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Download - Transcrime - Università degli Studi di Trento

Download - Transcrime - Università degli Studi di Trento


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13. The results of the interviews conducted with the most active prosecutor’s offices: best practices in ju<strong>di</strong>cial activities1. Simplify rogatory procedures (excessive formalities impede internationalcooperation) while guaranteeing the defendant’s fundamental rights (right to adefence).Cooperation at European level:2. Strengthen the role of EUROPOL/EUROJUST. EUROJUST should become the mainpoint of reference for investigations, which should be organized accor<strong>di</strong>ng tothe country of provenance of immigrants.3. Increase European collaboration also by using the recently-introduce<strong>di</strong>nstrument of the European arrest warrant.4. Create a European ju<strong>di</strong>cial space in order to obtain <strong>di</strong>rect cooperation fromforeign authorities.Cooperation between the police forces and prosecutors of the <strong>di</strong>fferent countries:5. Mobilize the <strong>di</strong>plomatic corps to facilitate <strong>di</strong>rect contact between foreign andItalian prosecutors and police forces.6. Adopt and foster a culture of joint investigation by ju<strong>di</strong>cial police forces (mixe<strong>di</strong>nvestigative teams).7. Encourage closer collaboration between the ju<strong>di</strong>cial police and INTERPOL.8. Stimulate foreign police forces so that international cooperation is effective.9. Make a specialized international police force available to prosecutor’s offices.Information exchange:10. Facilitate the exchange of information and data by means of an internationaldatabase flanking one or several expanded national databases (ADD).Liaison prosecutors:11. Through the proper international and <strong>di</strong>plomatic channels, create one or morecontact points (i.e. liaison prosecutors) in the countries affected by the criminalphenomenonto provide effective and timely ‘ju<strong>di</strong>cial assistance’. This model hasproved very useful in the EU countries and should be exported.Cooperation with the authorities in European and non European countries:12. Harmonize the substantial and procedural law of the countries involved. On theone hand it is important that the same investigative and procedural instrumentsbe used in <strong>di</strong>fferent countries; on the other, more closely harmonised criminallaw (i.e. legal definition of criminal conspiracy) would simplify internationalcooperation.13. Ratify the Palermo Convention and press for the conclusion (i.e. Italy-Turkey) orthe improvement (i.e. Italy-Slovenia) of bilateral cooperation agreements.14. Stipulate protocols of understan<strong>di</strong>ng with the countries involved, as regardsboth investigation and the trial, in order to facilitate not only the investigativephase but also that of the pre-trial gathering of evidence usable during thetrial.15. Disseminate knowledge of international conventions.239

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