March, 2013 Newsletter - Loyola Jesuit College

March, 2013 Newsletter - Loyola Jesuit College

March, 2013 Newsletter - Loyola Jesuit College


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The lion or lioness is the school’s mascot, and pride (a group of lions/lionesses) refers to the students of <strong>Loyola</strong> <strong>Jesuit</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Vol. 12 Number 7 A <strong>Newsletter</strong> for Parents <strong>March</strong> 23, <strong>2013</strong>MAY THERESURRECTION OF OUR LORDJESUS CHRIST GIVE US RENEWEDSTRENGTH TO RISE FROM OURWEAKNESSES. AMEN.

Mr. Peter Onunkwor, an Agricultural Science teacher, attends to a parentduring the Open DayThe <strong>College</strong> has set aside a day in anacademic session, other than the usualvisiting days, where parents andguardians would have a formal but personalinteractions with subject teachers,class teachers, student life staff andthe counsellors. That day is thus calledan 'OPEN DAY'. The first ‘Open Day’held last year. The second of such a dayin the history of the <strong>College</strong> came upon Sunday, February 17, <strong>2013</strong> at theschool's QUADRANGLE.Prior to the day, planning and preparationtook several days. The Vice PrincipalAcademics, who co-ordinated theevent, gave detailed instructions to allsubject teachers, class teachers and student-lifestaff on the importance and thegoals of the event. She also carefully spelt out the procedure to be followed during the event. With thegoals and logistics well articulated, we, the teachers, eagerly anticipated the day.When February 17th finally arrived, the event was preceded by a Holy Mass in the school’s Chapel of theGood Samaritan. Before the Holy Mass, however, the classrooms’ Quadrangle, the venue of the event, worea beautiful look; Beautifully designed canopies were arranged and labeled faculty by faculty with each facultyhaving at least a canopy. Each canopy had seats and desks to accommodate teachers, parents and theirchildren. After the Mass, parents, guided by their children, moved to the Quadrangle to begin the ‘OpenDay’ activities.The laid down procedure ensured orderlinessand effectiveness. The procedureallowed parents to first interactwith their children’s class teacherswho released results to them. Thenthey proceeded to their children’s variousclassrooms where they had accessto their children’s lockers and perusedtheir wards notes/ exercise books andother related materials. Thereafter,they went into discussions with thevarious subject teachers about the performanceof their children in each subject.A number of the parents were impressedwith the students’ new lockersand desks. For a number of the parents,this would be the first time they wouldMs. Jennifer Gbemudu, a Computer Studies teacher, attends to a parentduring the Open Dayhave access to the students’ lockers in the classrooms. It was indeed holistic as nothing pertaining to thewelfare of their children was left untouched by the parents.Continued on the next page2

Continued from the previous pageMany parents left with very strong impressionof appreciation as they were able to captureboth the strengths and weaknesses of their children.Students, who on regular visiting daysavoided bringing their parents to meet with theteachers of the subjects in which they performedpoorly, could not do that during the‘Open Day’. The exercise also helped parents tobetter understand the academic programmes.These interactions helped parents to offer verygood pieces of advice and suggestions accordinglyto both the subject and class teachers.Finally, it was observed that many parentsfailed to turn up for this exercise. And some ofthose that turned up were more interested infeeding their children than participating in theMr. Ben Ndubisi, a French Language teacher, attends to a parentactivities of the ‘Open Day’. It is, however,hoped that parents would avail themselves of this exercise each time such opportunity occurs in any sessionwhile the school will constantly strive for greater improvement.By: Mrs. Ojiakor Ngozi (Head of Faculty of Science)Visiting Day for the SS3 StudentsThe SS3 students on extension will have a visiting day on Easter Sunday, <strong>March</strong> 31st <strong>2013</strong>.Visiting day begins with Holy Mass in the Chapel of the Good Samaritan at 10:00 A.M. Thereafter, parentsmay have a picnic with their wards at the picnic grounds.Let us not forget to keep the compound clean by properly disposing off wastes in the waste bins provided atstrategic points in the compound.After Examinations Holiday for the SS3 StudentsHopefully WASSCE (West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination) will end on the 17th of May <strong>2013</strong>allowing for several days before beginning of NECO SSCE. Senior Secondary three students who do not haveG.C.E. Cambridge examination during that period will be allowed to go home on a short holiday. They are expectedback to the school on June 1, <strong>2013</strong>.Graduation Ceremonies for SS3 StudentsGraduation ceremonies for the class of <strong>2013</strong> will hold on JULY 14 TH, <strong>2013</strong>. Two invitation cards will admitfour family members of each graduand to the occasion. Dress Code: Boys: Navy blue suit, white shirt, blackshoes and wine long tie. Girls: Navy blue skirt suit, white blouse and black shoes (wine scarves are optional).The <strong>2013</strong> Year BookWe would like to inform parents of graduating students that the opportunity to put in felicitations in appreciationto God, and in honour of their children is now at their doorstep .The subsidized rates are as follows:-Full page N100, 000.00 (One Hundred Thousand Naira)Half page N70,000.000 (Seventy Thousand Naira)Soft copies of felicitations and proof of payment should be sent in a soft copy of goodwill message and proofof payment into school account to the following address yearbook@loyolajesuit.org. Kindly copy the same toprincipal@loyolajesuit.org.3

