Promotional Checklist - Exhibitor Magazine

Promotional Checklist - Exhibitor Magazine Promotional Checklist - Exhibitor Magazine
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Planning your participation atEXHIBITOR2013 and successfullyexecuting your marketing plan willgive you an edge over those exhibitorswho do not take full advantage of theopportunities available to them.In order to make this exhibit investmentpay, we know you begin to plan monthsin advance on how you will attractqualified buyers to your booth. Becauseyou begin working now, here is someinformation and tips on how you canget your message in front of qualifiedbuyers at EXHIBITOR2013, resulting inincreased booth traffic and sales.

Planning your participation atEXHIBITOR2013 and successfullyexecuting your marketing plan willgive you an edge over those exhibitorswho do not take full advantage of theopportunities available to them.In order to make this exhibit investmentpay, we know you begin to plan monthsin advance on how you will attractqualified buyers to your booth. Becauseyou begin working now, here is someinformation and tips on how you canget your message in front of qualifiedbuyers at EXHIBITOR2013, resulting inincreased booth traffic and sales.

PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIESPROMOTIONAL BENEFITSAs an exhibitor, you are already part ofthis aggressive attendance promotionprogram conducted on your behalf:• Advertisements and Press Releasesplaced in key industry publications.• Conference Brochures sent to more than800,000 known buyers with identifiedtrade show, marketing, advertising,sales, management, and event planningresponsibilities.• Weekly e-mails sent to over 20,000exhibit and event professionals whospecifically requested the latestinformation on EXHIBITOR2013.• Newsletters and e-mail reminders sentto 3,000 candidates and graduates of theCertified Trade Show Marketer (CTSM)Program, alerting them to new sessionsand highlights at EXHIBITOR2013.• A press relations staff works closely withthe trade and business media to conveythe importance of EXHIBITOR2013 andto increase attendance.• A toll-free phone number is publicizedfor Show registration information.• The EXHIBITOR2013 Web site, reachesthousands of potential attendees dailywith updated Show and Exhibit Hallinformation, as well as online registration.PRE-SHOW PROMOTIONAL TOOLSBuyers come to EXHIBITOR2013 with a pre-set agenda of companiesto visit. Utilize the following pre-show promotion tools and informationto assure that your company is on the “must see” list of exhibitors.FREE VIP EXHIBIT HALL REGISTRATIONInvite your customers and prospects to visit EXHIBITOR2013 as your specialguest. Your free customized VIP invitation invites them to attend both theexhibit hall and networking reception with your compliments. Email themthe customized pdf, or ask for printed copies with your company name.Your customers and prospects simply enter your VIP code to waive the $75 feewhen they register online. You will receive your unique pdf and VIP code inJanuary. If you have questions contact LISTS<strong>Exhibitor</strong>s wishing to do a pre-show and/or post-show promotional mailingshould contact CompuSystems (official registration contractor). ContactCompuSystems at 708.786.5565 for details and pricing.DIRECT MAILDirect mail is the most important element you can use to attract buyers toyour booth. Consider the following elements when planning your direct mailprogram:• Objectives – Decide what you want to accomplish with your direct mail campaign.• Target Audience – Mailing lists of your best customers, prospects, and the media areobvious audiences, as are those who have expressed interest in your product duringthe last year. You can also focus on specific segments of the EXHIBITOR2013 audienceby request.• Content – What is your message?• Frequency – For optimal results, plan to send three separate mailings spaced at two tothree-week intervals.• Make it easy for your customers to find you. Remember to highlight your boothnumber and location in the exhibition. Always include the name, dates, and locationof EXHIBITOR2013. It will increase the likelihood that your message will be read.CONFERENCE BROCHURES –PROVIDED BY EXHIBITOR2013Be a proponent of professionaleducation – and highlight yourparticipation in EXHIBITOR2013– by making complete conferenceinformation available to your topprospects and customers.HOW TO DISTRIBUTE YOUR CONFERENCE BROCHURES:Send them to your best customers,prospects, distributors, and salespeople with:• A printed piece highlighting what youwill be exhibiting.• Your customized VIP Exhibit HallPass invitation.• A customized conference brochure inPDF form.If you have questions contact:EXHIBITOR2013@heiexpo.comQUESTIONS? Please call or e-mail KELLY BOEHNE at EXHIBITOR magazine:(PHONE) 507.289.6556 • (FAX) 507.289.5253 • (E-MAIL)

