Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... - Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe ... -


Climate impacts on environmental systemsTable 3.2Habitats and species groups negatively affected by climate change in at least oneEU Member StateHabitat type% of habitatsof this typeaffected byclimate changeTotal numberof habitats ofthis typeSpecies group% of speciesin this groupaffected byclimate changeTotal numberof species inthis groupBogs, mires and fens 50 12 Amphibians 45 51Dunes 29 21 Arthropods 29 118Forests 22 72 Mammals 26 125Heathlands 20 10 Non‐vascular plants 21 38Sclerophyllous scrub 15 13 Molluscs 17 35Coastal 14 28 Reptiles 13 87Rocky habitats 14 14 Fish 4 100Grasslands 10 29 Vascular plants 3 602Freshwater 5 19All habitats 19 218 All species 12 1 158 (*)Note:The table states the proportion of habitat types and species groups listed in the Habitat Directive for which at least oneMember State identified climate change as a reason for unfavourable trends in the area covered or across the natural range.(*) In addition to these species groups, two species from the 'others' (i.e. other groups of animals and plants) category werenoted as affected by climate change: the red coral (Corallium rubrum) and the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis).Source: ETC/BD, 2009.processes and responses. For most cases, only afew years of data are available and do not cover theentire area of the EU but are restricted to certainwell monitored countries with a long tradition inthe involvement of citizen scientists. Based on theseshort time series, the determination of impacts andtheir interpretation thus has to rely on assumptions,and achieving a qualitative understanding of species'responses is more robust than their quantification(Singer and Parmesan, 2010). One of the greatestunknowns is how quickly and closely species willalter their phenology in accordance to a changingclimatic regime (van Asch et al., 2007; Singer andParmesan, 2010). Even experimental studies seemto be of little help, since they notoriously tend tounderestimate the effects of climate change onchanges in phenology (Wolkovich et al., 2012).Observing range shifts (and projecting responsesto climate change) crucially depends on gooddistributional data, which is also better for populargroups of species than for others. There is evidencefrom Denmark and two African regions that birdbiodiversity is a good proxy for total biodiversityin species-rich regions but data from other groupsare needed in less species-rich regions (Larsen et al.,2012). There are large differences in the qualityof observational data, with better data generallyavailable in northern and western Europe than insouthern Europe. Since neither data quality nor lackof data are properly recorded, the true quality ofprojections of range shifts as well as the likelihoodof unobserved range shifts is largely unknown(Rocchini et al., 2011). An extensive meta-analysis ofavailable projections according to different modellingalgorithms, drivers, scenarios, downscalingprocedures or taxonomic identity is also missing(see also Dormann et al., 2008).Species distribution models (also known as habitatmodels, niche models or envelope models) sufferfrom a variety of limitations because species arecurrently not in equilibrium with climate, andbecause species dispersal and biotic interactions arelargely ignored (Bellard et al., 2012; Zarnetske et al.,2012). Furthermore, climate change projections forEurope include climate conditions (in particular insouthern Europe) for which no analogue climatewas available for the model calibration (Pearson andDawson, 2004; Dormann, 2007; Williams and Jackson,2007). Especially the latter problem is evident forprojections for southern Europe since projections ofspecies distribution models lack information fromclimates south of the Mediterranean. Therefore, theuncertainty in the Mediterranean region is muchhigher and projected declines might result from a lackof data from climatic situations not included in themodel.Largely, there are just very coarse methods availablefor incorporating species interactions, populationdynamics and dispersal processes into models ofrange shifts, despite several recent approaches toincorporate these (Pagel and Schurr, 2012; Schweigeret al., 2012).130 Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012