From the OFFICE OF THE VICE PRINCIPAL ACADEMICSSS-3 <strong>2013</strong>/2014 Subject Selection Form: The present SS2 students will be coming home for the Easter holidayswith their “SS-3 Subject Selection Form”. Parents are expected to complete these forms with their children andreturn them on resumption day (Saturday, April 13th <strong>2013</strong>) to the Counsellor, Mr. Gabriel Egudu.Below is a sample of the form.Important Information:LOYOLA JESUIT COLLEGE, ABUJASAMPLE SS3 SUBJECTS SELECTION FORMAll students in SS3 must offer nine (9) subjects out of the twelve already offered in SS2.Please, complete the form below and RETURN IT when resuming for the Third Term.ELECTIVE GROUPS: Write down the subjects chosen from the following Elective Groups. A minimum of three (3) subjectsshould be chosen from either Group A or Group B below. One subject may be chosen from one of the three groups(A, B or C) to complete the list of subjects to nine (9).A. SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Further Mathematics, Agriculture.B. HUMANITIES: Hausa Language, Literature-in-English, French Language, Geography, Government,History, Visual Art, Music, Economics, Christian Religious Studies.C. TECHNOLOGY: Technical Drawing, Foods & Nutrition.Write down the subjects you wish to carry on with into SS3.COMPULSORY CROSS-CUTTING CORE:1. English Language2. General Mathematics3. Computer Studies4. Civic Education(Circle the Trade/Entrepreneurship Subject below which you had offered in SS2)5. Catering Craft Practice OR Data Processing OR Fisheries6.7.8.(List the three Core subjects from your Specialization Field of Study/Elective Groups A, or B above)(List the one additional subject chosen from any of the Elective Groups A, B, or C to complete your list of subjects)9.Name………………………………………….………………Class…………Sign……………….………..……Date ……….…Parent’s Name…………………………………………….…….……Sign …………………..….……... Date ……..………..….Office Use:Counsellor’s Comments:Name:4

From the OFFICE OF THE VICE PRINCIPAL ACADEMICSAll the present SS-1 students are to continue to the SS-2 class with the subjects which they are presently offering.No changes are allowed.SS-1 <strong>2013</strong>/2014 Subject Selection Form: During the brief Easter break, the parents of the present JS-3 studentswould be expected to conclude their discussions with their children on their choice of subjects in the seniorclasses as well as their career choices. This is because some time in early June the JS-3 students will be choosingtheir SSS subjects. Below is a sample of the form that they will be completing.Important Information:LOYOLA JESUIT COLLEGE, ABUJASAMPLE SS1 SUBJECTS SELECTION FORMOnly one subject may be selected from a given Elective Group.Christian Religious Knowledge is a compulsory choice for all Christian students.Students who achieve a very low performance/standard (below 65%) in General Mathematics and Basic Science in the LJC administeredMock Basic Education Certificate Examinations, will not be allowed to do Physics or Further Mathematics in SS1. This is becausethey have shown from their result an insufficient ability to cope with these subjects. On the other hand, if some students insist ontaking up Physics or Further Mathematics in spite of their poor grades, they may be given the opportunity to repeat JS3 in order to seeif they could reach the required standard –if they believe that their current performance was as a result of lack of sufficient effort ontheir part.Every student is expected to do a maximum of thirteen (13) and a minimum of twelve (12) subjects.Please, complete the form below and return it as early as possible.Compulsory Cross-cutting Core:1.English Language2.General Mathematics3.Computer Studies4.Civic Education(Circle one Trade/Entrepreneurship Subject below which you would like to do)5.Catering Craft Practice OR Data Processing OR FisheriesLJC Compulsory:6. Biology7. Economics8. Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK)Elective Groups:Write down the subjects chosen from the following Elective Groups. Only one subject would be selected from a given group.9. Literature-in-English or Geography or History10. Agricultural Science or Technical Drawing or Foods & Nutrition11. Further Mathematics or Visual Art or French12. Physics or Government or Music13. Chemistry or History or HausaNOTE: Every Christian student must register the eight (8) Compulsory subjects, while Muslim students may skip the 8 th CompulsorySubject (CRK). Only one subject may be selected from a given Elective Group (9 to 13) above.Which career would you like to pursue? _____________________________________________________________________________________Name………………………………………….………………..…Class………….…Sign……………….………..……Date ……….…Parent’s Name…………………………………………….……….…….……Sign …………………..….……... Date ……..………..…Office Use:Counsellor’s Comments:Name:5

