Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... - Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -


Indicator and data needsA key policy development the past years was anincreased focus on green economy and resourceefficiency, in relation to the Europe 2020 – Europe'sgrowth strategy. Climate change mitigation is coveredin this strategy through targets on GHG emissionsaimed to be 20 % lower than 1990 (or 30 %, if theconditions are right), 20 % of energy to come fromrenewables and a 20 % increase in energy efficiency.Climate change adaptation is covered to a lesserextent, although the strategy does mention: 'We mustalso strengthen our economies' resilience to climaterisks, and our capacity for disaster prevention andresponse'.The resource-efficiency initiative under the Europe2020 strategy supports the shift towards a resourceefficient,low-carbon economy to achieve sustainablegrowth. The European Commission published in2011 a roadmap for a resource-efficient Europe ( 79 ). Itsets out a vision for the structural and technologicalchange needed up to 2050, with milestones tobe reached by 2020. It proposes ways to increaseresource productivity and decouple economic growthfrom resource use and its environmental impact. A setof indicators is being developed by the EuropeanCommission (including Eurostat) and also involvingthe EEA. A stakeholder consultation process takesplace in 2012 (July–October) ( 80 ).Another related development is an increasingrecognition of the need to measure progress in society,sustainability, well-being and quality of life, throughfor example a European Commission communicationon 'Beyond GDP' and an overview in a report fromthe 'Sponsorship Group on Measuring Progress,Well‐being and Sustainable Development' ( 81 ).The resource efficiency and beyond GDP indicatordevelopments have so far not included CC IVAexplicitly.Structural Indicators represent a set of 79 indicatorsdeveloped to measure the progress towards theobjectives of the Lisbon Strategy. However, afterthe conclusion of the Lisbon process in year 2010and the adoption of the Europe 2020 strategy, themaintenance of this set by EUROSTAT is beingprogressively stopped.Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs) are used tomonitor the EU Sustainable Development Strategy(EU SDS) in a report published by Eurostat every twoyears. They are presented in 10 themes. Of more than100 indicators, 11 have been identified as headlineindicators. They were intended to give an overallpicture of whether the EU has achieved progresstowards sustainable development in terms of theobjectives and targets defined in the strategy. As one'explanatory variable', global temperature increaseswas included.The European Commission's annual EnvironmentPolicy Review is a report designed to monitor recentenvironmental trends and policy developments atEU and national levels and the progress towards theEU's key environmental goals as set out in the 6thEnvironment Action Programme. It contains about30 key environmental indicators for EU environmentpolicy and includes environmental goals as set out inthe 6th Environment Action Programme. RegardingCC IVA, the following indicators are included: globalair temperature change (compared to the goal oflimiting the increase of global temperature to 2 °Cabove pre-industrial levels); concentrations of CO 2inthe atmosphere (compared to a stabilisation level inthe range of 350 to 400 ppm); and natural disasterslinked to climate change (floods, wind storms,extreme temperatures and droughts) ( 82 ).A European Strategy for Environmental Accountingmanaged by Eurostat ( 83 ) provides the frameworkfor environmental accounts. It was followed by anEU Regulation adopted in 2011. These accountstrack the links between the environment and theeconomy at EU, national, regional and industrylevels and complement environmental statistics andindicators. They facilitate an in-depth analysis ofenvironmental concerns, since the different modulesare broken down by industry (in the manner ofNational Accounting Matrix including EnvironmentalAccounts (NAMEA)) at country level.Regarding CC IVA issues, the developments ofspecifically water accounts and possibly also in thefuture ecosystem accounts can be relevant. The EEAcollaborates with Eurostat on ecosystem accountingand is preparing several initial accounts by 2012,including on water (see below).( 79 ) See 80 ) See 81 ) See 82 ) See 83 ) See Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012

