PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

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c). This program is supported by the progressive line <strong>of</strong>ficers and will becontinued for several years as described above, except for fine tuned as useand experience suggests.d). Scholarship awards to the top three lodges will continue as before.e). This first year, lodges will be permitted to ‘double dip’ with a portion <strong>of</strong> GMMagoon’s year, and the Lodge Excellence Award will begin with January2006 and extend through January 2007.6. Revive and utilize the Masonic Square Bear Program. Bears are still availablefrom PGM Magoon for $6.00 each.7. I will continue to attend as many Blue Lodge and other bodies’ activities ascalendar and health permits.8. As many lodges are celebrating their 150th anniversary, I or a Grand Lodge<strong>of</strong>ficer will attend, as invited, to participate in the festivities.9. Many Brothers are attaining 50, 60, 70, 75 years <strong>of</strong> membership. If invited, Ior a Grand Lodge <strong>of</strong>ficer will attend to present the award, rather than theWorshipful Master or Secretary <strong>of</strong> the lodge, in order to enhance the prestige <strong>of</strong> thisrecognition.10. Appoint a <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Scouting Committee to develop a program to recognizethose boys (and men) who have achieved the high rank <strong>of</strong> Eagle Scout. Recognitionwill be provided through a personal letter <strong>of</strong> congratulations from the Grand Master,a personalized commendation certificate, and a specially designed Masonic pocketmedal. The cost will be $20 provided by the sponsor. Applications to be a sponsor canbe made by a lodge or a Brother by the completion <strong>of</strong> the application form. Anyonewho has finished the Eagle Scout requirements is eligible, even if it was long ago.Presentation may be made at either a Scout Court <strong>of</strong> Honor or Masonic Lodgefunction. A plaque will also be developed to represent those Master Masons whohave received the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award. This program weare adopting was developed by the Grand Masonic Lodge <strong>of</strong> Michigan and is beingutilized with their permission.11. Explore the Harvard College Masonic Lodge Program where a Masonic Lodgeis developed within the university setting. If interest is expressed, we will explorethe Milwaukee area and expand to additional University <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> campuses asappropriate.12. Utilize the Masonic Ambassador Program as developed by the Grand Lodge<strong>of</strong> Massachusetts and implemented in other jurisdictions to develop a LodgeMembership <strong>of</strong>ficer to assist in promoting the Lodge in the community, and furtherdevelop lodge leadership to build a stronger future for the Lodge and Freemasonry.13. Reactivate the Leadership Program and activate the Masonic EducationCommittee to present programs, which will develop more informed and effectiveMasons throughout the state.14. We will inaugurate a Three Pillars Awareness Program in conjunction withMary Millard, Director <strong>of</strong> Fraternal Relations for the Three Pillars Senior LivingCommunities. Participation in this program will be recognized in the LodgeExcellence Award. If a lodge or member participates they would be given points fordoing so.131

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