From the OFFICE OF THE VICE PRINCIPAL ACADEMICSUniversity Admissions’ OfficeOctober 2012 PSAT Result: Eighty two (82) SS-2 students sat for the PSAT on the 20th of October 2012. Theresult is out and all the students, but one, scored above 50% of the 240 total score. Fifty two (52) students scoredabove 80%.Christopher Onubogu had the highest score of 206 (98%).November 2012 SAT-1 Result: All the eighty two (82) present SS-3 students that sat for the test scored above50% (1200 of 2400). Forty five (45) students scored above 1800. The highest scores (out of 800) for the READ-ING, MATHEMATICS and WRITING were 800, 800 and 760, respectively while their respective lowest scoreswere 390, 420 and 480. Princess-Jewel Essien had the highest score of 2340 (97.5%) out of 2400 with absolutescores in Reading and Mathematics.CONGRATULATIONS: A good number of the present SS-3 students have been offered admission into variousinstitutions [universities/colleges] in Canada, the U.S.A and U.K. These include:1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Motiloluwa Ogunsina.2. St. Peter’s School, York: Idorinyin Etuk.3. St. Edmund’s <strong>College</strong>, England: Idorinyin Etuk.31. Stonyhurst <strong>College</strong>, England: Chinaza Johnny-Chukwu.32. Bromsgrove School, England: Tobechukwu Otuogbodor.33. Albert <strong>College</strong>, Canada: Tobechukwu Otuogbodor.4. Rutgers University, New Jersey: Somtochukwu Uyanna;34. The Leys <strong>College</strong>, England: Tobechukwu Otuogbodor.Fareedah Lawal; Oche Oche-Obe.35. Rochester Institute of Technology, New York: Chukwunonso5. University of Maine: Somtochukwu Uyanna*.6. Calvin <strong>College</strong>, Michigan: Pearl Omo-Sowho*; Osasere Iyalekhue;Okolo; Cyril Ogude.Oluwaseeto Tanimola*; Chinedum Nwaogwugwu; Kenechukwu 36. University of Mississippi: Somtochukwu Nnyamah.Obano; Somtochukwu Nnyamah; Chidinma Ukaegbu*; 37: Epson <strong>College</strong>, England: Oluwatimilehin Fasehun*.Zimuzo Chigbo-Okeke.38. Wellington <strong>College</strong>, UK: Oluwatimilehin Fasehun.7. Columbia International <strong>College</strong>, Canada: Nnenna Esotu; OsasereIyalekhue; Chijindu Okoro; Nasara Usman;39. Hailebury <strong>College</strong>, UK: Oluwatimilehin Fasehun.Chinemelum Chibuko; Olaoluwa Ojo; Odera Ebeze.40. West Virginia University, USA: George Odigwe; Oche Oche-Obe*.8. Bronte <strong>College</strong> Canada: Nnenna Esotu; Dorothy Solomon.41.Florida Institute of Technology:Cyril Ogude*;Chukwubuikem Idigo.9. Niagara Christian Community of <strong>College</strong>s, Canada: Nnenna Esotu;42. St. Catherine’s <strong>College</strong>, UK: Sharon Bisong; Valerie Otti.Odera Ebeze.10. Purdue University, Indiana: James Bamisaye; Nneoma Uzo;43. Downe House School, UK: Sharon Bisong; Valerie Otti.Motiloluwa Ogunsina.44. Headington School, Oxford, UK: Sharon Bisong.11. Colorodo State University, Colorado: Ethel Ojo.45. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Chinemelum12. Emporia University, Kansas: Nkemdirim Nwogu.Chibuko; Oluwasekemi Esan; Olisaemeka Mbanefo.13. Missouri Southern State University, Missouri: Nkemdirim Nwogu.14. University of Debrecen, Hungary: Osasere Iyalekhue;46. Bodwell <strong>College</strong>, BC, Canada: Chinemelum Chibuko.Szindi Csaszar; Sharon Ajudua.47. Royal High School, England: Chikamara Nwosu.15. Concord <strong>College</strong>, UK: Nneoma Uzo; Oluwakanyinsola48. Into Manchester Foundation School, UK: Olusola Adebayo.Akinwuntan; Chinaza Johnny-Chukwu; Oluwatimilehin49. University of Edinburgh, UK: Olusola Adebayo.Fasehun; Olufunlola Bakare; Chikamara Nwosu.16. Indiana University, Bloomington: Nneoma Uzo.50. University of Windsor, Canada: Tomiwa Aina.17. Bosworth Independent <strong>College</strong>, Northampton, UK: Dalyop Pam; 51. University of Dallas, USA: Oluwasekemi Esan; Nicole Njoku*.Ugochukwu Amadi*; Olufunlola Bakare*; Oluwasekemi Esan. 52. Ridley <strong>College</strong>, Canada: Odera Ebeze.18. Southern Ontario <strong>College</strong>, Canada: Dalyop Pam.53. Abbey <strong>College</strong>, Cambridge, England: Odera Ebeze.19. Cardiff <strong>College</strong>, Wales: Ugochukwu Amadi;Chinaza Johnny-Chukwu.54. Adelphi University, New York: Nicole Njoku.20. Knox <strong>College</strong>, Illinois: Chinedum Nwaogwugwu;55. Williston Northampton School, MA: Aidevo Okaisabor.Kenechukwu Obano.56. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee: Eti-Abasi Umobong.21. Xavier University, Ohio: Chinedum Nwaogwugwu;57. Valdosta State University, Georgia: Omoikhefe Eboreime.Kenechukwu Obano; Somtochukwu Nnyamah*.22. Clark University, Massachusetts: Chinedum Nwaogwugwu. 58. Arkansas Tech University, USA: Omoikhefe Eboreime.23. Austin <strong>College</strong>, Texas: Chinedum Nwaogwugwu;59. Fort Hays State University, USA: Omoikhefe Eboreime.Kenechukwu Obano.60. University of the South, Sewanee, USA: Oshoze Kadiri.24. Wartburg <strong>College</strong>, Iowa: Chinedum Nwaogwugwu.61. International <strong>College</strong> of Manitoba: Kenechukwu Nwobbi.25. State University of New York at Plattsburgh: ChinedumNwaogwugwu; Somtochukwu Nnyamah. 62. Badminton <strong>College</strong>, Badminto, UK: Valerie Otti.26. University of British Columbia: Kenechukwu Obano.63. Cushing Academy, Massachusetts, USA: Valerie Otti.27. Lake Forest University, Illinois: Kenechukwu Obano.64. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Motiloluwa Ogunsina.28. Illinois <strong>College</strong>, USA: Kenechukwu Obano; Somtochukwu65. Great Lakes <strong>College</strong> of Toronto, Canada: Gbolahan Ajayi;Nnyamah*; Nicole Njoku*.Nnenna Esotu.29. St. Swithhun’s <strong>College</strong>, England: Chinaza Johnny-Chukwu;66. Canisius <strong>College</strong>, Buffalo, New York: Zimuzo Chigbo-OkekeSharon Bisong.67. University of Maryland, <strong>College</strong> Park, Maryland: George Odigwe.30. CATS <strong>College</strong> Cambridge, UK: Chinaza Johnny-Chukwu.Asterisk* means ‘with scholarship’.As the days go by more students are notified of their admission into the various schools hence the above is not anexhaustive list. The detailed list may be published at their graduation.We also congratulate an alumnus, Ogaga Attah, of the 2012 set who has just been admitted to MIT!6

