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10. Italian legislation and ju<strong>di</strong>cial competences in the fight against trafficking and smugglingThe law introduces new criminal offences against minors. Two provisions added tothe criminal code should be mentioned in particular: article 601, paragraph 2 andarticle 600-bis, paragraph 1, “Prostitution of minors”. 15610.5.5 The criminal code 157The criminal code envisages a number of criminal offences related to the traffickingof persons for exploitation and the smuggling of migrants, these being the socalled“instrumental” offences typically committed by in<strong>di</strong>vidual criminals orcriminal groups before, during, or after the entry into the country of illegalmigrants/exploited persons. 158The first reference is to crimes involving various kinds of violence, such as bo<strong>di</strong>lyharm (article 610), threatening behaviour (article 612), abduction (article 605 and630), sexual assault (609-bis and subsequent), battery (article 582), murder (article575).Criminal procee<strong>di</strong>ngs on human trafficking and smuggling often use the provisionson organised crime contained in article 416 “criminal conspiracy”, and article 416-bis, “Mafia-type conspiracy”.Finally, particular attention should be paid to the provisions of articles 600-604 inthe criminal code aimed at repressing slavery. 159 The management model typical ofthe illicit activities involved in persons trafficking, rests crucially on reduction toslavery, because it is a means to limit and influence the freedom of the person bothphysically and psychologically.156 The innovative impact of law 228/2003 has also affected the legislation on paedophilia: article 601,paragraph 2, of the criminal code has been replaced by the new article 601 of the criminal code whichincreases the penalties for trafficking persons under the age of 18, and likewise the revised provisions onreduction to and maintenance in slavery or servitude (see new article 600, paragraph 3 of the criminalcode). Other <strong>di</strong>spositions increasing penalties are contained in article 600-sexies, paragraph 1 criminalcode (Aggravating and mitigating circumstances). The changes to the substantive law are of course alsoreflected in investigative instruments and the ju<strong>di</strong>cial procedure described in the previous section of thischapter.157 The provisions of the Code have now been completely revised by law 228/2003. See the previoussection, paragraph 10.2, for examination of the substantive provisions.158 N.M. Pace, "I flussi migratori illegali: <strong>di</strong>sciplina penalistica della materia e tecnica delle indagini, anchenella loro <strong>di</strong>mensione sovranazionale" [Illegal Migratory Flows: the Criminal Regulation of the Subject andInvestigative Techniques, Also in Their International Dimension] report presented to the InternationalConference Il traffico <strong>di</strong> esseri umani e il ruolo della criminalità organizzata [Trafficking in Human Beingsand the Role of Organised Crime], Istituto Italiano per gli <strong>Stu<strong>di</strong></strong> Filosofici, Naples, 27-29 May 1999, "La cittàdel sole" Ed., Naples, 2000, pp. 61 ff.159 As mentioned above, these provisions have been completely revised by law 228/2003.97

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