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Happy Independence Day! - Multilakes.com Happy Independence Day! - Multilakes.com

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General Membership Meeting Minutes – June 19 th , 2013President Charley Stevens called the meeting to order at 8:00PM. Charley led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance andthe Conservation Pledge. Charley then welcomed all the newmembers and acknowledged the Past Presidents inattendance: Dave Fisher, Russ DeVriendt, Tony Katopodis,Skip Worden, Dan Peltier, Pete Cesaro Sr., Jim Kirn and SamMullins.#670 Chris Peltier / #659 Larry Hutton Motion to approvethe membership meeting minutes of May membershipmeeting. Motion Carried.#1359 Richard A LaFave Sr. / #474. Motion to receive andfile the Treasurers Report as printed in The Multi-Laker.Motion Carried.CHAPLAIN’S REPORT:Skip Worden gave the Chaplin’s report: Ray Mullins theFather of Sam Mullins passed away, also Sam’s Step Fatherpassed away on June 2 nd, and Dr. Bob Lederman passedaway on May 29 th . We need to send prayers out to KathyLaFave she is in St. Joes in Pontiac.PRESIDENT’S REPORT:Charley talked about how last week there was an ATA shootand it went very well, and Rocking Under the Stars went verywell also. In December the meeting room will be closed downfrom December 21 st until January 6 th for repairs. I want togive a big thanks to Frank Rodecker who donated a utilitytrailer to archery, and another big thanks to Stan Eisenburgwho donated American Flags for the memorial dedication.RECORDING SECRETARY: No Report this month.MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY:Mark Geiger gave the recap of the members: We have 118regular members, 440 working members, 40 probationarymembers, for a total of 598 and a total real membership of985. Mark stated that dues are due by June 30 th or there willbe a $25 late fee that will be in put into place.TREASUER’S REPORT:Keith Zerwas: –Keith talked about May’s Treasure’s report.Keith also stated that we are in the red about $1500 hundreddollars down from this time last year.EARLY DRAW:#567 Deborah O’Hagan’s name was drawn; Deborah missedout on $280.00 plus $25 if she had her name tag on. Nextmonth the amount will increase to $290, plus $25.00 if youhave on your name tag.VICE PRESIDENT REPORT:Sam Mullins announced there are 179 members present, 24new members and 18 guests. Last month we raised over$750 for St. Baldrick’s and would like to thank Larry Gray andDan Peltier for shaving there heads.CHAIRPERSONS TO SPEAK:Larry “Skip” Cohorst – would like to thank Barry Anderson,20Dave Fisher, Sam Mullins, his son, Rich Johnson, GlennKruckenberg and Penny that helped with Rocking Under theStars. There were a lot of people here at the club and theclub looked good.Eric Manning- Eric talked about the NPRC that was on June2 nd which went very well. I would like to thank everyone thatcame out and helped, and Dave Fisher for cooking that day.Eric also stated if you are considering running for the board oran officer position it is time to start thinking about it because itis three months away. We need more people to run and fill allthe vacant spots.Jeff Parker- Muzzleloader league is held on Wednesday’sand next week is the dog and suds night shoot. Come outand shoot and have a good time.Dave Fisher: Dave read a letter from Lynn Lash that wemade about $180 on the Flee Market. Wanted to say thankyou to every one that came out and helped with RockingUnder the Stars it was a great night.Annie Barbara: I’m going to need a lot of help with Good OldDays and if you can help please give me a call.Kitty Lewan: Silent auction – if you would like to donateplease do so as soon as possible. We are looking for helpplease call me or Lucy at 248-470-3775.Mike Borst: The Junior Shotgun program shoots all yearlong. Would like to thank Cal Kittinger for getting the .17 HMRfor tonight’s raffle. And all kids are going to nationals.Jim Kirn- Daily Raffle: Since the beginning of the year wehave been averaging about 800 tickets sales a month. Wehave to get are license next month so we have to look at away how we pay out maybe we have to change up a little. Weneed more sellers to keep this going.Rich Carlson: Plans for the Veterans Memorial are goingvery well. The chief of Wolverine Lake Police, Captain JohnEllsworth, will be our keynote speaker. Walled Lake CentralMarching band will be here. Past President Skip Worden willbe doing the invocation and Past President and former C.I.ACaptain Marty Johnson will be doing the Flag Raising. Therewill be food available at a reasonable cost.Andy Lynch:Range indicator system that when the range is hot a red polewill be up and if it is down its safe effective immediately.Cal Kittinger: I’m thinking of another gun raffle - a KimberPistol or a Henry rifle.The winner of the Fishing Raffle is Steve Rooker.Congratulations.The winner of the 17 HMR was Sal Ferra. Congratulations.# 872 Dick Newton / #473 Ron Taskey: Motion to adjournthe meeting Motion Carried.

