY PENSION (IN CASE OF DEATH OF PENSIONER):30% <strong>of</strong> the last pay drawn (Rs.8500-00)8500 x 30 = Rs.2550-00100Family Pension at enhanced rate:Rs.2550 x 2 = Rs.5100/-but limited to Rs.4038/- i.e.pension authorised on thedate <strong>of</strong> retirement.(7 years or the age <strong>of</strong> 67 yrs. whichever is earlier)Family Pension at Normal Rate thereafterRs.2550/-Sd/-Head <strong>of</strong> OfficeCBI<strong>Page</strong> 406 <strong>of</strong> 406

Annexure – X(A)No.240/1/96-AVD.IIGOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONSDEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL & TRAININGNEW DELHIDATED : 03.10.96ToThe Director,<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>New DelhiSub:- Delegation <strong>of</strong> financial powers Rules 1978 - Enhancement <strong>of</strong>Powers <strong>of</strong> DCBI.Sir,I am directed to convey the sanction <strong>of</strong> the President to the delegation<strong>of</strong> enhanced powers to the Director,CBI for according administrativeapproval and expenditure sanction for execution <strong>of</strong> works as specified inAnnexure ’A'.2. This order relating to delegation <strong>of</strong> enhanced powers is subject to theprovisions contained in DFP Rules, GFRs and other instruction issued fromtime to time.3. This letter issues with the concurrence <strong>of</strong> Ministry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairsvide their Dy. No.7334/JS/Fin(P) dated 1.10.96.Yours faithfullysd/-( Jaswant Singh)UNDER SECRETARY TO THE GOVT. OF INDIA<strong>Page</strong> 407 <strong>of</strong> 407

STATEMENT SHOWING ENHANCED DELEGATION OF POWERS TO DCBISL NO NATURE OF POWER EXISTING POWERS ENHANCED TOOF DCBI1. Contingent Recurring RecurringExpenditure Rs. 10,000/- p.a. Rs.30,000/- p.a.in each casein each caseNon-RecurringRs.40,000/- p.a.in each caseNon-RecurringRs.60,000/- p.a.in each case2. Local purchase <strong>of</strong> Rs.40,000/- p.a. Rs.50,000/- p.a.Stationery3. Petty repairs Rs.10,000/- in each case Rs.20.000/-in eachcase4. Major and Minor works Nil Major Work :Rs.30lakh in eachcaseMinor Work:Rs.2Lakh in eachcase.FINANCIAL POWERS OF THEDIRECTOR / CENTRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS.No Item Govt. Order <strong>of</strong>delegation1 Bicycle Item No.1 <strong>of</strong>Annex ure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP1978Rules2 Conveyance Hire Item No.3 <strong>of</strong>Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,1978Monetarylimit uptowhichexpenditurecan beincurredFull PowersRemarksAs per Scalesprescribed inCol.4 <strong>of</strong>Schedule V toDFP Rules -1978The conveyancehire chargesactually paidmay bereimbursed to aGazetted /nongazettedGovt.servant whoperforms<strong>Page</strong> 408 <strong>of</strong> 408

4 Electric Gas and WaterCharges.5 Fixture and furniture ,purchase and repairsItem No.4 <strong>of</strong>Annexure toSchedule V toDFP Rules,1978Item No 5 <strong>of</strong>Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,1978Full PowersFull Powersjourney inpublic interestwithin themunicipallimits <strong>of</strong> thecity in whichhis H.Q. issituated, in aconveyancewhen a staffcar is notavailable.Provided thatwheretravellingallowance isalso admissiblefor such ajourney, it willbe open to the<strong>of</strong>ficers eitherto claimreimbursement<strong>of</strong>theconveyancehire underthese rules ortravellingallowanceunderTravellingAllowance.Providedfurther that thereimbursement<strong>of</strong>theconveyancehire shall besubject to theconditions laiddown in Col.4<strong>of</strong> Schedule Vto DFP Rules,78.The exercise <strong>of</strong>this powershall be subjectto suchconditions andscales as maybe prescribedby the Min. <strong>of</strong><strong>Page</strong> 409 <strong>of</strong> 409

6 FREIGHT ANDDEMURRAGE /WHARFAGE CHARGESWorksHousing.and(i) Freight ChargesItem No.6 (i) <strong>of</strong> Full Powers In case <strong>of</strong>Annex ure toairlifting <strong>of</strong>Schedule V <strong>of</strong>storesDFP Rules,exceeding1978Rs.1000/-(ii)Demurrage/Wharfageshould bechargesreported to theItem 6(ii) <strong>of</strong> Full Powers next higherAnnex ure toAdministrativeSchedule V <strong>of</strong>Authority /DFP Rules,DP&T.1978Each caseexceedingRs.1000/-should bereported toMin./Deptt.7 Hire <strong>of</strong> Office furniture, Item No.7 <strong>of</strong> Full Powers Subject toelectric fans, heaters, Annex ure toobservance <strong>of</strong>coolers, clocks and call Schedule V <strong>of</strong>all the relevantbells.DFP Rules,Govt. Rules in1978force.8 Legal ChargesItem No.9(i) <strong>of</strong> Full Powers Subject to(i) Fees to Barristers, Annex ure toconditionsAdvocates, Pleaders, Schedule V <strong>of</strong>/scales laidArbitrators and DFP Rules,down in Col.4Umpires.1978<strong>of</strong> the Annexure to ScheduleV <strong>of</strong> DFP Rules,1978(ii)Other Legal ChargesItem No.9(ii) (a)Law suites orprosecutionscases.Full Powersin case <strong>of</strong>authoritiesvested with As perpowers to conditionssanction the provided ininstitution <strong>of</strong> Col.4 <strong>of</strong> thesuit or Annex ure toprosecution; Schedule V tootherwise DFP Rules,Rs.5000/- in 1978.each case.Item No.9 (ii) (b)ArbitrationCasesFull Powersin case <strong>of</strong>authoritiesvested withpowers torefer cases toAsper<strong>Page</strong> 410 <strong>of</strong> 410

9 Engagement <strong>of</strong> Spl.Counsel on behalf <strong>of</strong>CBI to contest thecriminal casesPayment <strong>of</strong> fee to Spl.Counsels for the courtsat Delhi, Mumbai,Calcutta and ChennaiPayment <strong>of</strong> fee to Spl.counsels for the courtsat other stations.10 MOTOR VEHICLES(iii)Maintenance,Upkeep and repairs.11 Municipal rates andtaxes12 Petty Works and Repairi) Execution <strong>of</strong> PettyWorks and specialrepairs to Govt. ownedbuildingsanitary fittings, watersupply and electricalinstallation in suchbuildings and repairs.(ii) Ordinary repairs toGovernment Buildings(iii) Repair andalteration to hired andrequisitioned buildingsarbitrationotherwiseRs.1,00,000/-in each case.DP&T Letter Full PowersNo.225/2/95-AVD-II dated30.1.97circulated videDCB letterNo.2/97/DCBI/Pers/338 dated4.2.97-do--do-Item No.10 (iii)<strong>of</strong> Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules ,1978.Sr. CounselsRs.3500/-per day.Jr. CounselsRs.1750/-per dayFull Powersconditionsprovided inCol.4 <strong>of</strong>Schedule V toDFP Rules,1978.Subject toobservance <strong>of</strong>Schemecirculated byLegal Division/CBI.The Counselsshould beappointed withthe priorapproval <strong>of</strong> theDirector, CBI.-do-Item No.11 <strong>of</strong> Full Powers Subject toAnnexure toobservant <strong>of</strong> allSchedule V <strong>of</strong>the relevantDFP Rules,Govt. rules.1978Item No.12 (ii) Rs.30,000/- As per<strong>of</strong> Annexure to in each case. conditions laidSchedule V <strong>of</strong>down in col. 4DFP Rules,<strong>of</strong> the Scheduleincluding 1978V <strong>of</strong> DFP Rules,1978Item No.12(iii) Full Powers<strong>of</strong> Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,1978NonrecurringRs.30,000/-per annumRecurringRs.6,000/-per annum--Subject to theconditions laiddown in col.4 <strong>of</strong>Schedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,<strong>Page</strong> 411 <strong>of</strong> 411

13 Postal and TelegraphCharges :(i) Charges for the issue<strong>of</strong> letters , telegraphsetc.(ii)CommissionMoney OrdersItem No.13(i) <strong>of</strong> Full PowersAnnexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,on 1978Item No.13(ii) <strong>of</strong>Annex ure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,1978197814 Printing and Binding Item No.14 <strong>of</strong> Full PowersAnnexure to where workSchedule V <strong>of</strong> executedDFP Rules, through or the1978.with theapproval <strong>of</strong>Director <strong>of</strong>Printing. Inthe case <strong>of</strong>local printingand bindingRs.20,000/-per annum.15 Publication(i) Official Publication(ii)Publication16 R E N T(i) Ordinary Officeaccommodation(a) Where theaccommodation isentirely utilised for the<strong>of</strong>fice.(b) Where theaccommodation is usedpartly as <strong>of</strong>fice andpartly as residenceItem No.15(i) <strong>of</strong> Full PowersAnnexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,1978Non-<strong>of</strong>ficialItem No.15(ii) <strong>of</strong> Full PowersAnnexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,1978.Item No.16(i) (a)<strong>of</strong> Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,1978Lr. No.11011/18/86-Fin.II (MHA)dated 26.12.86.Item No.16(i)(b)<strong>of</strong> Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>A1 = Rs.25000/- p.m.A, B1 & B2 =Rs. 10000/-p.m.C = Rs.6000/- p.m.Unclassified =Rs. 4000/-p.m.A1 =Rs.6000/-p.m.A B1 B2 =Subject to theconditions laiddown in Col.4<strong>of</strong> the scheduleV <strong>of</strong> DFP Rules,1978.Subject to theconditions laiddown in Col.4<strong>of</strong> the ScheduleV <strong>of</strong> DFP Rules,1978.Subject to theconditions laiddown in col.4 <strong>of</strong>Annexureto Schedule V<strong>of</strong> DFP Rules,1978.Subject toconditions laiddown in col.4 <strong>of</strong>the schedule V<strong>of</strong> DFP Rules,1978--do -Normally the<strong>Central</strong> PublicWorksDepartmentshould hireaccommodationrequired forpublicpurposes andalso enter intothe lease deedsand pay therent. Thepowers is anexception this<strong>Page</strong> 412 <strong>of</strong> 412

(ii) For residential andother purposes17 Repairs and removal <strong>of</strong>machinery ( where theexpenditure is not <strong>of</strong> acapitalnature )18 Rewards , Fees, Bonusetc. ( other than fee orhonoraria granted toGovernment servantsunder the serviceDFP Rules,1978Item No.16(ii) <strong>of</strong>Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,1978Rs.5000 p.m.C = Rs.3000p.m.A1= Rs.1200p.m.A B1 B2 =Rs. 800 p.m.C= Rs.400p.m.Others=Rs.200 p.m.Rules )19 Honorarium Rs.2,500/-p.a. to a Govt.servant.20 Staff paid fromContingencies21 Local purchase <strong>of</strong> PettyStationary Stores22 Local purchase <strong>of</strong>rubber stamps and<strong>of</strong>fice seals.generalprinciple andshall beexercisedsubject to theconditions laiddown in col.4 <strong>of</strong>Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,1978.Item No.17 <strong>of</strong> Full PowersAnnexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,1978.Lr. No. Full Powers11011/12/81- within theFin.II (MHA) budget limits.dated 19.5.81.Subject toobservance <strong>of</strong>all the relevantrules.Item No.20 <strong>of</strong> Full Powers RemunerationAnnexure to<strong>of</strong> such staffSchedule V <strong>of</strong>shall beDFP Rules,regulated in1978.accordancewith general orspecial ordersissued byPresident inthis behalf.DP&T Letter Rs.100000/- As perNo.240/1/96- per annum provisions laidAVD.II dateddown in col.43.10.96against itemNo.21 <strong>of</strong>Schedule V toDFP Rules,1978.Item No.21(c) <strong>of</strong> Full Powers To avoid theAnnexure topossibility <strong>of</strong>Schedule V <strong>of</strong>counterfeitingDFP Rules-<strong>of</strong> stamps and1978.seals by adealer ,purchases shallbe made withcaution andfrom firms <strong>of</strong>repute only.<strong>Page</strong> 413 <strong>of</strong> 413

23 S T O R E S(I) Stores required forworks(ii) Other Stores i.e.stores required for theworking <strong>of</strong> anestablishment,instrumentapparatus.and24 Supply <strong>of</strong> uniforms,badges and otherarticles <strong>of</strong> clothing etc.and washing allowanceItem 22(i) <strong>of</strong>Annex ure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules -1978.Item No.22(ii) <strong>of</strong> Full PowersAnnexure toSchedule V toDFP Rules -1978.Item No.23<strong>of</strong>Annexure toSchedule V toDFP Rules -1978.27 (i) ComputersItem No.26(A) Rs.1.00 lakh(including personal (ii) <strong>of</strong> Annexurecomputers purchase ) to Schedule V<strong>of</strong> DFP Rules -1978 .(ii) Hire andFull Powersmaintenance <strong>of</strong> Item No.2(b) <strong>of</strong>computers <strong>of</strong> all kinds Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>Full Powers The sanction <strong>of</strong>a competentauthority forexecuting thework carrieswith it thesanction forincurringnecessaryexpenditure onthe purchase <strong>of</strong>stores requiredfor the work.Full Powers As perprovisions laiddown in col.4against theitem <strong>of</strong>Schedule V toDFP Rules -1978.Full Powers As perprovisions laiddown in col.425 Telephone Charges Item No.24 <strong>of</strong>Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules-1978.against theitem <strong>of</strong>Schedule V toDFP Rules-1978.Theexpenditure onthe purchase ,hire, upkeep <strong>of</strong>and repairs tosuch machines26 Purchase, Upkeep & Item No.26(a) (i) Full PowersRepair <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Annexure toequipment including Schedule V <strong>of</strong>typewriters, Electronic DFP Rulestypewriters,delicate 1978.word processors,Intercom equipment,calculators, electronicstencil cutters,Dictaphone, taperecorders, photocopiers,copying machines,franking machines,addressographs, filingand indexing systems,etc.excludingcomputers <strong>of</strong> all kinds.shall beincurredsubject togeneral orspecial ordersissued by theMinistry <strong>of</strong>Finance orDepartment <strong>of</strong>Supply fromtime to time inthis behalf.Subject toprovisions laiddown in col.4against theitem <strong>of</strong>Schedule V toDFP Rule-1978.<strong>Page</strong> 414 <strong>of</strong> 414

28 CONTINGENTEXPENDITURE (Table inSchedule V to Delegation<strong>of</strong> Financial PowersRules applicable to itemnot specified in theAnnexure to Schedule V<strong>of</strong> DFP Rule-1978).DFP1978.31 Incurring <strong>of</strong>MiscellaneousExpenditure includingexpenditure on lightrefreshments.32 Write <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> Losses(Stores, Public Money )Loss <strong>of</strong> irrecoverableloans and advancesSchedule VI <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules -1978 and Notethereunder.NonrecurringRs.60,000/-p.a. in eachcase.RecurringRs.30,000/-p.a. in eachcase.Rs.30.00lakhs in eachcase.Rs.2.00 lakhsin each case.RecurringRs.5,000/- ayearNonrecurringRs.20,000/-an unusualcharacter orinvolving anydeparture fromthe rules ,orders ,restrictionsscalesprescribedshallincurred.orbe--do--Subject toobservations <strong>of</strong>all the relevantGovt. Rules inforce.Subject toobservations <strong>of</strong>all the relevantGovt. Rules inforce.Subject toobservance <strong>of</strong>Schedule VI <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules,1978.Rules-Subject toprovisions laiddown in col.4against theItem <strong>of</strong>Schedule V toDFP Rules-1978.No contingentormiscellaneousexpenditure <strong>of</strong>DP&T letterNo.240/1/96-AVD.II dated3.10.199629 MAJOR WORKS DP&T letterNo.240/1/96-AVD.II dated3.10.199630 Minor Works DP&T letterNo.240/1/96-AVD.II dated3.10.1996Schedule VII Rs.50,000/- Subject to<strong>of</strong> the DFP for losses <strong>of</strong> observance <strong>of</strong>Rules, 1978 stores not Schedule VII <strong>of</strong>and notes due to theft, DFP Rulesthereunder.fraud or 1978.negligenceRs.20,000/-for othercases.Rs.10,000/--do-33 Travel by air by nonentitledDP&T letter 150<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> CBI No.240/2/93- personnel inincluding accused AVD.II dated a year/witness.6.6.97.As the Director, CBI haspowers to allowtravel by air to<strong>Page</strong> 415 <strong>of</strong> 415

34 Reimbursement <strong>of</strong>amount equivalent totrap money to thecomplainants seized byCBI in a trapDP&T letterNo.245/32/97-AVD.II dated3.12.1997circulated videHO letter No.23/6/94-Ad.IV dated05.03.1998Full Powersnon-entitled<strong>of</strong>ficers upto150 cases in ayear, nonentitled<strong>of</strong>ficersshould not bepermitted totravel by airand in case <strong>of</strong>extremeurgency such<strong>of</strong>ficer have totake priorapproval <strong>of</strong>their concernedJoint Directorand proposalfor ex-postfactosanctionbe sent to HeadOffice with acopy <strong>of</strong> priorapproval <strong>of</strong> theconcernedJoint Director,CBI.Reimbursementshould not bemade as amatter <strong>of</strong>routine but inrare andexceptionalcircumstancesfor reasons tobe recorded inwriting and asper procedurelaid down videHO letter No.23/6/94-Ad.IVdated 23.6.94.D.F.P.Rule, 1978 = Delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial Powers Rules –1978Annexure – X(B)No.240/2/93-AVD.IIGOVERNMENT OF INDIAMINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONSDEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL & TRAININGNEW DELHIDated: 06.06.97<strong>Page</strong> 416 <strong>of</strong> 416

