DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ... DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

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Meetings:The Committee met in July and October in2008 and February and May in 2009Key areas from terms of referenceThe Department’s Strategic InformationManagement Committee undertakes thefollowing functions on behalf of the ChiefExecutive (CE):1. Prioritise and approve investmentproposals in relation to major informationmanagement, knowledge managementand information and communicationstechnology initiatives.2. Set the strategic agenda for thedevelopment and use of informationtechnology, communications andinformation services across the agencyto underpin management decisionmaking and planning.3. Monitor delivery of major informationmanagement, knowledge managementand information & communicationstechnology work program initiatives.4. Provide direction in relation to theagency’s:a) involvement in national informationcommittees and health informationprojectsb) requirements in relation to wholeof-governmentinitiativesc) alignment with national strategies andstandardsd) development of information policiesand procedures.5. Consult with and communicate toInformation Management groups.6. Develop and periodically review thedepartment’s Information Strategy toensure alignment with the Department’sStrategic Directions and priorities.7. Communicate on progress andachievement of the Department’sInformation Strategy.management, knowledge managementand information and communicationstechnology initiatives.2. Set the strategic agenda for thedevelopment and use of informationtechnology, communications andinformation services across the agencyto underpin management decisionmaking and planning.3. Monitor delivery of major informationmanagement, knowledge managementand information & communicationstechnology work program initiatives.4. Provide direction in relation to theagency’s:a) involvement in national informationcommittees and health informationb) requirements in relation to whole-of-c) alignment with national strategies andd) development of information policiesand procedures.5. Consult with and communicate toInformation Management groups.6. Develop and periodically review thedepartment’s Information Strategy toensure alignment with the Department’sStrategic Directions and priorities.7. Communicate on progress andachievement of the Department’sInformation Strategy.Key Achievement: Development of the StrategicInformation Plan 2009-2012.Key Achievements: Development of the StrategicInformation Plan 2009-2012.Management Committee undertakes thefollowing functions on behalf of the ChiefExecutive (CE):1. Prioritise and approve investmentproposals in relation to major information226Department Health and Families

Occupational Health and Safety SteeringCommitteeMembership Members of the Committee as at 30June 2010 are:Chair person: Deputy Chair: Kate McTaggart, A/Senior DirectorPeople & Services.Members: Kate McTaggart, A/Senior DirectorPeople & Services Peter Cass, A/Assistant Director HumanResources and OH&S Robin Smith, General ManagerKatherine Hospital Jill Davis, Director Health Developmentand Oral Health Clair Gardiner-Barnes, ExecutiveDirector, NT Families & Children Dr Barbara Paterson, ExecutiveDirector, Health Protection Christine Short, Manager Performance& Research Yvonne Falckh, Australian NursesFederation (ANF) Paula Bradford, Liquor Hospitality &Miscellaneous Union (LHMU) Paul Morris, Community Public SectorUnion (CPSU) Penny Parker, Senior Safety andQuality AdvisorKey areas from Terms of ReferenceProvide strategic direction on OH&S issuesto the various Workplace OH&S Committeesacross the Department to ensure that it:a) meets its legislative responsibilitiesb) is integrated with other Departmentalmanagement systems and with thecore functions of the organisationc) aids the improvement of the overallOH&S performance of the Department.Monitor and review the work of theWorkplace OH&S Committees in line withDepartmental OH&S Policy.Review OH&S across the Department.Report to DHF Executive Leadership Group.Key Achievements:1. The OH&S Steering Committee metfour times during 2009-10 reportingthrough the Executive LeadershipGroup to the Chief Executive onoccupational health and safety issues.2. Responsibilities, Accountabilities &Authority documentation.3. The Steering Committee endorsedthe OH&S business case resulting inan additional two OH&S FTEs fundingbeing made available.Secretariat: Jan Jones, A/Manager OH&S UnitMeetings:The Committee met in August and NovemberDepartment Health and Families 227

Meetings:The Committee met in July and October in2008 and February and May in <strong>2009</strong>Key areas from terms of referenceThe Department’s Strategic InformationManagement Committee undertakes thefollowing functions on behalf of the ChiefExecutive (CE):1. Prioritise and approve investmentproposals in relation to major informationmanagement, knowledge managementand information and communicationstechnology initiatives.2. Set the strategic agenda for thedevelopment and use of informationtechnology, communications andinformation services across the agencyto underpin management decisionmaking and planning.3. Monitor delivery of major informationmanagement, knowledge managementand information & communicationstechnology work program initiatives.4. Provide direction in relation to theagency’s:a) involvement in national informationcommittees and health informationprojectsb) requirements in relation to wholeof-governmentinitiativesc) alignment with national strategies andstandardsd) development of information policiesand procedures.5. Consult with and communicate toInformation Management groups.6. Develop and periodically review thedepartment’s Information Strategy toensure alignment with the Department’sStrategic Directions and priorities.7. Communicate on progress andachievement of the Department’sInformation Strategy.management, knowledge managementand information and communicationstechnology initiatives.2. Set the strategic agenda for thedevelopment and use of informationtechnology, communications andinformation services across the agencyto underpin management decisionmaking and planning.3. Monitor delivery of major informationmanagement, knowledge managementand information & communicationstechnology work program initiatives.4. Provide direction in relation to theagency’s:a) involvement in national informationcommittees and health informationb) requirements in relation to whole-of-c) alignment with national strategies andd) development of information policiesand procedures.5. Consult with and communicate toInformation Management groups.6. Develop and periodically review thedepartment’s Information Strategy toensure alignment with the Department’sStrategic Directions and priorities.7. Communicate on progress andachievement of the Department’sInformation Strategy.Key Achievement: Development of the StrategicInformation Plan <strong>2009</strong>-2012.Key Achievements: Development of the StrategicInformation Plan <strong>2009</strong>-2012.Management Committee undertakes thefollowing functions on behalf of the ChiefExecutive (CE):1. Prioritise and approve investmentproposals in relation to major information226Department <strong>Health</strong> and Families

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