PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

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3,696 members or $59,136 in income. In 2002, the per capita was raised to $26.00per year. From 2001 through 2005 we lost 2,821 members or the equivalent <strong>of</strong>$73,346 in income. These losses in income have been balanced by a reduction inexpenses and an increase in investment income allocation.We have put together a five-year plan covering membership and proposedbudgets. The Trustees have provided their expectations as to what the InvestmentIncome Allocation will be without reducing the principal or corpus <strong>of</strong> our investments.The Per Capita increased proposed by the Expenditures Committee willallow us the financial wherewithal to aggressively counter our declining membershipand to meet the goal <strong>of</strong> $300,000 or less from Investment Income that theTrustees have given us.In compliance with Section 24.01 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Masonic Code, I have madearrangements to personally sign all mileage and per diem checks for representativesattending the 2006 Annual Communication <strong>of</strong> the Grand Lodge <strong>of</strong> Free andAccepted Masons <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Arrangements for distribution <strong>of</strong> the checks onSaturday, June 3, have been made in conformity with Section 30.06 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Wisconsin</strong>Masonic Code.Thank you brethren for the privilege and pleasure <strong>of</strong> serving as your GrandTreasurer this past year. It truly has been a learning experience for me. A specialthank you to William Day, PGM and to the staff at the Grand Lodge <strong>of</strong>fice. Theirpatience and very able assistance in answering my many questions is greatlyappreciated. And finally, a special thank you to our Grand Master Roger L. Magoonfor expressing confidence in me and allowing me to serve our Fraternity as a part<strong>of</strong> his team. It has been a good year and I am very honored to have been a part <strong>of</strong> it.Report accepted.Fraternally submitted,James M. HaysGrand TreasurerGrand Treasurer James Hays proceeded with a Power Point presentation onGrand Lodge Accounting 101, which showed the accounting practices <strong>of</strong> the GrandLodge. This showed our accounting system is based on a for-pr<strong>of</strong>it basis. Hisrecommendation is to change to a non-pr<strong>of</strong>it fund accounting basis. The trusteeshave agreed and have approved the funds for a s<strong>of</strong>tware program to implement thischange in the accounting system.His slides went on to show the increase and decrease in membership and theamount <strong>of</strong> per capita collected, which is declining because <strong>of</strong> the increase in the loss<strong>of</strong> members. He explained the budget process followed by the Expenditures Committee.The categories were broken down and the accounts that had cost savingreductions applied were detailed.Brother Hays showed how just a $5 increase in per capita tax would help balancethe budget. There is a five-year plan that needs some tweaking, but it needs to bedone. He feels that the membership has not been good stewards <strong>of</strong> the Grand Lodgefunds. This needs to be changed and become a way <strong>of</strong> life. A look at the whole pictureis a must.75

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