BEST OF THE BESTSHINE AMONG YOUR PEERS!EXHIBITOR2013 will once again honor those exhibitors who demonstrate excellencein exhibit marketing and booth staffing with the Best of Show, Best Booth Staff, andBuyers Choice Awards.BEST OF SHOW JUDGINGPROCEDURES/CRITERIAAll EXHIBITOR2013 exhibits willbe judged by a panel of corporateexhibit managers. Judging will takeplace on the first day of the show.Awards will be given in two boothsize categories: exhibits 200 squarefeet and less, and exhibits more than200 square feet.EXHIBITS WILL BE EVALUATED ON FIVE CRITERIA:1. Corporate ID – Can you tell at a glancewho the company is and what it does?2. Layout – Is the layout functional andaccessible? Is the booth clean and orderly?3. Design – Is the booth inviting andattractive?4. Graphics – Are graphics well-placed andeasy to read? Do they address productfeatures and benefits?5. Product presentation – Are productsclearly identified? Is the presentationmemorable?NOTE: The Best of Show designation is nota “best design” award. Equal emphasis isplaced on all five criteria.BEST BOOTH STAFF JUDGINGPROCEDURES/CRITERIAAll exhibitors are eligible. Exhibit personnel will be evaluated by a panel ofcorporate exhibit managers. Judging will take place on the first day of the show.BOOTH STAFFS WILL BE JUDGED ON SIX CRITERIA:1. Proper booth etiquette – Staffers should not be sitting, eating, or talking on the phone.2. Active engagement – Do staffers stand at the threshold of the exhibit ready to engagepassers-by? Do they make eye contact with and greet approaching attendees?3. Effective conversation-starters – Do they acknowledge your presence in the booth?Do they ask open-ended questions?4. Adequate staff – Is the booth sufficiently staffed to accommodate show traffic?5. Qualifying techniques – Do staffers ask questions? Do they assess a prospect’s needsbefore launching into a sales pitch?6. Knowledge/helpfulness – Can they answer your questions? Do they take advantage ofother resources in the booth (other personnel, literature, product displays)?AWARDS PRESENTATION: Best of Show and Best Booth Staff awards will be presented Tuesday,March 18, 2013. A list of the winners will be posted in The Square. Winners also will berecognized in post-show press releases and in the EXHIBITOR2013 post-show coveragein EXHIBITOR magazine.BUYERS CHOICE AWARDSAll products and services featured in the NewProduct Showcase will automatically be entered inthe Buyers Choice Awards program. Winners areselected by a team of industry buyers and areannounced at EXHIBITOR2013.QUESTIONS? Please call or e-mail KELLY BOEHNE at EXHIBITOR magazine:(PHONE) 507.289.6556 • (FAX) 507.289.5253 • (E-MAIL)