ToThe Director,<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> investigation,New Delhi( Attention: Shri R. S. Arora, DD(A) )Sub: Delegation <strong>of</strong> powers to DCBI to allow Air Journey to non-entitled<strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> CBISir,With reference to CBI's ID NO.3/3/87-Hindi dated.3.2.97 and inpartial modification <strong>of</strong> this Department's letter No.240/1/89-AVD.IIdated.4.1.1991 on the subject noted above. I am directed to convey thesanction <strong>of</strong> the President to enhance the delegated powers <strong>of</strong> Director CBIfrom the 60 non-entitled personnel to 150 non-entitled personnel <strong>of</strong> CBI forperforming air travel in a year in public interest.2. The terms and conditions for allowing journey by air to non-entitledpersonnel will remain unchanged as mentioned in DOP&T letterNo.240/1/89-AVD.II date4d. This issues with the approval <strong>of</strong> Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance vide IDNo.217/E.IV/97 dated 23.5.1997 and IFD Dy. No.1723/97.Fin.II dated the5th June,1997.Yours faithfullySd/-(Hari Singh )Under Secretary to the Govt. <strong>of</strong> IndiaNo.205/26/98-AVD.IIGovernment <strong>of</strong> IndiaMinistry <strong>of</strong> Personnel,Public Grievances and PensionDepartment <strong>of</strong> Personnel & TrainingNew DelhiAnnexure – X(C)To,The Controller <strong>of</strong> Accounts,Department <strong>of</strong> personnel and Training,New DelhiDated: 22 January, 1999<strong>Page</strong> 417 <strong>of</strong> 417

Sub: Delegation <strong>of</strong> financial powers to the Director, CBI as Head <strong>of</strong> theDepartment for condemnation <strong>of</strong> government vehicles.Sir,With reference to CBI's U.O. No.14/6/83-AD.II, dated the 21.9.98 andin continuation <strong>of</strong> this Department's letter No.205/1/95-AVD.IIdated.23.3.1995, I am directed to convey the sanction <strong>of</strong> the President to theextension <strong>of</strong> delegation <strong>of</strong> powers to condemn Government vehicles up to themonetary ceiling <strong>of</strong> Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakh only) in each case,subject to conditions mentioned in Schedule VII <strong>of</strong> Delegation <strong>of</strong> FinancialPowers Rules , 1978, being satisfied, to Director, <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Investigation</strong> for a further period from 1.1.1999 to 31.12.2002.2. In case further extension <strong>of</strong> these orders is considered necessary, aproposal may be made out by Director, CBI and referred to this Departmentwell in advance before the expiry <strong>of</strong> the said period.3. The above delegation <strong>of</strong> powers will be further subject to other generalorders /instructions issued by the government from time to time.4. This issues with the concurrence <strong>of</strong> the Ministry <strong>of</strong> finance,Department <strong>of</strong> Expenditure vide their U.O. No.3/3-E.II(A)/99 dated 11.1.99and IFD's Dy. No.185/99-Fin.II dated. 14.1.99.Yours faithfully,Sd/-( HARI SINGH )UNDER SECRETARY TO THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA<strong>Page</strong> 418 <strong>of</strong> 418

Annexure – XI(A)No. 29/1/96-AD.III<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>(Administration Division)Block-3, CGO ComplexNew Delhi-110003December 26, 1997CIRCULARThe rewards are sanctioned to CBI <strong>of</strong>ficers as a recognition <strong>of</strong>extraordinary efforts made by them and for exemplary initiative shown inaccomplishing a special task assigned to them. Similarly, theCommendation Letters are intended to motivate the <strong>of</strong>ficers and staff to putin their best and achieve excellence in their assigned duties. However, therewards and commendation letter must not be given for performing routineduties and normal task expected <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficer. While sanctioning andproposing rewards, the <strong>of</strong>ficer must bear in mind that executive <strong>of</strong>ficers fromthe rank <strong>of</strong> Constable to Inspector are being given one month extra salary forworking beyond <strong>of</strong>fice hours and on holidays.2. In order to bring in uniformity in the sanction <strong>of</strong> rewards and issue <strong>of</strong>commendation letter the following instructions are issued to be strictlyfollowed by the <strong>of</strong>ficers proposing and sanctioning rewards.a) Group ‘A’ gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficers shall not be sanctioned cash rewards. Incase it is proposed to give cash reward to Group ‘A’ gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficersfor certain exceptional achievements beyond the call <strong>of</strong> normal duty, aself-contained proposal with full justification may be submitted toDCBI through concerned supervisory <strong>of</strong>ficer for referring the same toGovernment for sanction. The notable efforts and achievements <strong>of</strong>Group ‘A’ <strong>of</strong>ficers can be appreciated by way <strong>of</strong> issue <strong>of</strong>Commendation Letters/Letter <strong>of</strong> Appreciation which the supervising<strong>of</strong>ficer may propose to the concerned Addl. Director/SpecialDirector/Director as the case may be. The CommendationLetters/Letter <strong>of</strong> Appreciation are to be placed in the personalfile/Service Books only on prior approval <strong>of</strong> Director, CBI.b) The proposal for rewards must be submitted normally within oneweek from the date <strong>of</strong> completion <strong>of</strong> task for ensuring promptrecognition <strong>of</strong> commendable work done by an <strong>of</strong>ficer.c) Rewards could be given and proposed for the following achievementsand accomplishments:For showing extraordinary initiative and painstaking efforts inaccomplishing the assigned task.Notable efforts <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers in detection <strong>of</strong> difficult case in a recordtime.<strong>Page</strong> 419 <strong>of</strong> 419

In a case which ends in exemplary conviction due to untiringefforts <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>ficer(s).Arrest <strong>of</strong> an absconding accused vital to the investigation/trial <strong>of</strong>the case due to painstaking efforts by an <strong>of</strong>ficer.Laying <strong>of</strong> a successful trap and getting conviction <strong>of</strong> the accusedafter meticulous planning by an <strong>of</strong>ficer or team <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers.3. As mentioned in para 1, the <strong>of</strong>ficers must bear in mind that rewardsare not proposed and sanctioned for the following:-a) Routine work by an <strong>of</strong>ficer/staff whether in the course <strong>of</strong>investigation or in the <strong>of</strong>fice.b) Normal investigation <strong>of</strong> the case and performing <strong>of</strong> the assignedjob even beyond the normal <strong>of</strong>fice hours and on holidays.c) Any other job or assignment whether in the course <strong>of</strong>investigation and normally expected from an <strong>of</strong>ficer as part <strong>of</strong>his duties.4. While sanctioning the rewards and commendations the followingadministrative guidelines must be kept in mind by the <strong>of</strong>ficers:-i) No <strong>of</strong>ficer must sanction reward to any individual <strong>of</strong>ficer inexcess <strong>of</strong> his delegated financial powers as mentioned in theparas below. In case it is proposed to reward an <strong>of</strong>ficer beyondthe delegated power, the proposal must be put up for sanction<strong>of</strong> the next higher authority or as the case may be.ii)iii)The sanctioning authority should sanction rewards only inrespect <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers/staff working under their administrativecontrol.If any <strong>of</strong>ficer intends to sanction reward to any <strong>of</strong>ficers notworking under his administrative control, he may send hisrecommendations with full justification to the concernedcompetent authority for consideration and orders with regardto sanction <strong>of</strong> rewards to such <strong>of</strong>ficers. The order sanctioningrewards would be issued by the unit where <strong>of</strong>ficer is working atthe time <strong>of</strong> disbursal.iv) Whenever reward is proposed to be granted to anyemployee/<strong>of</strong>ficer, the presenting <strong>of</strong>ficer as well as possiblemust give details <strong>of</strong> the previous rewards sanctioned to suchemployee or <strong>of</strong>ficer in the financial year.v) The sanctioning authority must keep in mind relevantFundamental Rules as well as instructions issued by theGovernment and the Head Office from time to time.vi) vi) Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) should ensurethat reward has been sanctioned by the competent authority.DDOs must maintain separate register for honorarium/rewardin respect <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong>ficer and staff. Before passing the bills andpresenting the same to Pay and Accounts Officer, DDO shouldfully satisfy himself that various instructions issued from timeto time and the restrictions if any have been complied with.<strong>Page</strong> 420 <strong>of</strong> 420

The delegation <strong>of</strong> financial powers for sanction <strong>of</strong> rewards5. The maximum amount <strong>of</strong> cash rewards that can be sanctioned to an<strong>of</strong>ficer on a single occasion- subject to the overall annual ceiling mentionedin para 8 below- is as follows:-a) Supdt. <strong>of</strong> Police/Asstt. Director/AIGConstable - Rs. 500/-Hd. Constable - Rs. 600/-ASI - Rs. 750/-Sub-Inspector - Rs. 1,000/-Inspector - Rs 1500/-b) DIG/Dy. DirectorConstable - Rs. 750/-Hd. Constable - Rs. 1,000/-ASI - Rs. 1,250/-Sub-Inspector - Rs. 1,500/-Inspector - Rs 1,750/-c) Joint DirectorConstable - Rs. 1,250/-Hd. Constable - Rs. 1,500/-ASI - Rs. 1,750/-Sub-Inspector - Rs. 2,000/-Inspector - Rs 2,250/-d) Addl. Director/Special DirectorConstable - Rs. 1,500/-Hd. Constable - Rs. 1,750/-ASI - Rs. 2,000/-Sub-Inspector - Rs. 2,250/-Inspector - Rs 2,500/-6. In case any <strong>of</strong>ficer wishes to grant reward more than his delegatedpower, he may forward the proposal to the next rank competent to sanctionrewards <strong>of</strong> the proposed limit.Rewards to the drivers7. Constables/Hd. Constables/ASIs employed for driving duties may begiven cash reward <strong>of</strong> Rs. 750/- for good maintenance, economy <strong>of</strong> fuel andaccident free driving for every 5000 kms.The maximum annual ceiling for sanction <strong>of</strong> cash rewards8. The cash rewards are subject to following maximum annual ceilingand the <strong>of</strong>ficers proposing and sanctoning rewards must ensure that theselimits are not exceeded.a) Constable - Rs. 5,000/-<strong>Page</strong> 421 <strong>of</strong> 421

) Constable(Driver) - Rs. 7,000/-*c) Hd. Constable - Rs. 7,500/-d) Hd. Const.(Driver) - Rs. 8,000/-*e) ASI - Rs 8,500/-f) ASI (Driver) - Rs. 9,000/-g) SI - Rs. 10,000/-h) Inspector - Rs. 12,250/-*(Inclusive <strong>of</strong> good maintenance, economy <strong>of</strong> fuel and accident free drivingrewards).9. However, Director, CBI may sanction rewards more than the abovelimits on a specific proposal submitted with full justification in cases <strong>of</strong>exceptional achievements by the <strong>of</strong>ficers.This issues with the approval <strong>of</strong> DCBI.Sd/-(N.R.Wasan)Dy. Director(Admn.)CBI/New DelhiTo,1. PS to Director, CBI.2. Ps to SDCBI.3. PS to ADCBI.4. All Joint Directors, CBI.5. All DIGs and Dy. Directors, CBI.6. All SsP, SP(HQ), SP(Trg.) and ADs/CBI.7. AO(P&AO), CBI/Delhi.8. AO(E)/AO(A)/CBI HO/Delhi.9. LA, DPIO, Tech. Adviser, Exe. Engr. and OSD (Computer).10. All Sections <strong>of</strong> Admn. Division, CBI, HO.11. 11. Incharge Control Room, Delhi.Annexure – XI(B)CIRCULARNo. 29/1/96-AD.III<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>(Administration Division)Block-3, CGO ComplexNew Delhi-110003May 20, 1998In continuation <strong>of</strong> Head Office Circular <strong>of</strong> even number dated 26thDecember, 1997, it is clarified that Joint Director, AdditionalDirector/Special Director could sanction cash reward to prosecuting staff i.e.APP, Group-B (Non-Gazetted) and PP, Group-B (Gazetted) in deserving andappropriate cases in which the prosecuting staff have shown exemplary andhard work resulting in exemplary conviction <strong>of</strong> the accused. The cashrewards would be subject to an annual ceiling. The maximum amount <strong>of</strong>cash reward that can be sanctioned to the <strong>of</strong>ficer on a single occasionsubject to overall annual ceiling mentioned at para 2 below- is as follows:-(a) Joint Director<strong>Page</strong> 422 <strong>of</strong> 422

(b)i) APP, Gr-B (Non-Gazetted) Rs. 2000/-ii) PP, Gr-B (Gazetted) Rs. 2500/-Addl. Director/Special Directori) APP, Gr-B (Non-Gazetted) Rs. 2500/-ii) PP, Gr-B (Gazetted) Rs. 3000/-2. The cash reward is subject to following maximum annual ceiling andthe <strong>of</strong>ficers proposing and sanctioning rewards must ensure that these limitsare not exceeded to:-i) APP, Gr-B (Non-Gazetted) Rs. 12000/-ii) PP, Gr-B (Gazetted) Rs. 15000/-3. However, Director/CBI may sanction rewards more than the abovelimits on a specific proposal submitted with full justification in cases <strong>of</strong>exceptional achievements by an <strong>of</strong>ficer.4. Other instructions contained in Head Office Circular No. 29/1/96-AD.III dated December, 26, 1997, including those regarding grant <strong>of</strong> rewards<strong>of</strong> Group-A Gazetted Legal Officers vide sub-para (a) <strong>of</strong> para 2 would remainunchanged.This issues with the approval <strong>of</strong> DCBI.Sd/-(N.R.Wasan)Dy. Director(Admn.)CBI/New DelhiTo,1. PS to Director, CBI.2. Ps to SDCBI.3. PS to ADCBI.4. All Joint Directors, CBI. (Delhi & Outside Delhi).5. All DIGs and Dy. Directors, CBI (Delhi and Outside Delhi).6. All SsP/CBI, SP(HQ), SP(Trg.) and ADs/CBI.7. AO(P&AO), AGCR Building/Delhi.8. AO(E).AO(A)/CBI/HO/Delhi.9. LA, DPIO, Tech. Adviser, Exe. Engr. and OSD (Computer).10. OS/CBI/Legal Division, HO, Delhi.11. 11. DSP (Hqrs)/CBI/HO.<strong>Page</strong> 423 <strong>of</strong> 423

Annexure – XII(A)No. 29/1/96-AD.IIIGovernment <strong>of</strong> India<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,New Delhi-11000323 November, 1998CIRCULARA consolidated brochure containing detailed instructions/guidelinesfor sanction <strong>of</strong> reward to CBI Personnel was issued to all CBI Branches videHO Standing Order No. 32 dated 27.12.1996. In modification to thisBrochure, circular/instructions have been issued from time to time restingwith Head Office Circular No. 29/1/96-AD.III dated 26.12.1997 and20.05.1998 for strict compliance.In continuation <strong>of</strong> the above circulars/instructions, it is clarified thatthe Officers <strong>of</strong> the rank <strong>of</strong> SsP and above can sanction cash rewards toRSOs, Telephone Operator Assistants <strong>of</strong> MTNL and Junior Engineers <strong>of</strong>CPWD and other similar organisations <strong>of</strong> Government and Public SectorUndertakings, in deserving and appropriate cases, in which the RSOs,Telephone Operator Assistants and Junior Engineers have shown exemplaryinitiative and put in hard work. The cash rewards would be subject to overallannual ceilings in a financial year mentioned against the respectivecategories.Category <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ficerRSOJuniorEngineer(CPWD)TelephoneOperatorAssistant(MTNL)Maximum limit <strong>of</strong>reward that can besanctioned on asingle occasion.Rs.1500/-Rs. 1750/-Rs. 2250/-Rs. 2500/-Full powers withinbudget limits.Rs. 1000/-Rs. 1500/-Rs. 2000/-Rs. 2250/-Full powers withinbudget limits.Rs. 600/-Rs. 1000/-Rs. 1500Rs. 1750/-Full powers withinbudget limits.Sanctioning AuthoritySP/Asstt. Director/AIGDIG/Dy. DirectorJoint DirectorAddl./Spl. Dir &DirectorSP/Asstt. Director/AIGDIG/Dy. DirectorJoint DirectorAddl./Spl. Dir &DirectorSP/Asstt. Director/AIGDIG/Dy. DirectorJoint DirectorAddl./Spl. Dir &DirectorMaximumannual overalllimit in afinancial year.*Rs.12,250/-*Rs.10,000/-* Rs.7500/-<strong>Page</strong> 424 <strong>of</strong> 424

