DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ... DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

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Finance for Cost Centre ManagersThis program helps Cost Centre Managers to gain a better understanding of financialmanagement including delegations, budget management and responsibilities. InThe First Line and Middle Manager Leadership and Management Development Programspolicies and procedures and incorporate a range of learning interventions. The programs17Graduated‘Build ourLeaders’‘Building our Leaders’ First Line Leadership and Management Development Programthis program takes the participant through three ‘destinations’ – Managing Yourself,Managing Others and Managing in the Organisation. 17 staff members graduated from thisprogram in December 2009 and currently 21 staff members are participating in the programin Alice Springs.‘Leading the Way’ Middle Manager Leadership and Management Development Programtakes the participant through the same three destinations, but at a higher level. Twenty-twostaff members graduated from the program in December 2009 and 31 staff members havebeen selected to commence the program in July 2010.The Department’s Executive Leadership DevelopmentThe Department’s Executive Directors have completed 360 degree assessments againstthe OCPE Executive Capabilities. The Department has partnered with South Australian (SA)Health regarding their leadership and management programs for emerging Executive leaders.Two Departmental staff members participated in the SA Health Executive Leadership andDevelopment Program delivered by Mt Eliza Executive Education as part of the MelbourneBusiness School. Two Directors are participating in the Health Executive Action Learning Setsfacilitated by Queensland Health and one Director is participating in the Australian and NewZealand School of Government, promoting outstanding public sector leadership.OCPE Executive Leadership Development ProgramsPublic Sector Management ProgramTen staff members are due to complete the PSMP program this year.Discovery – Women as Leaders ProgramTwo staff members completed the program in 2009.Productivity Places Program (PPP)The Department has utilised places under the Australian Government funded initiative‘Productivity Places Program’ to enhance skills, build capacity and create pathways fromthe Administration to the Professional Stream. Placements include:76Department Health and Families

Graduate ProgramThe Department has supported one Graduate of Politics and Economics within theGovernment Relations and Strategic Policy Unit.Work Partnership PlanThe Department’s Performance Management Framework, the Work Partnership Plan(WPP), is introduced to all new starters through the Departmental Orientation Program.The WPP is supported by a comprehensive ‘How to Guide’ and ‘A Guide to Giving andReceiving Feedback’ readily available through the Department’s intranet site.Two Hour WPP information sessions are offered to regional centres. These sessions aretailored to meet the needs of the region and in the reporting period have included ‘WPP forWPP sessions have been delivered to program areas including the Aboriginal Health Workerinduction programs and the Remote Orientation Program.e-LearningIn December 2009, the Department was allocated funding through the Digital RegionsInitiative for the implementation of an eLearning Strategy including the development, useand implementation of: eLearning Authoring tools.Developments in the eLearning Strategy to date include: appointment of an eLearning Strategy Project Manager and the establishment of an Terms of Reference for the eLearning Working Group and the eLearning Strategy ProjectPlan have been developed and endorsed by the eLearning Working Group. an environmental scan for a suitable LMS, collaborative tools and content developmentsoftware is currently underway. The environmental scan includes investigations into a working group has been established to draft a new format and structure for theDepartment training and Development Intranet site. The goal of the Working Groupis to develop a structure that will enable all Departmental Training and Developmentinformation to be accessed through one portal.Department Health and Families 77

Finance for Cost Centre ManagersThis program helps Cost Centre Managers to gain a better understanding of financialmanagement including delegations, budget management and responsibilities. InThe First Line and Middle Manager Leadership and Management Development Programspolicies and procedures and incorporate a range of learning interventions. The programs17Graduated‘Build ourLeaders’‘Building our Leaders’ First Line Leadership and Management Development Programthis program takes the participant through three ‘destinations’ – Managing Yourself,Managing Others and Managing in the Organisation. 17 staff members graduated from thisprogram in December <strong>2009</strong> and currently 21 staff members are participating in the programin Alice Springs.‘Leading the Way’ Middle Manager Leadership and Management Development Programtakes the participant through the same three destinations, but at a higher level. Twenty-twostaff members graduated from the program in December <strong>2009</strong> and 31 staff members havebeen selected to commence the program in July 2010.The Department’s Executive Leadership DevelopmentThe Department’s Executive Directors have completed 360 degree assessments againstthe OCPE Executive Capabilities. The Department has partnered with South Australian (SA)<strong>Health</strong> regarding their leadership and management programs for emerging Executive leaders.Two Departmental staff members participated in the SA <strong>Health</strong> Executive Leadership andDevelopment Program delivered by Mt Eliza Executive Education as part of the MelbourneBusiness School. Two Directors are participating in the <strong>Health</strong> Executive Action Learning Setsfacilitated by Queensland <strong>Health</strong> and one Director is participating in the Australian and NewZealand School of Government, promoting outstanding public sector leadership.OCPE Executive Leadership Development ProgramsPublic Sector Management ProgramTen staff members are due to complete the PSMP program this year.Discovery – Women as Leaders ProgramTwo staff members completed the program in <strong>2009</strong>.Productivity Places Program (PPP)The Department has utilised places under the Australian Government funded initiative‘Productivity Places Program’ to enhance skills, build capacity and create pathways fromthe Administration to the Professional Stream. Placements include:76Department <strong>Health</strong> and Families

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