DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ... DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

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Information and PrivacyThe Information and Privacy Unit deals with formal applications for access to information under the InformationAct (the Act). It also assists staff, members of the public and other organisations to access Government andpersonal information in less formal ways. The Unit provides advice on all aspects of privacy protection ofpersonal information that the Department of Health and Families holds.There has been a marked increase in FOI and informal applications in recent years as shown below.Table 14: Number of Matters Dealt with During the YearYearFOIApplicationsAdministrativeAccessReviewsTOTALS2005-2006 20 -2006-2007 21 52007-2008 20 122008-2009 45 172009-2010 76 193 235 316 389 713 98In total, the Unit released more than 32 000 pages of Government and personal information to applicantsduring the reporting period. Details of the way FOI applications were dealt with are set out in the following table.Table 15: Formal Application outcomes under the Information ActAccess applications open at start of year 8Access applications accepted during the year 68Access granted in full 38Access granted in part 15Access refused in full 9Access applications not accepted 4Access applications transferred 4Access applications withdrawn 2Access applications open at end of year 4One application for correction of personal information was lodged during the year. The application was acceptedand the information was corrected as requested by the applicant. Information Commissioner under section 103 of the Act. The Department co-operates with the Commissionerin the resolution of complaints including attending mediation where appropriate.The Unit provides training about information access, data protection and records handling to new employeesat regular Orientation sessions.90Department Health and Families

Human Research Ethics CommitteeThe Manager of the Information and Privacy Unit is appointed as the Information and Privacy Advisor tothe Human Research Ethics Committee of the Department of Health and Families and Menzies School ofHealth Research. This Committee is constituted in accordance with the National Health and Medical ResearchCouncil Act 1992 (Commonwealth) and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.The Committee supports the research activities of the Department and Menzies and considers researchproposals submitted by health providers and researchers proposing to access personal information ofparticipants in the Top End of the Northern Territory. In 2009-10 the Committee considered 122 researchproposals for ethics approval. Its Fast Track Committee, of which the Manager of the unit is also a member,considered a further 46 proposals for research considered to be low risk or requiring only minor amendment.Privacy ProtectionThe Information and Privacy Unit provides advice and assistance to Departmental staff and members ofthe public on issues of privacy protection. The Unit investigates complaints made to the Department aboutCommissioner in relation to privacy complaints and privacy protection issues more generally.The Unit plays a key role in vetting data access for non standard requests for access to information systems,and its approval is required by the Data Access Protocol for requests to access personal medical informationheld in the Department’s data warehouse. The Unit provided staff with advice on research design, use ofof information. The Unit provides assistance and advice in the development of formal Information SharingArrangements with other Northern Territory Government and non government agencies to ensure informationis being dealt with in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles in the Territory’s Information Act.Privacy AwarenessPrivacy policies and brochures were developed and forms were redesigned for program areas of theDepartment during 2009-10. The Unit participated in International Privacy Awareness Week in May 2010,distributing information, email tips of the day, and regular internet updates to all staff. Throughout the reportingDepartment Health and Families 91

Human Research Ethics CommitteeThe Manager of the Information and Privacy Unit is appointed as the Information and Privacy Advisor tothe Human Research Ethics Committee of the Department of <strong>Health</strong> and Families and Menzies School of<strong>Health</strong> Research. This Committee is constituted in accordance with the National <strong>Health</strong> and Medical ResearchCouncil Act 1992 (Commonwealth) and the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.The Committee supports the research activities of the Department and Menzies and considers researchproposals submitted by health providers and researchers proposing to access personal information ofparticipants in the Top End of the <strong>Northern</strong> Territory. In <strong>2009</strong>-10 the Committee considered 122 researchproposals for ethics approval. Its Fast Track Committee, of which the Manager of the unit is also a member,considered a further 46 proposals for research considered to be low risk or requiring only minor amendment.Privacy ProtectionThe Information and Privacy Unit provides advice and assistance to Departmental staff and members ofthe public on issues of privacy protection. The Unit investigates complaints made to the Department aboutCommissioner in relation to privacy complaints and privacy protection issues more generally.The Unit plays a key role in vetting data access for non standard requests for access to information systems,and its approval is required by the Data Access Protocol for requests to access personal medical informationheld in the Department’s data warehouse. The Unit provided staff with advice on research design, use ofof information. The Unit provides assistance and advice in the development of formal Information SharingArrangements with other <strong>Northern</strong> Territory Government and non government agencies to ensure informationis being dealt with in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles in the Territory’s Information Act.Privacy AwarenessPrivacy policies and brochures were developed and forms were redesigned for program areas of theDepartment during <strong>2009</strong>-10. The Unit participated in International Privacy Awareness Week in May 2010,distributing information, email tips of the day, and regular internet updates to all staff. Throughout the reportingDepartment <strong>Health</strong> and Families 91

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