Other Govt. Servants - As considered suitable for grant <strong>of</strong> reward byAddl. Director, Spl. Director and Director, CBI.Members <strong>of</strong> Public -As announced/considered suitable with regard tothe nature <strong>of</strong> work performed.However, Director/CBI may sanction rewards more than the limits ona specific proposal submitted with full justification in case <strong>of</strong> exceptionalachievements by an <strong>of</strong>ficer.Other instructions contained in Head Office Circular No. 29/1/96-AD.III dated December, 26, 1997 would remain unchanged.This issues with the approval <strong>of</strong> Director, <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Investigation</strong>.Copy to:-Sd/-(N.R.Wasan)Dy. Director (Admn.)CBI:New Delhi1. PS to Director, CBI.2. Pss to ADCBI/Delhi.3. All Joint Directors/CBI (Delhi & outside Delhi).4. All DIsG and Dy. Directors/CBI Delhi and outside Delhi.5. All SsP, CBI Branches located at Delhi and outside Delhi.6. SP(HQ), AIG(P), AD(CO) & AD(Interpol) CBI/Delhi.7. AO(E) and AO(A)/CBI/HO/Delhi.8. Legal Adviser/Dy. Principal Information Officer/CBI/Delhi.9. Technical Adviser/Ex. Engineer & OS (Computer), CBI/Delhi.10. DSP(HQ)/CBI/HO/Dellhi.Annexure – XII(B)MOST IMMEDIATENo.DPAD32000/5370/29/1/96-AD.III<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>(Administration Division)Block-3, CGO ComplexNew Delhi-110003CIRCULARSeptember 28, 2000DP & Trg. vide their letter No. 245/13/98-AVD.II dated 16.8.2000have intimated that Government have approved the following scheme forgrant <strong>of</strong> rewards to Group-A Gazetted Officers in the CBI.<strong>Page</strong> 425 <strong>of</strong> 425

i) Only Group ‘A’ <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> and below the rank <strong>of</strong> DSP/Sr.PP (payscale <strong>of</strong> Rs. 8000-13500/-) will be eligible for cash rewards.ii)Cash Rewards to Group ‘A’ <strong>of</strong>ficers will be granted for work <strong>of</strong>exceptional merit in investigation or prosecution.iii)No cash reward would exceed the amount <strong>of</strong> Rs. 5000/- in aparticular case. The total annual amount which may begranted to Group ‘A’ <strong>of</strong>ficer will not exceed Rs. 15000/-.iv) A Committee consisting <strong>of</strong> the Senior Most SpecialDirector/Addl. Director (Chairman), a Joint Director and LegalAdviser, CBI will recommend for grant <strong>of</strong> cash rewards toGroup ‘A’ Officers to DCBI who will take a final decision in thematter.DP&T has further informed that this approval is subject to theexistence <strong>of</strong> budget provisions and advised that a review <strong>of</strong> the effectiveness<strong>of</strong> the scheme may be carried out after a year and that they may be informed<strong>of</strong> the outcome.All Branch SsP <strong>of</strong> CBI and concerned Officers Incharge are requestedthat recommendations in respect <strong>of</strong> Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officer <strong>of</strong> CBI <strong>of</strong> andbelow the rank <strong>of</strong> DSP/Sr.PP (pay scale <strong>of</strong> Rs. 8000-13500/-) for the work <strong>of</strong>exceptional merit in investigation or prosecution may be sent through theconcerned DIsG/JDs to the Administration Division for approval. Beforesending recommendation, it may please be ensured that the amount <strong>of</strong>reward to an individual on a single occasion in a particular case should notexceed Rs. 5000/-. The total ceiling limit <strong>of</strong> cash reward for an individual ina financial year in fixed at Rs. 15,000/-.The Committee <strong>of</strong> the following <strong>of</strong>ficers has been constituted forrecommending cash rewards for Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officers in CBI.1. Special Director (S) - Chairman2. Joint Director (A) - Member3. Legal Advisor - MemberWhile recommending rewards, the above instructions may please befollowed strictly.Sd/-(Vivek Dube)Dy. Director(Admn.)CBI/New DelhiCopy forwarded for favour <strong>of</strong> information and necessary action to:-<strong>Page</strong> 426 <strong>of</strong> 426

To,1. PS to Director, CBI.2. Ps to SDCBI.3. PS to ADCBI.4. Sr.PA to all Joint Directors, CBI.5. All DIGs and Dy. Directors, CBI (Delhi and Outside Delhi).6. All SsP/CBI, SP(HQ), SP(Trg.) and ADs/CBI.7. AO(P&AO), AGCR Building/Delhi.8. AO(E).AO(A)/CBI/HO/Delhi.9. AIG(P)/CBI/HO.10. LA, DPIO, Tech. Adviser, Exe. Engr. and OSD (Computer).11. All Sections/Divisions/Zones/CBI/Delhi.12. DSP (Hqrs)/CBI/HO.Sd/-(Vivek Dube)Dy. Director(Admn.)CBI/New Delhi<strong>Page</strong> 427 <strong>of</strong> 427

Annexure - XIIISTATEMENT SHOWING THE FINANCIAL POWERS ANDADMINISTRATIVE POWERS IN CENTRAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONANNEXURE TO THE LETTER NO. 8/2/84-AD.IV dated 27.2.1986 to DPAD42002/702/8/6/2002 dated 18.09.2003Sl.No NATURE OF POWERS S.P. A.O. (A/E) DD(A) / DIG Joint Director Joint Directors AD/CBI SDCBI.working /declaredas Head <strong>of</strong>Officeincluding DIG (A)<strong>of</strong>MetropolitanBranches(Zonal)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91---Purchase <strong>of</strong> Bicycle forTwo Cycles Full Powers -- ----<strong>of</strong>fice use2 Repair <strong>of</strong> BicycleFull Powers Full Powers -- -- -- --3 Conveyance Hire(Subject to observance<strong>of</strong> conditions laiddown in col.4 <strong>of</strong> itemNo.3 <strong>of</strong> Annex ure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong> DFPRules, 1978.Full Powers -- -- -- -4 Electric, Gas and WaterFull Powers Full Powers --Charges-- -- -5Beyond Beyond BeyondRs.1,000/- Rs.1,000/- Rs.5,000/- Rs.5,000/- andPurchase <strong>of</strong> furnitureRs.5,000/-on each and upto and upto upto& fixturesp.a.occasion Rs.5000/- on Rs.20,000/- on Rs.20,000/- on--each occasion. each occasion. each occasion.6BeyondBeyondUptoRs.2,000/- Beyond Rs.5,000/- andRs.1,000/ Rs.2,000/-Hiring <strong>of</strong> furnitureand upto Rs.5,000/- on uptop.a. on eachRs.5000/- on each occasion. Rs.20,000/- onoccasion.each occasion.each occasion.-----<strong>Page</strong> 428 <strong>of</strong> 428

7Legal Charges/ otherlegal charges(Subject to observance<strong>of</strong> conditions laidi)Fee toi)Fee toAdvocatesAdvocates ,,Pleaders, i)Fee toPleaders,AArbitrators Advocates ,rbitratorsupto Pleaders,uptoRs.1,000/- ArbitratorsRs.1,000/-p.a. uptop.a.Rs.2,500/-.i)Fee toAdvocates ,Pleaders,Arbitratorsi) Fee toAdvocates ,Pleaders,Arbitrators Fullpowers.----down in col.4 <strong>of</strong> item 9ii)Other<strong>of</strong> Annex ure toii)OtherLegalSchedule V <strong>of</strong> DFPLegalChargesRuls, 1978ChargesuptouptoRs.1,000/-Rs.1,000/-on eachon eachoccaoccasion.sion.ii)Other Legalii)Other LegalCharges uptoChargesRs.2,500/- onFull Powers.each occasion.ii) Other LegalChargesFull Powers.----8 Motor Vehiclesi) Car upto UptoBeyond----(i) Purchase <strong>of</strong> POLRs.6,000/- Rs.6,000/-Rs.6,000/-p.m. if the on eachon each**Branch has occasion.occasion.( Henceforth theseonecarpowers relating toandupto **Motor Vehicles willRs.4,000/-not beper vehicle--exercised by AO(A)p.m.per-in respect <strong>of</strong> CBI (HO)vehicleifas these have beenthe Branchdelegated to SP(HQ) /has two orCBImore--(HO) vide HO lettervehicles.--No.DP---AD4ii)Motorii)UptoBeyond2002/702/8/6/2002/Cycle/ScooRs.1000/-Rs.1000/- on-AD.IV dt. 18.9.2003)tersUpto on eacheach occasion.Rs.1000/-occasion.p.m.perii) Maintenance,scooterupkeep and repairs./motor**cycle.**i)Beyond(Henceforth thesei)Carupto i)Rs.6000/Rs.6000/-Full powers.Car:-Beyond Rs.powers relating toRs.6,000/- -and upto10,000/- andMotor Vehicles will not oneach on eachRs.15,000/-uptoRs.be exercised by AO(A)occasionoccasion.on each40,000/- onin respect <strong>of</strong> CBI (HO)subject tooccasion.each occasion.as these have beenmaximumdelegated to<strong>of</strong>----SP(HQ)/CBI (HO)Rs.15,000/vide HO letter- p.a.No.DPAD4ii) Beyond--2002/702/8/6/2002/ii) Motorii) UptoRs.1000/- onAD.IV dt.Cycles/ScoRs.1000/-each occasion.<strong>Page</strong> 429 <strong>of</strong> 429

18.9.2003). oteron eachRs.1000/- occasion.in eachcasesubject tomaximum<strong>of</strong>Rs.3000/-p.a.9 Post & Telegraphcharges(i) Charges for issue <strong>of</strong>lettersFull Powers Full Powers ----------------Full Powers Full Powers(ii) Commission onMoney Orders10 Freight and DemurrageFull Powers Full------ --Chargespowers.(i) Freight ChargesRs.250/-in eachBeyond---- --(ii) Demurrage,Warfage chargescase Rs.250/-in eachcaseRs,250/-ineach case.11 Publications(Item 15 <strong>of</strong> the annexure to Schedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules ,1978 )including drawal <strong>of</strong>advance for thepurpose.12 (a) Local purchase <strong>of</strong>stationary.(b) Purchase <strong>of</strong>stationery fromRs.1000/- Rs.1000/- Full powers. -- - -- --at a time . on eachoccasion.(a) Upto Beyond-- -- -- --Rs.4000/- Rs.4000/- Rs.4000/- onat a time on each each occasion.subject to occasion.maximum<strong>of</strong>Rs.10,000/-p.a.-do--do- -do-Govt. Deptts. (item-21<strong>of</strong> Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong> DFPRs)13 Staff paid from Full Powers Full Powers -- -- -- -Contingencies-14 Supply <strong>of</strong> liveries, Full Powers Full Powers -- -- -- --badges and otherarticles( item No.23 <strong>of</strong>Annexure to ScheduleV <strong>of</strong> DFP Rules, 1978 )15 Telephone Charges Full Powers Full Powers -- -- -- --for<strong>Page</strong> 430 <strong>of</strong> 430

payment<strong>of</strong> localand trunkcalls andrentalchargesbills16 Upkeep & Repair <strong>of</strong> all (i)(i)(i) Recurring---- --kinds <strong>of</strong>fice equipmentRecurringRecurringBeyondincluding typewriters, Rs.2000/- Upto Rs.2000/-Electronic typewriters, on each Rs.2000/-delicate workprocessors, intercomoccasionperequipment,calculators, machineelectronic stencilcutters,Dictaphones,subject toceiling <strong>of</strong>---- --tape recorders,photocopiers,copyingmachines,frankingRs.5000/-p.a.permachine,addressograp machine.(ii) Non-h,filing and indexingsystems, etc.(ii) Non-recur(ii)NonrecurringrecurringBeyondexcluding computersringRs.10,000/ Rs.10,000/-<strong>of</strong> all kinds.Rs.10,000/ -on each( Item 26 (a)(i) <strong>of</strong> - on each on each occasion.Annexure to Schedule occasion. occasion.V <strong>of</strong> DFP Rules, 1978 )(Revised as per item -3<strong>of</strong> HO letterNo.DPAD42001/626/8/1/2001dt. 19.9.2001)17 Contingent(i)Recurrin(i)Recurring(i)Recurring(i)Recurring(i)RecurrinRecurring-- -ExpendituregRs.2000/-, uptoBeyond upto-(Table in Schedule V toRs.2000/- in each Rs.4,000/-. Rs.2,000/- on Rs.10,000/- onDFPR , applicable top.m. in case.each occasion each occasionitems not specified ineach case. (originalsubject to subject tothe Annex ure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong> DFP(originalpower <strong>of</strong>power <strong>of</strong>HOD)maximum <strong>of</strong>Rs.30,000/-maximum <strong>of</strong>Rs.30,000/- -Rules, 1978)HOD)per annum ineach case.(ii)NonNon-(ii)NonNon-recurringrecurring(ii)NonNon-(ii)NonNon-Upto uptorecurringrecurringRs.5000/- Rs.10,000/-. BeyondRs.5,000/- on eachRs.10,000/-on each occasion.on eachoccasion. (originaloccasionpower <strong>of</strong>subject to(original HOD)maximum <strong>of</strong>power <strong>of</strong>Rs.60,000/- inHOD)each case.P.A.in each case. ---(ii)NonNon-recurringuptoRs.25,000/- oneach occasion.18 (i) Execution <strong>of</strong> Petty Rs.500/- --- Upto Upto Upto -- --<strong>Page</strong> 431 <strong>of</strong> 431

works and special on eachrepairs to Govt. owned occasionbuildings including subject tosanitary fittings, water maximumsupply and electricalinstallations in suchbuildings and<strong>of</strong>Rs.1,500/-P.A.repairs(item 12(i) <strong>of</strong>Annex.to Sch.V <strong>of</strong>DFPRs).(ii) Repairs & alteration Rs.2,500/-to hired andrequisitionedbuildings(item 12(iii)<strong>of</strong> Annex. to Sch.V tothe DFPRs.)on eachoccasion.(vide HONo.8/1/90-AD.IV dt.10.8.90)---19 Write <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> Losses (Stores, Public money ) Rs.500/- Rs.500/-(Schedule VII <strong>of</strong> DFP in each in eachRules, 1978 )case. case.(i)Not due totheft,fraud ornegligence.Rs.10,000/- Rs.30,000/- in Rs.30,000/- inin each case.(videeach case.(vide No.DPAD4each case.No.DPAD4 2002/702/8/6/ (vide2002/702/8/ 2002-AD.IV No.DPAD46/2002-AD.IV dt.18.9.2003.dt.18.9.2003.)2002/702/8/6/2002-AD.IVdt.18.9.2003.UptoRs.10,000/- Upto Rs.Uptoon each 10,000/- onRs.5,000/- on occasion.each occasion. (vide HOeach occasion(vide HO No.(vide HO No. No.8/1/90 8/1/90-AD.8/1/90-AD.IV -AD.IV IV dt. 10.8.90dt. 10.8.90) dt.10.8.90Upto(a)upto (a) uptoRs.2500/- in Rs.20,000/- in Rs.20,000/- ineach case. each case. each case.-- -------(ii)Other cases(vide No.(vide HO----- Rs.5,000/- Rs.5,000/- --- ---No.DPAD4--2002/702/8/6/2002/AD.IVdt. 18.9.2003)20 Sale by auction <strong>of</strong> Upto Upto Upto book UptoUpto--unserviceable stores ( Rs.5,000/- Rs.5000/- value <strong>of</strong> Rs.50,000/- Rs.50,000/---GFR 124 and GOIbook value book value Rs.10,000/-in book value in book value inDecision thereunder )in each in each each case. each case. eachcase. case.case(subject tosubmitting areport to HO.)21 Printing and Binding Binding Printing -- -- --- -- -(Item 14 <strong>of</strong> Schedule V Rs.1500/- and-<strong>of</strong> DFP Rules, 1978 ) on each Bindingoccasion. FullPowers..(subject toover allceiling <strong>of</strong>Rs.20,000/- P.A,)22 Grant <strong>of</strong> Rewards to Constable- --- Constable- Constable- Constable- Constable- Constable<strong>Page</strong> 432 <strong>of</strong> 432

