DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ... DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

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Cash Flow StatementNOTE2010$’0002009$’000CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIESOperating ReceiptsTaxes ReceivedGrants and Subsidies ReceivedCurrent 55 491 232 856Capital 1 445 0AppropriationOutput 743 087 689 823Commonwealth 211 141 35 497Receipts From Sales of Goods And Services 88 688 93 758Interest Received 0 0Total Operating Receipts 1 099 852 1 051 933Operating PaymentsPayments to Employees (556 367) (492 247)Payments for Goods and Services (351 237) (348 410)Grants and Subsidies PaidCurrent (166 070) (155 234)Capital (879) (3 633)Community Service Obligations (9 410) (4 981)Interest Paid 0 0Total Operating Payments (1 083 965) (1 004 505)Net Cash From/(Used In) Operating Activities 17 15 888 47 428CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIESInvesting ReceiptsProceeds from Asset Sales 0 5Total Investing Receipts 0 5Investing PaymentsPurchases of Assets (9 689) (8 629)Advances and Investing Payments 0 0Total Investing Payments (9 689) (8 629)Net Cash From/(Used In) Investing Activities (9 689) (8 624)CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIESFinancing ReceiptsProceeds of BorrowingsDeposits Received 377 (16)Equity InjectionsCapital Appropriation 4 495 4 450Commonwealth Appropriation 2 330 654Other Equity Injections 1 072 0Total Financing Receipts 8 274 5 088Financing PaymentsRepayment of BorrowingsFinance Lease Payments 19 0 0Equity Withdrawals (25 004) (1 830)Total Financing Payments (25 004) (1 830)Net Cash From/(Used In) Financing Activities (16 730) 3 258Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash Held (10 531) 42 062Cash at Beginning of Financial Year 78 950 36 888CASH AT END OF FINANCIAL YEAR 7 68 419 78 950The Cash Flow Statement is to be read in conjunction with the notes to the financial statements176Department Health and Families

Index Notes to the Financial StatementsINDEX OF NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS1 Objectives and Funding2 3 Comprehensive Operating Statement by Output GroupINCOME4 Goods and Services Received Free of Charge5 Gain on Disposal of AssetsEXPENSES6 Purchases of Goods and ServicesASSETS7 Cash and Deposits8 Receivables9 Inventories10 Property, Plant and Equipment11a11cIntangiblesHeritage and Cultural AssetsLIABILITIES12 Payables13 Borrowings and Advances14 Provisions15 Other LiabilitiesEQUITY16 ReservesOTHER DISCLOSURES17 Notes to the Cash Flow Statement18 Financial Instruments19 Commitments20 Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets21 Events Subsequent to Balance Date22 23 Write-offs, Postponements and Waivers24 Schedule of Territory ItemsDepartment Health and Families 177

Index Notes to the Financial StatementsINDEX OF NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEME<strong>NT</strong>S1 Objectives and Funding2 3 Comprehensive Operating Statement by Output GroupINCOME4 Goods and Services Received Free of Charge5 Gain on Disposal of AssetsEXPENSES6 Purchases of Goods and ServicesASSETS7 Cash and Deposits8 Receivables9 Inventories10 Property, Plant and Equipment11a11cIntangiblesHeritage and Cultural AssetsLIABILITIES12 Payables13 Borrowings and Advances14 Provisions15 Other LiabilitiesEQUITY16 ReservesOTHER DISCLOSURES17 Notes to the Cash Flow Statement18 Financial Instruments19 Commitments20 Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets21 Events Subsequent to Balance Date22 23 Write-offs, Postponements and Waivers24 Schedule of Territory ItemsDepartment <strong>Health</strong> and Families 177

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