TLex: Thai Lexeme Analyser Based on the ... - BEST - Nectec

TLex: Thai Lexeme Analyser Based on the ... - BEST - Nectec

TLex: Thai Lexeme Analyser Based on the ... - BEST - Nectec

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5TABLE IVEVALUATION RESULTS OF MERGING APPROACH ON THE combinedFEATURE SETGenre Approach ResultsP R F1Article no-merge 95.45 96.80 96.12merge 95.71 96.54 96.13Buddhism no-merge 95.39 95.39 95.39merge 95.19 94.96 95.07Encyclopedia no-merge 95.17 95.21 95.19merge 95.15 94.83 94.99Law no-merge 95.14 96.28 95.70merge 95.36 96 95.68News no-merge 91.91 94.71 93.29merge 93.54 94.99 94.26Novel no-merge 94.57 95.57 95.07merge 95.43 95.72 95.57Nsc no-merge 95.71 95.57 95.64merge 95.83 95.53 95.68Old-doc no-merge 91.70 93.12 92.40merge 92.09 92.81 92.45Royalnews no-merge 80.83 91.42 85.80merge 84.41 92.28 88.17Talk no-merge 96.74 97.00 96.87merge 96.99 96.78 96.89Tvnews no-merge 91.07 95.06 93.02merge 92.29 94.92 93.59Wiki no-merge 90.61 93.53 92.05merge 91.62 93.58 92.59TABLE VEVALUATION RESULTS OF NE MERGING FROM ALL GENRESApproachResultsP R F1no-merge 92.86 94.97 93.90merge 93.63 94.91 94.27improvement comes from <strong>the</strong> Royalnews genre, in which <strong>the</strong>NE merging yielded <strong>the</strong> performance of 88.17% based <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong>F1 value compared to 85.8% without merging. The reas<strong>on</strong> isthat <strong>the</strong> NEs under <strong>the</strong> Royalnews genre are limited, however,occur very often in <strong>the</strong> articles.We also measured <strong>the</strong> executi<strong>on</strong> times of two approaches.The no-merge approach yields 7,444 words/sec. The mergeapproach yields 2,229 words/sec. The decreasing speed in<strong>the</strong> merge approach is due to <strong>the</strong> time taken for parsing andchecking <strong>the</strong> named entities in <strong>the</strong> list.VI. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKSIn this paper, we proposed a soluti<strong>on</strong> to <strong>the</strong> InterBest2009 <str<strong>on</strong>g>Thai</str<strong>on</strong>g> Word Segmentati<strong>on</strong> task based <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> C<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>alRandom Fields. To train <strong>the</strong> word segmentati<strong>on</strong> models, weproposed three different feature sets: char (by using all possiblecharacters as features), char-type (by categorizing allcharacters into 10 different types) and combined (by usingboth characters and character types as features) The evaluati<strong>on</strong>results showed that <strong>the</strong> char-type feature set yielded <strong>the</strong> worstperformance of 62.90% based <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> F1 value. The modeltrained by using char feature set gave <strong>the</strong> F1 value of 91.51%.The highest F1 value of 93.90% was achieved when using <strong>the</strong>combined feature set. Therefore, it could be c<strong>on</strong>cluded that <strong>the</strong>CRFs could effectively learn <strong>the</strong> actual character sequences.However, in <strong>the</strong> case that <strong>the</strong> exact character sequential patternsare not matched, <strong>the</strong> generalized model based <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong>char-type could help cover such case. The analysis of <strong>the</strong>segmented results showed that <strong>the</strong> models trained by using<strong>the</strong> CRFs tend to mistakenly separate named entities into afew small segments. As a soluti<strong>on</strong>, we performed <strong>the</strong> postprocessingstep by merging named entities (NEs) found in <strong>the</strong>returned segments. The NE merging step helped increase <strong>the</strong>performance of <strong>the</strong> combined feature model to 94.27% based<strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> averaged F1 value.For future works, we will focus <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> improvement of <strong>the</strong>word segmentati<strong>on</strong> models learned by using <strong>the</strong> CRFs. Onepossible soluti<strong>on</strong> is to improve <strong>the</strong> feature set for learning <strong>the</strong>models. A new character feature set could be automaticallyc<strong>on</strong>structed by using some clustering algorithms. Ano<strong>the</strong>rpossible improvement is by training a named entity recogniti<strong>on</strong>(NER) model to merge returned segments which c<strong>on</strong>tainnamed entities into single word units.REFERENCES[1] C. Haruechaiyasak, S. K<strong>on</strong>gyoung and M. 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