Owner's manual - Electric bikes & folding bikes

Owner's manual - Electric bikes & folding bikes Owner's manual - Electric bikes & folding bikes

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owner's manual5. Connect the battery tothe A2B via the large 6 pinconnector. Carefully alignthe tab and pins of the connectorto the socket on thebattery and plug in. Tightenonto the thread.6. To use the battery ensurethat the battery is switchedon. The switch is on the backof the battery.7.0 Important Pre-ride Safety InformationEnsure that you and your A2B are both ready for safe andenjoyable use.ALWAYS wear an approved bicycle helmet. If you lendyour A2B to someone else – make sure you also lend theman approved helmet.NEVER carry a passenger. Overloading your A2B with asecond rider can lead to severe injury or death.OBEY all traffic laws. Always ride on the correct side of theroad, with and not against the flow of traffic.Watch out for car doors. Be aware of the possibility of cardoors opening into your path.Be extra careful in wet conditions. In wet conditions it mighttake double or triple the distance you need to stop yourA2B. Ride slower, anticipate your stops and apply the brakesearlier. Wet roads are slippery – take corners carefully.Make sure you are seen. In poor light conditions and atnight, wear light coloured clothing, preferably withreflective strips.Ride attentively. Watch out for both moving and stationaryvehicles.23

Check your A2B before every ride.Do a ‘walk around’ of your A2B before every ride checkingbrakes, tires and the tightness of all the important fasteners.Have your A2B checked by an Ultra Motor dealer at LEASTonce a year. Your safety depends on the roadworthiness ofyour A2B.Reflectors. Your A2B has sideand rear reflectors to makeyou more visible at night.Ensure they are in place,properly positioned and cleanbefore each ride.Lights. Your A2B has a front lightand rear tail light to make youmore visible at night. Ensure theyare functional and clean beforeeach ride.Brakes. Check yourbrakes before eachride. Left brake leveractuates the frontbrake and the rightbrake lever actuatesthe rear brake.Brake Pads. When checking your brakes, it is importantto check the full brake system. Brake Pads are subject tonormal wear and tear and over time wear down. Brakepads should never be worn down to their limit. Ask yourUltra Motor dealer to check and replace brake pads.Pedals. Ensure that yourpedals are properly installedand tight before each ride.Saddle. Ensure that yoursaddle is properly adjustedand tight before each ride(see 4.7).Handle bar and bar stem.Ensure that your handle bar and bar stem is properlyadjusted and tight before each ride (see 4.3).24

owner's <strong>manual</strong>5. Connect the battery tothe A2B via the large 6 pinconnector. Carefully alignthe tab and pins of the connectorto the socket on thebattery and plug in. Tightenonto the thread.6. To use the battery ensurethat the battery is switchedon. The switch is on the backof the battery.7.0 Important Pre-ride Safety InformationEnsure that you and your A2B are both ready for safe andenjoyable use.ALWAYS wear an approved bicycle helmet. If you lendyour A2B to someone else – make sure you also lend theman approved helmet.NEVER carry a passenger. Overloading your A2B with asecond rider can lead to severe injury or death.OBEY all traffic laws. Always ride on the correct side of theroad, with and not against the flow of traffic.Watch out for car doors. Be aware of the possibility of cardoors opening into your path.Be extra careful in wet conditions. In wet conditions it mighttake double or triple the distance you need to stop yourA2B. Ride slower, anticipate your stops and apply the brakesearlier. Wet roads are slippery – take corners carefully.Make sure you are seen. In poor light conditions and atnight, wear light coloured clothing, preferably withreflective strips.Ride attentively. Watch out for both moving and stationaryvehicles.23

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