Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... - Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -


ReferencesApplied Climatology 74, 41–51. doi:10.1007/s00704-002-0704-6.Schwartz, M. D., Ahas, R. and Aasa, A. (2006)Onset of spring starting earlier across the NorthernHemisphere. Global Change Biology 12(2), 343–351.doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.01097.x.Semenov, M. A. (2009) Impacts of climate changeon wheat in England and Wales. Journal of the RoyalSociety Interface 6, 343–350. doi:10.1098/rsif.2008.0285.Trnka, M., Brázdil, R., Dubrovský, M., Semerádová,D., Štěpánek, P., Dobrovolný, P., Možný, M.,Eitzinger, J., Málek, J., Formayer, H., Balek, J. andŽalud, Z. (2011) A 200-year climate record in CentralEurope: implications for agriculture. Agronomy forSustainable Development 31, 631–641. doi:10.1007/s13593-011-0038-9.Trnka, M., Eitzinger, J., Semerádová, D., Hlavinka,P., Balek, J., Dubrovský, M., Kubu, G., Štěpánek, P.,Thaler, S., Možný, M. and Žalud, Z. (2011) Expectedchanges in agroclimatic conditions in CentralEurope. Climatic Change 108, 261–289. doi:10.1007/s10584-011-0025-9.Trnka, M., Olesen, J. E., Kersebaum, K. C., Skjelvåg,a. O., Eitzinger, J., Seguin, B., Peltonen‐sainio, P.,Rötter, R., Iglesias, A., Orlandini, S., Dubrovský,M., Hlavinka, P., Balek, J., Eckersten, H., Cloppet,E. et al. (2011) Agroclimatic conditions in Europeunder climate change. Global Change Biology 17(7),2 298–2 318. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02396.x.Section 4.2:Forests and forestryBredemeier, M. (2011) Forest, climate and waterissues in Europe. Ecohydrology 4(2), 159–167.doi:10.1002/eco.203.Brown, I., Ridder, B., Alumbaugh, P., Barnett,C., Brooks, A., Duffy, L., Webbon, C., Nash, E.,Townend, I., Black, H. and Hough, R. (2012)Climate Change Risk Assessment for the Biodiversityand Ecosystem Services Sector. Defra, London., A. and Amatulli, G. (2009) Weather factorsand fire danger in the Mediterranean. In: EarthObservation of Wildland Fires in MediterraneanEcosystems (E. Chuvieco, ed.), 71–82. Springer.Camia, A., Amatulli, G. and San-Miguel-Ayanz, J. (2008) Past and future trends of forest firedanger in Europe (JRC 46533, EUR 23427 EN).European Commission, Joint Research Centre., P., Reichstein, M., Viovy, N., Granier, A., Ogée,J., Allard, V., Aubinet, M., Buchmann, N., Bernhofer,C., Carrara, A., Chevallier, F., De Noblet, N., Friend,A. D., Friedlingstein, P., Grünwald, T. et al. (2005)Europe-wide reduction in primary productivitycaused by the heat and drought in 2003. Nature437(7058), 529–533. doi:10.1038/nature03972.Forest Europe, UNECE and FAO (2011) State ofEurope's forests, 2011: status & trends in sustainableforest management in Europe. Ministerial Conferenceon the Protection of Forests in Europe, ForestEurope, Liaison Unit Oslo, Aas, Norway., M., Cullmann, D. A., Schelhaas,M.‐J., Nabuurs, G.-J. and Zimmermann, N. E.(2012) Climate change may cause severe loss in theeconomic value of European forest land. NatureClimate Change. doi:10.1038/nclimate1687.Houghton, R. A. (2003) Revised estimates of theannual net flux of carbon to the atmosphere fromchanges in land use and land management1850–2000. Tellus B 55(2), 378–390. doi:10.1034/j.1600-0889.2003.01450.x.Lindner, M., Maroschek, M., Netherer, S., Kremer,A., Barbati, A., Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Seidl, R.,Delzon, S., Corona, P., Kolström, M., Lexer, M. J.and Marchetti, M. (2010) Climate change impacts,adaptive capacity, and vulnerability of Europeanforest ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management259(4), 698–709. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2009.09.023.Matyssek, R., Wieser, G., Calfapietra, C., de Vries,W., Dizengremel, P., Ernst, D., Jolivet, Y., Mikkelsen,T. N., Mohren, G. M. J., Le Thiec, D., Tuovinen,J.