Bicycle Route Map - BMTS

Bicycle Route Map - BMTS

Bicycle Route Map - BMTS


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<strong>Bicycle</strong> Roadway Signs & Pavement MarkingsBikeLanesSharedLane MarkingStateBike <strong>Route</strong>SignTo Request GREENWait on <strong>Bicycle</strong>SymbolFRONT STREET, BinghamtonLocalBike <strong>Route</strong>SignSharedRoadwaySignAssembly

Share The RoadBicycling LawsOne Person Per BikeRiding double is permitted onlywhen carrying a child, age oneor older, in an approved carrieror when riding on a tandembicycle. Cyclists under age 14must always wear a helmet.Never RideAgainst TrafficMotorists are not looking forbicyclists riding on the wrong sideof the street. Ride with traffic toavoid accidents.Use Hand SignalsUse hand signals to indicateupcoming turns, lane changes,slowing, and stopping. New Yorklaw also requires each bicycleto be equipped with a bell or ahorn.Earphones areDangerousUsing earphones while bicycling(or skating) on a publicright-of-way (street or sidewalk)is illegal.Use Lights at NightAlways use a strong light-coloredheadlight and a red taillight atnight or when visibility is poor.Use bike reflectors and reflectiveclothing. See and be seen!Obey Traffic Signsand SignalsBicyclists must obey all localand state traffic rules. Bicyclistshave the same rights, privilegesand duties as operators of othervehicles. Remember, a bicycleis not a toy.Use Caution if Bicycling on SidewalksBikes are permitted on sidewalks except where local laws prohibiting bicycling onsidewalks have been established. Bicyclists on sidewalks must yield to pedestrians and allvehicular traffic (including at driveways). Remember, motorists do not anticipate vehiclestraveling quickly on the sidewalk from either direction.

Bicycling TipsScan the Road BehindLook over your shoulder regularlyor use a mirror to monitor traffic.Although bicyclists have equalright to the road, be prepared tomaneuver for safety.Ride in a Straight LineAvoid dodging between parkedcars. Ride in a straight line at leastthree feet away from parked cars.Watch for a car pulling out of aparking space.Lock Your BikeLock the frame and rear wheel toa fixed object. If you have quickrelease wheels, lock the frontwheel also.Use Appropriate LaneAvoid being in a right turn onlylane if you want to go straightthrough an intersection. Move intothe through lane early.Beware of Car DoorsBe wary of parked cars.Motorists can unexpectedlyopen doors. Be particularlycareful if you see a motoristin the car.Be Careful atIntersectionsProceed with care atintersections and be alert forvehicles. Establish eye contactwith motorists to ensure thatthey know you are on theroadway. Confirm that youare seen.Turning Left - 2 Options1. AS A VEHICLE: Signal your intentions in advance.Move to the left turning lane and complete the turn when it is safe.2. AS A PEDESTRIAN: Ride to the far crosswalk, dismount & walk across.

Share The TrailMulti-Use TrailsLookKeep to the RightAll trail users should keep to theright except when passing orturning left. Move off the trail tothe right when stopping. Neverblock a trail.Be AlertWatch for hazardous conditions,such as poor pavement, fallentree branches and other debris.Beware of slippery conditionscaused by water, ice, loosegravel or sand.Dismount as PostedDismount and walk acrossroadways or other postedlocations. When choosing a‘pedestrian style’ crossing acrossthe flow of traffic, cross only whenit is safe to do so.Be Careful atCrossingsLook both ways. Cyclists:yield to through traffic atintersections, pedestrians havethe right of way. Pedestrians:exercise caution. Be aware ofstopping limitations of bicyclistsand skaters.Signal to OthersCyclists: when approachingothers, sound your bell or call outa warning, then pass safely onthe left.Pedestrians: move to the rightwhen someone is overtaking.Skaters Use CautionIn-line skaters: know how to useyour equipment safely. Followtravel, passing, and speed rulesas per bicyclists. Do not performtrick skating maneuvers on trails.Stay on the TrailKeep on designated trails toprotect parks, natural areas andyourself. Riding off the trail isdangerous.Be VisibleEnsure your visibility at nightby wearing light-colored clothingwith reflective material. Outfityour bicycle with lights as youwould for riding on the roads.

