Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... - Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -


Vulnerability to climate change5.3 Integrated assessment ofvulnerability to climate change5.3.1 The ESPON Climate projectThe ESPON Climate project, whose results arepresented below, developed a methodology whichprovides common metrics for assessing impacts andvulnerability to climate changes in an integratedmanner. Its results are broadly consistent with theinformation presented in earlier chapters of thisreport.The ESPON Climate project ( 73 ) is a good examplefor policy-oriented research that takes up thechallenge of climate change's multi-dimensionalnature. The project conducted an integratedand pan-European climate change vulnerabilityassessment with a prime focus on the territorialdimension. In contrast to more specialised sectoralstudies, this integrated and territorial approachensured that findings would be comparablebetween sectors and between regions. The projectthus enables policymakers to understand boththe diversity and accumulation of climate changeimpacts and to develop territorially differentiatedadaptation strategies at the European, national andregional levels.Methodologically the project compared projectionsof the CCLM climate model (A1B scenario) for thetime periods 1961–1990 and 2071–2100 ( 74 ). Eightclimate change variables ( 75 ) were thus calculatedand supplemented by two variables on 'triggered'changes in river flooding and coastal storm surgeflooding. These exposure indicators were thenrelated to 22 sensitivity indicators ( 76 ). The resultingindividual impact indicators were afterwardsaggregated to determine the physical, cultural,social, economic and environmental impacts ofclimate change (always at the NUTS3 level). Theaggregate impact was calculated using differentweights for these impact dimensions, based ona Delphi survey among the ESPON MonitoringCommittee, which represented the EuropeanCommission, 27 European countries and 4 PartnerStates. Similarly, 15 indicators on the economic,technological, educational and institutional adaptivecapacity were aggregated. Finally, adaptive capacityand impacts were combined in order to determinethe climate change vulnerability of each region.Seven case studies at the trans-national, regional andlocal levels cross-checked and deepened the findingsof the pan-European assessment and explored thediversity of response approaches to climate change.Obviously also the ESPON Climate project haslimitations: For example, it is based on only oneclimate forcing scenario (A1B) and one climatemodel (CCLM) as the multi-model data sets ofENSEMBLES were not available yet when therespective ESPON analyses were performed.Furthermore, while the project was able to integratesome long-term demographic trends, the bigchallenge remains to develop long-term projectionsfor all areas of economic, physical, environmentaland cultural sensitivity that would thus match theclimate models' projections. Therefore, the project'sKey messages: 5.3 Integrated assessment of vulnerability to climate change• The most vulnerable types of European regions include: 1) Coastal regions with high population, inparticular those with high dependency on summer tourism, 2) mountain regions with high dependenceon winter and summer tourism, 3) agglomerations with high population density, where the problem ofurban heat might become most relevant, and 4) regions exposed to river flooding.• Most regions for which climate change impacts are expected to be the most severe (mainly in thesouth) are also the ones exhibiting low adaptive capacity.• The integrated assessment of European regions' vulnerability to climate change suggests that it willprobably deepen the existing socio‐economic imbalances within Europe and eventually play out againstfurther territorial cohesion.( 73 ) 'ESPON ClimateClimate Change and Territorial Effects on Regions and Local Economies'. Conducted 2009–2011. Funded byESPON Programme 2013. Coordinated by Institute of Spatial Planning (IRPUD), TU Dortmund University.( 74 ) For details on the methodology and findings of ESPON Climate, see (Greiving et al., 2011).( 75 ) Exposure indicators used by ESPON Climate related to change in annual mean temperature, frost days, summer days, winterprecipitation, summer precipitation, heavy rainfall days, snow cover days and evaporation.( 76 ) Sensitivity indicators used by ESPON Climate related to roads, railways, airports, harbours, thermal power stations, refineries,settlements, coastal population, population in river valleys, heat sensitive population in urban heat islands, Natura 2000 protectedareas, occurrence of forest fires, soil organic carbon, soil erosion, museums, cultural World Heritage Sites, energy supply anddemand, agriculture and forestry employment and GDP, tourism comfort index and tourist accommodations.216 Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012

Vulnerability to climate changeresults have to be seen as a vulnerability scenario,which shows what Europe's future in the wakeof climate change may look like (based on currentknowledge and assumptions), and not as a clear-cutforecast.ESPON Climate is one of several recent EU‐fundedresearch projects that employ an integratedmethodology to assessing climate change impacts,adaptation and vulnerability, for example likeClimSAVE, RESPONSES and MEDIATION.However, these other projects are still ongoingand are scheduled to deliver their final results bythe end of 2012 and 2013, respectively. There areonly a few other studies at the European level thatattempted a cross-sectoral, integrated vulnerabilityassessment like the one presented in this chapter.As part of its Regions 2020 report, the EuropeanCommission commissioned a background paperon the challenges of climate change for Europe'sregions (Römisch, 2009). This vulnerabilityassessment was integrated into the Regions 2020background report on climate change (EC, 2008).The Regions 2020 vulnerability index differs fromthe ESPON Climate vulnerability assessment, forexample it used NUTS2 level, two climate changeand five sensitivity indicators, no adaptive capacityindicators, different weighting methods and anA2 climate scenario. Consequently the results areless robust and fine-grained, but nevertheless showsimilar overall spatial patterns in that regions inthe south and south-east of Europe are the mostvulnerable regions.A more extensive follow-up study to the Regions2020 report was performed in 2011for the EuropeanCommission (Aversano-Dearborn et al., 2011).This study analysed key challenges facing Europein regard to globalisation, demographic change,secure, sustainable and competitive energy,social polarisation and, lastly, climate change. Inregard to climate change, aggregate vulnerabilityindicators were developed (building on 12 impactand 10 adaptive capacity indicators) for agricultureand forestry, natural and semi-natural ecosystems,natural hazards and coastal threats, health andheat waves, water dependency and summertourism. These were subsequently combined in acluster analysis. However, despite its ambitiousintegrated approach, the study's results cannotbe compared with those from ESPON Climate,because (Aversano-Dearborn et al., 2011) used onlyindicators on past and current climate, that is, noclimate projections.5.3.2 Key findingsThe project's findings regarding impacts of climatechange may be grouped into impacts primarilycaused by extreme events (flooding and heat)and those caused by changes of average climateconditions. The former group consists of potentialphysical, cultural and social impacts (displayed inMap 5.3) whereas the latter consists of economic andenvironmental sub-systems that are sensitive evento creeping climatic changes (see Map 5.4). Wheninterpreting the maps below, it is important to notethat they show a combination of absolute impacts(per NUTS3 region) and relative impacts (per personor unit area). For example, regions shown with thehighest social impacts have high social impacts perperson and a large population.Potential physical impacts relate to physicalstructures such as settlements, roads, railways,airports, harbours, thermal power plants andrefineries. These structures are especially sensitiveto flood events. Consequently, the adjustment ofcoastal storm surge heights with the projectedsea‐level rise accounts for most of the high impactsin north‐western European regions bordering theAtlantic Ocean (sometimes exacerbated by fluvialand pluvial flooding). Projected increases in riverflood heights are responsible for regional 'hot spots'in Italy, Hungary and Slovenia. However, large partsof Europe may not expect significant impacts ontheir infrastructure resulting from climate change.In fact, physical structures in some central andsouthern European regions may even experienceless climate-related impacts due to decreasingprecipitation in these regions.The potential social impacts of climate changerelate to Europe's population, which is also mainlysensitive to extreme events that are driven byclimate change: coastal storm surges exacerbatedby sea-level rise, increases in river flood heights,increasing flash floods, but also increasing heatevents. Sensitivity to these changes is a matterof location, age group distribution, but also thedensity and size of urban areas that create urbanheat island (UHI) effects. Hence, the social impactpatterns again largely resemble those of physicalimpacts, because population centres are alsoconcentrations of buildings and infrastructures. Thehighest impacts are primarily flood-related and areprojected for urban agglomerations on the Belgian,Dutch and Norwegian coasts as well as the cityClimate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012217

Vulnerability to climate <strong>change</strong>results have to be seen as a <strong>vulnerability</strong> scenario,which shows what <strong>Europe</strong>'s future <strong>in</strong> the wakeof climate <strong>change</strong> may look like (based on currentknowledge <strong>and</strong> assumptions), <strong>and</strong> not as a clear-cutforecast.ESPON <strong>Climate</strong> is one of several recent EU‐fundedresearch projects that employ an <strong>in</strong>tegratedmethodology to assess<strong>in</strong>g climate <strong>change</strong> <strong>impacts</strong>,adaptation <strong>and</strong> <strong>vulnerability</strong>, for example likeClimSAVE, RESPONSES <strong>and</strong> MEDIATION.However, these other projects are still ongo<strong>in</strong>g<strong>and</strong> are scheduled to deliver their f<strong>in</strong>al results bythe end of 2012 <strong>and</strong> 2013, respectively. There areonly a few other studies at the <strong>Europe</strong>an level thatattempted a cross-sectoral, <strong>in</strong>tegrated <strong>vulnerability</strong>assessment like the one presented <strong>in</strong> this chapter.As part of its Regions 2020 report, the <strong>Europe</strong>anCommission commissioned a background paperon the challenges of climate <strong>change</strong> for <strong>Europe</strong>'sregions (Römisch, 2009). This <strong>vulnerability</strong>assessment was <strong>in</strong>tegrated <strong>in</strong>to the Regions 2020background report on climate <strong>change</strong> (EC, 2008).The Regions 2020 <strong>vulnerability</strong> <strong>in</strong>dex differs <strong>fr</strong>omthe ESPON <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>vulnerability</strong> assessment, forexample it used NUTS2 level, two climate <strong>change</strong><strong>and</strong> five sensitivity <strong>in</strong>dicators, no adaptive capacity<strong>in</strong>dicators, different