PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

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EXPENDITURES COMMITTEE REPORTTo the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>:In compliance with Section 29.05 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Masonic Code, we are pleasedto submit the Expenditures Committee report and the proposed budget for the fiscalyear 2006-2007.On April 13,2006, copies <strong>of</strong> the proposed budgets for the Grand Lodge <strong>of</strong> Free andAccepted Masons <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>, the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Masonic Journal, and the Farm weremailed to each constituent Lodge and to the <strong>of</strong>ficers and permanent members <strong>of</strong> theGrand Lodge. Resolution No. 01-2006 addresses the adoption <strong>of</strong> these budgets.The Expenditures Committee met on several occasions during the 2005-2006fiscal year to review the anticipated expenses and resource requirements for thefiscal year 2006-2007. To this end, each line item <strong>of</strong> each budget was reviewed,discussed, and analyzed in light <strong>of</strong> anticipated proposed programs, projects, andservice to the craft. On April 12, 2006, the final budget and per capita recommendationswere reviewed and approved.The proposed budget <strong>of</strong> $784,953 for fiscal year 2006-2007 reflects a 5.7%decrease from the budget for fiscal year 2005-2006.The proposed salary and benefit increases for our Grand Lodge employees reflecta modest cost <strong>of</strong> living increase. All Grand Lodge employees will be contributing totheir health care cost. There are no Grand Lodge <strong>of</strong>ficers receiving a salary from theGrand Lodge.As noted in the proposed budget, all other expenses have been reduced with theexception <strong>of</strong> the Grand Lodge Building Expense, which shows a slight increase.The Trustees have recommended that Investment Income Allocation for fiscalyear 2006-2007 not exceed $300,000. In response to this recommendation andconsidering need for services, programs, and activities necessary to support ourlodges and members, the Expenditures Committee recommends an increase in percapita to $31.00 per year, upon each member <strong>of</strong> record <strong>of</strong> a chartered lodge onDecember 31, 2006. Resolution 2-2006 has been submitted covering this recommendation.The Expenditures Committee proposes a balanced budget <strong>of</strong> for the Grand Lodgeand for the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Masonic Journal. The proposed budget for the Farm indicatesan excess <strong>of</strong> revenue over expenses <strong>of</strong> $24,730.The Expenditures Committee recommends the adoption <strong>of</strong> the 2006-2007 fiscalyear budgets for the Grand Lodge, the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Masonic Journal, and the Farm.Report accepted.76Fraternally submitted,James M. Hays, Grand Treasurer, ChairmanRodney A. Paulsen, Deputy Grand MasterJ. B. Van Hollen, Senior Grand WardenJohn W Wilke, Junior Grand WardenCraig S. Campbell, Senior Grand DeaconMichael A. DeWolf, Grand Secretary, PGM

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