J. S. BACH Jonathan Berkahn - Victoria University - Victoria ...

J. S. BACH Jonathan Berkahn - Victoria University - Victoria ...

J. S. BACH Jonathan Berkahn - Victoria University - Victoria ...


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Ex.1.12b shows the start of a fugue subject by Johann Pachelbel (1653 – 1706).<br />

In one sense the thematic material is his as much as Ex.1.12a is Beethoven’s—we can<br />

be very nearly as certain that Pachelbel composed those notes as that Beethoven did<br />

Ex.1.12a (the complete subject can be seen in Ex.1.13). In every other respect there is<br />

no comparison between the two. The incipit of Ex.1.12b is a standard opening gambit<br />

common to thousands upon thousands of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century fugues.<br />

Derived from the sixteenth-century canzona, it was common property. Ex.1.13 lists<br />

the occurrances to be found in Pachelbel’s organ music alone. 84 Further derivatives of<br />

this subject can be found in this study: by Krebs himself (Ex.1.22, p.96), John Stanley<br />

(Ex.2.8, p.126), Haydn (Exx.3.2, p.204, 3.9, p.223, and 3.15, p.234), Mozart (Ex.4.10,<br />

p.284), Beethoven (Ex.5.4c, p.324), Birck (Ex.5.5, p.324), and Clementi (Ex.5.12,<br />

p.360). Far from being the exclusive property of Pachelbel alone (or Marco Antonio<br />

Cavazzoni, 85 or whoever ‘invented’ it), it was available to anyone who cared to make<br />

use of it. The value of Pachelbel’s fugue depends not on the uniqueness or distinctive<br />

character of its material, but on its perfect fitness for the treatment it receives, and on<br />

subtle touches of imagination in the part-writing.<br />

84 If we had included choral-based works as well the list would be even longer, including subjects such<br />

as ‘Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich’ and ‘Durch Adams Fall’.<br />

85 The author of the first published instrumental canzonas, in 1523.<br />


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