Bike <strong>Route</strong> InformationSee <strong>Map</strong> for Corresponding <strong>Route</strong> NumbersBLUE Text Shopping DestinationsRED Text Points of InterestGREEN Text Pedestrian & <strong>Bicycle</strong> TrailsORANGE Text Carousel LocationsBike <strong>Route</strong> Direction Municipalities Difficulty Attractions/Destinations Connections to(on or near route)Bike <strong>Route</strong>sBIKEROUTE1BIKEROUTE2BIKEROUTE3BIKEROUTE4BIKEROUTE5BIKEROUTE6BIKEROUTE7East-West Kirkwood, Binghamton, Generally flat or 10, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43 Local Bike <strong>Route</strong>sJohnson City, Union, rolling terrain 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 21, 22 17C Sports Complex, BAE Systems, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7Endicott, Town & BIKE SHOPS, Binghamton HS, Campville Commons, CFJ Park, NY Bike <strong>Route</strong>sVillage of Owego Chugnut Trail, Columbus Park, En-Joie Park, Fairview Park, 11 and 17Glendale Tech, Grippen Park, Hickories Park, IBM, KirkwoodIndustrial Park, Marvin Park, Mersereau Park, Owego River Walk,Recreation Park, Round Top Park, Seton Catholic HS, U-E HS,Valley Park, W. Endicott Park, William Hill Park, Wilson HospitalEast-West Conklin, Binghamton, Generally flat or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23, 24, 29, 43, 3, 9, 11, African Road Park, Local Bike <strong>Route</strong> 4Vestal, Town & rolling terrain BIKE SHOPS, Binghamton University, Binghamton General Hospital, NY Bike <strong>Route</strong> 17Village of OwegoCastle Gardens Park, Chugnut Trail, Commerce Rd. Industrial Park,Ethel Place Park, Franklin Playground, Harold Moore Park, MacArthurPark, Owego River Walk, Ross Corners Park, Ross Park Zoo,Sandy Beach Park, Schnurbusch Park, S. Washington St. Bridge,Susquehanna Valley HS, Twin Orchards Park, Vestal HS, Vestal Rail TrailNorth-South Chenango, Dickinson, Generally flat or 11, 12, 13, 14, 26 4, 5, 20 BAGSAI Complex, Binghamton HS, Local Bike <strong>Route</strong>sBinghamton rolling terrain BCC, BC Transit Park-N-Ride, Chenango Forks HS, Confluence Park, 1, 4, and 5Chenango Riverwalk, Hyder Park, Otsiningo Park (North & South NY Bike <strong>Route</strong>sEntrances), S. Washington St. Bridge, Wolfe Park 11 and 17North-South Chenango, Fenton, Generally flat or 20, 21, 22, 25 1, 2, 17, 18, 21, 22 BIKE SHOP, Chenango Bridge Park, Local Bike <strong>Route</strong>sPort Dickinson, rolling terrain Chenango Riverwalk, Chenango Valley HS, Cheri Lindsey Park, 1, 2, and 3Binghamton Confluence Park, Otsiningo Park, Port Dick Park, NY Bike <strong>Route</strong>sS. Washington St. Bridge 11 and 17Primarily Binghamton, Dickinson, Rolling terrain 36, 37, 39, 40 12, 13 CFJ Park, Finch Hollow Park, First Ward Park, Local Bike <strong>Route</strong>sEast-West Johnson City with some steep Johnson City HS, North Side Park, Virginia Ave. Park 1 and 3grades inNY Bike <strong>Route</strong>sJohnson City 11 and 17Half Loop, Endicott, Union Rolling terrain 31 Brixius Creek Park, George W. Johnson Park, Highland Park, Local Bike <strong>Route</strong> 1East-West with some steep IBM, Maine-Endwell HS, Strubell Sports Complex, Taft Heights Parkgrades onHooper Rd. &Taft Ave. in UnionHalf Loop, Endicott, Union Generally flat or 30 6 17C Sports Complex, Glendale Park, Glendale Technology Park Local Bike <strong>Route</strong> 1East-West rolling terrain. NY Bike <strong>Route</strong> 17

