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SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONNRE A ppendices – Environmental chapter 7< Contents >NRE environmental indicators – Contribution for the Year ended 31 December <strong>2007</strong> Scope for <strong>2007</strong>9. Waste processingIn France, the system for collecting used toner cartridges in association with Conibi, the industry grouping of toner cartridgeproducers, is still in place. The number of cartridges was stable compared with 2006, with 89,925 cartridges collected in <strong>2007</strong>.The scope of data collected in other countries increased and became more reliable, but still remains below 50%. Canada,Germany, Japan, Switzerland and Morocco collected and recycled 100% of their cartridges.The collection of paper and cardboard for recycling is also on the increase.Corbeille Bleue, a specialised company, collects and sorts the litter bins in the Group’s Paris offi ces. The paper recycled isused for district heating, packaging production and papermaking pulp.Offi ce bins continued to be replaced by bins enabling employees to separate recyclable from non-recyclable waste (paperand all other non-hazardous waste). Most of the Group’s Paris head offi ce buildings are now equipped with these new binsand a clause regarding “double collection” has been included in cleaning company contracts.In other countries, the scope used to measure paper collection is not material.The aluminium sockets and the glass from fl uorescent light bulbs used in most offi ces are recycled and the gas isreprocessed.In France, the upward fl ow of information regarding the collection of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) isunderway.10. Measures taken to avoid upsetting the biological balanceAs part of its CO2 survey, the Group identifi es the processes by which it could harm the environment (for example the useof refrigerants at its Paris head offi ce buildings) in order to try and reduce them.Resources for detecting asbestos in buildings are implemented as part of an asbestos action plan. Diagnostic reviewsof materials are carried out before launching any renovation work in France. These reviews complement the technicalrecommendations drawn up previously and distributed to BNP Paribas sites. Air and water quality are measured on aregular basis and the Group has issued recommendations on the choice of paint.Two innovative HVAC systems were installed: an adiabatic cooling tower in Levallois that uses a closed circuit up to 27°Cand atomises water on the wet decks beyond 27°C; and a centrifugal compressor with magnetic bearings in the buildingon rue Bergère in Paris.11. Measures taken to ensure compliance with legal requirementsBNP Paribas continuously strives for the highest standards of ethical behaviour, compliance, risk management and internalcontrol. Within a changing banking environment characterised by increasing regulatory requirements, the global GroupCompliance (CG) function, whose director reports directly to the Chief Executive Offi cer, has broad powers throughout theGroup. The CG function distributes Group-level directives regarding permanent control and monitors the development ofthe mechanism in the Group’s entities.Guidelines have been drawn up to ensure that buildings are managed in accordance with technical regulations applicable in France.Real estate guidelines are based on the most stringent regulations in all countries where BNP Paribas operates and areenforced at all sites, worldwide. Property audits are performed on all head offi ce buildings in connection with acquisitions.Group Legal Affairs monitor changes in environmental legislation. Clauses covering the corporate and environmentalresponsibility of suppliers are systematically included in service agreements.12. Steps taken towards environmental evaluations and certificationsBNP Paribas is present on all the major benchmark indices for socially responsible investment: DJSI World, DJSI Stoxx,ASPI Eurozone, FTSE4Good Global and FTSE4Good 50. In <strong>2007</strong>, the Group joined the new FTSE4Good EnvironmentalLeaders Europe 40 index, which includes the European leaders in environmental management through a ranking based oncommitment toward the environment, human rights and dialogue with stakeholders. BNP Paribas obtained the best scorein the environmental sector and is the only French bank included in the index, with seven other European banking groups.Although the Group’s inclusion in these indices represents neither an evaluation nor a certifi cation, it nevertheless providesa positive indication of BNP Paribas’ compliance with the requirements of corporate and environmental responsibility.The Statutory Auditors report on non-fi nancial information in the Annual Report in <strong>2007</strong> gave moderate assurance,applicable both to processes and to certain environmental data.In Italy, the 87 BNL sites in Lombardy have been ISO 14001 certifi ed and comply with Health, Safety and Environmentregulations.Meunier Immobilier d’entreprise obtained “Habitat and Environment” certifi cation for its Tenor housing complex inCourbevoie, which meets all seven criteria specifi ed in the certifi cation process. Meunier Habitat signed an agreement witha certifying body, by which it committed to obtaining such Habitat and Environment certifi cation for eight future housingprogrammes in the greater Paris region.FranceInternationalSwitzerland,United States,Italy and UnitedKingdomFranceGroupFranceGroupFranceGroupItaly1234567891011<strong>2007</strong> Registration document - BNP PARIBAS 261

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