J. S. BACH Jonathan Berkahn - Victoria University - Victoria ...

J. S. BACH Jonathan Berkahn - Victoria University - Victoria ...

J. S. BACH Jonathan Berkahn - Victoria University - Victoria ...


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as part of a given harmonic combination, rather than as a linear entity subject to<br />

continual re-interpretation.<br />

This fact means of course that episodes stand out in correspondingly higher<br />

relief. Sometimes they are plainly homophonic, obviously ‘episodic’, like Ex.0.4.<br />

Sometimes a certain amount of imitative writing is present in the episodes, as in<br />

fugues VII and XVII, but even in this case they tend to stand apart from the<br />

surrounding texture, being thematically identifiable and usually returning several<br />

times. Bullivant argues that ‘the whole concept of an episode is a most unsatisfactory<br />

one,’ 37 and this may well be true enough for much of Bach and his predecessors.<br />

Telemann, however, is quite systematic in the way he alternates the two kinds of<br />

material—an efficient and matter-of-fact way of constructing a fugue, if perhaps a little<br />

uniform. By no means as perfunctory and fundamentally out of sympathy with the<br />

genre as the Fugirende und veraendernde Choraele he published soon afterwards,<br />

these fugues nevertheless show only a little of the ambition and imaginative scope of J.<br />

S. Bach, or indeed of Telemann’s own more progressive music.<br />

There is no reason to doubt that he took the XX Fugen seriously. Their<br />

dedicatee, Benedetto Marcello, was a composer whom Telemann respected greatly on<br />

account of his Estro poetico-armonico: parafrasi sopra li primi [e secondi]<br />

venticinque salmi. We have seen, however, how they already show subtle traces of the<br />

decline which the genre was about to undergo. What was it that thus eroded the<br />

significance of fugue?<br />

37 Bullivant, Fugue, p.93.<br />


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