PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

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TELLERS’ REPORTGrand Secretary Michael A DeWolf reported that the brethren have elected thefollowing:M.W. Grand Master, Rodney A. PaulsenR.W. Deputy Grand Master, J. B. Van HollenR.W. Senior Grand Warden, , John W. WilkeR.W. Junior Grand Warden, Craig S. CampbellR.W. Grand Treasurer, Richard A. Vande SandeR.W. Grand Secretary, Michael A. DeWolf, P.G.M.Grand Trustee, Allan E. Iding, P.G.M. – 5-year termMasonic Journal Board, Trueman E. Farris – 3-year termMasonic Journal Board, Ray C. Kline – 3-year termBenevolent Activities Board, Guy K. Gooding, – 3-year termBenevolent Activities Board, John J. Luy, – 3-year termBenevolent Activities Board, David M. Weis, – 3-year termAll accepted their <strong>of</strong>fices with thanks and pledged to serve to the best <strong>of</strong> theirability.<strong>GRAND</strong> <strong>LODGE</strong> CALLED FROM LABOR TO REFRESHMENT<strong>GRAND</strong> <strong>LODGE</strong> CALLED FROM REFRESHMENT TO LABOR<strong>GRAND</strong> TRUSTEES REPORTTo the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>:Brethren,“Before presenting the Grand Trustee’s annual report, on behalf <strong>of</strong> the TrusteesI want to recognize with gratitude the cooperation and assistance provided to themfrom the Grand Lodge <strong>of</strong>fice staff during the year as we asked many questions aboutthe investments, the audit reports, the various properties, their histories and theircost <strong>of</strong> operation. Their knowledge <strong>of</strong> the Grand Lodges finances and properties aswell as the membership records has been invaluable. They are our institutionalmemory as Trustees serve for five years only. PGM Carl Wussow was requested toserve in a non voting capacity this last year after serving as a Trustee for five yearsHis good counsel will be missed. PGM Steve Willett completes his five year termwith this Annual Communication. He is not present as he is recovering fromsurgery. However we hope he will also serve this next year as a non voting counselto the Trustees.”This is the report <strong>of</strong> your Grand Trustees for the fiscal year ending 30 April 2006.During this last year your trustees have met 9 times with many meetings <strong>of</strong> the subcommittees.The trustees set up three sub-committees to study the various issuesthey are charged to manage. These sub-committees are 1. Investment Policy andMonitoring, 2. Property Management, and 3. Fund Raising.”The investment policy used by the trustees remains at 70% in equities and 30%in fixed income. This policy is reviewed on a minimum <strong>of</strong> once a year. We continueto retain Alpha Consulting as our advisors and have been pleased with their service.54

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