Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... - Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -


Indicator and data needsWEI and results from the ClimWatAdapt project andpropose some processes to improve data quality andthe collection, production and analysis of the WEI.The European Strategy for EnvironmentalAccounting (see above) also includes 'wateraccounts'. These 'water accounts' can show thelinkages between water resources and the economy.The EEA is developing a water accounting methodbased on water balances on catchment level whichmay help to monitor water use in the context ofincreased risk of droughts due to climate change(see also the EEA 2012 report mentioned above onwater efficiency).Biodiversity and ecosystemsA pan-European initiative, SEBI 2010 (StreamliningEuropean 2010 Biodiversity Indicators), waslaunched in 2004 ( 99 ). Its aim was to develop aEuropean set of biodiversity indicators to assess andinform about progress towards the European 2010targets.The work is performed in collaboration between theEEA, DG ENV of the European Commission, theEuropean Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC),UNEP/Pan-European Biological and LandscapeDiversity Strategy (PEBLDS) Secretariat with thelead of the Czech Republic and UNEP-WCMC (theWorld Conservation Monitoring Centre).In 2010 a biodiversity assessment based on theSEBI indicators for the pan-European region waspublished ( 100 ). The technical report containingspecifications of the 26 indicators selected waspublished in 2007 ( 101 ). In 2009, the SEBI 2010indicator fact sheets were published ( 102 ).Furthermore, a number of other reports andmessages on biodiversity were published by theEEA in 2010, including a baseline study related tothe 2020 target ( 103 ).In 2011, the European Commission adopted a newEU Biodiversity Strategy which identifies 6 prioritytargets and 20 actions ( 104 ). The adoption of newbiodiversity targets at international and Europeanlevels has also required the review of the SEBIindicator set. The SEBI process has undertaken aninitial mapping of the 26 SEBI indicators againstthe Aichi and EU targets. The analysis shows thatall the SEBI indicators can be used to measureprogress against the six new EU Targets and the20 Aichi Targets. Gaps have also been identified, andfurther consideration by thematic experts on howto fill the gaps is necessary. SEBI also carried out aconsultation with EEA member countries to find outhow the indicators are being used. The revision ofthe SEBI indicator set provides opportunities for theupdating and improvement of existing indicatorsand the development of new indicators to addressgaps (e.g. ecosystems services). Regarding CC IVA,some analysis would be useful on how climatechange can be addressed in the updating of the SEBIindicator set.The EEA's ETC/ACM has analysed some of theaspects related to climate change adaptation andbiodiversity ( 105 ). The paper considered proposed'high-level' biodiversity adaptation indicatorcategories and concluded that there is a need toundertake an in-depth review of the completespectrum of EU indicators to identify those that aremost relevant for climate change adaptation andbiodiversity and where existing indicators need tobe modified or new indicators developed.Regarding ecosystem assessments, Action 5 of theEU Biodiversity Strategy foresees that: 'MemberStates, with the assistance of the Commission, willmap and assess the state of ecosystems and theirservices in their national territory by 2014, assessthe economic value of such services, and promotethe integration of these values into accounting andreporting systems at EU and national level by 2020'.Such ecosystem assessments should take CC IVAaspects into account.MarineThe EEA marine indicators are presently part of theCore Set of Indicators (CSI) and energy sets. TheMarine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD ( 106 )),adopted in 2008, has a considerable emphasis onindicators for determining good environmentalstatus, with a total of 56 indicators being identified( 99 ) See 100 ) See 101 ) See 102 ) See 103 ) See 104 ) See 105 ) See 106 ) See Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012

