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2 BoardCORPORATE GOVERNANCEof Directors2.1 Board of Directors< Contents >1MEMBERSHIP OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSMichel PÉBEREAUPrincipal function (1) : Chairman of the BNP Paribas Board of DirectorsBorn on 23 January 1942Elected on 23 May 2006. Term expires at the2009 AGMFirst elected to the Board on: 14 May 1993Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) :123,120Offi ce address: 3, rue d’Antin75002 PARIS, FRANCEFunctions at 31 December 2007 (1)Director of: Lafarge, Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, Total, EADS NV (Netherlands), PargesaHolding SA (Switzerland)Member of the Supervisory Board of: AXA, Banque Marocaine pour le Commerce etl’Industrie (Morocco)Non-voting director of: Société Anonyme des Galeries LafayetteChairman of: European Banking Federation, Investment Banking and Financial MarketsCommittee of Fédération Bancaire Française, Management Board of Institut d’Études Politiquesde Paris, Supervisory Board of Institut Aspen France, Institut de l’EntrepriseMember of: Académie des sciences morales et politiques, the Executive Committee of Mouvementdes Entreprises de France, Haut Conseil de l’Éducation, European Financial Round Table, InstitutInternational d’Études Bancaires, International Advisory Panel of the Monetary Authority ofSingapore, International Capital Markets Advisory Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank ofNew York, International Business Leaders’ Advisory Council for the Mayor of Shanghai (IBLAC)Functions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Chairman of the Board of Directorsof: BNP ParibasDirector of: Lafarge, Compagnie deSaint-Gobain, Total, Pargesa HoldingSA (Switzerland)Member of the Supervisory Boardof: AXA, Banque Marocaine pour leCommerce et l’Industrie (Morocco)Non-voting director of: SociétéAnonyme des Galeries LafayetteChairman of: European BankingFederation, Investment Bankingand Financial Markets Committeeof Fédération Bancaire Française,Management Board of Institut d’ÉtudesPolitiques de Paris, Supervisory Boardof Institut Aspen France, Institut del’EntrepriseMember of: Executive Committee ofMouvement des Entreprises de France,Haut Conseil de l’Éducation, InstitutInternational d’Études Bancaires,International Advisory Panel of theMonetary Authority of Singapore,International Capital Markets AdvisoryCommittee of the Federal Reserve Bankof New York, International MonetaryConference, International BusinessLeaders’ Advisory Council for the Mayorof Shanghai (IBLAC)2005:Chairman of the Boardof Directors of: BNP ParibasDirector of: Lafarge, Compagniede Saint-Gobain, Total, PargesaHolding SA (Switzerland)Member of the SupervisoryBoard of: AXANon-voting director of: SociétéAnonyme des Galeries LafayetteChairman of: European BankingFederation, Investment Bankingand Financial Markets Committeeof Fédération Bancaire Française,Management Board of Institutd’Études Politiques de Paris,Supervisory Board of Institut AspenFrance, Institut de l’EntrepriseMember of: Haut Conseil del’Éducation, Institut Internationald’Études Bancaires, InternationalAdvisory Panel of the MonetaryAuthority of Singapore, InternationalCapital Markets AdvisoryCommittee of the Federal ReserveBank of New York, InternationalMonetary Conference, InternationalBusiness Leaders’ Advisory Councilfor the Mayor of Shanghai (IBLAC)2004:Chairman of the Boardof Directors of: BNP ParibasDirector of: Lafarge,Compagnie de Saint-Gobain,TotalMember of theSupervisory Board of: AXANon-voting director of:Société Anonyme desGaleries LafayetteChairman of: EuropeanBanking Federation,Investment Banking andFinancial Markets Committeeof Fédération BancaireFrançaise, ManagementBoard of Institut d’ÉtudesPolitiques de Paris,Supervisory Board of InstitutAspen FranceMember of: InternationalAdvisory Panel of theMonetary Authority ofSingapore, InternationalCapital Markets AdvisoryCommittee of the FederalReserve Bank of New York,International MonetaryConference, InternationalBusiness