CHECKLISTINCREASE YOUR VISIBILITYPublicity is a very powerfulmarketing tool when usedto its full potential.We encourage you to workclosely with the show’spress relations staff indeveloping a strong PRcampaign before, duringand after the Show.FREE PRE-SHOW PUBLICITY• EXHIBITOR2013 maintains contactwith more than 200 business andtrade publications.• News Releases are posted to theEXHIBITOR2013 Web site.• If you have a special event or anew product release planned forthe Show, be sure to notifyWayne Dunham at630.963.4280• The online Press Room providesexhibit and event managers withup-to-the-minute Show news. Takeadvantage of additional exposurebefore the Show to promote yourexhibit and products on the Web –Free! News releases are posted dailyin the online Press Room.OCTOBER* Call the EXHIBITOR magazine ad sales department at 888.235.6155 or507.289.6556 to discuss how sponsorships and advertising can fit your showobjectives and provide increased brand and image goals at EXHIBITOR2013.NOVEMBER* <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Registration/ Hotel Reservations Opens Online! LIVE NOVEMBER 1* Review the show sponsorships – are you missing any valuable opportunities?DECEMBER* Order Conference Brochures. Email EXHIBITOR2013@heiexpo.comfor distribution to your customers and prospects. Send 6-8 weeks beforeEXHIBITOR2013. (send Jan. 14 to Jan. 25)* Return your New Product Showcase application, fee, product description,and photographs along with any sales literature or product brochures.For inclusion in the Show issue of EXHIBITOR magazine, the official ShowDirectory and online at DEADLINE DECEMBER 3* Plan your Direct Mail Program for February. Call the magazine ad salesdepartment at 888.235.6155 or 507.289.6556 to find out how you can alsobe included in the Preview Card Pack.JANUARY* Return your New Product Showcase application, fee, product description,and photographs along with any sales literature or product brochures.* For inclusion in the official Show Directory and online at your New Product Showcase application, fee, product description,and photograph along with any sales literature or product brochures;DEADLINE JANUARY 7* EXHIBITOR Preview Card Pack – Contact your sales representative for moreinformation. DEADLINE JANUARY 14* Place ads in the Official Show Directory; includes a Show logo, dates, andyour booth number. DEADLINE JANUARY 15* Reserve your ad placement for the show-site issue (March) of EXHIBITORmagazine. DEADLINE JANUARY 15* FREE VIP Exhibit Hall Registration – Email or mail your customers andprospects with your personalized VIP registration pass. EXHIBITOR willforward your unique promotion code to you in January....January continued next pageQUESTIONS? Please call or e-mail KELLY BOEHNE at EXHIBITOR magazine:(PHONE) 507.289.6556 • (FAX) 507.289.5253 • (E-MAIL)

CHECKLISTFREE POST-SHOW PUBLICITYEXHIBITOR2013 press relationsteam also works with media afterEXHIBITOR2013 closes, to facilitate:• “wrap-up” stories• provide final attendance figures• Best of Show Award winners• Best Booth Staff Award winners• Buyers Choice Awards (forms andadditional information is included inthis section of your manual)• floor survey informationIf you have a special story to tell afterEXHIBITOR2013 about how yourproduct or service was received byattendees, and your success as aresult of exhibiting, be sure to contactWayne Dunham at630.963.4280 (CONTINUED)* Final entry date into the New Product Showcase at EXHIBITOR2013. Return yourNew Product Showcase application, fee, product description, and photographalong with any sales literature or product brochures. Submissions received onthis date will be posted online at DEADLINE JANUARY 28* Custom Video Interviews and Corporate commercials - what better time torecord a high impact commercial or video while on location. To scheduleyour video or commercial shoot contact 507.289.6556.FEBRUARY* Send news releases to all the major trade publications and Wayne Dunham,Public Relations Consultant, announcing new programs and/or productsyou plan to introduce at EXHIBITOR2013.* Send your company information or product announcement to CompuSystems fordistribution to the registered attendee file for your pre-show promotion mailing.* Prepare 25 Media Kits with information on your company, products, andservices for placement in the Press Room at EXHIBITOR2013.* Send news releases to all the local business publications announcing whatyou plan to feature at EXHIBITOR2013.* Finalize arrangements for any social functions you plan during EXHIBITOR2013and mail invitations to your guests.* Conduct a telemarketing campaign to your best customers to confirm theirShow attendance and set-up appointments.* Reserve post-show ads in EXHIBITOR magazine. Thank the attendees withpost-show promotions in the April issue. DEADLINE FEBRUARY 19MARCH* Post any last-minute news release on the EXHIBITOR2013 Web site;* Schedule time to visit <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Media Group booth while you’re at EXHIBITOR2013.* Send direct mail, broadcast fax or email blast to all EXHIBITOR2013 registrants.APRIL* Send direct mail, broadcast fax or email blast to all EXHIBITOR2013 registrants.* Follow-up on the leads you collected at the Show with program and/orproduct information and a personal phone call.* Send news releases to all the major trade publications reporting on howyour program was received at EXHIBITOR2013 and your success as a resultof exhibiting.QUESTIONS? Please call or e-mail KELLY BOEHNE at EXHIBITOR magazine:(PHONE) 507.289.6556 • (FAX) 507.289.5253 • (E-MAIL)

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