-P., Weatherall, A. and Paoletti, E. (2012) Forestsunder climate change and air pollution: Gaps inunderstanding and future directions for research.Environmental Pollution 160, 57–65. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2011.07.007.McRoberts, R. E., Ståhl, G., Vidal, C., Lawrence, M.,Tomppo, E., Schadauer, K., Chirici, G. and Bastrup-Birk, A. (2010) National forest inventories: Prospectsfor harmonised international reporting. In: NationalForest Inventories (E. Tomppo, T. Gschwantner,M. Lawrence and R. E. McRoberts, eds.), 33–43.Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht. Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012

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ReferencesApplied Climatology 74, 41–51. doi:10.1007/s00704-002-0704-6.Schwartz, M. D., Ahas, R. <strong>and</strong> Aasa, A. (2006)Onset of spr<strong>in</strong>g start<strong>in</strong>g earlier across the NorthernHemisphere. Global Change Biology 12(2), 343–351.doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.01097.x.Semenov, M. A. (2009) Impacts of climate <strong>change</strong>on wheat <strong>in</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales. Journal of the RoyalSociety Interface 6, 343–350. doi:10.1098/rsif.2008.0285.Trnka, M., Brázdil, R., Dubrovský, M., Semerádová,D., Štěpánek, P., Dobrovolný, P., Možný, M.,Eitz<strong>in</strong>ger, J., Málek, J., Formayer, H., Balek, J. <strong>and</strong>Žalud, Z. (2011) A 200-year climate record <strong>in</strong> Central<strong>Europe</strong>: implications for agriculture. Agronomy forSusta<strong>in</strong>able Development 31, 631–641. doi:10.1007/s13593-011-0038-9.Trnka, M., Eitz<strong>in</strong>ger, J., Semerádová, D., Hlav<strong>in</strong>ka,P., Balek, J., Dubrovský, M., Kubu, G., Štěpánek, P.,Thaler, S., Možný, M. <strong>and</strong> Žalud, Z. (2011) Expected<strong>change</strong>s <strong>in</strong> agroclimatic conditions <strong>in</strong> Central<strong>Europe</strong>. Climatic Change 108, 261–289. doi:10.1007/s10584-011-0025-9.Trnka, M., Olesen, J. E., Kersebaum, K. C., Skjelvåg,a. O., Eitz<strong>in</strong>ger, J., Segu<strong>in</strong>, B., Peltonen‐sa<strong>in</strong>io, P.,Rötter, R., Iglesias, A., Orl<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>i, S., Dubrovský,M., Hlav<strong>in</strong>ka, P., Balek, J., Eckersten, H., Cloppet,E. et al. (2011) Agroclimatic conditions <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong>under climate <strong>change</strong>. Global Change Biology 17(7),2 298–2 318. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02396.x.Section 4.2:Forests <strong>and</strong> forestryBredemeier, M. (2011) Forest, climate <strong>and</strong> waterissues <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong>. Ecohydrology 4(2), 159–167.doi:10.1002/eco.203.Brown, I., Ridder, B., Alumbaugh, P., Barnett,C., Brooks, A., Duffy, L., Webbon, C., Nash, E.,Townend, I., Black, H. <strong>and</strong> Hough, R. (2012)<strong>Climate</strong> Change Risk Assessment for the Biodiversity<strong>and</strong> Ecosystem Services Sector. De<strong>fr</strong>a, London. http://r<strong>and</strong><strong>fr</strong>, A. <strong>and</strong> Amatulli, G. (2009) Weather factors<strong>and</strong> fire danger <strong>in</strong> the Mediterranean. In: EarthObservation of Wildl<strong>and</strong> Fires <strong>in</strong> MediterraneanEcosystems (E. Chuvieco, ed.), 71–82. Spr<strong>in</strong>ger.Camia, A., Amatulli, G. <strong>and</strong> San-Miguel-Ayanz, J. (2008) Past <strong>and</strong> future trends of forest firedanger <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> (JRC 46533, EUR 23427 EN).