<strong>Bicycle</strong> <strong>Route</strong> <strong>Map</strong>Greater Binghamton AreaThis map was developed to inform cyclists aboutaccess to points of interest and common destinations;to encourage more people to bicycle; and to educatecyclists about their rights and responsibilities asroadway users.In June of 1996, the Binghamton MetropolitanTransportation Study (<strong>BMTS</strong>) Policy Committeeapproved the <strong>BMTS</strong> Pedestrian and <strong>Bicycle</strong> Plan.A high priority action of this plan’s implementationschedule was to create a system of on-road signedbicycle routes throughout the Binghamton UrbanizedArea. The system was designed to be a continuousnetwork linking residential, commercial, and businessdistricts; educational institutions, major employmentsites, and recreational areas. In addition to signingroutes, the project called for the production of a bicycleroute map.During December 1999, the Binghamton MetropolitanGreenway Study was completed with the subsequentImplementation Plan being adopted during March2000. The study recommended a regional greenwaysystem of multi-use trails be developed for theBinghamton Urbanized Area, which is called theGreater Binghamton Greenway. This map displaysthe portions of the Greater Binghamton Greenway thathave since been completed or funded (with the traillabel indicating the estimated year of construction).See www.bmtsonline.com to view the studies notedabove.This project was funded by the Federal HighwayAdministration Surface Transportation Program.Bicyclists must remain alert to traffic and changingroad conditions, and assume the risk for their ownsafety. Bicyclists are urged to choose facilities thatare suitable for their individual cycling skills.Photo by Willie Campbell<strong>Bicycle</strong><strong>Route</strong><strong>Map</strong>GreaterBinghamtonAreaNew YorkBinghamton MetropolitanTransportation Studywww.bmtsonline.comTo Request GREENWait on <strong>Bicycle</strong>Symbol2011 EditionCHENANGO RIVER WALK, BinghamtonBike Racks on B.C. Transit Busesl Bus drivers cannot get off the bus andassist you.l All people using the bike rack must be strong enough to load and unload their bike.l Children 10 and younger must be accompanied by an adult to load and unload bikes.Loading Your Bikel As bus approaches have your bike ready to load; remove all pumpsand loose items that could fall off.l Always approach the bus from the curb side.l Tell the bus driver that you are loading a bike.l Squeeze handle and pull down to release folded bike rack (photo #1).l You can load and unload a bike nearest the bus without unloadingthe bike in front.l Lift bike onto rack, putting the front and rear wheels in the markedslots (photo #2).2l Raise the support arm, making sure it is resting on your front tire, noton the fender or frame (photo #3).Unloading Your Bikel Tell the driver you need to unload your bike.l Move the support arm down and lift outyour bike.l Please fold up the rack if it is empty.For more information call B.C. Transit 778-1692Safety EquipmentAlways Wear a ProperlyFitted HelmetAll bicyclists under the age of 14 arerequired by law to wear an approvedbicycle helmet when they are operatorsor passengers on bicycles. Any parent orguardian whose child violates this law issubject to a fine up to $50.Every bicyclist or inline skater, regardlessof age or ability, should wear a properlyfitted helmet bearing a certification by oneof the following organizations:l Consumer Product SafetyCommission (CPSC)l American Society for Testing andMaterials (ASTM)l Snell Memorial FoundationHelmetssignificantlyreduce therisk ofsustaininga serioushead injuryin theevent ofa crash.BikeLanesFRONT STREET, BinghamtonBIKE PARKING, Owego & BinghamtonFRONT STREET, Binghamtonl Racks are first come, first served.Each bus carries two bikes.l There is no additional fare for using thebike rack.An approved bicycle helmet can greatly reducethe risk of death or permanent injury in the eventof an accident. Look for the CPSC, ASTM, or SnellMemorial Foundation Standard stickers.A helmet should fit squarely on the topof the head in a level position and coverthe top of the forehead extending down toabout one inch above the eyebrows.The helmet should not be able to slideback and forth or rock from side to side.