Indicator and data needsin a European Commission Decision. Buildingon a legal provision also in the MSFD for makingdata and information stemming from reportingobligations available to the EEA, and a high levelcommitment from Member States towards aWISE‐marine, the EEA plans to eventually hostmultiple indicators on the marine environment.They are expected to cover the status of the marineecosystem, as well as pressures and impacts ofhuman activities in EU marine waters. Although thefirst reporting cycle will occur in 2012, there is stillconsiderable effort needed to agree with MemberStates on the specifics of the data and methodsneeded for purpose of the EEA's tasks and products,including issues such as regional coherence,prioritisation and standardisation of datasets.Therefore, the EEA is on the one hand streamliningits current indicators with the MSFD requirementsbut also establishing a new set of marine indicators(MAR) to expand the number of indicators andbetter align with the descriptors and indicators ofthe MSFD. The MSFD indicators should take CC IVAinto account.Human healthWHO/Europe and the European Commissionestablished the 'Climate, Environment and HealthAction Plan and Information System' (CEHAPIS)project in 2008. This project aims to identify thecurrent and future health risks of climate changefor the European Region, and assess policy optionsproposed as well as developing indicators formeasuring trends over time. As part of the CEHAPISproject a report on 'The health effects of climatechange in the European Union: evidence for action'is expected to be published in 2012. Also a part ofCEHAPIS is a proposal for possible indicators onhealth and climate change, based on the followingissues: extreme weather events (excess heat,floods), air quality (ambient air quality, air-bornepollen/allergens) and infectious diseases (foodbornediseases, water-borne diseases, vector-bornediseases).The ECDC developed the E3 Network, the'European Environment and Epidemiology'Network ( 107 ), which provides infectious diseaseindicators for climate change and risk maps(A. albopictus and Dengue), and a risk assessment forthe impact of climate change on food-, water- andvector-borne diseases.Agriculture and environmentAgri-environmental indicators (AEIs) track theintegration of environmental concerns into theCommon Agricultural Policy (CAP) at EU, nationaland regional levels ( 108 ). The European Commissionadopted 28 AEIs to assess the interaction betweenthe CAP and the environment, and which track:• farm management practices;• agricultural production systems;• pressures and risks to the environment;• the state of natural resources.The EEA cooperates with Eurostat (and theDirectorate-General for Agriculture and RuralDevelopment (DG AGRI), DG ENV and the JRCthrough a MoU, 2008) on the development andpublication of these indicators (see EEA ReportNo 2/2006 'Integration of environment intoEU agriculture policy — the IRENA indicator-basedassessment report' ( 109 ). A few AEIs are potentiallyrelevant for climate change including WaterAbstraction, Land-Use Change due to agriculture,Soil Erosion, and Cropping patterns. Furtheranalysis is needed regarding how climate changeimpacts can best be integrated in these indicatorsand/or whether additional indicators are needed.Transport and environmentThe main aim of the Transport and EnvironmentReporting Mechanism (TERM) ( 110 ) is to monitorthe progress and effectiveness of transport andenvironment integration strategies on the basisof a CSI. The TERM indicators were selectedand grouped to address seven key questions.The TERM process is steered jointly by theEuropean Commission (Eurostat, DG ENV, the( 107 ) See 108 ) See 109 ) See 110 ) See change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012241

Indicator <strong>and</strong> data needsWEI <strong>and</strong> results <strong>fr</strong>om the ClimWatAdapt project <strong>and</strong>propose some processes to improve data quality <strong>and</strong>the collection, production <strong>and</strong> analysis of the WEI.The <strong>Europe</strong>an Strategy for EnvironmentalAccount<strong>in</strong>g (see above) also <strong>in</strong>cludes 'wateraccounts'. These 'water accounts' can show thel<strong>in</strong>kages between water resources <strong>and</strong> the economy.The EEA is develop<strong>in</strong>g a water account<strong>in</strong>g methodbased on water balances on catchment level whichmay help to monitor water use <strong>in</strong> the context of<strong>in</strong>creased risk of droughts due to climate <strong>change</strong>(see also the EEA 2012 report mentioned above onwater efficiency).Biodiversity <strong>and</strong> ecosystemsA pan-<strong>Europe</strong>an <strong>in</strong>itiative, SEBI 2010 (Streaml<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g<strong>Europe</strong>an 2010 Biodiversity Indicators), waslaunched <strong>in</strong> 2004 ( 99 ). Its aim was to develop a<strong>Europe</strong>an set of biodiversity <strong>in</strong>dicators to assess <strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>form about progress towards the <strong>Europe</strong>an 2010targets.The work is performed <strong>in</strong> collaboration between theEEA, DG ENV of the <strong>Europe</strong>an Commission, the<strong>Europe</strong>an Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC),UNEP/Pan-<strong>Europe</strong>an Biological <strong>and</strong> L<strong>and</strong>scapeDiversity Strategy (PEBLDS) Secretariat