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8 DocumentsGENERAL INFORMATIONon display< Contents >8.1 Documents on displayThis document is available on the BNP Paribas website at www.invest.bnpparibas.com or on the Autorité des Marchés Financiers website at www.amf-france.org.Any person wishing to receive additional information concerning the BNP Paribas Group, can request documents, without commitment, as follows:■ By mail: BNP Paribas – Group Development and FinanceInvestor Relations and Financial Communications3, rue d’Antin – CAA01B175002 Paris■ By telephone: +33 (0)1 40 14 63 58The regulated information is available on the website in French at www.invest.bnpparibas.com/fr/information-reglementee1238.2 Material contracts4To date, BNP Paribas has not entered into any major contract – other than those signed in the normal course of business – which creates an obligationor commitment for the entire Group which, if it were not fulfilled, would entail the nullity of the contract.58.3 Dependence on external parties6In April 2004, BNP Paribas and several of its subsidiaries beganoutsourcing data processing operations to the “BNP Paribas Partners forInnovation” (BP2I) joint venture set up with IBM at the end of 2003.BNP Paribas exercises significant influence over BP2I, which is owned ona 50/50 basis with IBM. BP2I is staffed essentially with BNP employeesand its offices and data processing centres are owned by the Group. Itscorporate governance system provides BNP Paribas with a contractualright of oversight and the Group can take back responsibility for dataprocessing operations if necessary.BancWest’s data processing operations are outsourced to FidelityInformation Services, an external provider. Cofinoga France’s dataprocessing is handled by SDDC, which is wholly-owned by IBM.78.4 Trends8There has been no material decline in the business outlook of BNP Paribas since 31 December 2007, date of the last audited financial statements.98.5 Significant change10There has been no significant change in the Group’s financial or business situation since 31 December 2007.112662007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

GENERAL INFORMATIONInvestments 8< Contents >8.6 Investments1The following investments (since 1 January 2005), individually valued at over EUR 500 million, are considered material at the level of the Group:Country Announced on TransactionAmount of thetransactionItaly 3 February 2006 Acquisition of BNL EUR 9.0 billionAcquisition of Commercial Federal CorporationUnited States 14 June 2005by BancWest USD 1.36 billionBuyout of minority shareholders and proposeddelisting of Galeries Lafayette group by theMoulin family with the fi nancial support ofBNP Paribas. Joint control over Cofi noga fromFrance 29 March 200530 September 2005The financing for the BNL acquisition is described in note 8 c. to the financial statements (Business combinations).CommentsAcquisition of a 50.4% controllinginterest, followed by acquisitions ofminority interests. 98.96%-owned at31 December 2006Merger with BNP Paribas SA on1 October 2007Integration completed on2 December 2005Cash investment following theoperation: EUR 585 million in theMotier holding company234The other investments were financed through the Group’s standard and recurring financing mechanisms.8.7 Legal and arbitration proceedings5On 17 June 2007, a class action lawsuit was filed in the name of eightIraqi citizens before a federal court in New York against Australian wheatexporter Australian Wheat Board (“AWB”), US (Minneapolis) wheattrader Commodity Specialists Company, and the Bank. The plaintiffsare asserting claims on behalf of all Iraqis who reside in the threenorthern governorates of Iraq to recover the money allegedly paid tothe Iraqi Government by entities that exported humanitarian goods toIraq pursuant to the United Nations Oil-for-Food Program.Another class action lawsuit was filed by other Iraqi citizens claiming torepresent Iraqis whose families were ill-treated under Saddam Hussein’sregime. According to the plaintiffs, Australian Wheat Board (AWB) andthe Bank supported and aided the Iraqi government’s murderous andcriminal regime by “delivering hidden fees and other illegal paymentsto Saddam Hussein’s regime in breach of international law under theUnited Nations Oil-for-Food Program”. The plaintiffs asserted counts ofpersecution, torture, assassination and other ill-treatment by SaddamHussein’s regime. They are relying on the Alien Tort Statute and otherUS laws to establish the jurisdiction of the Court. On 14 December2007, AWB and the Bank filed an interim application challenging thejurisdiction of the Court to hear the case.There is no basis for any accusations or allegations that the Banksomehow was at fault for improper payments that may have beenmade by others in connection with the export of goods to Iraq underthe Oil-for-Food Program. The Bank intends to vigorously contest allsuch allegations.To the best of the Issuer’s knowledge, none of the numerous proceedingsin which it has been involved during the last 12 months has had oris expected to have a material impact on its financial position orprofitability.678910112007 Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 267

8 DocumentsGENERAL INFORMATIONon display< Contents >8.1 Documents on displayThis document is available on the BNP Paribas website at www.invest.bnpparibas.com or on the Autorité des Marchés Financiers website at www.amf-france.org.Any person wishing to receive additional information concerning the BNP Paribas Group, can request documents, without commitment, as follows:■ By mail: BNP Paribas – Group Development and FinanceInvestor Relations and Financial Communications3, rue d’Antin – CAA01B175002 Paris■ By telephone: +33 (0)1 40 14 63 58The regulated information is available on the website in French at www.invest.bnpparibas.com/fr/information-reglementee1238.2 Material contracts4To date, BNP Paribas has not entered into any major contract – other than those signed in the normal course of business – which creates an obligationor commitment for the entire Group which, if it were not fulfilled, would entail the nullity of the contract.58.3 Dependence on external parties6In April 2004, BNP Paribas and several of its subsidiaries beganoutsourcing data processing operations to the “BNP Paribas Partners forInnovation” (BP2I) joint venture set up with IBM at the end of 2003.BNP Paribas exercises significant influence over BP2I, which is owned ona 50/50 basis with IBM. BP2I is staffed essentially with BNP employeesand its offices and data processing centres are owned by the Group. Itscorporate governance system provides BNP Paribas with a contractualright of oversight and the Group can take back responsibility for dataprocessing operations if necessary.BancWest’s data processing operations are outsourced to FidelityInformation Services, an external provider. Cofinoga France’s dataprocessing is handled by SDDC, which is wholly-owned by IBM.78.4 Trends8There has been no material decline in the business outlook of BNP Paribas since 31 December <strong>2007</strong>, date of the last audited financial statements.98.5 Significant change10There has been no significant change in the Group’s financial or business situation since 31 December <strong>2007</strong>.11266<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS

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