<strong>Bicycle</strong> Roadway Signs & Pavement MarkingsSharedLane MarkingStateBike <strong>Route</strong>Sign3ROUNDS COAL HOUSE, Vestal Rail TrailLocalBike <strong>Route</strong>SignSharedRoadwaySignAssembly1Share The RoadBicycling LawsOne Person Per BikeRiding double is permitted onlywhen carrying a child, age oneor older, in an approved carrieror when riding on a tandembicycle. Cyclists under age 14must always wear a helmet.Use Hand SignalsUse hand signals to indicateupcoming turns, lane changes,slowing, and stopping. New Yorklaw also requires each bicycleto be equipped with a bell or ahorn.Earphones areDangerousUsing earphones while bicycling(or skating) on a publicright-of-way (street or sidewalk)is illegal.Bicycling TipsNever RideAgainst TrafficMotorists are not looking forbicyclists riding on the wrong sideof the street. Ride with traffic toavoid accidents.Use Lights at NightAlways use a strong light-coloredheadlight and a red taillight atnight or when visibility is poor.Use bike reflectors and reflectiveclothing. See and be seen!Obey Traffic Signsand SignalsBicyclists must obey all localand state traffic rules. Bicyclistshave the same rights, privilegesand duties as operators of othervehicles. Remember, a bicycleis not a toy.Use Caution if Bicycling on SidewalksBikes are permitted on sidewalks except where local laws prohibiting bicycling onsidewalks have been established. Bicyclists on sidewalks must yield to pedestrians and allvehicular traffic (including at driveways). Remember, motorists do not anticipate vehiclestraveling quickly on the sidewalk from either direction.Scan the Road BehindLook over your shoulder regularlyor use a mirror to monitor traffic.Although bicyclists have equalright to the road, be prepared tomaneuver for safety.Ride in a Straight LineAvoid dodging between parkedcars. Ride in a straight line at leastthree feet away from parked cars.Watch for a car pulling out of aparking space.Beware of Car DoorsBe wary of parked cars.Motorists can unexpectedlyopen doors. Be particularlycareful if you see a motoristin the car.Turning Left - 2 Options1. AS A VEHICLE: Signal your intentions in advance.Move to the left turning lane and complete the turn when it is safe.2. AS A PEDESTRIAN: Ride to the far crosswalk, dismount & walk across.Share The TrailMulti-Use TrailsLookKeep to the RightAll trail users should keep to theright except when passing orturning left. Move off the trail tothe right when stopping. Neverblock a trail.Be AlertWatch for hazardous conditions,such as poor pavement, fallentree branches and other debris.Beware of slippery conditionscaused by water, ice, loosegravel or sand.Dismount as PostedDismount and walk acrossroadways or other postedlocations. When choosing a‘pedestrian style’ crossing acrossthe flow of traffic, cross only whenit is safe to do so.Be Careful atCrossingsLook both ways. Cyclists:yield to through traffic atintersections, pedestrians havethe right of way. Pedestrians:exercise caution. Be aware ofstopping limitations of bicyclistsand skaters.OWEGO RIVER WALK, OwegoLock Your BikeLock the frame and rear wheel toa fixed object. If you have quickrelease wheels, lock the frontwheel also.Use Appropriate LaneAvoid being in a right turn onlylane if you want to go straightthrough an intersection. Move intothe through lane early.Be Careful atIntersectionsProceed with care atintersections and be alert forvehicles. Establish eye contactwith motorists to ensure thatthey know you are on theroadway. Confirm that youare seen.Signal to OthersCyclists: when approachingothers, sound your bell or call outa warning, then pass safely onthe left.Pedestrians: move to the rightwhen someone is overtaking.Skaters Use CautionIn-line skaters: know how to useyour equipment safely. Followtravel, passing, and speed rulesas per bicyclists. Do not performtrick skating maneuvers on trails.Stay on the TrailKeep on designated trails toprotect parks, natural areas andyourself. Riding off the trail isdangerous.Be VisibleEnsure your visibility at