PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

PROCEEDINGS GRAND LODGE - Freemasons of Wisconsin

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WISCONSIN MASONIC HOME BOARD ANNUAL REPORTTo the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>:This past year has been an extremely busy one with many meetings, discussions,walk thoughs and decisions. When I am on the Dousman campus and look aroundI am so proud <strong>of</strong> what has been accomplished as a result <strong>of</strong> the time given by manyfolks. With the consent <strong>of</strong> the Masonic Home Board the leadership given by BrotherMark Strautman, CEO and President <strong>of</strong> Three Pillars during this past year has beenoutstanding. Under his direction we have had significant renovation work at MVOSto make it a more inviting independent living facility. We have furnished andcompleted for occupancy Compass Point our Catered Living facility. There has beenon going renovation work done on our Health Care and Rehabilitation facility. Asthe area around Three Pillars has been growing these changes were much neededto meet the ever expanding competition. All members <strong>of</strong> the Masonic family shouldbe very proud <strong>of</strong> these outstanding facilities all <strong>of</strong> which are part <strong>of</strong> Three Pillars.All <strong>of</strong> our former residents <strong>of</strong> Van Brunt Hall and Bark River Apartments are nowin their new home. All were moved over in one day. Many had their new homes allset up and most <strong>of</strong> their boxes unpacked in one day. Thanks to a wonderful staff,family and volunteers. Now the decision must be made as to the future <strong>of</strong> Van BruntHall and Bark River. There is a committee (Task Force) appointed that will beworking on the many possibilities for these buildings.The Home Board has been very involved with a reorganization <strong>of</strong> our operatingstructure. With this reorganization our committees have changed to, Governance,Outreach, Oversight, Planning and Finance and Audit. We have asked Grand LodgeLine Officers to serve as a voting member for a rotating one year term on each <strong>of</strong>these committees. The <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Masonic Home Board has also increased theGrand Lodge voting membership on the Board to two voting members. Amendmentsto our Bylaws were also implemented to cover these changes.The <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Masonic Home Board is the best. My conversations with others inthis same field have assured me <strong>of</strong> this. Each <strong>of</strong> the members <strong>of</strong> our Board has sharedtheir expertise to help make Three Pillars an outstanding facility and one thatothers admire. Contributing to this admiration is the support given by the members<strong>of</strong> the Masonic family in <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Many have contributed financially; others havegiven <strong>of</strong> their time and talent. I would like to thank each one for this. I do hope all<strong>of</strong> you can visit YOUR Masonic Home soon as it is your Masonic charity.Brother Roger, Most Worshipful Grand Master, you started your association withThree Pillars with many questions and concerns. As you attended the variousmeetings involved with Three Pillars you became much more acquainted with ourfacilities and operations. Your support <strong>of</strong> Three Pillars has been outstanding and ismuch appreciated. Thank you so much.As Chair <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Masonic Home Board I would like to express myappreciation for the opportunity to come before you and say a special thank you forallowing me to speak and share my pride in Three Pillars with each <strong>of</strong> you.Respectfully submitted,Theda J. Andres,<strong>Wisconsin</strong> Masonic Home Board10

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