Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... - Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -


Climate impacts on environmental systems3.5.2 Soil organic carbonRelevanceBiomass is generated by photosynthesis bindingCO 2from the atmosphere. If not harvested, thisbiomass becomes incorporated into the soil afterthe death of the plant and through root senescence.The dead plant material is decomposed with thehelp of micro-organisms and CO 2is again releasedinto the atmosphere. Part of the carbon is convertedinto stable (humic) soil organic matter. However,if soil is water-saturated due to poor drainage,the breakdown of carbon is slowed down andonly highly specialised microorganisms are ableto decompose carbon, releasing CO 2and CH 4.Nevertheless, wet soils and peatlands act overall asimportant carbon reservoirs.Low levels of organic carbon in the soil are generallydetrimental to soil fertility, water retention capacityand resistance to soil compaction. Increases insurface water run-off can lead to erosion while lackof cohesion in the soil can increase the risk of erosionby wind. Other effects of lower organic carbonlevels are a reduction in biodiversity (see Box 3.4)and an increased susceptibility to acid or alkalineconditions.Past trendsAround 45 % of the mineral soils in Europe havelow or very low organic carbon content (0–2 %) and45 % have a medium content (2–6 %) (Louwagieet al., 2009). Map 3.20 shows that low levels areparticularly evident in southern Europe where 74 %of the land is covered by soils that have less than 2 %of organic carbon in the topsoil (0–30 cm) (Zdruliet al., 2004). However, areas of low organic carboncan be found almost everywhere, including in someparts of more northern countries such as Belgium,France, Germany, Norway and the United Kingdom.More than 50 % of EU soil organic carbon stocks areto be found in peatlands (Schils et al., 2008).In general, most soils across Europe are likely tobe accumulating carbon. Except under drainageconditions, grassland soils accumulate carbon,although there is a high uncertainty as to the rate.Croplands generally act as a carbon source, althoughexisting estimates are varied. Forest soils generallyaccumulate carbon (estimates range from 17 to39 million tonnes per year (Schils et al., 2008)).However, estimates of European CO 2, CH 4and N 2Ofluxes between 2000 and 2005, using both top-downestimates based on atmospheric observations andbottom-up estimates derived from ground-basedKey messages: 3.5.2 Soil organic carbon• Soil carbon stocks in the EU-27 are around 75 billion tonnes of carbon; around 50 % of which is locatedin Ireland, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom (because of the large area of peatlands in thesecountries).• The largest emissions of CO 2from soils are due to conversion (drainage) of organic soils, and amount to20–40 tonnes of CO 2per hectare per year. The most effective option to manage soil carbon in order tomitigate climate change is to preserve existing stocks in soils, and especially the large stocks in peatand other soils with a high content of organic carbon.• On average, soils in Europe are most likely to be accumulating carbon. Soils under grassland andforests are a carbon sink (estimated up to 80 million tonnes of carbon per year) whereas soils underarable land are a smaller carbon source (estimated from 10–40 million tonnes of carbon per year).• The effects of climate change on soil organic carbon and soil respiration are complex, and depend ondistinct climatic and biotic drivers. However, they lack rigorous supporting datasets.• Climate change is expected to have an impact on soil carbon in the long term, but changes in the shortterm will more likely be driven by land management practices and land use change.148 Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012

Climate impacts on environmental systemsmeasurements, suggest that CH 4emissions fromlivestock and N 2O emissions from arable agricultureare fully compensated by the CO 2sink provided byforests and grasslands (Schulze et al., 2009).ProjectionsSoil organic carbon levels are determined mainly bythe balance between net primary production (NPP)from vegetation and the rate of decomposition of theorganic material. While climate change is expectedto have an impact on soil carbon in the long term,changes in the short term will more likely be drivenby land management practices and land-use change,which can mask the evidence of climate changeimpact on soil carbon stocks. Figure 3.14 providesa flowchart with possible pathways for soil organiccarbon (SOC) and CO 2development in temperatemineral soils, depending on the distinct climatic andbiotic drivers. However, the effects of climate changeon soil are complex and lack rigorous supportingdatasets.Map 3.20Variations in topsoil organic carbon content across Europe-30°-20°-10°0°10°20°30°40°50°60°70°Topsoil organic carboncontent(%)0–1.060°1.0–2.02.0–6.06.0–12.550°12.5–25.025.0–35.0> 35.050°No dataOutside coverage40°40°0°10°20°30°40°© 2010 JRC, European CommissionNote:The darker regions correspond to soils with high values of organic carbon. The darkest colours, especially in Estonia,Fennoscandinavia, Ireland and the United Kingdom, denote peatlands.Source: European Soil Database v2.0 (soil), Global Historical Climatology Network (, Corine Land Cover 1990 and USGS Global Land Cover Characterization ( cover); see (Jones et al., 2005, 2012).Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012149