24 Incurring <strong>of</strong>--- RecurringMiscellaneousRs.100/-expenditure includingon eachPolice Officers for Rs.500/-good services Hd.ConstrenderedRs. 600/-(Rewards to drivers ASI-Constables/.Rs.750/-Hd.Constables/ASUs SIemployedfor driving Rs,1000/-duties may be given Inspr.cash reward <strong>of</strong> Rs.1500/-Rs.750/- for goodmaintenance,economy<strong>of</strong> fuel and accidentfree driving for every5000 kms.)Maximum annualceiling for sanction <strong>of</strong>cash rewards. Thecash rewards aresubject to followingmaximum annualceiling and the <strong>of</strong>ficersproposing andsanctioning rewardsmust ensure that theselimits are notexceeded.a) Constable-Rs.5000/-b) Const.(Driver)-Rs.7000/-*c) Hd.Const.-Rs.7500/-d) Hd.Const.(Dri)Rs.8000/'-*e) ASI- Rs. 8500/-f) ASI (Dri)- Rs.9000/-*g) SI- Rs. 10,000/-h) Inspr. - Rs.12,250/-* (inclusive <strong>of</strong> goodmaintenance <strong>of</strong> fueland accident freedriving rewards)(LetterNo.29/1/96-AD.IIIdt.26.12.1997).23 Municipal rates and--- UptotaxesRs.500/-( Item No.11 <strong>of</strong> Annexure to Schedule V <strong>of</strong>DFP Rules, 1978Rs.750/-Hd.Const.Rs.1000/-Rs.1250/-Hd.Const.Rs.1500/-Rs.1250/-Hd.Const.Rs.1500/-Rs.1500/- -Hd.Const. Rs.1500/-Rs.1750/- Hd.Const.ASI-ASI-Rs.1750 ASI-Rs.1750 - Rs.1750/-Rs.1250/- SI-Rs.2000/- SI-Rs.2000/- Rs.2000/- ASI-SI-Rs.1500/- Inspr.Inspr.- Rs.2000/-Inspr. Rs.2250/- Rs. 2250/- Rs.2250/- SI-Rs.1750/-Inspr. Rs.2250/-Rs.2500/- Inspr.Rs.2500/-Full powers. --- --- --- ----i) Up to i) Beyond--- --- ----Rs.200/- on Rs.200/- on.each occasion. each occasion.<strong>Page</strong> 433 <strong>of</strong> 433

expenditure on lightrefreshments ( subject ---to Schedule VI andNote thereunder in theDFP Rules, 1978)subject to observance<strong>of</strong> scales laid down byCourt from time totime.25 Local purchase <strong>of</strong>Rubber Stamps and<strong>of</strong>fice Seals ( Item 21-C <strong>of</strong> Annex ure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong> DFPRules, 197826 Bicycle Advance toGovt. servant( Subject to availability<strong>of</strong> funds )UptoRs.250/-on eachoccasion.occasion.Non-BeyondrecurringRs.500/-on eachoccasion.UptoRs.500/-on eachoccasion.UptoBeyond Rs.1000/- onRs.1000/- on Rs.1000/- on each occasion.each occasion. each occasion.Rs. 5000/-on Full powers Upto-- ---each occasion.Rs.10,000/-Full Powers Full Powers -- -- --- - ----27 Warm clothing advance Full Powers Full Powers -- -- --- - ---to employees-transferred fromplains to hill stations.28 Mileage allowance by a -- Full Powers Full Powers in --- -- --route other than theshortest or cheapest incase <strong>of</strong> non-gazettedin case <strong>of</strong>nongazettedcase <strong>of</strong>GazettedOfficers (SR<strong>of</strong>ficersemployees 31)29 To decide the shortest -- -do- -do- -- -- --<strong>of</strong> two or more routes30 To decide in case <strong>of</strong> - -do- -do- -- -- --doubts whether aparticular absencefrom Hqrs. is absenceor on duty i.e. away ontour in respect <strong>of</strong> nongazetted <strong>of</strong>ficers. (SR-62 )31 Property returns <strong>of</strong> all -- --- Full Powers in Full Powers in Full Powers inGazetted, noncase <strong>of</strong> Non- case <strong>of</strong> case <strong>of</strong> Gazetted --gazetted staff in HeadOffice (CCS ConductRules, 1964 )gazetted. GazettedOfficersOfficers32 Appropriation and Reappropriation--- --- Full Powers --- ------<strong>of</strong> funds(Rule 10 <strong>of</strong> Delegation<strong>of</strong> Financial PowersRule, 1978 )--33 Alteration <strong>of</strong> date <strong>of</strong> -- -- -- These powers -- - ---<strong>Page</strong> 434 <strong>of</strong> 434

irthvest only with-Director /CBIbeing Head <strong>of</strong>Department34 Advance for purchase -- -- Full Powers Full Powers in Full powerts in --- --<strong>of</strong> conveyance ( Otherthan Bicycles )below therank <strong>of</strong> DIsGcase <strong>of</strong> DIG/DD/ALA/DLA )case <strong>of</strong>DIG/DD/ALA/(cases <strong>of</strong> JDs/. DLA) (subject toAddl. Directors certificate <strong>of</strong>to be submitted availability <strong>of</strong>to Director/CBI) funds. )35 Sale or transfer <strong>of</strong> --- --- -do- Full powers in Full powers in --motor vehiclespurchased withadvance from Govt.case <strong>of</strong>DIG/DD/ALA/DLA(cases <strong>of</strong>JDs/Addl.Directors to besubmitted toDirector/CBI)case <strong>of</strong> DIG/DD/ALA/ DLAworking underhim.36 Advance for purchase --- --- Full Powers --- --- --- ---<strong>of</strong> Motor Car /MotorCycle to Govt. servantsin foreignemployment.37 <strong>Investigation</strong> <strong>of</strong> arrears --- --- Full Powers --- --- --- ---claims38 Fixation <strong>of</strong> amount <strong>of</strong> -- -- Full Powers--- --- --- ---Permanent Advance( Amount tobe decided inconsultationwith InternalFinance Divn.under GFR -90 )39 Condemnation <strong>of</strong> -- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --unserviceabletypewriters39A Purchase <strong>of</strong> manual Full Powers Full Powers -- -- -- -- --typewriters equal innumber to thosecondemned asunserviceable40 Advance <strong>of</strong> TA forFullFull Powers-- -- -- -- --journey on tour (SeePowers for for personsGFR-231 )personsworkingunder hisworkingunder hisadministratadministra ive controltiveControl41 To vary the terms <strong>of</strong> -- Full Powers Full Powers -- -- -- --<strong>Page</strong> 435 <strong>of</strong> 435

epayment <strong>of</strong> advancein exceptional cases (GFR - 184 )42 Grant <strong>of</strong> advancesfrom G.P.Fund forspecial reasons andfinal withdrawal formeeting the cost <strong>of</strong>higher education etc.covered by Rule 12(2)and 15 <strong>of</strong> the GPFRules..Note :- : Advances fromGPF for normalreasons upto the limitsprescribed in Rule 12(i)<strong>of</strong> GPF Rules would besanctioned by SsP inBranches and by AO(E)in Head Office)43 Grant <strong>of</strong> Advance toprovide relief to thefamilies <strong>of</strong> nongazettedGovt.servants who die whilein service44 Form <strong>of</strong> surety bond tobe executed by a Govt,servant handling cash,store etc. (GFR 275)45 Departure fromprocedure relating tocustody <strong>of</strong> Govt.Money (Treasury Rule- 109(2))46 To dispense withmedical certificate onfirst appointment inindividual cases ( incase <strong>of</strong> Non-gazettedGovt. servant - FR - 147 To permit a person tojoin a post in Govt.service withoutmedical certificate <strong>of</strong>fitness and to draw(Cases <strong>of</strong>advance formedicalattendance toDIsG , DDs,JDs. and Addl.Directors areto besubmitted toDirector/ CBI)-- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers --- --- --- ----- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --<strong>Page</strong> 436 <strong>of</strong> 436

pay and allowancestherefore(Ministry <strong>of</strong> FinanceO.M. No.F.67(21)E.V/60 dated16.12.60)48 Suspension <strong>of</strong> lien (FR-14)-- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --49 Transfer <strong>of</strong> lien in thecircumstances statedin FR - 14 and Sl. No.5 <strong>of</strong> Appendix 4 toFRs. and SRs. whereDD(A) is theappointing authority.50 Fixation <strong>of</strong> pay andallowances <strong>of</strong> a Govt.servant treated as onduty under FR.9(6)(FR-20 & Sl. No. 7 <strong>of</strong>Appendix IV)51 Temporary and<strong>of</strong>ficiatingappointment <strong>of</strong> GroupB and Group C Govt.servants to more thanone post and fixation<strong>of</strong> pay and allowance(FR 49 and Sl. No. 20<strong>of</strong> Appendix <strong>of</strong> FRs.and SRs. Vol. II)52 Retention <strong>of</strong> 55 (now58) <strong>of</strong> ministerialservant appointmentafter 1.4.38 (FR56(b)(iii) and S.No. 22-A <strong>of</strong>Appx., 4 <strong>of</strong> FRs. & SRVol. II)53 Transfer to foreignservice in India andfixation <strong>of</strong> Pay inforeign service ( fornon-gazetted Govt.servant) FRs. 110(c)and 114 and S.No. 29and 30 <strong>of</strong> Appendix 4<strong>of</strong> the FRs. SRs. Vol.II)54 To accept a fitnesscertificate by anyregistered femalecandidate ( SR 4(1) andS.No. 1 <strong>of</strong> Appendix 13-- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --<strong>Page</strong> 437 <strong>of</strong> 437

<strong>of</strong> FRs. and SRs.. Vol.II)55 To allow full rate <strong>of</strong>T.A. for journeyperformed by a motorcar between placesconnected by rail inrespect <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong>ficersupto SP ( GOI decisionNo. 2 below SR. 56,read with SR. 31)56 To restrict frequencyand duration <strong>of</strong>journeys on tour(Gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficers SR.63 and S.No. 22 <strong>of</strong>Appendix. <strong>of</strong> FRs. &SRs. Part II(T. A.Rules).-- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --57 To grant exemptionfrom the rule limiting ahalt on tour to 10 daysin respect <strong>of</strong> all<strong>of</strong>ficers upto the rank<strong>of</strong> SP (SR73 and S.No.23 <strong>of</strong> Appendix I <strong>of</strong>FRs. & SRs. Part - II((T.A.Rules).58 To allow exchange <strong>of</strong>daily allowance formileage allowance forthe whole period <strong>of</strong>absence fromheadquarters, inrespect <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong>ficersupto the rank <strong>of</strong> SP(SR75 and S.No. 27 <strong>of</strong>Appendix - I <strong>of</strong> FRs.and SRs. Part -II((T.A.Rules)59 To impose restrictionon exchange <strong>of</strong> dailyallowance for mileageallowance in respect <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ficers upto the rank<strong>of</strong> SP (SRs. 76 & 77)and S.No. 28 and 29 <strong>of</strong>Appendix I <strong>of</strong> FRs. andSRs. Part-II(TA Rules)60 To permit drawal <strong>of</strong> TAfor a journey to attenddepartmentalexamination other-- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --<strong>Page</strong> 438 <strong>of</strong> 438

than those mentionedin SRs. 130 and 131(SR 132 and Sl. No. 45<strong>of</strong> Appendix I <strong>of</strong> FRs.and SRs. Part -II(T.A.Rules)61 To disallow TA forjourneys to attend allobligatoryexaminations if thecompetent authorityconsiders that thecandidate has culpablyneglected to preparehimself for theexamination (Provision 2(i) to SR-130 and Sl. No.44 <strong>of</strong>Appdx. I <strong>of</strong> FRs andSRs. Vol.II.)62 To sanction TA as for ajourney on tour by anon-gazetted Govt.servant who isrequired, while onleave in India toperform any publicduty at a place otherthan the one where heis spending his leave(SR 135 and S.No. 46-A <strong>of</strong> FRs. and SRs. Part- II((T. A.Rules).63 To allow actual cost <strong>of</strong>journey to appearbefore a medical boardpreliminary tovoluntary retirementon invalid pension( SR 160(b) and S. No.48 <strong>of</strong> Appendix I <strong>of</strong>FRs. and SRs. Part - II((T. A.Rules).-- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --64 To decide rates <strong>of</strong> TA -- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --admissible to a Govt.servant deputed toundergo a course <strong>of</strong>training (SR 164 andS.No. 49 <strong>of</strong> Appendix I<strong>of</strong> FRs. and SRs. Part -II (T. A.Rules).65 To fix the amount <strong>of</strong> -- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --<strong>Page</strong> 439 <strong>of</strong> 439

hire or chargess whena Govt. servant isprovided with means<strong>of</strong> transport at State’sexpense but pays thecost <strong>of</strong> its use orpropulsion . ( SR 183and S.No. 50 <strong>of</strong>Appendix I <strong>of</strong> SRs. andFRs. Part - II (T.A.Rules).66 To grant TA to non<strong>of</strong>ficialsattendingCommissions <strong>of</strong>Inquiry or performingother public duty in anhonorary capacity etc.and to declare thegrade to which theymay be considered tobelong (SR 190(A) & (B)& Sl. No. 52 <strong>of</strong>Appendix I <strong>of</strong> FRs. andSRs. Part - II (T.A.Rules).67 To permit calculation<strong>of</strong> joining time by aroute other thanordinarily used (SR 296and S.No. 68 <strong>of</strong>Appendix 13 <strong>of</strong> FRs.and SRs. Vol. II)68 To extend joining timewithin the maximum <strong>of</strong>30 days subject tocertain conditions (SR.302 & Sl. No. 70 <strong>of</strong>Appendix I <strong>of</strong> FRs. andSRs. Vol. II)69 To treat a Govt.servant on leave asbeing in occupation <strong>of</strong>a residence (SR 312(4)and S.No. 72 <strong>of</strong>Appendix -4 <strong>of</strong> FRs. &SRs. Vol. II)70 Recruitment <strong>of</strong> aperson below 18 years<strong>of</strong> age to clerical postfilled without referenceto SSC Appendix 3 <strong>of</strong>FRs. and SRs. Vol.II andMHA OM No. 4/7/56--- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --<strong>Page</strong> 440 <strong>of</strong> 440

RPS dated 30.11.5671 Appointment <strong>of</strong> asubstitute in place <strong>of</strong>an absentee onquarantine leave (Sec.V (3) Note - 3,Appendix 3 <strong>of</strong> FRs. andSRs. Vol. II) and Min. <strong>of</strong>Finance OM No. 7(40)-E IV 65 dated 29.9.55)72 Sanction to pensionwhere he is theappointing authority73 Power to extend thetime limit <strong>of</strong> sixmonths and onemonth within whichthe members <strong>of</strong> thefamily <strong>of</strong> a Govt.servant may be treatedas accompanying himin individual cases etc.,in case <strong>of</strong> nongazettedstaff.74 Powers to sanctionHouse BuildingAdvance to themembers <strong>of</strong>staff/<strong>of</strong>ficers workingin CBI upto the rank <strong>of</strong>Office Supdt. (Group BPosts.)75 Power to extend thejoining time admissibleunder SR 302 rulebeyond maximum 30days in case <strong>of</strong> nongazettedstaff.76 Sanction <strong>of</strong> subsidy tocanteen / tiffin rooms (OM No.5/43/65-Welfare dated 11.2.66from MHA )77 Grant-in-aid for theprovision <strong>of</strong> amenitiesor <strong>of</strong> recreational <strong>of</strong>Welfare facilities to thestaff <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong>Govt. (MHA OM No.2/8/67-Welfare dated22.8.67 )78 Hiring <strong>of</strong> teleprinter (Schedule V <strong>of</strong> the DFP-- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers -- -- -- ---- -- Full Powers. -- -- -- --<strong>Page</strong> 441 <strong>of</strong> 441

Ruls, 1978 )79 Payment to P&T--- --- Full Powers-- -- -- --Department forutilising the services <strong>of</strong>their Machines (Schedule V <strong>of</strong> the DFPRules, 1978 )UptoRs.5000/- ineach case.80 Power to refund-- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --contribution for CGHSto non-gazetted<strong>of</strong>ficers in CBI.81 Power to sanction-- -- Full Powers -- -- -- --special pay to Cashier(F.No.1/12/73-WSUdated 24.7.73)82 Grant <strong>of</strong> leave toGroup-A Officersbelow the rank <strong>of</strong> DIsG-- -- -- Full Powers(upto SP)Full Powers(upto SP)Fullpowers inrespect <strong>of</strong>DIsGworkingIn respect<strong>of</strong> DIsGworkingunderhim.under him.83 Combination <strong>of</strong>-- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -holidays with leave and- --joining time inrelaxation <strong>of</strong> provision(a) to SR 209 or SR 211in respect <strong>of</strong> Group AOfficers and below (SR210 and SR 211)84 Grant <strong>of</strong> leave to Govt. -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- -servants declared by-Medical Committee asunlikely to be ever fitto return to duty ( SR-233 )85 Grant <strong>of</strong> maternity -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- -leave and hospital-leave in respect <strong>of</strong>Group A <strong>of</strong>ficers ( SR267 and 269 )86 Rent for <strong>of</strong>fice &-- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- -Residential(as per item (as per item 16 -accommodation ( Item16 <strong>of</strong> Annexure <strong>of</strong> Annexure toNo.16 <strong>of</strong> Annexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>Delegation <strong>of</strong> FinancialPowers Rules -1978 (If more than one Wingis using the buildingthe approval <strong>of</strong> theDirector to be obtained)to schedule-V<strong>of</strong> DFPRs)schedule-V <strong>of</strong>DFPRs)87 Advance for law suits -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -<strong>Page</strong> 442 <strong>of</strong> 442

to which Govt. is a-party ( Rule 255 <strong>of</strong>General Financial Rules)88 Permission for-- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -undertaking work for- --which fee is <strong>of</strong>feredand acceptance <strong>of</strong> fee (SR- 11 <strong>of</strong> FRs and SRsPart- II to Officersbelow the rank <strong>of</strong> DIsG).89 To prescribe a Govt. -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- --servant’s Hqrs. inrespect <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficersother than Class-I( SR59 and S.No.19 <strong>of</strong>Appendix-13 <strong>of</strong> FRs.SRs Vol.. II)90 Counting a period <strong>of</strong> -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- --suspension onreinstatement withforfeiture <strong>of</strong>allowances for thepurpose <strong>of</strong> pension (Article 417 <strong>of</strong> the CSRs)91 Grant <strong>of</strong> conveyance -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- --allowance to <strong>of</strong>ficers inCBI except seniorClass-I Officers ( MHALetter No. 15/50/61-AVD dated 5.7.63 )92 Powers to extend the -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- -time limit <strong>of</strong> six-months and onemonth within whichthe member <strong>of</strong> thefamily <strong>of</strong> a Govt.servant maybe treatedas accompanying himin individual cases. Incase <strong>of</strong> gazetted<strong>of</strong>ficers i.e. Dy.SP butbelow the rank <strong>of</strong>DIsG. ( SR.116(b)(iii)93 Power to extend the -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers --joining time admissibleunder SR.302 beyondthe maximum <strong>of</strong> 30days in case <strong>of</strong>gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficers uptothe rank <strong>of</strong> Dy.SP.<strong>Page</strong> 443 <strong>of</strong> 443

