DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ... DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

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Grants and Subsidies expense also includes subsidy payments for pensioners concessions.The NT Pensioners and Carers Concession Scheme (NTPCCS) includes concessions to alleligible Territory seniors, pensioners and carers for their electricity, water and sewerage costs.In 2009-10 the Government increased the subsidy to cover 100% of all tariff increases, this hasresulted in a 95% increase in subsidies paid to clients.Balance SheetTable 31: Balance Sheet SummaryBalance Sheet Summary 2009-10 2008-09 Variation$000 $000 $000Assets 821 470 554 502 266 968Liabilities 141 092 113 127 27 965Equity 680 378 441 375 239 003In 2009-10 the Department undertook a major revaluation of health infrastructure assets.independent valuation showed an increase in the value of building assets held onthe asset register of $228.7 million. In addition the Department of Construction andInfrastructure transferred completed capital projects of $56.7 million into the Department’sasset register. (These asset transfers are detailed in Appendix II)Cash balances reduced by $10.5 million as a result of expenses incurred to acquitexternally funded projects from 2008-09.Statement of Cash FlowsTable 32: Cash Flow Statement SummaryCash Flow StatementSummaryCash at Beginning of reportingperiod2009-10 2008-09 Variation$000 $000 $00078 950 36 888 42 062Receipts 1 100 229 1 051 922 48 307Payments (1 093 653) (1 013 134) (80 519)Equity Injections 7 897 5 104 2 793Equity withdrawals (25 004) (1 830) (23 174)Cash at end of reportingperiod68 419 78 950 -10 531The Cash Flow Statement shows the Department’s cash receipts and payments for theStatement, after the elimination of all non cash transactions, with cash movements from170Department Health and Families

the Balance Sheet. The net result is an increase in the agency’s cash balances ofto timing differences between receipt of Australian Government revenue and the plannedexpenditure of these funds.SummaryTable 33: Budget Target SummaryBudget Target Summary 2009-10 Final 2008-09 Actual VariationBudget$000 $000 $000 %Operating Revenue 1 088 331 1 090 187 1 856 -0.2%Operating Expenses (1 120 231) (1 119 514) 717 0.1% (31900) (29 328) -2 572The Department’s performance in both revenue generation and expenditure control show aresult that is within 1% of planned targets. Expenditure across the Agency was well managedwith all output groups coming within 3% of their annual budget target. The Department alsothe Australian Government in 2010-11 and forward years.Department Health and Families 171

the Balance Sheet. The net result is an increase in the agency’s cash balances ofto timing differences between receipt of Australian Government revenue and the plannedexpenditure of these funds.SummaryTable 33: Budget Target SummaryBudget Target Summary <strong>2009</strong>-10 Final 2008-09 Actual VariationBudget$000 $000 $000 %Operating Revenue 1 088 331 1 090 187 1 856 -0.2%Operating Expenses (1 120 231) (1 119 514) 717 0.1% (31900) (29 328) -2 572The Department’s performance in both revenue generation and expenditure control show aresult that is within 1% of planned targets. Expenditure across the Agency was well managedwith all output groups coming within 3% of their annual budget target. The Department alsothe Australian Government in 2010-11 and forward years.Department <strong>Health</strong> and Families 171

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