TENTATIVE CALENDAR: Academic Year <strong>2013</strong>–2014Please verify with the subsequent editions of the <strong>Newsletter</strong>,1ST TERM: SEPTEMBER 7- DECEMBER 14, <strong>2013</strong>School resumes August 27Retreat for Management Staff (HOD/HOF) August 28-29Retreat/Workshop for Non-Academic Staff August 30-31Retreat/Workshop for Academic Staff September 2-4Departmental Meetings for Academic Staff September 5 ( @ 9a.m. )Faculty Meeting for Academic Staff September 6 ( @ 9a.m. )JS-1 and Prefects Resume September 7 ( Checking in: 12 noon to 6.00p.m.)Orientation for JS-1 September 8-13JS-3 and SS-3 Resume September 13 ( Checking in: 12 noon to 6.00p.m.)JS-2, SS-1 and SS-2 Resume September 14 ( Checking in: 12 noon to 6.00p.m.)Mass of Welcome September 15Classes Begin September 16Entrance Exam Forms Activated On-line September 01Mass of the Holy Spirit, Annual Academic Awards, Induction of the JS-1 September 29 (All <strong>Loyola</strong> Parents Invited)Independence Day and Memorial of Soala Ben-Kalio October 1First Continuous Assessment October 9-11PSAT for SS-2 Students October 19 (Tentative)A & C Classes Visiting Day October 20Career and University Presentations (I) October 26B & D Classes Visiting Day October 27All Saints Day (All-House Feast Day) November 1 (No Classes)SAT-1 November 2 (Tentative)Second Continuous Assessment November 6-8PTA: AGM November 30Annual <strong>Loyola</strong> <strong>Jesuit</strong> <strong>College</strong> Drama (In memory of our 60 Angels) December 1 (All <strong>Loyola</strong> Parents Invited)End of Term Examinations December 2-7SAT-2 December 7 (Tentative)End of Term Activities December 7-13Memorial Mass and Procession for the Sixty Angels December 10First Term Ends: Students leave for vacation December 14Kairos Retreat December 14-182nd TERM: JANUARY 10 – April 12, 2014Deadline for Registration of Entrance Exam Forms January 6Faculty Workshop January 8-9 (@ 9a.m.)JS-1, JS-3 and SS-3 Resume January 10 (Checking in: 12 noon to 6.00p.m.)JS-2, SS-1 and SS-2 Resume January 11 (Checking in: 12 noon to 6.00p.m.)Sale of Late Entry Forms Closes January 17SAT-1 and SAT-2 January 18 (Tentative)Mock SSCE begins January 27-February 7Entrance Examination February 1First Continuous Assessment February 5-7SS-3 Leave for Home Vacation February 8SS-3 Resume (Extension Classes/Studies) February 15Inter-House Sports Day February 22 (All LJC Parents invited)OPEN DAY February 23List of Successful Entrance Exam Candidates published on-line <strong>March</strong> 5 (Ash Wednesday)Second Continuous Assessment <strong>March</strong> 5-7Three Angels Memorial <strong>March</strong> 14Interviews for Successful Entrance Exam Candidates <strong>March</strong> 15, 22, 29 and April 5End of Term Examinations <strong>March</strong> 31-April 5End of Term Activities April 5-11Second Term Ends: Students leave for vacation April 12Kairos Retreat April 12-16Palm Sunday April 13Easter Sunday April 203rd TERM: April 22 – JULY 19, 2014Publication of Final Entrance list into LJC April 14JS-3 Resume (Extension Classes) April 22-May 3 ( Checking in: 12 noon to 6.00p.m.)JS-1, JS-2, SS-1 and SS-2 Resume April 26 ( Checking in: 12 noon to 6.00p.m.)Workers’ Day May 1 (No Classes)Mock JSCE May 5-9First Continuous Assessment May 14-16A & C Classes Visiting Day May 25Children’s Day May 27 (No Classes)B & D Classes Visiting Day June 1Second Continuous Assessment June 11-13Cultural Day June 12 (No Classes)JSS-3 Leave for Vacation June 14 (Tentative: Pending NECO Schedule)Career and University Presentations (II) June 14A & C Classes Visiting Day June 22B & D Classes Visiting Day June 29End of Term Examinations July 7-12Graduation July 13 (Tentative: Pending NECO Schedule)End of Term Activities July 12-18Career and University Presentations (III) July 17Third Term Ends: Students leave July 19SS-1 Leadership Program July 197

