DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ... DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

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3. Comrehensive operating statement by output group continued...TOTAL EXPENSES 628,637 572,957 114,087 95,100 314,920 287,463 61,872 56,265 1,119,514 1,011,787NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (9,594) 13,093 (1,300) (39) (16,900) 525 (1,534) 3,202 (29,328) 16,776OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOMEAsset Revaluation Surplus 189,417 0 0 0 39,290 0 0 660 228,707 660TOTAL OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 189,417 0 0 0 39,290 0 0 660 228,707 660COMREHENSIVE RESULT 179,823 13,093 (1,300) (39) 22,390 525 (1,534) 3,862 199,379 17,436This Comprehensive Operating Statement by Output Group is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements.1 Includes DBE service charges.188Department Health and Families

2010$'0002009$'0004. GOODS AND SERVICES RECEIVED FREE OFCHARGEDepartment of Business and Employment 28 990 26 89928 990 26 8995. GAIN ON DISPOSAL OF ASSETSNet proceeds from the disposal of non-current assets 4 10Less: Carrying value of non-current assets disposed (0) (48)Gain on the disposal of non-current assets 4 (38)6. PURCHASES OF GOODS AND SERVICESThe net surplus/(deficit) has been arrived at after charging the followingexpenses:Goods and Services Expenses:Property Maintenance 7 788 7 452General Property Management 4 831 2 268Power 13 174 12 975Water and Sewerage 1 160 1 096Accommodation 3 198 3 528Advertising (1) 64 58Audit Fees 336 55Bank Charges 73 41Client Travel 32 476 30 908Clothing 340 279Communications 5 940 6 358Consultant Fees (2) 3 383 3 183Consumables/General Expenses 6 632 5 401Cross Border Patient Charges 28 935 19 769Document Production 1 192 988Entertainment/Hospitality 332 270Food 4 279 4 072Freight 1 671 1 590Information Technology Charges 23 936 22 998IT Consultants 4 235 4 719IT Hardware and Software Expenses 4 093 3 602Insurance Premiums 42 39Laboratory Expenses 5 726 5 184Legal Expenses (4) 4 100 3 446Library Services 1 161 1 175Marketing and Promotion (3) 2 511 1 594Medical/Dental Supply and Services 91 742 80 307Membership and Subscriptions 959 886Motor Vehicle Expenses 11 934 11 250Office Requisites and Stationery 3 153 3 149Official Duty Fares 9 258 9 783Other Equipment Expenses 6 786 7 603Recruitment Expenses (5) 8 495 7 093Reg/Advisory Boards/Committees 402 355Relocation Expenses 850 769Training and Study Expenses 5 267 4 719Transport Equipment Expenses 185 396Travelling Allowance 2 786 2 582Department Health and Families 189

3. Comrehensive operating statement by output group continued...TOTAL EXPENSES 628,637 572,957 114,087 95,100 314,920 287,463 61,872 56,265 1,119,514 1,011,787NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (9,594) 13,093 (1,300) (39) (16,900) 525 (1,534) 3,202 (29,328) 16,776OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOMEAsset Revaluation Surplus 189,417 0 0 0 39,290 0 0 660 228,707 660TOTAL OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 189,417 0 0 0 39,290 0 0 660 228,707 660COMREHENSIVE RESULT 179,823 13,093 (1,300) (39) 22,390 525 (1,534) 3,862 199,379 17,436This Comprehensive Operating Statement by Output Group is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements.1 Includes DBE service charges.188Department <strong>Health</strong> and Families

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