nightby wearing light-colored clothingwith reflective material. Outfityour bicycle with lights as youwould for riding on the roads.OWEGO RIVER WALK, OwegoBike <strong>Route</strong> InformationSee <strong>Map</strong> for Corresponding <strong>Route</strong> NumbersBLUE Text Shopping DestinationsRED Text Points of InterestGREEN Text Pedestrian & <strong>Bicycle</strong> TrailsORANGE Text Carousel LocationsBike <strong>Route</strong> Direction Municipalities Difficulty Attractions/Destinations Connections to(on or near route)Bike <strong>Route</strong>sBIKEROUTE1BIKEROUTE2BIKEROUTEBIKEROUTEBIKEROUTEBIKEROUTEBIKEROUTEEast-West Kirkwood, Binghamton, Generally flat or 10, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43 Local Bike <strong>Route</strong>sJohnson City, Union, rolling terrain 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 21, 22 17C Sports Complex, BAE Systems, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7Endicott, Town & BIKE SHOPS, Binghamton HS, Campville Commons, CFJ Park, NY Bike <strong>Route</strong>sVillage of Owego Chugnut Trail, Columbus Park, En-Joie Park, Fairview Park, 11 and 17Glendale Tech, Grippen Park, Hickories Park, IBM, KirkwoodIndustrial Park, Marvin Park, Mersereau Park, Owego River Walk,Recreation Park, Round Top Park, Seton Catholic HS, U-E HS,Valley Park, W. Endicott Park, William Hill Park, Wilson HospitalEast-West Conklin, Binghamton, Generally flat or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 23, 24, 29, 43, 3, 9, 11, African Road Park, Local Bike <strong>Route</strong> 4Vestal, Town & rolling terrain BIKE SHOPS, Binghamton University, Binghamton General Hospital, NY Bike <strong>Route</strong> 17Village of OwegoCastle Gardens Park, Chugnut Trail, Commerce Rd. Industrial Park,Ethel Place Park, Franklin Playground, Harold Moore Park, MacArthurPark, Owego River Walk, Ross Corners Park, Ross Park Zoo,Sandy Beach Park, Schnurbusch Park, S. Washington St. Bridge,Susquehanna Valley HS, Twin Orchards Park, Vestal HS, Vestal Rail TrailNorth-South Chenango, Dickinson, Generally flat or 11, 12, 13, 14, 26 4, 5, 20 BAGSAI Complex, Binghamton HS, Local Bike <strong>Route</strong>sBinghamton rolling terrain BCC, BC Transit Park-N-Ride, Chenango Forks HS, Confluence Park, 1, 4, and 5Chenango Riverwalk, Hyder Park, Otsiningo Park (North & South NY Bike <strong>Route</strong>sEntrances), S. Washington St. Bridge, Wolfe Park 11 and 17North-South Chenango, Fenton, Generally flat or 20, 21, 22, 25 1, 2, 17, 18, 21, 22 BIKE SHOP, Chenango Bridge Park, Local Bike <strong>Route</strong>sPort Dickinson, rolling terrain Chenango Riverwalk, Chenango Valley HS, Cheri Lindsey Park, 1, 2, and 3Binghamton Confluence Park, Otsiningo Park, Port Dick Park, NY Bike <strong>Route</strong>sS. Washington St. Bridge 11 and 17Primarily Binghamton, Dickinson, Rolling terrain 36, 37, 39, 40 12, 13 CFJ Park, Finch Hollow Park, First Ward Park, Local Bike <strong>Route</strong>sEast-West Johnson City with some steep Johnson City HS, North Side Park, Virginia Ave. Park 1 and 3grades inNY Bike <strong>Route</strong>sJohnson City 11 and 17Half Loop, Endicott, Union Rolling terrain 31 Brixius Creek Park, George W. Johnson Park, Highland Park, Local Bike <strong>Route</strong> 1East-West with some steep IBM, Maine-Endwell HS, Strubell Sports Complex, Taft Heights Parkgrades onHooper Rd. &Taft Ave. in UnionHalf Loop, Endicott, Union Generally flat or 30 6 17C Sports Complex, Glendale Park, Glendale Technology Park Local Bike <strong>Route</strong> 1East-West rolling terrain. NY Bike <strong>Route</strong> 17Annual EventsJanuary - December Eventsl First Friday ArtwalkDowntown Binghamtonwww.gorgeouswashington.com/firstfridays.html Third Friday Artwalk – Downtown Owegowww.owegolovesshoppers.com/events/index.phpl Third Friday River CrawlBinghamton River Trailswww.cityofbinghamton.com (Click on“Projects & Initiatives” then “River TrailsCommission”Aprill Earth Fest – Binghamton - www.myedst.orgMay34l National <strong>Bicycle</strong> Month - www.bikemonth.comJune567CONFLUENCE PARK, Binghamtonl Dick’s Sporting Goods Openwww.dickssportinggoodsopen.coml Strawberry Festival – Owegowww.owegostrawberryfestival.coml Vestal Festival - www.vestalny.comSOUTH WASHINGTON STREET BRIDGE, BinghamtonBicycling, Transportation & Recreational OrganizationsContact the following local, state, and national organizations for more information on bicycling and related activities.