<strong>Europe</strong>an Commission, Jo<strong>in</strong>t Research Centre., P., Reichste<strong>in</strong>, M., Viovy, N., Granier, A., Ogée,J., Allard, V., Aub<strong>in</strong>et, M., Buchmann, N., Bernhofer,C., Carrara, A., Chevallier, F., De Noblet, N., Friend,A. D., Friedl<strong>in</strong>gste<strong>in</strong>, P., Grünwald, T. et al. (2005)<strong>Europe</strong>-wide reduction <strong>in</strong> primary productivitycaused by the heat <strong>and</strong> drought <strong>in</strong> 2003. Nature437(7058), 529–533. doi:10.1038/nature03972.Forest <strong>Europe</strong>, UNECE <strong>and</strong> FAO (2011) State of<strong>Europe</strong>'s forests, 2011: status & trends <strong>in</strong> susta<strong>in</strong>ableforest management <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong>. M<strong>in</strong>isterial Conferenceon the Protection of Forests <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong>, Forest<strong>Europe</strong>, Liaison Unit Oslo, Aas, Norway. http://www.twosides.<strong>in</strong>fo:8080/content/rsPDF_223.pdf.Hanew<strong>in</strong>kel, M., Cullmann, D. A., Schelhaas,M.‐J., Nabuurs, G.-J. <strong>and</strong> Zimmermann, N. E.(2012) <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> may cause severe loss <strong>in</strong> theeconomic value of <strong>Europe</strong>an forest l<strong>and</strong>. Nature<strong>Climate</strong> Change. doi:10.1038/nclimate1687.Houghton, R. A. (2003) Revised estimates of theannual net flux of carbon to the atmosphere <strong>fr</strong>om<strong>change</strong>s <strong>in</strong> l<strong>and</strong> use <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong> management1850–2000. Tellus B 55(2), 378–390. doi:10.1034/j.1600-0889.2003.01450.x.L<strong>in</strong>dner, M., Maroschek, M., Netherer, S., Kremer,A., Barbati, A., Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Seidl, R.,Delzon, S., Corona, P., Kolström, M., Lexer, M. J.<strong>and</strong> Marchetti, M. (2010) <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> <strong>impacts</strong>,adaptive capacity, <strong>and</strong> <strong>vulnerability</strong> of <strong>Europe</strong>anforest ecosystems. Forest Ecology <strong>and</strong> Management259(4), 698–709. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2009.09.023.Matyssek, R., Wieser, G., Calfapietra, C., de Vries,W., Dizengremel, P., Ernst, D., Jolivet, Y., Mikkelsen,T. N., Mohren, G. M. J., Le Thiec, D., Tuov<strong>in</strong>en,J.-P., Weatherall, A. <strong>and</strong> Paoletti, E. (2012) Forestsunder climate <strong>change</strong> <strong>and</strong> air pollution: Gaps <strong>in</strong>underst<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> future directions for research.Environmental Pollution 160, 57–65. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2011.07.007.McRoberts, R. E., Ståhl, G., Vidal, C., Lawrence, M.,Tomppo, E., Schadauer, K., Chirici, G. <strong>and</strong> Bastrup-Birk, A. (2010) National forest <strong>in</strong>ventories: Prospectsfor harmonised <strong>in</strong>ternational report<strong>in</strong>g. In: NationalForest Inventories (E. Tomppo, T. Gschwantner,M. Lawrence <strong>and</strong> R. E. McRoberts, eds.), 33–43.Spr<strong>in</strong>ger Netherl<strong>and</strong>s, Dordrecht. http://www.spr<strong>in</strong>gerl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>dex/10.1007/978-90-481-3233-1_3.286 <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>change</strong>, <strong>impacts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>vulnerability</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> 2012

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