DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ... DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

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18. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (continued)2008-09Not Overdue 22 307 22 307Overdue for less than 30 Days 1 122 1 122Overdue for 30 to 60 Days 345 345Overdue for more than 60 Days 1 404 1 186 218Total 25 178 1 186 23 992Reconciliation of the Allowance for Impairment Losses (a)Opening 807Written off during the year (128)Recovered during the year (6)Increase/(decrease) in allowance recognised in profit or loss 513Total 1 186(c) Liquidity riskLiquidity risk is the risk that the Agency will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The Agency’sapproach to managing liquidity is to ensure that it will always have sufficient liquidity to meet is liabilities when they falldue.The following tables detail the Agency’s remaining contractual maturity for its financial assets and liabilities. It should benoted that these values are undiscounted, and consequently totals may not reconcile to the carrying amounts presentedin the Balance Sheet.2010 Maturity analysis for financial assets & liabilitiesFixed Interest RateVariable InterestLess than aYear1 to 5 YearsMore than5 YearsNon InterestBearingTotalWeightedAverage$’000$’000AssetsCash and deposits 68 419 68 419Receivables 30 081 30 081Total FinancialAssets:98 500 98 500$’000$’000$’000$’000%LiabilitiesDeposits Held 1 250 1 250Payables 69 610 69 610Total FinancialLiabilities:70 860 70 860198Department Health and Families

18. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (continued)2009 Maturity analysis for financial assets & liabilitiesFixed Interest RateVariable InterestLess than aYear1 to 5 YearsMore than5 YearsNon InterestBearingTotalWeightedAverage$’000$’000AssetsCash and deposits 78 950 78 950Receivables 23 992 23 992Total FinancialAssets:102 942 102 942$’000$’000$’000$’000%LiabilitiesDeposits Held 873 873Payables 52 846 52 846Total FinancialLiabilities:53 719 53 719(d) Market RiskMarket risk is the risk that the fair value of future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes inmarket prices. It comprises interest rate risk, price risk and currency risk.i) Interest Rate RiskThe Department of Health and Families is not exposed to interest rate risk as Agency financial assets and financial liabilitiesare non-interest bearing.ii)Price RiskThe Department of Health and Families is not exposed to price risk as the Department does not hold units in unit trusts.iii)Currency RiskThe Department of Health and Families is not exposed to currency risk as Department of Health and Families does not holdborrowings denominated in foreign currencies or transactional currency exposures arising from purchases in a foreigncurrency.Department Health and Families 199

18. FINANCIAL INSTRUME<strong>NT</strong>S (continued)<strong>2009</strong> Maturity analysis for financial assets & liabilitiesFixed Interest RateVariable InterestLess than aYear1 to 5 YearsMore than5 YearsNon InterestBearingTotalWeightedAverage$’000$’000AssetsCash and deposits 78 950 78 950Receivables 23 992 23 992Total FinancialAssets:102 942 102 942$’000$’000$’000$’000%LiabilitiesDeposits Held 873 873Payables 52 846 52 846Total FinancialLiabilities:53 719 53 719(d) Market RiskMarket risk is the risk that the fair value of future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes inmarket prices. It comprises interest rate risk, price risk and currency risk.i) Interest Rate RiskThe Department of <strong>Health</strong> and Families is not exposed to interest rate risk as Agency financial assets and financial liabilitiesare non-interest bearing.ii)Price RiskThe Department of <strong>Health</strong> and Families is not exposed to price risk as the Department does not hold units in unit trusts.iii)Currency RiskThe Department of <strong>Health</strong> and Families is not exposed to currency risk as Department of <strong>Health</strong> and Families does not holdborrowings denominated in foreign currencies or transactional currency exposures arising from purchases in a foreigncurrency.Department <strong>Health</strong> and Families 199

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