<strong>BMTS</strong> - Binghamton MetropolitanTransportation StudyBroome County Office BuildingP.O. Box 1766 / Binghamton, NY 13902(607) 778-2443www.bmtsonline.combmts@co.broome.ny.usBroome County Department of Parks & RecreationBroome County Office BuildingP.O. Box 1766 / Binghamton, NY 13902(607) 778-2193www.gobroomecounty.com/parksbcparks@co.broome.ny.usFresh Cycles Youth ProgramBinghamton - 772-7226http://sites.google.com/site/freshcyclesFreshcyclesyouthprogram@gmail.comGreater Binghamton Convention & Visitor’s Bureau49 Court Street, 2nd FloorPO Box 995 / Binghamton, NY 13902(800) 836-6740 or (607) 772-8860www.binghamtoncvb.cominfo@binghamtoncvb.comJulyl B.C. <strong>Bicycle</strong> Race for Sightwww.avreraceforsight.orgl Binghamton Bridge Pedalwww.bmtsonline.coml Broome County Fair - (607) 692-4149www.broomecountyfairny.coml July Fest – Downtown Binghamtonwww.julyfestbinghamton.coml Lee Barta 5-K Run - www.bartarun.coml Recreation Park Music Festwww.recparkmusicfest.coml Tioga County Fair(607) 642-5511 or 687-1111 (number open twoweeks before fair & during fair only)www.tiogacountyfairny.comAugustl Bike Tioga - www.biketioga.coml Chris Thater Memorial - www.bcstopdwi.coml Johnson City Field Days - (607) 798-7861l National Night Outwww.nationaltownwatch.org/nno/& contact your local municipalitiesl Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rallywww.spiediefest.coml University Fest – Binghamton Universityhttp://campusactivities.binghamton.edu/l USTA Binghamton Professional TennisTournamentwww.tennischallenger.comI Love NY Tourism Information1-800-CALL-NYSwww.iloveny.comLeague of American Bicyclists1612 K Street NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20006-2850(202) 822-1333www.bikeleague.orgbikeleague@bikeleague.orgNational Center for Bicycling and Walking1612 K Street, NWSuite 802 / Washington DC 20006(202) 223-3621www.bikewalk.org / info@bikewalk.orgNYS 7 / CONKLIN AVENUE, BinghamtonNew York State Bicycling Coalition (NYBC)PO Box 8868 / Albany, NY 12208(518) 436-0889www.nybc.net / nybc@nybc.netNew York State Department of Transportation<strong>Bicycle</strong> and Pedestrian Program50 Wolf Road, POD 54 / Albany, NY 12232(518) 457-8307www.nysdot.gov/modal/bikeNYSDOT Region 9Planning & Program Management44 Hawley St., 14 th FloorBinghamton, NY 13901(607) 721-8250www.nysdot.gov/regional-officesOctoberPedestrian and <strong>Bicycle</strong> Information Center730 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Suite 300Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3430(877) 925-5245www.pedbikeinfo.orgpbic@pedbikeinfo.orgSouthern Tier <strong>Bicycle</strong> Club – STBC, Inc.P.O. Box 601 / Binghamton, NY 13902-0601www.southerntierbicycleclub.orgBike@southerntierbicycleclub.orgSouthern Tier Bike Project(607) 754-9527www.southerntierbikeproject.comGary@southerntierbikeproject.comBINGHAMTON BRIDGE PEDAL, Binghamtonl Walk to School Day - www.nywalks.orgwww.walktoschool-usa.orgDecemberl STOP-DWI Holiday ClassicBasketball Tournamentwww.bcstopdwi.comMartin Luther King, Jr. Promenade, BinghamtonCOMMUNITY PARK, Port DickinsonTioga County Tourism Office80 North Ave. / Owego, NY 13827Local: (607) 687-7440Toll Free: (800) 671-7772www.visittioga.cominfo@visittioga.comTioga Velo Club – TVCwww.tiogavelo.cominfo@tiogavelo.comIN CASE OF EMERGENCY DIAL 911OTSININGO PARK, Binghamton

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