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Download - Transcrime - Università degli Studi di Trento

Download - Transcrime - Università degli Studi di Trento


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Table of contents7. T7. THE EUROPEANUNION REGULATIONSNION REGULATIONS _____________________________________________477.1 The European Union’s policies on crime control __________________________487.1.1 The harmonisation of domestic laws: the framework decisions______497.1.2 Ju<strong>di</strong>cial cooperation in criminal matters____________________________537.1.3 The temporary residence permit for the victims of trafficking whocooperate with the authorities ____________________________________597.2 The policies of the European Union for the prevention of theoffences and assistance to victims_______________________________________617.2.1 The prevention of organised crime ________________________________627.2.2 The comprehensive Plan for combating illegal immigration and thetrafficking in human beings_______________________________________647.2.3 The prevention of trafficking and support for victims_______________668. T8. TRAFFICKING AND SMUGGLING IN EUROPEUROPE ____________________________________________________719. T9. TRAFFICKING AND SMUGGLING IN ITALYTALY ______________________________________________________7910. I10. ITALIAN LEGISLATION AND AJUDICIAL COMPETENCES CES IN THE FIGHT AGAINSTTRAFFICKING AND SMUGGLINGGLINGGLING ______________________________________________________________________83Section I. The new law against trafficking in persons and itsrelationships with the United Nations Convention against transnationalorganised crime10.1 From parliamentary bill no. 1255/2001 to law no. 228/2003:origins and new <strong>di</strong>rections in the fight against trafficking inpersons ________________________________________________________________8410.2 The new penalties _____________________________________________________8510.2.1 Reformulation of the offence of “reducing to or keeping in slaveryor servitude” (article 600 criminal code) ___________________________8610.2.2 Reformulation of the offences “trafficking in persons” (article 601criminal code) and “acquisition and <strong>di</strong>sposition of slaves” (article602 criminal code) _______________________________________________8810.3 The changes to the code of criminal procedure and the newinvestigative measures__________________________________________________8810.3.1 The changes to the criminal procedure code: juris<strong>di</strong>ction, powersand time limits for pre-trial investigations _________________________8910.3.2 The new investigative instruments: interceptions, under-coveractivity, delayed arrest and seizure, penal benefits for state’switnesses, confiscation and prevention measures __________________902

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