Leaders’ AdvisoryCouncil for the Mayor ofShanghai (IBLAC)2003:Chairman of the Boardof Directors of: BNP ParibasDirector of: Lafarge,Compagnie de Saint-Gobain,TotalMember of theSupervisory Board of: AXANon-voting director of:Société Anonyme desGaleries LafayetteChairman of: AssociationFrançaise des Banques,Investment Banking andFinancial Markets Committeeof Fédération BancaireFrançaise, ManagementBoard of Institut d’ÉtudesPolitiques de ParisMember of: InternationalAdvisory Panel of theMonetary Authority ofSingapore, InternationalCapital Markets AdvisoryCommittee of the FederalReserve Bank of New York,International MonetaryConference2345678910(1)Directorships and other functions shown in italics are not governed by the provisions of Act no. 2001-401 of 15 May 2001 concerning multiple directorships.(2)At 31 December 2007.11282007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

CORPORATE GOVERNANCEBoard of Directors 2< Contents >Patrick AUGUSTEPrincipal function (1) : Real estate project managerBorn on 18 June 1951Director elected to a three-year term byBNP Paribas executive employees on7 March 2006First elected to the Board on: 14 December1993Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 33Offi ce address: 20, avenue GeorgesPompidou92300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET,FRANCEFunctions at 31 December 2007 (1)NoneFunctions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:None2005:None2004:None2003:None123Claude BÉBÉARPrincipal function (1) : Chairman of the Supervisory Board of AXABorn on 29 July 1935Elected on 23 May 2006. Term expires at the2009 AGMFirst elected to the Board on: 23 May 2000Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 3,074Offi ce address: 25, avenue Matignon75008 PARIS, FRANCEFunctions at 31 December 2007 (1)Director of: AXA Assurances IARD Mutuelle, AXA Assurances Vie MutuelleMember of the Supervisory Board of: VivendiNon-voting director of: Schneider ElectricChairman of: IMS-Entreprendre pour la Cité, Institut MontaigneMember of: International Advisory Panel of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, InternationalAdvisory Board of Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, Beijing (China)Functions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Chairman of the SupervisoryBoard of: AXAChairman and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of: Finaxa (Finaxa mergedinto AXA on 16 December 2005)Director of: AXA Assurances IARDMutuelle, AXA Assurances VieMutuelleMember of the SupervisoryBoard of: VivendiNon-voting director of: SchneiderElectricChairman of: Institut du Mécénatde Solidarité, Institut MontaigneMember of: International AdvisoryPanel of the Monetary Authority ofSingapore, International AdvisoryBoard of Tsinghua School ofEconomics and Management,Beijing (China)2005:Chairman of the Supervisory Boardof: AXAChairman and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of: Finaxa (Finaxa merged intoAXA on 16 December 2005)Member of the Supervisory Boardof: Vivendi UniversalNon-voting director of: SchneiderElectricChairman of: Institut du Mécénat deSolidarité, Institut MontaigneMember of: International AdvisoryPanel of the Monetary Authority ofSingapore, International Advisory Boardof Tsinghua School of Economics andManagement, Beijing (China)2004:Chairman of theSupervisory Board of: AXAChairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of:FinaxaDirector of: VivendiUniversalNon-voting director of:Schneider ElectricChairman of: Institut duMécénat de Solidarité,Institut MontaigneMember of: InternationalAdvisory Panel of theMonetary Authority ofSingapore, InternationalAdvisory Board of TsinghuaSchool of Economics andManagement, Beijing (China)2003:Chairman of theSupervisory Board of: AXAChairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of:FinaxaDirector of: SchneiderElectric, Vivendi Universal,Lor PatrimoineChairman of: Institut duMécénat de Solidarité,Institut MontaigneMember of: InternationalAdvisory Panel of theMonetary Authority ofSingapore, InternationalAdvisory Board of TsinghuaSchool of Economics andManagement, Beijing (China)Member of the Board ofDirectors of: Association deGenève(1)Directorships and other functions shown in italics are not governed by the provisions of Act no. 2001-401 of 15 May 2001 concerning multiple directorships.(2)At 31 December 2007.45678910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 29

