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2 BoardCORPORATE GOVERNANCEof Directors< Contents >Louis SCHWEITZERPrincipal function (1) : Chairman of the Board of Directors of RenaultBorn on 8 July 1942Elected on 15 May 2007. Term expires at the2010 AGMFirst elected to the Board on: 14 December1993Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 6,255Offi ce address: 860, quai de Stalingrad92109 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT CEDEX,FRANCEFunctions at 31 December 2007 (1)Chairman of the Board of Directors of: AstraZeneca Plc (United Kingdom)Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of: Philips (Netherlands)Director of: Électricité de France, L’Oréal, Veolia Environnement, AB Volvo (Sweden)Chairman of: Haute Autorité de lutte contre les discriminations et pour l’égalité (HALDE)Member of the Advisory Committee of: Banque de France, Allianz (Germany)Member of the Board of: Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Institut Français desRelations Internationales, Musée du Louvre, Musée du Quai BranlyFunctions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Chairman of the Board ofDirectors of: RenaultChairman of the Board ofDirectors of: AstraZeneca Plc(United Kingdom)Vice-Chairman of theSupervisory Board of: Philips(Netherlands)Director of: Électricité de France,L’Oréal, Veolia Environnement,AB Volvo (Sweden)Chairman of: Haute Autorité delutte contre les discriminations etpour l’égalité (HALDE)Member of the AdvisoryCommittee of: Banque de France,Allianz (Germany)Member of the Board of:Fondation Nationale des SciencesPolitiques, Institut Français desRelations Internationales, Muséedu Louvre, Musée du Quai Branly2005:Chairman of the Board of Directorsof: RenaultChairman of the Board of Directorsof: AstraZeneca Plc (United Kingdom)Vice-Chairman of the SupervisoryBoard of: Philips (Netherlands)Director of: Électricité de France,L’Oréal, Veolia Environnement, AB Volvo(Sweden)Chairman of: Haute Autorité de luttecontre les discriminations et pourl’égalité (HALDE)Member of the Advisory Committeeof: Banque de France, Allianz(Germany)Member of the Board of: FondationNationale des Sciences Politiques,Institut Français des RelationsInternationales, Musée du Louvre,Musée du Quai Branly2004:Chairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of:RenaultChairman of theManagement Boardof: Renault-Nissan BV(Netherlands)Director of: Électricitéde France, VeoliaEnvironnement, AB Volvo(Sweden), AstraZeneca(United Kingdom)Member of theSupervisory Board of:Philips (Netherlands)Member of the AdvisoryCommittee of: Banque deFrance, Allianz (Germany)Member of the Board of:Fondation Nationale desSciences Politiques, InstitutFrançais des RelationsInternationales, Muséedu Louvre, Musée duQuai Branly2003:Chairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of:RenaultChairman of theManagement Boardof: Renault-Nissan BV(Netherlands)Director of: AB Volvo(Sweden), Électricitéde France, VeoliaEnvironnementMember of theSupervisory Board of:Philips (Netherlands)Member of the AdvisoryCommittee of: Banque deFrance, Allianz (Germany)Member of the Board of:Fondation Nationale desSciences Politiques, InstitutFrançais des RelationsInternationales, Muséedu Louvre1234567(1)Directorships and other functions shown in italics are not governed by the provisions of Act no. 2001-401 of 15 May 2001 concerning multiple directorships.(2)At 31 December 2007.891011362007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

CORPORATE GOVERNANCEBoard of Directors 2< Contents >OTHER CORPORATE OFFICERSGeorges CHODRON DE COURCELPrincipal function (1) : Chief Operating Officer of BNP ParibasBorn on 20 May 1950 Functions at 31 December 2007 (1)Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 66,050Offi ce address: 3, rue d’Antin75002 PARIS, FRANCEChairman of: Compagnie d’Investissement de Paris SAS, Financière BNP Paribas SAS,BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA (Switzerland)Director of: Alstom, Bouygues, Société Foncière, Financière et de Participations SA, Nexans,Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (Italy), BNP Paribas ZAO (Russia), Erbé SA (Belgium), Scor Holding(Switzerland) AG (Switzerland), Verner Investissements SASMember of the Supervisory Board of: Lagardère SCANon-voting director of: Exane, Safran, Scor SAFunctions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Chief Operating Officer of:BNP ParibasChairman of: BNP ParibasEnergis SAS, Compagnied’Investissement de Paris SAS,Financière BNP Paribas SAS,BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA (Switzerland),BNP Paribas UK Holdings Limited(United Kingdom)Director of: Alstom, BancaNazionale del Lavoro (Italy),BNP Paribas ZAO (Russia), VernerInvestissements SAS, Bouygues,Société Foncière, Financière et deParticipations SA, Nexans,Erbé SA (Belgium)Member of the SupervisoryBoard of: Lagardère SCANon-voting director of: Exane,Safran, Scor SAJean CLAMONPrincipal function (1) : Chief Operating Officer of BNP Paribas2005:Chief Operating Officer of:BNP ParibasDirector of: Alstom, Bouygues, SociétéFoncière, Financière et de ParticipationsSA, Nexans, Erbé SA (Belgium)Member of the Supervisory Boardof: Lagardère SCANon-voting director of: Safran,Scor SA, Scor VieBorn on 10 September 1952 Functions at 31 December 2007 (1)Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 51,729Offi ce address: 3, rue d’Antin75002 PARIS, FRANCE2004:Chief Operating Officer of:BNP ParibasDirector of: Alstom,Bouygues, Nexans, Erbé SA(Belgium)Member of theSupervisory Board of:Lagardère SCA, Sagem SANon-voting director of:Scor SA, Scor Vie2003:Chief Operating Officer of:BNP