From the OFFICE OF THE VICE PRINCIPAL STUDENT LIFECHECKLIST OF ITEMS TO BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOLTo the Parent: Please use this list to check your ward’s luggage before he or she leaves home for school. Place a checkmark in the column headed Parent to indicate that the specified item has been brought to school. Items should be clearlymarked with your ward’s name for the purpose of identification.To the Teacher on Duty: Please, go through the students’ luggage and check off each item that has been brought to school.If you find any item that is not indicated on this list, confiscate and return it to the Principal. Such items will not be returnedto the student or his/her parents.Name of Student: _______________________________House: ________________________ Class: __________S/N Items Parent Teacher1 Biros, Pencils, Ruler (30 cm) and Math Set: Compasses, Set Square and Protractor, Scissorsfor cutting cardboard and paper2 Bible – Revised Standard Version (Christian students)3 1 Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary4 Rosary Beads (for Catholic Students)5 Sunday and Weekday Missal (Catholic students)6 The Psalter of the Divine Office (pocket companion) – (Catholic students)7 1 Drinking Cup/Cold water flask8 2 White Bed Sheets (8 feet by 4 feet – it is important that they fit)9 1 Covering Cloth10 1 Light Blanket11 2 White Pillow Cases (with flap for tucking in)12 12 Coat Hangers13 2 Towels14 Letter writing materials15 1 Electric Iron with 3-pin plug (It must be 3-Pin Plug)16 Washing Powder (1kg = 2: 500gm = 4) for laundry and 8 Bar Soaps17 2 Dozen Clothing Pegs18 Toiletries (perfume and aerosols or sprays not allowed)19 2 Plastic Buckets for laundry, and the colour must correspond to your House (Connelly:green; <strong>Loyola</strong>: blue; Regis: red; Xavier: yellow)20 Boys Uniform belt (black 3 cm wide) 2 belts21 1 Pair of Canvas Shoes for games (not to be worn to school)22 5 Pairs of White Socks (without logo/design)23 1 Pair of Bathroom Slippers24 Shoe polish (Black, not liquid) and Brush25 2 Sets of Occasional Wear (one of which must be traditional dress) to be kept in the boxroom for special occasions26 I Pair of Football Boots (all Soccer players) and football socks27 1 Pair of Spike Shoes and Sneakers for jogging28 1 Pair of simple black leather shoes (for socials and Sunday wear)29 2 pairs of black leather sandals30 Underwear for Boys: 8 Singlets and 8 pants (Boys Singlets must be white with a V – or U-neck) Underwear for Girls: 8 Chemise and 1 Dozen of pants.31 6 Handkerchiefs32 1 strong Raincoat with strong loop (for hanging on a peg) or 1 umbrella33 2 Pairs of Pyjamas or 2 Night Dresses.34 Folders (to file past questions, answer sheets etc)35 Combs and 1 Clipper and brush36 Treated Mosquito Net (8 feet by 4 feet – it is important that they fit)37 House Coat- CompulsoryNB: No other item of clothing is to be brought to school. Any other item of clothing (be it extra social wear, boots,shoes with bogus logos or brand names, face caps, hats, coloured t-shirts, etc.) will be confiscated without warning.Confiscated items will neither be returned to the student nor to his/her parent(s). Confiscated items go to charity.Parent’s Name: _________________________________ Date & Sign: __________________________Teacher’s Name: ________________________________ Date & Sign: __________________________9