CORPORATE GOVERNANCEBoard of Directors 2< Contents >Patrick AUGUSTEPrincipal function (1) : Real estate project managerBorn on 18 June 1951Director elected to a three-year term byBNP Paribas executive employees on7 March 2006First elected to the Board on: 14 December1993Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 33Offi ce address: 20, avenue GeorgesPompidou92300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET,FRANCEFunctions at 31 December <strong>2007</strong> (1)NoneFunctions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:None2005:None2004:None2003:None123Claude BÉBÉARPrincipal function (1) : Chairman of the Supervisory Board of AXABorn on 29 July 1935Elected on 23 May 2006. Term expires at the2009 AGMFirst elected to the Board on: 23 May 2000Number of BNP Paribas shares held (2) : 3,074Offi ce address: 25, avenue Matignon75008 PARIS, FRANCEFunctions at 31 December <strong>2007</strong> (1)Director of: AXA Assurances IARD Mutuelle, AXA Assurances Vie MutuelleMember of the Supervisory Board of: VivendiNon-voting director of: Schneider ElectricChairman of: IMS-Entreprendre pour la Cité, Institut MontaigneMember of: International Advisory Panel of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, InternationalAdvisory Board of Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, Beijing (China)Functions at previous year-ends(the companies listed are the parent companies of the groups in which the functions were carried out)2006:Chairman of the SupervisoryBoard of: AXAChairman and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of: Finaxa (Finaxa mergedinto AXA on 16 December 2005)Director of: AXA Assurances IARDMutuelle, AXA Assurances VieMutuelleMember of the SupervisoryBoard of: VivendiNon-voting director of: SchneiderElectricChairman of: Institut du Mécénatde Solidarité, Institut MontaigneMember of: International AdvisoryPanel of the Monetary Authority ofSingapore, International AdvisoryBoard of Tsinghua School ofEconomics and Management,Beijing (China)2005:Chairman of the Supervisory Boardof: AXAChairman and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of: Finaxa (Finaxa merged intoAXA on 16 December 2005)Member of the Supervisory Boardof: Vivendi UniversalNon-voting director of: SchneiderElectricChairman of: Institut du Mécénat deSolidarité, Institut MontaigneMember of: International AdvisoryPanel of the Monetary Authority ofSingapore, International Advisory Boardof Tsinghua School of Economics andManagement, Beijing (China)2004:Chairman of theSupervisory Board of: AXAChairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of:FinaxaDirector of: VivendiUniversalNon-voting director of:Schneider ElectricChairman of: Institut duMécénat de Solidarité,Institut MontaigneMember of: InternationalAdvisory Panel of theMonetary Authority ofSingapore, InternationalAdvisory Board of TsinghuaSchool of Economics andManagement, Beijing (China)2003:Chairman of theSupervisory Board of: AXAChairman and ChiefExecutive Officer of:FinaxaDirector of: SchneiderElectric, Vivendi Universal,Lor PatrimoineChairman of: Institut duMécénat de Solidarité,Institut MontaigneMember of: InternationalAdvisory Panel of theMonetary Authority ofSingapore, InternationalAdvisory Board of TsinghuaSchool of Economics andManagement, Beijing (China)Member of the Board ofDirectors of: Association deGenève(1)Directorships and other functions shown in italics are not governed by the provisions of Act no. 2001-401 of 15 May 2001 concerning multiple directorships.(2)At 31 December <strong>2007</strong>.4567891011<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 29

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