with thelead of the Czech Republic <strong>and</strong> UNEP-WCMC (theWorld Conservation Monitor<strong>in</strong>g Centre).In 2010 a biodiversity assessment based on theSEBI <strong>in</strong>dicators for the pan-<strong>Europe</strong>an region waspublished ( 100 ). The technical report conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gspecifications of the 26 <strong>in</strong>dicators selected waspublished <strong>in</strong> 2007 ( 101 ). In 2009, the SEBI 2010<strong>in</strong>dicator fact sheets were published ( 102 ).Furthermore, a number of other reports <strong>and</strong>messages on biodiversity were published by theEEA <strong>in</strong> 2010, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g a basel<strong>in</strong>e study related tothe 2020 target ( 103 ).In 2011, the <strong>Europe</strong>an Commission adopted a newEU Biodiversity Strategy which identifies 6 prioritytargets <strong>and</strong> 20 actions ( 104 ). The adoption of newbiodiversity targets at <strong>in</strong>ternational <strong>and</strong> <strong>Europe</strong>anlevels has also required the review of the SEBI<strong>in</strong>dicator set. The SEBI process has undertaken an<strong>in</strong>itial mapp<strong>in</strong>g of the 26 SEBI <strong>in</strong>dicators aga<strong>in</strong>stthe Aichi <strong>and</strong> EU targets. The analysis shows thatall the SEBI <strong>in</strong>dicators can be used to measureprogress aga<strong>in</strong>st the six new EU Targets <strong>and</strong> the20 Aichi Targets. Gaps have also been identified, <strong>and</strong>further consideration by thematic experts on howto fill the gaps is necessary. SEBI also carried out aconsultation with EEA member countries to f<strong>in</strong>d outhow the <strong>in</strong>dicators are be<strong>in</strong>g used. The revision ofthe SEBI <strong>in</strong>dicator set provides opportunities for theupdat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> improvement of exist<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dicators<strong>and</strong> the development of new <strong>in</strong>dicators to addressgaps (e.g. ecosystems services). Regard<strong>in</strong>g CC IVA,some analysis would be useful on how climate<strong>change</strong> can be addressed <strong>in</strong> the updat<strong>in</strong>g of the SEBI<strong>in</strong>dicator set.The EEA's ETC/ACM has analysed some of theaspects related to climate <strong>change</strong> adaptation <strong>and</strong>biodiversity ( 105 ). The paper considered proposed'high-level' biodiversity adaptation <strong>in</strong>dicatorcategories <strong>and</strong> concluded that there is a need toundertake an <strong>in</strong>-depth review of the completespectrum of EU <strong>in</strong>dicators to identify those that aremost relevant for climate <strong>change</strong> adaptation <strong>and</strong>biodiversity <strong>and</strong> where exist<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dicators need tobe modified or new <strong>in</strong>dicators developed.Regard<strong>in</strong>g ecosystem assessments, Action 5 of theEU Biodiversity Strategy foresees that: 'MemberStates, with the assistance of the Commission, willmap <strong>and</strong> assess the state of ecosystems <strong>and</strong> theirservices <strong>in</strong> their national territory by 2014, assessthe economic value of such services, <strong>and</strong> promotethe <strong>in</strong>tegration of these values <strong>in</strong>to account<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong>report<strong>in</strong>g systems at EU <strong>and</strong> national level by 2020'.Such ecosystem assessments should take CC IVAaspects <strong>in</strong>to account.Mar<strong>in</strong>eThe EEA mar<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>dicators are presently part of theCore Set of Indicators (CSI) <strong>and</strong> energy sets. TheMar<strong>in</strong>e Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD ( 106 )),adopted <strong>in</strong> 2008, has a considerable emphasis on<strong>in</strong>dicators for determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g good environmentalstatus, with a total of 56 <strong>in</strong>dicators be<strong>in</strong>g identified( 99 ) See<strong>in</strong>dicators/<strong>in</strong>dex_en.htm.( 100 ) See<strong>in</strong>g-biodiversity-<strong>in</strong>-europe-84.( 101 ) See 102 ) See<strong>in</strong>dicator-fact-sheets.( 103 ) See 104 ) See 105 ) See<strong>in</strong>d_biodiv.( 106 ) See<strong>in</strong>e/ges.htm.240 <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>change</strong>, <strong>impacts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>vulnerability</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> 2012

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