From the OFFICE OF THE VICE PRINCIPAL STUDENT LIFEUPDATE ON COLLEGE SANDALSLast term, parents were asked to buy a pair of sandals for school uniforms and a pair of shoes forSunday wears. Thank you for complying. While some students returned this term with newpairs of sandals and shoes, a few continued to wear the school sandals and shoes given to themlast term.Our experience this term is that when the one pair of sandals cut or goes into disuse, the studentis left only with nothing but a pair of shoes designated for Sundays. Students are only allowedto wear shoes on Sundays; and, so they are not for the classrooms.We, therefore, request that parents buy two pairs of durable sandals for their children. Theyshould return with them next term.Thank you for your usual cooperation and understanding.Citizenship and Leadership Training for Present SS 1 students (Man O’ War Camp)The Citizenship and Leadership Training Programme for SS1 students for this session will beginon the 20th of July and end on the 1st of August in <strong>Loyola</strong> <strong>Jesuit</strong> <strong>College</strong>. Facilitators and instructorswill come from the Citizenship and Leadership Training Centre in Jos.The programme shall last for twelve days. Departure is on the 2nd of August. Participants areexpected to come for the course with the following items: sports wears, foot wears, trainers, toiletries,bedding, Sunday wears, traditional wears, writing materials, and a school bag. Theschool rule applies to the kind of dress you come with to the course. Any item not mentionedhere will be regarded as contraband. Do not bring cameras, money, phone and provision ofany type.Please keep strictly to this instruction. During this programme all school rules and regulationswill apply.The Fees for the programme is N70, 000 (Seventy-thousand Naira only) per student.RESULTS OF ENTRANCE EXAMINATION INTO THE COLLEGEOn <strong>March</strong> 2nd, 8th, 9th and 15th, the <strong>College</strong> conducted interviews for some of the candidates who weresuccessful in the <strong>College</strong>’s Entrance Examination that took place on the 2nd of February <strong>2013</strong>. The lastgroup of the 134 candidates will continue their interviews on the 25th of <strong>March</strong> <strong>2013</strong>.The final list of admitted students will be published on April 1, <strong>2013</strong> on the <strong>College</strong>’s Website and inTHISDAY newspapers for that day. We ask parents of successful candidates to download some vitaldocuments from our website, complete and return to the <strong>College</strong> before or on the date to be specified.10