Climate impacts on environmental systems3.4.2 Plant and fungi phenologyRelevancePhenology is the timing of seasonal events suchas budburst, flowering, dormancy, migration andhibernation. Some phenological responses aretriggered by mean temperature (Urhausen et al.,2011), while others are more responsive to daylength (Menzel et al., 2006) or weather extremes(Menzel et al., 2011). Changes in phenology affectthe growing season and thus ecosystem functioningand productivity. Changes in phenology areimpacting farming (see Section 4.1), forestry (seeSection 4.2), gardening and wildlife. The timingof tilling, sowing and harvesting is changing,fruit is ripening earlier due to warmer summertemperatures (Menzel et al., 2006), and grass inmunicipal parks and on road verges requires morefrequent cutting over a longer period. Changesin flowering have implications for the timingand intensity of the pollen season and relatedhealth effects (see Section 4.1). The pollen seasonis advancing as many species start to flowerearlier, and the concentration of pollen in the air isincreasing (Buters et al., 2010). The increasing trendin the yearly amount of airborne pollen for manytaxa is more pronounced in urban than semi-naturalareas across the continent (Ziello et al., 2012).Past trendsCompared to the 2008 report (EEA, 2008), there isnew evidence of climate change impacts on plantand fungi phenology. An analysis of 315 species offungi in England showed that these have increasedtheir fruiting season from 33 to 75 days between1950 and 2005 (Gange et al., 2007). Furthermore,climate warming and changes in the temporalallocation of nutrients to roots seem to have causedsignificant numbers of species to begin fruitingin spring as well as autumn. A study on 53 plantspecies in the United Kingdom found that theyhave advanced leafing, flowering and fruitingon average by 5.8 days between 1976 and 2005(Thackeray et al., 2010). Similarly, 29 perennial plantspecies in Spain have advanced leaf unfolding onaverage by 4.8 days, first flowering by 5.9 days,and fruiting by 3.2 days over the period 1943–2003,whereas leaf senescence was delayed on averageby 1.2 days (Gordo and Sanz, 2006a). For plants, amedium spring advancement of four to five days per1 °C increase has been observed in Europe (Bertin,2008; Estrella et al., 2009; Amano et al., 2010) (seeMap 3.11).Short warm and cold spells also can have a strongeffect on phenological events but this dependsstrongly on their timing and the species (Kochet al., 2009; Menzel et al., 2011). Continental-scalechange patterns have been derived from time seriesof satellite measured phenological variables(1982–2006) (Ivits et al., 2012). North-east Europeshowed a trend to an earlier and longer growingseason, particularly in the northern Baltic areas.Despite the earlier greening up, large areas ofEurope exhibited rather stable season lengthindicating the shift of the entire growing seasonto an earlier period. The northern Mediterraneandisplayed a growing season shift towards laterdates while some agglomerations of earlier andshorter growing season were also seen. Thecorrelation of phenological time series with climatedata shows a cause-and-effect relationship overthe semi-natural areas. In contrast, managedecosystems have a heterogeneous change patternwith less or no correlation to climatic trends. Overthese areas climatic trends seemed to overlapin a complex manner with more pronouncedeffects of local biophysical conditions and/or landmanagement practices.Key messages: 3.4.2 Plant and fungi phenology• The timing of seasonal events in plants is changing across Europe, mainly due to changes in climateconditions. Seventy-eight per cent of leaf unfolding and flowering records show advancing trends inrecent decades whereas only 3 % show a significant delay. Between 1971 and 2000, the averageadvance of spring and summer was between 2.5 and 4 days per decade.• As a consequence of climate-induced changes in plant phenology, the pollen season starts on average10 days earlier and is longer than it was 50 years ago.• Trends in seasonal events are projected to advance further as climate warming proceeds.Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012131

<strong>Climate</strong> <strong>impacts</strong> on environmental systems3.4.2 Plant <strong>and</strong> fungi phenologyRelevancePhenology is the tim<strong>in</strong>g of seasonal events suchas budburst, flower<strong>in</strong>g, dormancy, migration <strong>and</strong>hibernation. Some phenological responses aretriggered by mean temperature (Urhausen et al.,2011), while others are more responsive to daylength (Menzel et al., 2006) or weather extremes(Menzel et al., 2011). Changes <strong>in</strong> phenology affectthe grow<strong>in</strong>g season <strong>and</strong> thus ecosystem function<strong>in</strong>g<strong>and</strong> productivity. Changes <strong>in</strong> phenology areimpact<strong>in</strong>g farm<strong>in</strong>g (see Section 4.1), forestry (seeSection 4.2), garden<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> wildlife. The tim<strong>in</strong>gof till<strong>in</strong>g, sow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> harvest<strong>in</strong>g is chang<strong>in</strong>g,<strong>fr</strong>uit is ripen<strong>in</strong>g earlier due to warmer summertemperatures (Menzel et al., 2006), <strong>and</strong> grass <strong>in</strong>municipal parks <strong>and</strong> on road verges requires more<strong>fr</strong>equent cutt<strong>in</strong>g over a longer period. Changes<strong>in</strong> flower<strong>in</strong>g have implications for the tim<strong>in</strong>g<strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong>tensity of the pollen season <strong>and</strong> relatedhealth effects (see Section 4.1). The pollen seasonis advanc<strong>in</strong>g as many species start to flowerearlier, <strong>and</strong> the