<strong>Climate</strong> <strong>impacts</strong> on environmental systems3.5.2 Soil organic carbonRelevanceBiomass is generated by photosynthesis b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gCO 2<strong>fr</strong>om the atmosphere. If not harvested, thisbiomass becomes <strong>in</strong>corporated <strong>in</strong>to the soil afterthe death of the plant <strong>and</strong> through root senescence.The dead plant material is decomposed with thehelp of micro-organisms <strong>and</strong> CO 2is aga<strong>in</strong> released<strong>in</strong>to the atmosphere. Part of the carbon is converted<strong>in</strong>to stable (humic) soil organic matter. However,if soil is water-saturated due to poor dra<strong>in</strong>age,the breakdown of carbon is slowed down <strong>and</strong>only highly specialised microorganisms are ableto decompose carbon, releas<strong>in</strong>g CO 2<strong>and</strong> CH 4.Nevertheless, wet soils <strong>and</strong> peatl<strong>and</strong>s act overall asimportant carbon reservoirs.Low levels of organic carbon <strong>in</strong> the soil are generallydetrimental to soil fertility, water retention capacity<strong>and</strong> resistance to soil compaction. Increases <strong>in</strong>surface water run-off can lead to erosion while lackof cohesion <strong>in</strong> the soil can <strong>in</strong>crease the risk of erosionby w<strong>in</strong>d. Other effects of lower organic carbonlevels are a reduction <strong>in</strong> biodiversity (see Box 3.4)<strong>and</strong> an <strong>in</strong>creased susceptibility to acid or alkal<strong>in</strong>econditions.Past trendsAround 45 % of the m<strong>in</strong>eral soils <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> havelow or very low organic carbon content (0–2 %) <strong>and</strong>45 % have a medium content (2–6 %) (Louwagieet al., 2009). Map 3.20 shows that low levels areparticularly evident <strong>in</strong> southern <strong>Europe</strong> where 74 %of the l<strong>and</strong> is covered by soils that have less than 2 %of organic carbon <strong>in</strong> the topsoil (0–30 cm) (Zdruliet al., 2004). However, areas of low organic carboncan be found almost everywhere, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> someparts of more northern countries such as Belgium,France, Germany, Norway <strong>and</strong> the United K<strong>in</strong>gdom.More than 50 % of EU soil organic carbon stocks areto be found <strong>in</strong> peatl<strong>and</strong>s (Schils et al., 2008).In general, most soils across <strong>Europe</strong> are likely tobe accumulat<strong>in</strong>g carbon. Except under dra<strong>in</strong>ageconditions, grassl<strong>and</strong> soils accumulate carbon,although there is a high uncerta<strong>in</strong>ty as to the rate.Cropl<strong>and</strong>s generally act as a carbon source, althoughexist<strong>in</strong>g estimates are varied. Forest soils generallyaccumulate carbon (estimates range <strong>fr</strong>om 17 to39 million tonnes per year (Schils et al., 2008)).However, estimates of <strong>Europe</strong>an CO 2, CH 4<strong>and</strong> N 2Ofluxes between 2000 <strong>and</strong> 2005, us<strong>in</strong>g both top-downestimates based on atmospheric observations <strong>and</strong>bottom-up estimates derived <strong>fr</strong>om ground-basedKey messages: 3.5.2 Soil organic carbon• Soil carbon stocks <strong>in</strong> the EU-27 are around 75 billion tonnes of carbon; around 50 % of which is located<strong>in</strong> Irel<strong>and</strong>, F<strong>in</strong>l<strong>and</strong>, Sweden <strong>and</strong> the United K<strong>in</strong>gdom (because of the large area of peatl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>in</strong> thesecountries).• The largest emissions of CO 2<strong>fr</strong>om soils are due to conversion (dra<strong>in</strong>age) of organic soils, <strong>and</strong> amount to20–40 tonnes of CO 2per hectare per year. The most effective option to manage soil carbon <strong>in</strong> order tomitigate climate <strong>change</strong> is to preserve exist<strong>in</strong>g stocks <strong>in</strong> soils, <strong>and</strong> especially the large stocks <strong>in</strong> peat<strong>and</strong> other soils with a high content of organic carbon.• On average, soils <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> are most likely to be accumulat<strong>in</strong>g carbon. Soils under grassl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>forests are a carbon s<strong>in</strong>k (estimated up to 80 million tonnes of carbon per year) whereas soils underarable l<strong>and</strong> are a smaller carbon source (estimated <strong>fr</strong>om 10–40 million tonnes of carbon per year).• The effects of climate <strong>change</strong> on soil organic carbon <strong>and</strong> soil respiration are complex, <strong>and</strong> depend ondist<strong>in</strong>ct climatic <strong>and</strong> biotic drivers. However, they lack rigorous support<strong>in</strong>g datasets.• <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>change</strong> is expected to have an impact on soil carbon <strong>in</strong> the long term, but <strong>change</strong>s <strong>in</strong> the shortterm will more likely be driven by l<strong>and</strong> management practices <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong> use <strong>change</strong>.148 <strong>Climate</strong> <strong>change</strong>, <strong>impacts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>vulnerability</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> 2012

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