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1 TheTHE BNP PARIBAS GROUPBNP Paribas Group1.1 The BNP Paribas GroupBNP Paribas is a European leader in banking and financial services,with a significant and growing presence in the United States andleading positions in Asia. The Group has one of the largest internationalbanking networks, a presence in over 85 countries and more than162,000 employees, including over 126,000 in Europe. BNP Paribasenjoys key positions in its three core businesses:1.2 Key figuresRESULTS< Contents >■ Retail Banking, comprising three divisions:■ French Retail Banking (FRB),■ Italian Retail Banking: BNL banca commerciale (BNL bc),■ International Retail banking and Financial Services (IR FS);■ Asset Management and Services (AMS);■ Corporate Investment Banking (CIB).BNP Paribas SA is the parent company of the BNP Paribas Group.12342003 (*) 2004 (*) 2005 (**) 2006 (**) 2007 (**)Net banking income (in millions of euros) 17,935 18,823 21,854 27,943 31,037Gross income (in millions of euros) 6,650 7,231 8,485 10,878 12,273Net attributable income (in millions of euros) 3,761 4,668 5,852 7,308 7,822Earnings per share (in euros) (***) 4.28 5.51 6.96 8.03 8.49Return on equity (****) 14.3% 16.8% 20.2% 21.2% 19.6%(*)Under French GAAP.(**)Under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.(***)Adjusted for the impact of the 2006 rights issue on years 2003 to 2005.(****)Return on equity is calculated by dividing net attributable income (adjusted for interest on undated super subordinated notes deemed equivalent to preferredshares issued by BNP Paribas SA and treated as a dividend for accounting purposes) by average equity attributable to equity holders of the parent at 1 Januaryand 31 December of the period concerned (after distribution and excluding undated super subordinated notes deemed equivalent to preferred shares issued byBNP Paribas SA).567MARKET CAPITALISATION12 /31/02 12 /31/03 12 /31/04 12 /31/05 12 /31/06 12 /31/07Market capitalisation(in billions of euros) 34.8 45.1 47.2 57.3 76.9 67.2Source: Bloomberg.89LONG-TERM RATINGSStandard and Poors: AA+, stable outlook – upgraded on 10 July 2007Moody’s: Aa1, stable outlook – upgraded on 23 May 2007Fitch: AA, stable outlook – reaffirmed on 16 May 2007101142007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

THE BNP PARIBAS GROUPHistory 1< Contents >1.3 History11966: Creation of BNPThe merger of BNCI and CNEP to form BNP represented the largestrestructuring operation in the French banking sector since the end ofthe Second World War.1968: Creation of Compagnie Financière de Pariset des Pays-Bas1982: Nationalisation of BNP and CompagnieFinancière de Paris et des Pays-Bas at thetime of the nationalisation of all French banksIn the 1980s, deregulation of the banking sector and the growingtendency of borrowers to raise funds directly on the financial markettransformed the banking business in France and worldwide.1987: Privatisation of Compagnie Financièrede ParibasWith 3.8 million individual shareholders, Compagnie Financière deParibas had more shareholders than any other company in the world.Compagnie Financière de Paribas owned 48% of the capital of CompagnieBancaire.1993: Privatisation of BNPBNP’s return to the private sector represented a new beginning. Duringthe 1990s, new banking products and services were launched andfinancial market activities were developed. At the same time, the Bankexpanded its presence in France and internationally, and prepared toreap the full benefits of the introduction of the euro. Privatisation alsosignificantly boosted the Bank’s profitability – in 1998, it led the Frenchbanking industry in terms of return on equity.1998: Creation of ParibasOn 12 May 1998, the merger between Compagnie Financière de Paribas,Banque Paribas and Compagnie Bancaire was approved.1999: A benchmark year for the GroupFollowing an unprecedented double tender offer and a stock marketbattle waged over six months, BNP was in a position to carry out a mergerof equals with Paribas. For both groups, this was the most importantevent since their privatisation. At a time of economic globalisation, themerger created a leading player in the European banking sector, poisedto compete on a global scale.2000: Creation of BNP PARIBASMerger of BNP and Paribas on 23 May 2000.Building on strong banking and financial services businesses, the newGroup’s objectives are to create value for shareholders, clients andemployees by building the bank of the future and becoming a benchmarkplayer in the global world.2006: Acquisition of BNL in ItalyBNP Paribas acquired BNL, Italy’s 6th-largest bank. This acquisitiontransformed BNP Paribas, providing it access to a second domestic marketin Europe. In both Italy and France, all of the Group’s businesses can nowdraw on a national banking network to develop their activities.2345678910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 5

1 TheTHE BNP PARIBAS GROUPBNP Paribas Group1.1 The BNP Paribas GroupBNP Paribas is a European leader in banking and financial services,with a significant and growing presence in the United States andleading positions in Asia. The Group has one of the largest internationalbanking networks, a presence in over 85 countries and more than162,000 employees, including over 126,000 in Europe. BNP Paribasenjoys key positions in its three core businesses:1.2 Key figuresRESULTS< Contents >■ Retail Banking, comprising three divisions:■ French Retail Banking (FRB),■ Italian Retail Banking: BNL banca commerciale (BNL bc),■ International Retail banking and Financial Services (IR FS);■ Asset Management and Services (AMS);■ Corporate Investment Banking (CIB).BNP Paribas SA is the parent company of the BNP Paribas Group.12342003 (*) 2004 (*) 2005 (**) 2006 (**) <strong>2007</strong> (**)Net banking income (in millions of euros) 17,935 18,823 21,854 27,943 31,037Gross income (in millions of euros) 6,650 7,231 8,485 10,878 12,273Net attributable income (in millions of euros) 3,761 4,668 5,852 7,308 7,822Earnings per share (in euros) (***) 4.28 5.51 6.96 8.03 8.49Return on equity (****) 14.3% 16.8% 20.2% 21.2% 19.6%(*)Under French GAAP.(**)Under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.(***)Adjusted for the impact of the 2006 rights issue on years 2003 to 2005.(****)Return on equity is calculated by dividing net attributable income (adjusted for interest on undated super subordinated notes deemed equivalent to preferredshares issued by BNP Paribas SA and treated as a dividend for accounting purposes) by average equity attributable to equity holders of the parent at 1 Januaryand 31 December of the period concerned (after distribution and excluding undated super subordinated notes deemed equivalent to preferred shares issued byBNP Paribas SA).567MARKET CAPITALISATION12 /31/02 12 /31/03 12 /31/04 12 /31/05 12 /31/06 12 /31/07Market capitalisation(in billions of euros) 34.8 45.1 47.2 57.3 76.9 67.2Source: Bloomberg.89LONG-TERM RATINGSStandard and Poors: AA+, stable outlook – upgraded on 10 July <strong>2007</strong>Moody’s: Aa1, stable outlook – upgraded on 23 May <strong>2007</strong>Fitch: AA, stable outlook – reaffirmed on 16 May <strong>2007</strong>10114<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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