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2 BoardCORPORATE GOVERNANCEof Directors< Contents >Jean-Louis BEFFAPrincipal function (1) : Chairman of the Board of Directors of Compagnie de Saint-GobainBorn on 11 August 1941Elected on 23 May 2006. Term expires at the2009 AGMFirst elected to the Board on:22 October 1986Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 13,986Offi ce address: “Les Miroirs”18, avenue d’Alsace92096 LA DÉFENSE CEDEX,FRANCEFunctions at 31 December 2007 (1)Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of: BNP ParibasChairman of: Claude Bernard ParticipationsDirector of: Gaz de France, Groupe Bruxelles Lambert (Belgium), Saint-Gobain Cristaleria SA(Spain), Saint-Gobain Corporation (USA)Member of the Supervisory Board of: Le Monde SA, Le Monde & Partenaire Associés (SAS),Société Éditrice du MondeFunctions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Vice-Chairman of the Boardof Directors of: BNP ParibasChairman and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of: Compagnie de Saint-GobainChairman of: Claude BernardParticipationsDirector of: Gaz de France,Groupe Bruxelles Lambert(Belgium), Saint-Gobain CristaleriaSA (Spain), Saint-GobainCorporation (USA)Permanent representative of:Saint-Gobain PAMChairman of the SupervisoryBoard of: A.I.I (Agence del’Innovation Industrielle)Member of the SupervisoryBoard of: Le Monde SA, Le MondePartenaire AS (SAS), SociétéÉditrice du Monde (SAS)2005:Vice-Chairman of the Boardof Directors of: BNP ParibasChairman and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of: Compagnie de Saint-GobainChairman of: Claude BernardParticipationsDirector of: Gaz de France, GroupeBruxelles Lambert (Belgium)Chairman of the SupervisoryBoard of: AII (Agence de l’InnovationIndustrielle)Member of the Supervisory Boardof: Le Monde SA, Le Monde PartenaireAS (SAS), Société Éditrice du Monde(SAS)2004:Vice-Chairman of theBoard of Directors of:BNP ParibasChairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of:Compagnie de Saint-GobainChairman of: ClaudeBernard ParticipationsDirector of: Gaz de France,Groupe Bruxelles Lambert(Belgium)Member of theSupervisory Board of:Le Monde SA, Le MondePartenaire AS (SAS), SociétéÉditrice du Monde (SAS)2003:Vice-Chairman of theBoard of Directors of:BNP ParibasChairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of:Compagnie de Saint-GobainChairman of: ClaudeBernard ParticipationsDirector of: GroupeBruxelles Lambert (Belgium)Member of theSupervisory Board of:Le Monde SA, Le MondePartenaire AS (SAS), SociétéÉditrice du Monde (SAS)Suzanne BERGERPrincipal function (1) : Professor of Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) – Director of the MITInternational Science and Technology Initiative (MISTI)Born on 11 March 1939Elected on 8 March 2007. Term expires at the2008 AGMFirst elected to the Board on: 8 March 2007Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 250Offi ce address: 30, Wadsworth Street,E53-451CAMBRIDGE,MA 02139-4307, USAFunctions at 31 December 2007 (1)Member of: American Academy of Arts and SciencesResearch associate and member of the Executive Committee of: Center for EuropeanStudies at Harvard UniversityFunctions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006: 2005: 2004: 2003:(1)Directorships and other functions shown in italics are not governed by the provisions of Act no. 2001-401 of 15 May 2001 concerning multiple directorships.(2)At 31 December 2007.1234567891011302007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

CORPORATE GOVERNANCEBoard of Directors 2< Contents >Gerhard CROMMEPrincipal function (1) : Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ThyssenKrupp AGBorn on 25 February 1943Elected on 18 May 2005. Term expires on30 June 2007First elected to the Board on: 21 March 2003Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 400Offi ce address: August-Thyssen-Strasse 1Postfach 10 10 1040001 DÜSSELDORF,GERMANYGerhard Cromme resigned from his offi ce,effective 1 July 2007.Functions at 31 December 2007 (1)Chairman of the Supervisory Board of: Siemens AG (Germany)Member of the Supervisory Board of: Allianz SE (Germany), Axel Springer AG (Germany)Director of: Compagnie de Saint-GobainChairman of: German Governmental Commission on Corporate GovernanceMember of: European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT)Functions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Chairman of the SupervisoryBoard of: ThyssenKrupp AGDirector of: Compagnie deSaint-Gobain, SuezMember of the SupervisoryBoard of: Allianz AG (Germany),Axel Springer AG (Germany),Deutsche Lufthansa AG (Germany),E. ON AG (Germany), Siemens AG(Germany)Chairman of: GermanGovernmental Commission onCorporate GovernanceMember of: European RoundTable of Industrialists (ERT)Jean-Marie GIANNOPrincipal function (1) : Sales associateBorn on 7 September 1952Director elected to a three-year term byBNP Paribas employees on 7 March 2006First elected to the Board on: 15 March 2004(Jean-Marie Gianno was an employeerepresentative on the Board of BanqueNationale de Paris from 1993 to 1999)Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 10Offi ce address: 21, avenue Jean-Médecin06000 NICE, FRANCE2005:Chairman of the Supervisory Boardof: ThyssenKrupp AGDirector of: Compagnie deSaint-Gobain, SuezMember of the Supervisory Boardof: Allianz AG (Germany), Axel SpringerAG (Germany), Deutsche LufthansaAG (Germany), E. ON AG (Germany),Hochtief AG (Germany), Siemens AG(Germany), Volkswagen AG (Germany)Chairman of: German GovernmentalCommission on Corporate GovernanceMember of: European Round Table ofIndustrialists (ERT)2004:Chairman of theSupervisory Board of:ThyssenKrupp AGDirector of: SuezMember of theSupervisory Board of:Allianz AG (Germany), AxelSpringer AG (Germany),Deutsche Lufthansa AG(Germany), E. ON AG(Germany), E. ON RuhrgasAG (Germany), Hochtief AG(Germany), Siemens AG(Germany), Volkswagen AG(Germany)Chairman of: GermanGovernmental Commissionon Corporate Governance,European Round Table ofIndustrialists (ERT)2003:Chairman of theSupervisory Board of:ThyssenKrupp AGDirector of: SuezMember of theSupervisory Board of:Allianz AG (Germany),Axel Springer Verlag AG(Germany), DeutscheLufthansa AG (Germany),E. ON AG (Germany),Ruhrgas AG (Germany),Siemens AG (Germany),Volkswagen AG (Germany)Chairman of: GermanGovernmental Commissionon Corporate Governance,European Round Table ofIndustrialists (ERT)Functions at 31 December 2007 (1)Member of: Comité des Établissements de Crédit et des Entreprises d’Investissement (CECEI),“Confrontation” (a European think tank)Functions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Member of: Comité desÉtablissements de Crédit et desEntreprises d’Investissement(CECEI), «Confrontation» (aEuropean think tank)2005:Member of: Comité desÉtablissements de Crédit et desEntreprises d’Investissement (CECEI),«Confrontation» (a European think tank)(1)Directorships and other functions shown in italics are not governed by the provisions of Act no. 2001-401 of 15 May 2001 concerning multiple directorships.(2)At 31 December 2007.2004:None2003:None12345678910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 31

