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3 RiskRISK MANAGEMENTmanagement frameworkTHE BANK MAY HAVE DIFFICULTY INIMPLEMENTING ITS EXTERNAL GROWTHSTRATEGY, WHICH COULD MATERIALLY HARMTHE BANK’S RESULTS OF OPERATIONSThe Bank considers that external growth opportunities form part ofits overall strategy. This strategy involves numerous risks. Althoughthe Bank undertakes an in-depth analysis of the companies it plans toacquire, it is generally not feasible for these analyses to be complete in allrespects. As a result, the Bank may assume unanticipated liabilities, or anacquisition may not perform as well as expected. It is also possible thatsome or all of the planned synergies do not arise or that an acquisitionleads to higher-than-expected costs. In addition, the Bank might havedifficulty integrating an entity with which it combined its operations.Failure to complete announced business combinations or failure tointegrate acquired businesses successfully into those of the Bank couldhave a material adverse effect on the Bank’s profitability. It could alsolead to departures of key employees, or give rise to increased costs anderoded profitability if the Bank felt compelled to offer them financialincentives to remain.< Contents >INTENSE COMPETITION, ESPECIALLY IN THEBANK’S LARGEST MARKET IN FRANCE , COULDADVERSELY AFFECT NET BANKING INCOMEAND PROFITABILITYCompetition is intense in all of the Bank’s primary business areas inFrance and the other countries in which it conducts large portions of itsbusiness, including other European countries and the United States. If theBank is unable to respond to the competitive environment in France orin its other major markets by offering attractive and profitable productand service solutions, it may lose market share in key areas of its businessor incur losses on some or all of its activities. In addition, downturns inthe French economy could add to the competitive pressure, through,for example, increased price pressure and lower business volumes forthe Bank and its competitors. In addition, new lower-cost competitorsmay enter the market, which may not be subject to the same capitalor regulatory requirements or may have other inherent regulatoryadvantages and, therefore, may be able to offer their products andservices on more favorable terms.12343.2 Risk management framework5CREDIT AND C OUNTERPARTY R ISK6(See section 5.5 Financial statements – note 4.a. – Credit risk.)MEASUREMENT OF COUNTERPARTY RISKCounterparty risk exposures fluctuate significantly over time due toconstant changes in the market parameters affecting the value of theunderlying transactions. Accordingly, any assessment of counterparty riskmust consider possible future changes in the value of these transactionsas well as their present value.Potential future exposures to counterparty risk are captured usingValRisk, an internal model allowing analysts to simulate several thousandpossible market scenarios and revalue transactions carried out with eachcounterparty at several hundred future points in time (from 1 day to morethan 30 years for very long-term transactions). To aggregate transactionson each counterparty, ValRisk takes into account the legal jurisdictionin which each counterparty operates, and in particular any netting ormargin call agreements.MONITORING AND CONTROLOF COUNTERPARTY RISKEvery day, potential future exposures calculated by ValRisk are checkedagainst the approved limits per counterparty. ValRisk allows analysts tosimulate new transactions and measure their impact on the counterpartyportfolio, making it an essential tool in the risk approval process.ECONOMIC AND REGULATORY CAPITALValRisk is also used to produce the information needed to computeeconomic capital (distribution of potential future exposures on eachcounterparty) and Basel II regulatory capital (expected effective positiveexposures).7891011742007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

RISK MANAGEMENT3Risk management frameworkMARKET R ISK(See also section 5.5 Financial statements – note 4.b. – Market risksrelated to financial instruments.)Market risk is managed using a sophisticated measurement tool in linewith specific procedures, and is subject to stringent oversight. The marketrisk governance framework falls under the responsibility of the CapitalMarket Risk Committee. This monthly committee is chaired by one ofthe Group’s Chief Operating Officers or by the senior adviser in charge ofcapital market issues, and its decisions are implemented by GRM’s CapitalMarket Risk unit (“R-CM”). The Capital Market Risk Committee validatesthe methods and procedures used to monitor market risk, sets approvedexposure limits and ensures that these are complied with.MEASUREMENT OF MARKET RISK ON TRADINGACTIVITIESMarket risk on trading activities is measured using three differentindicators designed to capture all potential risks, including possiblechanges resulting from a sudden, severe decline in market conditions.MEASUREMENT OF MARKET RISK UNDERNORMAL MARKET CONDITIONS■ BNP Paribas uses an internal Value at Risk (VaR) model, approved by thebanking supervisor, to estimate the potential loss arising on its tradingportfolio under normal market conditions over one trading day. Themodel is based on changes in the market over the previous 260 daysand a confidence level of 99%. VaR takes into account a numberof variables including interest rates, credit spreads, exchange rates,< Contents >securities prices, commodity prices, the volatility of and correlationbetween these variables, and the resulting effects of diversification.VaR is directly linked to trading systems and can simulate a widevariety of scenarios, including highly complex transactions.