PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

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District #10 District #11 District #12West Bend #138 Burlington #28 <strong>Freemasons</strong> #363Fond du Lac #26 Waukesha #37 Nathan Hale #350Waupun #48 Union Grove #288 Geo. Washington 1776 #337Hartford #120 McKinley #307 Lake #189Neosho-Mayville-Horicon#108Dodge County #72The Grand Master then gave awards to the three lodges with the highest points.The awards were in the form <strong>of</strong> money for high school scholarships with the<strong>Wisconsin</strong> Masonic Foundation’s scholarship program. The 3rd place bronze awardwinner ($200) was Warren Lodge No. 4, the 2nd place silver award winner ($300)was Henry S. Baird Lodge No. 211 and the first place gold award winner ($500) wasRichland Lodge #66. All were congratulated and given a hearty round <strong>of</strong> applause.PRESENTATIONSGrand Master Magoon asked retiring Grand Lodge <strong>of</strong>ficers Al Jurgens, KurtMagoon and Dan Slavik to approach the east. Certificates <strong>of</strong> Appreciation weregiven to them. He thanked them for their service and they were given a round <strong>of</strong>applause.Brother Tom Tourville and was asked to step forward and was given a pin and acertificate <strong>of</strong> meritorious service by Grand Master Magoon for his many years asDistrict Deputy. Frank Struble was also given a certificate for his years <strong>of</strong> serviceas the Grand Orator.CHARTER PRESENTATIONSGrand Master Magoon asked that the Masters or representatives <strong>of</strong> South ShoreLodge No. 3, Buffalo River Lodge No. 252 and Henry S. Baird Lodge No. 174 to comeforward and presented them with the new charters for their lodge.ACCEPTANCE OF BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTSGrand Master Roger Magoon asked for acceptance <strong>of</strong> the reports as printed in thePre-Proceedings for the following boards and committees:, Computer Usage, Education,Esoteric, Executive, Fraternal Relations with Prince Hall, LeadershipTraining, Personnel, Research, Temple Plans and Finances and Youth GroupFunding. A motion was made to accept them and it was seconded. All reports wereaccepted.WISCONSIN MASONIC SOCCER FOUNDATION REPORTTo the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>:If shedding light on Masonry were the only objective <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> MasonicSoccer Foundation, then we achieved that in 2005.The 2005 to 2006 Masonic year brought significant press coverage for the<strong>Wisconsin</strong> Masonic All Star Soccer Games. We appreciate all the good press wereceived. The Milwaukee Journal graciously provided two consecutive days <strong>of</strong>114

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