Indicator and data needs6.1.2 Thematic and sectoral indicator setsA number of sectors are particularly relevantfrom the point of view of vulnerability to climatechange. These include water; marine environment;terrestrial biodiversity; human health; and energy,transport and agriculture. Consequently there isalso a particular interest to develop indicators forthese themes, for which the current state of play isdescribed below.Water (water quality, floods, water scarcity anddroughts)Data and indicators on water quality and waterresources (floods, water scarcity and droughts) areavailable in WISE, the Water Information System forEurope ( 84 ).Within the WFD ( 85 ), first River Basin ManagementPlans for 2009–2015 were submitted in 2009/2010.While the first River Basin Management Plans(2009/2010) do not take climate change into accountin most cases, the second plans (2015) shouldtake into account the impacts of climate change,using guidance published in 2009. In addition,climate change should also be integrated in theimplementation of the Floods Directive ( 86 ) and theStrategy on Water Scarcity and Drought (WSD) ( 87 ).The Floods Directive required Member States tofirst carry out a preliminary assessment by 2011to identify the river basins and associated coastalareas at risk of flooding. For such zones they wouldthen need to draw up flood risk maps by 2013 andestablish flood risk management plans focused onprevention, protection and preparedness by 2015.The European Commission and the EEA will includeinformation on (preliminary) flood risk maps inWISE. The reporting on flood risk managementplans, due 2015, is expected to include informationon climate change adaptation.Regarding currently available data and indicatorson WSD, in particular the Water Exploitation Index(WEI) is relevant, available at national scale ( 88 ). Thespatial and temporal detail of the WEI is currentlybeing improved by the EEA, encouraging countriesto provide data at river basin-scale and for differentseasons (see also below on water accounts). The EEAreport 'Towards efficient use of water resources inEurope' (2012) includes an initial analysis of a moredisaggregated WEI ( 89 ).A SOER 2010 thematic assessment was publishedon 'Water resources: quantity and flows' ( 90 ). TheDirectorate-General for Environment (DG ENV) hascommissioned a study 'ClimWatAdapt' aimed at anIntegrated Assessment Framework to address waterquantity/quality and climate change adaptation.Within ClimWatAdapt, various vulnerabilityindicators have been developed, including on waterstress and flood risks ( 91 ). Other important projectsand organisations, which include indicators onprojected risks of floods at European level, areESPON Climate ( 92 ) and the JRC ( 93 ).Indicators on past impacts (on economy, humanhealth, ecosystems) of natural hazards, includingfloods and droughts are included in an EEA reporton natural hazards (2011) ( 94 ). The report usedprimarily data from EM-DAT/CRED ( 95 ) and MunichRE ( 96 ). In a workshop held in May 2011 and in arelated paper, the need for improved quality for dataon impacts of floods on human health, ecosystemsand economy was highlighted ( 97 ).By the end of 2012 the European Commission willpublish a 'Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water'as the EU policy response to achieving EU waterpolicy goals by 2020 (and beyond) addressing alsonew challenges such as climate change ( 98 ). The EEAwill during 2012 publish various reports to supportthe blueprint, including a report on vulnerability.The European Commission and EEA include the( 84 ) See 85 ) See 86 ) See 87 ) See 88 ) See 89 ) See 90 ) See 91 ) See 92 ) See 93 ) See 94 ) See 95 ) See 96 ) See‐life/georisks/natcatservice/default.aspx.( 97 ) See 98 ) See change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012239

Indicator <strong>and</strong> data needsA key policy development the past years was an<strong>in</strong>creased focus on green economy <strong>and</strong> resourceefficiency, <strong>in</strong> relation to the <strong>Europe</strong> 2020 – <strong>Europe</strong>'sgrowth strategy. <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> mitigation is covered<strong>in</strong> this strategy through targets on GHG emissionsaimed to be 20 % lower than 1990 (or 30 %, if theconditions are right), 20 % of energy to come <strong>fr</strong>omrenewables <strong>and</strong> a 20 % <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> energy efficiency.<strong>Climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> adaptation is covered to a lesserextent, although the strategy does mention: 'We mustalso strengthen our economies' resilience to climaterisks, <strong>and</strong> our capacity for disaster prevention <strong>and</strong>response'.The resource-efficiency <strong>in</strong>itiative under the <strong>Europe</strong>2020 strategy supports the shift towards a resourceefficient,low-carbon economy to achieve susta<strong>in</strong>ablegrowth. The <strong>Europe</strong>an Commission published <strong>in</strong>2011 a roadmap for a resource-efficient <strong>Europe</strong> ( 79 ). Itsets out a vision for the structural <strong>and</strong> technological<strong>change</strong> needed up to 2050, with milestones tobe reached by 2020. It proposes ways to <strong>in</strong>creaseresource productivity <strong>and</strong> decouple economic growth<strong>fr</strong>om resource use <strong>and</strong> its environmental impact. A setof <strong>in</strong>dicators is be<strong>in</strong>g developed by the <strong>Europe</strong>anCommission (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Eurostat) <strong>and</strong> also <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>gthe EEA. A stakeholder consultation process takesplace <strong>in</strong> 2012 (July–October) ( 80 ).Another related development is an <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>grecognition of the need to measure progress <strong>in</strong> society,susta<strong>in</strong>ability, well-be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> quality of life, throughfor example a <strong>Europe</strong>an Commission communicationon 'Beyond GDP' <strong>and</strong> an overview <strong>in</strong> a report <strong>fr</strong>omthe 'Sponsorship Group on Measur<strong>in</strong>g Progress,Well‐be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> Susta<strong>in</strong>able Development' ( 81 ).The resource efficiency <strong>and</strong> beyond GDP <strong>in</strong>dicatordevelopments have so far not <strong>in</strong>cluded CC IVAexplicitly.Structural Indicators represent a set of 79 <strong>in</strong>dicatorsdeveloped to measure the progress towards theobjectives of the Lisbon Strategy. However, afterthe conclusion of the Lisbon process <strong>in</strong> year 2010<strong>and</strong> the adoption of the <strong>Europe</strong> 2020 strategy, thema<strong>in</strong>tenance of this set by EUROSTAT is be<strong>in</strong>gprogressively stopped.Susta<strong>in</strong>able Development Indicators (SDIs) are used tomonitor the EU Susta<strong>in</strong>able Development Strategy(EU SDS) <strong>in</strong> a report published by Eurostat every twoyears. They are presented <strong>in</strong> 10 themes. Of more than100 <strong>in</strong>dicators, 11 have been identified as headl<strong>in</strong>e<strong>in</strong>dicators. They were <strong>in</strong>tended to give an overallpicture of whether the EU has achieved progresstowards susta<strong>in</strong>able development <strong>in</strong> terms of theobjectives <strong>and</strong> targets def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the strategy. As one'explanatory variable', global temperature <strong>in</strong>creaseswas <strong>in</strong>cluded.The <strong>Europe</strong>an Commission's annual EnvironmentPolicy Review is a report designed to monitor recentenvironmental trends <strong>and</strong> policy developments atEU <strong>and</strong> national levels <strong>and</strong> the progress towards theEU's key environmental goals as set out <strong>in</strong> the 6thEnvironment Action Programme. It conta<strong>in</strong>s about30 key environmental <strong>in</strong>dicators for EU environmentpolicy <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong>cludes environmental goals as set out <strong>in</strong>the 6th Environment Action Programme. Regard<strong>in</strong>gCC IVA, the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dicators are <strong>in</strong>cluded: globalair temperature <strong>change</strong> (compared to the goal oflimit<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>crease of global temperature to 2 °Cabove pre-<strong>in</strong>dustrial levels); concentrations of CO 2<strong>in</strong>the atmosphere (compared to a stabilisation level <strong>in</strong>the range of 350 to 400 ppm); <strong>and</strong> natural disastersl<strong>in</strong>ked to climate <strong>change</strong> (floods, w<strong>in</strong>d storms,extreme temperatures <strong>and</strong> droughts) ( 82 ).A <strong>Europe</strong>an Strategy for Environmental Account<strong>in</strong>gmanaged by Eurostat ( 83 ) provides the <strong>fr</strong>ameworkfor environmental accounts. It was followed by anEU Regulation adopted <strong>in</strong> 2011. These accountstrack the l<strong>in</strong>ks between the environment <strong>and</strong> theeconomy at EU, national, regional <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong>dustrylevels <strong>and</strong> complement environmental statistics <strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>dicators. They facilitate an <strong>in</strong>-depth analysis ofenvironmental concerns, s<strong>in</strong>ce the different modulesare broken down by <strong>in</strong>dustry (<strong>in</strong> the manner ofNational Account<strong>in</strong>g Matrix <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g EnvironmentalAccounts (NAMEA)) at country level.Regard<strong>in</strong>g CC IVA issues, the developments ofspecifically water accounts <strong>and</strong> possibly also <strong>in</strong> thefuture ecosystem accounts can be relevant. The EEAcollaborates with Eurostat on ecosystem account<strong>in</strong>g<strong>and</strong> is prepar<strong>in</strong>g several <strong>in</strong>itial accounts by 2012,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g on water (see below).( 79 ) See<strong>in</strong>dex_en.htm.( 80 ) See<strong>in</strong>dicators/stakeholder_consultation/<strong>in</strong>dex_en.htm.( 81 ) See<strong>in</strong>g_progress.( 82 ) See 83 ) See<strong>in</strong>troduction.238 <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>change</strong>, <strong>impacts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>vulnerability</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> 2012

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