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Happy Independence Day! - Multilakes.com Happy Independence Day! - Multilakes.com

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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – June 12 th , 2013Chairman of the Board Matt Philippart called the meeting toorder at 7:30pm. Matt led the Board in the Pledge ofAllegiance and the Conservation Pledge. Officers present:Charley Stevens, Sam Mullins, Mark Geiger. Directorspresent: Matt Philippart, Andy Lynch, Harvey Cooper, RichCarlson, Marty Zaremba, Glenn Kruckenberg, Pete CesaroSr. and Rich Johnson. Interested Members: Greg Matheson,Jeff Parker, Skip Worden, Al Wilkinson and Dave BollaPEOPLE TO SEE THE BOARD:Jeff Parker: 25 yard berm eyebrow is too expensive, about$8K. They do have equipment available to raise berm sixfeet. Need lumber to rebuild backstops. Pete Cesaro Sr./Charley Stevens: Motion to allow muzzleloaders to remove12 scrub trees and start prep work on berm then come backwith dollar figure to board. Motion Carried. Andy Lynchamended to motion to spend $ 250 Motion Carried. PeteCesaro Sr. amended motion to allow muzzleloaders to spend$ 250 for reconstruction.Skip Worden Thanked everyone for approving theentertainment night the club made about four thousand so itwent off well. Skip would like to try again on December 14 th tohave another entertainment night. Harvey Cooper/ CharleyStevens: Motion to hold entertainment night December 14 th .Motion CarriedSkip also talked about the car show. They have beenselling tear off tickets and sold about $70. He also would liketo put one and half yards of concrete to be put in front ofbuilding. Rich Carlson/ Glenn Kruckenberg: motion toapprove $150 for pad in front of building. Motion Carried.Al Wilkinson requested $450 for a backpack blower. SamMullins/ Harvey Cooper: Motion to buy backpack blower.Motion CarriedAl Wilkinson requested $800 for a seven foot back blade fortractor. Sam Mullins/ Charley Stevens: Motion to spend upto $800 for tractor blade. Motion CarriedDave Bolla. In January made a presentation on repairs andimprovements wanted to know if plans have been made.Barry Anderson said that Keith Zerwas and Brian Moore areworking on the plan and priority. Dave Fisher said if we tookthe report and broke it down by trade and ask for help itwould make things easier. The Boy Scout pavilion could be aproject for them. Barry Anderson said he would check withthem.PRESIDENT'S REPORT:Saturday is the ATA shoot from 10-4 we expect 25-30shooters. And Saturday is rocking under the Stars.December 21-Jan 7 th wants to close the meeting room forrepair. Last week was swap day and Frank Rodeckerdonated a utility trailer to archery and Stan Eisenburgdonated Ameren Flags for the memorial dedication. CharleyStevens read a letter from Cal Kittinger about a donation fromthe club to be a sponsor the FNRA Dinner.VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT:Sam Mullins/ Rich Johnson: Motion to approve dates aspresented. Motion Carried.Dues are due and being accepted and if you wait untilthe end of the month you will be late. We are going to needhelp with Rocking Under the Stars and Good Old Days.Hunters Ed classes are coming up July 30 th .JR rifle raffle is coming up on membership meeting16night. The kids fishing clinic is June 22 nd . Want to thank BogyLake Greenhouse for donating all of the plants. There will beno chairman meeting July 3 rd .Sam Mullins/ Charley Stevens: motion to cancel July5 th fish fry. Motion Carried.Gun Safe is here and tickets are available at the bar.RECORDING SECRETARY'S REPORT: None.MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY'S REPORT:Mark Geiger reported as of this date we have 118 regularmembers, 440 working, 338 Senior, 40 probationary and 1deceased for a total of 598 and 985 real members.There will be a New Members Meeting on June 22 at 10a.m.Committee approved applications. Dues coming in steadilyand will be late on June 30 th . Mark Geiger/Andy Lynch:Motion to approve applications presented: Motion carriedTREASURER'S REPORT:Dave Fisher stood in for Keith Zerwas: Dave handed out theMay treasurer’s reports for review. Rich Johnson/ GlennKruckenberg: Motion to receive and file. Motion carried.MANAGER'S REPORT:Rentals for law enforcement are filling up. Novi backFarmington Hills – back; might have to open both ranges.Hand held dispensers are in. We will save money not wastingpaper. Not enough tables to cover rentals when renting outrange houseNew bartender Amber has another person on stand bye.We should compliment the Horticulture Committee, visitorcompliments coming in every day on grounds.OPERATIONS MANAGER REPORT:Dave past out SOP manual. Dave talked about the gate andthe fences the updated estimate of $6000. The chairs in thebar need to be replaced and the cost is $600. Replacing 10tables will be around $1300.Rich Johnson/ Andy Lynch: Motion to spend up to$6000 for gates and fences on grounds.Rich Carlson opposed Motion carried.Charley Stevens/ Sam Mullins: motion to spend up to$600 on new bar stools Motion CarriedCharley Stevens/ Glenn Kruckenberg: motion tospend up to $1300 for new meeting room tables. MotionCarriedDave said he’s going to start working on range house at theold outdoor range to clean it up. Please take it easy on thenew bartenders please help them out and support them.Harvey Cooper brought up the lighting on range 2 needs tobe replacedSTANDING COMMITTEE REPORT:Rich Carlson wants to send a thank you letter to people onthe club stationary for their hard work and donations to thememorial. Rich also let the board know that there was a$500 donation for a granite bench.OLD BUSINESS:Andy Lynch/ Pete Cesaro Sr.: motion to change rangeindicator system that when the range is hot a red pole will be upand if it is down its safe effective immediately Motion CarriedHarvey Cooper asked about 2 nd trap machine and askedabout the club chef, we have a club chef but not under

