Download - Transcrime - Università degli Studi di Trento

Download - Transcrime - Università degli Studi di Trento

Download - Transcrime - Università degli Studi di Trento


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14. Conclusions- Increase European collaboration also by using the recently-introduce<strong>di</strong>nstrument of the European arrest warrant;- Create a European ju<strong>di</strong>cial space in order to obtain <strong>di</strong>rect cooperation fromforeign authorities;Cooperation between the police forces and prosecutors of the <strong>di</strong>fferent countries:- Mobilize the <strong>di</strong>plomatic corps to facilitate <strong>di</strong>rect contact between foreign andItalian prosecutors and police forces;- Adopt and foster a culture of joint investigation by ju<strong>di</strong>cial police forces (mixe<strong>di</strong>nvestigative teams);- Encourage closer collaboration between the ju<strong>di</strong>cial police and INTERPOL;- Stimulate foreign police forces so that international cooperation is effective;- Make a specialized international police force available to prosecutor’s offices.Information exchange:- Facilitate the exchange of information and data by means of an internationaldatabase flanking one or more expanded national databases (ADD).Liaison judges/prosecutors:- Through the competent international and <strong>di</strong>plomatic authorities, create one ormore contact points (so-called liaison judges/prosecutors) to provide effectiveand imme<strong>di</strong>ate ‘ju<strong>di</strong>cial assistance’ in the countries affected by the criminalphenomenon.Cooperation with the authorities in European and non European countries:- Harmonize the substantial and procedural law of the countries involved. On theone hand it is important that the same investigative and procedural instrumentsbe used in <strong>di</strong>fferent countries; on the other, more uniform criminal law (i.e. legaldefinition of criminal conspiracy) would simplify international cooperation;- Ratify the Palermo Convention and press for the conclusion (i.e. Italy-Turkey) orthe improvement (i.e. Italy-Slovenia) of bilateral cooperation agreements;- Stipulate protocols of understan<strong>di</strong>ng with the countries involved as regards bothinvestigation and trial, in order to facilitate not only the investigative phase butalso the pre-trial gathering of admissible evidence;- Disseminate knowledge of international conventions;Strategies to prevent trafficking and smuggling must reduce opportunities fororganised crime and protect potential victims. The following measures have beensuggested:- Achieve closer control of the territory and borders by deploying more personneland means;- Improve the planning of regular flows of migration and increase the maximumnumber of legal immigrants allowed into the country. The balanced planning ofinflows implies that entry into the country should be allowed only to immigrantswith concrete prospects of employment. However, the issuing of short-term staypermits for job search purposes has been suggested;- Improve social and economic con<strong>di</strong>tions in the victims’ countries of origin bymeans of well-designed policies for economic support and internationalcooperation in loco. Closer bilateral cooperation should be developed, both forpolitical purposes and to foster socio-economic development;249

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