DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ... DHF Annual Report 2009 - NT Health Digital Library - Northern ...

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other drugs nursing position is based in the Emergency Department four hours perweekday, to provide assessment, brief intervention, ongoing referrals, education andliaison with Emergency Department staff.Community Development and Training AODP supported communities to develop and implement Volatile Substance Abuse(VSA) Management Areas and Management Plans under the Volatile Substance AbusePrevention Act. In 2009-10, three areas and one plan were declared across the NorthernTerritory. An Alcohol Education Flipchart and DVD resource, Grog – Making the Change, hasbeen developed for dissemination in health and community settings. A total of 257 twohour training sessions on how to use the resource have been conducted over the 2009-10 year. A total of $213 000 in small grants funds were allocated to community groups andincorporated organisations to facilitate community activities to respond to, and/orprevent, the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The Alcohol and Other Drugs Program Training Unit supported 1013 students in thewith a completion rate of 84.1%. In 2009-10 the Council of Aboriginal Alcohol Programs Services (CAAPS) and AODPjointly delivered accredited alcohol and other drugs training for remote Aboriginallevel course in 2009-10.TobaccoIn December 2009, the Tobacco Control Regulations were amended to ban smoking in allindoor public areas from 2 January 2010. To support these changes a media campaign‘No Body Smokes Here Anymore’ was aired from December 2009 to February 2010.In June 2010, further reforms to the Tobacco Control Act and its supporting regulationswere passed to allow for bans on smoking in outdoor eating areas, prohibition of point ofsale display and advertising of tobacco products, and the introduction of tobacco retaillicense fees. The reforms will protect staff and the public from environmental tobaccosmoke and reduce exposure of tobacco products in the community.In 2009-10, a total of 35 health professionals were trained in the National Accredited TobaccoCessation program, 40 people were trained to deliver the Quit Fresh Start Course and a164Department Health and Families

Health ResearchHealth research spans population health, the burden of disease, communicable and noncommunicable diseases, social and environmental determinants of health, and healthinformation systems. Research is undertaken by the Department as well as externalorganisations such as the Menzies School of Health Research (MSHR) and the CooperativeResearch Centre (CRC) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, which have multidisciplinaryresearch programs.2008-09Actual2009-10Budget2009-10RevisedBudget2009-10ActualOutputOutputcost($’000) 5 898 5 874 6 334 6 271Performance Measure2008-09Actual2009-10Estimate2009-10Actual2010-11EstimateQuantityNumbers of grants provided 5 3 5 3TimelinessGrant payments made within stipulatedtimeframe100% 100% 100% 100%Health Research funding is used to make grants to the MSHR, the Father Flynn Fellowshipand the CRC for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health. In 2008-09 two additional oneoff grants were also provided. Details are given below.Menzies School of Health ResearchMSHR is the major Australian health and medical research institute with a primary focus onthe health of Aboriginal people and people living in tropical and remote areas. Its researchfalls into six major interdisciplinary research divisions: Services, Systems and Society.The Department has provided funding to MSHR for infrastructure costs and has collaboratedon a range of projects.The Department and MSHR have developed a joint program to support DHF staff to conductand perform research evaluation. It provides for the delivery of research courses across thewhole research process, as modules and short courses and access to research expertise.It also helps to link staff to appropriate collaborators.Department Health and Families 165

other drugs nursing position is based in the Emergency Department four hours perweekday, to provide assessment, brief intervention, ongoing referrals, education andliaison with Emergency Department staff.Community Development and Training AODP supported communities to develop and implement Volatile Substance Abuse(VSA) Management Areas and Management Plans under the Volatile Substance AbusePrevention Act. In <strong>2009</strong>-10, three areas and one plan were declared across the <strong>Northern</strong>Territory. An Alcohol Education Flipchart and DVD resource, Grog – Making the Change, hasbeen developed for dissemination in health and community settings. A total of 257 twohour training sessions on how to use the resource have been conducted over the <strong>2009</strong>-10 year. A total of $213 000 in small grants funds were allocated to community groups andincorporated organisations to facilitate community activities to respond to, and/orprevent, the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The Alcohol and Other Drugs Program Training Unit supported 1013 students in thewith a completion rate of 84.1%. In <strong>2009</strong>-10 the Council of Aboriginal Alcohol Programs Services (CAAPS) and AODPjointly delivered accredited alcohol and other drugs training for remote Aboriginallevel course in <strong>2009</strong>-10.TobaccoIn December <strong>2009</strong>, the Tobacco Control Regulations were amended to ban smoking in allindoor public areas from 2 January 2010. To support these changes a media campaign‘No Body Smokes Here Anymore’ was aired from December <strong>2009</strong> to February 2010.In June 2010, further reforms to the Tobacco Control Act and its supporting regulationswere passed to allow for bans on smoking in outdoor eating areas, prohibition of point ofsale display and advertising of tobacco products, and the introduction of tobacco retaillicense fees. The reforms will protect staff and the public from environmental tobaccosmoke and reduce exposure of tobacco products in the community.In <strong>2009</strong>-10, a total of 35 health professionals were trained in the National Accredited TobaccoCessation program, 40 people were trained to deliver the Quit Fresh Start Course and a164Department <strong>Health</strong> and Families

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