#370 Matt Mudie/ #438 Ronald Wik: Motion to reopen themeeting. Motion Carried.OLD BUSINESS: None.NEW BUSINESS: None.#518 Ronald Mertes/ #370 Matt Mudie: Motion to adjournthe meeting at 9:15 Motion Carried.MEETING NIGHT RAFFLE:3rd prize Flashlight #438 Ronald Wik2nd prize BB gun #180 Glenn Kruckenberg1st prize $300 gift card #1278 Fred KobyCongratulations Everyone!!Respectfully Submitted by,John LaFaveRecording SecretarySummer Casino TripSeptember 6 th , 7 th , and 8 th450.00 per room (225.00 per person)Deposits can be made by those who went on theSummer Trip last year from March 18 th to the 22 nd ,open to everyone after that.Deposit of 250.00 per room (125.00 per person)Final Payment of 200.00 Must be here by July 31 stYou may pay sooner than that date or pay in full if you like.Sorry about the changes in the payments but it will be much easier on ourbookkeeper. The March trip will be the same way. Thank You!!Be here by 7:30 a.m.Bus will be leaving here at 8:00 a.m.Friday - Little River then to Turtle CreekSaturday - Leaving for the Distillery at 11:30 a.m.Sunday - Leaving Turtle Creek at 11:00 a.m. then stopping at SoaringEagle then back to Multi Lakes75.00 back in play and 16.00 in Food Vouchers per personHotel Room for 2 nights, Tip for Driver, Beer, Pop, and Water on the BusTour, Tasting, and Sandwiches at the DistilleryYou may get more back depending on your points play at the casinos.21

General Membership Meeting Minutes – June 19 th , 2013President Charley Stevens called the meeting to order at 8:00PM. Charley led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance andthe Conservation Pledge. Charley then wel<strong>com</strong>ed all the newmembers and acknowledged the Past Presidents inattendance: Dave Fisher, Russ DeVriendt, Tony Katopodis,Skip Worden, Dan Peltier, Pete Cesaro Sr., Jim Kirn and SamMullins.#670 Chris Peltier / #659 Larry Hutton Motion to approvethe membership meeting minutes of May membershipmeeting. Motion Carried.#1359 Richard A LaFave Sr. / #474. Motion to receive andfile the Treasurers Report as printed in The Multi-Laker.Motion Carried.CHAPLAIN’S REPORT:Skip Worden gave the Chaplin’s report: Ray Mullins theFather of Sam Mullins passed away, also Sam’s Step Fatherpassed away on June 2 nd, and Dr. Bob Lederman passedaway on May 29 th . We need to send prayers out to KathyLaFave she is in St. Joes in Pontiac.PRESIDENT’S REPORT:Charley talked about how last week there was an ATA shootand it went very well, and Rocking Under the Stars went verywell also. In December the meeting room will be closed downfrom December 21 st until January 6 th for repairs. I want togive a big thanks to Frank Rodecker who donated a utilitytrailer to archery, and another big thanks to Stan Eisenburgwho donated American Flags for the memorial dedication.RECORDING SECRETARY: No Report this month.MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY:Mark Geiger gave the recap of the members: We have 118regular members, 440 working members, 40 probationarymembers, for a total of 598 and a total real membership of985. Mark stated that dues are due by June 30 th or there willbe a $25 late fee that will be in put into place.TREASUER’S REPORT:Keith Zerwas: –Keith talked about May’s Treasure’s report.Keith also stated that we are in the red about $1500 hundreddollars down from this time last year.EARLY DRAW:#567 Deborah O’Hagan’s name was drawn; Deborah missedout on $280.00 plus $25 if she had her name tag on. Nextmonth the amount will increase to $290, plus $25.00 if youhave on your name tag.VICE PRESIDENT REPORT:Sam Mullins announced there are 179 members present, 24new members and 18 guests. Last month we raised over$750 for St. Baldrick’s and would like to thank Larry Gray andDan Peltier for shaving there heads.CHAIRPERSONS TO SPEAK:Larry “Skip” Cohorst – would like to thank Barry Anderson,20Dave Fisher, Sam Mullins, his son, Rich Johnson, GlennKruckenberg and Penny that helped with Rocking Under theStars. There were a lot of people here at the club and theclub looked good.Eric Manning- Eric talked about the NPRC that was on June2 nd which went very well. I would like to thank everyone thatcame out and helped, and Dave Fisher for cooking that day.Eric also stated if you are considering running for the board oran officer position it is time to start thinking about it because itis three months away. We need more people to run and fill allthe vacant spots.Jeff Parker- Muzzleloader league is held on Wednesday’sand next week is the dog and suds night shoot. Come outand shoot and have a good time.Dave Fisher: Dave read a letter from Lynn Lash that wemade about $180 on the Flee Market. Wanted to say thankyou to every one that came out and helped with RockingUnder the Stars it was a great night.Annie Barbara: I’m going to need a lot of help with Good Old<strong>Day</strong>s and if you can help please give me a call.Kitty Lewan: Silent auction – if you would like to donateplease do so as soon as possible. We are looking for helpplease call me or Lucy at 248-470-3775.Mike Borst: The Junior Shotgun program shoots all yearlong. Would like to thank Cal Kittinger for getting the .17 HMRfor tonight’s raffle. And all kids are going to nationals.Jim Kirn- Daily Raffle: Since the beginning of the year wehave been averaging about 800 tickets sales a month. Wehave to get are license next month so we have to look at away how we pay out maybe we have to change up a little. Weneed more sellers to keep this going.Rich Carlson: Plans for the Veterans Memorial are goingvery well. The chief of Wolverine Lake Police, Captain JohnEllsworth, will be our keynote speaker. Walled Lake CentralMarching band will be here. Past President Skip Worden willbe doing the invocation and Past President and former C.I.ACaptain Marty Johnson will be doing the Flag Raising. Therewill be food available at a reasonable cost.Andy Lynch:Range indicator system that when the range is hot a red polewill be up and if it is down its safe effective immediately.Cal Kittinger: I’m thinking of another gun raffle - a KimberPistol or a Henry rifle.The winner of the Fishing Raffle is Steve Rooker.Congratulations.The winner of the 17 HMR was Sal Ferra. Congratulations.# 872 Dick Newton / #473 Ron Taskey: Motion to adjournthe meeting Motion Carried.

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