■ The Bank also analyses the sensitivity of trading positions to differentmarket parameters. The Capital Market Risk unit is constantly addingto the indicators used in response to the growing complexity of certainmarkets.MEASUREMENT OF MARKET RISK UNDERABNORMAL MARKET CONDITIONS■ Stress tests are designed to simulate the impact of abnormal marketconditions on the value of trading portfolios. Abnormal marketconditions are reflected in the extreme stress scenarios and adjustedto reflect changes in the economic environment. At the monthlyCapital Market Risk Committee chaired by Executive Management,the Capital Market Risk unit outlines and discusses 15 stress testscovering a variety of interest rate, exchange rate, equity derivative,commodity and treasury scenarios.The Capital Market Risk unit also defines specific scenarios for eachparticular trading activity, so that even the most complex risks can beclosely monitored. Results of stress tests are presented to business lineheads, and stress test limits may be defined where appropriate. Sincethe onset of the subprime crisis, the Capital Market Risk unit (R-CM)has been producing daily simulations for certain activities, enablingmanagement to assess changes in the Group’s risk profile in virtuallyreal time.123456OPERATIONAL R ISK7OVERVIEWThe operational risk management framework has been designedto (i) ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and criteriaprescribed by rating agencies; and (ii) improve the Bank’s internalprocesses, resulting in enhanced performance and a reduction in thefrequency and impact of operational risk events.The framework was rolled out as planned in 2007. In December, theFrench banking supervisor (Commission Bancaire) approved theadvanced measurement approach (AMA) adopted by the Group toassess operational risk. To date, 160 subsidiaries representing 68% ofthe Group’s net banking income are eligible for AMA, with the proportionset to increase in the coming years.Following on from the pilot phase of the past few years, which wasdedicated to the design and roll-out of an operational risk managementframework, BNP Paribas is now able to monitor operational risk on anongoing basis.PRINCIPLESOperational risk management practices are rooted in four keyprinciples:■ internal and cross-functional processes – particularly core processes –within and across Group entities are the main focus of the operationalrisk management framework;■ the framework relies on an analysis of the “cause – event – effect”chain, with a particular emphasis on the event component. This analysisis designed to identify and track actual or potential risk events andassess the causes in order to prevent such events from materialisingor recurring, and mitigate their impact on the organisation;■ risk profiles and tolerance levels are established and outlined in aperformance chart used in decision-making;■ responsibilities are clearly defined and monitored. Heads of subsidiariesare in charge of managing risks, controls and business continuity plansfor the activities falling within their remit.8910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 75

3 RiskRISK MANAGEMENTmanagement frameworkTHE BANK MAY HAVE DIFFICULTY INIMPLEMENTING ITS EXTERNAL GROWTHSTRATEGY, WHICH COULD MATERIALLY HARMTHE BANK’S RESULTS OF OPERATIONSThe Bank considers that external growth opportunities form part ofits overall strategy. This strategy involves numerous risks. Althoughthe Bank undertakes an in-depth analysis of the companies it plans toacquire, it is generally not feasible for these analyses to be complete in allrespects. As a result, the Bank may assume unanticipated liabilities, or anacquisition may not perform as well as expected. It is also possible thatsome or all of the planned synergies do not arise or that an acquisitionleads to higher-than-expected costs. In addition, the Bank might havedifficulty integrating an entity with which it combined its operations.Failure to complete announced business combinations or failure tointegrate acquired businesses successfully into those of the Bank couldhave a material adverse effect on the Bank’s profitability. It could alsolead to departures of key employees, or give rise to increased costs anderoded profitability if the Bank felt compelled to offer them financialincentives to remain.< Contents >INTENSE COMPETITION, ESPECIALLY IN THEBANK’S LARGEST MARKET IN FRANCE , COULDADVERSELY AFFECT NET BANKING INCOMEAND PROFITABILITYCompetition is intense in all of the Bank’s primary business areas inFrance and the other countries in which it conducts large portions of itsbusiness, including other European countries and the United States. If theBank is unable to respond to the competitive environment in France orin its other major markets by offering attractive and profitable productand service solutions, it may lose market share in key areas of its businessor incur losses on some or all of its activities. In addition, downturns inthe French economy could add to the competitive pressure, through,for example, increased price pressure and lower business volumes forthe Bank and its competitors. In addition, new lower-cost competitorsmay enter the market, which may not be subject to the same capitalor regulatory requirements or may have other inherent regulatoryadvantages and, therefore, may be able to offer their products andservices on more favorable terms.12343.2 Risk management framework5CREDIT AND C OUNTERPARTY R ISK6(See section 5.5 Financial statements – note 4.a. – Credit risk.)MEASUREMENT OF COUNTERPARTY RISKCounterparty risk exposures fluctuate significantly over time due toconstant changes in the market parameters affecting the value of theunderlying transactions. Accordingly, any assessment of counterparty riskmust consider possible future changes in the value of these transactionsas well as their present value.Potential future exposures to counterparty risk are captured usingValRisk, an internal model allowing analysts to simulate several thousandpossible market scenarios and revalue transactions carried out with eachcounterparty at several hundred future points in time (from 1 day to morethan 30 years for very long-term transactions). To aggregate transactionson each counterparty, ValRisk takes into account the legal jurisdictionin which each counterparty operates, and in particular any netting ormargin call agreements.MONITORING AND CONTROLOF COUNTERPARTY RISKEvery day, potential future exposures calculated by ValRisk are checkedagainst the approved limits per counterparty. ValRisk allows analysts tosimulate new transactions and measure their impact on the counterpartyportfolio, making it an essential tool in the risk approval process.ECONOMIC AND REGULATORY CAPITALValRisk is also used to produce the information needed to computeeconomic capital (distribution of potential future exposures on eachcounterparty) and Basel II regulatory capital (expected effective positiveexposures).789101174<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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