94 Sale and purchase <strong>of</strong>property in r/oGroup-B Officers95 Transfer <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficerfrom one station toanother station uptothe rank <strong>of</strong> Group-BOfficers.96 Employment <strong>of</strong> sonsand daughter <strong>of</strong><strong>Central</strong> Govt. employeein case <strong>of</strong> prematuredeath.97 House BuildingAdvance <strong>of</strong> Class-IOfficers below the rank<strong>of</strong> DIsG/ CBI98 Installation <strong>of</strong>Telephone in <strong>of</strong>fice /residence to eligible<strong>of</strong>ficers.99 Bringing <strong>of</strong>ficer ondeputation upto therank <strong>of</strong> Group-BOfficers.100 Property returnsexcept for <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong>and above the rank <strong>of</strong>SP and AOs.101 Retention <strong>of</strong> the nongazettedtemporaryposts upto the end <strong>of</strong>financial year ( Postsoriginally createdunder the orders <strong>of</strong>Director, CBI )102 Transfer <strong>of</strong> nongazettedposts fromone Branch to another.103 Application forpurpose / sale <strong>of</strong>moveable andimmovable propertybelow Group-AOfficers.104 Permission toundertake work whichis remunerated and toaccept theremuneration toGroup-A <strong>of</strong>ficers.105 Combination <strong>of</strong>holidays with leave and-- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- ---- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- ---- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- ---- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- ---- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- ---- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- ---- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- ---- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- ----- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- ---- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- ---- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- ---- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- --<strong>Page</strong> 444 <strong>of</strong> 444

joining time inrelaxation <strong>of</strong> provision(i) to SR-209 or SR-211 in respect <strong>of</strong>Group-A Officers106 Grant <strong>of</strong> Maternity -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- --leave and Hospitalleave in respect <strong>of</strong>Group-A Officersbelow DIG.107 To prescribe a Govt. -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- --servant’s Hqrs. inrespect <strong>of</strong> Group-AOfficers below DIG.108 To define the limits <strong>of</strong> -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- --a Govt. servant’ssphere <strong>of</strong> duty inrespect <strong>of</strong> Group-AOfficers below DIG.109 To define the limits <strong>of</strong> -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- --a Govt. servant'ssphere <strong>of</strong> duty inrespect <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficer otherthan Group-AOfficers.110 Powers to refund-- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- --contribution for CGHSrecovered from<strong>of</strong>ficers previouslyresiding in areascovered by Scheme butsubsequently shiftedto areas not socovered or whererecoveries were madedue to mistakes ( AllGazetted <strong>of</strong>ficers inCBI below the rank <strong>of</strong>DIsG. )111 Powers to regularize -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powers -- --journeys and tosanction LTCconcession even incase where the returnjourney is performedafter a period <strong>of</strong> 6months counting fromthe date <strong>of</strong>commencement <strong>of</strong> theoutward journey.(AllGOs. in CBI below therank <strong>of</strong> DIsG.)112 Sanction <strong>of</strong> all kinds <strong>of</strong> -- -- -- Full Powers <strong>of</strong> Full Powers <strong>of</strong> -- Full<strong>Page</strong> 445 <strong>of</strong> 445

leave to <strong>of</strong>ficers113 Permission for higherstdudies/vocationalcourses and NOC forobtaining passport inrespect <strong>of</strong> Group-AOfficers upto the rank<strong>of</strong> DIsG and AOs.114 Sanction <strong>of</strong>advance/withdrawalfrom GPF to IPS<strong>of</strong>ficers under AIS(PF)Rules upto the rank <strong>of</strong>DIsG.grant <strong>of</strong> leaveupto the rank<strong>of</strong> SsPgrant <strong>of</strong> leaveupto the rank <strong>of</strong>SsPpowers toSDCBI(S) &SDCBI(E)in respect<strong>of</strong> DIsGworkingunderthem(Leavemattersconcerning to JDsand abovewillcontinueto besubmittedto theDCBI)-- -- -- -- -- -- FullPowers toSDCBI(S)(Thematters inrespect <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ficersabove therank <strong>of</strong>DIG willcontinueto besubmittedto theDCBI)-- -- -- -- -- -- FullpowersSDCBI(S)(The casesconcerning JDs andabove forsanction<strong>of</strong>advances/withdrawals underAIS(PF)Rules willcontinueto besubmittedto theDCBI)<strong>Page</strong> 446 <strong>of</strong> 446

115 House buildingadvance to <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong>and above the rank <strong>of</strong>DIsG.116 Sanction <strong>of</strong> Motor CarAdvance/ComputerAdvance to JDs117 Posting/transfer <strong>of</strong> allGroup-A <strong>of</strong>ficersviz.DSP & Law Officers(Sr.PP to ALA) exceptSsP and above.-- -- -- -- -- -- FullPowers toSDCBI(S)(Powers tosanctionHBA to<strong>of</strong>ficersbelow therank <strong>of</strong>DIG arealreadydelegatedtoJD(A)/CBI,HO.-- -- -- -- -- -- Fullpowers toSDCBI(S)(Powers tosanctionMotor CarAdvanceto <strong>of</strong>ficersbelow therank <strong>of</strong>DIG arealreadydelegatedtoJD(A)/CBI,HO-- -- -- -- -- -- Fullpowers toSDCBI(S) &SDCBI(E)in respect<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficersworkingundertheircontrolonly (Thecases <strong>of</strong>transfer <strong>of</strong>Dy. SsPand LawOfficers(Sr PP toALA)outsidethejurisdiction <strong>of</strong><strong>Page</strong> 447 <strong>of</strong> 447

SDCBI(S)andSDCBI(E)will bedecided incoordinationmeetingsto be heldbetweenthe twoSpecialDirectors,which maybe heldonce in amonth)118 Process claims underUptoUptoUptoFull PowersFull Powers-- --CS(MA) Rules, CGHSRs.1000/-Rs.1000/-Rs.5000/-in (The cases(The casesRules, condonation <strong>of</strong>inineach case.concerning JDsconcerning JDsdelay and settlementeach case.each case.and above willand above will<strong>of</strong> medical claims etc.continue to becontinue to be<strong>of</strong> the staff memberssubmitted tosubmitted to the<strong>of</strong> the CBI utpo thethe DCBI. TheDCBI. Thelevel <strong>of</strong> DIG, Ministrialdelegation/re-delegation/re-Staff and their familydelegation isdelegation ismembers.subject to thesubject to the(i) Normal Casesrestrictions,restrictions,Admissible claimsstipulations onstipulations onunder CS(MA)instructionsinstructions thatRules,CGHS Rules inthat may bemay be issue byr/o all rankis.issue by thethe Ministry <strong>of</strong>(ii) Emergent Cases.Note:-Ministry <strong>of</strong>Health &Claims for medicalIt will notHealthF.W./DGHS/CGHtreatment/in privatebe&F.W./DGHS/CS from time tomedical institution inexercisedGHS from timetime)emergent casesbyto time)involvingauthoritiesaccident,serious nature lower than<strong>of</strong> disease in case noHead<strong>of</strong>Govt./recognisedDeptt. i.e.hospital is availableDCBI.nearer than privateTherefore,hospital.such casesReimbursement will be should besubject to item-wisesubmittedceiling prescribed forto DCBI forCGHS beneficiaries.sanction.(Note:-Reimbursement<strong>of</strong> expenses incurredon treatment in thePrivate Clinic/NursingHomes <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Page</strong> 448 <strong>of</strong> 448

Authorised MedicalAttendant would notbe admissible underabove provision evenin emergent cases).(Letter No.DPAD42002/702/8/6/2002/AD.IV dt. 18.9.2003)119 Maintenance <strong>of</strong> upkeep i) Recur<strong>of</strong> ComputersringRs.500/-on eachoccasionsubject toceiling <strong>of</strong>Rs.2500/-p.a. permachine.each case each case Full Powers FullPowers(Advance (Advancepayment to be payment to bemade with the made with theapproval <strong>of</strong> approval <strong>of</strong>DCBI)DCBI)ii)Non-recurring.--Upto--Rs.4000/-on eachoccasion.120 Provisional for Internet -- -- -- Full Powers Full Powersfacility(Advance (Advancepayment to be payment to bemade with the made with theapproval <strong>of</strong> approval <strong>of</strong>DCBI)DCBI)121 Advance payment for -- -- -- Upto Rs. Upto Rs. From Rs. From Rs.purchase <strong>of</strong> Stores,10,000/- in 10,000/- in 10,000/- 10,000/-maintenance andeach case each case to Rs. to Rs.upkeep <strong>of</strong> Office(Subject <strong>of</strong> (Subject <strong>of</strong> 20,000/- 20,000/-equipments, includingfulfillment <strong>of</strong> fulfillment <strong>of</strong> in each in eachcomputer related itemsconditions laid conditions laid case casedown in Govt. down in Govt. (Subject <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> (Subject <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong> India India decision fulfillment fulfillmentdecision No. 4 No. 4 under Rule <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>under Rule 258 258 <strong>of</strong> GFRs.) conditions conditions<strong>of</strong> GFRs.) .laid down laid downin Govt. <strong>of</strong> in Govt. <strong>of</strong>India Indiadecision decisionNo. 4 No. 4under Rule under258 <strong>of</strong> Rule 258GFRs.) <strong>of</strong> GFRs.)122 Advance payment for -- -- -- Full Powers-- -- --installation <strong>of</strong> Internet(Subject <strong>of</strong>connectionfulfillment <strong>of</strong>conditions laid<strong>Page</strong> 449 <strong>of</strong> 449

123 Power to reimburse thetrap money to thecomplainants seizedby CBI.124 Maintenance <strong>of</strong> EPABXSystem125 Reimbursement <strong>of</strong>expenditure to State -Govt. in r/odeployment <strong>of</strong> armedguards (as perdeployment approvedby CBI, HO.(Letter No.DPAD42002/702/8/6/2002/AD.IV dt. 18.9.2003)126 Permission for AirTravel by non-entitledCBI personnel andwitnesses/ accused inappropriate cases(upto150 cases in a year)(Letter No.DPAD42002/702/8/6/2002/AD.IV dt. 18.9.2003)127 Minor Works(Letter No.DPAD42002/702/8/6/2002/AD.IV dt. 18.9.2003)down in Govt.<strong>of</strong> Indiadecision No. 4under Rule 258<strong>of</strong> GFRs.)-- -- -- -- -- Full Powers ---(Subject toconditionsas laiddown inCBI HOletter No.23/6/94-IVdated5/3/1988.)-- -- -- Full powers Full powers(Advance (Advancepayment to be payment to bemade with the made with theapproval <strong>of</strong> approval <strong>of</strong>DCBI).DCBI).-- --- DIG <strong>of</strong> the --- --- -- ---concernedbranch(Report to besubmitted toHO)-- --- ---- --- - Addl.Direct Spl.Director (Dealing orwith (DealingAdmn.) withAdmn.)-- --- --- --- -- Addl.Direct Spl.or (Dealing Directorwith Admn. (Dealingupto Rs. 1lakh.withAdmn.upto Rs.1lakh.<strong>Page</strong> 450 <strong>of</strong> 450

Annexure - XIVG.I, Dte. <strong>of</strong> Estates (Policy), OM No. 11015/15/98-Pol.I, dated 7.8.1998.Revised scales <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice accommodation for various categories <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Secretariat exclusing IT, <strong>Central</strong> Excise and CustomsDepartments.Sl.No.The undersigned is directed to refer to the then Ministry <strong>of</strong> Works andHousing OM, dated 24.11.1976 and this Directorate’s OM No. 11015(2)/75-Pol dated 20.10.1987 (vide 456 <strong>of</strong> Swamy’Annual 1987) and to say thatconsequent upon revision <strong>of</strong> pay scales <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Central</strong> GovernmentEmployees on the recommendations <strong>of</strong> the Fifth Pay Commission as notifiedvide CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997, it has been decided to prescribe revisedentitlement <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice space for various categories <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers as detailedbelow:-(I) CONVENTIONAL SPACE:Existing CategoryProposed Category(On pre-revised pay ) (On pre-revised pay ).1 Officers drawing Rs.5000/- and above permonth.2 Officers drawing Rs.3000/- and above but lessthan Rs. 5000/- permonth.3 Gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficers drawingpay less than Rs. 3000/-per month excludingSection <strong>of</strong>ficers.Officers drawing Rs.15200/- and above permonth.Officers drawing Rs.10000/- and above butless than Rs. 15200/-per month.Gazetted <strong>of</strong>ficers drawingpay less than Rs.10000/- per monthEntitlement <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ficeaccommodation240 Sft.120 Sft.60 Sft.excluding Section<strong>of</strong>ficers.4 Section Officers in the Secretariat/Attached <strong>of</strong>fices 60 Sft5 Technical staff such as Draughtsmen, Tracers and 60 SftEstimators, etc.6 Ministerial staff such as Superintendents, Head 40 SftClerks, Assistants, Clerks, Daftries, etc.7 Ministerial staff <strong>of</strong> Audit Officers. 40 Sft<strong>Page</strong> 451 <strong>of</strong> 451

2. The total screened requirements <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice accommodation determinedon the basis <strong>of</strong> revised scales will be subject to the following austerity cuts:-CUTENTITLEMENTPERCENTAGE OFUpto 30,000 Sft. 10%( upto 2700 Sq. Mtrs.)More than 30,000 Sft.( More than 2700 Sq. Mtrs.) 15%3. So far as special requirement <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice space such Reception Room,Conference Room, space for special equipments, library requirements, oldrecords, etc., are concerned, these should be examined in consulation withthe Directorate <strong>of</strong> Estates with a view to ensuring that the requirement iskept to the absolute minimum.<strong>Page</strong> 452 <strong>of</strong> 452

(II)NON-CONVENTIONAL SPACESl. No. Particulars <strong>of</strong>requirements.Prescribed entitlement <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficeaccommodation.1 Conference Room Conference Room should be subject to therequirement <strong>of</strong> the Ministry/ Departmentsconcerned with minimum space <strong>of</strong> 22 Sq.Mtrs. and maximum <strong>of</strong> 44 Sq. Mtrs.2 Visitor’s Room Visitors Room should be according to therequirements <strong>of</strong> a Ministry/Department butit should not be more than 44 Sq. Mtrs.3 Receptionist/for 11 Sq. Mtrs.Security Staff.4 Canteen /TiffinRoom1 Sft. (0.09 Sq. Meters) per person in an<strong>of</strong>fice including the space for Dining Halland Kitchen etc.22 Sq. Mtrs.5 TelephoneExchange6 Class Room According to the requirements <strong>of</strong> aDepartment but should not be more than44 Sq. Mtrs.7 Library. One Sft. for 25 books or one Sq. Mtr. for275 books8 Old Records. One sft. for 20 recorded files or one Sq.meter for 220 recorded files.On the basis <strong>of</strong> above conventional and Non-conventional <strong>of</strong>fice spaceand the drawings prepared by the Architect, the requisite estimates for theconstruction <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice buildings on the available land, are required to be gotprepared from the CPWD. Then a comprehensive proposal is required to beprepared and sent to CBI, Head Office giving full justification <strong>of</strong> the proposedconstruction, for sending sanction <strong>of</strong> the Competent Authority.After obtaining the approval/sanction <strong>of</strong> the Competent Authority theCPWD is required to start the construction work. On completion <strong>of</strong> theconstruction work, the maintenance <strong>of</strong> the Building/Complex is theresponsibility <strong>of</strong> the CPWD Authorities.<strong>Page</strong> 453 <strong>of</strong> 453

Annexure - XVToThe Director,<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>,New Delhi.14th July, 1969Subject:Delegation <strong>of</strong> additional financial powers.Sir,I am directed to state that, in exercise <strong>of</strong> powers delegated under Rule10(3) <strong>of</strong> the Delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial Powers Rules, 1958, the President ispleased to delegate the additional financial powers, to you, as indicated inthe Annexure to this letter.2. The exercise <strong>of</strong> these powers will be subject to the general restrictionsand condition contained in the Delegation <strong>of</strong> Financial Powers Rules, 1958,and other general rules and orders issued by the Government <strong>of</strong> India fromtime to time.Yours faithfully,Sd/-(M.K. Nair)Deputy Financial AdviserNo.3/20/69-Finance(iii)Dated the 14th July, 1969Copy, together with a copy <strong>of</strong> the Annexure, forwarded, for information to:-1. All the Accountants General.2. Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance (home Finance Branch).3. Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance (E-II(a) Branch).4. Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance( E-Coordination).5. AVD.II Section, MHA.6. Deptt. <strong>of</strong> Administrative Reforms.Sd/-<strong>Page</strong> 454 <strong>of</strong> 454

(M.K. Nair)Deputy Financial Adviser5 Hiring <strong>of</strong>privatetransport.6 Continued <strong>of</strong>renting <strong>of</strong>buildings.7 Sanction <strong>of</strong>residentialtelephones.8 Hiring <strong>of</strong>teleprinter links9 Contingentexpenditure foritems otherthan thosementioned inAnnexure toSchedule V <strong>of</strong>the DFP Rules.Full powers for the transportation Item 3 <strong>of</strong> Annexure<strong>of</strong> material/ equipment from one to Schedule V <strong>of</strong> theplace to another or movement <strong>of</strong> DFP Rules.operational personnel.Full powers, subject to thecondition that the rates <strong>of</strong> rentare the same as originallysanctioned by the Min. <strong>of</strong> HomeAffairs.Full powers subject to the generalrestrictions on the sanctioning <strong>of</strong>residential telephones issued bythe Mininistry <strong>of</strong> Finance fromtime to time.Where the renting <strong>of</strong> theteleprinter links have beenoriginally sanctioned by theMinistry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairscontinued renting on year to yearbasis may be sanctioned,provided necessary budgetprovision has been made. Newteleprinter links should besanctioned only if they have beenapproved at the pre-budget stageby the Ministry <strong>of</strong> HomeAffairs/Ministry <strong>of</strong> Finance.Enhanced powers <strong>of</strong> delegated asshown below:-i) Recurring - Rs.5,000/-per annumin eachcase.ii) Non-recurring - Rs.10,000 ineach caseItem 18 <strong>of</strong> Annexureto Schedule V <strong>of</strong> theDFP Rules.Item 25 <strong>of</strong> Annexureto Schedule V <strong>of</strong> theDFP Rules.Schedule V <strong>of</strong> theDFP Rules.Schedule V <strong>of</strong> theDFP Rules.<strong>Page</strong> 455 <strong>of</strong> 455

