PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

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each other, do you like each other? It’s hard to sell something and market somethingthat you don’t even like yourself. So brothers, in that light, I didn’t come here tolecture, I really came just to bring you a little hope. Faith is the substance <strong>of</strong> thingshoped for so I know they must be cousins. Let’s have a little faith and let’s have a littlehope.”CODE REVISIONS COMMITTEE REPORTTo the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>;The committee was unable to meet this year because <strong>of</strong> conflicting schedules.Many attempts were made to schedule a meeting since last August.However, Resolution No. 5, submitted at the 2004 session, was reviewed by thecommittee in 2005. Certain revisions were made and our intent was to reintroduceit at the 2004 session. Unfortunately, the resolution was not submitted timely andtherefore was not considered at the 2005 session. The committee did now timelysubmit that resolution for consideration at the 2006 session.The reasoning for the adoption <strong>of</strong> this resolution was set forth in our 2005 reportas follows:However, Resolution No. 5 submitted at the 2004 session was again reviewed.The present code does not address the procedure to be taken when a lodgewithdraws a complaint <strong>of</strong> Masonic misconduct. The proposed new section106.011 does.The filing <strong>of</strong> a complaint against a brother Mason is indeed a very seriousmatter. Once filed, the jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> the Grand Lodge, and more particularlythe Grand Master is involved. Therefore, a decision <strong>of</strong> the complaining lodge towithdraw charges logically must be reviewed by the Grand Master. Thecommittee believes the proposed wording <strong>of</strong> the new section 106.11 spells outthe procedure to do so. The Code Committee urges its adoption.The changes made were to set 10 time limits and the withdrawal <strong>of</strong> charges priorto trial.There are more items to be revised by the committee next year such as:1. Review and modify sections 60.05 and 53.04 <strong>of</strong> the code to conform tochapter 188 <strong>of</strong> the statutes.2. Review the appendix <strong>of</strong> our code relative to the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> statutes. Somehave been revised and others may need to be included.3. There are several other sections <strong>of</strong> the code that must be reviewed.Report accepted.92Respectfully submittedArchie Simonson, ChairmanJames Olson, PGMBruce S. Sim, PGMGeorge A. Wallinger, PGMMichael A. DeWolf, PGM, Grand Secretary

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