Download - Transcrime - Università degli Studi di Trento

Download - Transcrime - Università degli Studi di Trento

Download - Transcrime - Università degli Studi di Trento


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13. The results of the interviews conducted with the most active prosecutor’s offices: best practices in ju<strong>di</strong>cial activitiesprosecutor’s verbals can only be read when exceptional circumstances make theirrepetition impossible (article 512 of the criminal procedure code). Article 512-bisof the criminal procedure code deals with the case of foreign residency andestablishes a partial exception to the rea<strong>di</strong>ng prohibition if the witness, thoughsummonsed, has not appeared and the trial examination of him/her is entirelyimpossible.The rationale behind the three provisions considered is the constitutional principlewhereby, in a trial with participation by the parties concerned, the evidence must bebrought forth by examination and hence before the judge. Nevertheless, it is clearthat strict adherence to these norms creates serious problems in procee<strong>di</strong>ngs wherevictims and informants do not have fixed domiciles and cannot be found when theymust testify before the court.In the experience of almost all the prosecutor offices, application of the revisedversion of article 195 of the criminal procedure code and the narrow interpretationof article 512 of the criminal procedure code had vitiated the evidence collectedand had consequently led to acquittals due to the impossibility of reproducing thecontent of the illegal migrants’ statements.The case law on article 512 of the criminal procedure code has taken up three mainpositions on the matter:a) strict interpretation of article 512. The impossibility of fin<strong>di</strong>ng the illegalmigrant is always foreseeable; therefore, the hearing of documentary evidencetaken by the ju<strong>di</strong>cial police is not allowed (Ascoli Piceno, Arezzo, Crotone,Lecce, Milan, Perugia and Tolmezzo);b) flexible interpretation depen<strong>di</strong>ng on the case. The rea<strong>di</strong>ng of a statement isallowed only when it is wholly impossible for the witness to appear before thecourt (Brescia, Genoa and Rome);c) broad interpretation. When the victim cannot be traced, statements previouslymade to the prosecutor may be read out (Palermo).Article 512 criminal procedure code has not been applied by the Court of Brin<strong>di</strong>si inprocee<strong>di</strong>ngs brought for the crimes in question, because article 512-bis, criminalprocedure code, is the provision applicable in cases of statements made by illegalmigrants imme<strong>di</strong>ately upon apprehension.Article 512-bis is considered a partial solution to the problem described above, anda ‘parachute’ option with which to save statements made by victims and keyinformants. If it is possible to obtain the addresses abroad of illegal migrantsturned back at the frontier, they are summoned by means of rogatory procedures.Once their summons has failed, the rea<strong>di</strong>ng out of their statements is allowed.There are, however, several practical <strong>di</strong>fficulties against using this instrument.Firstly, it takes a long time to issue the summons abroad and this has a negativeimpact on trials where preventive detention has been applied. Moreover, it issummonsed, have not appeared before the court, and only in the case of absolute impossibility of trialexamination.228

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