concentration of pollen <strong>in</strong> the air is<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g (Buters et al., 2010). The <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g trend<strong>in</strong> the yearly amount of airborne pollen for manytaxa is more pronounced <strong>in</strong> urban than semi-naturalareas across the cont<strong>in</strong>ent (Ziello et al., 2012).Past trendsCompared to the 2008 report (EEA, 2008), there isnew evidence of climate <strong>change</strong> <strong>impacts</strong> on plant<strong>and</strong> fungi phenology. An analysis of 315 species offungi <strong>in</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong> showed that these have <strong>in</strong>creasedtheir <strong>fr</strong>uit<strong>in</strong>g season <strong>fr</strong>om 33 to 75 days between1950 <strong>and</strong> 2005 (Gange et al., 2007). Furthermore,climate warm<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> <strong>change</strong>s <strong>in</strong> the temporalallocation of nutrients to roots seem to have causedsignificant numbers of species to beg<strong>in</strong> <strong>fr</strong>uit<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> spr<strong>in</strong>g as well as autumn. A study on 53 plantspecies <strong>in</strong> the United K<strong>in</strong>gdom found that theyhave advanced leaf<strong>in</strong>g, flower<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> <strong>fr</strong>uit<strong>in</strong>gon average by 5.8 days between 1976 <strong>and</strong> 2005(Thackeray et al., 2010). Similarly, 29 perennial plantspecies <strong>in</strong> Spa<strong>in</strong> have advanced leaf unfold<strong>in</strong>g onaverage by 4.8 days, first flower<strong>in</strong>g by 5.9 days,<strong>and</strong> <strong>fr</strong>uit<strong>in</strong>g by 3.2 days over the period 1943–2003,whereas leaf senescence was delayed on averageby 1.2 days (Gordo <strong>and</strong> Sanz, 2006a). For plants, amedium spr<strong>in</strong>g advancement of four to five days per1 °C <strong>in</strong>crease has been observed <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> (Bert<strong>in</strong>,2008; Estrella et al., 2009; Amano et al., 2010) (seeMap 3.11).Short warm <strong>and</strong> cold spells also can have a strongeffect on phenological events but this dependsstrongly on their tim<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> the species (Kochet al., 2009; Menzel et al., 2011). Cont<strong>in</strong>ental-scale<strong>change</strong> patterns have been derived <strong>fr</strong>om time seriesof satellite measured phenological variables(1982–2006) (Ivits et al., 2012). North-east <strong>Europe</strong>showed a trend to an earlier <strong>and</strong> longer grow<strong>in</strong>gseason, particularly <strong>in</strong> the northern Baltic areas.Despite the earlier green<strong>in</strong>g up, large areas of<strong>Europe</strong> exhibited rather stable season length<strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g the shift of the entire grow<strong>in</strong>g seasonto an earlier period. The northern Mediterrane<strong>and</strong>isplayed a grow<strong>in</strong>g season shift towards laterdates while some agglomerations of earlier <strong>and</strong>shorter grow<strong>in</strong>g season were also seen. Thecorrelation of phenological time series with climatedata shows a cause-<strong>and</strong>-effect relationship overthe semi-natural areas. In contrast, managedecosystems have a heterogeneous <strong>change</strong> patternwith less or no correlation to climatic trends. Overthese areas climatic trends seemed to overlap<strong>in</strong> a complex manner with more pronouncedeffects of local biophysical conditions <strong>and</strong>/or l<strong>and</strong>management practices.Key messages: 3.4.2 Plant <strong>and</strong> fungi phenology• The tim<strong>in</strong>g of seasonal events <strong>in</strong> plants is chang<strong>in</strong>g across <strong>Europe</strong>, ma<strong>in</strong>ly due to <strong>change</strong>s <strong>in</strong> climateconditions. Seventy-eight per cent of leaf unfold<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> flower<strong>in</strong>g records show advanc<strong>in</strong>g trends <strong>in</strong>recent decades whereas only 3 % show a significant delay. Between 1971 <strong>and</strong> 2000, the averageadvance of spr<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> summer was between 2.5 <strong>and</strong> 4 days per decade.• As a consequence of climate-<strong>in</strong>duced <strong>change</strong>s <strong>in</strong> plant phenology, the pollen season starts on average10 days earlier <strong>and</strong> is longer than it was 50 years ago.• Trends <strong>in</strong> seasonal events are projected to advance further as climate warm<strong>in</strong>g proceeds.<strong>Climate</strong> <strong>change</strong>, <strong>impacts</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>vulnerability</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> 2012131

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