Annexure - XVIDPAD31999/0820/10/14/97-AD.IIIGovernment <strong>of</strong> India<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>Block No.3, 4 th Floor, CGO ComplexLodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003Dated 28/10/1999CIRCULARIt has been brought to my notice that expenditure on telephones forbi-monthly cycle <strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong>ficers is on the high side. Sr. <strong>of</strong>ficers are notexercising restraint in the use <strong>of</strong> telephones. It has also come to notice thatin spite <strong>of</strong> specific instructions a lot <strong>of</strong> communications are being sentthrough FAX when these can go through normal mail.2. During the period October, 1998 to March 1999, CBI spent Rs.1,27,67,744/- on telephones. This huge expenditure is definitely on thehigher side and needs to be curtailed. This will not be possible without theclose supervision <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficers concerned and other Senior SupervisoryOfficers.3. During the course <strong>of</strong> Audit in Head Office, the following observationswere also made by the Audit Party in connection with excess local calls andinternational calls on residential telephones:-(i)(ii)In accordance with the instructions vide GI MF OM.E(Coord)/79 dated 12.10.79 followed by another O.M.No.F.7(8)-E(Coord)/82 dated 8.6.82, the ceiling on Free Calls tobe allowed to <strong>of</strong>ficers in respect <strong>of</strong> residential telephoneprovided at government expenses will be 650 bimonthly basis.Calls in excess <strong>of</strong> 650 (excluding STD calls made for <strong>of</strong>ficialpurposes and certified by the <strong>of</strong>ficers concerned withreference to the register maintained by him) will have to bepaid by the <strong>of</strong>ficer himself.The condition <strong>of</strong> maintaining the STD register was dispensedwith vide Govt. <strong>of</strong> India, M/o Finance, Dptt. Of ExpenditureO.M.No. F.7(7)-E(Coord)/85 dated 8.7.85 subject tocertification that bimonthly calls in excess <strong>of</strong> 650 are onaccount <strong>of</strong> STD and <strong>of</strong>ficial purpose. This certificate wouldneed to be countersigned by the Controlling Officer. The sameorder also provides that the excess calls other than certifiedto be on <strong>of</strong>ficial work will continue to be paid by the <strong>of</strong>ficers.4. The following precautions are immediately required to be taken tocurtain the huge expenditure being incurred on telephones:-(i)The <strong>of</strong>ficers are required to keep a watch on ISD/STD callsand use secret code for STD/ISD. Keep the STD/ISD barred.Open it whenever it is needed and bar the same againimmediately after the use.<strong>Page</strong> 456 <strong>of</strong> 456

(ii)(iii)(iv)The <strong>of</strong>ficer using the STD facility must be brief and speak tothe point. STD calls may not be availed unless the matter isextremely urgent. The less important matters may becommunicated through Wireless Message etc.The <strong>of</strong>ficers availing STD facility must not hesitate to make theprivate call and deposit the amount incurred due to privatecall in the Govt. treasury.Restrain on use <strong>of</strong> telephones by the <strong>of</strong>ficers themselves andcontrol on other <strong>of</strong>ficers working under their administrativecontrol would go a long way to ensure economy.5. It is felt that there is still a need for extreme economy in expenditurein the light <strong>of</strong> latest Economy Instructions <strong>of</strong> Govt. <strong>of</strong> India to effect 25%economy in expenditure on telephone. The following ceiling (bimonthly bills)shall operate in respect <strong>of</strong> telephones held by <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the rank <strong>of</strong> JD andbelow:-OFFICERESIDENCEJoint Director Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 7,500/-DIG Rs. 15,000/- Rs. 5,000/-SP Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 2,000/-6. If the expenditure exceeds the above said ceiling limits, a detailed noteexplaining the reasons there<strong>of</strong> should be sent to the undersigned. The<strong>of</strong>ficers should adhere to the limit in the normal course. All concernedshould exercise strict control over the use <strong>of</strong> telephones in view <strong>of</strong> theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India instructions issued from time to time to economise theexpenditure.(R K RAGHAVAN)DIRECTOR, CBICopy to:-1. Special Director, CBI.2. Joint Directors, CBI located in Delhi and outside Delhi.3. LA, CBI, Head Office, New Delhi.4. All DisG, CBI located in Delhi and outside Delhi.5. DD(A), DD(Co) and DIG (HQ), CBI, New Delhi6. SsP, CBI located in Delhi and outside Delhi.7. Information Officer, CBI Head Office, New Delhi.8. Executive Engineer, CBI, New Delhi.9. AO(E) and AO(A), CBI, New Delhi.10. Dy.SP, Control Room.11. I/c EPABX, CBI HO New Delhi.12. OSD System Division, CBI, New Delhi13. AO/PAO/CBI, New Delhi.<strong>Page</strong> 457 <strong>of</strong> 457

Annexure - XVIIGUIDELINES FOR FIRE DRILL AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES FORHIGH RISE BUILDINGS (ABOVE 15 m IN HEIGHT) AS CONTAINED INNATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA, 1983INTRODUCTIONIn case <strong>of</strong> fire in a high rise building, safe evacuation <strong>of</strong> its occupantsmay present serious problems unless a plan for orderly and systematicevacuation is prepared in advance and all occupants are well drilled in theoperation <strong>of</strong> such plan. These guidelines are intended to assist them in thistask.ALARMSAny person discovering fire, heat or smoke shall immediately reportsuch condition to the fire brigade, unless he has personal knowledge thatsuch a report has been made. No person shall make, issue, post or maintainany regulation or order, written or verbal, that would require any person totake any unnecessary delaying action prior to reporting such condition tothe fire brigade.DRILLSFire drills shall be conducted, in accordance with the Fire Safety Plan,at least once every three months for existing buildings during the first twoyears after the effective date <strong>of</strong> these rules, or for new buildings during thefirst two years after the issuance <strong>of</strong> the certificate <strong>of</strong> occupancy. Thereafter,fire drills shall be conducted at least once every six months.All occupants <strong>of</strong> the building shall participate in the fire drill.However, occupants <strong>of</strong> the building, other than building service employees,are not required to leave the floor or use the exits during the drill.A written record <strong>of</strong> such drills shall be kept on the premises for athree years period and shall be readily available for Fire Brigade inspection.SIGNS AND PLANSSigns at Lift Landings - A sign shall be posted and maintained in aconspicuous place on every floor at or near the lift landing in accordancewith the requirements, indicating that in case <strong>of</strong> fire, occupants shall use thestairs unless instructed otherwise. The sign shall contain a diagramshowing the location <strong>of</strong> the stairways except that such diagram may beomitted, provided signs containing such diagram are posted in conspicuousplaces on the respective floor.A sign shall read “IN CASE OF FIRE, USE STAIRS UNLESSINSTRUCTED OTHERWISE”. The lettering shall be at least 1.25 cm blockletters in red and white background. Such lettering shall be properly spacedto provide good legibility. The sign shall be at least 25 x 30 cm, where thediagram is also incorporated in it and 6.25x25 cm where the diagram isomitted. In the latter case, the diagram sign shall be at least 20 X 30 cm.The sign shall be located directly above a call-button and squarely attached<strong>Page</strong> 458 <strong>of</strong> 458

to the wall or partition. The top <strong>of</strong> the sign shall not be above 2 m from thefloor level.Floor Number Signs - A sign shall be posted and maintained withineach stair enclosure on every floor, indicating the number <strong>of</strong> the floor, inaccordance with the requirements given below.The numerals shall be <strong>of</strong> bold type and at least 7.5 cm high.The numerals and background shall be in contrasting colours. Thesign shall be securely attached to the stair side <strong>of</strong> the door.Stair and Elevator Identification Signs - Each stairway and eachelevator back shall be identified by an alphabetical letter. A sign indicatingthe letter <strong>of</strong> identification shall be posted and maintained at each elevatorlanding and on the side <strong>of</strong> the stairway door from which egress is to bemade, in accordance with the requirements given below.The lettering on the sign shall be at least 7.5 cm high, <strong>of</strong> boldtype and <strong>of</strong> contrasting colour from the background. Such signs shallbe securely attached.Stair Re-entry Signs - A sign shall be posted and maintained on eachfloor within each stairway and on the occupancy side <strong>of</strong> the stairway whererequired, indicating whether re-entry is provided into the building and thefloor where such re-entry is provided, in accordance with the requirementsgiven below.The lettering and numerals <strong>of</strong> the signs shall be at least 1.25cm high <strong>of</strong> bold type. The lettering and background shall be <strong>of</strong>contrasting colours and the signs shall be securely attachedapproximately 1.5 cm above the floor level.Fire command station shall be provided with floor plan <strong>of</strong> the buildingand other pertinent information relating to service equipment <strong>of</strong> thebuilding.FIRE SAFETY PLANFire Drills and Fire Orders - Fire notices / orders shall be preparedto fulfil the requirements <strong>of</strong> fire fighting and evacuation from the buildings inthe event <strong>of</strong> fire and other emergency. The occupants shall be madethoroughly conversant with their action in the event <strong>of</strong> emergency, bydisplaying fire notices at vantage points and also through regular training.Such notices should be displayed prominently in broad lettering.The applicable parts <strong>of</strong> the approved Fire Safety Plan shall bedistributed to all tenants <strong>of</strong> the building by the building management whenthe Fire Safety Plan has been approved by the Chief Fire Officer.The applicable parts <strong>of</strong> the approved Fire Safety Plan shall then bedistributed by the tenants to all their employees and by the buildingmanagement to all their building employees.Where the owner <strong>of</strong> the building is also an occupant <strong>of</strong> the building,he shall be responsible for the observance <strong>of</strong> these rules and the Fire SafetyPlan in the same manner as a tenant.<strong>Page</strong> 459 <strong>of</strong> 459

In the event there are changes from conditions existing at the time theFire Safety Plan for the building was approved, and the changes are such soas to require amending the Fire Safety Plan, within 30 days after suchchanges, an amended Fire Safety Plan shall be submitted to the fire brigadefor approval.FIRE COMMAND STATIONA Fire Command Station shall be established in the lobby <strong>of</strong> thebuilding on the entrance floor. Such command station shall be adequatelyilluminated.COMMUNICATION AND FIRE ALARMA means <strong>of</strong> communication and fire alarm for use during fireemergencies shall be provided and maintained by the owner or person incharge <strong>of</strong> the building.Fire Safety Plan Format and Duties shall be as per the provisionscontained in Appendix ‘F’ - Para 8 & 9 <strong>of</strong> the Code.FIRE PARTY DUTIESOn receipt <strong>of</strong> an alarm for fire the Fire Party shall :(a) report to the floor below the fire to assist in evacuationand provide information to the Fire Command Station.(b) after evacuations <strong>of</strong> the fire floor, endeavour to controlspread <strong>of</strong> fire by closing doors etc.(c) attempt to control the fire until arrival <strong>of</strong> the FireDepartment, if the fire is small and conditions do not pose apersonal threat.(d) leave one member on the floor below the fire to direct theFire Department to the fire location and to inform them <strong>of</strong>conditions.(e) on arrival <strong>of</strong> the Fire Department, the Fire Party shallreport to the Fire Command Station for additional instructions.(f) have a member designated as runner, who shall knowthe location <strong>of</strong> the nearest telephone, and be instructed in itsuse. Such member shall immediately upon receipt <strong>of</strong>information that there is a fire or evidence <strong>of</strong> fire, go to thetelephone, transmit an alarm and await the arrival <strong>of</strong> the FireDepartment and direct such department to the dire.OCCUPANT’s INSTRUCTIONS(a) The applicable parts <strong>of</strong> the approved Fire Safety Planshall be distributed to all tenants <strong>of</strong> the building by thebuilding management when the Fire Safety Plan has beenapproved by the Fire Commissioner.(b) The applicable parts <strong>of</strong> the approved Fire Safety Planshall then be distributed by the tenents to all their employeesand by the building management to all their buildingemployees.<strong>Page</strong> 460 <strong>of</strong> 460

(c) All occupants <strong>of</strong> the building shall participate andcooperate in carrying out the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Fire Safety Plan.<strong>Page</strong> 461 <strong>of</strong> 461

Annexure - XVIIISECTION DIARYDy.No.No. and date <strong>of</strong>receiptsFromwhomBriefsubjectTowhommarkedDate :_________RemarksNo. Date[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]INSTRUCTIONS1. Columns 1-5 will be filled at the stage <strong>of</strong> diarising i.e. before thereceipts are made over to the dealing hands.2. Column (6) will be filled after the receipts are seen and passed by the<strong>of</strong>ficers.3. Subsequent movement <strong>of</strong> papers, when received from higher <strong>of</strong>ficers,will also be marked in column (6) after striking <strong>of</strong>f the previous entry.4. Important instructions recorded by the <strong>of</strong>ficers will be briefly enteredin column (7).<strong>Page</strong> 462 <strong>of</strong> 462

Annexure - XIXASSISTANT’S DIARYSl. No. Diary No. or File No. Date <strong>of</strong> submissionfile No.1 2 3 4INSTRUCTIONS1. Column 2 should show ‘diary number’ or ‘file number’ according asthe paper marked to a dealing hand is a ‘receipt’ or a come-back case.2. Columns 3 need be filled only in respect <strong>of</strong> diary numbers.3. 3. The date on which receipts/files are received by the dealing handshould be entered in red ink across the page above the entries to bemade for the day.<strong>Page</strong> 463 <strong>of</strong> 463

Annexure – XX(A)DESPATCH REGISTER FOR POSTAL COMMUNICATION ONLYNUMBER _________DATED _____________Sl.No.No. <strong>of</strong>communicationsAddresseeValue <strong>of</strong> stampsaffixed.1 2 3 4INSTRUCTIONS1. 1. Separate register will be maintained for (a) foreign post (b)telegrams and (c) other inland post.2. 2. Entries in column 4 will be totalled up at the end <strong>of</strong> the day andthe total indicated in red ink.Annexure – XX(B)PROCEDURE FOR MAINTENANCE OF SERVICE POSTAGE STAMPACCOUNT1. All communications intended to be sent by post will be placed inaddressed envelopes.2. After affixing postage stamps <strong>of</strong> the requisite value the envelopeswould be sorted out into groups with the same value <strong>of</strong> stamps.3. The total number <strong>of</strong> envelopes in each group would be indicated inthe ‘Register <strong>of</strong> Daily Abstract <strong>of</strong> Stamps Used’. This register is in lieu<strong>of</strong> the despatch register for postal communications. The total value <strong>of</strong>the stamps used during a day as added up in this abstract, will beentered under the respective column <strong>of</strong> the stamps account register.<strong>Page</strong> 464 <strong>of</strong> 464

4. The correctness <strong>of</strong> the entries <strong>of</strong> outgoing envelopes in the ‘Register <strong>of</strong>Daily Abstract <strong>of</strong> Stamps Used’ would be checked by the Supervisor <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Central</strong> R & I Section at least once a week by actual count <strong>of</strong> thecovers ready for despatch. The check should be recorded in theregister. The Branch Officer-in-charge would also make a monthlycheck <strong>of</strong> this register.4. 4. It is to be noted that the despatch register for foreign dak forwhich ordinary postage stamps are used will continue to bemaintained in the Despatch Register.STAMPS ACCOUNT REGISTERAnnexure – XX(C)Date Value <strong>of</strong> stamps Balanceat close<strong>of</strong> the day(2+3-4)In handReceivedduringthe dayUsedduringthe daySignature <strong>of</strong>DespatcherSectionOfficer1 2 3 4 5 6 7INSTRUCTIONS1. Separate registers should be maintained for (a) ordinary postagestamps and (b) service postage stamps.2. Column 2 will repeat the figure in column 5 <strong>of</strong> the previous day.3. In the case <strong>of</strong> ordinary postage stamps, column 4 should reproducethe daily total struck in the despatch register for foreign dak. In thecase <strong>of</strong> service postage stamps this column should reproduce the sum<strong>of</strong> the daily totals struck in:(a)(b)(c)Despatch register for telegrams.Despatch register for inland post, andPostal registration books.<strong>Page</strong> 465 <strong>of</strong> 465

Annexure - XXIFILE REGISTERSTANDARD HEAD NO.......................STANDARD HEADING ________________________F.No.Subject Date <strong>of</strong> Classification(and year <strong>of</strong>review)Opening ClosingRemarks1 2 3 4 5 6INSTRUCTIONS1. Entries in columns 1-3 will be made at the time <strong>of</strong> opening files andthose in columns 4 and 5 at the time <strong>of</strong> recording and reviewing them.2. Year <strong>of</strong> review in column 5 is required to be indicated only in the case<strong>of</strong> Class 'C' files.3. If as a result <strong>of</strong> review, a file is marked for further retention, the year<strong>of</strong> the next review will be worked out and indicated in column 5.4. When a file is transferred to the departmental record room or toanother section/department, the fact <strong>of</strong> such transfer and therelevant date will be indicated in column 6 e.g. D.R.R.,M.H.A6.1.87 17.2.87Similarly, when the file is marked for destruction, any entry regardingthe fact and the year <strong>of</strong> destruction will be made in this column.<strong>Page</strong> 466 <strong>of</strong> 466

Annexure - XXIIPRECEDENT BOOKHeading _________________Decision or ruling in briefFile No.INSTRUCTIONS1. Entries in this book will be made under the appropriate standardheads and sub-heads arranged in an alphabetical order. Wherefunctional filing system is followed, entries will be made under theappropriate basic, primary, secondary and tertiary heads.2. The pages <strong>of</strong> the book will be numbered serially and a few pagesallotted to each standardised heading under which entries are to bemade vide 1 above. At the beginning <strong>of</strong> the book will be pasted orwritten a list <strong>of</strong> such headings and pages allotted to each.<strong>Page</strong> 467 <strong>of</strong> 467

