PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

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<strong>of</strong> time. It is not given for man to obtain perfection, he can but strive for it, and thatis our calling my Brethren, to strive to be the best we can be, while using our guidingprincipals as our moral compass.It has been a great joy and pleasure to serve you the <strong>Freemasons</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> thispast year. To the Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officers, Members <strong>of</strong> the Boards andCommittees, Masters, and Secretaries <strong>of</strong> the lodges, I express my grateful appreciationfor allowing me to serve you this past year.Report accepted.FIFTY YEAR CERTIFICATESRespectively Submitted,Michael A. DeWolf, P.G.M.Grand SecretaryA. D. Anderson (180) Cyrus Wayne Anderson (51) Deane Maynard Anderson (50)Robert James Anderson (28) Edward A Angell (267) Hamilton Tower Bailey (291)Roger P. Bain (242) Nicolas Balazs (307) Marion Charles Barto (81)Russell Clar Barton (72) Dennis C Beaumont (267) Raymond F Beilke (75)Jack Milton Bell (325) Ross Michael Bennett (33) Frederick William Bertolaet (68)Stanley Elwin Bird (26) John Howeth Birkett (28) David M Boehm (180)Ernest J Borchardt (108) Adolph F Borufka (74) Delbert H Bradt (25)William David Brand (267) N Charles Branson (85) Donald E Brockman (291)Leroy John Bruechert (21) Donald R. Brunn (112) Robert Jack Budlow (291)George H Burgess Jr (337) Franklin Burgon (322) Wallace E Burkee (47)Wilber Grove Cahoon (34) Garmen S Casperson (210) Paul Archer Chapman (31)Sarkis Sam Cherkinian (18) Monak Chobanian (291) William G Church (222)Byron P Clements (45) Albert William Cole (325) Liniel H Cooper (73)Wilbur Norris Craw (26) William Robert Crawford (68) James E Cuttrell (180)David Lloyd Dancey (37) Howard Byrson Davenport (3) Jerry Frank Davidson (322)Leroy Calvin Dettmer (350) Robert W Devenish (143) John Richard Dorsett (3)Alfred Gene Draper (55) Burton Oakley Eberly (337) Henry Dalbert Eglin (10)Randolph David Engler (218) Ronald K Espe (214) Burkett Farquhar (85)Stewart J Fausch (128) Reubin Frank Fehrmann (28) Charles Leon Fine (1)Walton G Frisch (172) Albert L Gallop (221) Ronald Henry Gartman (27)Russell W Gasser (180) Raymond E Gieringer (332) Robert James Gill (25)Sam Gingold (261) Howard William Gray (21) Ross R Gray (161)Donald Robert Green (356) Warren E Grove (128) Harold E Guttenberg (51)Allen T Haga (93) Eugene Hahn (33) Dale Halliburton (265)Daniel L. Hanson (280) Darrell Eldon Haskins (252) Glenn Haslerud Sr (210)Bruce T Haubrich (47) Richard John Hauser (17) William Franklin Hawthorne (31)Arthur William Hilgers (356) Thomas A Hites Jr (337) Peter John H<strong>of</strong>fman (74)Harley L Hogstrom (112) John De Witt Holcomb (55) Earl W Hooper (267)Rodney Arlyn Horky (244) Frank Charles Horn (34) Russell Hamilton Hoveland (325)Harry C F Howland (130) Robert F Hulse (28) Francis C Jacobs (180)Alan Rae Jacobson (161) Allen B Jacobson (192) Gordon Charles Jacobson (55)Harold Vernie Jacobson (192) Louis Frederick Janke (31) Richard W Jenks (148)Raymond Jensen (55) Delward Le Roy Jenson (280) Dennis G Jenson (112)George Carl Jevne (351) Dewey R Johnson (231) Ferris Laweir Johnson (28)Ralph C Johnson (242) William Elmer Johnson Jr (180) Thomas E. Jones (74)Wilbur R Jones (356) Robert H Jorgenson (81) Jerome O Just (172)Robert C Kastens (187) Walter M Kelley (112) William W Kersey (337)Robert Walter Kienzle (268) Robert E Kime (63) Verne J Kjell (189)34

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