March, 2013 Newsletter - Loyola Jesuit College

March, 2013 Newsletter - Loyola Jesuit College

March, 2013 Newsletter - Loyola Jesuit College


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NETWORKING BETWEEN BELLARMINE PREPARATORY SCHOOLAND LOYOLA JESUIT COLLEGE: HOST PARENTS NEEDEDWith over 462 secondary schools worldwide, the Society of Jesus has one of the largest networks of schools inthe world. To strengthen these networks, Boston <strong>College</strong> High School hosted a colloquium which brought togetherover 400 delegates from the 462 <strong>Jesuit</strong> high schools between July 28th and August 2, 2012. Fr. UgoNweke (the former principal) and Fr. Udochi Ugorji SJ (<strong>College</strong> Chaplain) represented <strong>Loyola</strong> <strong>Jesuit</strong> <strong>College</strong>at the colloquium. The colloquium resolved to strengthen the networks through exchange programmes collaborationamong <strong>Jesuit</strong> high schools.In response to the resolution of the Colloquium, during the long holidays this year, we shall have a delegationfrom Bellarmine Preparatory School, San Jose, California, a sister <strong>Jesuit</strong> High School, over. They will be here toexperience both our service project and have a taste of African Literature from a purely African perspective.The team of 12 students and 3 teachers will spend a week in LJC and a week with host families of volunteeringSS2 parents. They shall spend two weeks in Nigeria (July 21 – August 3, <strong>2013</strong>).We need at least seven homes to accommodate our guests. We would like to request volunteers from Abujabased parents of SS2 students. Bellarmine Prep. is an all-boys school. They will be chaperoned by three of theirteachers who will also like to experience Nigerian hospitality. The number of volunteers will determine whetherthe guests will be paired or be put in homes singly.Please volunteer!Criteria for volunteering are as follows:-1. Residence in Abuja.2. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of an SS2 student.3. Ability to facilitate transportation to service center and back.• This is a preferred scenario but not mandatory. If volunteer’s ward will commute, so will the guest.LAST DAY FOR A PARENT TO VOLUNTEER TO HOST A GUEST ISMARCH 23RD, <strong>2013</strong>.Since this is an exchange programme, there is an opportunity for ten of our students, accompanied by twoteachers, to visit Bellarmine for two weeks. The trip back is scheduled for 17 th August – 29 th August (to arrive 0nthe 30 th ). The trip is open to both Senior School 1 and Senior School 2 students.We have scheduled for our students, tours around the San Francisco area, SAT Preparatory Classes, college essaywriting tips, and visits to various universities. We envisage that they will all come back enriched by the experience.Interested students need a valid US visa.The students will stay with host families.The trip costs N500,000.00 (Five hundred Thousand Naira only). This covers airfare, lunches and gate feesto sites. Students are expected to have a little pocket money.PAYMENT FOR THIS TRIP IS BY APRIL 26 TH, <strong>2013</strong>.Contact the Principal at principal@loyolajesuit.orgOr 0807702311211

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