PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

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Respectfully submitted,Keith D. Chamberlain, PGM, ChairmanMichael A. DeWolf, PGM Grand SecretaryJames M. Hays, Grand TreasurerReport accepted.APPROVAL OF THE 2005 <strong>PROCEEDINGS</strong>Grand Secretary Michael A. DeWolf moved that the 2005 Proceedings be approvedas printed and distributed. The motion was seconded and passed.RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE REPORTTo the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>;Nine resolutions were received by Grand Lodge prior to the submission deadlineand forwarded to the Resolutions Committee. One <strong>of</strong> the resolutions, dealing withfloor work, was withdrawn after consultation with the Worshipful Master <strong>of</strong> thesubmitting Lodge.Resolutions 1-2006, 2-2006 and 3-2006 are the usual code requirements and dealwith annual budget, per Capita tax, and place <strong>of</strong> the annual communication for theyear 2008. Resolution 2-2006 requests a per capita tax <strong>of</strong> $31.00. Resolution 3 setsMadison as the site for the Annual Communication <strong>of</strong> 2008. Each requires a majorityvote.Resolution 4-2006 submitted by the Grand Secretary seeks to modify GrandLodge Standing committees by eliminating the Committee on Research.Resolution Number 5-2006, submitted by the Code Revision Committee, providesa method by which a lodge may seek to withdraw charges before trial, and sets atimetable to assure prompt response to the Lodge.Resolution 6-2006 repeals Sec 64.06 (first paragraph) and modifies 64.06(a) <strong>of</strong> theCode authorizing lodges to serve alcoholic beverages on Lodge property and in Lodgefor Table Lodges and festival communications Section (b), adopted in 2004, isdeleted, and replaced with a ban on lodges or temple associations from holding alicense to sell alcoholic beverages with the intent <strong>of</strong> operating a tavern.. A newparagraph (c) requires a dispensation from the Grand Master for lodges to meet inan establishment, which sells alcoholic beverages.Resolutions 4, 5 and 6 require an 80% vote for passage.Resolution 7-2006 deals with language used by the Senior Deacon in the EAdegree, adding “symbolically” to the words. This affects the pure work, and must belaid over to Grand Lodge 2007, and will require an 80% vote for adoption.Resolution 8-2006 is a request by the Grand Lodge trustees to confirm the sale <strong>of</strong>two parcels <strong>of</strong> real estate at Dousman to St Mary’s Episcopal Church, including theparcel the Church now leases from Grand Lodge. Majority vote needed.12

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