DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

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Employment Instruction No.5Medical Incapacity – Deals with medical examinationsduring an inability or discipline investigation.Employment Instruction No.6Inability to Discharge duties – Chief Executive to providethe Northern Territory Government’s Office of theCommissioner for Public Employment with information on theextent to which this employment instruction has been used bythe agency. Chief Executive may establish proceduresregarding this employment instruction within the Agency.Employment Instruction No.7Discipline – Chief Executive to provide the Northern TerritoryGovernment’s Office of the Commissioner for PublicEmployment with information on the extent to which thisemployment instruction has been used by the agency. ChiefExecutive may establish procedures regarding disciplinewithin their agency.Employment Instruction No.8Management of Grievances – Chief Executive shallestablish written grievance setting procedures for the agencythat should be available to employees and outline steps fordealing with grievances.Employment Instruction No.9 -Transfers – Omitted and incorporated into Instruction 1(Incorporated in Employment Instruction1)Employment Instruction No.10Employee Records – Agencies are required to establishsystems and procedures and ensure all records aremaintained in a secure and confidential area.Employment Instruction No.11Equal Employment Opportunity Management Programs –Chief Executive to devise and implement programs to ensureequal employment opportunities and outcomes are achieved.Chief Executive to report annually on programs and initiativesInformation on this Instruction is available on the agency’s intranet site in theManagers and Staff Service Centre. The agency had 14 new cases commenceand one case was brought forward from 2008-09.Information on this Instruction is available on the agency’s intranet site in theManagers and Staff Service Centre. Under Section 44 Inability to DischargeDuties the agency had two cases brought forward from 2008-09. One casewas completed and one remains on hand.Discipline procedure is available on the agency’s intranet in the Managers andStaff Service Centre. The DHF tailored 1 day program The Essentials ofLeading People Part 2 assists managers and employees to understand andinterpret this instruction. Under Section 49 Discipline the agency had 27 newcases commence and 12 cases brought forward from 2008-09. A total of 18cases were completed during the reporting period.Grievance policy information in available on the agency’s intranet in theManagers and Staff Service Centre. The DHF tailored 1 day program TheEssentials of Leading People Part 2 assists managers and employees tounderstand and interpret this instruction. Under the Department’s GrievancePolicy and Guidelines the Chief Executive received a total of 21 grievancerequests in 2009-10. Seven cases were brought forward from 2008/09. Of the28 cases, 23 cases were resolved during the reporting period.All personnel files are securely maintained by the Department of Business andEmployment on behalf of the agency. Access to personnel files and thePersonnel Integrated Pay System (PIPS) database is restricted and thisaccess is reviewed regularly.Equal Employment policies and guidelines are available on the agency’sintranet located at http://internal.health.nt.gov.au/pol/eeo.shtmlIn showing a commitment to this Employment Instruction this Departmentcurrently has three participants of the OCPE Willing and Able Project atvarious locations. More information on this project can be found at230Department Health and Families

DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 10the Agency has developed. Report should also includedetails on specific action in relation to Aboriginal employmentand career development, and also measures to enableemployees to balance work and family responsibilitiesEmployment Instruction No.12Occupational Health and Safety Programs– ChiefExecutive to develop programs to ensure employees areconsulted in the development and implementation ofOccupational Health and Safety Programs. Chief Executiveto report annually on Occupational Health and SafetyPrograms. Records must be kept on risk assessment,maintenance control and information, instruction and trainingprovided to employees.Employment Instruction No.13Code of Conduct – Chief Executive may issue guidelinesregarding acceptance of gifts and benefits to employees.Chief Executive may issue an agency specific Code ofConduct.Employment Instruction No.14Part-time Employment – Chief Executive, on request of theCommissioner, provide the number of part-time employeesby salary stream.http://www.ocpe.nt.gov.au/equity_diversity_flexibility/disability_in_the_workplace/willing_and_able_strategyOther details are in the Our People section of this report.Review of the Departmental Occupational Health and Safety ManagementSystem is undertaken on an annual basis. The provision of additional FTEresources and the recruitment and retention of staff to the Central Region hasstrengthened the capacity to develop and embed policies and proceduresaimed at ensuring staff and clients’ safety across the Department. OHStraining is an integral part of the Department’s Orientation Program and isavailable through the Corporate Training Calendar. Occupational Health andSafety (OH&S) information, policies, guidelines and reporting proforma areavailable on the Agency’s intranet OHS homepage.The agency has created an orientation program that new employees attendand the agency has an online induction which can be found in the Managersand Staff Service Centre. New employees are directed to access the agencyintranet and ensure they are aware of the Code of Conduct. Employees mayalso access the Code of Conduct on the NTG website:http://www.ocpe.nt.gov.au/ntps_careers/working_in_ntps/pay_and_conditions/code_of_conductThe agency supports part time and flexible working practices. Information onflexible working arrangements can be found on the agency’s intranet in theManagers and Staff Service Centre under the heading of Flexible WorkingSolutions. At the end of the reporting period this agency employed 447 FTE ona permanent part time basis, and 160 on a temporary part time basis, togetherrepresenting 10.3% of total FTE staff.Department Health and Families 231

DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2009</strong> 10the Agency has developed. <strong>Report</strong> should also includedetails on specific action in relation to Aboriginal employmentand career development, and also measures to enableemployees to balance work and family responsibilitiesEmployment Instruction No.12Occupational <strong>Health</strong> and Safety Programs– ChiefExecutive to develop programs to ensure employees areconsulted in the development and implementation ofOccupational <strong>Health</strong> and Safety Programs. Chief Executiveto report annually on Occupational <strong>Health</strong> and SafetyPrograms. Records must be kept on risk assessment,maintenance control and information, instruction and trainingprovided to employees.Employment Instruction No.13Code of Conduct – Chief Executive may issue guidelinesregarding acceptance of gifts and benefits to employees.Chief Executive may issue an agency specific Code ofConduct.Employment Instruction No.14Part-time Employment – Chief Executive, on request of theCommissioner, provide the number of part-time employeesby salary stream.http://www.ocpe.nt.gov.au/equity_diversity_flexibility/disability_in_the_workplace/willing_and_able_strategyOther details are in the Our People section of this report.Review of the Departmental Occupational <strong>Health</strong> and Safety ManagementSystem is undertaken on an annual basis. The provision of additional FTEresources and the recruitment and retention of staff to the Central Region hasstrengthened the capacity to develop and embed policies and proceduresaimed at ensuring staff and clients’ safety across the Department. OHStraining is an integral part of the Department’s Orientation Program and isavailable through the Corporate Training Calendar. Occupational <strong>Health</strong> andSafety (OH&S) information, policies, guidelines and reporting proforma areavailable on the Agency’s intranet OHS homepage.The agency has created an orientation program that new employees attendand the agency has an online induction which can be found in the Managersand Staff Service Centre. New employees are directed to access the agencyintranet and ensure they are aware of the Code of Conduct. Employees mayalso access the Code of Conduct on the <strong>NT</strong>G website:http://www.ocpe.nt.gov.au/ntps_careers/working_in_ntps/pay_and_conditions/code_of_conductThe agency supports part time and flexible working practices. Information onflexible working arrangements can be found on the agency’s intranet in theManagers and Staff Service Centre under the heading of Flexible WorkingSolutions. At the end of the reporting period this agency employed 447 FTE ona permanent part time basis, and 160 on a temporary part time basis, togetherrepresenting 10.3% of total FTE staff.Department <strong>Health</strong> and Families 231

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