contract. And the steaks at the Annual Work Bee were great.NEW BUSINESS:Sam Mullins was at restaurant supply and they had molds forice sculptures.Charley Stevens / Pete Cesaro Sr.: Motion to adjourn at9:02. Motion Carried.Respectfully Submitted by: John LaFaveRecording SecretaryCOME JOIN US FOR SOME FUN ATGOOD OLD DAYSSATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 201210:00am - Midnight$1.00 ADMISSION(Admission price goes into Good Old Days Raffle)1st - $1000 • 2nd - $500 • 3rd $300Raffle License #R21825New This Year:You can fire a GATLING GUNduring the day, dance to theband 2XL after dark, and more!FUN • FOOD • GAMES • BINGO• PRIZES • AMUSEMENT RIDES• BBQ • BEVERAGES• DJ/LIVE BAND • CAR SHOW• ARCHERY • BAKE SALE •SILENT AUCTION• HELICOPTER RIDES• SHOOTING INSTRUCTIONS• KIDS TENT17

contract. And the steaks at the Annual Work Bee were great.NEW BUSINESS:Sam Mullins was at restaurant supply and they had molds forice sculptures.Charley Stevens / Pete Cesaro Sr.: Motion to adjourn at9:02. Motion Carried.Respectfully Submitted by: John LaFaveRecording SecretaryCOME JOIN US FOR SOME FUN ATGOOD OLD DAYSSATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 201210:00am - Midnight$1.00 ADMISSION(Admission price goes into Good Old <strong>Day</strong>s Raffle)1st - $1000 • 2nd - $500 • 3rd $300Raffle License #R21825New This Year:You can fire a GATLING GUNduring the day, dance to theband 2XL after dark, and more!FUN • FOOD • GAMES • BINGO• PRIZES • AMUSEMENT RIDES• BBQ • BEVERAGES• DJ/LIVE BAND • CAR SHOW• ARCHERY • BAKE SALE •SILENT AUCTION• HELICOPTER RIDES• SHOOTING INSTRUCTIONS• KIDS TENT17

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