Annexure – XXIII(A)No.84/5/62-Estt.Government <strong>of</strong> IndiaMinistry <strong>of</strong> Home AffairsSpecial Police EstablishmentRail Bhawan, New Delhi - 1Dated : 09.07.1962ToAll the Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police,<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>.Sub.: Instructions regarding the preservation <strong>of</strong> records relating toAdministration and Accounts matters.Ref.: Circular No.15356-70/37/1/58-III dated 09.09.1958.A copy <strong>of</strong> the statement showing the period <strong>of</strong> retention <strong>of</strong> records inthe SPE in respect <strong>of</strong> Administration and Accounts matters is sent herewith.The records will be weeded out after the stipulated period mentioned againsteach item in column No.3 in the statement. A list <strong>of</strong> the records weeded outshould be made before the files etc. are destroyed.These instructionssubject.supersedes all previous orders issued on theYours faithfully,Sd./-(Prem Prakash)for Administrative Officerfor Inspector General <strong>of</strong> Police, SPE1. Copy to all section in the SPE Headquarters for information andnecessary action.2. Copy to Gazette Clerk (these instructions are to be published in theSPE Gazette).<strong>Page</strong> 468 <strong>of</strong> 468

Annexure – XXIII(B)No.84/5/62-Estt.Government <strong>of</strong> IndiaMinistry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>East Block No. 7, R.K.PuramNew Delhi - 110022.Dated : 30.05.1966ToThe Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police,<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>,All Branches/Units.Sub.: Instructions regarding the preservation <strong>of</strong> records relating toAdministration and Accounts matters.Sir,In continuation <strong>of</strong> this <strong>of</strong>fice circular <strong>of</strong> even number dated09.07.1962, I have the honour to send herewith a copy <strong>of</strong> the statementshowing the period <strong>of</strong> retention <strong>of</strong> records in the CBI in respect <strong>of</strong>Administration and Accounts matters. The records will be weeded out afterthe stipulated period mentioned in Col.3 <strong>of</strong> the statement.records weeded out should be made before they are destroyed.A list <strong>of</strong> theYours faithfully,Sd./-(O.P.Bansal)Administrative Officer/CBI.Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :1. AD.I, II, III, IV Sections, Head Office.3. SPE Gazette Clerk.<strong>Page</strong> 469 <strong>of</strong> 469

4.Annexure – XXIII(C)No.40/86/69- AD.IIGovernment <strong>of</strong> India<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>Ministry <strong>of</strong> Home AffairsNew DelhiDated : 28.02.1970ToAll Superintendents <strong>of</strong> Police,<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>,Branches.Sub.: Maintenance <strong>of</strong> register relating to old records - instructionregardingSir,It has been observed that for some time past references are beingreceived in this <strong>of</strong>fice from the CBI Branches regarding the period <strong>of</strong>preservation <strong>of</strong> different types <strong>of</strong> records.It is felt that such referencesemanate as the contents <strong>of</strong> this <strong>of</strong>fice letter No.84/5/62-Estt., dated 9thJuly, 1962 and 30th May, 1966 and 10/122/65-AD.II dated .5.67perhaps not widely known. With a view <strong>of</strong> eliminating such references tothis <strong>of</strong>fice copies <strong>of</strong> the said letters are enclosed once again for circulation toall concerned in your <strong>of</strong>fice.areYours faithfully,Sd./-(Badri Nath)Administrative OfficerCBI.FOR CALCUTTAThis disposes <strong>of</strong> your letter No.4/16(E)/87(1)/EOW/Calcutta - 67dated 21.01.70.FOR KERALAThis disposes <strong>of</strong> your letter No.68(I)/69/KER-GW.IV dated 05.02.70.<strong>Page</strong> 470 <strong>of</strong> 470

SPECIAL POLICE ESTABLISHMENTSTATEMENT SHOWING THE PERIOD FOR WHICH THE RECORDSPERTAINING TO ADMINISTRATIVE SIDE IS TO BE PRESERVED.Sl. Description to the Period for which to be RemarksNo. Register/Record etc.preserved.1 2 3 41 Receipt Register in the 8 yearscase <strong>of</strong> Branches andSection Diary in case <strong>of</strong>Head Office2 Register <strong>of</strong> Inter-Sectional Movement1 year after all the referencesentered in the Register havebeen returned to theoriginating Section3 Despatch Register 5 years or until thecompletion <strong>of</strong> local auditwhich ever is later4 Period Book 3 years5 Assistant Diary 1 year after all the receiptsentered therein have beendisposed <strong>of</strong>.6 File Register 15 years Before afile registeris actuallydestroyed alist <strong>of</strong> filesentered intheRegister7 List <strong>of</strong> Files Permanent8 Weekly Arrear 1 yearStatement9 Suspense and 1 yearReminder Diary10 Statement <strong>of</strong> periodical 1 yearreturns and reports11 Precedent Book Permanent12 Attendance Register 2 years13 Postage Stamp 3 years or until theAccounts Register completion <strong>of</strong> the local auditwhichever is earlier.should bemade out.14 Quarterly and AnnualInspection Reports3 years<strong>Page</strong> 471 <strong>of</strong> 471

ESTABLISHMENT AND ADMINISTRATIONSl.No.Description to theRegister/Record etc.Period for which to bepreserved.15 Establishment Register Permanent16 Standing orders issued from PermanentHead Office.17 General orders <strong>of</strong> important Permanentnature issued by theGovernment <strong>of</strong> India18 Amendments etc. issued to Permanentthe Service Rules.19 Parliament Questions and 5 yearscorrespondence connectedthereto.20 Instructions regarding pay Permanentand allowances admissibleto the SPE Officers.21 Appointment, transfer, 5 years after the date <strong>of</strong>posting etc. <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers in transfer or reversion etc.SPE/CBI.22 Leave applications and 3 yearscorrespondence regardinggrant <strong>of</strong> leave etc.23 Leave Account <strong>of</strong> Non- 3 years after death orGazetted Staffretirement.24 Extension <strong>of</strong> deputation 5 years after the date <strong>of</strong>continuation in service etc. reversion or retirement.25 Departmental Enquiry file 3 years after theagainst SPE Staff.26 Correspondence regardingrenting <strong>of</strong> OfficeAccommodation.27 Correspondence regardingpermission etc. to attendthe Court28 Correspondence regardingallotment <strong>of</strong> residential/<strong>of</strong>fice accommodation by theGovernment.29 Correspondence regardingaddresses <strong>of</strong> Officers, Staff,State IsG, etc.30 Correspondence regardingthe issue and printing etc.<strong>of</strong> DSPE Identity Cards.31 Correspondence regardingthe printing, issue etc. <strong>of</strong>Railway Warrants.proceedings are over.2 years after theaccommodation isvacated.2 years.2 years after thevacation<strong>of</strong>accommodation.1 year.3 years.2 years.32 Register <strong>of</strong> Identity Cards. Permanent.33 Register <strong>of</strong> stock <strong>of</strong> Identity Permanent.Cards.34 Register <strong>of</strong> stock <strong>of</strong> Railway Permanent.Warrants.35 Reward Rolls 3 years.correspondence regardingRemarks<strong>Page</strong> 472 <strong>of</strong> 472

36 Property returns andcorrespondence relating to.37 Correspondence regardingTypewriting test - UPSC.38 Civil Lists and theiramendments.39 Verification <strong>of</strong> antecedentsand correspondence relatingthereto.40 Indian Police Medal,President's Police Medal -Recommendations for theaward <strong>of</strong>.41 Promotion Rolls andcorrespondence thereto.42 Quasi-Permanancycorrespondence regardingPermanent. May bedestroyed 4years afterthe date <strong>of</strong>retirement.5 years.5 years.Permanent. May bedestroyed 4years afterthe date <strong>of</strong>retirement.10 years.5 years.Permanent May bedestroyed 4years afterretirement.43 Casual leave applications 1 year.44 All India Police Meets - 5 years.Correspondence regarding45 Casual leave Register 1 year.46 Annaul Establishment Permanent.SinceReturns.discontinued.47 Punishment Register 5 years.48 Office Order Book. Permanent.49 Register <strong>of</strong> Service Books Permanent.50 Increment Register 3 years after the newregister has beenstarted.51 Long Leave Register 5 years.52 Register <strong>of</strong> building Permanent.leased/rented etc.53 Duty Register 3 years.54 Surprise check Register <strong>of</strong> 2 years.Guards.55 Command Certificates 5 years.original and copies there<strong>of</strong>.56 Annual Administration Permanent.Report on SPE/CBI.57 Personal files <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers. 10 years after reversionor 5 years after death orretirement.58 Service Books. Permanent.59 Cash Book. 20 years.60 Register <strong>of</strong> contingent 5 years.Expenditure.61 Detailed Budget Estimates<strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>fice.5 years.<strong>Page</strong> 473 <strong>of</strong> 473

62 Travelling Allowance Bills 3 years.and acquittance roll relatingthereto.63 Statement <strong>of</strong> monthly 2 years.progressive expenditure andcorrespondence relatingthereto.64 Contingent Bills. 5 years.65 Special Counsel’s Bills 5 years.66 Special Counsels fee 5 years.Register.67 Bill Register 20 years.68 Pay Bills and acquittance 35 years.Rolls where these aremaintained separately <strong>of</strong>Govt. servants for whom noEstt. returns are submittedor no S. Books aremaintained.69 Pay Bills <strong>of</strong> other classes <strong>of</strong> 6 years.Govt. servants andacquittance rolls for payand allowances other thantravelling allowance (whenmaintained separately)70 Pay Bill Register Permanent.71 Medical Charges, pay 6 years.advance, GPF advance andreward Bills.72 Receipt Books (counterfoil) 20 years.73 Stock Register <strong>of</strong> Receipt Permanent.Books.74 Muster Roll. 3 years.75 Dead Stock Register Permanent.76 Stock Register <strong>of</strong> vehicles. Permanent.77 Register <strong>of</strong> Life Insurance Permanent.Policies financed from GPFund.78 Treasury Challan Register Permanent.79 Telephone and Trunk CallRegister.2 years or when thelocal audit is overwhichever is later.80 Cycle Register 10 years.81 Type-Writing Register 10 years.82 Stationary and forms 5 years.Register.83 PTO Concession Register. 5 years.84 Book adjustment Register 2 years after alladjustment have beenmade.85 Register <strong>of</strong> R.T.R. 5 years.86 Leave salary contributionRegister.87 Original Treasury Challans. Permanent.5 years after all theadjustments have beenmade.<strong>Page</strong> 474 <strong>of</strong> 474

88 TA Bill Register. 10 years.89 Malkhana Inspection 33 years after the lastRegister.inspection is over.90 Register <strong>of</strong> cash and Permanent.jewellery.91 Log Book <strong>of</strong> vehicles. 3 years or when thelocal audits is overwhichever is later.92 Vehicle Requisition Slips. 2 years.93 Office copies <strong>of</strong> pay bills <strong>of</strong> To be given to theGazetted Officers.Officers at the time <strong>of</strong>Transfer etc. as they aretheir own drawing<strong>of</strong>ficers.94 Register <strong>of</strong> advances. 2 years after theadvances have fully beenrecovered.95 Electric and Water charges 3 years.Register.96 Correspondence regarding 3 years.the issue <strong>of</strong> Bank drafts etc.97 Correspondence regarding 5 years.the recoveries from the staff.98 Register showing 1 year.acknowledgment <strong>of</strong> chequesto Gazetted Officers.99 Correspondence regarding 10 years.TA Bills <strong>of</strong> Gazetted andnon-Gazetted.100 Audit Inspection Reports. 10 years.101 Appropriation Accounts. 5 years.After theintroduction<strong>of</strong> pay billsregisters,separate paybills are notprepared forGazettedOfficers.<strong>Page</strong> 475 <strong>of</strong> 475

STATEMENT SHOWING THE PERIODS FOR WHICH THE RECORDSPERTAINING TO ADMINISTRATION AND ACCOUNTS MATTER ARE TOBE PRESERVED.Sl.No.Description or the Register/Record etc.Period for which they are to bepreserved.1 2 31 Shorthand note books relating theAdministrative work.Six months from the date <strong>of</strong> lastentry in the book.2 Shorthand note book relating to 2 years from the date <strong>of</strong> last entry.Crime work.3 GP Fund correspondence Till the account is settled.Accounts slips etc.4 Secret Service Registers showing May be destroyed after 5 years fromtrap accounts.the date when all thecorrespondence regarding amountspaid from SS Fund have beenreceived back (in case <strong>of</strong> writings <strong>of</strong>fit may be destroyed 2 years afterwriting <strong>of</strong>f).5 Invoice Register and invoice 5 years.counter-foils.6 Dealing Clerk Diary including 2 years after all receipts enteredAssistant Diary.7 Supply <strong>of</strong> typewriterscorrespondence etc.8 SPE Officers training coursecorrespondence etc.9 Telephone Trunk Call Bills -correspondence etc.10 Reconciliation <strong>of</strong> accounts file -correspondence etc.11 Purchase <strong>of</strong> furniture file -correspondence etc.12 Deputation <strong>of</strong> State Police Officers- correspondence etc.13 List <strong>of</strong> Govt. holidays files -correspondence.14 Grant <strong>of</strong> House Rent Allowancefiles - Correspondence etc.15 Grant <strong>of</strong> Cycle Allowance files -correspondence etc.16 Conveyance Allowance files -correspondence.17 Clothing Allowance and othercorrespondence etc.18 Leave Salary Contribution files -correspondence etc.19 Monthly return <strong>of</strong> rewards andpunishments files -correspondence etc.20 Hindi Classes for Govt. Servantsin SPE Files.therein have been disposed <strong>of</strong>.5 years or till all the adjustmentshave been made, whichever isearlier.3 years.Upto 3 years after clearing the bills.Upto 3 years after reconciliation.5 years.5 years after the deputationistconcerned has been reverted to hisparent State.1 year.5 years.5 years.5 years.5 years.3 years.2 years.3 years.<strong>Page</strong> 476 <strong>of</strong> 476

21 Supply <strong>of</strong> stationery and forms 3 years.files - correspondence etc.22 Correspondence regarding service Permanent.books and character rolls <strong>of</strong> staff.23 Grant <strong>of</strong> Festival Advance paid to Upto 3 years after repayment.Govt. Servants - correspondenceetc.24 Contingent Vouchers. 5 years.25 Contingent Bills Register. 5 years (this period has beenprescribed in modification <strong>of</strong> theperiod prescribed against Sl.No.67in the statement attached withletter No.84/5/62-Estt. dated09.07.62.<strong>Page</strong> 477 <strong>of</strong> 477

Annexure – XXIII(D)No.10/122/65-AD.IGovernment <strong>of</strong> IndiaMinistry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>East Block No.7, R.K.PuramDated : 09.05.1967ToThe Superintendents <strong>of</strong> Police,<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>All Branches/Units.Sub.: Instructions regarding the preservation <strong>of</strong> records relating toAdministration and Accounts matters.Sir,In continuation <strong>of</strong> this <strong>of</strong>fice letter No.84/5/62-Estt. dated30.05.1966, I have the honour to send herewith a copy <strong>of</strong> the statementshowing the period <strong>of</strong> retention <strong>of</strong> records in the CBI in respect <strong>of</strong>Administrative and Accounts matters. The records will be weeded out afterthe stipulated period mentioned in Col.3 <strong>of</strong> the statement. A list <strong>of</strong> recordsweeded out should be made before they are destroyed.Yours faithfully,Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :1. AD.I, II, III, IV Section, Head Office.2. Copy to DIG/CBI/Calcutta.Sd./-(Badri Nath)Administrative OfficerCBI.Sd./-(Badri Nath)(Administrative Officer)CBI.<strong>Page</strong> 478 <strong>of</strong> 478