NETWORKING BETWEEN BELLARMINE PREPARATORY SCHOOLAND LOYOLA JESUIT COLLEGE: HOST PARENTS NEEDEDWith over 462 secondary schools worldwide, the Society of Jesus has one of the largest networks of schools inthe world. To strengthen these networks, Boston <strong>College</strong> High School hosted a colloquium which brought togetherover 400 delegates from the 462 <strong>Jesuit</strong> high schools between July 28th and August 2, 2012. Fr. UgoNweke (the former principal) and Fr. Udochi Ugorji SJ (<strong>College</strong> Chaplain) represented <strong>Loyola</strong> <strong>Jesuit</strong> <strong>College</strong>at the colloquium. The colloquium resolved to strengthen the networks through exchange programmes collaborationamong <strong>Jesuit</strong> high schools.In response to the resolution of the Colloquium, during the long holidays this year, we shall have a delegationfrom Bellarmine Preparatory School, San Jose, California, a sister <strong>Jesuit</strong> High School, over. They will be here toexperience both our service project and have a taste of African Literature from a purely African perspective.The team of 12 students and 3 teachers will spend a week in LJC and a week with host families of volunteeringSS2 parents. They shall spend two weeks in Nigeria (July 21 – August 3, <strong>2013</strong>).We need at least seven homes to accommodate our guests. We would like to request volunteers from Abujabased parents of SS2 students. Bellarmine Prep. is an all-boys school. They will be chaperoned by three of theirteachers who will also like to experience Nigerian hospitality. The number of volunteers will determine whetherthe guests will be paired or be put in homes singly.Please volunteer!Criteria for volunteering are as follows:-1. Residence in Abuja.2. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of an SS2 student.3. Ability to facilitate transportation to service center and back.• This is a preferred scenario but not mandatory. If volunteer’s ward will commute, so will the guest.LAST DAY FOR A PARENT TO VOLUNTEER TO HOST A GUEST ISMARCH 23RD, <strong>2013</strong>.Since this is an exchange programme, there is an opportunity for ten of our students, accompanied by twoteachers, to visit Bellarmine for two weeks. The trip back is scheduled for 17 th August – 29 th August (to arrive 0nthe 30 th ). The trip is open to both Senior School 1 and Senior School 2 students.We have scheduled for our students, tours around the San Francisco area, SAT Preparatory Classes, college essaywriting tips, and visits to various universities. We envisage that they will all come back enriched by the experience.Interested students need a valid US visa.The students will stay with host families.The trip costs N500,000.00 (Five hundred Thousand Naira only). This covers airfare, lunches and gate feesto sites. Students are expected to have a little pocket money.PAYMENT FOR THIS TRIP IS BY APRIL 26 TH, <strong>2013</strong>.Contact the Principal at principal@loyolajesuit.orgOr 0807702311211

FROM SOALA BEN-KALIO’S HEALTH CENTER1. Parents who have not submitted their children's medical form should please do so before theterm ends.2. Please forward to Soala Ben-Kalio's Health Center all medical reports concerning your child’shealth; this will help the medical team to care for your child better.3. Orthodontic appointment remains the third Saturday of the month for those on the treatment.Please, if your child is not on orthodontic treatment, ensure that appointments are scheduledduring holidays only. We thank parents who ensure that their children’s appointments arebooked during vacation periods. Dr. Mrs. Amangbo, for example, ensures that her child’s orthodonticappointment is during holidays only. We encourage other parents to do the same.Dr. Williams 08077254817, 08035001717 and Ogunbanjo 08055902889, 07039784006 are the orthodontiststhe <strong>College</strong> uses.Parents should make separate arrangements to settle bills with their orthodontists. The <strong>College</strong>is not responsible for any bill of that sort. The <strong>College</strong> only takes these students to the orthodontists.4. Please, parents who have concerns about their children's health should address it appropriately.Special medical needs must be reported to and approved by the <strong>College</strong> before they are administered.It is unacceptable for parents to walk straight to the medical center and give instructionsto the nurses on duty.5. The <strong>College</strong> is still expecting to hear from parents who promised to donate chewable multivitamins(GUMMIES) to the <strong>College</strong>. They will be received with deep appreciation.Thanks and God bless.-Sr. Angela Onyemere SHCJExtension Classes for JS 3 StudentsJunior Secondary three students will resume for extension classes on April 6th <strong>2013</strong>. They return on this day tobegin their preparation for BECE (Basic Education Certificate Examinations) which begins towards the end ofMay. We wish them an enjoyable and restful Easter holiday.Career Week for JS3 StudentsNew parents have asked what the <strong>College</strong> does to prepare students for future career. The <strong>College</strong> has an extensiveprogramme for JS3 students moving into SS1. There is a week-long programme for them in which professionalsare invited to interact with the students. The interaction exposes the students to the subjects/courses,skills, talents, training and the disposition required for each profession. This week-long programme comes upimmediately after the BECE. The students usually end the week with a picnic/party.12

