Yukon Standard Automobile Policy (S.P.F. No. 1) - RBC Insurance

Yukon Standard Automobile Policy (S.P.F. No. 1) - RBC Insurance

Yukon Standard Automobile Policy (S.P.F. No. 1) - RBC Insurance


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(i) the described automobile is of the private passenger orstation wagon type;(ii) the insured is an individual or are husband and wife;(iii) neither the insured nor his or her spouse is driving suchautomobile in connection with the business of selling,repairing, maintaining, servicing, storing or parkingautomobiles;(iv) such other automobile is not owned or regularly orfrequently used by the insured or by any person orpersons residing in the same dwelling premises as theInsured;(v) such other automobile is not owned, hired or leased byan employer of the insured or by an employer of anyperson or persons residing in the same dwellingpremises as the insured;(vi) such other automobile is not used for carryingpassengers for compensation or hire or for commercialdelivery;e) if the insured is a corporation, unincorporated associationor registered co-partnership, any automobile of the privatepassenger or station wagon type, other than the describedautomobile, while personally driven by the employee orpartner for whose regular use the described automobile isfurnished, or by his or her spouse if residing in the samedwelling premises as such employee or partner,provided that(i) neither such employee or partner or his or her spouse isthe owner of an automobile of the private passenger orstation wagon type;(ii) the described automobile is of the private passenger orstation wagon type;(iii) neither such employee, partner or spouse is driving theautomobile in connection with the business of selling,repairing, maintaining, servicing, storing or parkingautomobiles;(iv) such other automobile is not owned, hired or leased orregularly or frequently used by the insured or suchemployee or by any partner of the insured or by anypersons residing in the same dwelling premises as anyof the afore-mentioned persons;(v) such other automobile is not used for carryingpassengers for compensation or hire or commercialdelivery;f) Trailers — any trailer used in connection with theautomobile.6. Two or More <strong>Automobile</strong>sa) When two or more automobiles are described hereunder (i)with respect to the use or operation of such describedautomobiles, each automobile shall be deemed to beinsured under a separate policy; (ii) respect to the use oroperation of an automobile not owned by the insured, thelimit of the insurer's liability shall not exceed the highestlimit applicable to any one described automobile;b) When the insured owns two or more automobiles which areinsured as described automobiles under two or moreautomobile insurance policies, the limit of the insurer underthis policy with respect to the use or operation on anautomobile not owned by the insured shall not exceed theproportion that the highest limit applicable to any oneautomobile described in this policy bears to the sum of thehighest limits applicable under each policy and in no eventshall exceed such proportion of the highest limit applicableto any one automobile under any policy,c) A motor vehicle and one or more trailers or semi-trailersattached thereto shall be held to be one automobile withrespect to the limit(s) of liability under InsuringAgreements A and B and separate automobiles with respectto the limit(s) of liability, including any deductibleprovisions, under Insuring Agreement C.7. War Risks ExcludedThe Insurer shall not be liable under section B or C of thispolicy for any loss, damage, injury or death caused directly orindirectly by bombardment, invasion, civil war, insurrection,rebellion, revolution, military or usurped power, or byoperation of armed forces while engaged in hostilities, whetherwar be declared or not.8. Excluded UsesUnless coverage is expressly given by an endorsement of thispolicy, the Insurer shall not be liable under this policy while.a) the automobile is rented or leased to another, provided thatthe use by an employee of his automobile on the businessof his employer and for which he is paid shall not bedeemed the renting or leasing of the automobile to another;b) the automobile is used to carry explosives, or to carryradioactive material for research, education, developmentor industrial purposes, or for the purposes incidentalthereto;c) the automobile is used as a taxicab, public omnibus, livery,jitney or sightseeing conveyance or for carrying passengersfor compensation or hire; provided that the following usesshall not be deemed to be the carrying of passengers forcompensation or hire:(i) the use by the insured of his automobile for the carriageof another person in return for the former's carriage inthe automobile of the latter;(ii) the occasional and infrequent use by the insured of hisautomobile for the carriage of another person whoshares the cost of the trip;(iii) the use by the insured of his automobile for the carriageof a temporary or permanent domestic servant of theinsured or his spouse;(iv) the use by the insured of his automobile for the carriageof clients or customers or prospective clients orcustomers;(v) the occasional and infrequent use by the insured of hisautomobile for the transportation of children to or fromschool or school activities conducted within theeducational program.Statutory ConditionsIn these statutory conditions, unless the context otherwise requires,the word ''insured" means a person insured by this contract whethernamed or not. With respect to Section B only Statutory Conditions1, 8 and 9 shall apply.Material Change in Risks1. (1) The insured named in this contract shall promptly notifythe Insurer or its local agent in writing of any change in therisk material to the contract and within his knowledge.(2) Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, thewords "change in the risk material to the contract" include:Underwritten by <strong>RBC</strong> General <strong>Insurance</strong> Company® Registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. <strong>RBC</strong> <strong>Insurance</strong> is a registered trademark ofRoyal Bank of Canada. Used Under License.

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