STATEMENT SHOWING THE PERIODS FOR WHICH THE RECORDSPERTAINING TO ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACCOUNTS MATTERS ARE TOBE PRESERVED.Sl.No.Description <strong>of</strong> the recordPeriod for which to bepreserved after the file isclosed.1 2 31 Advance for the purpose <strong>of</strong> 5 yeas after recovery <strong>of</strong>purchasing Motor Car.advance.2 Advance for the purchase <strong>of</strong> Motor 5 yeas after recovery <strong>of</strong>Cycle.advance.3 Income Tax. 10 years.4 Office orders regarding change inPay/Transfer etc.5 years after transfer/reversion<strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>ficer.5 Sanction for travel beyond 3 years.jurisdiction.6 Adjustment <strong>of</strong> Railway Warrants. 5 years.7 Correspondence regarding savings 5 years.and excess.8 Correspondence regarding hot and 3 years.cold weather charges.9 Correspondence regarding To be preserved permanently.permanent advance.10 Correspondence regarding Liveries. 5 years.11 Correspondence regarding Prolonged 3 years.Halts.12 Correspondence regarding To be preserved permanently.Government Vehicles.13 Correspondence regarding 3 years.Declaration <strong>of</strong> Head <strong>of</strong> Office,Drawing and Disbursing Officer etc.14 Correspondence regardingDelegation <strong>of</strong> financial powers tosubordinate authorities.To be preserved permanently.15 Correspondence regarding Rules & To be preserved permanently.General Orders, GFR etc.16 Correspondence regarding Misc. 3 years.accounts.17 Malkhanas - instructions regarding. To be preserved permanently.18 Estt. Correspondence regarding To be preserved permanently.fixation <strong>of</strong> pay <strong>of</strong> Officers (directlyrecruited).19 Correspondence regarding controlover expenditure and submission <strong>of</strong>monthly statement under delegation<strong>of</strong> financial powers by theAdministrative Ministries to lowerauthorities.20 Correspondence regarding ratecontract-21 Correspondence regarding Annualstatement <strong>of</strong> GPF <strong>of</strong> class IVGovernment servants.3 years.3 years.22 Correspondence regarding pay 10 years.To be preserved permanently.<strong>Page</strong> 479 <strong>of</strong> 479

fixation <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers employed ondeputation.23 Special pay to Cashier. 10 years.24 Continuance <strong>of</strong> posts in the SPE. To be preserved permanently.25 Sanction <strong>of</strong> posts by IGP/SPE. To be preserved permanently.26 Distribution <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Govt. 5 years.servants/Publicenterprise,employees according to pay range.27 Monthly return <strong>of</strong> vacancy position 1 year.and staff strength.28 Annual return <strong>of</strong> Compulsory 3 years.retirement <strong>of</strong> Ministerial GovernmentServants.29 Pay fixation <strong>of</strong> Police Officers in the 10 years.CBI - correspondence regarding30 Misc. matters. 3 years.31 Annual increment to the Executive 3 years.staff in CBI.32 Annual increment to the Ministerial 3 years.Staff in CBI.33 Annual increment to the Class IV 3 years.Government Servants in CBI.34 Confidential reports on CBI Staff. Till transfer <strong>of</strong> Officer fromBranch.35 Training <strong>of</strong> Executive Staff - 5 years.correspondence regarding36 Half yearly report regarding the 3 years.progress made in the teaching <strong>of</strong>Hindi to <strong>Central</strong> Govt. servants.37 Provisions <strong>of</strong> Uniform to Police 5 years.Officials - correspondence regarding38 Declaration <strong>of</strong> Home Town, Leave To be preserved permanently.Travel Concession - correspondence.39 Jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> CBI Branches. To be preserved permanently.40 Annual report <strong>of</strong> CBI. To be preserved permanently.41 Provisions <strong>of</strong> Armed Police Guard. 10 years.42 Treasury Voucher statement. 3 years.43 Correspondence regarding advance 3 years.in connection with festivals andfloods.44 Correspondence regarding 3 years.Stationery indents, rules and localpurchase <strong>of</strong> Stationery.<strong>Page</strong> 480 <strong>of</strong> 480

Annexure – XXIII(E)No.40/86/69-AD.IIGovernment <strong>of</strong> India<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>Express Building, New DelhiToDated : 25th April, 1972The Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police,<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Investigation</strong>,Ambala.Sub.: Instructions regarding the preservation <strong>of</strong> records relating toAdministrative matters.Sir,With reference to your letter No.506/74/Estt./71-72-GW.II/Amb.dated 03.03.1972 on the subject cited above, I have the honour to encloseherewith a list showing the period <strong>of</strong> preservation <strong>of</strong> records referred to byyou.2. Detailed instructions regarding the period <strong>of</strong> preservation <strong>of</strong> recordsrelating to establishment and account matters are available in Appendix 5 <strong>of</strong>Notes on ‘Office Procedure’ published by the Sectt. Training School, Deptt. <strong>of</strong>Personnel, New Delhi and Appendix 30 <strong>of</strong> G.F.P. 1963.Yours faithfully,Encl.:Sd./-(G.L.Agarwal)Administrative OfficerCBI.Copy forwarded to all Branches <strong>of</strong> CBI alongwith the enclosure.SP/SPE/Lucknow only. This disposes <strong>of</strong> your letterNo.2675/24/A/60 dated 17.02.72. Personal files <strong>of</strong> the Officers who aretransferred from one Branch to another Branch are to be retained for aperiod <strong>of</strong> 5 years after their retirement. Such files need not to be transferredto the Branches where the <strong>of</strong>ficers are transferred.SP/SPE/N&CC, New Delhi. This disposes <strong>of</strong> your letterNo.11/33/72-N&CC/681 dated 11.02.1972.Copy to AD.I/V/II/Hindi Section/CFSL/Co-ord. Wing & Policy &Organisation Division.Sd./-(G.L.Agarwal)<strong>Page</strong> 481 <strong>of</strong> 481

Administrative Officer(E)CBI.Sl.SubjectPeriod <strong>of</strong> preservation.No.1 2 31 Correspondence regarding children 5 yearseducation allowance.2 Correspondence regarding progress 5 yearsachieved in the representation <strong>of</strong>Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes inthe Govt. <strong>of</strong> India.3 Training Register <strong>of</strong> newly recruited SIs. 3 years.4 Correspondence regarding service 5 years.stamps.5 Books and publications :-(a) Purchase <strong>of</strong> Books.5 years.(b) Lending and issue.1 year.(c) Inventory Catalogue.5 years.(d) Library accession register.Permanent.(e) Library membership register.3 years.6 Correspondence regarding property 5 years.declaration.7 Correspondence regarding Organisation 1 year.<strong>of</strong> sports in CBI Branches.8 Correspondence regarding reservation <strong>of</strong> 1 year.Rest House for Staff.9 Correspondence regarding forwarding <strong>of</strong>applications for appointment outside SPEBranches.This should be dealt within the personal file <strong>of</strong> theOfficer concerned.10 Correspondence regarding confirmation,permanent absorption <strong>of</strong> Constables.11 Correspondence regarding handlingover/taking over <strong>of</strong> charge by the<strong>of</strong>ficer/<strong>of</strong>ficial in CBI Branches and HeadOffice.12 Correspondence regarding grant <strong>of</strong>extension/re-employment to Govt.servants on their attaining the age <strong>of</strong>superannuation.13 Correspondence regarding loss and issue<strong>of</strong> Railway Warrants.14 Correspondence regardingimplementation <strong>of</strong> decision <strong>of</strong> SPEConference.15 Correspondence regarding voluntarycontribution for helping the families <strong>of</strong><strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the CBI Branches.10 years (authenticatedcopies <strong>of</strong> the ordersshould be available in thepersonal files and theappropriate entriesshould be made in theservice book).This should be dealt within the personal file <strong>of</strong> the<strong>of</strong>ficer concerned.5 years after retirement.5 years.16 Tution fee to CBI employees. 5 years.5 years after all thedecisions have beenimplemented.3 years.<strong>Page</strong> 482 <strong>of</strong> 482

17 Correspondence regarding HouseBuilding Advances.3 years after finalrecovery.Annexure – XXIII(F)No.13/8/70-O&MGovernment <strong>of</strong> India/Bharat SarkarMinistry <strong>of</strong> Home Affairs (Grih Mantralaya)Deptt. <strong>of</strong> Administrative Reforms (Parashanik Sudhar Vibhag)Sardar Patel Bhawan,New Delhi.OFFICE MEMORANDUMDated : 15th, October, 1971Sub.: Retention periods for records relating to pensionary benefits andpersonal cases.The undersigned is directed to refer to O&M Division’s OfficeMemorandum No.34/4/61-O&M dated 21.01.1963 regarding retentionperiods for records common to all Ministries/departments and the first list <strong>of</strong>additions and alternations thereto circulated on 2nd July, 1963. Theretention periods for records relating to grant <strong>of</strong> pensionary benefits videitems 21-22 and 71-A(B-b) <strong>of</strong> the said schedule have been reviewed in thelight <strong>of</strong> the provisions <strong>of</strong> the Family Pension Scheme, 1964. It has beendecided to revise the retention periods then prescribed as in the enclosedstatement. The C&AG and the Department <strong>of</strong> Expenditure have beenconsulted.Sd./-(A.T.Govindarajan)Deputy Director<strong>Page</strong> 483 <strong>of</strong> 483

STATEMENT SHOWING RETENTION PERIOD FOR RECORDS RELATINGTO PENSIONARY BENEFITS AND PERSONAL CASES.Sl.No.No. <strong>of</strong> itemin theschedule.Subject Period recommended Remarks.1 2 3 4 51 21 Service Books(including leaveaccount).3 years after death/retirement or the date<strong>of</strong> finalisation <strong>of</strong> thepension, whichever islater.2 22 Personal files. 3 years after death/retirement or the date<strong>of</strong> finalisation <strong>of</strong> thepension, whichever islater.3 74-A(b) Invalid Pension. Till the youngestson/daughter attainsmajority or five years,whichever is later.4 74-A(c) Family Pension. Till the youngestson/daughter attainsmajority or five years,whichever is later.5 74-A(d) Other Pension. Till the youngestson/daughter attainsmajority or five years,whichever is later.<strong>Page</strong> 484 <strong>of</strong> 484

Annexure - XXIVREGISTER FOR WATCHING THE PROGRESS OF RECORDINGSection________________________Month and year____________File marked for record during themonthFile recorded during the monthS.No. File No. S.No. File No.<strong>Page</strong> 485 <strong>of</strong> 485

Annexure - XXVRECORD REVIEW REGISTERDEPARTMENT ________________YEAR OF REVIEW ______________File No. File No. File No. FileNo.only.NOTE :This register will be maintained for class ‘C’ files<strong>Page</strong> 486 <strong>of</strong> 486

Annexure - XXVILIST OF FILES DUE FOR REVIEWSl.No.File No.Instructions <strong>of</strong> reviewingauthority.1 2 3INSTRUCTIONS1. The Departmental Record Room will prepare this list in triplicate bycompleting column 1 and 2 only.2. The Section responsible for review will sign one copy <strong>of</strong> the list andreturn it to the Departmental Record Room by way <strong>of</strong>acknowledgement, retaining the other two copies.3. After review, the Section concerned will complete column 3 <strong>of</strong> the listin both the copies by indicating.(a)(b)(c)The word ‘keep’ in the case <strong>of</strong> files proposed to be retainedindefinitely;The letter ‘W’ in the case <strong>of</strong> files desired to be weeded out; andThe precise year <strong>of</strong> weeding, in the case <strong>of</strong> class ‘C’ filesproposed to be retained for a further period not exceeding 10years from the date <strong>of</strong> their closing.4. Both the copies <strong>of</strong> the list should accompany the files returned to theDepartmental Record Room which will sign one copy and return it tothe section concerned by way <strong>of</strong> acknowledgement.<strong>Page</strong> 487 <strong>of</strong> 487

Annexure - XXVIIWEEKLY ARREAR STATEMENT(for individual dealing hand)Section________________Name <strong>of</strong> dealing hand____________________WeekendingNumber <strong>of</strong> receipts/casesIn handInitials <strong>of</strong>dealinghandBF frompreviousweekReceivedduringthe weekTotal<strong>of</strong>cols. 2and 3Dealtwithduringtheweek.TotalOver7days1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8INSTRUCTIONS1. Column 2 will repeat the figure shown in column 6 in respect <strong>of</strong> thepreceding week.2. Column 3 <strong>of</strong> the statement will also include 'come-back' cases andwill represent the total number <strong>of</strong> receipts and cases as entered in theassistant's diary for the week under report.3. The figure in column 5 can be ascertained by scanning throughentries in column 4 <strong>of</strong> the assistant's diary in respect <strong>of</strong> receipts andcases:(a) received during the week under report and the precedingweek; and(b) included in the statement <strong>of</strong> more-than-one-week-oldreceipts/cases submitted with the arrears statement for thepreceding week.4. Column 6 will represent the difference between columns 4 and 5.<strong>Page</strong> 488 <strong>of</strong> 488

5. 4. The same form will be used to give a running account <strong>of</strong> the state<strong>of</strong> work, week by week, for the whole year.<strong>Page</strong> 489 <strong>of</strong> 489

Annexure - XXVIIISTATEMENT SHOWING PARTICULARS OF RECEIPTS/CASES IN HANDFOR MORE THAN 7 DAYSName <strong>of</strong> the dealing hand____________________Week ending_______________DiaryNo.DatefromwhichpendingBriefsubjectReasons fordelayRemarks <strong>of</strong>section<strong>of</strong>ficer/hisher<strong>of</strong>ficerActiontaken onremarks inCol.51 2 3 4 5 6<strong>Page</strong> 490 <strong>of</strong> 490

Annexure - XXIXCASE SHEETFile/Diary No.SubjectDate <strong>of</strong> commencement________________________________________________Month endingWith whompending andsince whenReasons fordelayRemarks <strong>of</strong>U.S. andhigher<strong>of</strong>ficers1 2 3 4INSTRUCTIONS1. A separate sheet will be maintained for each case.2. The statement will cover not only originating section's own files butalso files received by it from other sections/departments and otherPUCs for which no files has been opened. The last two categories <strong>of</strong>cases will be identified by their diary numbers.3. The date <strong>of</strong> commencement <strong>of</strong> a case will normally be the date <strong>of</strong>receipt <strong>of</strong> the PUC and can be ascertained from the file register in thecase <strong>of</strong> originating section's own files and from the section diary orassistant's diary, in other cases.4. Entries in column 2 will be made on the basis <strong>of</strong> entries in the filemovement register, section/desk diary.<strong>Page</strong> 491 <strong>of</strong> 491

Annexure - XXXCALL BOOKSl.No.FileNo.Date <strong>of</strong>commencement<strong>of</strong> fileSubjectReasonwhy n<strong>of</strong>urtheractioncan betakenfor oversixmonthsDate onwhichaction isto berestarted.Remarks<strong>of</strong> B.O.DivisionalHead atthe time<strong>of</strong> reviewDate <strong>of</strong>restarting.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8<strong>Page</strong> 492 <strong>of</strong> 492

Annexure - XXXINUMERICAL ABSTRACT OF CASES PENDING DISPOSALFOR OVER A MONTHSection_____________________Year _________________________As onthelastday<strong>of</strong>Number <strong>of</strong> cases (other than those transferred tocall book) pending disposalbetween1 & 3monthsbetween3 & 6monthsbetween6monthsand oneyearbetween over 21 & 2 yearsyearsTotal<strong>of</strong>cols.2-6Number <strong>of</strong>casestransferredto callbookInitials<strong>of</strong>section<strong>of</strong>ficer/deskfunctionary1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecCONSOLIDATED NUMERICAL ABSTRACT OF CASES PENDINGDISPOSAL OF OVER A MONTHDepartment_____________________Month ending_________________________Section Number <strong>of</strong> cases (other than those transferred to callbook) pending disposalNumber <strong>of</strong>casestransferredto callVariationfrompreviousmonths<strong>Page</strong> 493 <strong>of</strong> 493

etween1 & 3monthsbetween3 & 6monthsbetween6monthsand oneyearbetween1 & 2yearsover2yearsTotal<strong>of</strong>cols.2-6bookinthecase<strong>of</strong>col.71 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10inthecase<strong>of</strong>col.8<strong>Page</strong> 494 <strong>of</strong> 494

Annexure - XXXIIMONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT ON RECORDING OF FILESMonthendingSection _______________BF frompreviousmonthNumber <strong>of</strong> filesMarkedforrecordduringthemonthRecordedduringthemonthRemainingto berecorded atthe end <strong>of</strong>the month(2+3-4)RecordClerk/Asstt.InitialsSectionOfficer/deskfunctionary1 2 3 4 5 6 7INSTRUCTIONS1. Column 2 will repeat the figure in column 5 for the preceding month.2. 2. Column 3 and 4 will be filled on the basis <strong>of</strong> the register forwatching the progress <strong>of</strong> recording.<strong>Page</strong> 495 <strong>of</strong> 495

REGISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY ASSURANCESAnnexure - XXXIIISl.No.Section/Desk____________________Date Reference Subject AssurancegivenHowfulfiledLOK SABHARAJYA SABHADate on whichSent toDepartment<strong>of</strong>ParliamentaryAffairs.Laid ontheTable<strong>of</strong> theHouse.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8INSTRUCTIONS1. Column 2 will show the date on which the assurance was given.2. Column 3 will indicate the No. <strong>of</strong> the question, name <strong>of</strong> bill,resolution, motion etc., in connection with which the assurance wasgiven and also reference to the communication from the Department<strong>of</strong> Parliamentary Affairs with which it was received.<strong>Page</strong> 496 <strong>of</strong> 496

Annexure - XXXIVCHECK LIST FOR WATCHING RECEIPT OF INCOMING PERIODICALREPORTS FOR THE YEAR _____Department ____________________________Section/Desk ____________S.No.Title <strong>of</strong>thereportandFileNo.PeriodicityDue date <strong>of</strong> receiptJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15INSTRUCTIONS1. If the periodicity <strong>of</strong> a report is more than a month, the prescribeddate(s) will be shown under the appropriate months only. Forexample, if a quarterly report is due on 15th Jan., April, July andOct., only col. 4,7,10 and 13 will be filed by indicating the figure 15under each.2. 2. If a report is to be received <strong>of</strong> other than once a month, two ormore entries depending on the frequency <strong>of</strong> the report will be made incolumns 4 to 15. Thus, for instance, a fortnightly report will requiretwo entries to be made under each month.<strong>Page</strong> 497 <strong>of</strong> 497

Annexure - XXXVCHECK LIST FOR WATCHING DESPATCH OF OUTGOINGPERIODICAL REPORTS FOR THE YEAR ____Department ____________________________Section ____________Sl.No.Title <strong>of</strong>the reportand FileNo.PeriodicityDue date <strong>of</strong> despatchJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecINSTRUCTIONS1. If the periodicity <strong>of</strong> a report is more than a month, the prescribeddate(s) will be shown under the appropriate months only. Forexample, if a quarterly report is due on 15th Jan., April, July andOct., only col. 4,7,10 and 13 will be filed by indicating the figure 15under each.2. If a report is to be dispatched <strong>of</strong> other than once a month, two ormore entries depending on the frequency <strong>of</strong> the report will be made incolumns 4 to 15. Thus, for instance, a fortnightly report will requiretwo entries to be made under each month.<strong>Page</strong> 498 <strong>of</strong> 498

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