ParibasDirector of: Alstom,Bouygues, NexansMember of theSupervisory Board of:Lagardère SCANon-voting director of:Scor SADirector of: Arval Service Lease, BNP Paribas Lease Group, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (Italy),Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (Italy), Cetelem, Compagnie Nationale à Portefeuille (Belgium),Erbé SA (Belgium), PartecisMember of the Supervisory Board of: Galeries Lafayette, Euro Securities Partners SASRepresentative of BNP Paribas: UCBFunctions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Chief Operating Officer of:BNP ParibasDirector of: Arval Service Lease,BNP Paribas Lease Group, BancaNazionale del Lavoro (Italy), Cassa diRisparmio di Firenze (Italy), Cetelem,Compagnie Nationale à Portefeuille(Belgium), Erbé SA (Belgium), PartecisMember of the Supervisory Boardof: Galeries Lafayette, Euro SecuritiesPartners SAS2005:Chief Operating Officer of:BNP ParibasDirector of: Cassa di Risparmio diFirenze (Italy), Compagnie Nationale àPortefeuille (Belgium), Erbé SA (Belgium)Member of the Supervisory Boardof: Galeries Lafayette, Euro SecuritiesPartners SAS2004:Chief Operating Officer of:BNP ParibasDirector of: Euro SecuritiesPartners, Cassa di Risparmiodi Firenze (Italy), CompagnieNationale à Portefeuille(Belgium), Erbé (Belgium),Member of theSupervisory Board of:Fonds de Garantie desDépôts2003:Chief Operating Officer of:BNP ParibasDirector of: Euro SecuritiesPartners, Cassa di Risparmiodi Firenze (Italy), CompagnieNationale à Portefeuille(Belgium), Erbé (Belgium),Corporate officers belonging to the Bank’s senior leadership are prohibited from selling their shares in the three-month period following the end of their term ofoffice. There are currently no service contracts granting benefits between a member of the Board of Directors and BNP Paribas SA or any of its subsidiaries.(1)Directorships and other functions shown in italics are not governed by the provisions of Act no. 2001-401 of 15 May 2001 concerning multiple directorships.(2)At 31 December 2007.2007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 371234567891011

2 BoardCORPORATE GOVERNANCEof Directors< Contents >Louis SCHWEITZERPrincipal function (1) : Chairman of the Board of Directors of RenaultBorn on 8 July 1942Elected on 15 May <strong>2007</strong>. Term expires at the2010 AGMFirst elected to the Board on: 14 December1993Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 6,255Offi ce address: 860, quai de Stalingrad92109 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT CEDEX,FRANCEFunctions at 31 December <strong>2007</strong> (1)Chairman of the Board of Directors of: AstraZeneca Plc (United Kingdom)Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of: Philips (Netherlands)Director of: Électricité de France, L’Oréal, Veolia Environnement, AB Volvo (Sweden)Chairman of: Haute Autorité de lutte contre les discriminations et pour l’égalité (HALDE)Member of the Advisory Committee of: Banque de France, Allianz (Germany)Member of the Board of: Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Institut Français desRelations Internationales, Musée du Louvre, Musée du Quai BranlyFunctions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Chairman of the Board ofDirectors of: RenaultChairman of the Board ofDirectors of: AstraZeneca Plc(United Kingdom)Vice-Chairman of theSupervisory Board of: Philips(Netherlands)Director of: Électricité de France,L’Oréal, Veolia Environnement,AB Volvo (Sweden)Chairman of: Haute Autorité delutte contre les discriminations etpour l’égalité (HALDE)Member of the AdvisoryCommittee of: Banque de France,Allianz (Germany)Member of the Board of:Fondation Nationale des SciencesPolitiques, Institut Français desRelations Internationales, Muséedu Louvre, Musée du Quai Branly2005:Chairman of the Board of Directorsof: RenaultChairman of the Board of Directorsof: AstraZeneca Plc (United Kingdom)Vice-Chairman of the SupervisoryBoard of: Philips (Netherlands)Director of: Électricité de France,L’Oréal, Veolia Environnement, AB Volvo(Sweden)Chairman of: Haute Autorité de luttecontre les discriminations et pourl’égalité (HALDE)Member of the Advisory Committeeof: Banque de France, Allianz(Germany)Member of the Board of: FondationNationale des Sciences Politiques,Institut Français des RelationsInternationales, Musée du Louvre,Musée du Quai Branly2004:Chairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of:RenaultChairman of theManagement Boardof: Renault-Nissan BV(Netherlands)Director of: Électricitéde France, VeoliaEnvironnement, AB Volvo(Sweden), AstraZeneca(United Kingdom)Member of theSupervisory Board of:Philips (Netherlands)Member of the AdvisoryCommittee of: Banque deFrance, Allianz (Germany)Member of the Board of:Fondation Nationale desSciences Politiques, InstitutFrançais des RelationsInternationales, Muséedu Louvre, Musée duQuai Branly2003:Chairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of:RenaultChairman of theManagement Boardof: Renault-Nissan BV(Netherlands)Director of: AB Volvo(Sweden), Électricitéde France, VeoliaEnvironnementMember of theSupervisory Board of:Philips (Netherlands)Member of the AdvisoryCommittee of: Banque deFrance, Allianz (Germany)Member of the Board of:Fondation Nationale desSciences Politiques, InstitutFrançais des RelationsInternationales, Muséedu Louvre1234567(1)Directorships and other functions shown in italics are not governed by the provisions of Act no. 2001-401 of 15 May 2001 concerning multiple directorships.(2)At 31 December <strong>2007</strong>.89101136<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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