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Download - Transcrime - Università degli Studi di Trento

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12. The results of the interviews conducted with the most active prosecutor’s offices: the phenomenon and its prevention12.THE RESULTS OF THE INTERVIEWS CONDUCTED WITH WTHE TMOST ACTIVE PROSECUTORCUTOR’S OFFICES: THEPHENOMENON AND ITS PREVENTIONPThe mapping of ongoing procee<strong>di</strong>ngs at the prosecutor’s offices (see chapter 12)enabled the Scientific Committee of the research project to select the fifteenprosecutor’s offices most active in the fight against trafficking in persons for thepurpose of exploitation and the smuggling of migrants. These were theprosecutor’s offices of: Arezzo, Ascoli Piceno, Brescia, Brin<strong>di</strong>si, Crotone, Genoa,Gorizia, Lecce, Milan, Palermo, Perugia, Rome, Tolmezzo, Turin, Trieste.The most experienced prosecutors were identified in each prosecutor’s office onconsultation with the person in charge of that office. These prosecutors wereinterviewed using a semi-structured survey instrument (see Annex B). Thequestionnaire <strong>di</strong>vided into two parts: the first covered the phenomenon in itself an<strong>di</strong>ts prevention; the second dealt with ju<strong>di</strong>cial activity.This chapter reports the replies given by the prosecutors to the first part of thequestionnaire (the phenomenon and its prevention). The information furnishedrefers to ju<strong>di</strong>cial procee<strong>di</strong>ngs – as regards the pre-trial investigation phase and thetrial phase, or procee<strong>di</strong>ngs adju<strong>di</strong>cated with a conviction – brought by theprosecutor’s offices between 1996 and 2002.The fifteen most active prosecutor’s offices were located in crucial areas of thenational territory, viz.:1. along land and maritime borders. Friuli Venezia Giulia and Puglia are theregions most affected by the phenomenon, the former with the prosecutor’soffices of Gorizia, Tolmezzo and Trieste, the latter with those of Brin<strong>di</strong>si andLecce;2. in cities with large railway stations, airports or other communications hubs(also for travel abroad). In the North these prosecutor’s offices were those ofGenoa, Turin, Milan, and Brescia; in the Centre that of Rome; and in the Souththe prosecutor’s office of Palermo;3. in small towns located in the central regions whose economies are based ontourism and small-to-me<strong>di</strong>um sized industry in the footwear and leather goodssectors, these being activities that potentially generate demand for illegalservices. The prosecutor’s offices concerned were those of Perugia, Arezzo andAscoli Piceno.The aim of the interviewers was to acquire updated information on traffickers forexploitation and migrant smugglers which was comparable among the variousItalian regions. The focus was on the operational features of the criminal activitiesin question and on the characteristics of the perpetrators and victims, the intentionbeing to improve prevention of these offences on the basis of the knowledgeacquired and the suggestions made by the prosecutors. Understan<strong>di</strong>ng the modusoperan<strong>di</strong> of organised crime – and especially the resources and opportunities that itexploits, as well as the vulnerabilities of the institutions and the victims concerned155

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