From the Office of the Director of Christian Service ProgrammeService Programme for SS2 StudentsEvery year, during the long vacation, LJC organizes a compulsory three-week Service Programme for studentswho have completed their fifth year (SS2) in the school. During this period, each of the students is assigned towork at a centre, usually an orphanage, a home for the physically disabled or a home for mentally retarded persons.Such a centre will normally be in a Nigerian town chosen, in most cases, by the student and his or her parents/guardian.The aim of the programme is to provide our students the opportunity to come in real contact with the lessprivileged in our society in order to better understand their lives and, thus, learn to love and relate better withthem. Hopefully, the programme also challenges the students who take part in it to reflect on ways of respondingeffectively to the desperate predicament of the needy in our society.The present SS2 students are aware of the programme and have been told to consult with their parents/guardians on the matter during the Easter holiday. Each student has to complete a form – to be used for the student’splacement in a centre – with his or her parents/guardian. Already we have a list of centres in differentparts of the country where our students have done the programme in the past. Students could choose from thelist; or if they know any other centre within Nigeria (preferably an orphanage) that is closer to where they reside,they should make enquiries and send us the contacts of such a centre. We will get in touch with the appropriateauthorities and see whether the centre is suitable for the programme and whether the people there arewilling to collaborate with us.This year’s programme will take place from the 22nd of July to the 9th of August. Parents/guardians of SS2 studentsare to ensure that their children/wards are free to undertake the programme within this period. Also theywill ensure that their children/wards arrive punctually at their centres on each day of the programme. In general,the students are expected to report at their various centres at 9 a.m. and close at 3 p.m. The school normallysends a staff to visit with the students at their various centres during the programme. At the end, the studentswill do an oral and/or written reflection. The director of each of the centres will also make a comprehensiveevaluation of each student.Our students normally give their best to the programme. Some may have difficulties understanding the purposeof the programme or adjusting to the different environments and the people they find in their centres. However,in the course of the programme, they mostly come to terms with their experiences and adjust accordingly; andthey learn a lot and enjoy different aspects of the programme. We hope that parents/guardians will continue tocooperate with the school and encourage our students to commit themselves to the programme.For further enquiries please contact:Bro. Maximus Ibenetor, S.J. ( Director) on 08077791087 or email: ibeneto@loyolajesuit.org13

From the PrincipalFr. Emmanuel Ugwejeh, SJ.In the following lines, I would like to briefly address some of the important issues that have come up since I resumedoffice as Principal.Open Day:I would like to thank our parents who participated actively in the Open Day activities of February 17th <strong>2013</strong>.The <strong>College</strong> community is very grateful to you for your comments, observations and suggestions. The <strong>College</strong> isaddressing some of the genuine issues raised and some of the constructive criticisms made. It was good thatmany parents participated actively in the activities of the Open Day. But many parents were not present for theevent. Effective collaboration between teachers and parents would ensure that we give the best to the childrenthat God has given to us.Request for out of School Permission:I continue to encourage you to plan ahead. Plan ahead in order to anticipate the expiry date of your children’svisas and passports so that you would not have to rush to the college to ask for permission to allow you renewyour children’s visas and passports. There are too many requests for permission to attend passport and visa interviews.As I noted on my page in the December <strong>Newsletter</strong>, the frequent movement of students in and out ofthe <strong>College</strong> is quite distracting. It does not allow for total concentration on school work.Airport Trips on Vacation DaysTo better care for our students on their way home on vacation days, the <strong>College</strong> is asking more teachers to accompanythe students to the airport. The teachers will be there to help the students with airport formalities andensure that they conduct themselves properly. This is certainly an added responsibility on the part of the teachers,but they do this with the goal of “cura personalis” (care of the person) in mind.Early Check in for Abuja, Jos and Kaduna Students on Resumption DaysResumption days are usually very busy days for our teachers who ensure that students are properly checked in.They resume as early as 7:00 A.M. to begin receiving students, and close as late as 10:00PM. Many students waittill about 6:00PM before they can return. When many students return at 6:00PM, it becomes difficult for teachersto check them in before 10:00PM. To make the work of the teachers on duty on resumption days easier andto allow students check in and settle in quicker, I would ask that students who live within and around FCT,Jos, Keffi and Kaduna should arrive and be checked in before 3:00PM on resumption days. Doing this will reducethe number of students to be checked from 3:00 P.M. Because of issues affecting flights into Abuja and thetraffic situation within FCT; students using flights on resumption days arrive later than 3:00 P.M. If we are ableto check in students from within and around FCT earlier than 3:00P.M. , we can concentrate on those coming inwith flights later in the day.Dropping off Children on Resumption DaysI also ask parents who bring their children to the school on resumption days to do that as quickly as possible.They should have their last minute counseling, prayer and exaltation at home so that they just come and dropthe children off. Leaving the <strong>College</strong> immediately after dropping off the students will help them to settle inquicker on resumption days.GratitudeMy deepest gratitude to all parents who support the <strong>College</strong> with words of encouragement, constructive criticisms,time, talents and resources. May God bless you abundantly. Amen.14

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