CORPORATE GOVERNANCEBoard of Directors 2< Contents >Gerhard CROMMEPrincipal function (1) : Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ThyssenKrupp AGBorn on 25 February 1943Elected on 18 May 2005. Term expires on30 June <strong>2007</strong>First elected to the Board on: 21 March 2003Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 400Offi ce address: August-Thyssen-Strasse 1Postfach 10 10 1040001 DÜSSELDORF,GERMANYGerhard Cromme resigned from his offi ce,effective 1 July <strong>2007</strong>.Functions at 31 December <strong>2007</strong> (1)Chairman of the Supervisory Board of: Siemens AG (Germany)Member of the Supervisory Board of: Allianz SE (Germany), Axel Springer AG (Germany)Director of: Compagnie de Saint-GobainChairman of: German Governmental Commission on Corporate GovernanceMember of: European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT)Functions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Chairman of the SupervisoryBoard of: ThyssenKrupp AGDirector of: Compagnie deSaint-Gobain, SuezMember of the SupervisoryBoard of: Allianz AG (Germany),Axel Springer AG (Germany),Deutsche Lufthansa AG (Germany),E. ON AG (Germany), Siemens AG(Germany)Chairman of: GermanGovernmental Commission onCorporate GovernanceMember of: European RoundTable of Industrialists (ERT)Jean-Marie GIANNOPrincipal function (1) : Sales associateBorn on 7 September 1952Director elected to a three-year term byBNP Paribas employees on 7 March 2006First elected to the Board on: 15 March 2004(Jean-Marie Gianno was an employeerepresentative on the Board of BanqueNationale de Paris from 1993 to 1999)Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 10Offi ce address: 21, avenue Jean-Médecin06000 NICE, FRANCE2005:Chairman of the Supervisory Boardof: ThyssenKrupp AGDirector of: Compagnie deSaint-Gobain, SuezMember of the Supervisory Boardof: Allianz AG (Germany), Axel SpringerAG (Germany), Deutsche LufthansaAG (Germany), E. ON AG (Germany),Hochtief AG (Germany), Siemens AG(Germany), Volkswagen AG (Germany)Chairman of: German GovernmentalCommission on Corporate GovernanceMember of: European Round Table ofIndustrialists (ERT)2004:Chairman of theSupervisory Board of:ThyssenKrupp AGDirector of: SuezMember of theSupervisory Board of:Allianz AG (Germany), AxelSpringer AG (Germany),Deutsche Lufthansa AG(Germany), E. ON AG(Germany), E. ON RuhrgasAG (Germany), Hochtief AG(Germany), Siemens AG(Germany), Volkswagen AG(Germany)Chairman of: GermanGovernmental Commissionon Corporate Governance,European Round Table ofIndustrialists (ERT)2003:Chairman of theSupervisory Board of:ThyssenKrupp AGDirector of: SuezMember of theSupervisory Board of:Allianz AG (Germany),Axel Springer Verlag AG(Germany), DeutscheLufthansa AG (Germany),E. ON AG (Germany),Ruhrgas AG (Germany),Siemens AG (Germany),Volkswagen AG (Germany)Chairman of: GermanGovernmental Commissionon Corporate Governance,European Round Table ofIndustrialists (ERT)Functions at 31 December <strong>2007</strong> (1)Member of: Comité des Établissements de Crédit et des Entreprises d’Investissement (CECEI),“Confrontation” (a European think tank)Functions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Member of: Comité desÉtablissements de Crédit et desEntreprises d’Investissement(CECEI), «Confrontation» (aEuropean think tank)2005:Member of: Comité desÉtablissements de Crédit et desEntreprises d’Investissement (CECEI),«Confrontation» (a European think tank)(1)Directorships and other functions shown in italics are not governed by the provisions of Act no. 2001-401 of 15 May 2001 concerning multiple directorships.(2)At 31 December <strong>2007</strong>.2004:None2003:None1234567891011<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 31

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