weight<strong>in</strong>g methods <strong>and</strong> anA2 climate scenario. Consequently the results areless robust <strong>and</strong> f<strong>in</strong>e-gra<strong>in</strong>ed, but nevertheless showsimilar overall spatial patterns <strong>in</strong> that regions <strong>in</strong>the south <strong>and</strong> south-east of <strong>Europe</strong> are the mostvulnerable regions.A more extensive follow-up study to the Regions2020 report was performed <strong>in</strong> 2011for the <strong>Europe</strong>anCommission (Aversano-Dearborn et al., 2011).This study analysed key challenges fac<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Europe</strong><strong>in</strong> regard to globalisation, demographic <strong>change</strong>,secure, susta<strong>in</strong>able <strong>and</strong> competitive energy,social polarisation <strong>and</strong>, lastly, climate <strong>change</strong>. Inregard to climate <strong>change</strong>, aggregate <strong>vulnerability</strong><strong>in</strong>dicators were developed (build<strong>in</strong>g on 12 impact<strong>and</strong> 10 adaptive capacity <strong>in</strong>dicators) for agriculture<strong>and</strong> forestry, natural <strong>and</strong> semi-natural ecosystems,natural hazards <strong>and</strong> coastal threats, health <strong>and</strong>heat waves, water dependency <strong>and</strong> summertourism. These were subsequently comb<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> acluster analysis. However, despite its ambitious<strong>in</strong>tegrated approach, the study's results cannotbe compared with those <strong>fr</strong>om ESPON <strong>Climate</strong>,because (Aversano-Dearborn et al., 2011) used only<strong>in</strong>dicators on past <strong>and</strong> current climate, that is, noclimate projections.5.3.2 Key f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gsThe project's f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs regard<strong>in</strong>g <strong>impacts</strong> of climate<strong>change</strong> may be grouped <strong>in</strong>to <strong>impacts</strong> primarilycaused by extreme events (flood<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> heat)<strong>and</strong> those caused by <strong>change</strong>s of average climateconditions. The former group consists of potentialphysical, cultural <strong>and</strong> social <strong>impacts</strong> (displayed <strong>in</strong>Map 5.3) whereas the latter consists of economic <strong>and</strong>environmental sub-systems that are sensitive evento creep<strong>in</strong>g climatic <strong>change</strong>s (see Map 5.4). When<strong>in</strong>terpret<strong>in</strong>g the maps below, it is important to notethat they show a comb<strong>in</strong>ation of absolute <strong>impacts</strong>(per NUTS3 region) <strong>and</strong> relative <strong>impacts</strong> (per personor unit area). For example, regions shown with thehighest social <strong>impacts</strong> have high social <strong>impacts</strong> perperson <strong>and</strong> a large population.Potential physical <strong>impacts</strong> relate to physicalstructures such as settlements, roads, railways,airports, harbours, thermal power plants <strong>and</strong>ref<strong>in</strong>eries. These structures are especially sensitiveto flood events. Consequently, the adjustment ofcoastal storm surge heights with the projectedsea‐level rise accounts for most of the high <strong>impacts</strong><strong>in</strong> north‐western <strong>Europe</strong>an regions border<strong>in</strong>g theAtlantic Ocean (sometimes exacerbated by fluvial<strong>and</strong> pluvial flood<strong>in</strong>g). Projected <strong>in</strong>creases <strong>in</strong> riverflood heights are responsible for regional 'hot spots'<strong>in</strong> Italy, Hungary <strong>and</strong> Slovenia. However, large partsof <strong>Europe</strong> may not expect significant <strong>impacts</strong> ontheir <strong>in</strong><strong>fr</strong>astructure result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>fr</strong>om climate <strong>change</strong>.In fact, physical structures <strong>in</strong> some central <strong>and</strong>southern <strong>Europe</strong>an regions may even experienceless climate-related <strong>impacts</strong> due to decreas<strong>in</strong>gprecipitation <strong>in</strong> these regions.The potential social <strong>impacts</strong> of climate <strong>change</strong>relate to <strong>Europe</strong>'s population, which is also ma<strong>in</strong>lysensitive to extreme events that are driven byclimate <strong>change</strong>: coastal storm surges exacerbatedby sea-level rise, <strong>in</strong>creases <strong>in</strong> river flood heights,<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g flash floods, but also <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g heatevents. Sensitivity to these <strong>change</strong>s is a matterof location, age group distribution, but also thedensity <strong>and</strong> size of urban areas that create urbanheat isl<strong>and</strong> (UHI) effects. Hence, the social impactpatterns aga<strong>in</strong> largely resemble those of physical<strong>impacts</strong>, because population centres are alsoconcentrations of build<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong><strong>fr</strong>astructures. Thehighest <strong>impacts</strong> are primarily flood-related <strong>and</strong> areprojected for urban agglomerations on the Belgian,Dutch <strong>and</strong> Norwegian coasts as well as the city<strong>Climate</strong> <strong>change</strong>, <strong>impacts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>vulnerability</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> 2012217

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